Why is bone broth bad? Chicken bouillon

Modern nutritionists unanimously claim that all meat and chicken broths are harmful. Why? The original purpose of the broth - heat treatment a piece of meat (not a bone!). Even at the dawn of civilization, primitive people compensated for the energy costs of hunting only with hearty and fatty foods, such as meat soups. Modern man no longer needs to actively work to get his own food. However, having got used to the taste of meat and rich broths, a person is still not able to refuse decoctions on the bone.

What is useful in meat broth?

As scientists have long proven, extractive substances that enter the meat broth during the cooking process, unnecessarily overload our digestive system and even hinder the work of the liver. And the chemicals (purine bases) contained in pork, lamb, beef, chicken broth are especially dangerous for the following diseases: arthritis, gout, blood diseases. What is weighted, treated, canned for transportation and storage, pieces of meat are processed (the so-called chemical "additives"), easily pass into a liquid, that is, into a broth during the cooking process of meat: this is how antibiotics, preservatives, growth hormones get into the soup .

Bone broth is considered the absolute champion in terms of the content of harmful and undesirable substances for the human body. Few people know, but it is in the bones that salts of heavy metals are mainly deposited, compounds of mercury and arsenic are present. Therefore, the thicker and more concentrated the meat broth, the more harm you will do to yourself, especially if there are problems with digestion. But the meat itself, which was boiled in the broth, is just freed from most of the unwanted additives, excess fat. It is boiled meat that is recommended for diet food both adults and children.

Still, don't give up. The broths that our parents fed us from childhood are not so harmful if they are made from high-quality meat and according to all culinary rules. Meat broths made from diet varieties meat, are recommended by doctors during the recovery period after severe infections and cures for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In such patients complex dishes are not able to be fully digested, which becomes an obstacle to getting a recovering person all the necessary nutrients and restoring energy. Chicken breast broths are good, which at all times was sold to the sick and infirm patients. Concentrated beef broths are indicated for patients with chronic gastritis with low acidity and anemia, as well as for physical exhaustion.

And yet, soups should not be completely abandoned. An excellent alternative to meat broths are vegetable soups. They are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. They are completely free of harmful animal fat. vegetable broths- dietary dishes that are not contraindicated to anyone.

How to cook the right, healthy meat soup?

  • Choose only proven lean meat without any bones. Give preference to chickens, rabbits, veal.
  • Wash the meat thoroughly, cut off all the veins and fat. Dip in cold water, bringing to a boil, cook for at least 10-15 minutes, drain the entire broth. With the first water in which the meat boils, all dangerous extractive substances will leave. Re-fill the meat with fresh water, continue cooking. If you want to achieve a lower concentration of the decoction, repeat the procedure again. Ready-made vegetable broth is ideal for re-cooking meat.
  • You can saturate the broth with vitamins, microelements and, of course, with a pleasant aroma and taste by adding fresh herbs to it.

What water is best for making broth?

The broth will turn out really tasty and healthy, if you choose the right one for it not only meat, but also water. The fact is that tap water can not always be used for cooking and broths. In order for the broth to turn out perfect, it is better to use bottled, spring or well water for cooking it. AT last resort, tap water can still be used, but before that it must be filtered. If there are no filters, let the water stand for several hours.

About the secrets of making delicious broth

To prepare the broth, meat must be poured only cold water, and the cooking process should only take place with the lid tightly closed. The lid can only be removed when the broth boils, removing all the foam from its surface. Further, the cooking process should take place already without a lid so that drops of moisture do not settle on it. Otherwise, they can seriously spoil the taste of the broth.

When a greasy film appears on the surface of the broth, it must be removed. Otherwise, the fat will simply dissolve in the broth, spoiling its taste. Throwing fat is not necessary. This is very valuable product, so it must be collected in a bowl. Subsequently, this fat can be used in the frying process. It is also used for dressing second courses and for making sauces.

