Chinese and Japanese folk mushroom - shiitake: use in treatment and prevention. Shiitake is a Japanese mushroom widely used in medicine.

Many Asian mushrooms have wonderful medicinal properties. In Japanese clinics, mushrooms with such properties are used as a supplement to traditional therapy, as well as for the prevention of various diseases.

Ganoderma Lucidum (immortality mushroom), Shiitake (longevity mushroom), Kombucha, Agaricus Blazei Murill Brazilian agaric (), these mushrooms serve as an excellent prevention against cancer, and they are also used in fungotherapy. Scientists claim that medicinal mushrooms are superior to vegetables and fruits in the presence of nutrients.

Shiitake mushroom improves health

Shiitake mushroom is native to East Asia. It contains little fat, but is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, soluble fiber and polysaccharides. Because of this valuable composition Shiitake mushrooms increase life expectancy, treat cancer and osteoporosis ().

Shiitake is a valuable mushroom that strengthens the immune system, promotes wound healing. In Japan, it is used to normalize blood pressure, to treat stomach ulcers, gout, eliminate constipation, treat colds, flu. Also currently in Japan, for the treatment of stomach cancer, the drug Lentinan is used, the basis of which is the shiitake mushroom.

In general, shiitake is very effective tool to strengthen immunity, treat flu, colds, viral diseases, infections, gastritis, as well as chronic diseases such as leukemia, hepatitis B, allergies, autoimmune diseases, rheumatism, diabetes.

Researchers report that shiitake is able to defeat any infectious disease or tumor. This longevity mushroom has an antitumor effect due to the substance lentinan, which stimulates immune system and inhibits the formation of cancer cells. There is evidence that serious diseases such as hepatitis B and hepatitis C have been successfully treated with shiitake. Also, this mushroom is recommended for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis.

Warning: Shiitake mushroom has beneficial effects on the body, but it is necessary to consult a doctor before treating with shiitake. This mushroom is not recommended for use in children, during pregnancy, breastfeeding, as well as in the presence of an allergy to mushrooms.

Consumption of shiitake in any form should be avoided if you are taking antibiotics, antifungals, allopathic medicines.

Reishi mushroom is cancer's number one enemy

In Japan, Reishi mushroom (Ganoderma) is officially included in the list of drugs that are used to treat and prevent cancer. Positive results are observed when these drugs are co-administered with chemotherapy. Reishi mushroom is used to treat stomach, colon, and breast cancer. In addition, Ganoderma is often prescribed for patients with low immunity and respiratory infections. Experts at the Food Research Institute of Kyoto University believe that Ganoderma therapy protects the liver, improves memory and reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol.

The japanese mushroom can be used to strengthen and activate the immune system, as well as to treat herpes, viral infections, hepatitis and AIDS. It has a powerful antiviral and antibacterial effect, great for fighting Helicobacter Pylori (the cause of gastritis or inflammation of the stomach).

Traditionally, reishi mushroom is used to eliminate inflammation in arthritis, rheumatism, as well as against asthma, bronchitis, and respiratory diseases. In addition, reishi mushroom prolongs youth, because. has antioxidant, immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties (great for the elderly).

Kombucha - detox drink

Kombucha has an invigorating effect on the body. Although the properties of the fungus have not been fully studied, experts report that it contains antibiotic substances, vitamin C, and B vitamins. An important property kombucha is a detoxifying effect. It is also often used to treat a number of diseases, such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, constipation, hypertension, obesity, some skin diseases.

Japanese researchers have found that kombucha benefits the elderly and children during their growth period.

Kombucha (Japanese mushrooms) is a colony of bacteria and a special yeast culture that live in symbiosis. It consists of a "gelatinous" mass and resembles a pancake. This fungus feeds on tea and sugar, resulting in healthy drink for good health.

The benefits of this drink have been appreciated since ancient times. No wonder, because it contains organic acids, including acetic, lactic, gluconic, as well as ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and minerals such as zinc, magnesium, calcium, iron and copper. The composition of the tea fungus drink may contain alcohol, caffeine, sugar and other substances.

Kombucha drink is often called the elixir of life, which helps in the treatment of many diseases, improves health.

Unfortunately, today there is no evidence that this mushroom can help in the treatment of any diseases. Scientists are still studying this issue.

