How to cook cherry jam with and without a stone. How to make pitted cherry jam

Cherry jam has a tart aftertaste and an indescribable aroma. In addition to the obvious characteristics, cherries contain a large amount of potassium, magnesium, copper, iron, vitamins of different groups (A, C, B1, PP, etc.). Because of this, the delicacy is very popular in many families. Jam is used to make pies and desserts with filling, and is also used as an independent snack for tea. Experienced housewives brought out delicious recipes in which cherries are combined with raspberries, apples, cranberries and even chocolate.

Cherry jam with cranberries

  • raspberry syrup - 135 ml.
  • cherry - 950 gr.
  • cranberries (fresh / frozen) - 375 gr.
  • lemon juice - 60 ml.
  • drinking water - 270 ml.
  • granulated sugar (preferably cane) - 1.4 kg.
  1. Pour a basin with cold water, dip cranberries into it (if the berries are fresh). Wash the fruits, remove spoiled, rotten ones. If you are using a frozen product, pour the berries into a colander, rinse under the tap.
  2. Regardless of the type of cranberry, it must be partially dried before making jam. Once the berries are ready, grind them in a meat grinder, blender, or food processor (a potato pestle is an alternative).
  3. Rinse the cherries, cut the fruits in two, remove the seeds. Mix with lemon juice and raspberry syrup, pour the mixture over the cranberries. Transfer the contents to a cauldron or pan with thick walls, pour in water.
  4. Cover the dishes with a lid, put on the stove, simmer at low power for 25-35 minutes. Ultimately, the berries should release juice and become very soft. When this happens, add granulated sugar, mix.
  5. Continue to simmer the mixture until the granules melt, then boil the composition for another 7-10 minutes. Next, remove the container from the fire, remove the foam. Wait 15 minutes for the treat to cool slightly.
  6. Boil and dry the container, pour the jam into hot jars. Roll up with a kitchen key, turn over, wait to cool. Transfer to the cold (cellar, basement, refrigerator, etc.).

Pitted cherry jam

  • granulated sugar - 1.2 kg.
  • fresh cherry - 850 gr.
  • drinking water - 550 ml.
  1. Rinse the cherry, pour it into a colander, leave to drain the liquid. Remove the bones with a toothpick or pin/needle. Cut cherries in half or leave whole. Sprinkle 400 gr. granulated sugar, mix until smooth, leave for 2 hours.
  2. While the berries are letting juice, boil the syrup from 800 gr. sugar and 550 ml. filtered water. Simmer over low heat until the granules dissolve, then turn off the burner and cool the composition.
  3. Pour syrup over cherries, leave for 5 hours. During this period, the berries are soaked, the jam will turn out sweet and sour. After the allotted time, send the container to the fire, cook in one step for half an hour.
  4. Rinse the container and pour over with boiling water, do the same with the lids. While the containers are hot, pour the delicacy, roll it up with a key, turn it over. Cool the jam, transfer to the cold.

  • granulated sugar - 870 gr.
  • fresh cherry - 850 gr.
  • gelatin - 15 gr.
  1. Throw the cherry on a sieve, rinse, leave for half an hour to glass the water. Remove the stones with a needle or a special device. Sprinkle with sugar, put on the stove, cook for half an hour, stir occasionally.
  2. Dilute the gelatin according to the instructions, insist until swelling. After the allotted time allotted for cooking cherries, add gelatin. Once again, mix the contents thoroughly, reduce the power to a minimum.
  3. Simmer jam for a quarter of an hour. To make the jam thicker, you can take a break of 5 hours between boiling the cherries and pouring in the swollen gelatin (optional).
  4. Engage in the sterilization of containers and lids, dry the dishes, pour finished product by containers. Cork each jar, turn upside down, leave for 11 hours. Send in the cold for storage.

