History, secrets and a step-by-step recipe for real Italian lasagna. Real lasagna from scratch

Hello dear readers! Often we puzzle over how to diversify the usual family dinner. I want to cook something intricate and tasty, but most unusual recipes force us to spend too much time at the stove and spend a lot of effort. But not recipes. Italian cuisine! The Italians, in order not to be zealous in hot weather at hot stoves and stoves, came up with delicious and hearty recipes with minimal time and effort. And, by the way, it was their cuisine that became one of the most popular in the world.

I have already shared the recipes for making pasta with you, today I will tell you what delicious Italian lasagna is made of.

There are many recipes for lasagna. This is her distinguishing feature- You can vary the ingredients and change its taste to your heart's content. Everything is at the discretion and preferences of the hostess. We will cook a real classic lasagna, here is a step-by-step instruction.

We will need

  • 800g minced meat
  • 4 tomatoes
  • 1 pack pasta sheets for lasagna
  • 2 onions
  • 300g cheese (hard)
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 50g butter
  • 100gr wheat flour
  • olive oil
  • 500g cream
  • 50g parmesan cheese
  • pepper, salt to taste
  • a pinch or two of ground nutmeg

Let's start cooking

  • We clean the tomatoes from the skin. You can make a cross-shaped incision and scald with boiling water - it will turn out faster. Using a blender, turn peeled tomatoes into puree
  • We rub the cheese on the smallest grater. Very finely chop the onion and garlic
  • We heat the olive oil in a deep frying pan, fry the garlic and onions, add the minced meat and fry for 10 minutes. Then add tomato puree to the minced meat, mix well and simmer for another 10-15 minutes over medium heat
  • While our minced meat is stewing, we proceed to the main component of lasagna - Bechamel sauce
  1. To begin with, melt the butter in a water bath, pour the flour into the melted butter, stirring thoroughly to avoid the formation of lumps.
  2. the resulting mass is lightly fried in a pan
  3. then slowly pour in the cream, stirring constantly
  4. bring to the consistency of liquid sour cream
  5. when ready, salt, pepper, add a couple of pinches of nutmeg
  • Immerse the lasagne pasta sheets in boiling water for just a couple of minutes. We begin to lay out in a baking dish as follows: sheet - Bechamel sauce - layer meat sauce with minced meat - Bechamel sauce - sprinkle with grated cheese. So, layer by layer, we collect our delicious lasagna. We pour the topmost sheet in this design with Bechamel
  • We preheat the oven to 180 degrees, and send our lasagna there for 45 minutes
  • When ready, take out of the oven, sprinkle with grated parmesan, and put back in the oven for another 3-5 minutes. The lasagna is ready, buon appetito!

This is such a tasty and rather simple dish that the Italians came up with. However, it is worth remembering that even a small portion of lasagna can be enough to get enough. And this means that the dish is very high-calorie, and you should not abuse it. Everything nutritious and tasty should be in moderation! Otherwise, we'll melt like parmesan cheese on lasagna. And yet, sometimes you can arrange a holiday for the stomach. Enjoy your meal, and see you soon! Don't forget to share this recipe with your friends on social media!

Italian lasagna is loved by many today. Some historians believe that they knew how to make lasagna or a similar dish in ancient Rome. The preparation of lasagna in its modern form originates in the province of Emilia-Romagna, from where the lasagna recipe spread throughout Italy. Until now, lasagna is considered classic dish the city of Bologna, located in this province. That is why classic lasagna is bolognese lasagna. In addition, almost every province or city has its own lasagna recipe For example, in Naples - Neapolitan lasagna, in Sicily - Sicilian lasagna. The cooking recipe allowed experimenting and using different products.

A few words about how to make dough for lasagna. If you are interested in lasagna, the dough recipe should not scare you away. It is desirable to knead the dough for lasagna from durum wheat flour, which is usually used for making pasta. The recipe for lasagna dough is quite simple: flour, eggs, water, salt, olive oil. There is one remark to the question of how to prepare sheets for lasagna: you need to knead for a long time to get a plastic dough for lasagna. The recipe calls for just such a test. Today in the supermarket you can easily buy ready-made layers for lasagna, lasagna recipe after that it will become much easier for you. But even if you have not found sheets for lasagna, we will advise you how to cook lasagna without them. So, there is pasta lasagna, puff pastry lasagna, pita lasagna, lazy lasagna, and even pancake lasagna. Lasagna, a pita bread recipe, is often referred to as a lazy lasagne recipe. It should also be added that 6 layers of dough are traditionally used, this is how classic lasagna is prepared, the recipe of which was invented in Bologna.

