What to make decorations for Easter cake. Decoration with edible elements

I greet you today and with pleasure I will continue to develop the Easter theme. Moreover, there are so many interesting topics in it. For this bright holiday, they begin to prepare in advance, they create,. And the day before the holiday, the baking of Easter cakes and the creation of Easter begins. And every housewife is in search of the very recipe that is tastier than the rest.

Of course delicious and fragrant pastries- this is already half the success, but for the holiday I also want to decorate it. And the puzzle begins - how, and with what to spread it and sprinkle it on top of the Easter cake. And everything is very simple, read below, I will talk about very affordable and beautiful options. We simply forget about some of them, although for festive decoration they fit very well.

Cream of whipped protein is one of the most traditional and widely used options for decorating the head of Easter cake. It is quite easy to make and experienced housewives already found the nuances, under which the cream will be perfect. You can use not only protein, but also others. But that's what they did when I was a kid. Mom whipped squirrels, decorated pastries, and gave the rest from the walls of the ladle to us. We licked these spoons to a shine!

But, not everyone gets this simple cream, so I will give the basic rules for whipping proteins.

  1. Clean and completely dry dishes.
  2. Eggs must be cold.
  3. If the cream is not immediately applied to the case immediately after cooking, it will settle.


  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice

It is very easy to prepare. Eggs are separated into whites and yolks.

Put the bowl in which you place the squirrels in the refrigerator for 20 minutes, it should be cold, only then start cooking.

Beat only the whites for 20 seconds, then add the powder by a teaspoon. Whip sugar mixture 2 minutes.
Then pour in 1 tsp. lemon juice and now beat the cream to good peaks. This will take another 6 to 11 minutes.

Before decorating, let the pastry cool, otherwise any cream, at least, at least, will begin to flow along the sides.

All the lush protein mass must be used, the next day it will no longer be so airy, because it will simply settle and dry out.

You can use absolutely any cream, for example, beautiful flowers are obtained from butter.

Such an Easter must be kept in the refrigerator, and the butter can be replaced with one, which also keeps its shape well, but not as fatty and high-calorie as oily.

Chocolate decor at home

Chocolate decoration is also always in use. It looks very nice in contrast to powdered sugar or white chocolate. You can also make chocolate letters or lines on white glossy icing!

Most often just take the tile milk chocolate, break it and melt it in a water bath. And then, when all the pieces are completely melted, the process of registration begins. You can just cover the top of the cake instead of icing, or you can think about the design.

For example, I really like the idea of ​​dark sweet letters on white protein cream.

Or else I want to tell you delicious idea baskets using a stencil and chocolate mixture.

To do this, we prepare a stencil. To do this, you can use tracing paper or parchment paper. We measure our pasochka around the circumference and cut a strip of the same length, 4 centimeters wide.

And now the hardest part. Pour the chocolate into the bag, tie the edge well and cut off the cellophane tip at the corner. We begin to display chocolate tracks according to the template. This must be done quickly so that the mixture does not cool down.

To make the strip go well, you can first grease it a little with oil, and then apply chocolate.

Making icing for cake

The protein cream starts to crumble when you cut the piping. And a lot of this crumb is then thrown away. Today I want to give you a recipe for white icing, too, but without the use of eggs, and it does not crumble at all. The whole secret is the absence of protein and the addition of gelatin.

  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 tsp gelatin
  • 6 tbsp water
  • Lemon juice

Gelatin pour 2 tbsp. water and leave to swell.

Then pour sugar into a container, pour it with 4 tablespoons of water. And you until the sugar dissolves.

Remove the hot mass from the fire.

Spread the swollen gelatin and mix.

Then beat with a mixer at maximum speed for 4-5 minutes, until the mass turns white.

Now squeeze a couple of drops of lemon juice into this mixture, you can replace it with an orange or grapefruit or dye.

Now beat for another thirty seconds and you're done.

It easily lays on the surface and is squeezed out of the confectionery syringe.

Also in this glaze, you can add any dyes.

This should be done at the stage of adding gelatin. Then the paint mixes well with the whole mass.

