How to make delicious pilaf at home. Classic lamb pilaf

Hello Dear!

Today I will tell you how to cook delicious pilaf from pork. Of course, pork is a little unusual meat for pilaf, since this dish comes from Asia and, as you know, pork is not very respected there. But personally, I have nothing against pork and I think that pork pilaf not much worse than pilaf, for example, lamb.

What to cook pilaf with pork

To prepare pilaf according to this recipe, we need:

  • piece of pork meat
  • carrot
  • onion
  • seasonings: zira, barberry, dried tomato, paprika, turmeric

I intentionally left out the quantity. It all depends on the size of the cauldron and how much you want to cook pilaf. Just remember that meat, onions and carrots should be about the same amount. Rice can be taken as much as meat, or up to two times more.

Seasoning for pilaf

Seasoning for pilaf is usually prepared in advance. I just shop at the market equal amounts zira (preferably black), dried barberry, paprika, dried tomato and turmeric. I pour all this into one jar, mix it and that's it, the seasoning for pilaf is ready.

It is better to take a jar with a screw cap, for example from baby food, since the seasonings are much more than needed for cooking pilaf.

Pork pilaf recipe

The seasoning has been prepared, now let's get to the rice. Rinse the rice thoroughly in several waters. Fill it up one more time cold water and set aside, let it soak.

Cut the meat into small, approximately equal pieces.

We put the cauldron on the fire and pour vegetable oil into the cauldron. It is difficult for me to tell you the exact amount of oil, I always estimate it by eye based on my own experience in cooking pilaf. Today, for example, I cooked pilaf from 500 grams of meat and 600-700 grams of rice. For this amount of oil products, I took about 200 grams. The amount of oil also depends on how fatty the meat is. The fatter the meat, the less oil, as fat will be rendered.

It is best to choose a cast-iron cauldron. In a cast-iron cauldron, pilaf cooks evenly and does not burn.

The oil must be heated, but not overheated. To check, I throw a small onion cut in half into the oil. Heat the oil until the onion is browned.

As soon as the onion is browned, we take it out of the oil with a slotted spoon. Throw the previously chopped meat into the hot oil.

While the meat is fried, cut the onion, not forgetting to stir the meat from time to time.

Then cut the carrots into thin strips. Don't forget to stir the meat.

For the first time, you should probably chop the onions and carrots in advance.

Our meat should be ready by now.

Pour the onion into the meat and fry it, stirring often, until the onion is cooked or becomes golden.

Usually in pilaf recipes they write: "fry the onion until golden brown." It doesn't always work out. If there is a lot of meat or the onion is very juicy, then it can be cooked before it starts to turn golden and there is no point in frying it further, as it can start to burn.

Add chopped carrots to the meat and onions.

Cook for another five minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent burning.

Then add about a teaspoon of seasoning for pilaf, which we prepared earlier.

We mix everything and pour water from the kettle so that it slightly covers the food.

Now you can salt well in such a way that rice and water will be added later.

What we have just done is called zirvak, it is like gravy for pilaf. Let the zirvak boil. If you try zirvak at the boiling point, it should have a salty taste.

We cover the cauldron with a lid, reduce the fire and leave the zirvak to cook. We cook pork pilaf, so it is enough to wait 15-20 minutes. If you are cooking or beef, then this time should be increased to 30-40 minutes.

When the zirvak is ready, pour the soaked rice over it.

Level the rice with a slotted spoon and add water so that it covers the rice by about two fingers.

Cover with a lid and leave to cook over low heat. The cooking time is different each time from 40 minutes to an hour, depending on the quantity and quality of rice and the amount of water.

I usually open the lid after 20-30 minutes and collect the rice from the edges to the center in a small mound.

If there is still a lot of water, then you need to pierce the rice to the bottom with a knife in several places so that it evaporates faster.

Again, close the cauldron with a lid and cook on minimum heat until the water disappears completely.

We lay out the finished pilaf on big dish or arrange on plates.

