Can kvass be useful during pregnancy. These include

IN summer heat kvass quenches thirst very well - a natural drink that was known back in the days Ancient Rus' and is the result of the fermentation process. It contains substances that are very necessary for pregnant women, but some of them are embarrassed by the fact that it also contains a meager proportion of alcohol.

In this article, you will learn how to use this product safely during pregnancy.

Can pregnant women drink kvass

To begin with, let's get acquainted with the features of the effect of the drink on well-being at different stages of pregnancy.

Important! Kvass must be 100% natural, without dyes, flavors and preservatives.

In the first trimester

The first three months are the most critical. It is at this stage that significant changes occur in the body of the expectant mother and the main organs of the child are laid.
So at this time to drink this drink you need to be very careful - it can increase the formation of gases in the intestines, which in turn can lead not only to flatulence, but also to increased uterine tone, and this is very dangerous, because it threatens with a miscarriage.

So in the first trimester it is better to refuse kvass. Well, if you still really want to try it, then do not get carried away.

In the second

The second trimester is perhaps the calmest period when this product can be drunk without fear, but in reasonable amounts (no more than 2 glasses a day). It will relieve you of thirst, as well as replenish the reserves of vitamins and minerals, which during pregnancy need an increased amount.

Did you know? The meaning of the verb "sour" means "to drink alcoholic beverages", and the expression came from the word "kvass". And all because in Rus' the strength of this drink could reach 15 ° and you could get pretty drunk from it!

Just do not forget to listen to your well-being. If something is bothering you, you should consult a doctor.

In third

In the last three months of pregnancy, this product should again be treated with caution. It can cause an increased tone of the uterus (due to gas formation), which threatens with premature birth; edema may also increase.

On the other hand, this drink produces a laxative effect that will help with constipation, so here you need individual approach depending on the well-being of the expectant mother.

In any case, you can not drink a large amount.

Contraindications and precautions

There are a number of diseases and pathological conditions when it is absolutely impossible to drink kvass.

These include:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • late toxicosis (preeclampsia);
  • high blood pressure;
  • diseases of the kidneys and gallbladder;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • fetal pathology.

Bottled, draft, or homemade

Now that you know exactly in which cases our drink will not harm your health, you need to choose the right one that is suitable for drinking during pregnancy.

Did you know? Among the ancient Slavs, this wonderful drink was considered a wish for a rich harvest.

The options are:

  1. Kvass in bottles. Such a product is presented on the shelves of stores in a wide variety. But, unfortunately, many drinks of the presented brands are very far from naturalness, so study the label with the composition very carefully. Proper kvass should contain the following basic ingredients: water, malt, sugar, yeast. Various herbs, dry berries, honey, nuts can be added. According to Roskontrol, very few bottled varieties popular with the population are truly natural and made using the double fermentation. These include, for example, drinks "Ochakovsky" and "Family Secret".
  2. Kvass on tap. Expectant mothers should simply forget about this option for all nine months, because it is impossible to check not only the composition of the product, but also the conditions of production, storage and transportation. In addition, the observance of sanitary and hygienic standards is highly questionable.
  3. Homemade kvass. A drink prepared at home suits ladies in position in the best way. You know exactly the composition of the product and are confident in its quality, since it was made with your own hands.

So, now you know that kvass can be consumed during pregnancy.

Kvass is rightfully considered a traditional Russian drink, which is still loved and appreciated for its taste and nutritional properties, although it was invented more than a thousand years ago. In Rus', it was cooked in barracks and hospitals - it was believed that this product increases efficiency and maintains health.

It is known that pregnancy imposes its own restrictions on a woman's diet. Does it have a place for kvass?

What is real kvass

Kvass is a delicious drink with a pleasant bread aroma and sweet and sour taste. It is obtained as a result of fermentation - yeast gives such a reaction. The wort for kvass is made from flour, malt or bread, and honey, berries or fruits can be added to it to give it more flavor.

The value of kvass lies not only in its palatability and ability to quench thirst. This drink has an excellent composition:

  • vitamin C, vital for blood vessels and has powerful antioxidant properties;
  • vitamin E, which normalizes the work of the reproductive, endocrine and cardiovascular systems;
  • vitamin PP, which stabilizes blood pressure;
  • B vitamins, which are "energy" for the whole body, including the brain;
  • amino acids involved in protein formation;
  • enzymes that positively affect the chemical processes that occur in the body;
  • lactic acid bacteria that maintain normal intestinal microflora.