Ideas for designing goodies through a stencil

I started my journey in the design of baking with this method. Yes, and I still consider it the simplest and most beloved.

This decoration option consists in the fact that a stencil is laid out on the baking surface, on which a mass contrasting to the coating is laid out.

It turns out very beautifully when large lace is laid out on top of the chocolate and powdered sugar is sprinkled on top. You can do the opposite, and pour cocoa or colored sugar onto a white glossy surface.

I cut out my stencils with a clerical knife from paper and tea packs. But if you have big drawing, it is better to choose a landscape sheet. It is easier to apply it to an uneven, for example, rounded surface than a cardboard blank.

I also give a couple of templates that are suitable for the Bright holiday.

For example, such letters that are always used on this day.

The hare in the egg is a very symbolic picture. And for a wide Easter cake it will be very appropriate.

They do not contain many details and are easy to cut.

How to decorate Easter cake on top without protein?

Many people are afraid to use raw eggs for food. I recently also began to relate to this category of people, so let's figure out what other design might suit.

My dears, for the sweet tooth, great option will become condensed. The usual Gostovskaya needs to be applied in a thin layer, and the boiled one can be thicker, it is not as liquid as the usual one. Or use icing sugar, which I wrote about above, or melted chocolate.

Okay, we have prepared the base, now we want to add bright colors! And we run to the store for dried fruits, candied fruits, nuts and MMDs.

Yes, my dear various bright glazed kernels, gummies and small cookies - that's all we need.

For those who appreciate naturalness and usefulness, it is better to take candied papaya, mango and pineapple.

They can put nuts or dried fruits, such as dates, figs or prunes with raisins.

But more often, dried fruits go into the dough itself than for external decoration.

Making decor with marshmallow mastic

Mastic produces magnificent flowers, figurines and patterns. But real mastic or marzipan at home is not so easy to make. I'll show you how you can make your own delicious dough for marshmallow decoration, in the store it is called marshmallow.

look detailed video, where a wonderful hostess shows and tells everything in a very accessible way.

I think that the very process of creating such a colorful decoration will inspire you very much!

See what decoration is made of mastic: flowers, ornaments. And I like the idea of ​​cutting out one element.

It turns out very harmoniously and without unnecessary details.

Easy ideas with coconut flakes and candy sprinkles

In our childhood, my mother and grandmother used only purchased confectionery powder or colored sugar. Now, in addition to the fact that the dressing is of different shapes, it is still possible to pick it up by color. If you want, take multi-colored, but if you want in one tone.

Often it is simply sprinkled on top of pastries, trying to make it very even.

But we always drew with it the two main letters of the XV holiday, which mean "Christ is Risen."

Of course, you can’t write a full transcript on Easter cake, but you can definitely write an abbreviated one. Now if we have chocolate cake we make letters coconut flakes so that they are clearly visible.

How to decorate Easter cake with dough?

You can decorate with dough not only the top of the Easter cake, but also the sides. Especially if they are not very even.

For the top, you can make roses and leaves. For example, let's roll plain dough, maybe not yeast.

Cut out 5 circles out of it. We put them in one line so that the edge of the next one is on the previous one and we turn it into a roll.

We cut it in half and finish the decoration of flowers.

So that during baking the roses do not fly off, we will put them on toothpicks. And we will send the pastries to the oven until fully cooked.

But you can also make an unusual edging from Easter. For this, we also regular test roll out the layer, take a long lace, put it on the layer and start rolling the fabric with a rolling pin.

So she will transfer her pattern to the test.

Now we will remove the lace, and cut out the pattern along the edges.

Let's put our beautiful workpiece on a baking sheet and dry it a little in the oven, for five minutes at 180 degrees. This is necessary for the dough to begin to hold its shape.

Then we take it out of the oven and wrap the cake. We also hold the edges with toothpicks.

Now you need to bake this design for 20 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees.

Berry decoration with strawberries

And a very modern berry design. For example, use strawberries. Of course, we will not take out frozen foods, because they will melt, release a lot of liquid and juice and spoil it. appearance baking. So let's take fresh strawberries. Moreover, it is now sold at any time of the year in hypermarkets.