Cherry jam thick

  • drinking water - 850 ml.
  • fresh cherry - 900 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 1.2 kg.
  1. To prepare a thick composition, it is necessary to take certain varieties of cherries. These include Vladimir and Zakharyevsky. Wash the berries, remove the seeds in a convenient way.
  2. Sprinkle the fruits with granulated sugar, let stand for 4 hours so that the liquid (juice) comes out. After the specified time, send the pan with the contents to the stove, simmer for 10 minutes. Next, turn off the burner, cool the jam.
  3. Stir constantly to keep the jam from sticking to the walls. Repeat the manipulations (cooking-cooling) 3 times, then pack the finished product in clean jars. You can roll up the jam with a key or cover with plastic lids (at your discretion).

  • sugar - 2.7 kg.
  • cherry - 900 gr.
  • currant (black / red) - 850 gr.
  • raspberries - 850 gr.
  1. Pour into the basin cold water, pour currants into a container. Stir the berries with your hands to remove excess debris. Drain the liquid, lay the fruit on a sieve to dry. Do the same with raspberries.
  2. Wash the cherries, remove the seeds, leave for 10 minutes to glass the liquid. Mix with the rest of the berries, add granulated sugar to the fruits. Wait 4 hours, during this time the juice will come out.
  3. When the specified period expires, move the berries to a cauldron or other heat-resistant dishes, cook at low power for 8 minutes. Next, turn off the burner, leave the jam for 5 hours to cool.
  4. Boil the berries again for 10 minutes, cool for 4 hours. Repeat the manipulations 1-2 more times, then pack the finished treat into jars. Seal, after cooling, store in the cold.

Cherry jam with strawberries

  • cherry - 650 gr.
  • sugar - 1.2-1.3 kg.
  • strawberries - 600 gr.
  1. Fill the basin with cold (possibly ice-cold) water, send strawberries inside. Stir the contents with your hands, drain the dirty liquid. Spread the berries on a cotton towel, wait for partial drying, then remove the sepals.
  2. Rinse the cherries, leave them on a sieve to evaporate moisture, and then remove the seeds. Combine 2 types of berries with each other, mix with granulated sugar, leave in a saucepan for 5 hours.
  3. Now turn on the burner to the minimum mark, cook the fruits for 15 minutes. Remember to remove the resulting foam with a slotted spoon. After a quarter of an hour, turn off the stove, let the jam stand to cool.
  4. Repeat cooking 1 more time (duration - 10 minutes), then pour the contents into containers. Seal with lids (plastic or tin), cool.

Cherry jam with chocolate

  • lemon juice - 25 ml.
  • cherry - 480-500 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 190 gr.
  • dark chocolate - 80 gr.
  • cognac / whiskey (optional) - 60 ml.
  • drinking water - 45 ml.
  1. Rinse and rinse the cherries, remove the seeds. Pour into a heat-resistant bowl, pour in lemon juice, water, add sugar. Send to the fire, cook for 25 minutes. If desired, pour in alcohol after 10 minutes of languishing.
  2. Stir constantly. After a quarter of an hour, add grated chocolate, wait for it to dissolve. Cool the jam, pour into a sealed jar.

  • lemon zest (fresh) - 35 gr.
  • frozen cherries (pitted) - 1.4 kg.
  • granulated sugar - 1.15 kg.
  • pectin - 115 gr.
  • lemon juice - 60 ml.
  1. Make a device for defrosting cherries: place a colander in a bowl, throw the cherries into a mesh cavity. This move will save the juice. After defrosting, combine the berries with juice, add pectin, grated lemon peel.
  2. Send the container to the fire, after 15 minutes add granulated sugar and lemon juice. Stir the contents constantly so that they do not stick to the sides of the dish. When the granules dissolve and the composition becomes homogeneous, turn off the heat.
  3. Boil the container for twisting, dry it, do the same with the lids. Pack the berry composition, cork immediately, let cool. Store cherry jam in the cold, the shelf life is 10 months.