Pilaf from time immemorial is one of the most popular dishes peoples of the East. Mentions of him can be found in folk tales and in ancient chronicles. It was served as an honorary dish at big holidays, weddings and commemorations.

In the 16th century, French chefs tried to cook pilaf according to the descriptions of travelers who returned from Arab countries. However, the experiments ended unsuccessfully, because instead of crumbly pilaf, the usual one was obtained. rice porrige with meat. European culinary specialists only in the 19th century received exact recipe this dish and learned how to cook pilaf deliciously. In each country, the preparation of pilaf differs in its own characteristics and nuances, and over the centuries, hundreds and thousands of recipes for this appetizing and healthy dish. It is interesting that each cook turns out his own unique pilaf, even if the same recipe is taken as the basis, however, there are general rules preparations that are desirable to follow if you want to get a dish close to the original.

Choosing products and utensils for pilaf

Asian chefs are sure that the best pilaf can be cooked only on an open fire in a cast-iron cauldron and certainly from lamb with fat tail fat. At the same time, a man must cook. But this does not mean that cooking a real Uzbek pilaf, tasty, fragrant, fatty and crumbly, at home it is impossible. Modern recipes are so diverse and versatile that every hostess can show boundless imagination and create a unique cooking masterpiece. Let's talk about what we need for a real pilaf.

Meat. Classic pilaf cooked only with lamb - it is recommended to take the brisket, ribs, shoulder or meat from the back of the lamb. However, in the East and Central Asia, beef, pork and poultry. The most delicious and fragrant pilaf is obtained from fresh meat with fatty layers, which was not subjected to freezing and kept in the refrigerator for several days. The meat in pilaf should be juicy, so it is better to cut it large - into pieces no smaller than a walnut.

Rice. If you strictly follow the advice on how to cook crumbly pilaf, then it is better to use exclusively long-grain varieties with low content starch. This is Tajik and Uzbek rice for pilaf - devzira, scald, alanga, kenja, as well as Mexican, Arabic and Italian rice for paella. Rice durum varieties it is distinguished by long transparent grains and unusual density - it does not boil soft during prolonged heat treatment, it absorbs water well and remains crumbly even after cooling. Indian, Thai and Vietnamese varieties of rice (jasmine and basmati) are not very suitable for pilaf, as they are too soft and can stick together during cooking. If there is no other option, then rinse them well with cold water and soak for two to three hours, periodically changing the water to remove excess starch. Some recipes use wheat, pearl barley, peas, corn, or a mixture of different cereals instead of rice.

Butter. According to tradition, real Uzbek pilaf is cooked on animal fat (ghee, mutton fat) or vegetable oils. In this case, it is better to use odorless refined oils so as not to “interrupt” the aroma of the dish. Often fat tail fat mixed with vegetable oil to improve digestibility and soften the specific odor.

Spices. Flavoring pilaf is a creative process in which you can show your imagination and inspiration. However, there is a basic composition of spices, without which the dish will not be considered a real pilaf - these are cumin (zira), barberry and hot peppers.

Cumin gives pilaf an exquisite oriental taste, dried barberry berries fill the dish with nutty notes with a slight bitterness, and hot pepper in pods or ground form makes pilaf piquant and spicy. As additional spices you can use thyme, coriander, suneli hops, garlic and saffron, thanks to which the rice acquires a rich golden color.

Vegetables and dried fruits. In India and the Caucasus, pilaf is cooked without carrots, and in Central Asia this vegetable is an important ingredient in the dish, and it is recommended to cut it large - cubes, straws, cubes or plates. Onions are usually cut into rings, and garlic is added whole head, previously cleared of the husk. In some recipes for cooking pilaf, you can find dried fruits, since prunes, raisins, figs, apricots and dried apricots set off the taste of the dish and add to it pleasant sourness. It is better to lay them after frying meat and vegetables - along with the addition of water.

