Refueling cow parsnip for the winter. Dressing for borscht - cooking secrets

It's good to have borscht dressing in stock for the winter. It could only be better to have different options. Each of which has its own zest. Borschik will be unique, interesting and incredibly tasty every time. What else is needed for a caring hostess?

I propose to prepare gas stations for not only different recipes but also by different methods. All recipes are very good, proven not for years, but for decades. Take a closer look - you will surely find something new for yourself.

Dressing for borscht for the winter from beets is sacred. Thanks to her, our favorite hot dish is fragrant and pleases with fresh smells and colors of summer.

The idea is this: vegetables are stewed, closed in jars under iron lids. Keeps great. The borscht is excellent!

There is only one wish for the choice of products - choose red varieties of beets, tasty. Sometimes vegetables come across with veins, watery, we do not need such. It is important to remember that success is very delicious dressingquality ingredients. First of all, it concerns beets.

Sterilize the jars first. For these purposes, 0.5 liters are good. Do not forget to pour over the caps with boiling water.

Cooking a set of products

  • Beets - 2 kg.
  • Tomatoes - 2 kg.
  • Carrots - 2 kg.
  • Onion - 2 kg.
  • Sunflower oil - 650 gr.
  • Sugar - 200 gr.
  • Salts - 130 gr.
  • Vinegar - 100 ml.
  • Water - 150 ml.
  • Allspice peas - 15 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 5 pieces.

I indicated the weight of vegetables in a purified form.

Preparing winter accompaniment to borscht

You are well prepared for winter season. And with a flick of the wrist, turn your borscht into a real miracle!

Recipe for dressing for borscht for the winter with beets and beans

Amazing gas station. For a lean dish - that's it. Agree that sometimes you want a lightweight version. If you have never cooked borscht with beans - urgently correct yourself. Yummy is extraordinary. And the preparation of beets and beans allows you to cook it very quickly.

What else is good for such a beetroot dressing for the winter? Yes, the fact that vegetables are first fried, and only then stewed. Experienced housewives they will immediately say that it should turn out very interesting.
I usually select white sugar beans. With it, gas station seems more attractive to me.

Product set

  • Beets - 2 kg.
  • Carrots - 2 kg.
  • Onion - 2 kg.
  • Tomatoes - 2 kg.
  • Beans - 3 cups of two hundred grams
  • Vegetable oils - 500 ml.
  • Hot water - 500 ml.
  • Sugar - glass (200)
  • Salts - 100 gr.
  • Vinegar (6 percent) - 150 ml.

How to cook

  1. Beans must first be soaked in cold water for 2 to 3 hours. Then boil until tender.
  2. Prepare mashed tomatoes from tomatoes, then boil it in a pan with the addition of a small amount of oil. Boil min. 5 - 7.
  3. Chop the onion into pieces. Beets and carrots in small strips.
  4. Fry the vegetables separately in oil, put in a common bowl.
  5. Add the beans to the vegetable mass, mix.
  6. Lay all the spices, oil, vinegar, water.
  7. Stir, simmer over medium heat for 30 minutes.
  8. Arrange in prepared sterile jars, twist.

Good luck to you borscht! If you want to be carried in your arms, throw in Lenten dish a handful of mushrooms.

Refueling for borscht for the winter. Recipe with tomatoes and bell peppers

The addition of bell pepper makes the beetroot dressing for the winter incredibly fragrant. And here we will add dill. Borscht will smell fragrant throughout the house.

The preparation is distinguished by a small amount of vinegar. Tomatoes will give her acid, which are slightly larger here than in other recipes.

Required Products

  • Beets - 3 kg.
  • Red bell pepper - 2 kg.
  • Onion - 2 kg.
  • Tomatoes - 4 kg.
  • Vegetable oil - 0.5 l.
  • Salt - 2 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Vinegar - 4 tbsp.
  • A bunch of dill.

Cooking process

  1. We twist the tomatoes on the tomato. Getting rid of seeds is not essential. But if you have time, strain the mass through a sieve. It will be better this way.
  2. Cut beets, peppers into medium-sized strips, onions into cubes.
  3. Finely chop the dill.
  4. AT large saucepan Pour the oil and tomatoes, let it boil.
  5. Add the rest of the vegetables, dill and spices.
  6. Mix the mass, boil over medium heat for 40 minutes.
  7. Add vinegar carefully. Why carefully? In order not to peroxide, tomatoes can differ in sour properties. Therefore, it is better to try, and pour in the vinegar in stages. You can adjust the taste with salt and sugar.
  8. Simmer after adding vinegar for another 5 minutes.
  9. We lay out in sterile jars, roll up.

