Is it possible to eat watermelon with seeds? Beneficial properties and harm of watermelon seeds. Apricot kernels - benefit or harm

There are contraindications, consult your doctor.

When you pick up a ripe, aromatic, juicy fruit, you, of course, want not only to satisfy your hunger, but also to receive the benefits that, as is rightly stated, are found in any of the gifts of nature, from cherries to pineapples. Naturally, first of all we are interested in the pulp, which has the most pleasant taste. However, there is an opinion that also fruit seeds. The skin indeed, in many cases, contains valuable substances, but the benefits of the seeds are a big question; someone, in contrast to supporters of their “healthiness”, argues that eating the seeds of fruits and berries is almost fatal. How are things really going? To understand this, let's look at the pros and cons of eating seeds, focusing on the most common opinions related to this issue.

Opinion No. 1. You need to eat bones, because the most useful things are inside them.

Indeed, the core of the seeds contains nutrients, sugars and growth factors, and, in principle, they can benefit not only the plant that was supposed to grow from the seed, but also the person who prevented this from happening. Grape, apple and pomegranate seeds They have a particularly “beneficial” composition, so their use will not cause harm if you accidentally or intentionally swallow them after chewing them.

Opinion No. 2. Seeds of fruits and berries should be eaten, as they have medicinal properties.

Opinion No. 3. You can and should eat bones, as they improve digestion.

This applies only to the softest and most delicate seeds in structure, for example, the “milk” seeds of young fruits of cucumber, melon or pomegranate, which are a source dietary fiber– fiber. They are allowed to be used if you are prone to constipation (be careful with pomegranate - it can worsen the situation), but they are still not recommended in large quantities. In addition, they can be replaced with bran with great success: the benefits will be much greater.

Opinion No. 4. Bones are neither harmful nor beneficial - they are not digestible.

There is undoubtedly a grain of truth in this statement. The seeds of most fruits are protected by a dense outer shell, which is not so easy to crack. Those who have ever tried to eat a plum, apricot, peach or avocado pit will agree with this without hesitation. Other, softer seeds (for example, from ripe melon) are also almost indigestible if they are swallowed whole. So in most cases, whole bones simply transit through the gastrointestinal tract without affecting human health.

By the way, the hard shell is not a random quirk of nature, but a powerful plant defense mechanism. The vast majority of fruits in nature are eaten by animals along with the peel and seeds; everything is digested, and the bones “travel” for some time in the intestines of animals, and then come out, end up on the ground and sprout in new places; This is how plants disperse. There are even representatives of the flora that cannot germinate unless they have been in the digestive tract of some herbivorous animal - gastric juice and enzymes soften the outer shell of the seed, which facilitates its destruction in the soil.

Opinion No. 5. The seeds of the fruit are poisonous and should not be eaten.

Some actually contain substances that are hazardous to health. For example, many stone fruits, such as cherries and apricots, contain cyanide, which can cause poisoning. This can be determined by the characteristic “almond” smell and bitter taste. However, the poison is not in the peel, but inside, in the core, and even if you eat several kernels, most likely great harm this will not help, since the toxins are in relatively small concentrations in the seeds. Some people even make jam from apricots and kernels apricot kernels. This, of course, is very tasty, but sometimes unsafe: there have been cases where this led to the appearance of symptoms food poisoning– it’s true that it’s pleasing, without a fatal outcome.

Some say that the poison is also found in the seeds of citrus fruits - lemon, orange and tangerine, arguing this on the grounds that they have a bitter taste. However, this is not so: the bitterness of citrus seeds is ensured by the presence of essential oils in the seeds; they are not harmful, and the most they can spoil is the taste of the dish in which they were accidentally and unpleasantly discovered.

Opinion No. 6. Bones contribute to the development of obstruction, intestinal problems, appendicitis and other diseases.

Obstruction will only occur if the bones are eaten in large quantities by a person suffering from intestinal diseases with difficulty in intestinal patency (tumors, diverticula, chronic hypomotor colitis). Sometimes healthy people can also suffer from their use. Some seeds, for example apple seeds, are pointed at one end, and therefore can injure the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, especially in the places of bends and sphincters. Thus, it is known that people who do not see anything reprehensible in eating seeds are more likely to have rectal fissures than those who prefer exclusively pulp.

