Pouring pizza in a pan. Pizza in a Pan - Italian Fast Lunch

Good afternoon dear chefs. I think that many of you will not refuse delicious and fragrant pizza. But loving pizza and knowing how to cook it are two different things. And why not learn how to cook delicious pizza at home. And do not surprise your friends or household with this. There are several recipes for how you can cook a quick pizza at home in just 10-15 minutes.

This skill will come in handy many times. Since there are often situations when your closest friend comes to you, and there is nothing to treat him with. Delight him with a delicious homemade pizza, because everyone knows that homemade is a priori the most delicious. And so here are a few tried and tested recipes for homemade pizza cooked in a pan. And if you want pizza like in a pizzeria, see.


  • Sour cream 4 tablespoons.
  • Mayonnaise 4 tablespoons.
  • 2 eggs.
  • 9 tablespoons of flour.

For filling.

  • 100 grams of sausage.
  • 100 grams of cheese.
  • 2 tomatoes.
  • Ketchup.
  • Vegetable oil.

Cooking process.

1. In order to prepare the dough, take a bowl, put it in it and mix sour cream with mayonnaise.

2. Beat in the eggs and mix.

3. I add flour to the resulting mass, mix it and get an excellent pizza dough. The liquid dough should come out like yogurt.

4. Cut the filling ingredients into cubes.

5. I will grease the pan with vegetable oil and put the dough into it.

6. On top I give a small layer of ketchup.

7. I distribute the sausage then put the tomatoes on it.

8. I cover everything with a layer of grated cheese.

9. Put the pan on the stove, cover with a lid and wait for the moment when the cheese melts well and gives an excellent crust.

10. Pizza is prepared according to this recipe for no longer than 10-15 minutes along with pastries.

Bon Appetit.

Fast pizza on kefir


  • Half a glass of kefir.
  • 90-100 grams of flour.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • A teaspoon of granulated sugar.
  • A pinch of soda.
  • Vegetable oil 1 tablespoon.

For filling.

  • Ketchup or tomato sauce.
  • 2 sausages.
  • 10 olives.
  • 1 tomato.
  • 50 grams of cheese.
  • 1 sweet pepper.
  • Half a bunch of parsley.

Cooking process.

1. Pour sugar, salt, and soda into kefir. Shake with a whisk. Gradually add flour and stir. The dough will have the same consistency as the pancakes. After the dough has rested for a while, pour in vegetable oil and mix well again.

2. Sausages mode in circles like tomatoes. Finely chop the greens.

3. Cut the olives into rings.

4. Put the dough on a greased pan.

5. Distribute ketchup, sausages, tomatoes, greens and olives on top.

6. Sprinkle with cheese and put on the stove.

7. Cover with a lid and bake over low heat until tender.

Bon Appetit

Fast pizza in a pan without baking

Bon Appetit.

Pizza on sour cream

Sour cream is very well suited as a substitute if there is no kefir. The dough is just as soft and airy.


  • 3 tablespoons of sour cream.
  • 4 tablespoons of flour.
  • 1 egg.


  • Ketchup or tomato sauce.
  • Tomato.
  • Sausage.
  • Cheese.
  • Greenery.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Fragrant pepper.

Cooking process.

1. Sour cream and eggs are combined and mixed.

2. Flour is added, kneaded batter.

3. Ingredients for filling mode into pieces.

4. Put the dough in a pan, put the filling on it and cook over low heat until golden brown cheese crust.

Quick pizza with chicken and cheese


  • Boiled chicken fillet.
  • 100 grams of cheese.
  • 1 tomato.
  • 50 grams of smoked sausage.
  • Greenery.

Cooking process.

1. We take the dough, distribute it over the diameter of the pan and apply a layer of ketchup. see here.

2. Cut the fillet into strips. This will be the first layer.

3. Put sausage and tomato circles on the first layer.

4. Sprinkle with herbs and cheese.

5. Fry the pizza under the lid until the dough is ready.

Bon Appetit.

Recipe for pizza in a pan with mushrooms and cheese


  • canned mushrooms.
  • Cheese 50 grams.
  • Tomato sauce.
  • Sausage 100 grams.
  • Parsley.
  • Fragrant pepper.

Cooking process.