As for dishes, it is better to choose a pot with thick walls and a bottom for making broth. In such a container, heat is distributed evenly, and the broth itself will cook slowly. Gradually, its taste will become more saturated. You can add salt half an hour before the end of cooking. During the boiling process, some of the water boils away. If you salt the broth at the beginning, it may turn out to be salty. It is also worth noting that in unsalted water, meat more actively gives up its beneficial components.

From different varieties meat broth can be cooked for different times. So, beef broth will cook for about three hours. Pork broth will take more than two hours to cook. But lamb can be cooked in an hour and a half. The least time is needed to prepare the broth of veal, rabbit and chicken - up to an hour and a half. However, the readiness of the broth is determined quite easily. You just need to pierce the meat with a knife or fork. If it is pierced, then the pan can be removed from the heat. It is important not to overdo it here. If the broth is overcooked, then its taste will not be very pleasant. When the meat is ready, you need to get it, separate it from the bones, and then cut it up and put it on a dish. From this meat you can cook soup or add it to the second dish. Everything that remains after straining the broth - spices and bones, can simply be thrown away.

Speaking of spices. To give the broth a special taste, add carrots, onions, celery, garlic, black pepper, parsley, cloves, Bay leaf. But all this does not apply to the broth from chicken meat. All these spices can only interrupt its natural taste. In chicken broth, you can add only fresh parsley and carrots. All spices are added to the dish thirty minutes before it is ready. The same applies to vegetables. A small amount gives the broth a golden color onion peel. And to make the broth more spicy, you can add a little hard cheese to it.

About the calorie content of the broth

Given that the problem of obesity is one of the main medical problems of our time, it makes sense to deal with the calorie content of meat broth. So, in one hundred grams of chicken broth there are about twenty kilocalories. In the same amount beef broth forty-five kilocalories. As for pork and veal broths, they contain fifty-four and twenty-eight kilocalories, respectively. These data were derived by calculating the average value from three liters of broth prepared from one kilogram of meat.

How to cook meat broth for a child?

To prepare the broth for a child, you need to take only lean meat, from which you need to remove all the veins, and then rinse it thoroughly. When the meat boils, it should boil for about ten minutes. After that, the liquid must be drained, pour the meat with fresh water, and cook until tender.

If the child is not yet a year old, then the meat for him needs to be cooked separately and added to the vegetable broth in the right amount. If the child is more than a year old, then the soup for him can be immediately cooked in meat broth.

Chicken bouillon consider diet dish, which is recommended for patients in the process of rehabilitation from serious illnesses and for children in the process of growth and development. For some people, chicken broth is their favorite. culinary product, and for someone - the only remedy for a hangover.

Recently, there have been remarks about the dangers of chicken broth. Many nutritionists and nutritionists proper nutrition argue that decoction and bones are harmful, since all harmful substances, as well as excess fat and cholesterol, pass into water when boiled.

What are the benefits of chicken broth

Chicken broth is a product saturated with useful substances: amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids and peptides. If vegetables and spices are added to the broth during cooking, this enhances the benefits of the broth. and onions make chicken broth a prophylactic against colds and viruses. Root vegetables are added to the broth: carrots, parsnip root and celery.

By consuming hot chicken broth, you can improve the functioning of the digestive tract, stimulate the work of the stomach and duodenum.

Chicken broth is shown to patients with gastritis. By drawing out excess "acid" from the stomach, the product alleviates the condition. The content of cysteine ​​- an amino acid, allows you to thin the sputum and alleviate the condition in diseases of the respiratory system - bronchitis and tracheitis.

Chicken broth is useful for those who have problems healing fractures. Many substances are digested from bones and cartilage, and when ingested, have a positive effect on the condition of bone, cartilage and connective tissue.

Hot chicken broth is a concentrate useful substances and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, regulate cardiac activity and strengthen the immune system, so this dish is included in the diet of people who are weakened, ill and have undergone surgery.