Intestinal problems often arise when children eat seeds if they do this often: unusual, rough food adversely affects the condition of the wall of the digestive tract. If a child regularly eats whole fruits and berries, this can lead to the development of diverticulosis - the appearance of protrusions of the intestinal wall. This connection has been proven by pediatricians and is beyond doubt, so make sure that your children eat seedless fruits and berries.

As for appendicitis, a reliable connection between the love of seeds and its occurrence has not been established, although there is an opinion that eating sunflower seed husks and fruit seeds “clogs” the appendix and leads to its inflammation. There are many reasons for the formation of this pathology, mainly a violation of the blood supply to the appendix, and mechanical causes are rare. It would be fair to say that even if you have appendicitis, you will not be able to predict and prevent its occurrence, and it will most likely not arise from the bones.

Speaking about diseases caused, as it turned out, not entirely useful seeds fruits, it is worth mentioning one more point: small seeds of berries (raspberries, strawberries) get between the teeth and can remain there for a long time, contributing to the development of caries. So be attentive and careful, and train yourself to use dental floss daily if it has not yet become a habit for you.

Summarize. Some bones actually contain substances that are beneficial to health, although you still shouldn’t expect a miracle from them. Alas, for the most part, seeds do not have any unique or irreplaceable effect, and sometimes they can even lead to exacerbations of existing diseases and the emergence of new ones. Therefore, if we draw any final conclusion, You should still give up eating seeds - your health will not suffer from this at all.


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Once recently, one of my relatives saw how I, having eaten a couple of apricots, did not throw away the seeds, but without thinking twice, broke them from the meat with a nearby hammer, and, having separated the shells, ate the kernels from these seeds. This brought her into some kind of indescribable horror. Making scary eyes, she tried to convey to me that because of the hydrocyanic acid contained in the bone, I was about to die in the next 5 minutes. Or maybe even earlier.

I’ve heard these horror stories before—even as a child. Then I studied chemistry for a long time, then I made dissertation and worked a lot. Well, here it is. I had to carry out some educational training, a brief summary of which I want to publish here.

So, is it possible to eat apricot pits and kernels, do they really contain hydrocyanic acid, and what will happen if you do eat them?

The answer to this question lies not only in chemistry, but also in medicine and pharmaceuticals. And let's start by dispelling the main myth - hydrocyanic acid in pure form does not contain apricot kernels. Or rather, it is contained in such insignificant quantities that we can only smell it, and even then, if you really look at it, it’s not really her.

So where did this myth come from? Most likely, there have actually been isolated cases of deaths caused by eating large quantities of seeds, mainly by children, whose symptoms are very similar to hydrocyanic acid poisoning.

But where could it come from if - as I already said - apricot kernels do not contain either hydrocyanic acid, potassium or sodium cyanide, or are contained in absolutely insignificant quantities that cannot affect anything?

The answer lies in the presence in apricot kernels of an organic compound that includes a nitrile group - the so-called Amygdalina - glycoside, sometimes also called vitamin-like preparation B17 (since, in fact, it is not a vitamin of any kind and is not included in vitamin preparation complexes):

To be precise, the seeds of plums, apricots and peaches also contain a certain amount of its predecessor, prunasin, but in our case this is no longer so important.

So, that's the one Amygdalin, entering not only the stomach, but already into the human mouth, it begins, under the influence of a special substance, the enzyme beta-glycosidase, to first hydrolyze to form mandelonitrile (I do not draw the glycosidic residue, it is not important in our case):

and then split into its component parts, which include substances such as benzaldehyde (mainly responsible for the almond smell) and hydrocyanic acid. But they are the ones who begin to spoil all our raspberries. Or rather, it’s mostly hydrocyanic acid; a person can eat about ten grams of benzaldehyde (not without consequences, most likely, but not fatal).

But hydrocyanic acid is a poisonous thing. Mice are poisoned by 50% in the amount of 3.7 mg/kg body weight, but for humans the minimum published lethal dose (ORL-MAN LDLo) is ~ 1 mg/kg. By the way, about the same as nicotine. Apricots contain 1-2% amygdalin (peach contains more, about 2-3%). The weight of one seed can vary greatly, depending on the size of the apricot itself - from 1 to 6 grams. But let’s consider everything to the maximum - that we have a huge bone weighing 6 grams, which produces a nucleolus weighing 4 grams. This means that it contains 80 mg of amygdoline. The molecular weight of amygdoline is 457 g/mol, respectively, we have 0.175 mmol of a substance that, upon decomposition, will, ideally, give something about 5 mg of hydrocyanic acid. Weight healthy person(let it be a girl) we have 50 kg, so to die you need to eat minimum 10 grains.

