From leftover food. Dishes from the leftovers of the festive table

Friends, it happens that after cooking, there are products that turned out to be a little more than required by the recipe or after festive celebrations There was a lot of uneaten food left. And then the question arises: what to do with the remnants of food and food?

How to save food leftovers

Any zealous housewife will not just throw away dried-up bread or greens that have begun to wither, because the remnants of such products can be saved! give them a second delicious life, using for cooking other dishes or providing them with more long-term storage for further use.

Do you want to know how? Then here are 10 tips that will be useful to any economical housewife. How to put leftover food and products into action - 10 practical solutions!

The remains of sausages and meat products from the feast

Meat products, barbecue leftovers, sausage can be ground in a meat grinder and used as a filling for, stewed with fried onions and carrots, boiled rice and chopped herbs.

We extend the year of storage of fading greenery

Finely chop the greens that begin to wither or dry, fold, tamping, into ice molds and pour olive oil or water. Such cubes are very convenient to add to the most different dishes. Cubes can be stored for up to 1 year.

Freeze and dry leftover vegetables

Cut the remnants of zucchini, eggplant, bell peppers into pieces, spread in a thin layer on a tray or plate. Dried vegetables can be added to many dishes, especially in winter. And also, if space in the freezer allows, you can freeze them, second courses and prepare sauces for them.

Drying bread - for croutons and breading

If white bread begins to dry out or stale, cut it into slices, arrange on a baking sheet and brown in the oven until light yellow. Then scroll the crackers through a meat grinder and pour into a clean, dry glass jar. Use breadcrumbs for cooking, cauliflower, casseroles. Cut black bread into pieces, sprinkle with seasoning, salt, drip oil and dry in the oven - you get delicious croutons. They are not only pleasant to crunch, but can be served with chicken broth, Add to .

Cheese - a semi-finished product for pizza, scrambled eggs casseroles

Citrus peel - for a fragrant vitamin supplement in teas, cocktails, pastries

Dry the peel of oranges, tangerines, lemons, grind in a blender and mix with dry tea leaves - it will get a citrus flavor. Zest can be added to cocktails, homemade vitamin mixes and.

The second option: grate fresh zest, add sugar in a ratio (1: 2), put in a glass jar and keep in this form in the refrigerator. Consume as needed - in teas, pies, etc. But remember that the shelf life of it in this form is 6 months.

Sliced ​​fruit from the feast - in compote and freezer

From fruit slices(hard fruit) remaining from holiday table, you can make compote or salad by seasoning it with yogurt. Peel banana slices, put in bags and send to the freezer. Then the frozen fruits will be useful for making cocktails, etc.

Mayonnaise - in dough, lubrication of meat and casseroles

The remains of mayonnaise can be added to any dough (pancake, yeast,) - this will only positively affect the properties of the latter - it will give it splendor. In addition, the remaining mayonnaise can be greased with chicken or potatoes before baking, as a result, a delicious golden crust will appear on the dish!

And in a jar where mayonnaise remained only on the walls, add wine vinegar and your favorite spices, then shake it well for a creamy salad dressing!

And you, friends, where you use the leftover products, share your tips with us in the comments.

Video recipes for delicious dishes from leftover products

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Sincerely, Lyubov Fedorova.

A good housewife never has anything superfluous - including leftover products. Especially since you can make new delicious dishes from them! presents the TOP 10 recipes for quick meals from everything that is left.

It often happens that after Sunday dinner we have some roast left, and after the children's dinner some vegetables. And what can we say about big family feasts? There is a lot left after them.

In no case do not throw away the excess! For a week, pack everything in bags with the name of the product and the date of preparation and put it in the freezer until their "high point".

Such manipulations will help to significantly save time and money, as well as pamper unexpected guests with a gourmet dinner. Salads, soups and hot dishes are “born” literally from nothing! In a dozen dishes prepared from what is left, it is easy to vary the set of products - just look in your own refrigerator.

Winter vegetable soup

Recipe for soup with celery, Brussels sprouts and boiled meat.

