What can you cook for Halloween. How to bake witch fingers cookies

What date is Halloween celebrated?

On the night of October 31 to November 1, All Saints Day is celebrated in the United States. On this day, people dress up in scary costumes and have fun. Halloween food should match the celebration. At the present time, this holiday has become popular in Russia, mainly adults celebrate it at theme parties. Abroad, both children and adults celebrate it, children dress up as monsters, go to their neighbors and demand candy.

Halloween is a holiday when the dead come to the world of the living and in order to scare them away from themselves, people dress up in scary costumes. The main symbol is considered to be a pumpkin, it is from it that lanterns are made and placed near the house.

As for the food: it must be scary too. Can cook different cocktails, and in the middle add worms from sweets, cut out monsters from vegetables or bake scary cupcakes.

Today I will show you 3 Halloween food ideas that you can easily make yourself. We will prepare a broomstick cheese appetizer, a pumpkin egg appetizer and a scary drink. All these dishes are prepared very quickly and simply, but in some recipes you need to know the secrets in order to cook them correctly, which I will definitely share with you.

Halloween food - recipes with photos

A broom is one of the attributes of Halloween, so you should definitely prepare something interesting in the form of a broom. This is a very simple and effective snack that adults and children will definitely like. What could be tastier processed cheese with crispy straw. It is prepared very quickly and simply, the main thing is to have everything at hand. necessary ingredients and to know some secrets, because without them the snack may not work.


  • Processed cheese with plates - 1 pack
  • Salted straws - 1 pack
  • Green onions or green stalks


I bought salted straws, you can buy it in any store in a package or by weight. Let's break it into two equal parts.

I used processed cheese and slices, there is more hard cheese, but it seems to me that it will not fit, as it will break. Carefully remove the packaging and cut it into two even parts.

So that the cheese does not stick to our hands, we moisten our hands with water, take half of the cheese and make cuts with scissors. Cut carefully and leave a distance of 0.5 cm at the top so that the broom does not tear. Put straw on top.

Gently twist the cheese around the straw. If the brooms are different in size, you can trim the fringe with scissors.

Now we take a stalk of greens from parsley or a leaf of green onion. It is more convenient to tie with onions, as the parsley stem is coarser and breaks. Slightly withered onions, tied more easily than fresh ones. But I only had parsley on hand. We tie, but not much, so as not to break the cheese.

Here we have such cheese brooms! Put them in the refrigerator before the guests arrive, I do not recommend keeping them in the refrigerator for a long time, the straws can become soft. Bon appetit!

Terrible drink for Halloween

You want your party to be memorable and interesting, you definitely need to get ready and put together a menu of scary dishes. Not one holiday can do without drinks or cocktails. Of course, you can go to the store and buy different spiders or cockroaches, but you can do everything yourself and without much waste. Today I'll show you how to drop wine, sangria, juice, compote, or mulled wine. We will make scary faces that will float in the drink and scare the guests. The main alcohol or juice should be red so that it resembles blood. The dishes must necessarily be transparent or white, then the drink looks more spectacular.

Scary Halloween Drink Recipe


  • Wine - 1 l.
  • Apples - 2 pcs.


We take a transparent container, it can be a glass, large salad bowl. If there is no transparent dish, take white, but by no means colored, it will ruin the whole look. Pour wine or other drink.

Take an apple, peel it. We take an apple peel, which removes the core and cut out the eyes. It is with her that they turn out to be even, but you can also cut it with a knife. I cut out the mouth with a knife, the main thing is to make it scary, not smiling.

Then, I put these apples in wine and they floated away from me on the wrong side, where the face is. I found a solution, cut off the back of the apple, almost half. On the other half, you can make another face.

Now, you can safely put the apples in the drink, the faces will float on top. Add ice if desired. Have a nice evening!

Pumpkin Egg Appetizer

The pumpkin is the symbol of the holiday. Therefore, it must be present on the table. I suggest you cook delicious snack from eggs stuffed with carrots and cheese. tender eggs with a spicy filling, perfect for a celebration. Serving in the form of a bright pumpkin will give the right atmosphere and mood. It will not be difficult for you to prepare such a dish, the main thing is to have desire and imagination. You can add to the filling smoked chicken, pumpkin or melted cheese.

