How to bake lasagna at home. Diet lasagna: cooking recipe with photo

  • Per 100 grams - 124.87 kcal. Used - 8. 19/3. 81/14. 55?


    • - Minced chicken - 600 gr (preferably on your own from the breast);
    • - Fresh champignons - 400 gr;.
    • - Bulgarian pepper - 150 gr;.
    • - Cherry tomatoes - 200 gr (you can take regular ones);
    • - Sour cream (10-15%) - 250 gr;.
    • - Fat-free kefir - 400 gr;.
    • - Bulb onion - 100 gr;.
    • - Hard cheese - 40 gr;.
    • - Sheets for lasagna (manufacturer Barilla, Italy) - 9 pcs.
    • - Parsley and cilantro to taste.

    1. To begin with, we will prepare the filling for the lasagna.
    To do this, fry chopped meat until half ready. Separately, fry the onion, mushrooms and bell pepper until half cooked. We combine the prepared minced meat with vegetables, let cool. Now let's prepare the lasagna sauce. The sauce that we will prepare will be devoid of these shortcomings. To prepare a light lasagna sauce, mix sour cream, kefir, finely chopped greens, add salt, ground pepper, spices (hops - suneli, coriander, oregano.
    2. lasagna sauce is ready. Now let's start assembling the dish. To the bottom of the lasagne dish finished sheets lay out the lasagna. In my case, 3 sheets are enough. Barilla makes lasagna sheets that don't need to be pre-boiled, making the recipe and cooking time a breeze. In the event that you cannot find ready-made lasagne sheets, you can cook them yourself. To do this, take 3 cups of flour and gradually add 1 cup of cold water, then 2 eggs, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and salt to taste. Knead the dough thoroughly and leave for 1 hour in the refrigerator. After that, the dough is rolled into thin plates (2 mm), cut into wide strips and dried. Before laying in the mold, such "Home Sheets" must be boiled in in large numbers water until half cooked (minutes 2. put the minced meat with vegetables, tomatoes on the lasagna sheets and spill the first layer with the prepared sauce.
    3. repeat the operation 3 times. We do not close the last layer with lasagne sheets, but sprinkle with grated cheese on a fine grater. We send the dish to the oven and bake for 30 minutes at a temperature of 220 degrees. Enjoy your meal!

    For cooking, it is necessary to peel and finely chop a medium-sized onion, grate one carrot on a fine grater, and squeeze a clove of garlic, fry all this on vegetable oil within 5-7 minutes.

    Then add 300 grams of minced chicken. Mix all ingredients and add 30 grams tomato paste, salt pepper to taste. Simmer minced meat for 10 minutes. Then you need to prepare the sauce for this you need to take a saucepan, put 130 grams of margarine and 100 grams of flour into it, melt it all until smooth.

    When the mixture is homogeneous, add 200 grams of milk, 5 grams of nutmeg, mix and bring to a boil. Grease a baking dish with butter, lay out layers of dough, then minced meat, pour sauce and sprinkle with cheese. Bake for 40 minutes at 180 degrees.

    How to cook Diet Chicken Lasagna

    1. Fry chopped fillet and sprinkled with salt and pepper.
    2. Fry carrots, mushrooms, onions and tomatoes. Salt and stir.
    3. Combine chicken and vegetables and let cool.
    4. Prepare the sauce: kefir, sour cream, garlic pressed through a press. Mix, salt.
    5. Collect lasagna. Put 2 sheets in a mold, fillet on them, followed by vegetables with mushrooms and pour over the sauce.
    6. Repeat (sheets, fillets, vegetables with mushrooms, sauce, sheets, fillets, vegetables with mushrooms, sauce).
    7. Sprinkle with grated cheese and put in the oven for 30 minutes.

    Enjoy your meal!

    Diet Lasagne Recipe Ingredients:

    • Lasagna sheets - 110 gr.
    • Chicken fillet - 300 gr.
    • Champignons - 170 gr.
    • Carrot - 70 gr.
    • Onion - 1 pc.
    • Kefir 1% - 300 ml.
    • Sour cream - 1 tbsp
    • Garlic - 2 tooth.
    • Tomatoes - 3 pcs.
    • Cheese - 30 gr.
    • Ground black pepper - 3 gr.
    • Salt - 4 gr. Servings: 6

    You can cook diet chicken lasagna in a slow cooker. This time we will move away from the classics, and to create the “pride of Italian cuisine” we will take thin sheets Armenian lavash. Because it's fresh yeast-free dough, then its use will not make our dish too high-calorie, but it will significantly simplify and speed up the overall cooking process. Ingredients Armenian Lavash - 300 g; Minced chicken (made from fillet) - 600 g; Fresh champignons - 350 g; Cherry tomatoes - 12 pcs. (or 2 regular); Onion - 1 pc.; Carrot - 1 pc.; hard cheese- 40 g; Ketchup - 400 ml; Natural yogurt (no additives) - 150 g; Herbs, spices, salt - to taste.

    How to make diet chicken lasagna in a slow cooker

    First of all, clean and wash vegetables with mushrooms. Then chop the onion, rub on coarse grater carrots, cut washed champignons thin slices. Turn on the multicooker, select the "Frying" mode. Dip the vegetables into the bowl. When they become soft - add mushrooms, after a couple of minutes - minced meat. Lightly fry until minced meat changes color. Transfer the finished filling to another bowl. Mix ketchup (you can choose any variety) with yogurt. If desired, it is at this stage that you can add your favorite aromatic seasonings. We cut the sheets of pita bread, and place one of the pieces on the bottom of the bowl. We spread the filling quite thickly on it and close it with a sheet of pita bread, which we generously grease with yogurt and ketchup sauce, then the filling follows again. Thus, we continue to alternate layer by layer. We put the last piece of pita bread on top, flavor it with sauce, close the multicooker lid and select the “Baking” mode. After 20 minutes, sprinkle the lasagna with grated cheese and continue to bake for another 20 minutes, until fully cooked.

    Zucchini PP lasagna


    • Zucchini - 500 g (1 pc)
    • Tomatoes (large) - 2 pcs
    • Soft curd cheese - 150 g
    • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
    • Dill - 1 bunch
    • Garlic - 1 clove
    • Grated mozzarella (or suluguni) - 50 g
    • Olive oil - 2 tsp
    • Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Peel the zucchini, cut into thin slices. Wash the pepper, cut into strips. Chop the greens, squeeze the garlic through a press. Grease the baking dish olive oil and lay out a layer of chopped zucchini. Put a layer of chopped pepper on top. Cottage cheese mix with herbs and garlic. Put on top of the pepper. Repeat the layers again, put the zucchini, tomato, pepper, cheese layer. The last layer is a layer of zucchini sprinkled with grated mozzarella. Put the lasagna in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes

    Here's an option for the lazy ones. And I'm not even sure that this option can be called lasagna. It's more of a layered pizza. But since both are related to Italian cuisine, it will consider that this is still lasagna, but very, very lazy.

    • Lavash - 3 Pieces
    • Cheese - 150-200 grams
    • Minced meat - 400 grams
    • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pieces
    • Tomato - 2-3 pieces
    • Onion - 2 pieces (1 onion - for minced meat, 1 - for vegetables)
    • Vegetable oil - 100 mo
    • Salt - 1 teaspoon
    • Spices - 3-4 pinches (your favorite)

    Preparation: 1. Fry thawed or fresh minced meat with finely chopped onion over medium heat.

    We fry the minced meat until cooked, but if the onion is already starting to turn from golden to black, remove the pan from the heat. Minced meat can also be cooked in the oven. 2. While the minced meat is being prepared, fry a mixture of finely chopped tomatoes in another pan, bell pepper and bow.

    Don't forget to salt and pepper the vegetables. It is not necessary to simmer the vegetables with the lid closed, now you need to ensure that most of the liquid comes out of them so that the lasagna does not turn out to be too liquid. Fry evenly until the vegetables begin to appear golden crust. As soon as you see that it begins to form, immediately remove from heat.

    3. The fillings are ready, we collect everything together. To do this, put a sheet of pita bread on a greased baking sheet and spread a layer of vegetables on it. We use only half of the cooked vegetables.
    4. We cover the vegetables with the next sheet of pita bread, on which we spread the minced meat. We lay out the whole stuffing.
    5. Pour half of the prepared cheese, grated on a coarse grater, onto the minced meat.
    6. Put another layer of pita bread on top, on which we spread the rest of vegetables and cheese.
    7. We send the lasagna for 15 minutes in the oven, heated to 200 degrees.
    Ready. This is the most quick recipe lasagna in the oven, which I managed to find.

    Video Diet PP Lasagne | SUPER TASTY

    The main secret of lazy lasagna is ready-made pita bread! Lavash lasagna is very rich, but at the same time tender and less high-calorie. We will need 5-6 large pita breads or twice as many small ones.

    • pita bread - 5-6 pcs. large or 10-12 small

    For sauce:

    • medium tomatoes (be sure to take ripe and juicy varieties) - 8 pcs.
    • vegetable oil, any - ½ cup
    • medium bulb - 1 pc.
    • garlic - 2 cloves
    • medium carrot - 2 pcs.
    • bell pepper - 2 pcs.
    • salt, pepper, paprika, sugar - to taste

    For the bechamel sauce:

    • milk - 1 l
    • butter- 100 gr.
    • flour - 100 gr.
    • pinch of nutmeg, salt, black pepper
    • cheese - 100 gr.

    First of all, prepare the tomatoes. Pour them with boiling water for 2-3 minutes and remove the peel, which is very easily separated. Cut into small cubes 2-3 cm in size.

    Peel and finely chop the onion and garlic. In a deep frying pan, heat the oil well and sauté them over moderate heat until transparent.

    Then add the tomatoes and fry until they turn into juice and the pulp disappears almost completely.

    While the tomatoes are stewing, peel and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. And when the tomatoes are ready, add the carrots and also simmer until tender.

    At this stage, salt, pepper, add ground paprika and sugar to taste.

    While the carrots are stewing, peel and cut the pepper into cubes, and also add it to the finished carrot. Simmer until the pepper is soft.

    And our first sauce is ready.

    Cooking bechamel. To do this, melt the butter in a saucepan or a deep frying pan, like mine, mix it with flour and stir constantly, continuing to heat the butter-flour mixture for 1-2 minutes. Next, pour in the milk in small portions, constantly stirring with a wooden spatula until smooth.

    Bring the sauce to a boil, stirring constantly, cook for 5 minutes over low heat and our bechamel is ready.

    Season it with salt, pepper and nutmeg, taste.

    In the original, the sauce should turn out to be homogeneous, without lumps, and if this could not be avoided, it must be rubbed through a sieve.

    But we have lazy lasagna, so if it still turned out with lumps, then don’t be upset - in ready dish it will be imperceptible and will not affect the taste in any way.

    That's all, the lasagna is almost ready, you can collect it!

    You can additionally fry the peeled eggplants (3 large ones) in slices or circles - to your taste - and add them between the lecho layer and the bechamel. It will turn out almost moussaka - another similar and no less tasty Greek dish.

    We take a convenient deep dish (I have a glass one, but you can use an ordinary baking sheet or a frying pan), grease the bottom with bechamel sauce and cover with pita bread.

    We spread the sauce, then bechamel and pita bread, alternating layers until the filling is over. I get about three or four layers. Bechamel should be used sparingly (or make it bigger) to grease the last pita bread with it and pour around the edges - to get a juicy lasagna.

    We spread the grated cheese on the last layer and send the lasagna to the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for 20-30 minutes - until the cheese is browned.

    Lasagna is the famous Italian puff casserole, where the frame is made up of layers of dough (paste), interspersed with meat, vegetable, mushroom or cream sauce. Grated cheese is used as a binder, which cements all the layers into a single dish. Like many other common people by the fact of birth, dishes (pizza, different types pasta and dressings for it, etc.), lasagna met the task with minimal labor, time and money to prepare the most nutritious, healthy and, of course, Tasty food. It was much later that butter appeared in the recipe, cream sauce bechamel, expensive mature cheeses and other ingredients, which, without adding much to the taste, seriously increased the cost and fat content of the dish, while simultaneously reducing it by a factor of nutritional value and usefulness. Today we will cook a very easy (in every sense), healthy, tasty and very inexpensive version of this popular dishlight diet lasagna without bechamel sauce "two pennies for happiness" or in Italian "Da due soldi di felicità".