During the fermentation process, microorganisms appear in kvass that normalize digestion and fight against.

Kvass is a traditional Russian drink

In terms of its effect on the body, kvass is often compared with kefir or curdled milk. In addition, it is highly nutritious and energy value, so a glass of an invigorating drink can replace a light snack.

Talk about healing power kvass is possible only if it is of high quality.

Varieties of the drink

The word "kvass" can mean differently prepared drinks that have different properties from each other. The following should be highlighted:

  • home;
  • bottled;
  • draft;
  • malt.

Homemade bread kvass

Our ancestors greatly appreciated home-made bread kvass, carefully observed the technology of preparation and the naturalness of the composition. Its main ingredients are rye crackers and yeast, which convert bread carbohydrates into lactic acid and alcohol during fermentation.

There are many kvass recipes that are used to make the drink. Those who drink it regularly talk about increased efficiency, vigor and good mood.

Homemade kvass - a tasty and healthy drink

Shop bottled

The great popularity of kvass led to the fact that they began to produce it in industrial scale. So as an alternative to a drink homemade bottled kvass appeared.

Drink manufacturers may claim that their product is no different from homemade, but this is not true. Most often, industrial carbonated kvass, except for natural ingredients(and sometimes instead of them) contains preservatives, antioxidants, sweeteners, artificial flavors. The production technology is also violated: it is obtained not by fermentation, but by mixing certain proportions of kvass wort, sugar, citric and lactic acid. Even less conscientious trade marks give their drink the taste of kvass with the help of chemical additives. Such products cannot be called kvass - this is an ordinary carbonated drink that will definitely not bring any benefit to the body.

food industry offers a large selection of bottled kvass

Draft drink from a barrel

Draft kvass in barrels often seduces during the heat. But even if the drink itself is of high quality, there is no guarantee that the barrel is cleaned and disinfected in accordance with sanitary standards. Concerns are also caused by storage conditions and compliance with the expiration date. Neglect of such rules can cause big problems - poisoning, nausea, intestinal infections.

Draft kvass sellers cannot guarantee the quality of the product and compliance with sanitary standards during its storage

Malt product

Kvass can be made not only from bread or crackers, but also from malt, which proper cooking and storage is particularly useful for the body, because it contains, among other things, great amount macro- and microelements.

Malt is a product obtained from germinated grain (wheat, barley, rye, oats or millet). It is not always possible to make it at home, as some of its varieties require special processing and aging conditions.

To make malt, the grains are first germinated, then dried and ground.

When buying malt kvass, you need to carefully read the information on the label. It must contain water, sugar, yeast and malt, and the expiration date cannot be more than two months. Be sure to find an indication that the product was obtained by fermentation. But even if it meets all these requirements, it still cannot be called 100% natural. A drink in a bottle is made carbonated, which allows it to be stored longer than homemade, so the qualities inherent in self-made kvass cannot be attributed to it.

Is it possible to drink kvass for expectant mothers in early and late drains

The fact that expectant mothers have the most doubts is the presence of alcohol in kvass. Indeed, it is. But its share is so small that only a tiny part gets into the placenta, while the B vitamins, the content of which in the drink is very high, have a positive effect on the formation nervous system future baby.

In home-made kvass, the alcohol content rarely exceeds 1.2%; in bottled kvass, its share can be 0.7–3%. This information must be indicated on the label. Most doctors agree that such a volume ethyl alcohol can't hurt in any way.

During pregnancy, the question of the use of kvass is decided with the doctor.

Although each pregnancy is individual, there are general recommendations and restrictions regarding the use of kvass.

First trimester

This is the most important stage, because female body just starting to get used to the changes that are taking place. If mother did not drink kvass before pregnancy, then this is not the most right time in order to get carried away with it. Bread drink is a product of fermentation, so similar processes are launched in the intestines. In turn, this causes increased gas formation and, as a result, hypertonicity of the uterus. This condition is very dangerous in the first trimester, as it can provoke a miscarriage.