We prepare the dough from kefir eggs and flour, spread it in a pan in an even layer. Distribute the ketchup and filling over the dough. Sprinkle with herbs and cheese. Bake under a lid over low heat until tender. Bon Appetit.

pizza minute

Bon Appetit.

pizza recipe

What to treat unexpected guests? Delicious homemade pizza in a pan will help out, which can be cooked in 10 minutes step by step recipe with photos and videos.

10 min

209.5 kcal

5/5 (4)

What to do if unexpected guests suddenly call you and say that they are almost on the threshold of your house? Do not panic! I present to your attention recipe homemade pizza in a frying pan on the hastily- get down to business!

Kitchen appliances: electric or gas stove.




  • tomato sauce or ketchup - 1-2 tbsp. spoons;
  • tomatoes - 1 large or 2 small;
  • smoked sausage or ham - 200-300 g;
  • hard cheese - 150 g.

How to choose the right ingredients

Lazy pizza in a pan, which pizza in 10 minutes, in fact, is, is usually stuffed with almost everything that is in the refrigerator. However, I want to warn you so that the dish is not spoiled and your efforts are not in vain! You must be sure that the cheese used in cooking melts quickly enough. Otherwise, it will either dry out and look like wood shavings, or it will melt so slowly that it will dry out or burn the pizza crust. In most cases, this happens with the cheapest cheeses or cheese products.

Pizza recipe in a pan step by step

  1. To prepare a pizza crust on sour cream and mayonnaise, we combine these two components together with eggs. If you do not have sour cream or mayonnaise, you can use one of these ingredients.

  2. Mix, add flour, soda and salt, bring to uniform consistency. The dough should resemble thick sour cream.

  3. Now let's deal with the filling: cut the tomato into circles or halves of circles, sausage or ham - into small pieces.

  4. We spread the dough in a pan, previously greased with vegetable oil.

    Important! The pan must be cold!

  5. Next, pour the dough with ketchup or tomato sauce.

  6. We spread the sausage, then the tomatoes, sprinkle everything on top with grated cheese.

  7. Put the pan on slow fire and cover with a lid.

  8. Once the cheese has melted and the crust has hardened, remove from heat. Thus, the arranged pizza will be cooked in a pan for 5 minutes.

  9. As soon as the pizza reaches the required readiness, it can be laid out in a dish and served!

What to serve pizza with


Pizza is Italian dish, therefore, you can serve it on the table according to Italian traditionswith red wine. It is better if it is dry or semi-dry.

A good non-alcoholic alternative is lemonade - it perfectly sets off the taste of cheese and tomato. But first ask the guests about their preferences - I think this issue will be resolved very quickly over the phone, and subsequently everyone will be satisfied.


Can be served with tomato pizza sour cream or mayonnaise sauce with garlic.

Video recipe for pizza in a pan

You can also see how to make kefir dough for pizza in a pan, and, directly, a quick pizza, you can also watch in this video. Pay attention to the fact that such a dough, as it turns out, can be not only liquid, but also more tight, traditional. Surely many will be interested in this version of the recipe.

I have been looking for a recipe for pizza in a pan for a very long time - I was very interested in such a dish that could be prepared in a matter of minutes and without the participation of the oven. At the same time, I would like it to be a quick pizza in a pan in 10 minutes without mayonnaise: I am rather cool about this product. But, alas, my search was unsuccessful: all the proposed recipes were only with this sauce.

Then I decided that perhaps you have something to eat, especially since you can take home-made mayonnaise. Most importantly, it will be a quick pizza in a pan in 10 minutes, which is even suitable for hearty breakfast on a normal weekday when everyone is in a hurry to get to work. And the other day I started cooking pizza in a pan in 10 minutes. And I was completely delighted with both the process and the result!

First, it is really very fast and simple. Secondly, it turns out, well, a very tasty quick pizza in a pan, which everyone in my family liked: both the child, and the husband, and even the mother-in-law. I think now this dish will be a frequent guest in my kitchen. Well, now we cook pizza in a pan in 10 minutes together?


(for 2 frying pans with a diameter of 22 cm):

For test:

  • 10 tbsp with top flour;
  • 3 tbsp mayonnaise;
  • 4 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • 2 eggs.

For filling:

  • 200 gr ham;
  • 1 medium tomato (or 5-6 cherry tomatoes);
  • 100 g of hard cheese;
  • a pinch of dried basil


  • vegetable oil for frying
  • greens for serving and decoration

Cooking pizza in a pan in 10 minutes:

Let's do a test first. Cooking it is very simple and fast (no wonder we make the fastest pizza in a pan!). In a container convenient for work with a mixer, we combine 2 eggs, sour cream and mayonnaise.

Mix with a mixer. Then add flour in small portions, constantly working with a mixer, so that a homogeneous dough is obtained.

Pizza dough fast food in a pan, the consistency should resemble thick sour cream.

We prepare the filling: we cut the ham into squares, the tomatoes into circles or slices. The recipe for pizza in a pan is not limited to these ingredients: you can use it as a topping and fried mushrooms, and hunting sausages, and bell pepper, etc.

Three hard cheese on medium or coarse grater.

We put the pan on the fire, add to it not a large number of vegetable oil. When the pan is hot, pour in the batter.

Smooth it over the bottom of the pan with the back of a spoon, as required by the recipe. fast pizza in a frying pan.

We spread the filling: first tomatoes and ham, and then sprinkle with grated cheese. Add dried basil on top.

Cover the pan with a lid, reduce the heat to just below medium and cook the pizza for 8-10 minutes. During this time, the cheese will melt and the dough will be fully cooked.

If you did everything right, then the pizza is easily separated from the pan.

Italian pizza, which became known to us relatively recently, quickly gained incredible popularity. There are many varieties of this dish, and we have long moved away from classic version cooking. Today we will tell you how to make pizza in a pan - simply and quickly.

This pizza can hardly be called classic. Its main difference is not yeast dough. But it will take quite a bit of time to cook, and in a few minutes you will delight your family with a delicious hearty dish.

What is special about any pizza? The fact that you can use almost any product for its preparation, even if you have, as they say, a “rolling ball” in your refrigerator. The recipe for a quick pizza that differs from the classic Italian version was invented by American chef James Oliver. You will need:

  • 8 tablespoons of flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 4 tablespoons of sour cream;
  • salt to taste.

Please note: sour cream can be replaced with mayonnaise, or you can add the same mayonnaise to equal proportions with sour cream.

You need these products for the dough, and you can choose the ingredients for the filling according to your taste. Sausage, smoked meats, chicken, tomatoes, pineapples, mushrooms, olives - everything that your fantasy tells you; The main thing is not to forget the cheese. You can put it in as much as you like.

For any pizza, the most important thing is not to spare the cheese.

Knead the dough: combine sour cream and eggs, add flour and salt, mix thoroughly. You can season the dough if you like. ground pepper. Extinguish the soda with vinegar. You should get the consistency of sour cream of medium density.

  1. Spread the dough on a baking sheet and send it to the oven, preheated to 200 degrees, for 10 minutes. Thus, you will prepare the basis for pizza, on which you will subsequently lay out the filling and finish cooking in a frying pan under the lid. This will literally take 5 minutes.
  2. Pour the dough into a preheated pan, greased with oil, and almost immediately begin to distribute the filling. Apply drops tomato sauce, lay out the sausage, tomatoes, etc., sprinkle with grated cheese on top. Cover with a lid and fry over low heat.

The pizza is ready when the cheese is completely melted.

Various options for cooking pizza in a pan

Cooking is a great space for a flight of fancy. Of course, making pizza is no exception, and we now have many recipes, original and varied. You can replace any ingredient or remove it altogether, add something of your own, but the pizza will still be delicious. What's more, you don't even have to make the dough for the base! Surprised? And now we will tell you some of these recipes.

Pizza with and without mayonnaise

For a pizza with mayonnaise, which will be ready in just 10 minutes, you will need the usual ingredients:

  • flour - 8 tablespoons;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • sour cream - 4 tablespoons;
  • mayonnaise - 4 tablespoons;
  • cheese and filling ingredients (tomatoes, sausage, cucumbers, olives, etc. to choose from) - to taste.
  1. Mix flour, eggs and sour cream, salt a little.
  2. Pour the resulting dough (sour cream consistency) into a heated, oiled frying pan.
  3. Lay out the filling, pour mayonnaise on top. You don't have to stop at 4 spoons if your family loves mayonnaise, but you don't need to pour too much either.
  4. Sprinkle generously with grated cheese on top. Place the skillet on the stove over medium heat and cover with a lid.
  5. After 10 minutes, when the cheese is completely melted, pizza can be served at the table.