What do you need:
1 teaspoon sunflower oil
1 medium sized onion
2 stalk celery
2 potatoes
Various vegetables left over from lunch Brussels sprouts, carrots, etc.)
Boiled meat or poultry can be used if desired.
1.5 l vegetable or meat broth
Sour cream or yogurt for dressing
Salt, pepper, herbs, a little curry to taste

How to cook winter vegetable soup puree:

  • Chop the onion and vegetables.
  • Heat the oil in a large saucepan and fry the onion until golden brown. Add chopped celery stalks, fry for 5 minutes, stirring constantly.
  • Pour in the rest of the vegetables, season with curry, heat for 2 minutes, pour half vegetable broth and boil for about 20 minutes. Season with salt and pepper.
  • Using a blender, puree the soup, pour back into the saucepan, add the remaining broth and bring to a boil.
  • Serve with sour cream or yogurt, sprinkled with herbs.

Enjoy your meal!

Bean and salmon salad

Recipe for bean salad, salmon with spicy mustard sauce with olives.

What do you need:
200 g green beans
200 g cooked lentils or beans (canned)
3-4 eggs
2-3 tomatoes
200 g salted or smoked salmon, cut into pieces
A little arugula

For sauce:
About 80 g pitted olives
3 art. spoons olive oil
1 st. spoonful of red wine vinegar
1 minced garlic clove
1 st. tablespoon Dijon mustard
some basil

How to make Bean and Salmon Salad:

  • For sauce: chop olives, garlic and basil, mix thoroughly with oil, vinegar and mustard.
  • Boil for 5 minutes green beans(if it is not boiled yet) or defrost ready. Douse cold water. Hard boil the eggs and cut into quarters.
  • Heat the beans in the microwave, chop the tomatoes.
  • In a salad bowl, mix vegetables and beans, add arugula. Put salmon, eggs and some olives on top, season with sauce.

Enjoy your meal!

Spanish omelet with potatoes and cheese

omelette recipe with boiled potatoes, cheese and sage.

What do you need:
A little butter for frying
White part of a leek
Approximately 2 boiled potatoes
6 eggs
Approximately 80 g of any cheese
A pinch of dried sage
Salt, pepper to taste

How to make a Spanish omelet with potatoes and cheese:

  • Cut the potatoes into slices about 0.5 cm thick. Cut the white part of the leek into thin rings. Heat the butter in a frying pan and sauté the leek until soft.
  • Mix eggs, grated cheese, salt, pepper and season with sage.
  • Grease a refractory form with oil, lay out the potatoes in layers, gradually pouring the egg mixture, spread the leek on top and pour the rest of the eggs.
  • Bake the omelet for about 15-20 minutes in the oven over medium heat.

Enjoy your meal!

Indian rice

rice recipe with green peas and curry.

What do you need:
200 g finished fillet chicken or pork
250 g cooked rice (any variety)
Handful of frozen peas
1 bulb
1 st. ketchup spoon
Pinch of curry powder
1 garlic clove
Vegetable oil
A little soy sauce

How to cook Indian rice:

  • Beat an egg with 2 tbsp. spoons of water. Heat the oil in a frying pan, pour in the egg mixture, fry on both sides like a pancake. Set aside.
  • In the same pan, fry chopped onion, garlic until golden brown, add ketchup and curry. Add peas, simmer for 3 minutes.
  • Meat cut into strips. Add rice and meat to the onion mixture, mix.
  • Cut the omelet pancake into strips, add to the rice and drizzle with soy sauce.

Enjoy your meal!

bread pudding

pudding recipe from wheat bread and raisins.

What do you need:
200-250 g stale wheat bread
2 eggs
200 ml milk
2 tbsp. spoons of sugar
2 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar
50 g raisins or dried cherries
Oil for lubrication

How to make bread pudding:

  • Beat eggs with milk and sugar. Cut the crusts off the bread and cut into thin small slices. Brush each piece with the egg mixture.
  • Grease the form with oil, lay out the bread, pour 2 tbsp on top. tablespoons remaining egg mixture. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.
  • Bake in the oven for 30-35 minutes at 150°C.

Enjoy your meal!

Honey mustard pasta with chicken

Pasta recipe with honey, mustard, chicken and basil.

What do you need:
300 g cooked pasta(bows, spirals, etc.)
3 tsp mayonnaise
1 st. a spoon with a top of non-burning mustard
1 st. a spoonful of clear honey
300 g finished chicken fillet cut into pieces
1 small red onion
4 small tomatoes
Small bunch of basil

How to make Honey Mustard Paste with Chicken:

  • Mix mayonnaise, honey mustard until the consistency of sour cream.
  • Cut the tomatoes into slices, onion into half rings, tear the basil leaves with your hands.
  • Warm up pasta in microwave oven.
  • Mix with vegetables and chicken, season with sauce.

Enjoy your meal!

Cold roast beef with creamy horseradish

Roast beef recipe with garnish beetroot salad with horseradish sauce.

What do you need:
Thin slices of cooked roast beef
2-3 small boiled beets
1 small onion
4 small handfuls of assorted lettuce leaves (whatever you have)
1 teaspoon sherry vinegar
2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil

For sauce:
5 teaspoons grated horseradish
2 tbsp. spoons of cream
A pinch of mustard powder
Juice of 1/2 lemon
Salt, pepper to taste

How to cook cold roast beef with creamy horseradish:

  • For the sauce: mix all the ingredients, salt and pepper.
  • Cut the beets into thin strips, onion into half rings.
  • In a salad bowl, mix beetroot, onion and lettuce leaves. Season with a mixture of vinegar and 1 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil. Mix gently.
  • Before serving, put a salad in the center of each plate, add a spoonful of creamy horseradish on top, spread slices of beef around and sprinkle with the remaining vinegar dressing.

Enjoy your meal!


Meat recipe with champignons, paprika and orange jam.

What do you need:
Cooked pork, veal or turkey pieces (thick slices of ham can be used)
2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil
200 g chopped champignons
Large pinch of paprika powder
2 teaspoons orange jam
Some leftover meat juice

How to cook clementines:

  • In a frying pan, heat vegetable oil, fry the mushrooms, put the meat there, sprinkle with paprika, add meat juice and orange jam.
  • Turn the meat over to the other side, evenly distributing the sauce.

Enjoy your meal!

Spicy potato and fish cutlets

Recipe for potato-fish cutlets with cumin, coriander and pepper.

What do you need:
500 g potatoes
1/2 st. tablespoons of cumin seeds
2 green onion feathers
1/3 teaspoon ground coriander
1 egg
Approximately 100 g of cooked salmon (trout, salmon), divided into pieces
Oil for frying
Salt pepper

How to make Spicy Potato Slave Cutlets:

  • Roast the cumin in a dry frying pan.
  • Boil potatoes, salt, add finely chopped green onion and spices. Make a puree.
  • Cool the potatoes a little, mix the beaten egg pieces of fish into the mashed potatoes.
  • Form patties from mashed potatoes, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in hot oil on both sides.

Enjoy your meal!

Filled puff pastry

250-300 g puff pastry
100 g grated cheese
Several slices of ham
Olives and pitted olives
Vegetable oil
Egg for brushing

How to cook puff pastry with stuffing:

  • Combine the dough scraps into a ball and roll out thinly. Cut with a knife into small diamonds.
  • Put a slice of ham on each piece of dough, sprinkle with cheese and finely chopped olives / black olives. Roll up tubes.
  • Beat the egg with a fork and grease the surface of the tubes.
  • Bake in the oven for about 15 minutes over medium heat.

Enjoy your meal!

25 Ways to Dispose of Leftover Chicken

If you have leftovers of boiled, fried or baked chicken lying around in your refrigerator, then you do not need to rack your brains about what to quickly cook for dinner. It goes without saying that these are mostly salads and sandwiches, but perhaps these recommendations will whip up your imagination.

1. Reheat leftover chicken and serve with whatever sauce you have on hand.

2. Finely chop hard-boiled eggs, mix them with mayonnaise, finely chopped onion, mustard, salt and pepper, add finely chopped chicken meat - the salad is ready.

3. Add to an omelette or scrambled eggs. Mix finely chopped chicken meat with cottage cheese and finely chopped greens, add to the fried omelette (scrambled eggs), mix and let the meat warm up a little.

4. Make a filling for pita or pita bread. Add to mayonnaise lemon juice, chopped nuts, herbs, curry, ground pepper- yes, everything that is suitable for the sauce and is at hand, mix with chopped chicken meat and fill in the pita.

5. And more stuffing for pita. Chop fresh tomatoes and cabbage, dress with a mixture of mayonnaise and grated cheese, add chopped chicken meat, fill pita or serve as a salad.

6. Prepare warm sandwiches. Lubricate slices of bread with mayonnaise or tomato sauce, lay chicken slices on top, sprinkle with grated cheese and put in a preheated oven or microwave so that the cheese melts.

7. Still warm sandwiches. Lubricate slices of bread with vegetable oil, sprinkle with chopped garlic or garlic powder, lay chicken meat, sprinkle with herbs and grated cheese. Bake until cheese is melted.

8. And warm sandwiches. Lubricate the slices of bread with vegetable oil, brush with tomato sauce on top, sprinkle with chopped garlic or garlic powder, put chicken meat, sprinkle with herbs close and lightly brush with mayonnaise. Bake until the sandwich warms up nicely.

9. If you have a narrow pita bread on hand, then prepare the rolls. Lay chicken pieces on pita bread, brush with tomato sauce, sprinkle with herbs and grated cheese, wrap the roll and put in the oven so that the cheese melts.

10. And one more use of pita bread. Arrange the chicken meat on the pita bread, grease with any sauce, sprinkle with cheese and herbs, lay another pita bread on top, brush with tomato sauce and sprinkle with cheese. Place in oven to melt cheese.

11. Cut the onion into narrow rings, mix with chopped chicken meat, season with a mixture of vegetable oil and soy sauce.

12. Fry the bell pepper and onion, cut into narrow slices, in

a small amount of oil, add chopped chicken meat, season with sour cream and lemon juice.

13. Fry every vegetable you have on hand in a small amount of oil, add chopped chicken meat, warm, season to taste.

14. If there is also boiled rice, then add a beaten egg, chopped chicken meat and fried onions to it. Drizzle lightly with soy sauce, reheat and serve. In this dish, you have the opportunity to add anything - from ham and sausages to shrimp.

15. And here is a sort of blitz barbecue. Thread chicken onto skewers, changing with slices. bell pepper, grease with vegetable oil, place on a wire rack and bake in the oven.

16. Refine your soup bags. Boil the soup from a bag and add chopped chicken meat at the end of cooking.

17. And another salad. Mix chicken pieces with finely chopped apples, olives, oranges (or tangerines), ham, nuts, add celery or lemon peel, season with sour cream or mayonnaise or unsweetened yogurt.

18. at the moment, Caesar. finely tear green salad, add crackers, finely chopped hard-boiled egg, chopped chicken pieces and grated cheese. Season to taste.

19. Combine lettuce, chicken pieces, ham, red onion rings, diced tomato and coarsely chopped hard-boiled eggs. Possibly not lead.

20. Mix boiled pasta (preferably cold, yesterday's) with chicken pieces, season with herbs, sour cream and pepper.

21. Pseudo-oriental salad. Dice the chicken meat, add the diced celery stalk and a few finely chopped green onion stalks. mix mayonnaise, ground ginger, soy sauce and mustard (approximately 1 tsp per 250 g of mayonnaise).

Dress up the salad.

22. Mix 250 g of cottage cheese with a drop tomato sauce, add chopped celery stalk and finely chopped chicken meat, mix well, spread on wax paper or polyethylene, form a ‘log’ and put in the refrigerator. At the time when the ‘log’ stops, unfold, sprinkle with crushed nuts and chopped herbs.

23. If there is mashed potatoes left, then prepare a casserole. Mix mashed potatoes with finely chopped chicken meat, add a beaten egg, finely chopped green onions and place in a frying pan greased with melted butter. Bake until golden brown.

24. Add finely chopped chicken meat to the pancake batter.

25. Mix 250 g of cottage cheese with 2 tbsp. mayonnaise, finely chopped parsley and finely chopped chicken meat. Serve as a salad or as a sandwich spread. It is very cute and unusual to spread this mixture on slices of apples.

If we are talking about saving on food, we must not forget about one important point - the remnants of food in the refrigerator.

The refrigerator is the only place in the house where we can store both purchased food and ready meals. The place in the refrigerator is limited, and the shelf life of ready meals not endless. Small portions of leftover food are especially annoying. There was one portion of porridge or a couple of cutlets or boiled vermicelli left, we put it in a small bowl or container and rearrange it from place to place.

The main thing is that the number of such small containers is gradually increasing. If this process is not stopped, such residues can fill the entire usable space of the refrigerator.

But the main thing is that in this case there is only one way for them - to the trash can. Which is very, very uneconomical and wasteful. Therefore, the issues of the remains of small portions of dishes should be resolved promptly, without delaying or postponing for later.

Where do these leftovers come from?

Even the most zealous hostess, who carefully plans meals for the family, can sometimes fail to calculate required amount servings. Cooked food due to some unforeseen event (for example, going to visit, business trip, party with one of the family members) remains in the amount of "neither there nor here."

They upset someone, but not economical hostess. The remains of previously prepared dishes are a great opportunity to save money and a field for the manifestation of all your culinary fantasies.

What to do with these leftovers?In fact, there are many options. I will list the most economical and rational:

  • Option number 1. Freeze. Just put it in a container and

Advantages- help out in unforeseen circumstances

Flaw- The leftovers are for that and the leftovers, that there are few of them (they won’t be enough for everyone: ()

  • Option number 2. "Home buffet"everything in the oven (in our case, in the refrigerator) on the tableswords 🙂 . Once a week we make a complete revision of the refrigerator and make it our own for breakfast or dinner.loved ones an impromptu buffet where everyone will eat what he likes best

Virtues a - set the table in a matter of minutes

Flaw- dishes should be no more than 3 days old

  • Option number 3 "Magic transformation." From leftovers delicious dish Let's cook something even tastier 🙂

Advantages- rational use of leftover food, saving on food, variety in the menu.

Flaw- the only thing is that additional products are needed, but, as a rule, they are inexpensive and are available to every economical housewife.

I propose to dwell in detail on the third option.Here are some recipes to help you if you have leftovers. a small amount of ready meals.

Tips, tips and recipes for meals using leftovers

Leftover boiled meat

1. Naval pasta

Fry the onion, skip the meat in a meat grinder. Boil vermicelli, spaghetti, pasta (in original recipe namely pasta, but we are creative :)) or other pasta. We mix.

2. Casserole

Mix the meat scrolled in a meat grinder with fried onions. Adding mashed potatoes or cooked pasta (except spaghetti), 1-2 raw chicken eggs, 1-2 tablespoons flour, salt, pepper. Small baking sheet or shallow baking dish, grease sunflower oil, spread the prepared mass and bake in the oven (or microwave) until golden brown.

3. Meat salad

Boil 2-3 eggs, 2-3 potatoes "in uniform". Cut, add chopped meat, onion, vegetable oil, vinegar, salt, pepper.

4. Omelet.(You can use the remains of any meat, roast, any vegetable stew or leftover fried potatoes)

Cut into small pieces, lightly fry in vegetable oil, pour over beaten eggs, salt. Fry under the lid until the eggs are ready. Decorate with greenery. It withmy quick breakfast or dinner

The remains of chicken fried or boiled meat.

1. Chicken cutlets

The meat is separated from the bones and finely chopped. For 200 gr. add 100 gr. of meat, loaf soaked in milk, white bread or buns, 2 yolks, 1/2 cup sour cream.

We mix everything, salt, pepper. We form cutlets and fry them in heated vegetable oil.

2. Chicken - Pane.

Meat cut into portions. We beat the egg. Dip meat in egg and flour. Fry in a hot pan.

meat cutlets

1. Cutlet roast.

In a deep frying pan, fry the onion, add 3-4 sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpotatoes, cutlets, pour (level) boiled water or any broth. Cook until potatoes are cooked for 10-15 minutes. Before turning off, add crushed garlic.

2. Cutlets in tomato sauce.

Fry finely chopped onion in vegetable oil, add a tablespoon tomato paste and 3-4 tablespoons of water, sugar and salt to taste. Lay out cutlets. Simmer 10 min.

Remains pasta

If there is boiled pasta left, you can cook:

1. Meat casserole or pasta“in a naval way” (they have already been mentioned)

2. "Grandma"sweet casserole. (Kids really like it)

Filling: beat eggs, add milk, butter, sugar, vanilla sugar.

For 200 gr. boiled pasta 2 eggs, 2 cups of milk, 20 gr. butter, sugar to taste 1 sachet vanilla sugar you can add cinnamon.