Hot, fragrant borscht gathered everyone in the kitchen. Feed the household. Let them appreciate your preparation for winter!

Vegetable dressing for borscht for the winter

I will reveal to you little secret- This dressing can be eaten as a salad. She's very good. A complete vitamin set of sweet peppers and carrots, onions and tomatoes.

What to prepare

  • Tomato 2 kg
  • Bulgarian sweet pepper 2 kg
  • Carrots 1 kg
  • Onion 1 kg
  • Vegetable oils 300 ml.
  • Vinegar, salt, and sugar in half a glass (200 gr), a little less.


  1. Tomatoes are passed through a meat grinder. I do not remove seeds.
  2. Peppers and carrots are cut into strips, onions into cubes.
  3. Chopped vegetables are stacked in a cooking dish, tomato puree is added to them.
  4. Next, oil, vinegar, salt and sugar are laid, everything is mixed.
  5. The vessel is placed on medium heat, the dressing is stewed for 20-25 minutes. after boiling.
  6. Distributed in sterile jars, rolled up.

The dressing will decorate the borsch so much that everyone will require supplements. I put such a blank at the end of cooking and balance the taste.

Fresh dressing for borscht for the winter without cooking

Fresh filling for winter borscht- the hit of the season. All recipes are very good, but this one is special. After all, she is not subject to heat treatment. This means that vitamins and flavors remain in place. And it helps to keep fresh dignity not a large number of salt.

Such wealth is stored in a pantry under a nylon lid. If there is room in the fridge, you can put it there. There is room for a couple of jars. And they are enough for the winter for the eyes.

Before laying in borscht, it can be washed from salt. And another option: salt the broth less, and adjust the taste with dressing.

Product List

  • Carrots - 500 gr.
  • Bulgarian sweet pepper - 500 gr.
  • A bunch of dill, parsley
  • Salt 200 grams.


  1. Vegetables are cut into strips.
  2. The greens are finely chopped.
  3. The cut is thoroughly mixed with salt.
  4. The mass is distributed into clean and dry jars under a nylon lid. Vegetables should be packed tightly.

Fresh dressing can be added to both stir-fry and broth. The broth is added when the potatoes are ready. Just taste it, then you certainly won't oversalt it. And how your borscht will smell is beyond words.

Fresh dressings for borscht can be made frozen, but without salt. Distribute the vegetable mass in plastic bags, send to the freezer. You can freeze vegetables individually. As your heart desires, taking into account specific circumstances.

Dressing for borscht for the winter with bell pepper

It's no secret that bell pepper gives a special flavor to borscht. And the smell with it is completely different, and the taste. In winter, such a gas station will be a real find for the hostess.

Required Products

  • Sweet pepper - 2 kg.
  • Onion - 1 kg
  • Vegetable oil - a glass (200 gr.)
  • Salt to taste
  • Vinegar 6 percent - 1 tbsp. l. in a liter jar.

Cooking gas station

  1. Peppers need to be de-seeded, washed, cut into strips or cubes - as you like.
  2. Peel the onion, cut according to the pepper cut.
  3. Fry the onion until transparent.
  4. Add pepper, salt. Simmer until done. In time it will be min. 30. If there is not enough liquid, you can add a little water. And, if desired, ground pepper.
  5. Put the prepared vegetables in sterile jars. Pour vinegar on top, at the rate of 1 tbsp. per liter jar.
  6. Roll up with sterile iron lids.

Add to borscht for health. Enjoy!

Borsch dressing for the winter from beets with garlic

We have already prepared a beetroot version with carrots. Now let's add sweet pepper. We will get a dressing for borscht for the winter from beets, tomatoes and sweet peppers.
Its peculiarity is the addition of garlic. What could be better than borscht with garlic?


  • Tomatoes - 750 gr.
  • Sweet pepper - 250 gr.
  • Beets - 2 kg.
  • Onion - 250 gr.
  • medium head of garlic
  • Salt - 30 gr.
  • Sugar - 100 gr.
  • Vinegar (9 percent) - 100 ml.
  • Lean oil - 250 ml.

step by step process

  1. Onions, peppers and tomatoes are cut into cubes.
  2. Beet rubs on a grater.
  3. Vegetables are placed in a bowl.
  4. Salt, sugar, vinegar, oil are also sent here.
  5. The mass is stewed for 40 minutes.
  6. Minced garlic is added.
  7. The dressing is stirred, stewed for another 10 minutes. Don't forget to stir.
  8. The finished product is laid out in sterile jars, rolled up.