    We will need:

    For filo dough:

    • water room temperature- 200 ml;
    • egg - 1 pc.;
    • salt - 0.5 tsp;
    • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp;
    • vodka - 1 tablespoon;
    • premium flour - 500 gr.

    For the meat filling:

    • mixed minced meat (beef + pork) - 600 gr;
    • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp;
    • white table wine - 70 ml;
    • garlic - 3 cloves or 20 gr;
    • salt, a mixture of peppers, dried basil, grated nutmeg, other spices - to taste.

    For vegetable sauce:

    • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp;
    • onion - 160 gr;
    • carrots - 150 rg;
    • petiole celery - 100 gr;
    • tomato puree - 50 gr;
    • tomatoes - 150 gr;
    • Bulgarian pepper - 120 gr.

    In our easy lasagna “Da due soldi”, we will be guided by the “plate rule”, according to which the dish should contain no more than a quarter of carbohydrate foods (pasta), a quarter of protein (minced meat) and half, or even more, of vegetables (fiber, vitamins). And it is advisable to use as little fat as possible in the cooking process, that is, use healthier types. cooking- poaching, sautéing, baking.

    Instead of finished pasta we use, which can be economically rolled out into very thin, almost transparent juices. We will exclude bechamel sauce from the recipe as a phenomenon, leaving only the smell of nutmeg from it.

    AT sunny Italy tomatoes, peppers and other quality vegetables for the sauce are available all year round and they cost a penny, we will be forced to use freezing out of season, but, believe me, the taste and benefits of this will not decrease. It is better to take reliable and high-quality preparations than to take risks with buying unknown where and how grown overseas vegetables that do not deteriorate for months, because even bacteria and fungi are afraid to eat them.

    And a few words about oil. In all Italian recipes olive oil is not used at all because of its indescribable taste, dietary and other healing properties, it’s just that it is more widespread there and costs less, approximately like our sunflower. So calmly replace expensive imported well-known brands with a domestic product - it will be both cheaper and more useful!

    It may seem that preparing the numerous ingredients of lasagna is an unnecessarily long business. In fact, everything happens almost simultaneously: while the dough ripens in the refrigerator, we will simultaneously prepare meat and vegetable sauces in two pans.

    How to make lasagna sheets

    We start by kneading the dough. You can knead with your hands, you can - in a dough mixer, but the easiest way is to turn to a bread machine. Pour water, vegetable oil, egg and vodka into the container (you can replace salad vinegar or lemon juice), add salt and flour, and after 15-20 minutes, without getting your hands dirty, we get a bun of beautiful, well-mixed dough. We just have to wrap it in cling film and send to rest in the refrigerator for the maturation of fiber.

    minced meat lasagna

    We thoroughly heat a thick-bottomed frying pan, lightly grease it with vegetable oil and spread the minced meat. Under such conditions, minced pork will quickly begin to melt fat, in which the meat will be fried.

    When the stuffing seizes, that is, it changes color and stops releasing juice, season it. First add finely chopped garlic. Then salt the contents of the pan, season with nutmeg, dried (or finely chopped fresh) basil and a mixture of peppers.

    Pour in the wine, mix, warm up for just a couple of minutes so that the alcohol has time to evaporate, leaving the taste and aroma. If we were preparing lasagna from dry dough sheets, at this point we should add to meat sauce broth for juiciness.

    vegetable lasagne filling

    While the pan with a tablespoon of vegetable oil is heating up, chop the onion in half rings, pour it into the oil and sauté until lightly glazed.

    Add to the onion grated on a coarse grater (possible on the "Korean") carrots and petiole celery cut into small cubes. Here it is desirable to note that the set of possible components of vegetable lasagna sauce is by no means exhausted by our today's list. We can use anything that comes to hand and seems like "the right company": eggplant, chard, asparagus beans, young corn, zucchini, leek, etc. etc. It is only necessary to observe the order of the bookmark, so that first in heat treatment there were those vegetables that take longer to cook.

    When the first portion of vegetables is stewed to semi-softness, tomato, tomatoes and Bell pepper- in our case, all this is frozen. Mix the future sauce, cover with a lid and let it simmer for a few minutes over medium heat. When the cherry tomatoes are softened, flatten them with a spatula, salt the sauce, bring to taste with sugar and without fail season with dry or fresh basil. In Italian cuisine, tomatoes and basil are almost inseparable, like Siamese twins.

    We rub the cheese (hard, preferably slightly stale) on a coarse or medium grater.

    How to cook lasagna without bechamel sauce

    Both types of lasagne filling and dough are ready. It remains to turn on the oven to warm up - and we are ready to assemble the lasagna. By the way, in our lasagna we use only half of the prepared dough. You can bake from the rest. Phyllo dough is also great for baking.

    Our easy lasagna it will be three-story, that is, 3 sheets of dough, on top of which the filling also goes. We roll out the first sheet large so that it is enough to cover the bottom of the mold and the sides, and there is still a little “forming allowance”. This approach is rather characteristic of traditional Russians. puff pastry such as kurniki or kulebyak, but you can’t spoil lasagna with careful molding. Highly elastic dough filo allowed the sushi to be rolled out so thin that the pattern of the cutting board could almost show through.

    Lightly grease the mold with vegetable oil to make it easier to pull out the finished lasagna.

    We cover the tray with a large sheet of filo dough, carefully distribute the folds in the corners, leave the excess dough to hang out.

    We spread a third of the meat filling.

    Spread a moist and juicy vegetable sauce on top of the minced meat.

    Lightly sprinkle a layer of vegetable sauce with grated cheese - not too much, just for gluing.

    We cover the formed "first floor" with the second one, of a smaller size. We straighten the dough, slightly crush it and begin to lay out the filling in the already known sequence. We have to do this operation twice more.

    Excess dough can simply be cut off with a knife or kitchen scissors, or you can gently bend it inward, then our filling is guaranteed not to spread or spread anywhere. So that these dough petals do not dry out during baking, you can lightly grease them with milk or low-fat sour cream, and shortly before being ready, also lightly sprinkle with grated cheese - this is just for beauty.

    The method of shaping lasagna "a la half-open pie" with high sides prevents the filling from spreading, retains moisture inside the product and allows the dough to bake well with less fat juice - this is another way to reduce calories.

    How to bake lasagna at home

    We plant the form with the future lasagna in the oven heated to 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes. This will be quite enough, because we have a subtle fresh dough, and in the filling - completely ready-to-eat products.

    When the finished rosy lasagna without bechamel sauce is carefully removed from the oven, it remains simply to cut it into portions. We do it right in the form.

    Posting portioned pieces on plates and serve hot.

    And we will certainly sprinkle the dish with herbs, and pour a glass of light white wine, as tasty, light and inexpensive as our wonderful “Da due soldi” - “For two pennies”.

    Maybe you need a video recipe for lasagna without bechamel sauce.

    Homemade lasagna is excellent dish which is suitable for both lunch and dinner. This dish, consisting of layers of dough and toppings, allows you to quickly satisfy your hunger. And for those who follow the figure, you can cook "light" lasagna.

    Diet lasagna with minced meat

    Required Ingredients:

    • Parmesan cheese (grated) - 4 tablespoons.
    • Sheets for lasagna - 500 grams.
    • Fat-free cottage cheese - 1 kilogram.
    • Minced chicken - 800 grams.
    • Tomato sauce - 500 milliliters.
    • Olive oil - 2 tablespoons.
    • Parsley - 5 branches.
    • Cheese spicy - 250 grams.

    cooking lasagna

    Put the minced chicken in a deep frying pan and fry in oil until tender, stirring all the time. Put the tomato sauce to the minced meat, stir and cook for ten minutes after boiling. Minced meat for diet lasagna is ready. Combine in a bowl grated spicy cheese, skim cheese and mix well. Next, boil salted water in a large saucepan. Boil sheets for future lasagna in boiling salted water until half cooked. Then immediately refrigerate them in cold water.

    Diet lasagna is ready to bake. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. The lasagna will cook in it for 30-40 minutes. Then remove the form and, removing the foil, sprinkle the top with grated parmesan. After that, diet lasagna is returned to the oven for another ten minutes. Then, before serving the lasagna for dinner, you should sprinkle it with parsley and let stand for another 15 minutes.