Chicken broth is considered by many to be a dietary dish that is recommended for patients in the process of rehabilitation from serious illnesses and for children in the process of growth and development. For some people, chicken broth is just a favorite culinary product, and for someone the only sure cure for a hangover. However, recently, remarks about the dangers of chicken broth have been increasingly heard. Many nutritionists and nutritionists argue that a decoction of chicken meat and bones is harmful, since all harmful substances, as well as unhealthy components (excess fat, cholesterol, etc.), pass into water when cooked.

What are the benefits of chicken broth?

Chicken broth is a product saturated with useful substances: amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids, peptides. If vegetables and spices are added to the broth during cooking, this greatly enhances the benefits of the broth, for example beneficial features garlic and onions make chicken broth an excellent prophylactic against colds and viral diseases. Root vegetables are also added to the broth: carrots, parsnip root and celery. Thanks to all the components, the product is saturated with vitamins, microelements that affect all vital processes.

By consuming hot chicken broth, you can improve the functioning of the digestive tract, stimulate the work of the stomach and duodenum. Chicken broth is also shown to those who have gastritis, drawing out excess "acid" from gastric juice, this product alleviates the condition. The content of cysteine ​​​​(amino acids) allows you to thin the sputum and alleviate the condition with (bronchitis, tracheitis).

Chicken broth is also useful for those who have problems with fracture healing, many substances are digested from bones and cartilage and, when ingested, have a positive effect on the condition of bone, cartilage and connective tissue.

Hot chicken broth is a concentrate of useful substances and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, regulate heart activity, so this dish must be included in the diet of people who are weakened, ill and have undergone surgery.

As for diet and weight loss, chicken broth can only be consumed in small quantities, it should be a decoction of exclusively fillet and bones, absolutely without fat.

Which broth is better?

Chicken broth - the result of cooking chicken bones and meat. Nutritionists recommend cutting the whole bird from the carcass excess fat and throw it away, along with the skin, so that only meat and bones get into the pan. Since modern poultry farming widely uses all kinds of chemical and hormonal additives, as well as antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals. preparations, many nutritionists do not recommend preparing broths from store-bought chickens. Useful can only be considered a broth from a homemade chicken that grew up in the village, on fresh air and fed only natural grass and grain.

As for the chicken broth obtained from concentrates, the so-called "bouillon cubes", then its usefulness should not be discussed at all. Cube broth is a mixture of flavorings, flavor enhancer, solid fats and meat and bone powder, such a product is not only not useful, but is even contraindicated for people suffering from diseases of the digestive tract. Regularly using the broth "from the cube" the risk of developing gastritis and ulcers increases significantly.

How to cook chicken broth? Meat and bones are poured with cold water, brought to a boil and the water is drained, then poured again with cold water, root vegetables and spices are added and boiled for 30-40 minutes.

Grandmothers and mothers know how to help children recover from a cold. Not in vain, as soon as we sneeze in childhood, we were immediately fed warm and tasty chicken broth. Parental feelings drove our mothers, grandmothers, dads to the other side of the city to buy fresh domestic chicken for the broth to the child. Indeed, after the plate fresh soup became much easier. What is the secret of the miraculous product in the treatment of colds? Placebo effect or nutrients? Let's go into detail, Benefits of chicken broth for colds and flu.

Benefits of chicken broth

Long-term observations of scientists, experiments and studies have proven that this amazing soup is really extremely useful. Moreover, the benefits of the broth do not end with the treatment of a cold. Chicken concentrated broth helps with coughs, and also contributes to a speedy recovery during flu and sore throats.

Health benefits of chicken broth, especially weakened by disease, lies in its chemical composition, which is due to the composition of chicken meat. Yes, in rich soup contains glutamic acid, useful essential oils and nitrogenous substances. In addition, chicken meat is rich in potassium, zinc, iron and phosphorus. It has mass beneficial vitamins: vitamin group B, C, E, A, PP.

chicken broth calories

For 100 grams of chicken broth (from chicken without skin and fat), there are 21 g of protein, 9 g of fat and 0.5 g of carbohydrates. Depending on the part of the chicken that was used in the preparation of the soup, its calorie content can range from 160 to 240 kcal (the calorie content of chicken breast broth is much less).