Do not forget to trim the lard to the fragrant borscht. Have fun, and don't swallow your tongues!

When it comes to talking about, I don’t want to talk for a long time. There is a desire to run to the kitchen and cook. And when there are wonderful gas stations in stock, it is doubly pleasant. Rich and tasty borscht for you!

I really enjoy making blanks. These are the ones that shorten the cooking time. For example, pre-grated and frozen carrots or. Which act as a full-fledged snack. Opened a jar and fed the family. And now she has also begun to close the borscht in jars for the winter. This is also convenient. Vegetables are already ready, it remains only to lower them into the broth and add spices. As a result, you will spend tasty soup only 20 minutes, subject to pre-cooked broth.

Of course, the recipes are all different, we can put cabbage in the borscht dressing, and replace the tomatoes with tomato paste. And we can cook hearty meal if we add some beans. In general, today I made a selection of 6 recipes that (in my opinion) are the most successful and ready to satisfy every taste. After all, someone loves red soup with sourness and adds vinegar, while someone does without it.

And I also like this blank for the winter because it collects everything not beautiful vegetables: small, crimped carrots, small beets. On the taste appearance is not reflected at all, and we get almost waste-free production.

One of the most favorite options for borscht dressing, when all the vegetables are already in the jar. So, if you close the half-liter bottle, you can immediately use it for three liters of water. You will only need to cut the potatoes. And we will put everything else, even cabbage, in jars.

By the way, I draw your attention to the fact that you should not take enamelware. In it, the gas station constantly burns. Based on the experience of many hostesses.

Jars can be used of any volume, but it is always more convenient to empty a half-liter or 700 gram container. Rather than open a two-liter bottle and be afraid that the remaining workpiece will become moldy.

Any lids can be used. But for storage in an apartment, it is better to take metal ones with a twist or under a seaming key.

There are many ways to prepare vegetables: they can be cut into cubes, strips or twisted in a meat grinder or in a blender. It's up to your taste. My family loves to have something to chew on in their soup. The husband explains this by the fact that he gorges so quickly. Well, perhaps.


  • 1.2 kg beetroot,
  • 900 g cabbage
  • 600 g bell pepper,
  • tomatoes - 900 g,
  • 500 g onion
  • 500 g carrots
  • vinegar 9% - 4 tablespoons,
  • 1 tbsp granulated sugar,
  • salt - 1 tbsp,
  • 120 ml sunflower oil,
  • 8 cloves of garlic.

Wash the tomatoes and cut into slices. We put them immediately in a bulk container in which they will be stewed.
We cut the tail and seeds from the peppers and cut them as usual.

Cut the onion into pieces or half rings.

Shred the carrot on the middle side of the grater. Peel off the skin of the beetroot and chop into pieces.

Pour half a glass of sunflower oil into a common container with vegetable mass.

And cook on medium heat. As it boils, reduce it and simmer for another 40-45 minutes, stirring.

During this time, chop the cabbage and prepare jars with lids. I steam sterilize them.

As soon as the vegetable mass begins to boil, pour the vinegar.

After 45 minutes, pour salt, sugar, chopped garlic and cabbage to the vegetables.

Stir and simmer for another 10 minutes without removing the lid.

We lay the vegetable mass in sterile jars. Under glass containers we put a knife so that it does not crack.

We twist the lid and wait for the containers to cool.

Enjoy your meal!

Preparation for borscht for the winter with cabbage and tomato paste

Autumn, daylight hours are waning, there are temperature drops at night and therefore many housewives are already removing green fruits from tomatoes. They are put to blush in the pantry.

But, you see, those tomatoes that have grown in the summer and are nourished by the sun are much more aromatic and tastier. Therefore, if you are preparing dressing for borscht in the fall, you can add tomato paste. It will give the desired sweetness and color to the entire workpiece.

Ingredients for a 5 liter container:

  • 500 g sweet pepper,
  • 5 bulbs
  • 550 g carrots
  • 1 kg of tomatoes,
  • head of cabbage,
  • beets - 800 g,
  • 10 garlic cloves,
  • 2.5 tsp salt,
  • granulated sugar - 4 tsp,
  • 6 tbsp tomato paste,
  • 6 tbsp vinegar 9%,
  • 130 ml sunflower oil.

We start with onions. We clean it, cut it as you like and fry until it becomes soft in vegetable oil. This will take 5 minutes.

Shred the carrot and lay it on the onion. We fry 4 more minutes.

We take all substandard tomatoes and chop them in a blender.

Remove the seeds from the pepper and chop.

We spread the tomatoes and peppers in a common pan and cook under the lid for about 8 minutes.

Then we rub the beets and send them to stew.

We introduce vinegar, add salt, sugar and cook under the roof for 30-35 minutes.

Then chop the head of cabbage, garlic and tomato paste. Simmer for 10 minutes.

We fill sterile jars, disinfect the neck with a lint-free cloth soaked in alcohol. This is necessary so that microbes do not get into the preservation.

And we twist the containers with lids. We are waiting for the gas station to cool completely and lower it for storage in the basement.

Delicious long-term storage bean recipe

I love bean salads. Both canned and regular. I love the soft feel of these beans.

This option is also interesting for those who do not eat meat. After all, beans are rich in vegetable protein. In this case, the entire dressing can be laid out in a saucepan with plain water and boiled. Soup comes out faster.


  • 1.2 kg beets,
  • 1.2 kg of tomatoes,
  • 500 g peppers
  • 600 g carrots
  • 400 g onion
  • 250 ml sunflower oil,
  • 90 ml vinegar 9%,
  • salt - 1 tbsp,
  • 100 g of granulated sugar,
  • 0.3 kg of beans.

Pour bean beans with cool water, it is better to do this in the evening.

In the morning, pour them into a saucepan and fill with water so that it covers the beans somewhere on the phalanx of your finger.

We send it to the stove and boil until almost cooked and drain all the remaining liquid.

Now let's move on to the rest of the ingredients. Carrots and beets are thoroughly washed, peeled and three on a grater.

We wash the pepper, remove the middle and cut into strips. Chop the onion into half rings.

We skip the tomatoes in a combine or using a meat grinder.

Pour tomatoes, vegetable oil into a common pan.

Bring this mixture to a boil, then the beets into it. So that it does not lose color, pour 40 grams of vinegar onto it.

Stir, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes.

Then pour onions, carrots and cook again for 10 minutes.

It remains to pour pepper, beans, sugar and salt.

Stir, boil and cook for another 15 minutes. But five minutes before the end of cooking, pour another 40 g of vinegar.
We sterilize half a liter jars.

We fill the containers to the top, roll up the lids with a special key and put them away for storage. This blank is perfectly stored in the apartment.

In winter, you open the dressing, pour it into 3 liters of broth and add potatoes and cabbage to taste. Your soup will be ready in a quarter of an hour.

How to cook borsch for the winter without pepper and cabbage (without sterilization)

Bulgarian pepper has a peculiar taste, not everyone loves it. For example, my mother does not eat these fruits boiled or stewed. We plant him only for ordinary vegetable salads to eat raw.

Naturally, that's why we cook borscht without it. The composition of the products that I gave in this recipe is the most suitable for my family. Because it is in this soup that we like to add fresh cabbage. Naturally, I will not put it in banks.


  • 2 kg beets,
  • 1 kg carrots
  • 1 kg of onion
  • 2 heads of garlic
  • tomato paste - 380 grams (1 can),
  • sunflower oil - 200 grams,
  • 250 ml of water
  • vinegar 9% - 4 table. spoons,
  • granulated sugar - 2 table. spoons,
  • salt - 1 table. a spoon.


  • ground black pepper,
  • dried parsley and dill,
  • Bay leaf.

We cut the onion into pieces. Fry it for hot pan with vegetable oil. As soon as it softens and changes color to golden, squeeze the garlic into it through a press. We fall asleep parsley, pepper and dill.

Put 70 g of tomato paste into this mass, mix and simmer for another 5 minutes.

Grind carrots, beets with a combine.

Pour carrots and beets into a saucepan. Pour in 1 cup of water so that the vegetables give more juice. We are waiting for the mixture to boil.

Then pour to her sunflower oil, spread the onion and tomato.

Pour in vinegar and season with salt and sugar.

And with the lid open, let it simmer for 30 minutes. 10 minutes before readiness, put the lavrushka.

Put the mass into sterile jars and close the lids.

You can also store room temperature.

Borscht dressing from beets without tomatoes - recipe "Lick your fingers"

No tomatoes? Well, you can take tomato paste. Just read the ingredients carefully before buying. There should not be anything superfluous, such as modified starch and other nonsense.

We also clean acetic acid And for taste, add a little lemon. At the same time, she will act as a preservative.


  • vegetable oil - 500 ml,
  • citric acid - 0.5 tsp,
  • 6 tbsp tomato paste,
  • beets - 2.5 kg,
  • onion - 500 g,
  • sweet pepper- 500 g,
  • salt - 1 tbsp, granulated sugar - 1.5 tbsp.

Cut the onion into cubes or rub on a grater.

Pour a little oil into a deep frying pan and fry the onion until softened, pour the grated carrots into it.
We cook 5 minutes.

We rub the beets on a coarse grater.

Put the beetroot into the hot oil. Put a chopped pepper on it.

And then stewed onions and carrots.

We turn on a small heat and simmer so that the beets give juice. This will take about 30 minutes.

Then spread the tomato paste. Pour salt, sugar and a little citric acid. Cook for another 20 minutes.

We taste it and put it in jars without removing the pan from heat. If your beets gave too little juice, then the dressing can be diluted with water and boiled.

Video recipe for making dressing without vinegar in jars

This the recipe will do for people with high stomach acidity. In whom the word "vinegar" immediately causes an attack of heartburn. But that doesn't mean you have to give up borscht!

There is a wonderful video recipe for making a delicious dressing.

In the video, the whole process is described step by step, very detailed and understandable. I think it will not be difficult to reproduce these stages in your kitchen and with your products.

Thank you for your attention and I hope that these tips and recipes will make life easier for many wonderful and very busy women. Happy cooking!

The beginning of autumn is a golden time for rolling vegetable salads and marinades for the long winter. This borscht dressing recipe was shared with me by a neighbor - every time I open a jar and taste fragrant borscht, I remember it with gratitude. This borscht dressing without cabbage, I think that it is still better to add fresh cabbage, since now it is in stores all year round. Bulgarian pepper, which is part of the dressing, makes borscht very fragrant. If I cook from fresh products, then I always cook the broth with sweet pepper. In general, I strongly advise you to try to cook this delicious borscht dressing for the winter, you will not regret it! Dressing will greatly speed up the process of preparing delicious borscht for the whole family if you have little time.

To prepare 12 half-liter cans of borscht dressing, we need:

  • 3 kilograms of beets;
  • one kilogram of carrots, onions, bell pepper and ripe
  • fleshy tomatoes;
  • half a glass of 9% vinegar;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 3 tablespoons of salt;
  • 1 cup refined sunflower oil

How to make borscht dressing for the winter

Wash and peel the vegetables, remove the core with seeds from the pepper, dry the tomatoes. Cut and stack in layers in a wide pan;
Three beets and carrots on a grater with large holes;
We cut the onion into quarters of rings;
Cut the pepper into halves and chop into thin strips;
Cut the tomatoes into half rings.

Sprinkle chopped vegetables with salt and sugar, add oil and vinegar. Leave for half an hour so that the vegetables give juice.

We put the container on a small fire, vegetable preparation heat until juice appears. Then increase the heat, bring the mixture to a boil and simmer over low heat for about 25 minutes. hot vegetable mix we lay it out on clean, warmed-up jars, roll it up, turn it upside down and wrap it up. Store in a dark cool place.

Another advantage of this preparation is that in summer and autumn the price of vegetables is not as high as in winter. Moreover, they are not grown in greenhouses with the help of various additives, but on the beds. Therefore, seasoning for borscht prepared on your own turns out to be much more useful and cheaper than the ingredients that were brought from overseas in the winter.

If you have a large freezer, then you can use them in the summer and in the cold season (by the way, the color and aroma of such components are completely preserved). Otherwise, we recommend making a homemade canned product.

Step by step recipe for seasoning for borscht

There are many ways to make red soup seasoning at home. Most popular recipe is the one for which tomatoes and sweets are used bell pepper. Such ingredients will make your soup fragrant and rich.

So how is seasoning for borscht prepared for the winter from tomato? To do this, you need to purchase:

  • ripe red tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • sweet red pepper - 1 kg;
  • salt medium-sized table - to your liking.

Component processing

How to do Seasoning for borscht is prepared easily and simply. First of all, sweet pepper is processed and fresh tomatoes. They are thoroughly washed and cleaned (seeds and stalks are removed from the pepper). After that, the ingredients are coarsely chopped and passed through a meat grinder. If desired, they can be crushed with a blender.

The process of cooking vegetables on the stove

Seasoning for borscht for the winter from a tomato should be cooked in a deep thick-walled pan. Previously chopped vegetables are laid out in it, they are well salted (to taste) and thoroughly mixed.

Putting the dishes on the stove, its contents are brought to a boil. In this state, the ingredients are boiled for 3-5 minutes.

As soon as the seasoning for borscht is cooked, it is laid out hot in sterilized jars and immediately rolled up. After keeping the workpiece at room temperature for a day, it is removed in the refrigerator. Due to the fact that vinegar or citric acid was not added to vegetables, such a product should only be stored in the cold. Otherwise, the seasoning will turn sour and moldy.

How to apply?

Seasoning for borscht is a versatile preparation that can be used not only for making red soup, but also for creating other dishes. For example, someone adds it to stews, and someone uses it as a regular sauce. In any case, when using this workpiece, it should be remembered that salt has already been added to it, and it has already been heat-treated.

By the way, some housewives freeze the finished seasoning, and do not store it in the refrigerator. Also, chopped garlic, quince, grated apple and so on are often added to it. So the preparation is even tastier and more aromatic.

How to cook seasoning for borscht with beets?

Beetroot seasoning for red soup - classic blank, thanks to which you can easily and quickly make a very rich and tasty borscht. To prepare a vegetable mixture for the winter, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • large fresh beets - 500 g;
  • sweet fleshy tomatoes - 2.5 kg;
  • large juicy carrots - 500 g;
  • sweet pepper yellow or red - 500 g;
  • sweet onions - 500 g;
  • beet sugar - about 60 g (use according to your taste);
  • vinegar 6% apple - about 4-5 large spoons;
  • refined vegetable oil - 130 ml;
  • table salt - to your taste.

We process the ingredients

Seasoning for borscht with beets helps out well if you need to quickly cook red soup, but there is not enough food. To implement the presented recipe, all vegetables are thoroughly washed and cleaned. After that, they start grinding them.

Fresh fleshy tomatoes are twisted in a meat grinder, sweet peppers and onions are finely chopped, and carrots and beets are rubbed on a large grater.

Cooking vegetables

To cook seasoning for borscht, tomato puree is put into a thick-walled pan and put on the stove. As soon as the tomatoes boil, grated beets are added to them. In this boil for 25 minutes.

By adding carrots to vegetables, they are cooked for a similar amount of time. In exactly the same way, sweet peppers are alternately laid out in the dishes and onion.

5-7 minutes before the end of the heat treatment, sugar, refined vegetable oil, and apple cider vinegar are added to the ingredients.

Seaming process

After adding spices and oil to the vegetables, they are boiled for about 5 minutes and laid out in sterilized jars. After that they are rolled up tin lids and leave at room temperature until completely cooled.

It is desirable to store such a blank in a cool place (for example, in a cellar). Although there are some cooks who prefer to freeze seasoning for borscht. In this case, grated beets and carrots, as well as chopped onions, must first be fried in vegetable oil (separately, for 3-6 minutes). Next, the ingredients need to be combined in a saucepan with chopped tomatoes. Add sugar to them table vinegar and salt is optional. The products should be mixed well and distributed in plastic containers. If desired, chopped herbs and crushed garlic can be additionally added to such a seasoning.

Making Raw Seasoning for Red Soup

Seasoning for borscht for the winter may not be subjected to heat treatment. In this case, it should be prepared in small jars and stored only in a refrigerator or freezer. It is desirable to use such a seasoning in its entirety, that is, it is necessary to put the entire contents of the jar into the soup, otherwise the remnants will deteriorate.

So, to make delicious and useful seasoning For red soup, we need the following ingredients:

  • sweet red pepper - 1 kg;
  • sweet fleshy tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • large juicy carrot - 1 kg;
  • onions - 1 kg;
  • coarse table salt - apply to your liking;
  • fresh dill and parsley - in a small bunch.

Processing vegetables for seasoning

Before preparing this, it is necessary to process all the components. Vegetables are thoroughly washed, and then peeled, stalks and seeds. By the way, the hard skin should also be removed from the tomatoes. To do this, they are first scalded with boiling water, kept in it for about 10-17 minutes, and then the film is carefully removed.