Cherry jam with raspberries

  • cane sugar - 1.3 kg.
  • cherry - 900 gr.
  • raspberries - 370 gr.
  • drinking water - 230 gr.
  1. Sort through the fruits, exclude spoiled, dented, with a wormhole. Wash the cherries, remove the seeds, rinse the raspberries.
  2. Prepare a suitable heat-resistant container, add granulated sugar and pour in water. Set the burner to the minimum mark, prepare the syrup ( heat treatment lasts 10-12 minutes).
  3. After this time, add the prepared fruits, turn off the stove, cover with a lid, leave the mixture to infuse for 5 hours. After that, cook the mass for another half hour. The longer you cook the composition, the thicker the jam will turn out.
  4. Clean the jam jar beforehand. Pour the finished product, tighten with a key, turn over and cool.

  • clean water - 180 ml.
  • cherry - 900 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 850 gr.
  1. Rinse cherries, remove pits. In a multicooker container, mix water and granulated sugar, stir so that the grains are saturated. Set the "Heating" function, cook the syrup for 20 minutes. Open the lid periodically and stir.
  2. Combine syrup with berries, turn on the timer for a third of an hour, change the program to "Soup". Do not close the multicooker to be able to follow the process.
  3. Stir the jam constantly, remove the foam with a slotted spoon. Prepare in advance glass containers keep it warm. When the delicacy is cooked, pack it in containers.
  4. Screw on the lid and key, wrap it with a warm cloth, leave it in the kitchen until it cools. Move to pantry for long term storage.

Cherry jam with apples

  • almonds - 60 gr.
  • apple "Simirenko" - 480 gr.
  • cherry - 475 gr.
  • lemon - 2 pcs.
  • gelatin - 25 gr.
  1. Rinse and dry the berries, remove the seeds. Mix gelatin with granulated sugar, sprinkle with berries. Cover the container with a lid, leave for a day.
  2. Wash the apples, do not peel, but remove the twigs and core. Grind the fruits in a puree on a grater, in a blender or a meat grinder, add to the real cherry.
  3. Pour in lemon juice, add grated citrus zest if desired. Put on the stove, cook for 7 minutes. Next, roast the nuts in a dry frying pan, grind into powder or chop in half.
  4. Pour the almonds into the jam, immediately pack in containers. cork tin lids using a special seaming key.

Consider recipes for making cherry jam with raspberries, black or red currants, dark chocolate, cranberries, apples. Cook a delicacy in a slow cooker, adjust the amount of sugar as you wish.

Video: how to make cherry jam

At the height of the summer season, when a variety of fruits and berries are ripe, many people make jam. Especially tasty and fragrant, it is obtained from cherries. Moreover, jam is prepared not only from pitted cherries, but also with pits together. They give the dessert a special almond flavor.

In this article, we will share with you two simple recipes and learn how to cook delicious jam from cherry. How to cook, how to sterilize containers, how to pour syrup into jars and, finally, how to store this delicious sweetness you will learn from our story. So let's start cooking. amazing dessert for the winter.

how to cook it at home (pitted)

We bring to your attention a simple recipe for jam. To prepare it, you will need 4 kg of cherries and 5 kg of sugar. First, sort and remove the stalks, and then rinse the berries well under running cool water. Now we move on to peeling the cherries from the pits. This can be done using special device- a squeezer for bones, or using improvised means, for example, a pin or hairpin.

After carrying out all the preparatory procedures, you can start cooking. We place the berries in a large container and cover them with sugar. We leave for several hours until all the sugar is saturated. After that, gently mix the berries and put the pan on the fire. We boil for 20 minutes our How to cook? Do not cover the pot with a lid. Cook over medium heat and stir occasionally. After that, remove the jam from the heat and let it cool down a bit. We take pre-sterilized jars and pour syrup with berries over them. We also pre-boil the lids thoroughly. Close jars and turn over. Everything, our delicious and healthy jam from cherries (seedless recipe) is ready. You can store it in a cool dark place. So glad winter evenings delight yourself with juicy, sweet berries!

Cherry jam: how to cook berries with seeds

This dessert has a special rich taste, which has an almond hue. Making cherry jam with pits is also not particularly difficult. According to our recipe, the sweetness is thick, fragrant and healthy. You will need the following ingredients:

  • sugar - 3 kg;
  • cherry - 3 kg;
  • water - 0.5 l.