To add sweetness, the berry can be dipped in chocolate.

In combination with strawberries, cookies look very natural. Its bright color immediately inspires and reminds of summer and warmth.

My dear! I have already found several options for myself, which I will implement this Easter. How do you decorate cookies? Your ideas and wishes are very interesting!

Easter is traditionally the largest and most popular Orthodox holiday. By the end of Lent, a few days before the Easter celebrations, people begin to cook Easter cakes and colored eggs. And if everything is clear with the dough recipe for the most delicious and religiously important treat, then certain problems may arise with its decoration. How to decorate Easter cake spectacular, and what goodies can come in handy for this?

Decorating with glaze

To decorate Easter cakes, protein glaze is traditionally used, as well as a variety of sprinkles and sugar dragees. To prepare protein glaze, it is necessary to separate egg whites from the yolks and beat them in a mixer (you will need about 2-3 eggs). After the mass thickens, you need to add half a glass of sugar to it and continue to beat the components until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Separation of proteins from yolks

Beautiful Easter cakes are obtained if you cover the entire cap of baking with this mass. As soon as this has happened, it is necessary to display on the surface of the glaze, until it has hardened, a variety of patterns using sprinkles, cream, marmalade figurines. What patterns of sprinkles are most common:

A person should not be afraid of experiments, because the brighter he decorates the cake, the better it will be. After applying the glaze and pattern, the baking should not be touched, as the top coating must dry completely. This usually happens within 10-15 minutes.

Now decorating by mixing sugar and protein is used everywhere for several reasons:

After decorating all the Easter cakes, you can proceed to their consecration and eating, since fresh pastries are the most delicious.

Cake decorating with chocolate

Decorating Easter cakes for Easter usually turns into a real creative experiment, since you can use a variety of components for this task. Often people replace icing sugar, which everyone has long been accustomed to, with an equally tasty component - chocolate.

To make the design seem even more interesting, you can decorate the hat with the following goodies:

  • decoratively laid out fruits (for example, you can add the letters “XB” from them);
  • colored sugar sprinkles, with which you can create the most original drawings associated with the holiday;
  • grated white chocolate can also be contrasted with Easter cake;
  • coconut can also be used to create a pattern, because in contrast it will look very interesting.

A beautiful Easter cake does not have to be traditional with white icing. Using chocolate, a person will get a much brighter and more unusual pattern.

For those who love to experiment, the double use of chocolate and icing for decoration is suitable. It will be possible to cover one side of the cake with dark melted chocolate, and the other side with white icing, and the result will be a very original and bright design. On the dark side, you can draw an image of a cross with coconut chips, and on the white side, use sprinkles to create the face of an angel.

This decoration option is original, interesting and fully fits into the concept of the celebration. Plus, the chocolate-covered cookies are incredibly delicious! No less sweet and fragrant chocolate fondant made from cocoa powder.

Chocolate icing for cocoa cake - video

Decorating with powdered sugar and coconut flakes

You can find a variety of ideas for decorating Easter cakes on the Internet. Inspired by such diversity, many housewives refuse to use the standard glaze of proteins and sugar. Now you can fully show your imagination, while not making much effort when decorating.

If not
time for a long decoration and preparation of glaze, you can safely use powdered sugar. With its help, you can generously cover the Easter cake cap, complementing the design with a few drops of jam, applied on both sides in the form of a cross.

So that the cake, decorated with powdered sugar, does not seem boring and uninteresting, it can be decorated with a special lace stand, as well as with a usually contrasting color ribbon. These inedible details will not make the cake tastier, but they can significantly transform it, adding originality to the most popular Easter dessert.

Beautiful Easter cakes for Easter can be prepared using coconut flakes in a variety of ways. So, for example, with its help you can create interesting patterns on chocolate icing.

With coconut chips, you can create an original glaze. To do this, it is enough to add this component to proteins and sugar in the process of preparing the glaze.

As a result, the glaze itself will acquire a more original, unforgettable taste, and even a new form. It will seem more voluminous, and therefore more attractive. You can decorate such a cake with a variety of details, from colored sugar sprinkles to marmalade.

The multi-colored coconut flakes look especially impressive. If there is one in the arsenal of the hostess, then with its help you can create a fancy design.

To do this, cover upper part cake so that protein glaze covered the top with a thick layer. It is she who needs to be abundantly strewn with colored coconut flakes (now you can find both green and red). As a result, the design of the Easter treat will not seem overly flashy, but at the same time it will turn out to be extremely original and memorable.

Original Easter decorations

Easter cake decoration is the very thing in which you can fully show your imagination. If a person wants to do the main thing holiday dish truly original, then he should forget about the traditional icing and multi-colored sprinkles.

What unusual decoration elements can be used to decorate Easter cakes:

An interesting decoration option that will appeal to all lovers of beautiful Easter cakes is decorating them with flowers. The hat of the Easter cake itself can be covered with either melted chocolate or protein glaze, after which it is necessary to plant purchased flowers made from wafers or chocolate on it. Some housewives go further, using fresh flowers, such as chamomile, for decoration, but nothing good comes of this, if only because these decorations fade very quickly.

The hostess can make her Easter cakes unique by adding as many decorative elements as possible to them. Sometimes culinary masters go further and create decorations for Easter cakes not with fruits and chocolate, but using a confectionery syringe and a regular protein cream. In this way, you can create absolutely any drawings.

Those who know how to use such a device can display images of an angel on the Easter cake or even redraw some icon with the help of cream. This work is laborious, but the result is simply amazing.

Showing imagination when decorating, you can not only make each cake unique in appearance, but also give it a unique taste.

Decorating Easter cakes with inedible elements

You can decorate the cake in an original way not only with the help of chocolate and fruits, but also using inedible elements. So, for example, various images of angels or churches, made in miniature, which can be planted on top of the Easter cake, can come in handy. In this case holiday food will look extremely attractive, emphasizing the grandeur of the celebration.

A variety of decorative figurines are now on sale, including those with the image of a cross or small yellow chickens. All this can be on Easter cake, making it even more attractive.

Options for decorating Easter cake using inedible elements almost always involve the use of a variety of decorative paper ribbons. They wrap around the bottom of the holiday treat, complementing the original design. If it seems that this decor is not enough, you can use a variety of ribbons and bows with which to tie the Easter cake.

The most important thing here is not to overdo it, using different ways decorations, otherwise the Easter cake will not look original, but ridiculous. It is also important not to lose the religious value of this pastry behind the decorative elements.

It is wonderful if, after decorating, a person takes the Easter cake to the church along with the decorated eggs. There they will be consecrated, making food not only tasty, but also sacred.

Everyone knows about the Easter holiday - the largest in the Orthodox world. All families prepare for this day holiday cakes and paint eggs. And, if the dough recipe is used approximately the same, then there are many options for decorating Easter cakes. Some are classic, others are original.

Powdered sugar decoration

This method is common, and it does not take much time. To perform this option, you only need powdered sugar, which is evenly applied to the top of the holiday baking. Thus saving both time and money.

To give the Easter cake originality, it is also sprinkled with special toppings. These decorations are for sale. different shapes and magnitude. And it is possible to get an interesting pattern using a stencil or napkin. To perform, you need to attach the selected stencil to the top of the cake and sprinkle powdered sugar on top. The result is an interesting and neat pattern.

Decorating Easter cake with protein glaze - recipe

This option is equated to the classic, because it is popular used by most housewives. This type of decoration is easy to perform, and the result will definitely please.

  1. Separate the egg whites from the yolks.
  2. Squirrels briefly put to cool in the refrigerator.
  3. Remove egg whites from refrigerator and beat together with lemon juice.
  4. Pour sugar into the resulting mass and beat further. You should get a thick consistency.
  5. At the end, it remains only to pour abundantly on the tops of the Easter cakes.

The streaks on the sides will look interesting. To give the product more colors, use special sprinkles. Which will look harmoniously on a white top.

Painting Easter cakes with protein glaze

This idea is interesting and original.

