How to make popsicles at home. Recipe for delicious fruit ice cream from currants, strawberries

Summer- it's time for fruits, and I so want the kids to eat more of them. Popsicles is an opportunity to combine fruit and ice cream that kids just love. Any mom can cook it!

In this article, we will cover the following recipes:

1. Ice "Strawberry".

2. Exotic pineapple ice.

3. Fruit ice Lemongrass.

4. Yoghurt fruit ice cream.

5. Fruit ice "Fairy Cherry".

6. Fruit ice "Tender pear".

How to make homemade popsicles?


1 st. warm water;

1/2 cup strawberry juice;

1/2 measured st. Sahara;

2 sq. gelatin;

Disposable cups and an ice cream maker.

1 .Leave the gelatin in the water for 15 minutes. You need quite a bit of water, 6 tbsp. spoons.

2. Pour 250 grams of slightly warmed water into a saucepan, add sugar and mix. Turn on a small fire and boil. Now reduce the fire.

3 .Squeeze out the gelatin and leave it in the syrup. Boil the liquid for a couple of minutes, stirring vigorously.

4. Pour in the juice and boil for a couple more minutes.

5 .Pour the liquid into a plate and let cool.

6. Pour the syrup into molds to the top.

7 .Put the ice cream maker in the freezer. Let him stay there for 8 hours. Those who do not have an ice cream maker can use regular disposable cups. If you took them, then dip a spoon into the cups, so the ice cream will be easier to get.

8 .Get out of the freezer and help yourself!

Recipes for this delicious and low calorie dessert there are so many, you can even add whole seasonal fruits to it. It will be more interesting! Here are some interesting recipes!

Ice "Strawberry".


0.6 kg fresh berries strawberries;

2 measuring tbsp. water;

1 cup of granulated sugar;

3 teaspoons starch.


1 . Boil water and add granulated sugar.

2. Wash the strawberries and add them to the syrup. Boil the berries for 15-20 minutes.

3. Perebeyte berries with syrup blender.

4 . Dissolve starch in a small amount of water, stir.

5 . Pour the starch water into the syrup.

6. Everything must be thoroughly mixed again.

7. Now everything is in molds and put in the cold.

Exotic pineapple ice.


0.6 kg fresh or canned pineapples;

1/2 liter of water;

100 mg citrus fresh, better than lemon;

2 cups of sugar;

Ice cream molds and sticks.


1. Prepare the syrup. Take sugar at your discretion.

2. Cut up the pineapple.

3. Dip fruits in a blender.

4. Stir syrup, fruit and lemon juice.

5. Pour the mixture into the molds.

6. Insert sticks into molds.

7. Put the ice in the freezer for 7-8 hours.

Fruit ice Lemongrass.


2 medium lemons;

2/3 st. Sahara;

1/2 cup of water;

1.5 tsp gelatin.


1. Grate the zest of one lemon on the smallest grater.

2. Squeeze the juice from all the prepared lemons.

3. Prepare syrup from prepared sugar and water as described above.

4. Put the zest into the syrup and boil over low heat for about 5 minutes.

5. Wait until it cools down and strain.

6. Soak gelatin in water for 15 minutes.

7. Now put the gelatin into the syrup.

8. Stir everything for complete dissolution.

9. Pour in fresh lemon.

10. Wait for it to cool and pour into moulds.

11. Put the forms in freezer.

12. After 8 hours, popsicles will be ready.

Yoghurt fruit ice cream.


0.5 l of apple juice;

1/2 st. natural yogurt;

Fruit and berry juices.


1. Blend the yogurt with a blender.

2. Add Apple juice and whisk again.

3. Divide into molds, but do not pour to the top, somewhere in half.

4. Put in the freezer.

5. When dry, pour another layer.

6. After that, you can make another layer of yogurt.

7. Consistently freeze each layer, and you will get beautiful multi-layered ice cream.

Fruit ice "Fairy Cherry".


1 package of cherry juice;

1 st. water;

300 grams of granulated sugar.