To begin with, we will prepare the berries - we will select good, ripe fruits, without dents. Remove stems and wash cherries thoroughly.

Now let's get to the syrup. Put a pot of water on the fire, after the liquid boils, add 2.5 kg of sugar to it. Let's simmer for a minute. Now fill the berries with hot syrup and leave them alone for at least 10 hours. After we put the container with berries and syrup on the fire, put the remaining sugar there and let it boil for 5 minutes over low heat. After that, remove the pan from the heat and leave it alone again for 10 hours. Again, put the pan on the fire, boil for 5 minutes, removing the foam with a spoon. Again, leave the jam to "reach" for 10 hours, after which the third time boil for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. We will pre-sterilize the jars, as well as wash and boil the lids. After boiling three times, you can pour the dessert into jars, close them with lids and quickly turn them upside down. Everything, delicious cherry jam is ready!


Cherry jam made from fresh and juicy berries can become great addition on any festive table. Moreover, you can make tea from such jam, use it as a filling for pies or decorate cakes and other desserts with it. To make it easier for you to deal with all the stages of cooking cherry jam, we have prepared a simple and affordable step by step recipe with photo.

And how many vitamins does just one jar of such cherry jam contain? It is not for nothing that children are fattened with jam during a cold in winter!

Today we will cook Cherry jam at home and very clearly demonstrate to you the simple process of boiling and sealing such a delicacy. Even if you have never done canning in your life, you can easily make your own cherry jam. From the recipe, you will also learn how cherries are prepared for jam and how much sugar is needed per 1 kg of berries.

It is worth remembering that you can vary the sweetness of your jam depending on your own taste and desire.

Let's start making cherry jam for the winter!


Cooking steps

    There are few products for making cherry jam: just cherries and sugar. However, even they need to be prepared in advance.

    Perhaps the most difficult thing in making cherry jam is to sort through all the cherries and rid them of the seeds. This is what we will do in the first stage of cooking jam. Rinse the berries thoroughly in a colander, get rid of the green stalks if necessary, cut each cherry in half and remove the stone. Also get rid of any corrupted copies.

    We shift the peeled halves of cherries into a deep bowl and fill them with a third of the entire indicated amount of granulated sugar.

    Within 3-4 hours, we leave the cherries to drain and let the juice, which we need for further cooking jam. You can also leave the cherries in a bowl of sugar overnight.

    Pour the entire contents of the bowl into a deep saucepan with dense enameled walls, pour all the remaining sugar there.

    We put the pan with cherries and sugar syrup on the stove. Stirring constantly, bring the liquid to a boil.

    Boil the cherry halves sugar syrup for 5-10 minutes over low heat, then turn off the fire altogether. Leave the jam to infuse for another 2-3 hours.

    After that, return the jam to the fire and continue to cook it until fully cooked.

    You can determine the readiness of the jam as follows: scoop up a little liquid with a teaspoon and drop it on the scattered sugar, if the density of the jam allows it not to be absorbed into the sugar crystals, then the jam is ready.

    The photo below shows a striking difference between undercooked jam and ready-made jam.

    Carefully wash the jars in which we will close the cherry jam. We heat the oven to 130 degrees and sterilize the washed jars in it for 15-20 minutes. It should be remembered that jars must be sent to an unheated oven.

    Sterilize the lids in boiling water for 5 minutes.

    Pour the still hot jam into sterilized jars, close them carefully and leave to cool. Then we send jars of cherry jam to a dark and cold place.

    Cherry jam for the winter is ready.

    Enjoy your meal!

Cherry jam has always been considered the most delicious and fragrant, and it is not for nothing that it is called "royal". This dessert has a wonderful taste, besides it is very useful. If it is cooked correctly, then all the vitamins are preserved in it. Cherry jam has delicate taste, and berries during caramelization acquire special taste qualities. This delicacy is considered very popular. So how to cook cherry jam and what are the recipes for making it? Let's take a closer look.