And this is taking into account the fact that we calculated everything according to the extreme limits - the minimum dose was taken a couple of times less than required, the size of the seeds was twice as large, the amygdalin content was at the maximum (in cultivated apricots there is actually not that much of it) . And most importantly, they did not take into account that we eat the pits, as a rule, immediately after the apricots themselves - which contain a wild amount of sucrose, which neutralizes hydrocyanic acid.

Well, in fact, even if you eat 10-20 grains, you won’t get anything. And even without the apricots themselves. With children it’s a little more complicated - but even there, about five bones for a ten-year-old child will not do any harm, and for those who are older - up to ten. If your age or weight is less, then it is better to limit yourself to a smaller amount.

Fruit waste – this is the definition most often given to apricot kernels, the benefits and harms of which are not taken into account. Many people don’t even realize how widely used apricot kernels are in medicine, cosmetology and cooking. What's special about apricot kernels and what's the best way to use them?

Composition of apricot kernels

The seeds contain:

  • vitamins (B17, PP);
  • minerals (iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium);
  • hydrocyanic acid;
  • 0 g protein, 27.7 g fat, 56.3 g carbohydrates (per 100 g kernels).

Speaking about the benefits and harms of apricot kernels, one cannot fail to mention the oil made from them. Moreover, the kernels of some varieties contain up to 70% edible oil. This product, in turn, is rich in:

  • fatty acids (linoleic, palmitic, oleic);
  • phospholipids;
  • vitamins (A, C, B, F);
  • tocopherols.

The calorie content of apricot kernels is 440 kcal per 100 g of product. Therefore, they are often recommended to athletes to consolidate mass.

Apricot kernels: beneficial properties and contraindications

The presence of vitamin B17 turns apricot kernels into natural “killers” of cancer cells. This vitamin contains cyanide, which helps destroy cancer cells.

The more bitter the seed, the more vitamin B17 it contains.

It is important to know both the beneficial properties and contraindications of apricot kernels. In particular, apricot kernels contain hydrocyanic acid, which becomes poisonous in large quantities. Strong bitterness indicates a high concentration of organic poison. The reason for the bitter taste of amygdalin is a source of hydrocyanic acid. Therefore, uncontrolled consumption of apricot kernels can cause poisoning. The problem can be caused by taking 20-40 g of the product.

The damage to the kernels is minimized if they are pre-boiled or dried in the oven. Under the influence of high temperature, harmful components will be destroyed.

Old apricot cores can be dangerous. The fact is that the cyanide content increases over time. Therefore, taking them is not recommended.

Apricot kernels are contraindicated for:

Signs of poisoning usually appear within 5 hours after taking the product. A wide range of symptoms can indicate poisoning. First of all, these are: lethargy, headache, nausea and stomach cramps. In severe cases, convulsions, fainting, or acute heart failure may occur.

Application of apricot kernels

Oil from apricot kernels- the basis of many medicines. The bones themselves are considered natural “chemotherapy.” But it is important to know how to take apricot kernels for cancer. Cyanide, which is contained in the nuclei, destroys cancer cells in small doses, but from large quantity healthy cells begin to suffer.

You can consume no more than a few kernels per day. It is best to supplement their intake with your favorite fruits.

Apricot kernels brewed as tea are used for cardiovascular diseases. They are also useful for bronchitis and diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The high calorie content of apricot kernels allows us to recommend them as food supplement under heavy physical exertion.

Widely used in cosmetology. The substances contained in it have a beneficial effect on the skin, slowing down the process of its withering and improving the condition of nails and hair.

Is it possible to eat apricot pits? The answer, of course, is yes. Moreover, apricot kernels are often used by confectioners to make glaze, caramel, sweets, yoghurts, creams, ice cream, waffles and various pastries. The kernels of some apricot varieties are used as a substitute for almonds.

The harm and benefits of apricot kernels are closely related to the health status of a particular person. Therefore, be sure to consult your doctor before using this product.