Tableware. How to cook correct pilaf in the "wrong" dish? Alas, this is not possible. According to tradition, pilaf is cooked in a cast-iron or aluminum cauldron with a thick bottom. In a modern kitchen, a cauldron can be replaced with a duck or goose. In such a dish, rice warms up evenly and languishes over low heat, so it does not burn and turns out crumbly. It is not recommended to use thin-walled enameled dishes, French braziers and wok pans, because due to the lack of uniform heating, the pilaf in them burns and becomes viscous.

Zirvak. Zirvak is a mixture of meat and vegetables fried in oil, combined with dried fruits, spices and broth. In the East, the preparation of zirvak is considered a real art and a sacred act, since taste, aroma and taste depend on its quality. appearance pilaf. Oriental chefs say: if you make a good zirvak, then you know how to cook pilaf, and step by step recipes with photos posted on our website, clearly demonstrate all the stages of preparation.

Sequentially add meat, onions and carrots to the cauldron, fry them until golden brown, and ten minutes before they are ready, add dried fruits and spices to them. After that, fill the contents of the cauldron with boiling water so that the water covers a layer of meat and vegetables by two centimeters, and put everything to stew over low heat for 40-90 minutes. Ten minutes before the readiness, salt the zirvak (it is recommended to slightly oversalt it), add the head of garlic and rice to the cauldron, without mixing it with the meat. Add more boiling water so that the water covers the surface by two fingers, and cook the pilaf until the water evaporates, pouring it into the cauldron if necessary. It is desirable that the cooked pilaf simmer a little more, and tasting the dish right away or letting it brew is a matter of taste and personal preferences.

Pilaf is usually served with salads from fresh vegetables, which give it freshness and contribute to better absorption of fatty meat. but classic snack pilaf is accompanied by achik-chuchuk salad, which includes thinly sliced ​​tomatoes, onion rings, spicy or Bell pepper, basil and herbs seasoned not with oil, but with grape or apple cider vinegar. Based on classic recipe pilaf, you can make adjustments to it and create a unique signature dish that will decorate not only festive table, but will also become part of your family's daily diet.

Many people think that pilaf is very difficult to prepare and takes a very long time. It's a delusion. I'll tell you how to cook chicken pilaf fast and tasty.

To prepare pilaf you will need:

Kazanok (if not, then in last resort the pan should be heavy with thick walls and bottom), any frying pan, two cups or glasses of the same volume.

From the products: rice (preferably long-grained, it can be golden so that “steamed” is written on the package), chicken, carrots, onions, salt, vegetable oil, spices.

To quickly cook pilaf for 6-8 servings

2 small onions, cut not too finely, grate 2 medium carrots. Heat at least half a glass of sunflower oil in a pan, fry the onion until golden brown, pour the carrots into the onion, mix and simmer for another minute or two. Then put in any dishes, we will need this frying later.

From two chickens, cut into small pieces, add oil to the same pan and fry chicken breasts five to seven minutes, depending on the size of the pieces.

Place the chicken in a cauldron, place over high heat, and cover with three full cups of hot (freshly boiled) water.

When the water boils again, pour the rice into the boiling water in a stream, making sure that it evenly covers the chicken. Don't interfere!!!

How much rice do you need for three full glasses of water? Actually two glasses. But it depends on the quality and variety of rice, and most importantly, on how tightly the lid of your cauldron closes. The more steam comes out during cooking, the more water and less rice should be. To begin with, for three full cups of water, take two incomplete cups of rice. See what happens and next time you will know for sure.

Why do you need a second cup? Yes, it just needs to be dry.

So, poured rice, cover with a lid and detect 4 minutes. This is the time that the future pilaf should spend on high heat. Reduce the heat to medium and, without lifting the lid, cook the rice for another 8 minutes.

Turn the fire down to low. After that, the lid can be lifted and how much water is left. If the rice is completely raw, and the water has already boiled away, add no more than half a glass of very hot water and put the roast on top of the rice. Don't stir! Close the lid.

Cook pilaf for another 4 minutes, open, salt, pepper, add your favorite spices, mix, try.

If the rice is ready, then turn off the fire, if you like too boiled rice, you can bring it without a lid. In any case, after adding the spices and removing the pilaf from the heat, cover again with a lid and let it salt and absorb the aroma of spices for several minutes.