1. Make syrup.

2 . When it cools down, pour in the juice.

3. Mix everything gently and pour the liquid into the molds.

4. Leave in the freezer for 8 hours.

Fruit ice "Tender pear".


0.5 kg of pears;

1 st. water;

1 glass of sugar;

A few grams of vanillin;

30 grams of lemon juice.


1. Wash the pears, remove the stones and cut into cubes.

2. Boil the syrup and wait until it cools down.

3. Add fruit to syrup.

4. Pour in vanilla.

5. brew sugar syrup until the fruit is completely cooked through.

6. Let everything cool, and then beat with a blender.

7. Pour in a little lemon juice.

8 . Mix everything thoroughly and pour into moulds.

9. Leave to freeze in the cold.

As you can see, you can make fruit ice from any fruit, just a little imagination is enough and your children will be absolutely delighted!

Video. How to make popsicles?

  • Lemons, fruits or berries
  • Cooking process:

    First of all, of course, wash the lemons, cut them crosswise into halves.

    Squeeze out the juice using a citrus juicer.

    Pour the juice into molds and send it to the freezer.

    Useful advice:

    If you decide to cook lemon ice, before squeezing the juice, collect the lemon zest. Why good should disappear? Just cut off the lemon zest to get it. yellow layer lemon skins with a thin knife. And the easiest way is to just rub the lemon peel on the smallest grater.

    Lemon zest is used in cooking when baking muffins, cakes, charlottes, muffins, soufflés and puddings. Can be added to fish meat dishes. Pinch lemon peel, added to a salad dressing dressing, will give it a fresh, savory note.

    With ice cubes, lemon juice can be made very quickly or simply added to water.

    Other popsicle recipes

    Peel kiwi fruits (400 g), cut into pieces and place in a blender bowl. Grind. Pour the kiwi puree into a small saucepan. In a glass, combine starch (2 tablespoons) and some cold water. Stir these ingredients until smooth. Then add the liquid starch to the kiwi puree. Add sugar there (to taste) and send the saucepan to the stove. Wait for the mass of kiwi, sugar and starch to boil. Turn off the heat.

    orange popsicles. Squeeze the juice from three large oranges (600 g). In a small deep saucepan, heat water (100 ml) along with sugar (75 g). After the syrup boils, enter Orange juice into a saucepan. In a separate bowl, mix starch (2 tablespoons) and a small amount of cold water. Add starch mixture in a saucepan with orange syrup. Wait for the mixture to boil. Turn off the heat.

    Strawberry ice. In a blender bowl, grind pure strawberries (400 g) with sugar (50 g) and a mixture of starch (2 tablespoons) and water. Pour this mixture into a saucepan, bring to a boil, turn off the heat.

    Pour a layer of strawberry, orange mass or kiwi puree into portioned flat molds for making ice cream on a stick. Insert wooden sticks. Freeze until completely frozen. If you need to make striped multi-colored popsicles, add each puree to the mold one at a time, freezing the first layer first, then adding the second, etc.

    Fruit ice from natural ingredients- it's tasty and healthy! Cook it with pleasure on hot days and enjoy the coolness.

    Thank you Vasilisa for the recipe.

    Bon appetit wishes you a Notebook of recipes!

    Ice cream is a delicacy that neither adults nor children can refuse. Especially when it's homemade ice cream made by mom or grandma. How to cook homemade ice cream, and other types of ice cream can be viewed

    Today we will look at how to make colorful homemade ice cream with pieces of fruit, ice cream and thirst-quenching fruit ice, and super ice cream ice cream in combination with fruit ice and coke.

    Tune in - then "let's go." 10 delicious homemade ice cream recipes to choose from.

    Multi-colored creamy ice cream

    This homemade ice cream is beautiful and delicious.

    We need:

    for 5 servings

    • 500 ml cream 33%
    • 1 kiwi
    • 1/2 orange
    • 100 g pitted cherries (can be frozen)
    • 9 tbsp powdered sugar
    • 3 sticks or plastic spoons
    • 3 plastic cups
    • aluminium foil


    1. First of all, whip the cream for 2-3 minutes and send it to the freezer for 1.5 hours.

    2. Peel the kiwi, cut and interrupt with 3 tablespoons of powdered sugar, in a blender. Pour into another bowl. In the same way, we act with an orange and a cherry, which we interrupt each separately. For purity of color, wash the bowl and blender after each procedure. Place fruit purees in the refrigerator.

    3. Mix the cream again and send it to the freezer for 20 minutes. After, to get rid of lumps, mix again. The resulting foam is divided into 3 parts, each part in a separate bowl

    and add fruit puree: kiwi, cherry, orange, separately in each dish. It turns out three colors - green, rose red, orange.

    4. Beat again, each color separately and begin to form ice cream. We take a glass and fill 1/3 of it: 1st layer - orange, 2nd layer - cherry, 3rd layer - green. And so we do with all the cups, until there is enough raw material.

    5. Insert the stick, cover with foil, after piercing a hole in the middle, for the stick and send it to the freezer for 5 hours, you can overnight.

    6. We take out the finished ice cream from the glass, dipping for a few seconds in hot water. The ice cream turned out soft and tender.

    Homemade ice cream colorful fruit ice

    We need:

    for 5 servings

    • 200 g kiwi juice
    • 200 g orange juice
    • 200 g cherry juice
    • 200 g apple juice
    • 200 g strawberry juice
    • 5 plastic cups
    • 5 plastic forks or wooden sticks
    • aluminium foil


    1. In 5 glasses, pour one name of juice into each, about 1/5 part and put in the freezer for 1.5 hours, and the remaining juice in the refrigerator.

    2. After that, pour more juice, of a different type, into each glass and put it again for 1.5 hours in the freezer. We perform this procedure a total of 5 times, alternating different juices. It turns out a kind of "rainbow".

    3. We make sticks from plastic forks, for this we cut off the teeth.

    After freezing the 3rd layer of ice cream and pouring the 4th layer, insert the sticks into the center of the glass and cover with a piece of foil, after cutting a hole, under the handle. Again we clean in the cold for 1.5 hours.

    4. When the 4th layer is frozen and the stick is fixed, add the 5th layer and freeze for 1.5 hours.

    5. To remove popsicles from glasses, you need to lower them into hot water for a couple of seconds, and slightly pressing on the glass, take it out.

    Kiwi fruit ice with pieces

    We need:

    for 4 servings

    • 4 kiwi
    • 200 g juice, any
    • 1 tbsp honey or sugar (powdered sugar)
    • 4 plastic glasses
    • wooden sticks or plastic spoons


    1. We peel the kiwi, leave 1 for decoration, and interrupt the rest in a chopper. Kiwi for decoration, cut into circles.

    2. Add honey and juice to the puree, and mix again.

    3. Take a glass and insert two circles of kiwi, on opposite sides, pour the fruit mixture between them. We put a stick or a spoon in the middle and send it to the freezer for 3 hours, until completely solidified.

    4. We take out the fruit ice, warming the glass with your hands and slightly pressing it down. Take it out very carefully, ice cream can pop out of the cup when pressed.

    Homemade ice cream popsicles with marmalades

    This ice cream can be interesting and delicious for kids.

    We need:

    for 6 servings

    • 1 bottle (1L) Sprite sparkling water
    • 1 bottle (1L) Coca-Cola soda
    • marmalade with small figures
    • plastic cups
    • plastic or paper sticks


    1. We lay out marmalade figurines in cups

    and fill it with either Cola or Sprite. Put in the freezer for 5 hours, or overnight.

    Sparkling water, after pouring into a glass, stir a little so that the gases come out.

    2. You can make puff ice cream: first, pour one water, freeze for 1.5 hours, then marmalade, and add the second water, send to freeze until completely frozen.

    Strawberry popsicles at home

    We need:

    for 5 servings

    • 200 g strawberries
    • 100 g sugar
    • 200 g water
    • 10 g (2 tsp) cornstarch or 1 tsp potato, can be replaced with 3 g of gelatin (pre-dissolve)
    • 1 tsp lemon juice
    • citric acid on the tip of a knife


    1. Grind strawberries in a blender and put in the refrigerator.

    2. Pour sugar into a saucepan and pour 150 ml of water, cook the syrup. When the syrup boils, add citric acid.

    3. Dissolve starch in 50 ml of water and combine with syrup, stir. Boil for 2 minutes, remove from heat and cool or natural way, or put on pieces of ice.

    4. Add strawberry puree to the syrup and mix with a mixer. We put to freeze for 40 minutes. Beat again so that no crystals form.

    5. Pour into glasses and into the freezer for 40 minutes, then insert the sticks into the freezer for 1.5 - 2 hours.

    How to make colorful ice cream from milk yogurt

    We need:

    for 4 servings

    • 400 g yogurt
    • 280 g pasteurized milk
    • 4 silicone molds or cups
    • 4 wooden sticks
    • natural or synthetic dyes


    1. Pour 100 g of yogurt, 70 g of milk into the dishes and add food coloring, stir everything, until homogeneous mass. Can be done with different dyes, or the same one.

    2. Put the filled molds in the freezer for 3 hours.

    Super ice cream: creamy sundae with popsicles and Coca-Cola

    For this unusual and super delicious ice cream

    We need:

    for 4 servings

    • 3 types of juice
    • 1 can of Coca-Cola
    • 500 ml cream 33%
    • 0.5 cup powdered sugar
    • cups of two sizes 250 ml and 150 ml (you can use any size, you need one glass to fit into another)
    • chopsticks or plastic spoons
    • food foil


    1. In each large glass, pour juice and Coca-Cola, it turns out 4 glasses with different liquids. We put these glasses in the freeze for 3 hours. Put the remaining juice and water in the refrigerator.

    2. We take it out of the freezer and pour juice of a different type into each glass. We put a smaller glass in each glass, and so that it does not rise, we put a load in the middle of it. Freeze for 1 hour.

    3. After that, pour another type of juice between the walls of the glasses and again put it in the freezer for 1 hour.

    4. At this time, we are preparing ice cream. Pour into chilled cream powdered sugar, and beat until airy foam, put in the freezer for 30 minutes.

    5. Then we beat the cream for 2 minutes.

    6. From large glasses, you need to remove a smaller glass, for which we remove the load from it and pour hot water. After that, the glass is very easy to remove.

    7. In the resulting niche, lay the foam of whipped cream, insert spoons or sticks and put in the freezer for 3 hours.

    8. We take out the finished homemade ice cream from the cups and Bon appetit!

    Amazing homemade ice cream in cups and chocolate from 3 ingredients

    When you try this ice cream, you can be speechless, only exclamations remain. It will be very interesting to know your opinion, write in the comments.

    We need:

    • 200 ml cream from 30%
    • 100-150 g condensed milk
    • 1 tsp vanilla
    • 80 g chocolate
    • paper cups
    • sticks


    1. Whip the chilled cream for 2 minutes, add condensed milk, vanillin, beat everything again. You can fill the molds and send to freeze overnight.

    2. But we are preparing ice cream in chocolate, so we melt the chocolate in a water bath.

    3. We take paper cups, fill them halfway with chocolate, and scroll it so that the chocolate covers all the walls of the glass. Pour excess chocolate back into bowl. And so are all the glasses. Leave upside down on a sieve or wire rack for 3 minutes,

    until the chocolate hardens, then put it in the freezer for 5 minutes.

    4. After that, fill the cups with whipped cream, put the sticks in them and send them to freeze overnight.

    5. Carefully cut the glass and remove it from the ice cream.

    Ice cream without cream and milk amazing taste

    I want to warn: for this recipe are used raw eggs, and it is better to buy homemade eggs from trusted sellers.