Fragrant, ripe, juicy apricot pulp is one of the favorite delicacies of adults and children. Having tasted the fruit, most often a person throws out the kernel, but in vain. Is it possible to eat apricot kernels? It is possible, since the kernel, which is hidden behind a dense shell, contains a lot useful substances for the body. It is believed that when correct use they can have a healing effect. The main thing is to use apricot kernels correctly and not to neglect contraindications.

What is in apricot kernels?

Apricot kernels, whose health benefits were discovered by Chinese healers, have quite pleasant taste. Unique properties nuclei are used in the treatment of joints and various diseases skin. They are also very often used in cosmetology.

The composition of the seeds includes the following substances:

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates;

Iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium;

Pigments of natural origin and essential oils;

Groups of vitamins A, C, B, PP;

Hydrocyanic acid.

Apricot kernels: harm of eating kernels

After scientists conducted research and studied in detail the effect of each substance in the composition on the body, they came to an unpleasant conclusion. Of course, it is not forbidden to eat apricot kernels. Harm to a person will only be visible if they overeat.

When it enters the body, the substance amygdalin, which is a source of hydrocyanic acid, begins to be released from the nuclei. If there is an excess of it, severe poisoning can occur.

However, there is another method to safely consume apricot kernels. Harm to the body will be eliminated if you first dry the kernels in the oven.

The permissible daily intake of fresh apricot kernels is 40 grams. It is important that the seeds are not old, since their content of toxic elements is higher.

Contraindications and symptoms of poisoning

Apricot kernels can cause harm if consumed in the following cases:

For diabetes mellitus;

Overeating during pregnancy and lactation;

In case of malfunctions thyroid gland;

For liver diseases.

During pregnancy and while carrying a child, kernels are not prohibited, but they should be consumed no more than 20 grams per day. Small children can be given seeds in the same quantity, unless an allergic reaction has been noted.

If a person consumes more than 40 grams of apricot kernels per day, this can cause poisoning. The first signs manifest themselves in different ways. For some, after 20 minutes, for others, after 5-6 hours.

Symptoms of poisoning:

Severe weakness and lethargy;

Sharp pain in the stomach, attacks of nausea;


Breathing problems;

In acute cases, fainting and even convulsions are possible.

If one of the listed symptoms appears, you should drink immediately Activated carbon(at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight) and visit a doctor to avoid further unpleasant side effects.

Apricot kernels: benefits for the body

Apricot kernels are characterized by a truly extraordinary composition. It has been proven that if you learn to eat them correctly and not overuse them, your immune system will be significantly strengthened.

How do apricot kernels affect the body? The benefits of the product are as follows:

Stimulates the work of the heart muscle;

Destroy cancer tumors;

Promote cell rejuvenation;

Coping with the problem of constipation and hemorrhoids;

Improve intestinal motility, restore microflora;

Strengthen the immune system.

It also contains a substance called tocopherol. Thanks to it, it is prevented premature aging human body, the process of skin withering is frozen. Acids of natural origin also have a beneficial effect. They act on the epidermis, thereby improving appearance and the condition of nails and hair.

Apricot kernels, the benefits of which are invaluable, are recommended for every person in an acceptable quantity. Particular attention should be paid to their use during the ripening period of the fruit - in the summer. It is enough to dry them in the oven for 5 minutes to enjoy this bitter delicacy. If desired, the bones are added to various pies and other baked goods. It is not recommended to use dried bones from last season for food, as the concentration of harmful substances in them is increased.

Apricot kernels: medicinal properties

Is it possible to eat apricot kernels now it has become clearer. All that remains is to figure out in what form they exhibit maximum medicinal properties.

1. Water infusions prepared from apricot kernels are often used to get rid of cough or asthma. Also recommended for use by people who have heart problems.

2. Apricot kernel oil is widely used in medicine and cosmetology.

Ways to use apricot kernel oil

1. Due to the fact that it is characterized by antimutagenic properties, it helps restore vascular elasticity and prevents the risk of heart failure.

2. Used for constipation, removes excess toxins and waste from the body, without damaging the intestinal microflora.

3. Used to treat gastritis (any form) and stomach ulcers.

4. Used to prevent hemorrhoids.

5. Used in cosmetology, thanks to its rich vitamin composition. Apricot kernel oil can often be seen among the components of shampoos, facial care gels, and creams.