We have already told you how to cook lasagna dough, now it's time to talk about how to cook lasagna. lasagna recipes there are many, the filling for lasagna can be very different. There is meat lasagna, lean lasagna or vegetarian lasagna, mushroom lasagna, fish lasagna, seafood lasagna, vegetable lasagna, cheese lasagna. Cheese lasagna is made with ricotta or mozzarella cheese. But if you are interested in lasagna bolognese, this recipe allows you to use only parmesan cheese. There can be a complex or simple lasagna recipe, depending on the amount of lasagna ingredients. In a word, the choice is very large, for every taste: lasagna with meat or lasagna with minced meat, lasagna with chicken, lasagna with mushrooms, lasagna with chicken and mushrooms, lasagna with minced meat and mushrooms.

If you can't live without meat, a minced meat lasagne recipe or a meat lasagna recipe, chicken lasagna recipe will do for you. It remains only to find out how to cook lasagna with minced meat: for this, see the lasagna with minced meat cooking recipe, how to cook lasagna with minced meat or lasagna with minced meat recipe with photo. If you are on a diet or a vegetarian, cook vegetable lasagna, lasagna recipe with pasta, lasagna recipe with mushrooms. Lasagna with vegetables, such as potato lasagna, will be healthy and tasty. If you are interested in more gourmet recipe, spinach lasagne just for you. By the way, sometimes you can see on the packaging with green leaves lasagna the inscription "lasagna with spinach" - this means that grated spinach was added to the dough for lasagna.

Most the right sauce for lasagna - bechamel. Bechamel sauce for lasagna is like mayonnaise for Olivier. Bechamel for lasagne, of course, you can buy, but it's better to make it yourself. This is the most delicious sauce for lasagna, the bechamel recipe is not that complicated. You will need butter, flour, milk, salt, pepper and a dash of nutmeg in order to make the béchamel sauce. The recipe for lasagna is the same as for other dishes.

Many do not know how to cook lasagna at home. Nothing complicated, we will assume that you have already decided on the lasagna recipe and you have necessary products for stuffing and dough for lasagna. The recipe for lasagna at home may not differ much from the restaurant one - the main thing is to have a steady desire to cook some delicious lasagna. For example, it can be a recipe for lasagna with meat, lasagna with cheese and ham, or vegetable lasagna. The homemade lasagna recipe is generally very simple and resembles spring rolls. That is, you simply shift the lasagna ingredients, be sure to use cheese and butter, and bake it all in the oven. With all necessary ingredients, cooking lasagna at home is not difficult. Of course, it would be nice to have a rectangular shape at home, although pancake lasagna will help you solve this problem too. At the restaurant lasagna cooked in the oven, lasagne at home cooked in the oven. But lasagna in the microwave also has the right to be eaten. Everything elementary is simple and now you know how to cook lasagna at home.

By the way, not only Italians know how to cook lasagna. Lasagna recipes are easy to come up with on your own. The Poles, by the way, have also known how lasagna is prepared for a long time, they call this recipe “lasanka”. So experiment, come up with your own way of cooking lasagna, for sure you will get your own author's lasagna, send us a photo to show off. And you own recipe lasagna with a photo, your personalized lasagna recipe with a photo will decorate our site.

Lasagna, the recipe of which is passed down in Italian families from generation to generation, is an incredibly tender, fragrant and rich dish, the preparation of which is a special ritual. Only Italians are able to perform this delicacy with a special flavor and indescribable taste. There are so many recipes for lasagna that it’s time to publish a separate book. However, there are invariable components of the dish that are present in all interpretations of lasagna: dough (as special kind pastes), white sauce bechamel, red tomato sauce, parmesan cheese. Any ingredients can be used as a filling - meat, chicken, fish, vegetables, mushrooms, etc. However, it is lasagna with meat that is considered the most common in Italy.

