How many days does homemade kvass ferment? Alcoholic kvass from bread or crackers

Kvass has always been a favorite drink in Rus'. During fasting, kvass, along with onions and black rye bread, was the main source of vitamins. I read information that in hospitals during the war, kvass was not only a drink to quench thirst, but was also considered a healing drink.

To prepare kvass at home, you must first make a starter for kvass . Properly preparing sourdough is a guarantee of obtaining good, tasty homemade kvass. Preparing sourdough for homemade kvass is not so difficult and can be done by any housewife.

Sourdough for bread kvass with yeast


Bread - 0.5 liter jar

Sugar 50 -70 – grams

Yeast – 15 – 20 grams of dry baking yeast


Cut the black bread into small pieces and fry in a frying pan or in the oven. Fold the dried crackers into a liter or one and a half liter liter jar and pour boiling water over it. Since the crackers will swell, the water needs to be calculated so that end result get a creamy slurry. Therefore, it is better to add more water later. If you overfill, add crackers.

Add sugar and stir until completely dissolved. Cover the jar with gauze or a napkin and leave to cool.

As soon as the water cools to 25-35 degrees, add yeast. Yeast should only be added to warm water. Mix everything well again, cover with a napkin and leave to ferment. During fermentation of the starter, carbon dioxide is released, so the jar should not be tightly closed with a plastic or other lid.

The prepared amount of starter is enough to prepare 8 - 10 liters of homemade kvass from rye bread.

Sourdough for kvass without yeast

The process of preparing sourdough from bread without yeast is not much different from preparing the previous sourdough. In this case, you need to take a little more sugar and use raisins instead of yeast.

Pour water over the crackers, add 1-2 tablespoons more sugar. Rinse a handful of raisins and add to the jar. Cover with a napkin and place in a warm place. The fermentation process can last two or three days. Depends on temperature: the higher the temperature, the faster the fermentation process will begin. But at the same time, the temperature should not be high enough, otherwise fermentation may slow down. The ideal temperature is 25-26 degrees.

How to prepare grounds from rye flour for kvass

The grounds are a leaven made from rye flour. It can be prepared with or without yeast. With yeast the fermentation process will be faster. But the taste of yeast will be felt at first, but during the process of updating the grounds it will go away. I will give a recipe for preparing grounds without yeast with raisins; they also speed up the process of lactic acid fermentation. To prepare grounds, it is better to take a jar with a volume of at least 1 liter.

Pour a half-liter jar of rye flour warm water, add 2 - 3 tablespoons of sugar and mix everything well. It should look like pancake batter. Therefore, I do not indicate the amount of water. Water should be added gradually, mixing well so that no lumps form. Add 10-15 raisins to the dough, cover with a napkin and place in a warm place to ferment. The raisins will need to be removed after preparing the grounds. Determine the readiness of the grounds rye flour simple: as soon as you feel sourness, the grounds are ready. Usually the grounds are ready in 2-3 days.

As I already said, you can add yeast to speed up the process. One teaspoon will be enough.

Hop starter

Making hop starter at home is very easy. You can buy hop cones at your nearest pharmacy.

Pour three tablespoons of hops into 0.5 liters of boiling water. To put on slow fire and boil for 15 minutes. Then strain the broth and cool to 40 degrees. Add 1 tablespoon of sugar or honey and add flour to get thick like sour cream. Cover with a napkin and place in a warm place for 24-30 hours. Store the finished starter in the refrigerator.

Sourdough with hops can be prepared in another way. But it is more suitable for making sourdough bread.

Pour a glass of dry hops into 2 glasses of boiling water and boil over low heat for 5 minutes. Remove and leave to sit for 30-40 minutes. During this time, the broth will cool down. Strain, add 1 tablespoon of sugar and gradually add flour until you get the consistency of pancakes.

Place the jar of mash in a warm place for 2-3 days. The starter should begin to “play”, i.e. foams and bubbles.

Make mashed potatoes from one or two small potatoes. Mix the cooled puree with our mash and put it in a warm place again for one or two days. Now our starter should stop foaming and bubbling. That's it, the hop starter is ready. Put it in the refrigerator.

Before preparing the kvass, take it out, add flour and sugar, and the kvass starter is ready.

These are the main methods preparing starter for homemade kvass . Preparing sourdough with malt is a more labor-intensive and time-consuming process.

And one last piece of advice. To prepare kvass starter, it is better to take enamel pan silt glass jar.