What to cook for Halloween


  • Egg - 3 pcs.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Hard cheese - 30 g.
  • Mayonnaise - 1 tsp
  • Salt, black pepper - a pinch


Place the eggs in boiling water and cook for 15 minutes until tender. We take them out and put them in cold water waiting for them to cool down. Peel them from the shell, cut in half, take out the yolk.

Carrots must be juicy and sweet, otherwise the filling will turn out not tasty. Grate carrots and cheese on a fine grater. Carrots can be ground in a blender.

Add squeezed garlic, crushed yolks, mayonnaise, salt and black ground pepper, mix everything with a spoon into a homogeneous mass.

This is the mass we have.

We put the carrot spread in the egg, make a flat and round surface with your finger.

We take a sprig of parsley, cut off pieces of the stem from it. We will use them as tails for pumpkins.

With a knife, we make cuts along the pumpkin to make the vegetable more beautiful. Our snack is ready. Bon appetit!

So, we can summarize: Halloween food can be varied, the main thing is to show imagination and serve it beautifully, then the holiday atmosphere will intensify and bring vivid impressions.

Have you decided to celebrate Halloween? And you probably have already thought about what to cook. Indeed, what a holiday without traditional treats! And how to cook delicious and original dishes for Halloween - today the online magazine "Korolevnam.ru" will tell you.

After consulting with knowledgeable people who have been celebrating this Catholic holiday for more than a year, we came to the conclusion that original and delicious dishes on the table are the most desired moment of the holiday itself. This holiday especially pleases American farmers: this is where you can put a pumpkin and other gifts of the autumn garden. However, not only garden fruits and vegetables can be used in cooking. The most important thing is to serve treats outside the box and creatively. Ready? Then let's get started!

We plan the menu

First you need to decide what exactly will be on your table: appetizers, hot dishes or desserts? Or maybe all together? Well, let's surprise your guests. Well, how to do this - we will now tell you everything in detail.

What's a table without snacks? Indeed, Halloween snacks can be the most diverse: fruity, sweet, salty, and spicy. In the same category we include various salads. Moreover, snacks and salads can be the most common (those that you are used to preparing on holidays, weekends or in general). The main thing is to correctly submit and arrange them.

Get ready: we have found for you the most original variants of the most conventional products. And no unicorn tails or crow eggs in recipes. You can find all the ingredients in any supermarket, market or bring from own garden. So let's start.


fruit plate

Fruit can and should even be served in an original way. Cut the bananas in half - they will make excellent "ghosts". Eyes and mouths can be decorated with spicy cloves or chocolate icing (crumbs). Peeled tangerines make excellent holiday pumpkins. An impromptu tail can be cut from apple marmalade. On extreme case And green beans fit *pardon* .

Fruits can also be arranged in the form of smiles. Cut the apple into slices, place marshmallow "teeth" between the two slices. So that the "teeth" do not fall out, connect them together thick boiled condensed milk.

Frightened sprats

Well fit on the festive table and sprats. Choose canned food that contains large and uncrushed fish - it will be easier for guests to get them. Prepare a salad: mix a couple of boiled grated eggs, a couple of cloves of garlic grated on a fine grater, mayonnaise. Optionally, you can add cheese (in this case, you get the famous "Jewish" snack).

Try to keep your mixture fairly thick. Put it in a small salad bowl. In the same salad bowl, place the sprats upside down (respectively, fish heads should be "hidden" in the salad). Separately, in a vase, you can serve croutons from a long loaf or brown bread to them.

Original croutons

Wondering what dish to cook for Halloween? A good option for a festive table will be any salads served on toast or in tartlets.

Suitable and potato chips, and a cracker (salty, with sesame seeds, with pepper - for savory sandwiches; with chocolate icing, with nuts, sugar - for sweet and fruity). You can contrive and serve non-standard salad sandwiches.

Snack ladybug sandwiches

Both adults and children will be delighted with tomato ladybugs. Take a salted cracker, cover it with a layer curd cheese with greens (with pickled cucumber, mushrooms or any other favorite by you and your guests).

Cut the cherry tomato in half, put on top of the cheese in the form of insect wings. Decorate with mayonnaise or cloves - dots on the wings. Use olives for the head, greens for the antennae.

Snack "mouse"

Top the salted cracker with cheese cut into a triangle (best suited Adyghe cheese, tofu, but you can use any other). You can even use an egg: in this case, just cut the egg in half - this will be the impromptu torso of the mouse.

For ears, use chopped sausage or any other sausage product. For the nose, cloves, black pepper, a piece of olive are suitable; for the eyes you can use the same or sesame, and for the tail - greens.

Bread coffins

Delight your guests with mouth-watering "coffins" made from pieces of black or "Borodino" bread. To do this, cut with a knife 2 pieces of bread for 1 sandwich. They can be fried in a dry frying pan or lightly dried in the oven / toaster. Between the "lid of the coffin" and the "bottom" make a layer of curd cheese with any filling.

You can use just mayonnaise with grated garlic or any salad prepared in advance. By the way, nobody canceled sausage, cheese and fresh cucumber either. Decorate the lid with a "cross" of Korean carrot or strips of bell pepper (tomato, fresh / pickled cucumber are also suitable).

Olive spiders

Egg snacks. Yes, where without the most common and available in almost everyone in the refrigerator product. Addition to eggs can be any vegetables, cheese, mayonnaise.

To make savory "spiders", boil hard-boiled eggs. Cool, cut in half. Remove the yolks to a separate bowl. We’ll make a reservation right away that it’s better to cook not in portions, but for everyone at once: so as not to cut the egg and prepare the filling separately for each guest. So, put the yolks in a bowl and mash them with a fork, add mayonnaise and garlic (you can use finely chopped fried onions instead of garlic), mix everything well. Now, in each egg half, spread the resulting filling with a teaspoon.

To make a spider is quite simple: use canned olives. Cut the olive in half, one half is the body of the spider, and the second will need to be cut across into equal amount- those are paws. Put the appetizer on a dish and decorate with herbs.

Halloween appetizer "Amanita"

It's pretty tasty and interesting snack. You can also use ordinary chicken eggs with ordinary tomatoes (then it is better to put them immediately on a plate and cut the egg “base” a little so that the “mushroom” firmly “sits” in the plate), and quail eggs with cherry tomatoes.

For the last option, hard-boil quail eggs and stick them on skewers. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half and place on top of the eggs. Between the "hat" and "leg" add a little mayonnaise. Decorate the hat with mayonnaise dots, and the leg with greenery. How many mushrooms will be on a skewer - you decide. You can use not long skewers, but short toothpicks.

Egg molds

It is also possible to take advantage of the progressive novelties of the XXI century. Now there is a huge selection of special forms that give the products an interesting look. For example, an egg mold. Just in time for Halloween, you will definitely be able to pick up something suitable.

Such things are sold both on the Internet and in stalls selling kitchen utensils and household goods. IN this case you just need to boil the egg, peel it and “clamp” it in the form for a few minutes. The festive skull is ready!

orange vases

Dishes served in orange molds look very colorful, fun and appetizing. Cut off the top of the orange, carefully remove the pulp, cut funny faces on the peel - the salad mold is ready! In such "vases" you can put any salad: both vegetable and fruit.

In fruit salad you can just add the remaining pulp of oranges. Successfully look in such "vases" and various sweets. Experiment - perhaps your imagination will tell you many new interesting options!

Halloween decoration of salads

Use your imagination when decorating familiar dishes: common herring under a fur coat can turn into a masterpiece under your hands.

As well as any other salad *good*.

Fancy Hot Halloween

We got to you and hot. You will be surprised, but even here it was not without the most ordinary products. If there is no time to invent something, then you can always create familiar dishes. Again, the highlight is in the presentation.

Hot dogs with fingers and other experiments with sausages

Take ordinary hot dog buns, cut them, put a pre-prepared hot dog inside and decorate everything with ketchup. Finger sausages are prepared as follows: peel the sausages, cut off the tip on one side, preferably with uneven, torn edges. On the sausage itself, make several cuts that imitate knuckles. Place the sausages in the microwave for 1-2 minutes. While the sausages are still hot, make small cuts in the shape of fingernails with a knife. Fingers are ready!

You can also play with the theme of the mummy and severed fingers as part of other dishes. Great idea - stylized sausages in dough *wink*

"Opened Corpse"

This is an even more unusual serving of sausages! To do this, cover the table with a white tablecloth with pre-applied "bloody" handprints and streaks. Place an old shirt and jeans on the tablecloth in the form of a lying person. old clothes can also be stained with red paint in advance or already on the table with ketchup. Instead of a head, use a round plate with cutlets, you can lay out a slide mashed potatoes in the form of a face, abundantly watering it with goulash with tomato paste. The insides of the "corpse" can be imitated by any sausages, cutlets, kupaty and other meat delicacies.

Actually, here is a photo of such a serving for you: we are sure that your guests will be impressed *crazy*.


Yes, everyone's favorite spaghetti can also take part in the festive feast. And even become the "nails" of the program. Well, why not with the current diversity pasta? Different not only in form, but also in content: spinach, tomato, wheat, rice, buckwheat, carrot, with squid ink (black), with chili peppers and ... you can enumerate indefinitely.

It is enough to use them as a side dish, and come up with some delicious food for the main dish. meat sauce, for example, bolognese or goulash with meatballs. Prepare pasta "eyes" from minced meat or chicken eggs Both children and adults will be satisfied.

stuffed peppers

A classic dish can be turned into a festive one. For example, if the peppers are not just peeled before stuffing, but also cut out faces, like a Jack-o-lantern. Such peppers can be stuffed with anything: and the classic combination of rice and minced meat (by the way, these peppers will not fall apart even if they are cooked in sauce).

Pre-cooked navy pasta can also be placed in raw decorated peppers. By the way, any vegetable salads I will also look advantageous in such edible "salad bowls".

Recipes with pumpkin

Porridge in a pumpkin

Well, tell me, what is a festive Halloween table without pumpkin dishes? You can cook interesting and tasty dish- porridge in a pumpkin. You will surprise all your guests with such a delicious and very beautiful dish. To make pumpkin porridge, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Pumpkin directly - 3 kilograms, no less (if you cook for a family)
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Black pepper (ground) - to taste
  • Garlic - to taste (at least 2-3 cloves)
  • Bulb - 1 piece
  • Buckwheat - half a kilogram
  • Meat - half a kilo
  • Vegetable oil (or olive) - 2 tablespoons

Wash the pumpkin thoroughly, cut off the top, carefully clean the pumpkin from the pulp and seeds. The thickness of the walls of the pumpkin should be at least 1.5 cm. Lubricate the walls of the resulting “saucepan” from the inside with pepper, salt, and sugar. Then we put the pumpkin with a lid in the oven (put the lid next to it, do not cover the “saucepan” with it). Bake for an hour at 180 degrees. Meanwhile, roast the buckwheat in a dry frying pan. Then fry in another pan vegetable oil onion, part of pumpkin pulp and meat cut into pieces. After frying the products, put them together in a saucepan (regular, our pumpkin is still baked in the oven!) And cook buckwheat porridge(the most common by the simplest method). By the way, you can first boil the porridge, and only then add the fried meat - as you like. Our pumpkin casserole meanwhile "approached".

Take it out of the oven, fill it with the resulting porridge. Add a little water (half a glass), unpeeled (but washed!) garlic cloves there and cover with a lid. Before you put the pumpkin in the oven, you can grease its walls with oil - for a beautiful shine. Now put the pumpkin in the oven for about an hour and at 180 degrees. After the specified time, the porridge is ready - enjoy! *good*

In the same way, you can cook vegetable stew in a pumpkin. Moreover, everything is much easier to prepare. Pumpkin does not need to be pre-baked in the oven, but chopped vegetables (onions, garlic, potatoes, pumpkin pulp, bell pepper, carrots, tomatoes, mushrooms, cabbage (you can choose vegetables to taste)) fry in a pan. Just put everything in a pumpkin, add pepper, sugar, salt, oil to taste and bake for two hours at a temperature of 180 degrees. But if you want to add meat to the stew, it is better to fry it in a pan first. The lid can be omitted: a piece of dough or foil will come off instead.

Soup in pumpkin with shrimps

Why don't you prepare a delicious fragrant pumpkin soup? It will definitely warm you on a cold autumn evening and perfectly satisfy your hunger. Here are the ingredients you will need for our wonderful soup:

  • Pumpkin - according to the desired weight and size
  • Peeled shrimps - 300 gr
  • Cream - to taste (but not less than about 5 cups)
  • Water - liter
  • Several cloves of garlic
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 piece
  • Salt and spices - to taste ( nutmeg, curry, pepper, coriander, cumin)

In the same way as for porridge, prepare the pumpkin. Cut off the “lid”, clean the pumpkin from seeds and pulp. You can make the walls a little thicker - 2 cm. Bake the pumpkin and the lid in the oven for 1 hour at 180 degrees. While the mold is being prepared, we will deal directly with the soup. Cut the remaining pulp from the pumpkin into pieces, put in a saucepan, cover with water and leave to boil. Meanwhile, fry the onion and carrots in a pan. After frying, spread the sautéed vegetables to the boiled pulp of the pumpkin. Add salt and spices there.

Bring the soup to a boil, then leave to cook for another 5-7 minutes until the pumpkin is ready. Once the pumpkin is cooked, grind all the vegetables in a saucepan with a blender until smooth. Then pour the cream into the soup, stir and cover with a lid. While the soup is infused, fry coarsely chopped garlic in a pan until golden brown, add peeled shrimps to it and fry until tender. ready mix send to soup. By then, the pumpkin casserole should be ready. Pour the soup into it, cover with a lid and send it to the oven for literally 15-20 minutes.

You can not send it - but immediately put it on the table in a pumpkin. Of course, not everyone likes to mess around with pumpkin casserole. Some pour the soup directly into the raw pumpkin. However, not everyone knows that soup puree with cream can turn sour very quickly. raw pumpkin. If you don’t want to mess around, eat the soup right away. That is why the pumpkin soup pot is pre-cooked in the oven.

Or you can even pour the soup into bowls or large mugs - this way you will save yourself a lot of time, but you will lose in the surroundings. Although on palatability Soup doesn't make a difference. Soup can be garnished with fried pumpkin seeds. By the way, fragrant croutons prepared with your own hands are perfect for such a soup: cut the loaf into portions and fry in olive oil with your favorite spices (basil, oregano or Provencal herbs). Serve immediately. *wink*

Scary Halloween Desserts

And finally we go to desserts..

Sweet pumpkin with honey in a slow cooker

And welcome back to the pumpkin table! We offer you a recipe for a very tasty, healthy, simple and quick recipe cooking treats from pumpkin in a slow cooker. To cook pumpkin in a slow cooker you will need:

  • Pumpkin - 500 gr
  • Butter - 25-50 gr
  • Honey - 3 tablespoons

The pumpkin must be washed, peeled and seeds removed, cut into pieces and put in a multicooker bowl. Add a piece of butter to the pumpkin (half of the total). Select the "Extinguishing" mode for 45 minutes. 15 minutes before the end of the stewing cycle, add the remaining oil and honey to the bowl, mix. After cooking, arrange the pumpkin on plates and - bon appetit!

Pumpkin pie with condensed milk

Prepare such a cake for your guests - they will never forget its taste! Not only are pumpkins made from delicious cereals, soups, but also sweet pies. Don't believe? Then you can check. Just stock up in advance on the ingredients needed to prepare such a yummy:

  • pumpkin puree- 500 gr (you can buy in the store or cook it yourself by boiling the pumpkin and chopping it with a blender until smooth)
  • Flour - 200 -250 gr (for dough)
  • Eggs - 3 pcs
  • Butter - 150 gr (for dough)
  • Condensed milk - 2 cans (400 gr)
  • Water - 3 tablespoons (for the dough)
  • Salt - a pinch (for dough)
  • Sugar - 150 gr
  • Salt - 0.5 teaspoons
  • Ground cloves - on the tip of a knife
  • Ground cinnamon - 1 teaspoon
  • Ground nutmeg - on the tip of a knife
  • Whipped cream - optional

Combine sugar, salt, butter and flour. Add cold water and stir. Should work soft dough. Roll out the dough in a form, making high sides and remove the form with the dough in the refrigerator for half an hour. Mix pumpkin puree, condensed milk, eggs and spices thoroughly until smooth and homogeneous. Now place the filling in the chilled shaped dough and send it to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 1 hour.

The filling should turn brown, while the middle should be a little liquid. The cake must be completely cool before serving. You can garnish with whipped cream if you like. That's it - quick and easy!

halloween cookies

Cookies are a classic of the genre. You can bake it, buy it and decorate it the way your imagination tells you. Halloween cookies can be baked in the shape of fingers, and marigolds can be laid out with almonds. Brush the cookies with a beaten egg before baking to make them shine.

As "blood" you can use raspberry, strawberry, cranberry jam or jams. It is very easy to make "ghosts": cover the finished cookies with icing or buttercream. Suitable for eyes chocolate chips. As you can see, fantasy is everything! *yes*

Cakes and pies: design ideas

Today there is a wide variety of cakes: you can come to the store and choose the one you like. Especially on the eve of the holidays, many pastry shops bake themed cakes. Also a delicious cake you can also order confectioners. Or you can bake your own signature cake, decorating it according to the theme of Halloween: on a snow-white butter cream depict "bloody" footprints with raspberry jam or strawberry jam.

If your daughter has an old Barbie doll, do not throw it away: you will have a wonderful reason to surprise the child for the holiday. Put the body of the doll on the cake, and the cake itself will play the role of a festive Halloween dress. Terribly beautiful! For more daring and extravagant people, options for a cake in the form of a snake and even ... a cat tray may be suitable ... However, whether anyone dares to try such a “muck” is a big question *shock*. In the presence of imagination, as practice shows, everything is possible! *buba*

Decorating Drinks for Halloween

Oh yes, almost forgot! What's a feast without decorated Halloween drinks?! Drinks can be very different: alcoholic and non-alcoholic, hot and cold. The choice is yours. The main thing is to present them correctly to guests.

The edges of glasses for juice or spirits can be lightly dipped first in water and then in sugar. Sugar can be colored with food coloring. You can dip the edges in jam - here's a “blood” on a glass. If you want to surprise your guests, then serve them a glass of vodka (or any other strong, but clear and light alcoholic drink) with a “bloody” syringe, of course, without a needle. "Bloody" content can be anything - and pomegranate juice, and tomato, and cherry compote - the main thing is non-alcoholic and red. The guest will decide for himself: mix everything in a glass or drink a glass and "eat" the contents of the *mosking* syringe.

By the way, you can use special dry ice for drinks in glasses with alcohol content: it will make your drink “smoky” and add a special chic to the atmosphere

Halloween souvenirs for guests

Be sure to think about what a memorable gift you can please your guests. Perhaps you can buy them pumpkin candles, hand out plastic spiders, or make a commemorative postcard for each. And you can please them with sweet gifts.

rubber hand

Take the usual rubber glove(pharmacy, not household) and put various sweets inside: sweets, dragees, chewing gums, etc. tie everything with a pretty ribbon.

ghost lollipops

Lollipops can be cooked independently from sugar syrup or buy ready-made. Or even use ready-made wrapped sweets and skewers. Wrap them in snow-white paper napkins, tie them with a ribbon, draw eyes and give them to guests: both adults and children will be happy to receive such a present.

Well, once again we wish you a great Halloween and delicious feast– enjoy cooked meals and great company!

On the eve of All Saints' Day - Halloween - the whole world is immersed in an atmosphere of creepy fun and a chilling holiday. Maybe a zombie will knock on the door or a vampire will come in for a glass of tea? Gotta surprise everyone terribly original dishes on this day!


What are these eyes? Fingers? Worms? Yes, but only edible and very tasty. From the most ordinary products, you can cook "scary" Halloween dishes, the recipes of which are simple, and guests will definitely take pictures of them before they eat them, even if they do not have a page on a popular social network.

From boiled eggs, cut in half and garnished with olives, will also come out frighteningly delicious eyes, and spaghetti can be twisted into mummies. It is worth thinking not only about what to cook for Halloween, but also not to forget about the inedible entourage of snacks - funny ghosts will turn out from napkins, and it will be fun to put artificial cockroaches or bats between the plates.


By the holiday, many candies and other sweets in the form of skulls, skeletons and pumpkins appear in stores. But cute little gummies don't compare to what you can make at home.

In addition to fruit dishes and cookies, on Halloween you can bake muffins or cupcakes according to your favorite recipe, and use a pastry sleeve or syringe to draw evil faces, pumpkins or spiders on them with cream.


Drinks of saturated colors will look spectacular on the festive table, and not only the usual ones (red, yellow), but also green, blue and purple. You can use food coloring or natural pigments. However, presentation is also important:

  • make ice in unusual molds: shards, teeth, brains, bones;
  • decorate bottles or carafes with scary labels: for tomato juice“Fresh Blood” is suitable (age the paper in a cold strong tea or coffee, add red "bloody" splashes), for soda - "Witch's potion" or "Bubbling acid";
  • cups can be sprinkled powdered sugar, but also prick on the edge of the dish.

Any drink will become unusual if you create the appropriate entourage. Even a simple jelly will turn into a nightmarishly delicious treat if you add marmalade bones or worms to it. One has only to imagine how the embodied Halloween recipes will look in the photo, it becomes terribly fun!

Halloween is a terribly fun holiday, so not only, but even treats decorated with a bit of fantasy will create the right atmosphere. Let the table fascinate with edible ghosts and spiders, and let the guests have fun throwing delicious worms at each other.

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How to bake witch fingers cookies:

  1. Beat butter and sugar until fluffy. Add the egg and flavorings (if you have almond essence, then you can not add cinnamon and cardamom), mix everything. Add flour, baking powder and salt and mix until smooth.
  2. If you want to make fingers Green colour add some green food coloring and mix thoroughly. If the color is too pale, then add dye.
  3. Cover bowl with dough cling film and refrigerate for 30-40 minutes.
  4. Preheat the oven to 165°C. Take a quarter of the dough from the refrigerator and start forming the fingers. Focus on your little fingers. Place the finger blank on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. Put an almond on the tip and press down well (you can take peeled or unpeeled almonds, as well as halves of a nut). If the almond is too large, then the finger can be made thicker. Form the knuckle of the finger by squeezing the dough from the sides below and above the knuckle. Use a knife to make finger folds. Repeat the procedure to form the remaining fingers. Place your fingers on the baking sheet at a distance of 1-2 cm from each other.
  5. Bake the cookies for 15-20 minutes, or until lightly golden if fingers are not green.
  6. Cool cookies and start decorating. There are several options here. First, white fingers can be lightly powdered with cocoa with a brush. This will make the fingers more contrasting and messier. Secondly, if the almond separates from the dough, you can pull it out and pour red jam into the hole so that after the almond returns, “blood” oozes from the nail bed. If the almonds cannot be pulled out, then just pour a little jam around the nail. Thirdly, dip your fingers with the “cut off” part in the jam, and also stain your knuckles with jam.
  7. Cookies "Witch Fingers" can be served on their own, or you can offer to dip them in a bowl with "bloody" jam. Bon appetit!

See what else “Witch Fingers” might look like (the picture is clickable, it will open in a new tab).

Sweet "Witch's brooms"

A witch can do without fingers, but not without a broom. Witch brooms, both sweet and savory, are one of the Halloween menu items. I suggest you make sweet-and-salty witch brooms.

Sweet "Witch's brooms"

The main ingredient of sweets are small sweets - chocolate, fudge, toffee, jelly, etc. in the form of a truncated cone or hemisphere with a ribbed surface.


  • salt straw
  • Candies with ribbed surface

How to make the witch's broom sweet:

  1. With a stick or a toothpick, make a hole of a suitable diameter in the tops of the sweets and insert a salty straw there. If the filling of the candy is too liquid, then try not to turn the finished brooms over so as not to get dirty. Warn guests about this.
  2. If you are making broomsticks as a gift or for distributing Halloween sweets, then you can leave the wrapper on the candy beforehand.

Dessert “Cemetery land”

Delicious and spooky Halloween dessert. The recipe can be in several versions, choose the one that suits you best.


  • Chocolate pudding or chocolate jelly
  • Chocolate chip cookies (optional with a milk layer)
  • chewing worms

How to cook the dessert "Cemetery land":

Sweet cockroaches

On Halloween, all kinds of insects are held in high esteem. We already used worms in the recipe. Now I propose to make a dish with homemade "favorites" - cockroaches. You can make several kinds of sweet cockroaches for Halloween. Choose the option you like.

Sweet chocolate and stuffed cockroaches for Halloween

Ingredients for Chocolate Cockroaches:

  • Dates - 700 g
  • Chocolate - 2 bars

Ingredients for stuffed cockroaches:

  • Dates - 700 g
  • Soft cream cheese— 230 g
  • Walnuts, chopped - 1 cup (optional)
  • Cuttings from berries (cherries, sweet cherries, etc.) - a few things (optional)

How to cook chocolate cockroaches:

  1. Make blanks of "cockroaches" from dates. For this sharp knife cut one side of the date lengthwise and carefully remove the pit through the cut. Close the date and press down a little to flatten it. Do the same for all dates.
  2. Melt chocolate (dark or milk) in a water bath. Dip each date halfway into liquid chocolate and place on a plate lined with parchment paper.
  3. Put the dish with sweets in the refrigerator until the chocolate has completely solidified.
  4. When serving, decorate the dish with chocolate cockroaches figurines of plastic cockroaches.

How to cook stuffed cockroaches:

  1. Remove pits from dates.
  2. Mix cream cheese with chopped walnuts. But you can use one cheese, without nuts.
  3. Using a pastry bag, fill the “cockroaches” with the filling. Press down on the dates to flatten them out.
  4. Arrange the stuffed Prusaks on a platter, cut side down. If possible, decorate a few date cockroaches with tendrils made from berry cuttings, and also place plastic insect figures on a plate.

If you wish, you can “marry” chocolate and stuffed cockroaches. Then you will succeed, as you understand, chocolate stuffed cockroaches .

Gift “Monster Hand”

If Halloween is just around the corner, and you don’t have the time and desire to cook treats at all, then I offer you an “emergency” option - the “Monster Hand” gift. It is easy to do it yourself. In addition, you can choose your filling for each person to whom you will give the “Hand”.

What is needed for a gift:

  • Polythene or surgical gloves
  • Braid, rope or thread for ties
  • Sweet popcorn, candies, cookies, chocolates, chewing gum, etc.
  • Plastic insect figurines for decoration (optional)

How to make a monster hand gift:

  1. Fill gloves with candy filling. To simulate nails, you can first put a red (or to your taste) candy in each finger of the glove. To form fingers, you can use long candies or candies packed in a tube.
  2. If desired, put plastic insects inside the gloves.
  3. Twist the bells of the gloves and tie with braid, string or thread.
  4. From above, you can also decorate the “Hands” with insects.

Friends wish you and your loved ones a happy Halloween and delicious treats! If you have not yet learned Halloween songs and come up with makeup, I suggest you.

Interesting? Tell your friends!