Useful qualities of cherries

Cherry contains vitamins C, P, B2, as well as a large amount of folic acid, iron and active substances. Thanks to pectin, toxins begin to be removed from the body. The use of cherries, and in any form, prevents the development of heart attacks and helps to get rid of body fat. Cherry helps to cure colds and eliminates the inflammatory process.

There are many ways to make cherry dessert, but the main rule is that it should not be boiled for too long, because it becomes brown, which means that the destruction of P-active substances involved in the healing and rejuvenation of the body has occurred.

The main feature of cherry jam is that it can be cooked in two ways- with and without bones. Removing bones is a long process, so you should be patient or purchase a device specially designed for this purpose. Usually the delicacy is prepared with seeds, it is considered the most useful and fragrant, with a light almond flavor.

Preparing berries

To make cherry jam, you need to properly prepare the berries. If it will be cooked without pits, then they should be removed, due to which the cherry loses less juice . If it is cooked with a bone, it is recommended to pierce each berry so that it is soaked with syrup as best as possible.

In order not to pierce the berries, they can be blanched for about one minute at a temperature of 90 degrees. Leaves and ponytails are necessarily cut off from cherries. There are many recipes for cherry jam, both with and without a bone. Consider the most popular of them.

Simple cherry jam with a stone

This method of cooking dessert without removing the seeds is considered the easiest, and berries must be properly prepared. So how to cook cherry jam in this case?

Would need:

  • 1 kg of berries;
  • 800 ml of water;
  • 0.5 kg of sugar.

The cherries are washed and pierced with a needle or pin. If this is not done, then the whole berries will be slowly soaked in syrup, they will begin to shrink from this and the delicacy will turn out not only ugly, but also of poor quality. Therefore, it is best to chop the berries and transfer them to a stainless pan or an enamel basin, after which they are poured with syrup, which is made from sugar and water.

Cherries need soak in syrup for 3-4 hours and begin to cook it over moderate heat for about ten minutes. Then the syrup must be drained and boiled for about five more minutes, after which the berries are again put into it, 200 g of sugar are poured and they begin to cook until cooked, bringing to a boil and removing 2-3 times from the heat. Ready jam poured over glass jars, which are pre-sterilized, and twisted with boiled lids.

Seedless jam "five minutes"

How to cook seedless cherry jam "five minutes"? This name of the delicacy is not true, because cooking process takes much longer. But the cooking itself fits well into this figure. After bringing the jam to a boil, it should be boiled three times for five minutes.

Take 5 kg of sugar and the same amount of ripe berries. They should be sorted out, removing rotten or crushed ones, and washed. After that, they are put in an enameled container, covered with sugar, mixed and left for ten minutes. Then mix again and put on the stove. As soon as the mass boils, the fire is reduced to a minimum and boiled for five minutes. Then the jam is left to cool for 30 minutes, after which it is put back on the stove, brought to a boil and boiled for 5 minutes. After removing from heat, leave it for half an hour. Boiled again over low heat for 5 minutes, it is poured into jars and twisted. Such jam must be cooled, wrapped in a blanket. After spinning, the cans can be turned over.

Thick cherry jam

This cherry delicacy is more reminiscent of cherry jam or jam. It does not spread and can be used to decorate desserts. To prepare it, take 1 kg of berries, 1.5 kg of sugar and one glass of water.

Thick jam is obtained due to a large number sugar, as well as a specific variety of cherries (fleshy and dense berries are best). To do this, it is not necessary to get rid of the bones - this remains at the discretion of the hostess. The berries are placed in a saucepan, covered with sugar and infused for three hours. Then the container is placed on the stove, one glass of water is added and simmered over low heat until until the mass becomes homogeneous. Then the fire is added, mixed again and the jam is brought to a boil. The workpiece is removed from the fire so that it cools down to room temperature, and rolled into banks.

Cherry strawberry jam

When making cherry jam, you can add various fruits or berries. It can be red and black currants, gooseberries, raspberries, apricots, etc. But cherries are best combined with strawberries. Such a dessert turns out to be amazingly tasty, especially if you add vanilla to it at the end. To prepare it, take the following ingredients:

  • cherry - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • strawberries - 0.5 kg.