If you did everything right, then it will take you half an hour to cook pilaf, well, maybe a little more. Chicken pilaf is ready!

Chicken pilaf - the end result

Bon Appetit!

Certainly, real plov cooked on an open fire in a cauldron and only from lamb, but in the harsh conditions of the urban jungle, we have to be content with only what we have.

To cook pilaf at home, you will need a cauldron - a cast-iron pan with a semicircular bottom (instead of a cauldron, you can use a deep stewpan, ducklings or other thick-walled cast-iron pan).

For cooking pilaf is suitable any fatty meat. Pork is preferred over beef. If you want to use dietary poultry meat, then add pieces of bacon for the fat content of the dish.

For pilaf, it is desirable to use long-grain or steamed rice. Such rice does not stick. Parboiled rice has already passed the preliminary heat treatment and when using it, pilaf will cook faster.

Recipe for pilaf No. 1

Rice pour boiling water and leave without fire for 15 - 20 minutes without stirring. Grate the carrots coarse grater, finely chop the onion. Cut the meat into small pieces and fry over high heat until a crust appears. Separately fry onions and carrots. Drain the rice into a colander. Add rice to a pot of boiling salted water and cook for 3-5 minutes. Then drain the rice into a colander and rinse with cold water. Put a layer of carrots on the bottom of the pan, then a layer of onions, a layer of meat, a layer of rice, spices for pilaf. With a fork, make 3 holes to the bottom, into which we pour 1 cup of boiling water and add pieces butter. We cover the pan with a lid and cook pilaf for 20 - 25 minutes without stirring. Then mix everything, salt to taste.

Rice 1 - 1.5 cups
Carrot - 3 pcs.
Onion - 3 pcs.
Meat - 600 gr.

Recipe for pilaf No. 2

Heats up in a cauldron sunflower oil to a boil, finely chopped onion is added and fried until golden brown, then carrots, grated on a coarse grater, and meat are placed. Fry everything while stirring do not put out the fire). Seasonings for pilaf can be added to meat. When everything is fried, pour washed rice on top, evenly level without stirring. Top with water 2 cm above the surface of the rice. After the water boils add salt. When the water is level with the surface of the rice, close the cauldron with a lid and leave on minimum heat (possible in the oven) for 30 minutes. Then open the lid, mix everything, add salt if necessary.

To prepare pilaf you will need:
Meat 1 kg
Onion 1 kg
Carrot 1 kg
Rice 1 kg
Sunflower oil 300 gr.

So much has been written about how to cook delicious Uzbek pilaf that you no longer know which recipe to take. There will be an option with pork (although Uzbeks are 93 percent Muslim), and recipes with tomato, and accelerated ways pan cooking. But the recipe for a delicious pilaf with Uzbek notes is following the traditions of cooking this dish in the East.

How to cook delicious pilaf

Important! Before laying rice, taste zirvak for salt. It must be salted, otherwise unsalted rice will absorb salt, and there will be no food.

9. Then throw a handful of dried barberry into the zirvak, lay out the washed rice - a skimmer helps a lot. Pour boiling water over the rice so that the water covers the rice by a couple of fingers. Bring to a boil over high heat, reduce heat, cover with a lid and wait for the water to be completely absorbed into the rice. Poke holes in the rice with a wooden stick or slotted spoon handle - a cloudy liquid at the bottom will mean that there is water left, a smooth shiny one is oil. So, it's time to make the smallest fire, collect rice in a pile, sprinkle it with cumin and hold it under the lid for another 15-20 minutes. Only then can you open the lid and then mix.

10. Serve another ten minutes later.

For cooking, you can take chicken, beef, Russians are very fond of pork. Only general advice - let any meat be with a bone, it is tastier here than a regular tenderloin.

Based on this recipe, any kind of pilaf is prepared, up to vegetarian, where dried apricots, quince, raisins, etc. are placed instead of meat. On our website you will find various recipes with photos simple and delicious.

Real Uzbek pilaf - expert advice: