Prepare winter blackcurrant juice. Currant juice is a whole army of vitamins! Recipes for various juices from red and black currants

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Black currant- extremely useful, takes second place after rose hips in terms of vitamin C content. It also contains, PP, carotene, potassium, iron, citric, malic and other organic acids, pectins, tannins, sugars.

blackcurrant renders therapeutic effect with gastric ulcer, gastritis with low acidity, atherosclerosis, kidney disease, metabolic disorders, anemia.

"An aqueous extract of black currant increases the antimicrobial activity of tetracycline, penicillin, biomycin and other antibiotics by 10 times."

It has been established that the substances that cause the color of the skin of currant berries have a detrimental effect on influenza viruses A2 and B. Black currant significantly increases.

"In an experiment, blackcurrant increased the number of surviving animals infected by 5 times lethal dose staphylococci. "

The amount of juice per reception (for adults) should be no more than a tablespoon: otherwise, overexcitation of the nervous system is possible. The amount of vitamin C in the prepared juice depends on how it is prepared. It is better to make juices with juicers than in juicers. The fact is that in a juice cooker a large amount of vitamins breaks down: high temperature affects, steam condenses, and therefore the juice is diluted with water. The juice obtained in the juicer must be mixed with sugar (a glass of granulated sugar per glass of squeezed juice). The juice soon turns into a jelly that can be stored without sterilization when room temperature in a dry dark place.

In addition to juice, they are very useful and infusions from its leaves, which are also used as a multivitamin and general tonic in order to increase the body's resistance to various infections. At the same time, the fruits and leaves have anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, diuretic, choleretic and blood-restoring effects.

In this regard, currants can be used in combination with other means in the treatment of increased bleeding, diseases of the kidneys, bladder, liver, biliary tract and respiratory organs.

An infusion of leaves is given to children with. For those who love tea, we recommend winter time brew dried berries either dried leaves and drink decoctions. This will help increase the body's resistance to influenza and flu-like illnesses.

Currant is the most common berry in Russia, and currant juice many gardeners use in their home cooking and preparations for the winter. The craze for this plant is easily explained: the plant is winter-hardy, does not require particularly complex care and is quite productive. The main advantage of currants is good taste qualities berries and a large number of vitamins and substances useful for the body.

Currant berries contain up to 11 percent sugar, up to 3 percent organic acids. Berries contain a lot of vitamin C, and also contain iodine, carotene, pectin and coumarin. Housewives use berries as an independent product or get from them currant juice for the preparation of home-made preparations from it in the form of juices, jellies, syrups.

Currant juice, both red and white, very well activates the activity of the intestines, improves appetite, quenches thirst, and also has the ability to remove urolithic salts and diaphoretic action. Currant juice is extracted from berries using a conventional electric juicer or juicer.

If there is no electricity, and this happens often in summer cottages, then screw juicers and mechanical screw presses are used to obtain currant juice. When there are few berries, they can simply be squeezed out after blanching by placing them in a nylon bag.

Juice without sugar.
If the juice is not immediately consumed, then it is preserved by pasteurization or hot filling. In the case of hot bottling, currant juice is placed in enamelware and heated to a temperature of 85-90 degrees. Then it is poured into hot sterilized bottles. Pasteurization is carried out by bottling the juice and heating it to the same temperature.

Pasteurized in time, depending on the volume of the container. Pasteurization time, for example, for a half-liter bottle is 8-10 minutes. After pasteurization, the container is tightly closed.
Sugarless natural juice currants are very sour. It is used to acidify foods home kitchen. It is added to drinks, as well as when preserving berries, fruits and vegetables instead of vinegar.

Syrups for the preparation of soft drinks from red and especially pink and white currants are very beautiful in color and aroma. To prepare them, natural juice is mixed with sugar (1300 g of sugar per 1 liter of juice), then heated to 90 degrees and until the sugar is completely dissolved. When the sugar is completely dissolved, the syrup is poured into pre-sterilized bottles and tightly sealed.

Juice with sugar.
45 percent boiling water is poured into hot sterilized bottles. sugar syrup in the amount of 100g. Hot (90 degrees) natural juice is immediately added there. topped up hot juice to the upper edge of the neck and the bottle is hermetically sealed with rubber caps.

Raw jelly.
Raw jelly is made from white and red currants. In this form, it perfectly preserves biologically active substances and is very appetizing to taste. To prepare jelly, you need to take freshly squeezed juice of slightly unripe berries of white or red currant. Currant juice is mixed with sugar (1200 g of sugar per 1 liter of juice). The resulting syrup is poured into small glass dry jars.

On top of the syrup put mugs of parchment, pre-soaked in vodka. Banks are covered with plastic lids. Store jars in a cool place, trying not to shake them, they should be handled with special care for the first couple of days.
especially dense and fragrant jelly it turns out if it is cooked on fruit sugar (a glass of fruit sugar per glass of juice).

Boiled jelly.
If you cook boiled jelly, then fruit sugar can not be used. Boiled jelly is a semi-solid boiled currant juice with sugar. Fruit sugar at a temperature of 102-105 degrees begins to form crystals. Boiled jelly is a very persistent product, it is used to decorate cakes and various desserts.

It is also prepared from the juice of unripe berries and boiled, placed in a small bowl. During boiling, half of the sugar (400 g) is gradually added, and at the end of cooking, the second half of sugar (400 g) is added in small portions, that is, only 800 g of sugar per liter of juice. Readiness of jelly is determined with a wooden spoon.

If she runs along the bottom of the pan, she should leave a path behind her. The finished jelly is laid out in sterile, heated over gas or in the oven glass jars, small capacity. After 8-10 hours of standing, the jars are closed with ordinary plastic lids.

By planting currants in your summer cottage, you can always harvest berries and get healthy freshly squeezed currant juice, from which it is not difficult to prepare various homemade preparations: drinks, syrups, jelly or wine.

Every self-respecting gardener-gardener probably grows several blackcurrant bushes on his plot ... This berry first became known back in the eleventh century, then it was actively grown and bred in monasteries. Over time, this plant migrated to gardens, and today it is very popular among lovers. summer berries, as well as among supporters of traditional medicine.

Blackcurrant contains vitamin C, and in such quantity that no other local berry can be compared with it. Even after freezing or after heat treatment, vitamin C is preserved. Only 50 grams of jam or fresh juice will provide our body's daily need for this substance. Let's talk about what else blackcurrant juice has gained popularity in such a way: benefits, harms, recipes from these fruits, we will consider that really deserve attention.

The benefits of blackcurrant juice

Speaking about the high concentration of vitamin C, you can guess that the use of such a drink in fresh strengthens immune system and raises. The composition of the juice contains all the most useful and vital trace elements: iron, copper, manganese, zinc, potassium, as well as a number of organic matter. Such a small berry contains an incredibly huge amount of beneficial acids, tannins, as well as a vitamin set - B, E, K, R. Due to this composition, a freshly prepared drink, as well as canned for the winter, has a number useful properties. It has anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antipyretic, antibacterial action.

The use of blackcurrant juice helps to gently remove accumulated excess fluid from the body along with dangerous toxins, mercury, lead and cobalt. It is very useful to drink this product for those whose work is associated with a negative impact on the body of the environment (metallurgy, production processes, X-ray room).

The benefit of juice lies in its beneficial effect for cleansing the body with Staphylococcus aureus, with diphtheria, during dysentery. Phytoncides, which are part of it, actively fight many known types of microscopic fungi no worse than the most powerful antibiotics. Therefore, treatment, especially in children, is best supplemented with this product. Besides, Fresh Juice able to enhance the effect of antibacterial drugs ten times (biomycin, penicillin, tetracycline).

It is useful to include in your diet a valuable drink for intestinal disorders, for diarrhea of ​​​​infectious origin, and it is also allowed to use it with low acidity and gastritis associated with this. It is a good remedy for colic and diseases of the pancreas.

Worth stocking up for the winter useful product those who suffer from hypertension. He quickly corrects arterial pressure, stabilizes the heartbeat and improves well-being.

Juice has a beneficial effect on nervous system. It calms well and leads to a state of balance, normalizes mental activity. Therefore, it is recommended to take this drink during the working day to maintain performance.

Be sure to use this remedy for anemia. The components that it contains activate the production of red blood cells and contribute to the oxygenation of all cells and tissues. Thanks to blackcurrant, the blood is cleared of bad cholesterol, and its coagulability increases.

It is worth including juice in your diet for those who care about their health and do not want to allow the development of diabetes. The substances contained in it maintain the necessary level of sugar in the blood, so the natural prevention of the disease is carried out. At regular use the walls of the vessels are strengthened, their elasticity increases and the patency improves, which favorably affects the mental activity and the work of the brain as a whole.

Healers recommend gargling a sore throat with sore throat with this valuable remedy. It effectively kills microbes and relieves inflammation, eliminates pain. in addition, with colds and infectious diseases, this berry has an anti-febrile effect. Body temperature can be brought down quickly big amount juice diluted with water. It is useful for both adults and children in the absence of allergies.

We must not forget that you can use valuable product in home cosmetology. Wiping your face with it, you can get rid of freckles, pigmented manifestations, speed up, and simply saturate the skin with vitamins and minerals. By diluting the juice with water, you can get an excellent hair rinse to strengthen, nourish and increase silkiness.

In home cosmetology, you can both strengthen nails and improve the condition of the skin of the hands, thanks to this miraculous composition. You just need to add a little honey to it, lower your hands and hold for 15-20 minutes. The nail plates are strengthened, and with regular procedures, their separation stops. The skin of the hands becomes velvety and tender.

Is blackcurrant juice dangerous, is harm possible from it?

The negative impact of this product on the body has also been studied in sufficient detail. In particular, it should be abandoned by those who have a predisposition to the formation of blood clots and those suffering from thrombophlebitis. The composition of the drink contains a lot of vitamin K, which helps to increase blood clotting, and after suffering strokes, heart attacks and a number of other diseases, it is better not to allow this.

Blackcurrant increases the acidity in the stomach. But this property is not dangerous for everyone, but only for those who suffer. It is not recommended to use it with hepatitis, as well as with a tendency to allergic reactions. In the latter case, you can dilute it with water to reduce the concentration of the substances contained.

Some doctors recommend giving up this berry during pregnancy, while others, on the contrary, strongly recommend its use. This is due to its ability to increase hemoglobin, and it all depends on individual features and health status of the expectant mother.

Blackcurrant Juice Recipes

winter juice recipe

All we need for cooking is berries, sugar and water. Currants must first be rinsed, sorted out, removing all twigs and remnants of leaves. Immature fruits are also best removed. We push the washed berries into containers using a mashed potato pusher. They do not need to be turned into gruel, we must ensure that the berries simply burst.

After that, we shift everything into a saucepan, add water at the rate of 250 ml per 1 kg of currants. The mass should boil and boil well. Then turn off the fire, take a colander, put it on a convenient container, cover with a clean towel (it is better to use a kitchen waffle). We shift the currant mass on a towel, wait until the juice has completely drained. Then the fabric can also be slightly wrung out to squeeze out the remaining juice.

We put the resulting composition on the stove and let it boil. Add sugar at the rate of 1 cup per 1 kg of currants. Stir constantly with a wooden spatula. After 15-20 minutes of boiling, pour into sterilized jars and cork. We put it in a dark place for storage and enjoy the fresh taste all winter and get invaluable benefits.

If you prepare a drink using a juicer, then one hundred grams of sugar is added to 1 kg of berries. The process is fast and fully automated, so all you have to do is prepare and sterilize the jars. You need to store the drink only in a dark place, since light is detrimental to all useful components.