After preparing the vegetables, they begin to chop them. Tomatoes and onions are cut into cubes, sweet peppers into strips, and juicy carrots are rubbed on a coarse grater. Also separately wash, dry and finely chop fresh herbs.

seasoning process

After chopping vegetables and herbs, they are laid out in a large container, salt is added and mixed well. After keeping the ingredients aside for about 15 minutes, they are laid out in dry and clean jars, and then closed with plastic lids and sent to the refrigerator.

Workpiece Features

Raw seasoning for borscht for the winter turns out to be quite salty. This fact must be taken into account when preparing red soup. It is better not to salt the meat broth, otherwise your dish will turn out not very tasty.

If there is a desire, then raw seasoning from vegetables can be stored not in the refrigerator, but in the freezer. In this case, it is better not to add salt to the workpiece. In this case, onions and carrots must first be fried (in sunflower oil).

Summing up

Now you know several ways to cook delicious and fragrant seasoning for borscht at home. It should be noted that the recipes presented are far from the only ones. By the way, you can make them yourself, according to your taste and discretion. For example, some housewives additionally add finely chopped cabbage to the seasoning, citric acid, various spices, herbs, garlic, etc. Such components contribute to a more fragrant and rich preparation, which makes red soup tasty and nutritious.

Using the presented recipes in practice, you no longer have to stand at the stove for a long time, making borsch the classic way. Seasoning, specially prepared for such a soup, is prepared in a matter of minutes. You just have to boil meat product and open a jar of vegetables.

Without a good dressing, you will never get a delicious, richly red borscht. Usage fresh vegetables gives its own taste characteristics, but it takes more time to cook the soup. But the use of ready-made borscht dressing will greatly reduce your kitchen chores in time. And if you have your own vegetables, from the garden, then how not to use my recipes and prepare a fragrant, tasty, beautiful dressing for the winter. Another plus is that it can be used as a salad - a delicious winter salad.

In the midst of summer preparations, prepare a dressing for borscht for the winter, which retains almost all properties summer vegetables. They are prepared simply and quickly. Most of the time is spent on cutting, peeling vegetables, so we recommend using a food processor

If add vegetable dressing at the very end of cooking, the borscht will remain very beautiful. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the vegetables will lose color. Try the presented recipes and you will definitely take some of them into your piggy bank.

Beetroot borscht dressing for the winter with cabbage

In the summer, a large number of fresh vegetables. If you do not have a garden, you can buy them on the market. By opening such conservation in the cold season, you will save time and money.

We will need:

  • Tomatoes -1 kg
  • Beets - 1 kg
  • Sweet pepper - 1 kg
  • Carrots - 700 grams
  • Cabbage - 1 head
  • Onion - 700 grams
  • Hot pepper optional
  • Vegetable oil
  • Salt and sugar to taste


In order to remove the skin from the tomato, rinse them in water. After that, dip them in boiling water for a few seconds. Then in cold water and immediately get rid of the skin. Then we grind them with a blender or meat grinder, until a puree state.

Rinse the carrots well, peel, chop into thin strips, or chop on a coarse grater

Rinse the beets, peel, grate. The vegetable is best taken in a dark burgundy color, so the dressing will get a more saturated color.

Peel the onion, cut into half rings.

Cut the stem off the bell pepper and clean out the seeds. Cut into small squares

We pass the onion in sunflower oil, add carrots. Then we send pepper, beets, then pour the resulting mass with pre-prepared tomato juice. Simmer the vegetables over medium heat for 10-15 minutes so that they are not overcooked.

We chop the cabbage into thin strips and at the very end we send it to our gas station. Boil for 5 minutes. If you prefer borsch with sourness, then put a little vinegar before rolling up the jars

We lay out the dressing in sterilized jars, roll it up. We turn over and wrap our jars. We store in a dark place so that the dressing does not lose color.

Enjoy your meal!!! Good luck with your preparations!

Sometimes there is simply no time to clean and fry vegetables, but you really want borscht. In such cases, conservation comes to the rescue, which already includes all products except cabbage and potatoes. It remains to cook the broth, add the missing vegetables, put the dressing and delicious borscht ready in a short amount of time.