Lasagna. Recipe for classic cuisine. Key Features

Lasagna, the recipe of which has a number of subtleties, is very high in calories and hearty meal. Let's see how it is prepared.

The basis of lasagna is special layers (as one of the subspecies of pasta). They are easy to buy in the supermarket, but they are much more pleasant to cook on your own. The dough will require 600 grams of flour, 3 eggs, 50 ml of olive oil, 100 ml of water. As you can see, the dough is quite simple, egg. However, it must be kneaded for a long time and carefully in order to obtain the necessary plasticity. After kneading, it must necessarily "rest" for at least half an hour under a towel. Then it is necessary to divide the dough into 3 parts and roll each into a cake one and a half millimeters thick. From them it is necessary to cut out layers of suitable size, as a rule, of a rectangular shape. Leave the finished layers to dry under a towel.

Red bolognese sauce

To make a classic bolognese you will need the following ingredients: onion, carrot, meat (600 gr), olive oil, tomatoes in own juice, wine, seasoning. The meat must be finely chopped or passed through a meat grinder, fried in olive oil along with carrots and onions. Add wine, tomatoes, broth and seasoning (salt, pepper, oregano). Simmer for about an hour.

White bechamel sauce

Bechamel is one of base sauces Italian and french cuisine. It is quite simple to prepare. So, in a saucepan with a thick bottom, melt three tablespoons of butter, add the same amount of flour and fry until golden brown. Introduce 500 milliliters of milk and cook for 10 minutes until thickened, stirring constantly. Salt and pepper.


How do you make lasagna with all these ingredients? Everything is quite simple. Grease a deep baking dish with oil and pour a little bechamel sauce. Lay out the prepared sheets so that they cover the entire bottom. Sometimes they are pre-boiled for several minutes. However, with the right consistency of sauces, this is not required. Bolognese sauce is laid out on the sheets, bechamel on top, and then grated parmesan. Then the order is repeated - lasagna sheet, red sauce, white sauce, cheese. Lasagna, recipe classical cuisine which implies a minimum of 4 layers, is assembled quickly enough. It remains only to put the baking sheet in the oven, heated to 200 degrees, and bake for 40 minutes. The finished dish is served hot, cut into portions.

Today we will talk about a real layered miracle - climbing. We used to think that the classic lasagna with minced meat and vegetables, as well as cheese, is a dish of Italian cuisine, but England and Scandinavia fought for the right to be considered its homeland. The name of the dish comes from Greece: according to one version, it comes from the word "laganon" (the so-called flat cake made of wheat flour), according to another - from the Greek word "lasana", meaning "hot plates". Some sources claim that later the Romans called the cauldron for cooking, and even later the Italians began to call the finished dish lasagna. Let historians argue, but one thing is known for certain - having tried the dish once, you are unlikely to remain indifferent. Therefore, we will tell you how lasagna with minced meat is cooked in the oven at home, and we will also reveal the secret of a few more step by step simple recipes cooking and supplement them with photographs.

Lasagna with minced meat is cooked quickly and easily!

Classic recipe lasagna with minced meat cooked at home is a casserole made from layers unleavened dough, interbedded various fillings- meat or minced chicken, vegetables, seasoned with sauce and cheese and baked in the oven. From this it becomes clear that for the preparation of such fine dining no special skills required.

The recipe for lasagna with minced meat is quite usable for cooking at home. It involves the use of six layers of dough and an obligatory element - bechamel sauce. As fillings, you can use products to taste. Plates for Italian lasagna at home, it is easy to cook on your own, but it is permissible to purchase a semi-finished product in a supermarket. But we will definitely remind you about the recipe for making bechamel sauce, because without it it is almost impossible to cook lasagna with minced meat and mushrooms, reminiscent of the Italian “original”.

Bechamel sauce is very common in European cuisine. The basis for the sauce is milk and roux (“roux”, as the eminent chef Francois Pierre de la Varenne, in his book The French Chef, called a mixture of butter and flour). Ingredients:

· 1/2 liter of milk.

· 50 g butter.

· 50 g flour.

Salt, white pepper, nutmeg(grated).

Prepare the base for the bechamel sauce. Melt the butter over low heat and, stirring constantly, add the flour. The flour should be light beige in color and covered with uniform small bubbles. After a minute, remove the resulting mass from the heat and, while it is hot, pour in cold milk, rubbing the mixture until smooth, stirring constantly. We put the saucepan back on the stove and boil the mixture at a low boil for a few more minutes, stirring continuously so that lumps do not form. Add salt and spices. But even if you still have lumps, then do not despair, strain the sauce through a strainer. The sauce is ready. You can start the magic - cooking famous dish. There are many variations on this theme, we will give several options for the dish with a photo, and you will find your recipe among them.

Best to use finished sheets dough, but when choosing them, pay attention to the method of preparation. Some types of sheets can be simply soaked in hot water before baking, others need to be boiled until half cooked. Need to focus on appearance: The dough should be plastic after processing, but not too soft. Regarding the baking dish: it is better to use a thick-walled rectangular shape made of glass, ceramics, metal. In them, the dough will be laid as correctly as possible, the filling will not wake up, and the puff pastry lasagna will not fall apart when cut. AT last resort you can cook a delicacy in a pan.

At this stage, add all the cold milk at once and mix thoroughly.

Lasagna with minced meat and puff pastry mushrooms:

Minced meat - 600 g.

Mushrooms (champignons) - 300 g.

· Tomatoes - 4 pcs.

Onion - 1 head.

Carrot - 1 pc.

Dry red wine - 60 g.

Cream - 60 ml (for minced meat).

Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l. (for frying).

Hard cheese, grated - 400 g.

· Salt, spices to taste.

Cooking lasagna starts with preparation meat filling. Quickly fry the garlic crushed with a knife in oil so that it gives off its aroma, and remove it from the pan. Fry the finely chopped half of the onion, grated carrots, mix with minced meat (you can use any: beef, pork, mixed) and continue to fry, breaking the meat lumps. During frying, the mass can be diluted as needed. meat broth. Pour in the wine, bring to a boil, add the peeled and seeded tomatoes and spices.

Fresh tomatoes can be replaced with tomato paste.

Bring the mass to a boil, simmer for an hour. Pour in the cream and heat the filling for another minute.

We rub the carrots and chop the onion.

Add minced meat to the mixture.

Cooking tomato paste.

Lasagna with minced meat and mushrooms is prepared with a mushroom layer that forms the basis of the taste. For him, put the washed and chopped champignons on a heated frying pan and, as soon as excess moisture evaporates from the mushrooms, add vegetable oil with the rest of the onion. We bring the ingredients to readiness. The recipe can be slightly modified by replacing the champignons with dry mushrooms. They must first be soaked and boiled.

To cook lasagna, it is not necessary to use parmesan, as in the original. Any hard cheese will do. You can make a tasty delicacy with mozzarella, and some prefer ricotta lasagne on the table.

Lay out in layers.

Lasagna is easier to cut when it has cooled slightly.

Lubricate the baking dish with bechamel sauce, lay the sheets, minced meat filling, again a little sauce, grated cheese. Put mushrooms, sauce, cheese on the second layer of lasagna. Repeat the steps starting from the first layer. Cover the casserole with dough sheets, grease butter, put the tomatoes, cut into circles, fill with cheese and bake. After 40-45 minutes, your lasagna with minced meat and tomatoes is ready.

How different is she?

Over the many years of its existence, the recipe for lasagna with minced meat has undergone many changes, and at home you can experiment with cooking for a long time. Recipes for Vegetarians minced fish, with zucchini, cabbage stuffing. Good for those who are on a diet diet lasagna with cottage cheese, lean beef or minced turkey, as well as a reduced number of layers, which will reduce the calorie content.

The ingredients for preparing delicacies with cabbage do not have a fundamental difference from those indicated above, except that the filling for lasagna is laid out not on ready-made dough plates, but on cabbage leaves, pre-washed and boiled in boiling water until soft. Best for stuffing minced pork, tomatoes in their own juice with fried onions, hard cheese for sprinkling. At a temperature of 180 ° C, in 40-50 minutes your cabbage lasagna with minced meat will be ready.

Who is tired of the usual dish of ready-made dough sheets or just does not want to go to the store, you can use the recipe with potatoes. To make tasty and soft enough potato lasagna, potatoes need to be cut into thin circles, and then boiled for 5 minutes. The top layer of treats and the bottom are always potato. As a filling, it is recommended to use assorted minced meat, and for the sauce, mix 2 eggs with cream and add a little hard cheese. A potato dish is baked for 40-45 minutes at a temperature of 200 ° C.