    We need:

    • 3 homemade eggs
    • 350 g strawberries
    • 50 g vegetable oil (odorless)
    • 4 tbsp sugar, with a slide


    1. We interrupt the strawberries in a blender.

    2. Wash the eggs with soda, separate the yolks from the proteins.

    3. Add to the yolks vegetable oil, sugar 2 tbsp. and beat until the consistency of mayonnaise, 4-5 minutes. Then, add strawberry puree, beat and set aside.

    4. Beat the whites, add 2 tbsp. sugar and continue beating until stiff peaks.

    5. To the strawberry-yolk mass, carefully, in small portions, add the proteins, and stir with a spatula until an airy mass is obtained.

    6. We fill the molds and send them to the freezer for 4-5 hours, until completely frozen.

    If you decide to transfer the entire mass into a plastic bowl, during the first two hours, in order to avoid crystals, you need to mix it every 30 minutes. In such dishes, ice cream will freeze longer, 8-10 hours.

    Fruit ice with pieces of fruit ultra-easy to prepare

    The easiest to prepare, ice cream popsicles are obtained from any juice or soda with crushed fruits or berries. Let's take citrus as an example.

    • orange juice or gas water Mirinda, Fanta.
    • 1 orange
    • cups
    • sticks


    1. Peel the orange and cut into slices.

    2. Put orange slices in cups, you can make a combination with kiwi, raspberries, and pour juice. We send it to the freezer for 2 hours. Don't forget to add sticks.

    3. We take out the ice cream from the glasses, as usual, dip the glass for a few moments in hot water or warm it with your hands, press lightly on the glass.

    Video recipe: Ice cream in a Coca-Cola cup

    Delicacy for children and adults is ready!

    Enjoy your meal!

    I am glad to welcome you again in ours, my dear readers! I think today's theme will appeal to children, especially if you apply it in action. After all, we're talking about delicious delicacy, which will refresh on a hot day, will bring great pleasure to our taste buds and at the same time will not give a single extra gram of waist. Are you already wondering what I came up with? I will not drag out the intrigue and make you salivate abundantly, because they have already flowed from me 🙂

    Therefore, now I will quickly tell you how to make popsicle ice at home, and then with a clear conscience I will go to the refrigerator.


    Perhaps, simple recipes I’ll leave it for later, and I’ll start with my favorite ice cubes, which literally do not leave the shelf of our freezer during the ripening season of watermelons. I won't lie - every day I have to replenish my supplies, because despite my best efforts to catch the thief, the ice treat continues to disappear. Even my constant promises of a terrible punishment when caught have no effect - what I had time to eat, I ate.


    • 380 gr. watermelon (bright pulp);
    • 150 gr. sugar sand;
    • lemon (medium size);
    • 2 kiwis;
    • 100 gr. chocolate (preferably milk) or blueberries;
    • 150 ml water (chilled).
    1. First of all, divide the sugar into three parts, because we will prepare a three-layer ice treat. In a blender, put watermelon pieces, a third of the sugar and squeeze the juice from half a lemon. A little trick - diligently roll the citrus on the countertop, pressing hard with your hand, so you can squeeze out the acidic liquid to a drop without tricky devices.
    2. Having turned the watermelon pieces into puree (I advise you to expel all interested persons from the kitchen at this time), pour the mass into plastic cups and send it to the freezer. Do not keep them there for a long time: when it starts to harden, take it out and dip it into the mass with a toothpick. watermelon pits» - small pieces of chocolate or blueberries. Now freeze until cooked, after placing a stick or a large skewer in the center of the watermelon puree.
    3. While our yummy is freezing, you need to prepare the next layer - yellow. Combine half the water, lemon juice and sugar, stir vigorously until the sweet crystals dissolve, and pour over the second layer.
    4. And finally, the third layer - rub the peeled kiwi with a blender with the remaining sugar and water, pour into a glass and leave to freeze for several hours. Everything delicious and healthy dessert without preservatives and dyes ready, you can taste!