The benefits of broth for SARS from the point of view of science

Japanese scientists in the course of research found that chicken broth by itself, even without the use of healthy vegetables and herbs, can help with colds, sore throats and acute respiratory infections. It is also useful for hypertensive patients. So beneficial effect collagen on the heart and respiratory system, which is found in the bones and meat of the chicken. But this applies only to broth or soup made from fresh, unfrozen meat and the same vegetables. chicken cubes and have nothing to do with real chicken broth. These products are not nutritious, besides they contain a lot of spices, chemical dyes and sodium. Scientists advise when preparing the broth to hold the pot of soup on fire for a longer time, add to the dish more vegetables rather than trying to save time and money by putting in bouillon cubes.

Benefits of chicken broth for the body:

  • it improves bronchial patency;
  • chicken contains cysteine ​​​​- a natural amino acid that helps thin sputum and successfully expectorate mucus;
  • broth has a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract
  • warm and liquid chicken soup With high content fat helps to “sweat”, that is, to remove toxins with sweat.

Chicken broth is healthy if any infection is suspected respiratory tract. It should also be taken with severe dehydration. It has a beneficial effect on angina.

Contraindications: who should not eat chicken broth

Despite all the benefits of the dish, chicken broth is considered not the easiest food. In particular, concentrated broth can provoke serious allergies, especially in young children, whose immunity is still poorly developed. In the process of long and slow cooking, the water absorbs everything that is contained in the meat. Therefore, in addition to useful substances, hormones accumulated by animals, antibiotics, heavy metals, with which they were pricked (in broiler chickens from unverified poultry farms), can get into the broth. That is why chicken broth is not recommended for children under 7-8 months.

In addition, it is better to cook meat until the third water - drain the water twice after boiling and fill it with a new one.

There is also a direct relationship between the harm of the broth and cooking time: the longer the chicken is cooked, the more harmful it can be, especially if the chicken is not homemade.

Avoid chicken broth if you suffer from liver disease or gallbladder, chronic diseases of the pancreas or large intestine, or with an exacerbation of the condition of these organs. Do not get carried away with broth and men suffering from gout.

Photo source - pinterest.com

Rich chicken broth in history is often regarded as a complete remedy. With flu and colds, gastric upset, after serious illnesses and operations, this simple dish is often prescribed, which literally puts the patient on his feet. So, what is it real benefit, and how to apply it?

Ingredients of chicken broth

The first thing to answer is - can the broth be more useful than the product on the basis of which it is made? If speak about fresh meat, then of course not, however, raw chicken breasts nobody eats. But when cooking, all the nutritional components of them pass into the water and are stored there. During frying, in contrast to the first option, most of the macro and microelements are destroyed.

First of all, it is worth noting that rich chicken broth contains 2 g of protein and only 15 calories per 100 g. finished product. This ensures its satiety and nutritional value, which allows you to maintain strength, even with a serious restriction in nutrition for a long period. During cooking from chicken meat and bones, the following components pass into the water:

  • vitamin B4 (choline), B6 ​​(pyridoxine), B12 (cobalamin);
  • vitamin H (biotin);
  • vitamin PP and niacin;
  • potassium, magnesium, sodium;
  • sulfur, phosphorus, iron;
  • molybdenum, chromium, zinc.

Especially a lot goes into the cobalt broth! In addition to everything, there are ascorbic acid, other B vitamins, vitamin A, calcium, chlorine, iodine, manganese, fluorine, almost all essential and essential acids, saturated and unsaturated fats. As can be seen from the composition, the nutritional value of chicken broth is indeed very high. For this reason, it is used as a supportive supplement during rehabilitation and even the treatment of debilitated patients.

But you need to remember about contraindications. This simple dish is highly allergic, and in a strong version it is not recommended to use it even healthy people due to high concentration fatty acids in composition. Don't eat it often hyperacidity stomach, as well as with individual intolerance to cobalt and other substances that are part of the product. Given these nuances, you should carefully consider not only the beneficial properties of the broth, but also some recommendations for its use during illness.