  • protein glaze prepared according to the recipe above;
  • food colorings.
  1. First prepare the egg white frosting.
  2. Decide what drawings will be performed (churches, flowers, Easter eggs etc.).
  3. Distribute the icing in containers and use dyes to make it different colors.
  4. To create a pattern, first the tops are covered with white, and then colored elements are drawn with a brush.

This option will appeal to those who love and know how to draw. However, simple elements can be drawn by everyone.

Lean glaze

This is one of the variations of decorating Easter cakes for the Easter holiday. It is no more difficult than regular icing, however, there are no eggs among the ingredients, which is why it is considered lean.

  1. Pour the ingredients into a deep container.
  2. With a fork or whisk, mix the ingredients thoroughly until smooth.
  3. Pour the cakes with the resulting fondant icing.

Fruit or berry glaze

For those who like to try out new ideas and experiment, you can replace lemon juice with another fruit or berry juice. In this case, you get an original glaze with an interesting color and taste.

For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • fruit or berry juice - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • powdered sugar - 1 cup.
  1. First put the ingredients in a bowl.
  2. Mix the ingredients so that the mass is homogeneous and without lumps.
  3. Pour the thickened glaze over the tops of the cakes.

Thanks to the use of powdered sugar, fruit glaze is obtained in delicate shades.

Chocolate glaze

Who doesn't love chocolate? Probably, there are practically none. Therefore, one of the options for decorating Easter cakes will be the preparation of chocolate icing.

This will require the following components:

  1. First let the butter melt.
  2. Then add the rest of the ingredients to it, mix and put on slow fire. Stir the mixture constantly to prevent it from burning. Bring the consistency to a thickening, then remove from heat.
  3. Pour the slightly cooled mass of Easter cakes.
  4. For beauty, you can sprinkle on top with special toppings, nuts, marmalade, dragee candies, etc.

Decorating with mastic

Among modern housewives, there will certainly be lovers of mastic. With it, you can turn any pastry into a real work of art. Mastic is great way decorate Easter cakes with your own hands.

For cooking you will need:

  • marshmallow - 200-250 g;
  • food coloring;
  • water - 1/4 cup;
  • powdered sugar - 400 g.

The cooking algorithm is as follows:

  1. Place the marshmallows in a bowl and set aside. water bath. When the chewing marshmallow begins to increase, and when touched - sticky - add a little powdered sugar, while constantly stirring.
  2. In order for the figures from the mastic to be colored, add a little water and dye.
  3. Sculpt figures yourself or with the help of molds.

There are other options for making mastic, for example, using a simple marshmallow.

In this case, the following ingredients are needed:

  • powdered sugar - 400 g;
  • marshmallow - 200 g;
  • butter- 100 g;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.
  1. Put marshmallows in a bowl and add lemon juice to it. Put in a water bath and wait until the marshmallows melt, mix.
  2. Add the butter to the contents of the bowl and mix with the marshmallow mass.
  3. Gradually pour in the powdered sugar, while stirring constantly.
  4. The resulting mass should be soft and not sticky to the hands. When it is ready, you can start sculpting the figures.

Decoration with edible elements

Classically decorated holiday products can be supplemented with various elements. There are enough of them. Here are the main ones:

  • Special topping: colorful balls, sticks, flowers, stars and the like.
  • Jelly fruits or balls look original and sophisticated, moreover, they are combined with other decorative elements.
  • Pieces of fruit will be appropriate both on top of the product and in the dough.
  • Marmalade and candied fruits will be original and tasty addition for holiday baking.
  • Sugar pencil. With the help of such a device, real masterpieces are created on baking. Pastry shops sell different colors, so it becomes possible to create an interesting Easter-themed pattern.
  • Sugar Pearl. This edible decoration will look original in combination with other decorative elements, such as mastic.
  • Waffle figurines - also interesting way decorations. Waffle flowers will look bright on the white top of holiday baking.

When preparing for the Easter holiday, turn on your imagination when choosing a way to decorate the main attribute - Easter cake. It will help you decide listed recipes. It is up to you to decide which one to choose: classic or more difficult. Everyone will be able to choose suitable recipe to suit your tastes, mood and budget.