Very often, having become acquainted with a recipe for a dish and starting to implement it at home, we have new questions. We have prepared a cheat sheet for making homemade kvass - its types and calorie content, which is better, how long it should ferment and infuse, as well as answers to other questions. It’s not for nothing that they say that “if you own the information, you own the world,” so we will try to equip you with the knowledge of true masters - for a magical result!

Kvass is the most popular drink of the Slavs. He gained his fame for pleasant taste, the ability to quench thirst and increase energy, as well as high medicinal properties. Therefore, always having a couple of bottles of elixir in the refrigerator is a good goal and quite feasible.

The most healthy foodhomemade! It's hard to argue with that, right? When the cook prepares the leaven with his own hands, sets it for fermentation, controls its taste, acidity and alcohol percentage, then the leaven will turn out better than any medicine! After all, homemade drinks are 100% natural, they are free of artificial ingredients and are absolutely safe for health.

If you are forced to purchase a product industrial production, then it’s better to buy one where the label lists only natural ingredients: malt, rye flour, sugar, baker’s yeast and purified water.

The product must also be labeled with the following inscriptions: “unfiltered”, “unclarified”. It is advisable to indicate the technology for obtaining the drink. The best and most useful - natural fermentation, which the manufacturer proudly writes on every bottle.

If the list of ingredients contains unclear names of additives, then such a drink can hardly be called healthy and safe and it is better not to buy such a product.

Types of kvass

In Russia, in past centuries, there was even a profession called “kvasnik”. Each kvass brewer specialized in certain types of kvass drinks. Kvass can be of a pure variety, for example, bread, berry or beet, and there are also mixed types.

For example, fruit and berry kvass is made either from bread, or from pure or diluted juice. If a drink is prepared to quench thirst, then it will be one taste, and if it is for health improvement or, for example, for okroshka, then it will be different.

The calorie content also depends on the recipe. We have summarized how many calories are in various types of kvass in a table for you, where you can see whether the type of product you like is high in calories:

Kvass: calorie content

Subtleties of kvass preparation technology

The technology for preparing homemade kvass elixir can be divided into 3 stages:

Stage I: preparing sourdough with or without yeast.

Stage II: fermentation of the starter.

Stage III: infusion and storage of the product.

Each stage has its own technology and subtleties, about which we will try to deepen your knowledge.

I. Types of starter cultures for homemade kvass

Kvass at home can be prepared using your own starter, or you can prepare it using wort or dry concentrate.

Homemade sourdough

Homemade sourdough is prepared on oven-toasted rye bread, rye flour or bran, with or without the addition of yeast.

Pour the base of the yeast-free sourdough very hot water(almost boiling water), add a little sugar (1 tsp per 0.5 liter of water) and set to ferment for 4-5 hours.

If we use yeast, then add it to the already cooled bread slurry. As soon as sourness appears and the mixture becomes cloudy, the starter is ready!

The composition of dry kvass (concentrate) includes the following ingredients: rye wallpaper crumbs, wheat crumbs and malt. Typically fermented rye malt .

Dry kvass, the composition of which is 100% natural ingredients, greatly facilitates the preparation of kvass drink. The whole difficulty is to wait for the kvass to ripen!

Sourdough on wort

It can be purchased in retail chains. Wort is a thin, viscous, dark-colored liquid that contains rye and barley malt and wallpaper rye flour. Cooking kvass with wort is a pleasure!

Yeast for homemade kvass

Inexperienced cooks often have difficulty choosing yeast for sourdough. Which yeast is better to use - pressed or dry?

Experienced fermenters advise using only pressed ones, and before adding them to the starter, they must be tested for activity.

To do this, dilute a small piece of yeast in 2 tbsp. warm water, add a pinch of sugar, stir and place in a warm corner. If the composition begins to produce bubbles within 10-15 minutes, then the yeast is fresh and can be used.

What to do if kvass does not ferment, although we have done everything according to the recipe

Experienced masters say that sourdough without yeast does not ferment in boiled water, and therefore they recommend using spring (forest) water. If there is none, then filtered tap water. The problem is quickly resolved if you add a new portion of starter to the unfermented mixture. Please note that starters without yeast begin to ferment later than those with yeast.

Another common cause is stale yeast. If your yeast has failed you, then add a fresh portion, but not more than 10 g per 3 liters of starter.

II. Fermentation of kvass

The main difficulties at this stage relate to the fermentation time and determining the readiness of the drink. How long kvass should ferment depends on the starter.