Cherries should be washed, sorted, cleaned of ponytails, seeds and leaves. Strawberries should also be washed, after which the sepals are removed from it and transfer the berries to a bowl. Fall asleep with sugar and let it brew. Strawberries with cherries should give juice, after which the bowl should be put on fire.

The jam is boiled over low heat, stirring from time to time and removing the foam with a spoon. If for these purposes they took overripe cherries, then it should cook much faster. So that the berries do not lose their shape, the jam is brought to a boil, cooled and boiled again (repeating this 3-4 times). The finished delicacy of their cherries and strawberries is transferred to jars and rolled up with lids.

Pitted and sugar free cherry jam

An oven is used to prepare it. Banks must be with screw caps. take 5 kg ripe sweet cherries, wash them, sort out and take out the bones. Berries are divided into two parts. In jars previously scalded with boiling water, one part of the berries is placed, but not too tightly, leaving room for pouring. The lids should simply close the jars.

The second part of the berries is scrolled, the resulting mass is placed in an enamel container and heated to a temperature of 80 degrees. Hot mashed potatoes are added to jars, covered again with lids and put in a cold oven. The temperature is set at 85 degrees, at which the jars are sterilized for 15-20 minutes, after which the temperature is increased to 100 degrees and held for another 15 minutes. Banks should be cooled directly in the oven, then pulled out and rolled up with lids.

To properly cook cherry jam, recommendations should be followed.

Thus, cherry jam is very tasty and healthy treat , which should be cooked correctly. It can be with or without seeds, and there are a lot of recipes for such jam. It can be combined with various fruits and berries, but in any case - this is an excellent storehouse of vitamins for the winter.

Today I offer a recipe for thick cherry jam with pits. I will cook in two steps. First, I boil for 5 minutes so that the berries wrinkle and begin to absorb the sweet syrup. And then after complete cooling I will cook for 30 minutes, until thickened. The syrup will turn out viscous and dark, and the berries will retain their shape, be dense and tasty, and retain the fruity aroma of the cherry orchard.

Preparation time: 35 minutes + 10 hours / Yield: 500-600 ml


  • cherry - 500 g
  • sugar - 500 g
  • water - 2 tbsp. l.

How to make pitted cherry jam

Ripe berries are suitable for jam, preferably small and dense. I wash the cherries, remove the stalks. Sprinkle with sugar and leave for 4-5 hours in a cool place. In order for the berries to let the juice out faster, I pour in a couple of tablespoons of clean boiled water.

I put the pan on the fire - on the weakest one, so that when heated, the sugar slowly melts, the berries warm up and let the juice flow. If the fire is very strong, then the sugar from below may burn, and the fruits may crack. I warm up for 7-10 minutes, until the cherry literally “drowns” in own juice. Bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes. A lot of foam forms on the surface, which must be carefully removed. After the first cooking, turn off the stove, cover the pan with gauze and leave for 4-5 hours until it cools completely.

I return the completely cooled jam to the stove. Bring to a boil and boil for 30 minutes over low heat. In order not to burn, it is better not to mix it, but to turn it gently so that the berries sink into the syrup. Important! The fire must be weak! After half an hour, the jam will become thicker, as all excess moisture will leave it, the berries will wrinkle, and the syrup will become dark, rich cherry color.

In sterilized jars I lay out cherries with stones, pour hot syrup from the pan.

I immediately cork with boiled lids. I turn it upside down to make sure the tightness of the twist. I leave the jars upside down and wrap them with a blanket.

After 10-12 hours, when the preservation has completely cooled down, it can be transferred to the cellar or to another cool and sun-protected place. It is not recommended to store more than 1 year, since the nucleoli contain hydrocyanic acid, the path and in a small amount. The shelf life of pitted cherry jam is 3-4 months less than that of a pitted one, which means that it is advisable to eat it before March-April. Although it usually doesn't last that long on the shelves.