Now let's move away from the "classics" and forget for a while what lasagna with minced meat is, because for vegetarians, as well as lovers of sweets, there is a simple recipe for lasagna with cottage cheese. The bonus of the delicacy is not only simplicity, but also the speed of preparation: it will be ready in 15-25 minutes, when the eggs added to the sauce “grab”. Step by step recipe:

  • We rub cheese.
  • In a glass of water, stir 1 tsp. salt.
  • Add 2 eggs to 500 g of cottage cheese and mix.
  • Mix cottage cheese and water, add 45 g of melted butter.
  • Lubricate the foil with oil and lay out the first sheet, on which we distribute ¼ curd mass and ¼ grated cheese. Top with a layer of 3 tbsp. spoons of water.
  • We repeat the steps.

After several attempts to cook lasagna at home, you will be able to choose the best recipe dishes using minced meat, cooked in the oven or in a pan. However, a real home-style delicacy will turn out when you develop your own technology and please your loved ones with a unique dish.

You don't have to use expensive parmesan cheese for lasagna. Suitable for any hard cheese.

Culinary novelties from the "stars"

Now it has become very popular to maintain culinary blogs and websites. "Stars" delight us with recipes for new products that have appeared on their table. One of the most popular for cooking is the vermicelli casserole recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya. delicious lasagna from the "star" of cooking includes:

  • Minced beef (500 g).
  • Special pasta (for example, from Makfa).
  • Bacon (100 g).
  • Cheese durum varieties(100 g).
  • Carrots and celery stalks 1 pc.
  • ½ head of onion.
  • Milk (50 ml).
  • Red wine (5 tablespoons).
  • Olive oil 2 tbsp. l. and creamy 1 tsp.
  • Tomato paste 2 tbsp. l.
  • Black pepper and bechamel sauce with nutmeg.

Cooking goodies at home is no different from the lasagna recipe described above. To begin with, we cook carrots, onions and celery in a pan: fry a little in olive oil. Next, add minced meat, continuing to fry and mix. The last to add red wine, tomato paste, seasonings and leave the mixture to simmer for 20 minutes under the lid. Add milk (on the site there are recipes with the addition of kefir). When everything is ready, layer the finished sheets with the mixture and put in the oven.

It is difficult to imagine Russia without pancakes, and so popular not only in Russia, but also in many countries former USSR cooks decided to use the product for cooking lasagna with ground beef and sauce, as well as vegetables. Exquisite taste pancake lasagne with minced meat and eggplant or with the addition of minced turkey is different. main ingredient- pancakes. They should be thin but strong. It is correct to make dough for pancakes from a mixture of milk, water, eggs, salt and vegetable oil. All products are thoroughly beaten in a blender or whisk. dough in end result should resemble low-fat sour cream.

When the pancakes are ready, we proceed to prepare the filling, and then proceed according to the previous scheme. To prevent pancake lasagna from burning, it is better to cover it with foil for the first 20 minutes of cooking. The total baking time is standard -30-40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Whatever casserole recipe you use - with minced meat, vegetables, vegetarian, low-calorie - the main thing to remember is that to make lasagna delicious, you need not just mix all the ingredients.

The most delicious dish is the one prepared with love. Add this important ingredient to your delicacy, and the reaction of loved ones will be unequivocally approving.

The video will allow you to quickly learn the recipe and easily cook lasagna for loved ones.

Step by step recipes for Italian lasagna with fish, vegetables and mushrooms

2018-06-07 Rida Khasanova





In 100 grams of the finished dish

9 gr.

8 gr.


8 gr.

138 kcal.

Option 1: Classic Italian Lasagna Recipe

Lasagna is a popular Italian dish that is known all over the world. Thin sheets of dough alternate with juicy meat or vegetable, mushroom stuffing and topped with cheese. All together gives a delicious taste of Italian cuisine.

Lasagna dough is very easy to prepare, but if desired, it can be purchased frozen ready-made - the taste will not change from this.