Freshly made blackcurrant juice

Depending on personal taste preferences, the drink can be consumed with or without sugar. This does not diminish its usefulness. For cooking, you can use a juicer or plain cheesecloth.

Another recipe for a quick-cooked product: take a kilogram of ripe berries, rinse, add 0.5 liters of slightly heated water. If you use unripe fruits, then the product will turn out not so fragrant and rich in taste. Let it boil, and then pass the resulting mass on a juicer. It turns out a very concentrated and tart drink with useful properties.

Enjoy the gifts of nature and the taste of summer and do not forget to make preparations for the autumn-winter period, when our body lacks vitamins so much.

The taste and benefits of currants have been known for centuries. It contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on the human body. But no less than fresh fruit, them and in the juice of this berry. And if it is made with your own hands ... How to make redcurrant juice for the winter?

Briefly about the main

To begin with - about the berry itself. There are more than a hundred varieties of currant, but the most famous of them, perhaps, are black and red. Blackcurrant is found everywhere, rarely a garden exists without this shrub. But it turns out that the red variety of the fruit is much healthier, although it tastes a little sourer. It contains calcium, magnesium, sodium, vitamins of groups B, A (most of all), C and others, phosphorus, potassium, iron. At the same time, the calorie content of the berry is only 43 kilocalories (per 100 grams).

The use of red currant helps to improve metabolism, thanks to a large number potassium has a good effect on the functioning of the heart, thereby preventing stroke and other heart diseases. The berry is good for the blood: it eliminates various harmful salts and substances, and also reduces cholesterol. There is more iron in the red variety than in the black one, and this has a beneficial effect on the condition of the vessels.

The use of red currant is shown to strengthen immunity. The berry reduces the risk of cancer, helps with fatigue, strengthens bones, relieves stress. You can use it as a diaphoretic, diuretic and laxative, and if you include epileptics in your regular diet, seizures will decrease. Red currant is good for vision, it is recommended for children, diabetics (reduces sugar levels), and even people with allergies, because it does not cause a negative reaction. The berry has a beneficial effect not only fresh, but also dried. It is actively used by nutritionists and cosmetologists: it can get rid of skin pigmentation, heal cracks in the legs. With the addition of red currant, they make many different masks for the body, legs, face.

But what about juice?

Any juice home cooking, whether it is currant, raspberry or apple, it advantageously differs from store-bought ones, first of all, in its quality. The hostesses themselves select the fruits for harvesting and know for sure that there are no harmful additives not mixed in there.

Redcurrant juice improves well-being and has antipyretic properties. Like the berry itself, it strengthens the immune system. The drink quenches thirst well, improves appetite. Thanks to him, salts and harmful substances are also removed from the body. Because of high content pectin juice of red currant is excellent method cleansing the body. Able to stop blood, relieve nausea, an excellent antioxidant. Experts unanimously recommend taking redcurrant juice as often as possible - the result will be obvious.

Redcurrant juice is used traditional medicine- for example, in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, problems with the gallbladder and liver. It also helps with insomnia and memory lapses. Juice is actively used in dietetics - after all, its calorie content is even less than fresh berries - there are only 39 kilocalories per 100 grams. However, we must remember that it brings benefits without the addition of sugar.

How to get

There are plenty of options on how to get juice from red currants at home.

  • First of all, this, of course, is a juicer - the simplest method. But, unfortunately, not everyone has this miracle of technology.
  • Another way is a juicer. Using it, it is important to clean the berries from the branches, otherwise the juice will get an unpleasant grassy aftertaste.
  • You can squeeze the juice and "manually" - after mashing the berries, boil them in a saucepan for 10-15 minutes, and then do not forget to strain. If there are very few berries, they are squeezed out in a nylon bag.
  • The next option is rubbing. It is suitable for those who like juice with pulp. The method is almost no different from the above, except that it is not necessary to filter the mass. The berries should be boiled over low heat and rub through a sieve, and then boil what happens. The drink will contain pulp.

Who is forbidden currant juice

First of all, those who do not tolerate any components of this fruit. In addition, the use of red currant juice is not recommended for people with gastritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, ulcers and hyperacidity stomach. You can not take a drink and patients with hepatitis.

For those who are overweight, as well as for diabetics, currant juice is allowed only without sugar.

Juice and other currant preparations

Red currants can be used to make many different delicacies. One of the most popular is jelly. It is prepared by both cold and hot methods, without adding gelatin. Compote from berries is more useful, less - jam or jam. They are also made from redcurrant different kind mousses and marmalades, cottage cheese desserts and cocktails, brew wine and liqueurs, make sauces for meat dishes.

In addition, currants can be dried or frozen. However, compared to all methods, redcurrant juice is the most beneficial because it retains all of its beneficial properties.

Juicing Secrets

  • Since red currants are quite acidic, the juice from them is also very acidic. Before use, dilute it with water or add sugar. And in the "natural" sour form, you can use it as vinegar when canning.
  • By working with a juicer, you can get puree instead of juice. It is easy to avoid this: first you need to heat the berries well, and only then squeeze them.
  • For 10 liters of juice, you will need approximately 20 kilograms of berries.
  • For canning, only ripe fruits are required, unripe ones can ferment.
  • When rolling jars, you should choose glass or lacquered tin lids- but not metal.
  • You need to preserve the juice immediately after preparation - if it is not supposed to be destroyed instantly. This can be done in two ways - hot bottling or pasteurization.
  • Before harvesting, it is important to sort out the berry, remove the spoiled one and clean it of branches and debris.
  • It is better to take the dishes enameled or "stainless steel". In aluminum, oxidation of the berry can occur.

Cooking methods and recipes

No matter how the redcurrant drink is prepared, it will certainly turn out to be very tasty and will not leave anyone indifferent.

Redcurrant juice in a bowl

  1. We put the cleanly washed and sorted berries in a small saucepan and fill it with water.
  2. Bring to a boil over medium heat.
  3. After 5-10 minutes, filter the resulting mass.
  4. Stirring constantly, gently add sugar (one glass).
  5. Bring to a boil, pour into jars.

Redcurrant juice in a juicer

  1. First, pour water into the machine, then load the clean berries onto the grate, pour sugar there (2 to 1).
  2. Within 40-60 minutes, the process of juice release will occur.
  3. Pour the juice through the outlet vessels into sterilized containers.

Red currant juice in a juicer

  1. Place the clean berries in a juicer, then pour the resulting liquid into a container.
  2. Separately, we dissolve a glass of sugar in water (by the way, you can also take cane sugar).
  3. We combine both liquids, mix and fill pre-prepared containers.

Proper storage is the key to success

First, you need to pick the berry in dry weather. In small clean boxes at a temperature of about zero degrees, it can lie for two months - which means that you can cook various delicacies from it at any time. In the freezer, red currants are stored for up to three months.

Freshly squeezed juice can be kept in the refrigerator for no more than a few hours. For long-term storage it is not intended - except perhaps in a frozen form (freeze immediately after cooking!). Then he keeps his useful qualities and taste for about two months. In the refrigerator, the drink should be in a tightly closed container.

When freezing juice, you do not need to fill the container (bottle or cups) to the top, because the liquid will increase in volume when frozen. The container can simply burst. If you are going to use frozen juice, you must first let it stand at room temperature.

You can also freeze juice in small containers. Get real popsicles!

Thus, redcurrant juice is really healthy and tasty. This drink is a real find for those who care about their health!

Redcurrant blanks are bright, tasty and always look appetizing. But they can also be useful. To do this, you need to minimize the time heat treatment berries and don't add too much sugar. These requirements are met by redcurrant juice, which even an inexperienced housewife can prepare for the winter. Being a juicy berry, redcurrant allows you to get a lot of drink without spending on cooking. huge amount time and effort.