Second trimester

Starting from the fourth month, the most calm period begins when carrying a baby. Mom's body has already accepted its new role, toxicosis has receded, a small belly allows you to maintain a moderately active lifestyle. High-quality natural kvass at this time is able to give a woman good health and direct all its useful components to maintaining health. If there are no contraindications, then you can drink this drink in the second trimester without fear. Caution will require only a tendency to edema. In this case, you first need to evaluate the body's reaction to a small amount of kvass.

third trimester

At the last stage of pregnancy, the uterine tone again requires great attention. As on early dates, its cause may be increased gas formation. But during this period, the danger lies in premature birth. If the situation does not cause concern to the doctor, then the use of kvass plays a positive role: a mild laxative effect will prevent constipation, and a moderate fermentation process will have a massaging effect on the walls of the uterus, preparing it for the upcoming work.

So, you can drink kvass during pregnancy if you follow a few rules:

  • discuss its use with a doctor;
  • eliminate the presence of contraindications;
  • pay close attention to the quality of the product;
  • comply with the measure.

the only suitable view kvass, for the quality of which you can not worry, is cooked by yourself. Among the wide variety of recipes, there is sure to be the most delicious and favorite.

Reasons why pregnant women should give up a bread drink

Despite all the benefits and value of kvass, doctors have several direct contraindications to its use during pregnancy.

  1. Kit excess weight. Although kvass is a low-calorie product (we are talking about a drink home cooking no artificial sweeteners), it has a high glycemic index. This means that energy is quickly given to the body and also quickly consumed, and after a short period of time, a pregnant woman will want to have a snack again.
  2. Diseases digestive system and frequent. Kvass increases acidity in the gastrointestinal tract, which causes a burning sensation and exacerbates chronic diseases.
  3. Increased tone of the uterus. In the early stages bread drink can cause abortion, and in the later - premature birth.
  4. Tendency to diarrhea. Kvass has a slight laxative effect and can aggravate the situation.
  5. Tendency to edema. The drink retains fluid, so swelling may increase.
  6. for yeast or certain cereals.

Kvass: contraindications for use - video

The benefits of kvass for pregnant women

During the bearing of a child, the female body gives all its strength to the baby, often leaving the mother without the components necessary for well-being. Due to its rich composition, kvass supports the condition of a pregnant woman, strengthens tooth enamel, tones, speeds up metabolism, promotes the formation of healthy microflora in the intestines and is an excellent prevention of constipation. And his vitamin composition useful for both women and children.

In the absence of contraindications, kvass is useful for expectant mothers

In the absence of contraindications and confidence in the quality and origin of kvass, 1-2 glasses a day will only bring benefits. But if discomfort is noticeable after drinking the drink, you should immediately remove it from the daily diet.

The benefits of vitamins contained in the drink - table

Why draws on kvass

A woman who is expecting a baby is not just attracted to some product. If expectant mother you want kvass unbearably, although earlier it was not a familiar component of the diet, this may indicate a lack of B vitamins. In such a situation, you should listen to the doctor's recommendations, and stick to the measure when drinking the drink (up to two glasses a day).

To make up for the lack of vitamins, you need to diversify the diet with foods such as eggs, fish, nuts, broccoli, liver, legumes, bananas, cabbage, cereals, kefir.

A strong craving for kvass during pregnancy may mean a lack of B vitamins

It’s good to drink cool kvass in the summer heat, it refreshes, invigorates and ... the question arises, is it kvass? And is that product sold in barrels and bottles healthy? What is so special about kvass, and is it true that you can’t drink it while driving?

Where did he come from?

Kvass - This is a primordially Slavic drink, it has been known for thousands of years. Kvass is mentioned in ancient chronicles, and its recipes are passed down through generations. Each region or village has its own branded kvass recipes. What do you think kvass is made from? From bread, you will answer, and you will not be completely right - after all, kvass was prepared from almost any available product.

Distinguished rowan and beet kvass, cloudberry and raspberry, strawberry and barberry. Apples and pears, lingonberries and currants went into kvass, but that's not all. Maybe thick kvass, with mint and cinnamon, kvass for okroshka, daily, ginger, white or red kvass, kvass from currant leaves and even from Icelandic moss!

One of the recipes for kvass is called " sour cabbage soup» and is brewed from two varieties of malt with the addition of buckwheat flour yeast, diluted in a special proportion with water. Unfortunately, such drinks are unlikely to be found in modern cities, bread kvass remains the main recipe for kvass - it is made industrially and at home, fermented in jars and containers.