Fresh apricot kernel oil has a positive effect on the body, prevents the aging process, and keeps the skin elastic and youthful for a long time.

Calorie content of apricot kernels

Is it possible to eat apricot kernels and do they have a negative effect on your figure? In fact energy value the product is impressive. Per 100 grams of raw kernels there are 510 kcal.

Due to the high calorie content of the kernel, it is not recommended to be consumed by people who adhere to strict diet or are obese. In other cases, their use is not contraindicated. The seeds can be eaten raw, fried or dried.

Sweetish grains with a slight aftertaste of sweetness are very popular among chefs. For example, if you add them to apricot jam, it will acquire a special piquancy. The cores combine perfectly with oatmeal, cottage cheese or natural yoghurts. In some dishes, apricot kernels taste like an excellent substitute for almonds, which are quite expensive.

The question of whether you can eat apricot kernels will no longer bother you. There are very few contraindications to the use of nucleoli. The most important thing is to eat them with caution and not exceed the permissible limit. daily norm to avoid poisoning the body. If the seeds are left over from last season, it is better to use them not in cooking, but as an ingredient for making homemade masks or creams.

The healing properties of cherries for humans have long been known. But not only the fruits of the cherry tree are beneficial for his body. IN folk medicine Leaves, twigs, stalks and seeds are also widely used. It is the latter that, if neglected, can be dangerous to humans. How to use cherry pits, their harm and benefits for the body and other issues are discussed in detail in our article. Let's look at each of them in detail.

Cherry pits: harm to the body

Despite all the benefits of cherries, they can cause irreparable harm to the body. And first of all, this applies to cherry pits. The danger they pose to humans is associated with the amygdalin content they contain. It is this glycoside, which is present in the seeds of many plants, that gives them a bitter taste. Under the influence of gastric juice, amygdalin breaks down into glucose and hydrocyanic acid. The latter causes the toxicity of cherry kernels.

The kernels of the cherry tree contain about 0.8% amygdalin. If several nucleoli are accidentally ingested, such an amount of substance cannot harm the body. The deliberate consumption of seeds in large quantities poses a danger to humans. This is especially true for children. Parents should be sure to ensure that they do not swallow cherry pits.

The harm and benefits of nucleoli for the body can be balanced if we take into account the fact that, in addition to hydrocyanic acid, they contain valuable substances and healing oil. What are their benefits for humans, we will consider below.

Signs of hydrocyanic acid poisoning

Ingestion of cherry pits can lead to severe poisoning in an adult. Lethal dose is the use of 50 nucleoli. For a child, the dangerous dosage will be even lower.

What are the signs of poisoning that occur when swallowing cherry pits, the harm to the body is already known? They are as follows:

  1. The skin and mucous membranes of the human body turn bright pink, and the smell of almond bitterness is felt from the mouth.
  2. There is a bitterness in the mouth with a metallic taste.
  3. There is a feeling of dryness in the mouth, accompanied by copious discharge saliva.
  4. Nausea and urge to vomit.
  5. Pulse and breathing increase.
  6. The pupils dilate, speech becomes incoherent.

When the first signs of poisoning appear (before the doctor arrives), you need to take a horizontal position so that the poison does not spread throughout the body, induce vomiting and rinse the stomach big amount water.

Cherry pits in compote and tincture

Most people are of the opinion that hydrocyanic acid, which is dangerous for the body, is constantly contained in cherry pits, regardless of whether the berry was fresh or cooked in jam or compote. Scientists have conducted studies that have proven the opposite.

Thus, cherry pits, the harm and benefits of which have been proven by doctors, are safe for the body if they are in jam or compote. This is explained by the fact that under the influence of high temperature (over 75 degrees), amygdalin is destroyed and hydrocyanic acid is not formed.

What are the benefits of cherry pits?

Cherry kernels bring not only harm, but also great benefits to the body. What is it?

Firstly, healing oil is prepared from cherry pits, which is widely used in cosmetology. With its regular use, the skin becomes young, elastic and hydrated again.

Secondly, special heating pads are sewn from cherry kernels, which are used in the treatment of many diseases of children and adults (colds, osteochondrosis, arthritis).

Thirdly, crushed cherry kernels are used in the treatment of gout. In addition, whole and dried cherry pits also provide protection and strengthen the immune system. The benefits of the kernels of this plant are widely used in folk medicine. A tincture based on them is used in the treatment of many chronic diseases.