Benefits of chicken broth

The content of choline in the dish provides essential support for the brain. Throughout life, this substance protects brain cells from destruction, helps strengthen memory, while maintaining important neural connections. People who regularly include chicken broth in their diet have a strong memory and healthy thinking until old age. Choline is especially important for pregnant women, since the lack of this substance causes underdevelopment of the brain in the fetus.

Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine is important for maintaining optimal performance of cardio-vascular system, maintaining the health of blood vessels and the cleansing ability of the liver and kidneys. Eating some chicken broth with boiled vegetables before a long drive or flight will help your body deal with seasickness and, in general, feel more comfortable. In addition, the optimal use of B6 allows you to maintain the strength of bones and nerve fibers. Together with pyridoxine, it is of great importance for hematopoiesis and development nervous system has cobalamin or B12. This substance is a binder in amino acid interaction reactions, and also participates in the synthesis of DNA molecules, that is, it is important for the transfer of the genetic code.

In combination with other B vitamins, as well as with biotin, niacin and vitamin PP, the above components are involved in the prevention of skin diseases, strengthening nervous responses, developing reactions and memory, maintaining vision, proper functioning of the stomach and intestines. The mineral composition provides strength to the skeletal and muscular system, maintains joint mobility and their health.

Chicken broth also has a positive effect when you need to lose weight. This product helps to improve the absorption and processing of fats, liver function, intestinal activity, which allows you to normalize the entire digestion process and speed up metabolism. In addition, this simple dish quickly satisfies hunger and throughout the day allows you to control your appetite, preventing food breakdowns.

You can use chicken broth with the addition of vegetables to maintain immunity, especially in the autumn-winter and winter-spring period. When the diet lacks natural vitamins, such a dish is an excellent analogue of taking maintenance medications and vitamin complexes, which are increasingly replacing natural health care today.

Taking chicken broth when sick

To use chicken broth during an illness, first of all, you should get acquainted with simple recommendations about how to cook it.

1. Choice of chicken. You should not choose to boil fattened broilers. Remember that in order to build muscle tissue, they are often fed fortified feeds that contain special additives. Do not forget about in large numbers antibiotics that prevent increased disease in birds. All this goes into liquid and significantly reduces the benefits of the broth. The best option there will be thin, nondescript-looking chickens or country hens from the household. As a rule, they allow you to get the most delicious and nutritious broth.

2. Before cooking healthy dish, first bring the water with chicken to a boil, remove the foam, remove all fat and skin from the meat, you can leave the bones. Drain most of the first decoction. Fill the pot with clean water and cook until fully cooked.

3. Medicinal broth should contain a minimum of salt, or it should be completely absent.

4. Depending on the initial task, various vegetables can be added to the chicken. For example, for colds and flu, put garlic or onions in the broth. Throw more parsley into the hot broth. This is an excellent preventive and restorative remedy. To increase physical and mental abilities, it is good to use chicken broth with carrots, celery, turnips, leeks.

5. After the broth has cooled down, do not boil it again. Use it slightly warm.

To speed up recovery and for the rehabilitation period, chicken broth should be taken in small portions. Remember that a hot dish should not be consumed if a person has a very high temperature. You can proceed to additional methods of treatment only when the thermometer is not higher than 37.5 ° C, and the patient himself does not complain of abdominal pain, nausea or dizziness. Reception of the broth should be divided into three main stages: morning, afternoon and evening. In the morning and evening hours, the amount consumed should be approximately two times less than in the afternoon. When a person feels relatively well, and his condition is stable, you can add dried croutons from white bread and some low-fat chicken meat.

As you recover, even more nutritious components can be added to the broth, thereby increasing the average calorie content of food without harming the body. First, you should introduce a little more protein, then add carbohydrates in the form of potatoes, steamed rice or barley, which can be added during cooking.

Zinaida Rublevskaya
for women's magazine site

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