Kvass properties

Due to its special composition, kvass perfectly quenches thirst and even saturates in the heat, increases activity and gives strength to work, activates digestion processes, resulting in improved appetite, it also helps in the digestion of fatty and meat dishes, restores the balance of fluid and salts in the body.

Kvass contains enough trace elements and vitamins, especially it is rich in B vitamins. Due to the formation of organic acids during fermentation, kvass is able to stimulate the acidity of the stomach, and it is very useful to use it for atrophic gastritis with a decrease in gastric secretion. Kvass contains a lot of vitamin C and in ancient Rus' it was used as a cure for scurvy and general exhaustion.

Due to the formation of lactic acid and some other acids during the fermentation process, kvass, when it enters the intestines, has an effect on it, similar to kefir and yogurt, kills harmful flora, maintaining its own, useful one. Thus, kvass is an excellent prevention of intestinal disorders and dysbacteriosis.

And there are indications in ancient manuscripts that kvass increased male potency, special recipe kvass was given to young men on their wedding day so that they would give healthy offspring. Alas, the recipe has not survived, but most likely, any high-quality kvass will do, as it is rich in vitamins and nutrients, which is extremely important for passionate nights.

Earlier in Rus', a sweet variety of kvass with honey and raisins was considered a sign of prosperity, it was the drink of the rich, while the poor drank plain beet or bread kvass. Previously, kvass was drunk all year round, changing recipes depending on the season and available products. And during fasting, this drink was one of the ways to support immunity and strength, along with an onion and a loaf of black bread. Now almost no one follows such exquisite diets, although there were many slender people among the Slavs.

Nowadays, kvass is traditionally considered summer drink, but even today it has not lost its value - according to scientists, due to high content calcium, it strengthens tooth enamel, saturates well and provides few calories, so it can be used in diets. The yeast that is part of kvass helps in the treatment of pustules on the skin, acne and boils, with purulent bronchitis, atherosclerosis of large vessels.

In addition, kvass made at home from natural products, can be effectively used for hair growth and strengthening their structure, you need to rinse your hair with kvass after washing.

To whom kvass is contraindicated

Are there any downsides?

Despite all the positive aspects of kvass, it also has some negative aspects. Kvass due to active lactic and fruit acids should not be consumed by people with hyperacid gastritis and peptic ulcer even in remission - it can provoke an exacerbation, cause heartburn and discomfort.

Important! The harm and benefits of kvass /

Kvass is also contraindicated for people with oncology and problems with the liver and biliary tract, gallstones. Carefully it should be taken in diseases of the kidneys and urolithiasis. Kvass causes fermentation in the intestines and can cause digestive discomfort in people with bowel disease, colitis or enteritis.

Kvass is not suitable for allergy sufferers in case of reactions to yeast, cereals, especially oatmeal, celiac disease and reactions to alcohol. Although kvass contains very little alcohol, one should be careful in its consumption.

Also, do not drink kvass while driving - you may have trouble with traffic police, especially when consuming homemade drinks.

Kvass for pregnant women and children

During pregnancy, lactation and children under the age of 3-5 years, kvass is not recommended, or its consumption should be sharply limited - you can drink no more than a glass of homemade kvass per day. Do not drink store bottled concentrates. This is due to the fact that in some varieties of kvass, the dose of alcohol is increased to 1.5%, and two liters of such kvass will be equivalent lung bottle beer.

Of course, there are varieties of kvass obtained without alcoholic fermentation, but they can cause seething and loosening of the stool in the stomach, which is also not a positive side during pregnancy and childhood. In addition, kvass can cause fluid retention in the body and swelling.

Kvass sold from barrels

Not all modern housewives know how to make kvass themselves or do not have time for this. Then we buy kvass for bottling from kegs or barrels on the streets. When buying such kvass, you need to understand that this is a rather serious thing - the question of the "liveness" of the product must be determined. If it is a concentrate, the taste and benefits will be doubtful.

First of all, before buying, check the bottling date and availability of all certificates, ask how often the barrels are washed. The shelf life of a filled barrel is no more than three days, and kvass must be cold upon purchase, otherwise it is not a living product, but ordinary kvass lemonade from a diluted powder, or it has already expired.

Kvass in bottles

Naturally, this kvass can only be called a conditionally natural product. When buying, you should pay attention to such things:

  • real kvass may be cloudy and may precipitate at the bottom of the bottle,
  • real kvass is not stored for a long time, it has a short shelf life,
  • carefully study the composition - there should be sugar, yeast, malt and water.
  • on the label, look for a mark that the product is obtained by fermentation.

You should be alerted that the drink is gassy, ​​or an indication that the drink was made from kvass concentrates. In the manufacture of live kvass, concentrates are not used. The more letters E on the label, the farther from the usefulness of the drink this leavened lemonade is. The benefits of such a drink are generally doubtful.

An old Russian drink, beloved by most Russians, is kvass, the benefits and harms of which will be the subject of discussion in our article. There are many variety of options kvass: bread, apple, daily, mint, beet, okroshka, berry. An invigorating drink can be purchased ready-made in the store. Or you can cook it yourself using natural products. It will be the most delicious and healthy drink.

Beneficial features

From time immemorial, a tasty fermenting product in Rus' was found in almost any home, and during fast days was the basis of many dishes: okroshka, botvini. Why is this drink so popular so far, is kvass useful and what is this benefit expressed in?

There are very few nutrients in the drink from the store. Most often, chemical additives are used in its preparation, food colorings and preservatives, subject the product to pasteurization. After such procedures, the leaven loses all its healing qualities.

Therefore, we will only talk about “live fermentation” kvass, made according to right technology from natural ingredients. The benefits of such a product for both men and women are indisputable:

  • It has a tonic, invigorating effect.
  • Well removes thirst, especially in the summer heat, as it contains lactic and acetic acids.
  • It has the ability to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, improves the digestion and assimilation of heavy foods.
  • It has a positive effect on the work of the heart muscle and the entire cardio - vascular system. Developed due to fermentation yeast mushrooms help to remove cholesterol plaques, which increases the elasticity and strength of blood vessels. Therefore, it is useful to drink kvass with high blood pressure.
  • It has a bactericidal effect, due to which harmful bacteria in the intestines are destroyed.
  • Relieves colds, sore throats and flu.
  • Increases appetite in case of loss of strength.
  • Improves the functioning of the pancreas thanks to the yeast that is part of the drink, enhances the production of insulin. Therefore, a naturally fermented drink is useful for people with diabetes.
  • Helps those suffering from alcohol addiction to reduce cravings for alcohol.
  • Is energetically valuable low-calorie product due to the presence of rapidly digestible amino acids and carbohydrates, which is valuable for overweight people.
  • Relieves stress, fatigue, irritation, strengthens muscles due to the content in it a large number B group vitamins.
  • Helps restore and strengthen immunity due to the presence of a significant amount of ascorbic acid.
  • Strengthens tooth enamel, reduces the risk of caries due to the presence of calcium in the composition.
  • Strengthens male "strength", helps in the treatment of typical male diseases.
  • Reduces the risk of stones in the bile ducts and bladder.
  • Helps to restore and strengthen the body after surgical operations, severe physical activity, with exhaustion, as it has a high energy value.
  • Helps fight spring beriberi.
  • Promotes better sleep, helps in the fight against chronic fatigue, depression.
  • Purifies and improves skin appearance, removes inflammation and purulent acne.
  • Helps to stabilize the condition of patients with kidney and liver diseases.
  • It has a positive effect in eye diseases - glaucoma, cataracts, retinal detachment, myopia, optic nerve atrophy. Cleans the capillaries of the fundus due to the presence of vitamins capable of this.
  • It is a prophylactic against harmful viruses and infections.

It is useful to have an invigorating drink on the table if there are fatty foods on the menu. meat products. Not without reason, in the old days, a delicious foamy product was familiar and everyday for Russian people.

But, for all the usefulness of kvass, you should not use it thoughtlessly or fanatically in significant volumes. There are restrictions on the use of such a healthy drink.


Doctors didn't find great harm from the use of natural kvass in food. There are only restrictions on its consumption.

  1. Kvass is a product of live fermentation, it contains a small portion of ethyl alcohol. Therefore, it should be used with caution in children and pregnant women. Doctors recommend letting children drink the delicious drink from the age of three. Individual specialists in baby food It is advised to wait up to seven years. The decision is up to the parents.
  2. This feature must be taken into account by those who plan to drive the car themselves. We drank kvass - wait at least an hour for the vapors of alcohol to disappear, then just get behind the wheel.
  3. Chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer, liver cirrhosis, urolithiasis disease ban the use bread kvass.
  4. Natural bread kvass is not stored for a long time. It is necessary to strictly observe the expiration dates so as not to get poisoned by a damaged product.

Dietary Properties

Kvass, made from natural products by the method of live fermentation, is recognized by doctors as an excellent diet drink. With low acidity, nutritionists advise taking half a glass of delicious drink 30-40 minutes before meals.

Kvass diets have been created for those who want to lose weight. Moreover, the benefits of such diets far outweigh the harm:

  • Diets based on kvass show a high weight loss result.
  • They act favorably on the health of losing weight. The appearance, condition of hair and skin changes for the better, it becomes elastic.
  • There is no constant feeling of hunger. Kvass promotes the production of insulin, its level in the blood becomes higher, the sugar content decreases, and a feeling of satiety appears.
  • There is a natural bowel cleansing.
  • Metabolic processes in the body are restored.
  • The mood rises.


The calorie content of natural bread kvass is 27 kilocalories per 100 g of drink. Calorie content may deviate up or down depending on the product used in the manufacture of kvass:

  • Beetroot - 12 kcal
  • Apple - 26 kcal
  • Honey - cranberry - 40 kcal
  • Ginger - 9 kcal

A store-bought, industrially produced drink contains one and a half to two times more calories.


Although kvass is considered dietary product not everyone can enjoy it.

  • Having increased acidity of gastric juice, gastritis, stomach ulcer, you can forget about it delicious drink or use it with caution. At hyperacidity an unpleasant consequence of the use of kvass is heartburn.
  • Allergy to cereals can also become an obstacle to the intake of fermented grain liquid.
  • Due to the alcohol content in the drink, it is unacceptable for children under 3 years old to give kvass, from 3 to 7 years old it is worth limiting its amount to a small dose.

Can pregnant and lactating women

Pregnant women and nursing mothers should not drink kvass because of the a small amount ethyl alcohol (from 0.6% to 2.6%). A baby who feeds on mother's milk may experience colic, bloating due to the resulting gases.

The nutritional value

Natural kvass, prepared in compliance with all the rules, serves as a storehouse of many vitamins, minerals and other substances necessary for health.

The energy value of an invigorating drink per 100 g is shown in the table.

The product's name calories, kilocalories Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g
Bread kvass 27 0,2 0 5,3
Cranberry kvass 41 0,21 0,02 11
Kvass from apples 36,0 0,2 0,08 9,0
Kvass from rhubarb 34,0 0,2 0,04 8,9
Bread kvass (from the finished concentrate) 4,3 0,05 0,007 1,2

There are many in the fermented drink and useful substances that determine its medicinal properties:

There are micro and macro elements in kvass, their quantity is different depending on the main component of the drink. Let's compare two types of kvass - honey - cranberry and apple. These elements are absent in bread kvass.

Micro and macro elements Per 100 g of product, mg
Honey - cranberry apple Daily rate, mg Apple,% of the norm
Calcium 3,2 6 1000 0,7
Magnesium 0,9 1,7 400 0,5
Potassium 13,3 49,3 2500 2,1
Sodium 1,6 4,9 1300 0,5
Phosphorus 2,5 5 800 0,7
Zinc 0,0043 0,0360 12 0,35
Chlorine 0,02 0,3 2300 0,02
Manganese 0,015 0,04 2 2,2
Molybdenum 0.04 µg 1.05 mcg 70 mcg 1,4
Iron 0,2 0,45 18 2,4
Iodine 0.015 µg 0,45 150 0,4

Correct use

Kvass, made according to all the rules, can and should be drunk, especially in the summer heat. It quenches thirst well due to the presence of lactic acid in it. The main thing is not to overdo it, to know the measure.

You should not drink a fermenting drink to a driver who is going on a flight. Recently created sensitive breathalyzers will definitely show the minimum dose of alcohol in the blood, which is fraught with loss of rights and a fine.


Spill ready kvass preferably in portioned plastic or glass bottles with tightly screw caps.

It is better to keep bottles with a drink in the refrigerator, laying on their side.

The shelf life of homemade kvass at a temperature of +5 degrees is 7-10 days.

The shelf life of purchases from the store is indicated on the packaging. Preservatives and stabilizers are usually added to ready-made kvass, so the shelf life of such a product in unopened packaging is much longer. But the health benefits of such drinking are highly questionable.