According to some researchers, kombucha drink has several main characteristics: it improves metabolism, cleanses the blood (), increases energy, helps cleanse the body of toxins, and improves digestion. Other researchers claim that this drink has antioxidant and immunomodulatory properties (tests involving animals).

According to some data from the USA, excessive consumption of kombucha drink can lead to lactic acidosis. Therefore, this drink must be consumed with caution (no more than 50 ml per day). Possible side effects when drinking more than 50 - 100 ml of the drink: nausea, vomiting, headaches, allergic reactions, lactic acidosis. In addition, it is not recommended to drink long time. Before use, be sure to consult a doctor.

In our article today:

Medicine was shaken by a very interesting case. Witch, sorceress, herbalist - call it what you want. But she became famous all over the world. “My son gave me a ticket to Japan, gave me some. I wandered among the trees there. And I see some strange mushroom growing. I, therefore, grab it in the basket, and left. I wanted to see what kind of unclean mushroom this is, ”comments the herbalist. And the further development of events forced the public to change their idea of ​​medicine. A tearful girl came to this witch (for ethical reasons I prefer to hide the name of the sufferer) and complained about the evil fate. The girl was broken by such an ailment as a breast tumor. The sorceress promised to give her an infusion to drink. At the same time, she remembered a strange mushroom found in Japan. She mixed dried ground mushroom with some other herbs. A week later, she came to the witch with tears. Only this time the girl was crying with happiness. After all, in a miraculous way, she literally returned from the other world. Then the whole world knew about it. The herbalist was summoned by the best doctors in the country and began to be interrogated. She, being ignorant of the names of mushrooms, could only describe the "magic" mushroom. So the witch was re-sent to Japan where she was to be found. Naturally , this mushroom was not easy to find . But she did something incredible. She brought him. After much research, it was found that this fungus really has antibodies that are resistant to oncological and infectious diseases. At the same time, a criminal case was opened against the herbalist for the fact that, without examining the mushroom, recommended his girlfriend for oral administration. At the same time, a wave of indignation swept through the world and, preventing the further development of popular unrest, the criminal case was closed.

Then , perhaps even for the second time , the properties of this fungus , unique in its composition , were studied . And literally a few years later they discovered another unique property miraculous. He is able to treat the viral disease AIDS. Let me remind you that AIDS is, in simple terms, a disease in which even the most seemingly harmless disease like a runny nose can become fatal. In scientific terms, AIDS is Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. Besides promotes the production of natural immune cells in the human body. In addition, the polysaccharide lentinan, which is part of this fungus, contributes to the daily cleansing and removal of diseased and infected cells from the human body. How ? The polysaccharide lentinan " pushes " the body to produce perforin . Sometimes, when direct Under the influence of any factors (even with the rare exception of genetic ones), the human body begins to produce perforin in small quantities, which worsens the resistance of the body's internal environment to external stimuli. And in some cases, the body stops producing perforin altogether. And as mentioned above, it stimulates the production of perforin and various hormones.

Thus, we highlight the main points when a person should use the mushroom :

1 ) When detecting hypertonic disease, as well as its complications;

2 ) When a tumor is detected (the stage does not matter);

3 ) When identifying diseases associated with the cardiovascular system;

4 ) In case of viral diseases;

) In infectious diseases;

6 ) If necessary, improve the composition and formula of the blood;

7 ) With the regular influence of stress and external stimuli on a person;

8 ) During treatment neurological diseases;

9 ) In the treatment of autoimmune diseases;

10 ) If you are overweight ;

Of course , various diets are now in vogue . And by the way, in our time to combat excess weight is widely used . But it is important to remember that you should not get involved in diets! It harms your body! It is necessary to calculate the amount of food consumed according to individual characteristics. Not generally established diets for all people. And the amount of mushroom consumed also needs to be calculated. And most importantly: do not undertake to look for this mushroom on your own! By inexperience, you can find this mushroom in Russia. And even if, having gone to Japan, you found a similar mushroom, do not dare to eat it! You don't know if it's real or not . And the best option is to find an image using Internet resources before going mushroom picking aforementioned fungus. And only after that go mushroom picking with confidence.

Which Japanese mushrooms can be used therapeutically? What properties do they have? How to apply them correctly? We will talk about all this in our article.


Shiitake is agaric which grows on tree trunks. It has a dark brown hat with light trim and cream fringe. The entire area of ​​​​the fungus is covered with whitish scales. When squeezing the pulp, the latter darkens almost instantly. The shiitake stem is cylindrical and creamy in color. The structure of the pulp is fibrous, rigid.

This fungus is used not only in folk medicine but also in cooking. The taste of shiitake is very similar to ordinary champignon. However, its protein tissues contain a whole mass of essential amino acids. Fats here do not have cholesterol. For this reason, shiitake is excellent. dietary product and is regarded as a delicacy. The Japanese use the mushroom in its raw form, adding it to salads, and also use it as a side dish in second courses.

Useful properties of shiitake

The Japanese mushroom is of interest to pharmacists and traditional healers. The results of laboratory studies show that shiitake contains active substances that are able to resist viral infections and slow down the growth of malignant tumors. First of all, we are talking about the polysaccharide lentinan. The microelement that is synthesized in shiitake tissues has a stimulating effect on the human immune system.

The Japanese mushroom, the photo of which can be seen in the article, produces biologically active substances that activate the production of interferon in our body. Thanks to this, there is a counteraction to a wide variety of viral infections.

Also studied useful qualities fungus, which are reflected in the lowering of cholesterol levels in the blood. Thus, the use of shiitake protects against the development of atherosclerosis, contributes to the normalization of pressure. The Japanese mushroom owes such properties to the presence of the active enzyme eritadenine in the composition.

milk mushroom

Japanese milk mushroom mankind has discovered through a fortunate combination of circumstances. Buddhist monks have been fermenting dairy products in clay containers for centuries. Over time, they noticed that the product turned sour in different pots in different ways. Vessels that were washed in rivers and lakes, and not in the purest spring water, made it possible to obtain a more pleasant-tasting curdled milk. The monks found traces of the presence of biological protein compounds in such pottery, from which peculiar clusters were formed. Thanks to the consistent cultivation of the body, a milk fungus was bred, the use of which had a positive effect on a number of organs and systems. human body. The remedy began to be referred to among the people as nothing more than an elixir of youth. People who regularly resorted to taking milk fungus aged more slowly, were in a good mood every day.

Milk Mushroom Secrets

A miracle cure is obtained as follows:

  1. Spores of the milk fungus are placed in a glass container and poured with a glass of fresh unpasteurized milk. Gauze is tied on top and the drink is left to ripen at room temperature for a day.
  2. After 24 hours, the resulting kefir is poured through a fine sieve. The composition is stirred with a wooden spoon, because upon contact with metal, the mushroom clusters can die.
  3. The filtered mass is washed under running water.
  4. Then a new starter is prepared and the procedure is repeated anew, accumulating the volume of milk fungus in another container, thoroughly cleaned without the use of chemicals.

Using the above method, you can extract about 200 grams of product daily. It is recommended to consume milk fungus in a glass a day on an empty stomach. Healers advise drinking the composition an hour before going to bed. In order to improve the functioning of the pancreas, liver, organs of the gastrointestinal tract, the remedy should be taken for 20 days. Then it is necessary to interrupt the course for 10-15 days, and after this time, if necessary, repeat the treatment.

Japanese matsutake mushroom

Matsutake is popularly called a shod row. It is also known as the Japanese mushroom truffle. The product is extremely appreciated by oriental chefs and connoisseurs. By palatability similar to boletus. However, matsutake is much healthier.

This is a fairly expensive Japanese mushroom. The largest samples can cost hundreds of dollars. This is explained by the presence of the widest range of medicinal qualities of the product, as well as the lack of opportunities for its cultivation in artificial conditions. You can collect such mushrooms exclusively in the forests and only during the autumn period.

The Japanese matsutake mushroom, the photo of which is presented in the article, has a fleshy, thick white stem and a small rounded brownish hat. It grows mainly in pine and oak forests. In domestic latitudes, representatives of the species can be found in the Irkutsk and Amur regions, in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky regions, in the Urals.

Healing qualities of matsutake

Japanese matsutake mushrooms have been successfully used for therapeutic purposes by Eastern folk healers for many centuries. The use of the product has a beneficial effect on increasing the protective properties of the body. Active substances in lower blood cholesterol levels, contribute to the prevention of diabetes.

The use of matsutake allows you to fight the development of cancerous tumors, and in the last stages of oncological diseases. With the help of the tool, benign neoplasms are also eliminated, for example, polyps, fibroadenomas, fibroids.

Acts as a good cosmetic product. Oriental healers use matsutake extract to eliminate unwanted pigmentation on the surface of the epidermis. Useful enzymes reduce the activity of substances in the human body that are responsible for the synthesis of melanin, a natural skin pigment.

japanese kombucha

Kombucha is also known as medusomycete, sea kvass, kombucha. The product is a combination of and yeast. Outwardly, the mushroom resembles a kind of jelly that is grown on sourdough. It has a sour-sweet, somewhat carbonated taste. Mushroom spores enrich tea infusions with a complex of vitamins and enzymes useful for the human body, as well as alcohol and organic acids.

Useful properties of kombucha

The product acts as a natural antibiotic. Its use eliminates inflammatory processes in the tissues of the body, allows you to fight bacterial lesions of organs and systems. Kombucha normalizes the processes of digestion. With increased physical activity, the product tones the body due to the presence of caffeine in the composition.

Kombucha is widely used in the production of cosmetics. With its help, boils, nail lesions of a fungal nature are eliminated, acne. Regular use mushroom-based drinks are reflected in the improvement of the general condition of the skin.

The tool can be used for weight loss. The active substances in the composition of kombucha accelerate the course of metabolic processes in the human body, stimulate the formation of new cells, and contribute to an increased metabolism of nutrients in tissues.

The drug acts as a good pain reliever. Kombucha-based infusions rinse the mouth with a deterioration in the condition of the teeth and gums. This solution is also suitable for relieving discomfort in case of sunburn of the skin.

Kombucha has diuretic properties. The tool helps to remove stones and sand from the kidneys. Drinks made with kombucha perfectly quench your thirst and look like an ideal substitute fruit juices, lemonade, compote.

How to brew kombucha properly?

It is recommended to use a capacious glass container to prepare a drink based on kombucha. The best option looks like a regular 3-liter jar. Prepare the tool as follows. Brew in advance strong tea. A glass vessel is filled with sweetened boiled water almost to the brim. About 100 grams of sugar is used per liter of liquid. They also pour in here tea infusion. Finally, the pre-prepared kombucha mycelium is washed under running water and lowered into a jar. The container is not covered with a lid. After all, for growth, the fungus needs an abundance of oxygen. To avoid contamination of the composition, the jar is covered with a piece of gauze.

Kombucha is stored in a dark, dry place at room temperature. Usually, the preparation of a healing infusion in such conditions takes no more than 3 days. In order to improve the body and prevent diseases, the remedy is used daily, using it as a substitute for regular tea. Over time, the composition of the drink becomes more saturated, and its healing qualities are enhanced.

About 2 years ago I saw a jar of kombucha in my friend's kitchen. He treated me to a cool, tart drink. A distant memory from childhood, a taste that cannot be confused with anything! I was surprised, of course, that he is the happy owner of such a miracle, but was distracted by an interesting conversation, forgot to ask about the infusion ...

More recently, I stumbled upon fascinating research and regretted that I had not asked a friend for a piece of the mushroom. Having learned what is the benefit of kombucha, I want to start growing it, putting aside all other earthly affairs.

"Japanese uterus", "Manchurian mushroom", Japanese mushroom, jellyfish, medusa mycete- whatever they call it. In Japan, medical science has long recognized that kombucha has a positive effect on female physiology, even helps to get pregnant, so Japanese women respect this tart infusion.

properties of kombucha

Kombucha is rich acetic and lactic acid, as well as yeast cultures. Special enzymes contained in the fungus create a fertile environment in the body! Therefore, all those suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract need a healing infusion, like living water.

The effect of the use of infusion during the recovery period is especially noticeable. after taking antibiotics. Antibiotics kill all the beneficial microflora in the intestines, and thanks to the miracle drink, it recovers very quickly!