    "Summer Mix"

    Now I will teach you how to make delicious cubes that can be safely used to make cocktails. Step by step recipe simple, but if desired, add sugar, then you get a full-fledged assorted fruit ice cream.


    • orange;
    • 300 gr. berries (raspberries, strawberries);
    • 4 pears;
    • sugar optional.

    Easy to prepare:

    1. Squeeze the juice from an orange (as in the case of a lemon, first mash the citrus well) and pour into molds. If you add sugar, it will take a little longer to freeze.
    2. The next layer is red. Extract the juice from the berries with any device available to you (with a juicer, gauze, strainer) and pour it onto the frozen orange layer.
    3. After freezing, pour a layer of pear juice (I think you will figure out for yourself how best to get it). Wait until the cubes are completely ready, dip the mold in boiling water for a few seconds and shake the bright contents into a plastic tray or a simple bag.

    Take out and use in cocktails as needed. Keep in mind, before planning the preparation of a drink, check the presence of ice cubes in the freezer, I know from my own experience that at the most crucial moment they may not be there, and then you will have to urgently invent something new.

    "Ball of Vitamins"

    Girls, I don’t even know how you manage in the summer without such a treat, vitamins from which jump out! Nothing, now I will correct the situation, and with your own hands you will certainly pamper yourself and your loved ones, and all your household with a useful simple dessert.


    • 3 medium ripe bananas;
    • 3 large apples (try not to take too sour);
    • 170 gr. sugar sand;
    • 2 ripe peaches.

    Vitamin dessert is prepared as follows:

    1. Squeeze juice from apples, send it to a blender.
    2. Peel each banana, cut into pieces and add to apple juice. Send peach slices here as well.
    3. Rub everything well, without forgetting to add sugar first.
    4. The most pleasant thing remains, which even your underage helpers can handle - pour the fragrant mass into plastic cups, place a wooden stick in each and put it on a shelf in the freezer.

    A little useful secret - under the influence of sub-zero temperatures, apples tend to darken, so the ice cream will also acquire a pleasant coffee shade. Do not be afraid and do not try to throw away the creation of your own hands, everything is fine and nothing has gone bad! And yet, by the way, with apples you can!

    Ice cream "Clear day"

    In the photo: gelatin ice cream and berry puree

    Such a wonderful ice cream can be made from fruits or berries, it will turn out equally tasty and healthy. I will tell you how we cook it at home, and you can do small experiments with the ingredients and come up with something new and unusual.


    • 420 ml of water;
    • one and a half glasses of cane sugar;
    • a glass of puree from fruits and berries (any);
    • 7 gr. gelatin;
    • lime or lemon juice (optional)

    How to cook?

    1. Pour gelatin with boiled and chilled water (a few tablespoons).
    2. Bring the rest of the liquid with sugar to a boil, add a well-swollen gelatin, wait until it dissolves and remove from heat.
    3. Put the puree, pour in the lime juice.
    4. Strain the mass through a strainer and pour into molds or cups and send to freeze. Ice made with gelatin has a softer texture, which is especially liked by the kids.

    With gelatin, you can cook a whole cake, and you don’t even need to bake! Read about how to do this.

    Also you can see detailed video how to make ice cream with gelatins and fruits at home:

    Girls, you won’t believe it, but I’m writing on pins and needles, I really wanted something sweet and cold. I hope we will have the opportunity to continue the theme of ice treats, but today I won’t have enough for more, I’m already mentally in the kitchen and rummaging through the refrigerator and cabinets. Share these with your friends interesting recipes in social networks, for them it will be a useful and pleasant surprise.

    A little advice - subscribe to our blog updates, a lot of exciting and useful things await you ahead. All the best to you and see you soon!

    Mini Tips for Weight Loss

      Reduce portions by a third - that's what will help to build! Short and to the point :)

      Put supplements or stop? When this question arises, it is definitely time to stop eating. This body gives you a signal about imminent saturation, otherwise you would have no doubt.