Lubricate the baking dish with oil. We spread the pasta, pour over the filling. The filling should cover the pasta by about 0.5 cm. Bake in the oven or microwave until the pasta "drinks" and absorbs the filling and is lightly browned.Serve with yogurt, jam or whipped sour cream with fruit (including frozen)

fish leftovers

1. fried fish can be stewed in tomato sauce.

Sauce: In vegetable oil, fry the diced onion, julienned carrots, add tomato paste, a little water, sugar, salt to taste. Simmer until carrots are cooked. Put the fish in the sauce Bay leaf and simmer another 5 minutes.

2. boiled fish under mayonnaise

We need a hard boiled egg and mayonnaise.We carefully clean the fish from the bones, put it on a plate, sprinkle with finely chopped egg and pour over with mayonnaise.

Leftover boiled potatoes

1. Garnish

We cut the potatoes into slices. Fry on vegetable and butter(1:1). Sprinkle with herbs.

2. Boiled potato salad

Diced herring, diced potatoes, vegetable oil (preferably unrefined), fresh onion, vinegar. Mix everything gently.You can also make a salad by replacing the herring from the option above with pickles.

3. Potato pancakes

If there are a lot of potatoes left (1 kg.), Pass it throughmeat grinder, add 2-3 raw eggs, 2 tablespoons of flour and 0.5 cups of warm,boiled milk. Fry pancakes in hot vegetable oil.

Serve with sour cream or mushroom sauce.

4. Filling for dumplings or pies

For the filling, you can use potatoes, adding fried onions to it, andyou can combine potatoes with liver or mushrooms.

Leftover vegetable dishes

1. Stew

If a stewed vegetables zucchini, eggplant, cabbage left a little to them you canadd potatoes lightly fried in vegetable oil and, after stewing a fewminutes, we will get a new dish.


1. Casseroles

Pour the porridge with beaten eggs. Place in an oiled baking dish.

Bake until the eggs are ready.

2. Soup addition

If there is not much porridge left, it can be added 5 minutes before the end of cooking. any soup.

3. Bean soup with buckwheat

Cook beans (1 cup), onions, carrots, potatoes. When everything is cooked, add our leftover buckwheatporridge (it should be no less than beans), greens. We get tasty and healthy lean soup.

Leftovers, sausages, cheese, ham, vegetables, mushrooms

1. Pizza

Pizza is good because it can be made with any topping. However, no one forbidsYou can experiment and try your fillings using what you have left.

I don't write pizza recipes. You can learn them by reading my article with three different options pizza


1. Crackers

This is the easiest thing to do with leftover bread. Spread the bread with garlic, cut into cubes and dry in the oven. garlic croutons Perfect addition to your first courses.

2. Breadcrumbs

Oven-dried crackers, twist in a coffee grinder. Just don't download large quantity- in small portions. Breadcrumbs are useful for preparing many dishes.

3. Sweet croutons

It is better to make from stale white bread or a loaf.Beat the eggs, add milk and sugar (for 2 eggs 100 gr. milk, sugar to taste). Cut the bread or loaf. Dip each piece in the mixture and fry in butter or vegetable oil. I am sure your children will be delighted. A couple of toasts and cocoa is a quick and complete breakfast that they will eat with pleasure.

Of course, this is not the limit. With your imagination, you can come up withyour own, brand new dishes in which you can use the leftovers from earliercooked. They might even become your favorites. family.

Examples of how masterpieces were born from the remains of dishes culinary arts, very

At the end of the feast, each hostess is concerned with only one question - what to do with the leftover dishes after the banquet. Throw away - show the top of lack of culture and lack of household skills. Not many people know what kind of dishes from the remnants of the festive table can be prepared. However, no one suggests using leftovers from guests' plates - this is definitely in the trash. We are talking about quite edible hot dishes, cold cuts, which remained on serving dishes after the holiday.

Give leftovers festive dishes a second life is possible, but this does not apply variety of salads. Therefore, it is worthwhile to prudently approach the formation holiday menu and initially make small portions of salads, so that at the end of the meal they are left as little as possible.