Decorating Easter cakes for Easter is no less important than cooking them. Beautiful Easter cakes are needed both for going to church for consecration, and for delicious Easter gifts to relatives and friends, and simply to create a festive mood for a bright Easter. Of course, for all these purposes, you can buy ready-made Easter cakes, but it is much more pleasant, more interesting to cook and decorate them with your own hands. Children will especially enjoy this activity! website Culinary Eden has collected the brightest, freshest, simplest and most original ideas for decorating Easter cakes - choose!

Protein glaze for Easter cakes

A fluffy snow-white hat on Easter cakes is made from protein glaze. For its beautiful appearance, this thick glaze received the name royal (royal icing). It's easy to make, you just need to find fresh eggs and practice beating egg whites. Royal protein icing looks stylish both on its own and with multi-colored confectionery topping, with pieces of candied fruits and dried fruits.

Protein Glaze Recipe

3 squirrels,
1 tsp lemon or orange juice,
300 g of powdered sugar.

In a dry, clean bowl, lightly beat egg whites with juice. Gradually add the icing sugar and continue beating at the highest speed until you get a smooth, fluffy mass that can form firm sharp peaks. Spread frosting over hot cakes and leave to cool overnight. To speed up the curing of the glaze, Easter cakes can be slightly dried in the oven at the lowest heat.

It is easy to fix volumetric decorations in the form of flowers or colored eggs made of marzipan or mastic on the protein glaze.

With the help of tweezers and a firm hand, from candied fruits and dried fruits, you can lay out intricate ornaments or letters ХВ on protein glaze.

An original idea for gifts is to decorate Easter cake with fresh strawberries and chocolate chips.

Marshmallows, marshmallows or colored meringues on Easter cake - why not?

You can move away from the usual canons and decorate Easter cake as if it were a cake: a composition of pasta cakes, almond petals, pine seeds, thinly sliced ​​​​dried fruits and even flowers, such as lavender and dried roses.

Sugar icing looks simpler than protein icing, but it perfect option for long-term storage and for those who fear raw eggs. icing sugar it is important to make it thick - if it turns out to be too liquid, it will spoil the appearance of the Easter cakes and will not allow decorations to be fixed on them. Icing sugar can be made with milk to thicken the color; on orange or lemon juice to give her pleasant sourness and aroma; or you can paint the glaze in a pale pink or lilac color with the help of juice from thawed berries: cherries, strawberries, blueberries.

Icing sugar recipe

1 tbsp liquids - water, milk, berry juice,
100 g of powdered sugar.

Mix the sifted icing sugar with the liquid, mix well. Pour glaze over fresh Easter cakes, leave for several hours.

Melted chocolate icing is a relatively new but very popular way to decorate Easter cakes. Chocolate glaze easy to prepare, it holds firmly on the sloping surface of the cake and easily holds decorations in the form of colored sugar sprinkles, candied fruits and dried fruits.

chocolate frosting recipe

The easiest option is to melt the chocolate in a water bath or in the microwave and pour over the cakes. You can do without chocolate, such a glaze will turn out very tender and soft:

100 g fat sour cream,
50 g butter,
2 tbsp cocoa powder,
2-3 tbsp powdered sugar.

Melt the butter with sour cream in a saucepan, add cocoa and icing sugar through a sieve, mix well and boil over low heat. Drizzle cakes with slightly cooled icing.

By the way, you can completely do without decorating Easter cakes if you sprinkle them on top with pine nuts, almonds or hazelnuts before baking. The nuts will be tightly and beautifully imprinted into the dough, and all that remains is to lightly sprinkle the Easter cakes with powdered sugar or grease apricot jam to shine.

Packing for Easter cakes

Separately, it is worth mentioning the packaging of Easter cakes - it should also be beautiful. For consecration in the church and for decoration holiday table wrap the Easter cakes with a wide lace ribbon. You can wrap Easter cakes from below in thin colored paper, forming it with beautiful folds, and tie it with braid or ribbon in the form of a green branch. If you bake Easter cakes in special paper molds with drawings, that will suffice.

Decorating Easter cakes for Easter is an interesting and exciting activity!