    Many people are interested in how to make juice ice cream. What could be better than ice cream made from the juice of your favorite fruit! Fragrant fruit ice will appeal to both adults and children. After all, homemade ice cream made from natural products, does not contain chemicals, which makes it safe and very tasty. Children are always happy to join the cooking process, because popsicles are one of their favorite treats.

    How is ice cream made from juice?

    To make ice cream from fruit juice, you can use a natural drink, fresh fruits or berries. The recipe is very simple - all you need is desire and a little imagination. Below is a detailed description of how you can make your own juice ice cream at home.

    Consider the recipe for ice cream Fruit ice. To make fruit juice ice cream, you will need:

    • fruit juice, preferably with pulp;
    • sugar syrup;
    • lemon juice;
    • plastic or silicone molds.

    This recipe is based on strawberries and kiwis, but oranges, cherries, pineapple, and any other fruit can also be used.

    How Ice Cream is Made:

    1. When choosing strawberries, you need to look not at the beauty and size of the berries, but at the ripeness and aroma. They are beaten with a blender until smooth. The softer and more aromatic the berry is, the better the ice will turn out. The same goes for kiwi. Preference should be given to soft and ripe fruits. And you should not save in terms of fruit on homemade ice cream.
    2. The next step is to prepare the sugar syrup. The amount of sugar is added to your taste. In order for the syrup not to crystallize, add a little lemon juice. Water with sugar is heated and stirred until the sugar is completely dissolved.
    3. In separate bowls, whisk strawberries and kiwi. To each of them add the cooled sugar syrup.
    4. Prepare molds. On sale there are special molds for ice cream, which are very convenient to use. But if you don’t have them, then any plastic cups with wooden ice cream sticks will do.
    5. The prepared fruit puree is poured into cups exactly halfway and frozen in the freezer. When the first part of the puree is ready, you need to put the sticks in the cups and pour the remaining mass. You can pour kiwi syrup on the strawberry part, and on the kiwi, on the contrary, red strawberry puree. All this is again sent to the freezer for several hours. As a result, you will get a striped platter called Fruit Ice.

    If there are difficulties with removing the ice cream, then you can lower it for a few seconds in a container with hot water and then it will easily come out of the plastic cup.

    People, experimenting, add yogurt, various spices to the recipe. The cooking technique does not change from this. Some recipes for homemade fruit juice ice cream include stabilizers such as starch or gelatin. If you are a supporter of a softer ice cream, then you will need to add them to the juice.

    The cooking process will look like this:

    1. Pre-soaked gelatin or starch diluted in water is added to the finished sugar syrup. Gelatin is soaked for half an hour in cold water at the rate of 6 g per 3 tbsp. water. Starch is diluted in cold water until completely dissolved. The syrup, with diluted stabilizer, is heated to a boil with continuous stirring.
    2. After connection fruit drink with syrup, the mass must be filtered through a sieve or cheesecloth, then poured into molds and put in the freezer.

    To make ice cream white, you can use milk instead of water.

    How to make popsicles?

    Consider original recipe making ice from juice. Juice ice cream can be prepared in the form of ice cubes for various drinks. To make such ice from juice, you need figured molds, preferably made of silicone. Such fruit ice is prepared from undiluted fresh juice, since these ice cubes will be added to various drinks: lemonade, cocktail, etc.

    For the preparation of ice cubes, both freshly squeezed fruit juice and ready-made natural drinks bought in the store. For adults, frozen popsicles with the addition of wine are suitable. it good addition to dessert.

    It is prepared as follows:

    1. to finished fruit juice a little sugar is added and stirred until completely dissolved.
    2. Then white gradually pours in dry wine. Wine needs very little so that it does not interrupt the taste of fruit.
    3. If you are a fan of various spices, then you can add a little cinnamon or cloves, the taste will only improve.
    4. The molds filled with the finished mass are sent to the freezer until completely hardened.

    If you have never made ice cream at home, then this tip will come in handy: in order for the ice cream to turn out lush and without ice crystals, you need to take the molds out of the freezer several times during the freezing process and beat the mixture well.