How to choose

Buying ready drink, pay attention to the container in which it is poured. It is better to take kvass in dark packaging. Sunlight has a negative effect on finished product, in the dark, useful properties are preserved better and longer.

The longer the shelf life of the drink, the large quantity it contains chemical preservative additives. It is better to refuse the acquisition of such a drink.

Take an interest in the composition of the product - it should include bread yeast.

When pouring a drink, pay attention to the foam - it should not be at all or be very small.

What is good to combine

On the basis of kvass, everyone's favorite cold soups are prepared: okroshka, tyurya, botvinya.

The drink goes well with many products:

  1. With vegetables - potatoes, cucumbers, horseradish, carrots, radishes;
  2. With greens - celery, dill, parsley, onion, sorrel, nettle, mint, lemon balm;
  3. With cereals - buckwheat, millet, wheat, barley;
  4. With berries - strawberries, cranberries, sea buckthorn, cherries;
  5. With bread;
  6. With meat and meat products - sausage, ham;
  7. With dairy products - kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, whey;
  8. With chicken egg;
  9. With vegetable oils.

Kvass and spices (pepper), lemon, raisins, apples, pears go well together. The combination depends on your gastronomic preferences.

It’s easy to make kvass at home, you can find it on the Internet different recipes, and in the store you will be offered a concentrate for kvass (or kvass must). Treat yourself to a delicious homemade drink, benefit and healing properties which are obvious.

Olya Smirnova wrote that her mother makes it all year round and they drink it constantly, and not only in the hot season. I thought about it, times are changing, taste preferences too, but kvass has remained one of my favorite drinks for a long time. What is the secret of such popularity, let's see.

Let's start with the history of when this drink appeared, why people fell in love with it and how it was made.

Historical facts about bread kvass

Despite the fact that even the ancient Egyptians had a drink similar to kvass, it is still considered Russian, in Egypt it was prepared differently and it was more alcoholic drink. In Greece, they also made similar drinks, but based on fruits.

It was bread kvass that appeared in Rus' and, as they say, quite by accident. Somehow water got into the barrel where the grain lay, it began to sour and even sprouted. The owner of this grain decided to revive it in order to avoid losses. He began to dry it, ground it, but, of course, he did not get high-quality flour, but malt turned out. He poured boiling water over it, left it to ferment, thought it would at least be useful for livestock to feed, but as a result of fermentation, a pleasant drink turned out. It was the first bread kvass.

It was only later that it was improved, having come up with the idea of ​​making wort - the base for real kvass. That is why kvass is considered Russian, since the must is our Russian exclusive technology.

As historians say, kvass was made before, but for the first time it was mentioned in the annals of 989, at the moment of an important event for Rus' - the adoption of Christianity. At the behest of Prince Vladimir, in honor of this event, food, honey and kvass were distributed to the people.

Previously, the preparation of kvass was a rather lengthy process, almost a ritual action, and guests were invited to sample the new kvass. Each hostess had her own special recipe and she did not disclose it, but passed it on by inheritance. In the villages the most delicious kvass was called in honor of his mistress - "Daryin kvass", "Maryin kvass". To give a special taste and aroma, honey, raisins and various herbs were added.

In Rus', kvass was very popular, there were a huge number of types of kvass and they made it not only from bread, but also from fruits, berries, herbs and roots. There was even such a profession - a fermenter, and the people of this profession were treated with honor and respect.

Why Peter I, a lover of everything Western, was not averse to drinking a mug of another kvass, he even invented his own recipe - kvass with horseradish and improved his health after feasts.

Alexander Suvorov revered bread kvass for protecting against scurvy and helping to recover faster from injuries. The Russian army always carried barrels of kvass with them and not only ordinary soldiers, but also high ranks drank it.

Russian kvass was also appreciated by the notorious Italian Kazanova and he wrote about kvass like this:

"The Russians have a delicious drink ... it is much superior to Constantinople sherbet ... besides, it is very cheap, since a large barrel is given for a ruble."

He gladly restored his strength with our kvass, wasted in amorous affairs.

Indeed, in Rus', kvass was considered not just a tasty drink, but a medicinal one. On the wedding day, the groom was sure to drink kvass for the birth of healthy offspring. In hospitals, there were always containers with kvass and it was without fail given to the sick. So why is kvass useful?