  • 65-70 gr. wheat flour;
  • 50-55 gr. semolina;
  • 200-230 ml. milk;
  • salt;
  • egg;
  • 700 gr. pork and beef mince;
  • four tomatoes;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • some basil and parsley;
  • black ground pepper;
  • 800 ml. milk for sauce;
  • half a pack of butter;
  • 120 gr. flour for sauce;
  • olive oil;
  • 150 gr. parmesan.

Italian lasagna recipe step by step

In any container, combine flour, semolina, egg and milk, add a pinch of salt and knead the dough. Cover the cup with a thin towel and let stand for ten minutes. Then transfer the dough to a working table, lightly sprinkled with flour and roll out into a layer with a usual thickness of about 3 mm.

Cut the pastry sheet into squares that are suitable for the form in which the lasagna will be baked. Boil water in a saucepan, salt a little and add olive oil. Boil the sheets and put out of the water, let dry.

Make a cross-shaped incision on the tomatoes and scald with boiling water. After that, remove the skin, and scroll the pulp in a blender until mashed.

Peel the onion and garlic from the husk and chop under pressure. Rinse greens and finely chop.

Heat the olive oil in a deep frying pan and fry the onion and garlic in it a little until soft. Add salted minced meat, mix well and cook for another six minutes.

Pour the tomato puree into the minced meat, add salt, pepper if necessary, and cover with a lid. Simmer over low heat for about nine minutes. Then turn off the stove, pour greens and cover again.

For the sauce, melt the butter in a saucepan, pour in the flour and stir thoroughly, getting rid of lumps. Allow the mixture to cool slightly, then pour in the milk and cook, stirring constantly, for 9-10 minutes. You should get a homogeneous liquid mass. Lightly salt and pepper.

Divide all ingredients into 4 portions. Put a portion of minced meat on the bottom of a heat-resistant form, pour over some of the sauce and cover with dough sheets. Then in layers: minced meat, sauce, grated cheese and dough. Repeat until all ingredients are gone. Top with sauce and sprinkle with cheese.

Put the mold in the oven for 40-45 minutes at a normal temperature of 180 degrees.

Let the lasagna cool slightly and divide into portions. You can use store-bought lasagna sheets if you like.

Option 2: Quick Italian Lasagna Recipe

Lasagna is so tasty dish that having tried it once, you will want to return to it again and again. When there is no desire to engage in long cooking, you can cook a simple lasagna with ready-made dough sheets.


  • 18 finished sheets;
  • half a kilogram of minced meat (pork and beef);
  • 4-5 tomatoes;
  • 210 gr. hard cheese;
  • 100 gr. cheese;
  • olive oil;
  • two large onions;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • cup tomato sauce or adjika;
  • salt and pepper;
  • a pinch of nutmeg;
  • a teaspoon of dried Italian herbs.

How to quickly cook Italian lasagna

Release the dough sheets from the packaging and boil in slightly salty water until half cooked.

Peel one onion and a clove of garlic and finely chop the garlic. Fry with minced meat in olive oil for about a quarter of an hour.

Transfer tomato paste to the minced meat, add spices to taste, nutmeg and mix thoroughly. Simmer on low heat for 2-3 minutes and turn off the stove.

Finely chop the remaining onion and garlic and fry in olive oil until a pleasant golden hue. Add tomato sauce, chopped tomatoes and spices. simmer for a couple of minutes and remove from heat.

Pour half of the tomato sauce into a square baking dish. Lay a third of the dough sheets on top. Spread half of the minced meat evenly on them and sprinkle with herbs. Repeat all layers, cover the top with lasagna sheets and pour over the remaining sauce. Send to the oven for 20 minutes at 190-200 C.

Rub the hard cheese through a medium grater, and break the cheese with your hands into small pieces. Sprinkle lasagna - first with cheese, and then with brynza and bake for another 10 minutes.

Serve in the form or immediately arrange in portions on plates.

Option 3: Italian Fish Lasagna

Lasagna with fish filling- another option Italian food. The fish is steamed, so lasagna will be as healthy as possible.