Healthy cherry seed oil

Healing oil is prepared from cherry pits, which does not contain toxic substances. It contains many vitamins and minerals that have a positive effect on the condition of human skin. But these are not all the beneficial properties of the oil for the production of which cherry pits were used.

The benefits for the body are as follows:

  • restoration of youthful skin;
  • protects the skin from sunlight (prevents the absorption of ultraviolet radiation);
  • softening, moisturizing, skin;
  • skin color becomes lighter;
  • protects the surface of the lips from drying out;
  • increases skin elasticity;
  • contains natural antioxidants that resist the formation of cancer cells.

Cherry seed oil is the only one among other types that contains absolutely all the vitamins necessary for proper metabolism in the body. It can be used in pure form or as part of other cosmetics for face and body care.

Cherry pit pillow: benefits and harms for adults and children

Cherry kernels can be used as a filler when sewing pillows and toys for children. The resulting products have healing properties for the body.

Cherry pits, the harm and benefits of which have been proven by medicine, are widely used in the manufacture of special heating pads for adults and children. To eliminate possible rotting inside the seeds, which contributes to the formation of hydrocyanic acid, the kernels are boiled in boiling water with the addition of vinegar before making the pillow and dried in the oven.

The bone pillow can be used as a cold or warm compress. It relieves fever, pain and cramps or warms with pleasant warmth. It is absolutely hypoallergenic and safe, since the filler does not cause burns.

For children, a heating pad is used:

  • to relieve pain from colic in newborns;
  • for preparing a warm compress for coughs;
  • as a cold compress, relieves pain from swelling and abrasions;
  • to relieve muscle pain and spasms;
  • to help the child fall asleep quickly (relieves fatigue, calms);
  • for the development of fine motor skills.

Adults use the pillow:

  • for cold and warm compresses in cases where it is necessary to relieve pain and spasms;
  • to stabilize the cervical and lumbar spine in a sitting position;
  • as an orthopedic sleeping pillow.

How to use a heating pad

A heating pad for a warm compress is prepared in the following ways:

  • the bag of kernels is heated in the oven for 5 minutes at 150 degrees;
  • can be heated in the microwave - 3 minutes at 600 W;
  • put it on the battery for 40 minutes.

A warm pillow should be applied to the place where you want to relieve pain or spasm.

To prepare a cold compress, a pillow with bones must be placed in freezer. In winter, a bag of cherry kernels can be taken out onto the balcony.

Bones for the treatment of arthritis

As you can see, this is a universal remedy. When treating arthritis, cherry seeds will also help relieve pain in the knee joints. The benefits of a pillow with natural filling are as follows: the bag of seeds must be placed in the freezer for 30 minutes - 1 hour, and then applied to the sore spot.

Cold is excellent remedy for the treatment of inflammation and swelling of the joints. It accelerates blood circulation and has a good analgesic effect. The time of exposure to cold on the joint should not exceed 10 minutes.

Cherry pits for the treatment of gout

Gout is a joint disease caused by salt deposition. Absolutely all joints suffer from it: from fingers to toes. which can be dangerous in large doses, helps relieve joint pain for gout. How to achieve this?

To treat gout, cherry pits must first be crushed, then ground well, wrapped in gauze and applied to the sore spot. After several procedures, the pain will disappear.

Folk recipes with cherry pits

For inflammatory processes resulting from exacerbation of chronic diseases, a decoction of cherry seeds and pulp is used. After regularly taking this remedy, the painful symptoms will disappear and the body’s condition will improve. Cherry pits, the benefits and harms of which depend on proper temperature treatment, cannot be dangerous in such a decoction. You can store it in the refrigerator, but no more than 1 month after preparation.

To strengthen the immune system, it is enough to do a daily foot massage with cherry pits. To do this, you need to scatter them on a towel, previously spread on the floor, and walk on them for 10 minutes. This “health path” will be useful for both adults and children who often suffer from colds.

There is no need to sound the alarm if a child or adult swallows several cherry seeds. It takes some time for amygdalin to turn into hydrocyanic acid. Usually it is enough for the bone to leave the body on its own without causing any damage. harmful effects on him. Hydrocyanic acid begins to be released 4-5 hours after ingestion of the cherry kernel.