By the way, if you do not have sour cream or kefir, you can do without them. Completely replace these products with mayonnaise. V this case you will need 8 tablespoons.

Pizza in a pan should be cooked under a tightly covered lid

Now many housewives prefer to remove mayonnaise from the family diet completely. Homemade from fresh ingredients, this sauce is tasty and healthy, but it is costly and expensive to prepare. A shop mayonnaise it's hard to call it useful. Therefore, you can use the following recipe.

For the test you will need:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 8 tablespoons sour cream;
  • 5 tbsp flour with a slide;
  • ½ tsp ;
  • black pepper, salt.

For the filling, take:

  • 150g hard cheese;
  • 50g each of bacon and boiled chicken fillet;
  • 10 pitted olives;
  • 1 tomato and sweet pepper;
  • greenery.
  1. Cut the products for the filling, grate the cheese. Beat sour cream with eggs, sift flour mixed with baking powder, pepper and salt there. Mix thoroughly.
  2. Grease a cold frying pan with oil, pour in the dough, spread the filling and sprinkle with cheese. Cook covered over medium heat for 15 to 20 minutes.

Both the first and second options are perfect for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Pizza Minute

This pizza cooks especially quickly. This recipe is great for cooking in the country, when the store is far away, and besides, you don’t have an oven. Take the following foods:

  • egg - 2 pcs;
  • mayonnaise - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • flour (without a slide) - 9 tbsp. l.;
  • hard cheese;
  • sausage;
  • mushrooms;
  • tomato.
  1. Mix sour cream, mayonnaise and eggs until the consistency of sour cream.
  2. Pour the dough into the pan, put the filling on top. Mushrooms are pre-fried. You can add onions and carrots to them.
  3. Put sliced ​​tomato on top, make a net of mayonnaise and sprinkle with cheese (thick layer).
  4. Cook covered over medium heat until cheese is completely melted.

Any food can be used as a pizza topping.

Please note: you will need large frying pan to feed pizza to the whole family. The dough should lie on the surface not very thick in order to bake well.

Incidentally, it is believed that hard cheese- an essential ingredient for pizza. In fact, it can be replaced with melted. And even completely abandon cheese, if it suddenly turned out that it was not in the refrigerator, and there was no time to go to the store.

The most “lazy” recipes: making pizza without dough

Sometimes you don’t want to bother with the dough at all, even with such a simple one as in previous recipes. Especially when pizza can be made, as they say, from improvised means. It could be anything: White bread, loaf, pita bread and even potatoes. So we will kill two birds with one stone: we will make pizza, and we will not let the bread go to waste.

Pizza on a loaf

Too simple a recipe to pass by! You will need:

  • long loaf or mini baguette - 1 pc;
  • tomato paste - 2 tablespoons;
  • pesto sauce - 5 tsp;
  • fresh basil (preferably purple) - 1 bunch;
  • raw smoked sausage - 30 g;
  • tomato - 1 pc;
  • Mozzarella cheese - 40 g.

Fast Lavash Pizza

This recipe is suitable for those who love pizza, but are on a diet trying to keep fit. Lavash is a very light product, it will not harm your figure.

You will need:

  • 1 lavash;
  • 100 grams of any meat;
  • 50 grams of cheese;
  • mayonnaise;
  • ketchup;
  • 1 tomato.
  1. Cut pita bread to the size of the pan, lay on the bottom. Brush with ketchup to taste.
  2. Cut the meat into small cubes, evenly place on pita bread.
  3. Cut the washed tomato into thin half rings, spread over the meat.
  4. Pour with mayonnaise, sprinkle with grated cheese.
  5. Place over medium heat, cover the pan with a lid. In 5 minutes, pizza on pita bread is ready!

Please note: This pizza is only enough for 1 serving. For big company you need to increase the amount of ingredients according to the number of guests.

Potato instead of dough

This pizza recipe is certainly not very fast. But when you try it, you will sincerely love it and will try to pamper your loved ones more often with such a dish.

The basis of such a pizza is made from grated potatoes, sour cream and eggs. So, you will need:

  • raw potatoes - 600 g;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp;
  • egg - 1 pc;
  • finely chopped greens - 3 tablespoons;
  • any boiled or smoked meat - 200 g;
  • cheese - 200 g;
  • tomato - 1 pc;
  • tomato paste or sauce - 2 tablespoons;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.
  1. Peel the potatoes, grate, squeeze out the liquid. Instead of a grater, you can use a meat grinder or food processor - it's faster and easier. Add sour cream, egg, herbs, chopped garlic, salt and pepper to potatoes.
  2. Put the mixture on a preheated oiled pan, spread over the surface, create bumpers. Fry for 15 minutes over medium heat.
  3. When the base sets, lubricate it tomato paste pour a little grated cheese and lay out the chopped meat. Top with the remaining cheese, put the chopped tomato.
  4. Sprinkle with pepper, cover and simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes.

Zucchini Pizza

Another diet option- zucchini pizza. Easy, fast and very tasty.

Pizza is a dish loved by millions and has long and firmly entered our lives. People come up with new pizza recipes almost every day: they experiment with both the base and toppings.

But many are so convinced that pizza is cooked strictly in an oven or a special oven that they do not see an alternative to cooking this dish. But pizza can be cooked in a slow cooker, microwave, and even on the very regular frying pan.

And there is no need to heat up the oven, wait, looking out the oven window, when, finally, the pizza will be cooked and you can have a bite to eat. After all, all pizza recipes in a pan are simple and quick to prepare, and the taste is in no way inferior to the dish from famous chefs.

Pan pizza recipe - general cooking principles

For cooking pizza in a pan, batter is most often used; in terms of consistency, it is not fluid, but rather viscous. Such a dough is prepared from kefir, sour cream, mayonnaise, with and without eggs. There are a lot of ways - and the main advantage is that there is no need to roll out the cake, just pour the dough into the pan, put the filling and wait 10-15 minutes.

But it is also acceptable to cook pizzas in a pan with a yeast base, without yeast dough- most importantly, they should be rolled out thinly and, before laying the filling, fry until cooked on one side.

Many do not like to mess with the dough, so they came up with even more easy way cooking pizza in a pan. In this case, they take ordinary bread or a loaf, fry it, and spread the filling on top.

Also, some craftsmen have learned how to cook pizza, a full meal, so to speak. In this case, grated potatoes are taken as the basis, from which a cake is molded, fried, and only then spread on top of your favorite filling.

For pizza in a pan, as well as for any other pizza, you can use absolutely any filling: meat, mushroom, cheese, vegetable, sweet and many others.

1. Express recipe for pizza in a pan of yeast dough

Came tired from work, and at home a hungry family demanding dinner? An express pizza recipe in a pan will help you quickly, satisfyingly and tasty feed your household. If desired, grated sausage can be added to the filling.

Base Ingredients:

420 grams of flour;

Glass of water;

A pinch of salt;

30-40 ml of vegetable oil;

15 grams fresh yeast.

Filling Ingredients:

30 grams of tomato paste or sauce;

Two fresh tomatoes;

200 grams of cheese;

A spoonful of oregano and dried basil.

Cooking method:

1. We need to knead a dense dough, a little steeper than for pies, but much softer than for dumplings: we breed yeast in boiled water cooled to room temperature. We insist a little so that the mixture begins to bubble slightly, pour the yeast into the flour sifted and mixed with salt in advance. Knead the dough, achieving the desired consistency by adding flour or warm water. Ready dough let it rise for 10-15 minutes, and at this time we ourselves are engaged in the filling.

2. Wash the tomatoes and cut into thin circles, rub the cheese into small chips. Dilute tomato paste with two tablespoons of water. Mix oregano and basil.

3. Divide the risen dough into five parts, roll each into a thin round layer along the diameter of the pan.

4. Pour oil into the pan, heat it up, lay out the first layer, fry it on one side for three to five minutes, turn it over. Lubricate with tomato paste, sprinkle with spices, spread the tomatoes, sprinkle with cheese. Bake another 2-3 minutes.

5. We do the same manipulations with the remaining layers.

2. Recipe for pizza in a pan of pancake flour

Base Ingredients:

An incomplete glass of pancake flour;

50 ml of milk;

One egg;

A pinch of salt;

50 g butter;

Vegetable oil.