Cooking features

Redcurrant juice is bright, has a rich aroma and taste. Its preparation does not require high culinary skills. Even an inexperienced cook will get a result that he can be proud of if he takes into account a number of points when cooking.

  • Using a juicer, it is not necessary to peel the currants from the twigs, but when processing the berries in any other way, you will have to spend time to cut off the tails. If this is not done, the juice will acquire an unpleasant aftertaste and will be stored worse.
  • When cooking redcurrant juice according to any of the recipes, you can add a few currant leaves pre-washed well. Before pouring the drink into jars, the leaves must be removed from the pan.
  • When making redcurrant juice, sugar is usually added to it. It increases the safety of canned food and makes their taste more balanced.
  • Banks intended for storing redcurrant juice in winter must be washed with soda and sterilized in any convenient way. Lids are also sterilized, usually by boiling. Plastic lids are not suitable for closing juice, metal ones are needed to ensure tightness.
  • Redcurrant juice is most often made concentrated by diluting it with water just before serving. It is advisable to close such juice in small jars, from 0.5 liters to 1 liter.

Red currant juice is stored in a cool room, the temperature in which does not exceed 18 degrees. Then the drink will stand without spoiling for at least a year. open jar can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Redcurrant juice through a juicer

Composition (per 1 liter):

  • red currant - 1.2 kg;
  • sugar - 0.25 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Sort out the currants. Rinse it without removing the branches.
  • Pass the currant through the juicer.
  • Pour into a stainless steel or enamel container. It is impossible to cook currant juice in aluminum dishes, since this material, oxidizing, forms harmful substances.
  • Add sugar to juice and stir.
  • Place the juice container on slow fire. Heat it while stirring to achieve complete dissolution of sugar.
  • Continue heating until the juice boils.
  • Boil it for 5 minutes, remove from the stove.
  • Sterilize jars and suitable lids.
  • Fill jars with juice, roll up.
  • Turn over, cover with a blanket, leave to cool in conditions steam bath for additional preservation.

The juice made according to this recipe can be used to make jelly and other desserts. If you are going to drink it, the drink must be diluted with water in a ratio of at least 1: 1 before drinking.

Tart red currant juice

Composition (per 1.5 l):

  • red currant - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • water - 0.5 l.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the currant. Let it dry by scattering the berries on a towel that absorbs moisture well.
  • Remove stems from berries.
  • Turn the currant through a meat grinder. It can be crushed in another way, for example, using a blender. Astringent taste appears due to the destruction of small seeds inside the berries.
  • Put the currant mass in a basin, pour a glass boiled water. Boil 5 minutes after boiling. Strain through a sieve.
  • Collect the cake in gauze folded in several layers, wring out.
  • Add the remaining water and sugar to the redcurrant juice.
  • Bring to a boil over low heat and simmer for 5 minutes.
  • Pour the juice into prepared jars, seal them tightly.
  • Leave to cool upside down, wrapped in a warm blanket.

Red currant juice, closed for the winter according to the above recipe, can be drunk without diluting.

Spicy redcurrant juice prepared with a juicer

Composition (per 0.75 l):

  • red currant - 1 kg;
  • orange - 100 g;
  • carnation - 1 pc.;
  • cinnamon - 0.5 sticks;
  • nutmeg - on the tip of a knife;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • currant leaf - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  • Place the prepared berries in the upper compartment of the juicer.
  • Add sliced ​​orange and spices.
  • Sprinkle the berries with sugar.
  • Pour water into the container of the juicer provided for this purpose.
  • Direct the hose from the juice collection container into a sterilized jar.
  • Turn on the unit or put it on the stove.
  • Boil the berries until the juice stops flowing through the hose.
  • Roll up the jar, let it cool in a steam bath.

The juice according to this recipe is fragrant, it can serve as the basis for non-alcoholic mulled wine.

Redcurrant juice has a rich taste and color, has a pleasant aroma and remains healthy. Even a novice hostess can prepare this liquid delicacy for the winter if she listens to the advice of more experienced chefs.