Reception of tea fungus infusion is shown in diseases of the liver and pancreas. It is incredibly useful to drink it for metabolic disorders, obesity, hormonal imbalance! Kombucha will help you lose weight, because the normalization of the stomach plays a huge role in the process of losing weight. Also, the infusion helps to calm nervous system and deal with persistent headaches.

Here detailed instructions which will help grow kombucha from scratch at home. It's time to get busy, all for the sake of improving health!


  • clean liter jar
  • 5 st. l. black leaf tea without additives
  • 0.5 l boiling water
  • 7 art. l. Sahara
  • gauze


  1. Brew tea leaves in a teapot, as usual, let it brew. Add sugar.
  2. You're my liter jar baking soda to kill all harmful microorganisms. Fill the jar halfway with tea leaves strained through gauze.
  3. Tie the jar with gauze and place in a dark place. After a few weeks, the brew will begin to emit a characteristic vinegar aroma, and after a month and a half, a thin mushroom will grow on the surface of the tea! It must be carefully removed and placed in three-liter jar filled with weak tea.

It turns out that kombucha infusion is recommended to rinse hair for special softness and strengthening, wipe the face with it as a tonic, and even treat wounds that do not heal for a long time! Watch this educational video. I'm sure you'll discover something for yourself.

Regular consumption of kombucha infusion- half a glass 3-4 times a day - will help to cope with hypertension and reduce blood cholesterol levels. It is recommended to drink the infusion at night for people suffering from atherosclerosis. Before dinner, drinking a glass of infusion is recommended for those who suffer from anemia.

Kombucha is a living medicine! If you like its taste, I can also recommend sea rice, the drink from which also resembles kvass. Wonderfully cleanses the body of toxins and renews it!

There are also contraindications to taking a healing infusion: these are diabetes mellitus, gastritis, low arterial pressure and systemic fungal infections. In other cases, definitely drink! Wish good health you and your family.

Mushrooms are an important ingredient Japanese cuisine. How to prepare this delicious product, probably about the same as his various kinds. While most people have no problem recognizing mushrooms, check if you can easily identify what kind of mushrooms they sell in a supermarket in Japan or cook in a restaurant? What if you were asked to cook dinner out of them? How to know what to do? However, there is no need to worry: we are here to help you figure it out.

The first thing you need to know is from Japanese take茸 means "mushroom". With that in mind, let's take a look at the seven most popular types of Japanese mushrooms.

1) Shiitake

Shiitake is a Japanese mushroom that most people have heard of. Shii from Japanese - the name of a species of one of the trees, 椎 si:- castanopsis or dwarf chestnut, on which this delicious mushroom grows.

Shiitake contains many beneficial nutrients. They have large brown caps that can range in color from light to dark brown, and white legs. The meatiness and characteristic smoky flavor are the main features of shiitake, which make them an excellent ingredient for soups, stir-fries and similar dishes. Plus, they are considered to be very useful.

Shiitake are sold dried and raw. Dried mushrooms need to be soaked for several hours - but in any case, just before using them in a dish, make sure to dry them well, as this way they will keep better. appearance. Concerning fresh mushrooms, then they should check the softness of the legs. The soft parts can be left, while the harder parts are separated and saved for making a wonderful mushroom soup!

Shiitake contains a large amount of:

vitamins B, D;



Shiitake also:

Have an antiviral effect;

Stimulate the production of immune cells;

- help prevent the development of tumors and cancer.

2) Maitake

This mushroom has several other names, such as forest chicken or sheep's head in English, but in Japan this funny looking mushroom is called maitake. Maitake 舞茸 literally means "dancing mushroom". This healthy delicacy can be found in the deciduous forests of Japan, as well as parts of China, Europe, and North America.

Maitake has a rather delicate texture without the “squeakiness” characteristic of many mushrooms. Many “leaves” grow from a white dense base; they can be easily separated by hand, no knife required! Compared to other types of mushrooms, maitake has a strong, earthy, spicy flavor that makes it great for making sate. The most season for the sale of maitake is September-October, but they can also be practically all year round found at farmers markets.

Maitake contains a large amount of:


vitamins D, C;


Maitake also:

Reduce the amount of sugar in the blood;

Strengthen immunity;

Beneficial effect on the condition of the heart;

Useful as a dietary product.

3) Eringi

Also eringi, steppe oyster mushroom, royal oyster mushroom, steppe white mushroom.

Erings have many names, and they are the largest mushrooms among oyster mushrooms. They grow not only in Japan and other parts of Asia, but also in Europe, the Mediterranean region, the Middle East and North Africa. They are easily recognizable by their characteristic fleshy white stem and relatively small brown cap. Raw eringi have almost no smell, but boiled, fried or otherwise cooked, they acquire a pleasant healthy smell. Erings are a great meat substitute for vegetarian and vegan dishes!

The erings contain a large amount of:

Vitamins D, B3;

Carbohydrates and proteins.

Eringi also:

Reduce the risk of chronic diseases;

They have a preventive effect, fight against tumors and cancer;

Improve blood flow;

Helps to get rid of skin problems.

4) Enoki

These clusters of fused fungi, called enoki or enokitake(in Russia they are also known as winter mushrooms or flammulina), long, thin and fragile, reminiscent of small flowers. Often used in Chinese and Korean cuisines. Their main season is from September to March.

Enoki are grown everywhere and are available in any Japanese supermarket. To check the freshness of mushrooms, take a look at their caps and stems. Slippery brown feet are to be avoided, but shiny white caps mean enoki is fresh and delicious!

Relatively soft delicate fragrance enoki compensates for the slightly crunchy texture. They are the perfect accompaniment to soups and salads. Additional Information: Wild enoki are brownish-orange in color, while cultivated enoki are white due to being grown away from sunlight.

Enoki is high in:


Vitamins B, C;

More enoki:

Strengthen immunity;

Align blood sugar levels;

Prevent constipation;

Contribute to the prevention of the development of tumors and cancer.

5) Matsutake

Mushroom lovers will definitely know about matsutake - a very popular and highly regarded mushroom, famous for its special spicy taste. Although it grows in Asia, Europe and North America, it is very difficult to find it, since the forest and the area where it grows are very specific. In Japan, they are mainly found at the roots of red (resinous) pines. The first fall harvest of matsutake can cost up to $1,000 per kilo or more!

As mentioned above, matsutake has a bright spicy taste and smell - for which they are loved. This is a healthy autumn product of Japanese seasonal cuisine, if you have the opportunity, be sure to try it.

Matsutake contains a large amount of:

Vitamins B3 and D;

Matsutake also:

Improve heart health;

Prevent tumors and cancer;

Beneficial effect on immunity;

Useful for the circulatory system.

6) Nameko

Nameko is a funny fellow. In nature, it looks like a group of fused small mushrooms with "jelly" orange caps. There's a fairly well-known manga character in Japanese pop culture who first appeared in the console game Touch Detective - you might just know him as "Mushroom" (Funghi in English). Nameko Mushroom now has its own standalone Mushroom Garden mobile game.

The mild nutty flavor makes nameko an indispensable ingredient in many Japanese dishes, especially when cooked with vegetables and noodles. In addition, the slime that covers the cap is a natural thickener and loses its own flavor when cooked, making nameko well suited for soups. They can also be found in rolls.

Vitamin B;


More nameko:

Beneficial for the immune system;

Fight tumors and cancer;

Positively affect the body's ability to resist the staphylococcus virus.

7) Shimeji

These mushrooms can be found in East Asia and Northern Europe. In fact, shimeji is a whole group of mushrooms. different forms and flowers. They all have a similar texture and taste. However, when raw, they are slightly bitter, which completely disappears with heat treatment. As a result, we get crispy mushrooms with a delicate nutty flavor. When it comes to food, shimeji can be used in just about anything, from stir-fry with vegetables to soups, casseroles, pastas, and even a side dish or sauce for game and seafood - it's such a great ingredient to add to almost any meal. Shimeji will be a great choice if you don't know where to start and what to eat first :)

Shimeji types:

~ Booga shimeji;

~ Hatake shimeji;

~ Bunapi shimeji;

~ Shirotamogidake.

Shimeji contains a large amount of:

Vitamins B, D.

Shimeji also:

Beneficial effect on heart health;

Accelerate metabolism;

Strengthen immunity;

Reduce cholesterol levels.

Maybe you have tried some other Japanese mushrooms that are not listed in the article? We will be very interested to know - write in the comments here or to the post in our public Vkontakte.