Filling Ingredients:

Smoked sausage;

Olives or olives;


Cooking method:

1. Mix flour with salt and sift through a sieve.

2. Add softened butter, grind the ingredients into crumbs.

3. Drive in the egg, pour in warm milk, knead soft dough.

4. Roll out a pancake suitable for the diameter of the pan from the resulting dough.

5. Put the dough in a greased pan, fry for 2-3 minutes on one side.

6. Turn the pancake over, put the filling on the fried side: sausage cut into strips, tomatoes in thin circles, olive rings, put grated cheese on top.

7. Cover the pan with a lid, reduce the heat, cook the pizza for about 5-7 more minutes.

3. Recipe for pizza in a pan of batter with sour cream


300 grams of flour;

80 grams of mayonnaise;

Two eggs;

100 grams of sour cream;

Filling at will: it can be sausages, meat, mushrooms, tomatoes, olives, sauce and more.

Cheese - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Mix sour cream with mayonnaise, beat in eggs, beat lightly.

2. Pour the sifted flour into the liquid dough base, mix everything well.

3. The dough in the end should be the same as for pancakes, but a little thicker. Add a little more flour if necessary.

4. Pour half of the dough into a non-stick pan.

5. We spread the filling in any desired sequence, rub the cheese on top.

6. Cover with a lid, cook over low heat for 15 minutes.

7. From the rest of the dough we make the second pizza.

4. Recipe for pizza in the "Five Minute" pan


450 grams of flour;

25 ml sunflower oil;

100 ml of milk;

Bacon or hunting sausages;

tomato paste or fresh tomatoes;

180-220 grams of cheese.

Cooking method:

1. In a deep bowl, mix the egg with salt and sunflower oil, pour in the milk, beat all the ingredients until smooth.

2. Pour flour in small portions, constantly stir the dough so that no lumps form. The end result should be a thick sticky dough.

3. Cut the tomatoes, peel the sausage and also cut it, rub the cheese.

4. Pour the dough into the greased pan, spread the filling.

5. Cook for 10 minutes under a closed lid.

5. Recipe for lazy pizza in the “Student” pan


half a loaf;

Two eggs;

Two or three sausages;

Cooking method:

1. Cut the loaf into five or six portioned thin slices (depending on how much will fit on the bottom of the pan).

2. Lightly fry the loaf pieces on both sides in a greased frying pan.

3. Mix eggs with salt, pour on a fried loaf.

4. We also send sausages cut into circles there.

5. Draw a mesh with ketchup, evenly distribute the cheese.

6. Cook under a closed lid for 5-10 minutes.

6. Recipe for unusual pizza in a pan

But did you know that in order to make pizza it is not necessary to have dough, a loaf or other popular pizza ingredients for the base? It turns out that for the base you can take ordinary potatoes. Pizza cooks incredibly quickly, it turns out very tasty.


Two tomatoes;

Four potatoes;

Two eggs;

Two tablespoons of flour;

150-200 grams boiled meat, sausages, bacon or ham (which turned out to be at hand);

Cheese (80-120 grams);

Fresh greens;

Salt pepper;


Cooking method:

1. Mix eggs with flour, salt and pepper.

2. Peel the potatoes, rub on a coarse grater, squeeze lightly, mix with the egg mixture.

3. Heat the oil in a pan, spread the potato base in an even neat layer, fry on one side for 5-8 minutes.

4. Turn over to the other side, spread the chopped sausage, tomatoes.

5. Sprinkle everything with grated cheese and chopped herbs.

6. Fry under the lid for another ten minutes.

Skillet Pizza Recipe - Tricks and Useful Tips

To cook pizza in a pan, it is advisable to use a pan with large diameters - ideally 18-22 cm.

The basis for pizza can be yeast dough, yeast-free, puff, as well as white bread and even potatoes.

Be sure to add mayonnaise, ketchup or sauce, pasta for juiciness. But so that the pizza does not flow, you should not put these components in in large numbers.

Cheese. It can be placed in any amount. The more cheese, the tastier pizza.

If the cheese has not melted during the cooking of the pizza in the pan, cover the pan with a lid and keep the pizza on low heat for some more time.

use oregano, Italian herbs and other delicious spices for cooking pizza. Take the spices small quantities, so as not to interrupt the taste of other ingredients, but only to add flavor to the dish.