Predict the popularity of hot meat dishes, as well as cuts from sausage is almost impossible. There are always trimmings that occur during design meat plate, the remains of a delicious roast or baked boiled pork that the guests could not cope with. Do you really have to throw away the dishes prepared with such love? As always, we have a way out and not even one.

Dishes from leftover chicken, shish kebab, sausages and other meat dishes

Salads from meat leftovers

If you have leftover pieces of baked meat, whether it be veal, pork or lamb, they can be used to make delicious and onions.

Initially, the recipe provides for the use, but who will forbid you to put leftover pork ham or pieces in the salad, for example, a leg baked with rosemary. There are leftovers of ready-made barbecue - you should not think for a long time what to cook from them. The remains of meat roasted on a fire can also be used to make radish salad - the aroma of smoke will give it a unique touch.

The leftovers of boiled or baked chicken (duck), as well as leftovers, can be used to make Caesar salad. In general, any remnants of sausage and meat can be attached to an ordinary meat salad, such as, for example, Olivier.

Soups from leftover sausages and meat

A chic first course that allows you to use leftover meat is. it great option for those who are happy owners a large number cold cuts, but does not know what to cook from the remnants of sausage and other meat gastronomy.

To prepare the soup, you need both smoked meat (a great way to process the leftovers of sausage cuts and), and pieces of hot meat dishes left out of work. How more species meat is used to make hodgepodge, the tastier the soup will turn out. The combined hodgepodge is also good because it is the so-called hangover soup, restoring health after heavy libations and long feasts.

From the bones of a baked bird, you can cook a delicious fragrant broth, which is used later for making sauces, gravy and rich soups with intense taste. Strain the finished broth and freeze - and at the right time you will always have a delicious bouillon cube at hand that can enrich the taste of any dish.

Leftover chicken works great meat ingredient in any soup, for example in homemade noodles with mushrooms. Duck bone broth, and waterfowl meat itself, can be used to make rich borscht.

Variants of second courses from meat trimmings

Meat leftovers can be used to prepare sauces, seasonings and fillings for various kinds of pastas. If you are on a diet, then this option is best avoided, but you can pamper your loved ones with such high-calorie and satisfying dishes.

The most popular option in the vastness of our vast Motherland is the well-known naval pasta. The recipe is simpler than ever - mix the meat rolled in a meat grinder (even the remains of a ready-made barbecue will do) with fried onions and boiled pasta. Add ground black pepper, heat pasta with meat in a pan for 3-5 minutes. Your men will be pleased - more severe hearty meal hard to imagine.

Another option for meat leftovers is pasta sauce. Grind the meat, add to the frying of onions and carrots. Add a tablespoon of tomato paste, or two or three tablespoons tomato puree, or half a glass tomato juice. Boil the sauce for about five minutes, season with your favorite spices to taste (thyme, rosemary or Abkhaz adjika). Put the boiled pasta into the prepared sauce, mix and heat for two minutes.

The third version of pasta with meat leftovers is cannellon. This is one of the varieties of Italian pasta - thick hollow tubes, up to five centimeters long. They are boiled in water until half cooked, and then stuffed minced meat baked with sauce in the oven. For minced meat, you can use the remains of meat dishes, fried onions, mushrooms. As a sauce tomato sauce or bechamel. In the first case, a pinch does not hurt in the sauce provencal herbs, in the second - finely grated cheese. Cook in addition to this dish Italian appetizer using and you will have a delicious themed dinner.

Sometimes an accident happens. It seems that he calculated everything, before, or pork, and at the end of the picnic there are surpluses. They can be prepared at home. It turns out very tasty if you just bake pre-marinated meat. For example, it improves the taste so much that I constantly use it to marinate meat intended for baking in the oven.

Any trimmings of meat, sausage and roasted poultry can be used to make casseroles, pâtés, meat loaves and soufflé.

The simplest and most popular options for recycling food leftovers are everyone's favorite pizza and shawarma. For their preparation, you can use not only the remains of sausages, baked meat and kebabs. These dishes include vegetables and cheese. So there is a chance to attach the unfortunate pieces of cheese and lonely slices of vegetables that were left over from the festive feast.

The proposed options are only a small part of the variety of dishes from the remnants of the festive table that can be prepared in the post-holiday period.

Watch a short video - another great idea for a dish from the remains of a festive table from Elena Chekalova.