With yeast-free starter it ferments longer (2-4 days), but with yeast the fermentation speeds up. How long it needs to sit during yeast fermentation depends on both the amount of sugar and the room temperature, but the average time is 1.5 days.

Water for kvass

Beginning starters often make the mistake of pouring too cold or too hot water into the starter. It is very important for the fermentation process what kind of water to fill the starter with.

We wrote above that boiled water slows down fermentation and it is better to use filtered or spring water. If there is neither one nor the other, then simply pour in water from the tap, allowing it to stand a little beforehand. Temperature Stick to water too: 30-36 degrees and no more, otherwise the yeast microorganisms will die.

The fermentation process occurs thanks to lactic acid bacteria and alcohol-fermenting fungi, which are found in abundance in yeast. During the fermentation of wort (sourdough), the following substances are formed: alcohol, lactic acid, carbon dioxide, polysaccharides, acetic and formic acids, etc.

Does kvass contain alcohol?

The main question is not whether kvass contains alcohol, but how much alcohol it contains. Alcohol fermentation fungi in yeast convert sugar into alcohol.

How much alcohol is contained in kvass depends on the amount of sugar in it and on the method of its preparation, but the average is 1.2 degrees.

For example, a homemade drink made with yeast-free sourdough contains 0.5%, and if we use yeast and add a lot of sugar, then the levels in the sourdough increase - up to 2.7%.

The amount of alcohol increases with the age of the drink. In order not to increase the temperature, it is better to add the main amount of sugar or honey to the infusion before putting it in the refrigerator, where the fermentation processes slow down and the sugars are more slowly converted into alcohol.

Is kvass an alcoholic drink or not?

There are often disputes between drivers of vehicles, kvass - alcoholic drink or not? Yes it low alcohol drink, which should be drunk carefully before a trip, and drinking it while driving is generally contraindicated!

A long-standing drink can increase the percentage of alcohol in your blood, so you can get behind the wheel no earlier than 15-20 minutes after taking the cool elixir.

How to determine the readiness of kvass

How to determine the readiness of kvass if your experience does not yet allow you to determine it by taste?

To know that the kvass is ready, just open the container and look at the surface of the starter. If there is foam, then the “young” kvass is already ready. The drink should taste sour, smell a little like alcohol, and bubbles should rise from the bottom of the container.

How to make kvass dark

Often, beginning sourdough starters cannot achieve a rich, dark color in their sourdough starter. To make kvass dark, you need to thoroughly fry the bread pieces for both the starter and the bread infusion until slightly burnt.

Bread that is too burnt will give off an unpleasant aftertaste - don't overdo it! Choose black bread like Borodinsky.

Features of okroshka kvass

Many families often prepare okroshka in the summer, and industrial kvass drinks are not always suitable for okroshka because of their sweetness or dubious quality. Then housewives who care about the health of their family are looking for tiny recipes.

Which kvass is best for okroshka is not an idle question, since okroshka is cold soup, which means that the kvass base must be sour and sharp!

Preparation sour kvass almost no different from classic recipe– it’s just that almost no sugar is added to the okroshka filling (the minimum required to start fermentation).

Okroshechny kvass is often served on whey or rye and wheat bread, with the addition of raisins and horseradish. It all depends on the taste preferences of okroshka lovers. The main thing is that it is sour and sharp, then okroshka will become an event on your table.

How to make sour kvass

  • Roasted rye and wheat bread(500 g) pour 1 liter of boiling water, let stand for 3-5 hours.
  • Next, strain the bread infusion into an enamel pan, add yeast (10 g), sugar (3 tsp), pour in 3 liters of warm water, cover with gauze and leave to ferment for 5-6 hours.
  • When the starter starts to foam, filter it again and bottle it.
  • To make the kvass sharp, put several raisins in each bottle (preferably white raisins), close tightly and put in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

Such a drink will be sour and sharp - just right for okroshka. It is the raisins that contribute to its better carbonation and sharpness.

Before pouring okroshka into okroshka kvass to improve the taste summer soup, often add egg yolks, ground with horseradish, mustard, salt and sugar, and infuse tightly closed jar 2-3 hours.

III. Infusing kvass

After we have strained and drained the “young” leaven from the starter, it must infuse in the refrigerator. At this stage, it acquires taste, color and sharpness.

How to make ready-made kvass dark

We said above that well-toasted Borodino bread is suitable for dark kvass. But there is another way to make dark kvass - add toasted sugar at the infusion stage. For this, 1 tbsp. Place sugar in a frying pan or small saucepan, turn on the heat and wait until it melts and darkens to a dark brown tone.