  • a couple of chicken eggs;
  • a tablespoon of vegetable oil;
  • salt;
  • 300-350 gr. wheat flour;
  • 400-450 gr. fish fillet;
  • bulb;
  • carrot;
  • small zucchini;
  • 150-170 gr. champignons;
  • 300-350 gr. hard cheese;
  • 70-80 gr. butter;
  • ketchup;
  • salt, dried herbs, pepper;
  • a glass of milk;
  • a tablespoon of flour (for sauce);
  • 50 gr. butter (for sauce)

How to cook

Break chicken eggs into a deep bowl and shake the beaters. Combine with butter, mix and pour flour. Knead the dough and let it rest for 20 minutes.

Cut the fish fillet into small pieces, salt a little and sprinkle with spices. If there is a double boiler, then transfer the fish to a container for cooking rice. If not, then adjust the sieve and set it on a pot of boiling water. Cook 20-25 minutes.

Peel the onion, zucchini and mushrooms and cut into cubes. Coarsely grate the carrots. Cook the vegetables in the same way as the fish, the cooking time is the same.

Roll out the dough into a thin rectangular shape. Cut into 6 equal parts, trim the edges with a knife.

Lightly fry the flour in a dry frying pan. Divide milk into 2 parts. Dilute flour with cold milk and stir very well, achieving uniformity. Salt and pour in boiling milk. Stir continuously until the sauce begins to thicken while adding the butter and salt. Remove sauce from heat and cool.

Dip the dough sheets into boiling water, salt a little and pour olive oil. Cook for a couple of minutes, then remove them with a slotted spoon.

Grease the mold with butter. Lay out the sheet, put a little ketchup on it. Next, lay out the filling of fish and vegetables, pour over the sauce and sprinkle with grated cheese. So repeat the layers until the dough runs out, sprinkle the last sheet only with cheese.

Put the mold in the oven at a temperature of 190-200 degrees for about 40 minutes. The lasagna should be a bright golden color.

Lasagna is served hot or warm.

Option 4: Italian lasagna with vegetables

Vegetable lasagna is a simple dish that is perfect for hearty breakfast or light dinner. Prepared lasagna sheets will be used as a layer of vegetables.


  • small zucchini;
  • one stalk of leek;
  • 300-350 gr. tomatoes;
  • small eggplant;
  • two bell peppers;
  • half a liter of milk;
  • 130 gr. hard cheese;
  • a quarter of butter;
  • salt;
  • two tablespoons of olive oil;
  • ground black pepper;
  • a tablespoon of flour;
  • eight sheets of lasagna.

Step by step recipe

Cut the leek stalk into plump, neat rings with a slight slope. Peel off the skin of the eggplant, divide the flesh into rings and lightly salt. After 5-10 minutes, rinse, dry and cut into squares. Prepare the zucchini in the same way.

Rinse the bell pepper, remove the seed box and cut into medium-sized pieces.

Heat a deep frying pan with vegetable oil, pour all the prepared vegetables into it and fry under the lid for about ten minutes. Then salt, sprinkle with pepper, stir and remove from the stove.

Melt the butter in a saucepan and add a spoonful of flour to it. Mix well, add milk and cook until thickened.

Grease a baking dish with oil and spread a layer of dough leaves on the bottom. pour cream sauce, then lay out a part of the vegetables, again a leaf and sauce. So repeat until the ingredients run out, and the top should be closed test. Spread it generously with sauce and sprinkle with grated cheese.

Cover the top with a sheet of foil. Put the lasagna in the oven and cook for half an hour at 180 C. Remove the foil and bake for another 10 minutes.

Serve with fresh vegetables and bread toasts.

Option 5: Italian lasagna in a slow cooker with mushrooms

Lasagna cooked in a slow cooker is just as juicy and tasty as in the oven. This dish is notable for the fact that you can use different stuffing- not only meat, but also, for example, mushroom.


  • 350-400 gr. any mushrooms;
  • 10 sheets of lasagna dough;
  • bulb;
  • four tablespoons of sour cream;
  • a glass of clean water;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt, spices

How to cook

Mushrooms and onion cut into cubes. Fry until soft in vegetable oil.

Drop sheets of pasta into hot water for a few minutes.

Lubricate the multicooker bowl with oil. Lay out, alternating, sheets of dough with mushroom filling.

Dilute sour cream with water and pour into a bowl for lasagna.

Set the baking mode to 2 hours.

So easy and quick to make hearty lasagna. You can sprinkle grated cheese on top if you like.

Enjoy your meal!