Bread kvass - benefits and harms

Speaking about the benefits of this drink for our body, we will talk specifically about home-made kvass, since I strongly doubt that store-bought kvass can be classified as a medicinal drink.

Although this drink is many years old, and traditional healers and scientific minds are still in the stage of reflection, which makes it healing. Some say that due to the effect of fermentation, as a result of which it is enriched beneficial substances and microorganisms. Others, what's at the expense useful properties cereals from which it is made. Probably, the combination of both of them gives a useful and even therapeutic effect to this drink, and its composition speaks about the same.

Bread kvass contains vitamins A, groups B, E, C, PP, such useful minerals like fluorine, phosphorus, cobalt, copper, zinc, molybdenum and iron, also contains organic acids, amino acids, yeast, enzymes.

Thanks to this vitamin and mineral composition, kvass really has a beneficial effect on our body.

Useful properties of bread kvass

  1. In terms of its effect on our body, natural bread kvass can be equated to kefir or yogurt, it has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, inhibiting the growth of harmful microflora, thereby helping to get rid of dysbacteriosis.
  2. It normalizes metabolism, helps the body get rid of toxins, thanks to kvass, food is better broken down.
  3. It is useful for the cardiovascular system, in violation of cerebral circulation, it cleans the blood vessels well.
  4. Renders positive influence on the endocrine system of our body.
  5. It calms the nerves, therefore it is useful for fatigue, insomnia, neuroses and depression.
  6. It has a good effect on the condition of hair, skin, nails. The famous surgeon N. I. Pirogov recommended bread kvass as a means of accelerating the fusion of bones in fractures.
  7. Increases the body's resistance to colds and infectious diseases. The bactericidal properties of kvass were proven by the scientist V.S. Sotnikov, his studies showed that typhoid and paratyphoid microorganisms die in kvass.
  8. The enzymes that make up kvass make it useful even for eye diseases - glaucoma, optic nerve atrophy, retinal detachment, myopia.
  9. Useful for people with kidney and liver diseases. N. V. Sklifosovsky argued that kvass is an excellent prophylactic for cirrhosis of the liver and peptic ulcer.
  10. And finally, for the sake of which most people use it - it perfectly quenches thirst, prevents dehydration of the body, helps with overheating, relieving heat in the body.

Yes, our ancestors knew a lot about drinks and home-made bread kvass is really useful. And most importantly, it is not at all difficult to make it, the composition of the ingredients is simple and accessible to everyone.

Contraindications to the use of kvass

Of course, kvass can do harm to us, if you do not know what are the contraindications to its use. And in the case of chronic diseases, it will not be superfluous to ask the doctor if you can drink this drink or not.

  • It is not recommended to drink, especially sour varieties of kvass, for people with acute inflammatory diseases digestive organs and gastritis with high acidity.
  • Bread kvass can cause an allergic reaction in people who are sensitive to gluten.
  • Nursing mothers should drink kvass with caution, as it can cause bloating and colic in a child.
  • Specialists in baby nutrition do not recommend giving kvass to children under 3 years old.

As you can see, there are not so many contraindications to the use of homemade kvass. There is one more nuance - homemade kvass Can be made without yeast or with yeast. Which is more useful?

Kvass with yeast or without yeast - which is better

I reviewed a lot of information, but I found the answer only in Tatyana Litvinova's book "Kvass - a healer from 100 diseases."

So in this book it is said that yeast in kvass is useful and desired ingredient, since it is they that saturate kvass with vitamins of group B, PP, organic acids, help retain moisture in the body and therefore kvass quenches thirst so well.

In kvass without yeast, yeast is also present, which is obtained naturally, it’s just that there may be less of them. Therefore, bread kvass is useful both with yeast and prepared without yeast.

But there is an important point and this applies to contraindications - yeast contains purines that inhibit excretion uric acid from the body, and this can lead to inflammatory processes in the joints.

You can not drink kvass with yeast for people with chronic renal failure and with a disease such as gout.

If you don’t have such diseases, then you can safely drink yeast-based kvass if you like it better.

I hope the information about the benefits and harms of bread kvass was useful to you. Personally, I learned a lot about this delicious drink. So make homemade kvass (I talked about the recipes last time) and delight yourself and your loved ones with a tasty and healthy drink.

If you do not like homemade kvass or do not want to make it, then watch a video on how to choose the right store kvass.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.