Turn off the heat and start adding tablespoons to the mixture hot water(total 100 g of water). We wait for the sugar to completely dissolve, and then add it to the bottles with ready-made drink. We put natural product in the refrigerator for infusion.

Before refrigerating the drink, we can improve its taste and aroma. You can add herbs, leaves of berry and fruit crops, whole berries and fruits, their juice or jam, dried fruits and honey.

How long to infuse kvass

The question immediately arises: how long to infuse kvass? Experienced craftsmen say that it is infused for about a couple of days - for carbonation or more bright taste. Usually at this stage the kvass becomes effervescent, and for this purpose the brewers add several raisins to each bottle (it is better to take white raisins). At the same stage, kvass products acquire alcohol.

And the last question we will consider , how long does it last? home product? It should be noted here that its beneficial properties also depend on the shelf life.

Homemade kvass retains all its medicinal qualities the first 3 days after putting it in the refrigerator. In the following days, it loses its qualities, slowly turning into an alcoholic drink.

This process is accompanied by a stop in fermented milk fermentation - with a predominance of alcoholic fermentation. It turns out that there is no point in storing it!

We tried to reveal for you all the secrets of preparing delicious homemade drink- from choosing the best kvass to the subtleties of choosing the main ingredients - water, yeast and sourdough.

With real adherents healthy eating homemade kvass The new factory operates 24 hours a day, and the recipe is constantly improving. We wish you to build your own small laboratory in the kitchen and enjoy experiments!

Kvass with raisins and rose hips (from dry kvass and dry yeast)

A glass of kvass))

Simple and very tasty homemade kvass with a subtle, cooling aftertaste. Arrives in a day.

Composition of kvass

for a 3 liter jar

  • Dry bread kvass – 0.5 cups;
  • Sugar – 6 tablespoons;
  • Dry baker's yeast - 2 teaspoons;
  • Raisins and rose hips - a handful each;
  • Ginger – a small piece (optional);
  • Mint - sprig (optional);
  • Lemon or orange – 1 circle (optional).

How to make homemade kvass

  • Get ready: Boil about 3 liters of water in advance and cool until warm. Rinse raisins and rose hips. Wash the kvass jar, pour boiling water over it and dry.
  • Make sourdough: Combine 1.5 cups of hot boiled water (boiling water) with dry kvass in a prepared jar. Stir. Let it brew for 1 hour.
  • Collect everything in the bank: Add sugar to the finished starter and stir. Pour in warm boiled water (35 to 40° C). Add raisins, rose hips, mint, ginger (if fresh, grate coarse grater, if dried, put in a piece) and a slice of lemon. Add yeast and stir. Cover with a cloth or towel to allow the fermenting kvass to breathe.
  • Leaven: leave for fermentation for 20-24 hours in a warm place (at room temperature, not higher than 35° C). The readiness of kvass is determined by its sour smell and characteristic taste.

Strain the finished kvass through a cloth. Pour into bottles and store in a cool place.

  • New kvass: Season the remaining starter with 4 tbsp. sugar, brew in small quantity water 4 tbsp. dry kvass (1 hour), add to the starter, add water and start over.

The kvass has been brewed, now we leave it to ferment)

Kvass prepared according to this recipe turns out to be a pleasant dark honey color, with a slightly sweet and sour taste. The ginger pungency and minty coolness barely appear in it, and then only when the last drop is drunk... with a light, cooling trace on the tongue.

The taste of kvass is subtle and refined. With it, any food on a hot day will be very tasty. And also.

Drink Me!)))

How to replace dry yeast with live yeast for kvass

If you have pressed live yeast in pieces, then 20 g is enough.

There is also an interesting recipe for ginger kvass (lemonade) from the island of Corfu (Greece). It is prepared without bread and dry kvass, but with lemon juice and zest (can be replaced with orange, pineapple juice or lime juice). A vigorous drink, highly carbonated, delicious!

What you shouldn't add to kvass

The following products can be excluded from the composition of the products necessary for kvass: mint, rose hips, ginger, lemon. And, in as a last resort, raisin.

What else to put in kvass

And to obtain a richer and brighter taste, you can add finely chopped custard bread or black bread with raisins to dry kvass.

The first batch of kvass is ready, the next one is brewing

The drink can ripen earlier, much depends on the temperature of its environment. Try it. You can't go wrong))

The glass of the jar, usually cool, remains slightly warm while the kvass ferments. And air bubbles shoot out of the thicket like small high-speed rockets. Or like fast fish rushing to feed. It’s nice to drink kvass and watch how it is born and lives.

How to understand that kvass is ready

The readiness of kvass is determined, checked by taste (it should be characteristic, sourish, clearly expressed) and by smell - open and smell: kvass that is in the process will be almost odorless, and the finished one will be sour.

How to store kvass grounds

Sourdough (thickness, kvass wort) can be poured into a glass jar and stored in the refrigerator until next time.

A short introduction. What is kvass? This is a drink obtained by fermenting sugar contained in foods with lactic acid bacteria. Therefore, there are many recipes: beet kvass, from rye flour, wheat, oatmeal kvass, from vegetables, etc.. Some advise adding yeast for kvass. This is complete nonsense, because... the metabolic product of yeast is ethanol, and the resulting drink is popularly called mash. Of course, it will not be possible to completely get rid of yeast; in the wild they are always present and everywhere. Even in Soviet time The alcohol content in kvass was allowed up to 1.2% according to GOST. The good news is that with several cycles of preparing kvass, the yeast content will still decrease, since the acidic environment is not conducive to their vital activity.
So let's consider step by step recipe making bread kvass at home: The first question is where to get starter for homemade kvass? Some take it from friends, some buy dry sourdough in the store. In fact, everything is much simpler. The simplest recipe is not to do it at all. Those bacteria that are present in the air and in products are quite enough. But I can recommend next way obtaining sourdough to speed up the process: take 1-2 tbsp. spoons wheat flour, dilute with water to the consistency of sour cream and, after about a day (at a temperature of 30 degrees), the mixture will begin to foam. The starter is ready. By the way, the same leaven is prepared for
And now, in fact, myself recipe for homemade bread kvass:
Water - 3 l.
Sugar - 1-2 tbsp. spoons
raisins - 1 tbsp. spoon (preferably crushed)
50-100 g. toasted until golden crust crackers from rye or gray bread.

Pour all the products into a 3-liter jar, fill with water 2 cm below the neck, add the starter, mix, cover with gauze. In a day or two, the process of active fermentation will begin. Mix everything again and separate a 200-300 gram portion (to prepare a new batch) and put it in the refrigerator.
How to determine the degree of readiness of kvass?

Fermentation process

Just take it and try it. If you plan to use it as a drink, the taste should be sweet and sour; for okroshka, it should be kept longer. This is purely individual. Every man to his own taste. But complete peroxidation should not be allowed. You can prepare kvass in a closed container, such as an eggplant with a stopper - then it will be slightly carbonated. Strain the resulting drink first through a sieve, then through cheesecloth and refrigerate. It can be stored for up to 2 weeks. This is all.

What are the benefits and harms of homemade kvass? The benefits are determined by the products from which it is prepared, the presence of lactic acid and lactobacilli. Lactic acid is an excellent building material for cell growth and rejuvenation, and together with lactic bacteria it suppresses the pathogenic environment in the intestines and promotes digestion. However, this is true for all kilo-milk products. The only thing that can be said about the dangers of kvass is that it is contraindicated for peptic ulcers or gastritis, like all acid-containing products. Kvass is an excellent thirst-quenching and tonic drink.
And, in conclusion, a few words about the kvass that is on store shelves. Even if he has wonderful taste and appearance, he long time stored at room temperature, therefore there can be no talk of any living bacteria. Even if it is prepared using the technology described above - in best case scenario pasteurized, at worst contains preservatives. But, for the most part, these are drinks that have nothing in common with real kvass, except for the name. Draw your own conclusions. Photos are provided.

For the summer, a mug of homemade, tart and delicious kvass, it seems to me, it is simply necessary. Nothing compares to him - neither soda, nor cold green teas, no juices or other drinks. Although at first making kvass at home is not fast process. But then, when the made starter will always be in the refrigerator, as they say, at hand, things will go faster and even tastier. The main thing is to know a proven and delicious recipe kvass

There are several options for making homemade kvass. And today we will choose the one with fewer problems with sourdough. Although the first time you will still have to work longer. But then everyone at home will say to you: “Thank you very much for the delicious kvass!”

First option, is to go buy ready-made wort and make kvass. It’s easy and quick, but it doesn’t turn out quite, so to speak, leavened.

Second option, is to prepare it from bread and yeast. There are plenty of such recipes on the Internet. But in this case, the yeast upsets the leaven balance. What does it mean? In real kvass, all vitamins and useful material due to the acidic and alcoholic environment, where the acidic one will predominate. And if prepared with yeast, it will be more reminiscent of mash than traditional Russian kvass.

Third option, is to cook it with sourdough. And here the main flavor note will be set by lactic acid bacteria, not yeast.

Homemade rye kvass recipe

To do this you will need to prepare a starter. It is prepared simply, but not quickly. Having prepared it once, we will constantly “feed” it for maturity, and use it for the next kvass. And you can do this endlessly...

Of course, it is more professional to make sourdough with rye flour, it will be more correct. But it is quite problematic to buy it in a regular store. Therefore, we compromise and will make sourdough from ordinary rye bread. Fortunately, it is sold in any store. And in this case the drink also turns out real and tasty.

To do this, we buy a loaf of fresh rye bread. There is no need to be afraid of yeast in this bread, since it was baked in an oven where it was more than 100 °C. And yeast (natural) dies already at 50 °C.

Cut the loaf into pieces and make crackers out of them. To do this, put them in the oven and set the temperature to 150°C -170°C. We dry the bread well, making it even slightly (slightly) toasted on the sides. This will then give the right taste with an interesting note.

While we dry the rye crackers, prepare water for the kvass. Take 3 liters ordinary water, boil and set to cool. We will need this water in three days. And this can be done, of course, later.

Next, take a glass, liter jar and put it in pieces rye crackers, about two slices (a slice is a cut piece of bread from a loaf, not cut in half), and add 1 heaping teaspoon of sugar. Pour one and a half glasses of boiled water room temperature. Stir the sugar until completely dissolved.

Then we close the jar with a towel or gauze and place it in a warm, bright place, for example, on a windowsill under the rays of the sun. Most perfect option, this is + 25°C and above. Let it ferment. We wait three days for all processes to go smoothly.

We put the remaining crackers in a bag; we will need them for future kvass.

After three days, open the starter and it should be light cloudy in color, with a sour smell and sour taste. This is what you need!

Fill it all with cool boiled water“up to the shoulders” of the can. We leave free space in the jar for fermentation. I don’t recommend adding at this stage. Now another task is to make a kvass base, to create a sour-bread taste. We close the jar with a towel and put it in a warm place again for the second stage of fermentation, for two days.

At this moment, strong fermentation processes will occur in the jar. The kvass will be saturated with bready taste, the acid will be distributed evenly everywhere and even a little alcohol will be released. This is absolutely correct. Any real kvass must contain a small particle of alcohol.

After two days, the kvass is ready and the jar can be opened and its contents filtered. Here you can add sugar to taste. If it was prepared for okroshka, then you can do without sugar.

Then we bottle this kvass and put it in the refrigerator, thereby stopping all fermentation processes. Kvass is ready to eat.

For those who like it more carbonated, you can add 3-5 raisins to these bottles. This will allow carbon dioxide to form, which will give the drink more effervescence.

But in this case, kvass cannot be poured into the bottle up to the lid; we must leave free space, approximately 5-7 cm from the lid. We put this bottle again (for about a day) in a warm place and give the drink the opportunity to “pick up” gases. Then the bottle can be put in the refrigerator, or already consumed.

Of course, the best kvass is produced in the summer months. Why? Because infusion and fermentation of kvass requires a warm air temperature, above +25°C. Then the cooking process is fast, correct and complete. In this case, it is dominated by lactic acid bacteria rather than alcohol.

When infused at temperatures below +20°C, it becomes more like mash rather than kvass. It has less tart sourness and more degrees.

It is worth noting that the first time the kvass is not the most delicious, since the starter is still “weak”. It will be perfect the next time.

Our next step is to stock up on starter for the new kvass. To do this, we take the bread crumb that remained in the jar after pouring ready kvass, and put it in a small, clean jar, which we put in the refrigerator for further storage.

And next time, when we prepare a drink, it will be our starter. For this we take three-liter jar for new kvass, add this crumb, which we have in the refrigerator, add rye crackers so that 1/3 of the part is filled with them + sourdough, add 1 teaspoon of sugar and fill with water “up to the shoulders.”

We put this jar in a warm place again, leave it for a couple of days and we have a new kvass ready, and it’s tastier than the previous one. And we do these steps again and again...

At the same time, we dry the new crackers, throw away some of the crumb after steeping, and put most of it in a jar, saving the starter for next time. And we drink delicious, natural, homemade kvass all the time. And in the summer we make excellent okroshka on it. In my personal experience, This perfect recipe kvass at home.

Bon appetit! Stay in touch.