We will need:

  • Onion - 1 kg.
  • Carrots - 1 kg.
  • Beets - 1.5 kg.
  • Bulgarian Bell pepper- 800 gr.
  • Tomatoes - 1.5 kg.
  • Garlic - 120 gr.
  • Sunflower oil - 250 gr.
  • Sugar 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • Salt 2.5 tbsp.
  • Black red ground pepper taste
  • Acetic acid 70%


Rinse the carrots well, peel, chop with a food processor

We wash the beets, clean them, pass them through the combine

Wash the tomatoes, get rid of the stalk. Puree with a blender

Remove seeds from bell pepper. Chop into thin strips

We clean the onion from the husk and finely chop

Heat the sunflower oil in a frying pan, sauté the onion for 10 minutes. Transfer the cooked, golden vegetable to a large saucepan. So alternately fry all the prepared vegetables

AT last turn pour in the tomato puree. Season with sugar and salt. Mix well, bring to a boil, cook for 20 minutes. Squeeze the garlic, put the spices at your discretion. Boil for another 10-15 minutes

While the gas station is being prepared, we will prepare the cans. Rinse, put on a baking sheet, send to the oven. Fry the jars at a temperature of 120 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Ready salad put in jars, add 1 liter, a teaspoon of vinegar.

Enjoy your meal!

Beet dressing for borscht for the winter with beans

This filling is universal. It is suitable for both soup and for eating in the form of a salad. At the same time, prepare the soup for meat broth, is not necessary at all. Beans contain a large amount of protein, which is a great substitute for animal products. The satiety of the dish will remain at the level, and the calorie content will decrease

We will need:

  • Beets - 1.5 kg.
  • Tomatoes - 1.5 kg.
  • Pepper - 0.5 kg.
  • Carrots - 0.5 kg.
  • Onion - 0.5 kg.
  • Beans - 300 gr.
  • Vegetable oil - 250 ml.
  • Vinegar 9% - 80 ml.
  • Salt - 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 100 gr.


Rinse the beans well, cover with water in the evening and leave overnight. In the morning, rinse again, fill with water for about two fingers, boil until half cooked. Drain the water

Wash the carrots, peel, grate coarse grater. Peel the beets, grind with a coarse grater

Rinse the pepper, remove the seeds, cut the stem. We chop straw. Peel the onion, cut into small cubes

Rinse the tomatoes, cut out the stalk, pass through a meat grinder.

In a large saucepan, mix the prepared tomatoes and vegetable oil. Mix well, put on the stove, bring to a boil. We send the beets, half the vinegar, mix. From the moment of boiling, cook for 10 minutes.

Then we send onions, carrots, from the moment of boiling, cook for 10 minutes.

We lay out in sterile jars, roll up under iron lids. Wrap and leave to cool completely. Store at room temperature.

Good luck with your preparations!

Borsch gas station. Freezing in packages

This recipe will save you time. Vegetables are not subjected to heat treatment, which means they will retain their useful qualities

We will need:

  • Beets - 1.5 kg.
  • Carrots - 0.5 kg.
  • Tomatoes - 0.5 kg.
  • Sweet pepper - 0.5 kg.
  • Onion - 0.5 kg.
  • Garlic - 100 gr.


Peel the onion, wash and cut into small cubes

We wash the tomatoes, get rid of the stalk, chop into pieces

Wash the carrots, peel, grate on a coarse grater, or use a combine

We also wash the beets, peel, chop the same as carrots

Garlic, finely chopped with a knife

Mix the prepared ingredients well. Spread into bags in a thin layer. It is very convenient to use bags with a lock. We put the dressing laid out in bags in the refrigerator so that excess moisture evaporates. In the morning we close or tie the bags and put them in the freezer.

Enjoy your meal! Good luck preparing!

Dressing for borscht for the winter (without frying) in a slow cooker

A simple, quick recipe to prepare, but at the same time very tasty. It will help save your time, and in winter it will delight you with a wonderful aroma. Try this recipe and you won't regret it

We will need:

  • Beets - 700 gr.
  • Carrots - 500 gr.
  • Pepper - 200 gr.
  • Onion - 500 gr.
  • Tomatoes - 500 gr.
  • Vinegar 9% - 40 ml.
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp
  • Salt - 1 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil - 70 ml.


My carrots and beets, peel, rub on a coarse grater. We clean the pepper from seeds, onion from the husk, chop into small pieces. Finely chopped tomatoes

We shift the prepared vegetables into the pan from the multicooker

Let's prepare the marinade: In a deep bowl, mix vinegar with salt and sugar, pour in refined sunflower oil. Stir and add to vegetable mixture.

On the multicooker, set the "Extinguishing" mode, cooking time 40 minutes

We shift the finished dressing into containers, close under iron cover with a twist, or roll up with a key. Turn upside down, wrap in a blanket, leave to cool completely.

Enjoy your meal!

Video recipe for cooking borscht dressing for the winter