    Lasagna with chicken and mushrooms

    Product List:

    • Fresh champignons - 600 grams.
    • Chicken meat - 1 kilogram.
    • Sheets for lasagna - 400 grams.
    • Onion- 200 grams.
    • Tomatoes - 400 grams.
    • Kefir - 300 milliliters.
    • Hard cheese - 200 grams.
    • Sour cream - 300 grams.
    • Olive oil - 4 tablespoons.
    • Salt - a tablespoon.
    • Dill, green onion, parsley - 100 grams.

    Cooking Low Calorie Lasagna

    For cooking diet chicken lasagna, it is best to use chicken breast. Cut the meat off the bones and remove the skin. Then cut the pieces of meat small cubes. Next, finely chop the peeled and washed onions. The next ingredient for diet lasagna is fresh champignons. They also need to be washed and chopped. Cut the washed tomatoes, like all other ingredients, into cubes.

    Heat the olive oil poured into a saucepan on the stove and put the chopped onion first. Fry until light golden color and put chopped chicken meat to it. Fry the cubes of meat with onions for ten minutes, during which stir several times. Now you need to transfer the pieces of champignons to the saucepan. Sprinkle salt on top, and you can also use other spices to your own taste, mix and fry them for ten minutes as well.

    The last component of the topping recipe for diet lasagna is tomatoes. After adding them to the saucepan, you will only need to simmer for five minutes and turn off the stove. Now you need to prepare the sauce - finely chop the washed greens and put in a deep bowl, add 15% fat sour cream and 1% fat kefir, salt. Mix the lasagne sauce well.

    Now it's time for the lasagna sheets. They need to be boiled in salt water or poured over with boiling water, depending on the instructions on the package. Grease a baking sheet with olive oil and place the lasagne leaves on it. Spread about a third of the prepared filling on top. Pour over some of the sauce and sprinkle with grated hard cheese. Repeat these steps twice.

    Pour the rest of the sauce over the last layer of lasagne sheets and sprinkle with cheese. Low calorie lasagna is ready to bake. The oven is preheated to the desired temperature of 180 degrees. Place a baking sheet in the center of the oven and bake for 35-45 minutes. The recipe for diet chicken lasagna should be left to cool for 15 minutes, then it can be served.

    Lavash vegetable lasagne

    Lasagna Ingredients:

    • Armenian lavash - 3 sheets.
    • Zucchini - 1 kilogram.
    • Tomato paste - 3 tablespoons.
    • Pepper - 2 pinches.
    • Carrots - 2 pieces.
    • Natural yogurt - 500 milliliters.
    • Eggs - 3 pieces.
    • Refined oil - 1/3 cup.
    • Salt - a teaspoon.
    • Low-fat cheese - 300 grams.

    Step by step cooking

    Diet lavash lasagna with vegetables is a dish that can be consumed by all those who count every calorie and prefer to eat only healthy and wholesome food. The preparatory process must begin with the fact that the peeled carrots are rubbed through a grater, and the onions are chopped. A frying pan with refined oil is put on fire and heated. Then put carrots and onions in it, simmer vegetables over low heat for ten minutes.

    Then add tomato paste, salt and pepper. Simmer for another five minutes, stirring with a spatula. Vegetable minced lasagna is ready. Next, you need to wash the young zucchini and cut them into thin strips. Then fry in a frying pan with oil for several minutes on one side and the other. In a separate container, combine eggs, natural yogurt and a little salt. Beat the mixture with a whisk.

    On the bottom of a refractory form suitable for baking lasagna, lay out the first layer of Armenian lavash. Put a third of the fried strips of zucchini on pita bread. Put about a third of the minced vegetable on top and pour over the beaten mixture of eggs and natural yogurt. Sprinkle grated on top low fat cheese. Next, the second layer of pita bread and filling, and the final third layer, on which zucchini are laid out in order, minced vegetable and a mixture of eggs and yogurt. Sprinkle with grated low-fat cheese. vegetable lasagne baked at a temperature of 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

    Required Products:

    • Sheets for lasagna - 300 grams.
    • Frozen spinach - 500 grams.
    • Mozzarella cheese - 300 grams.
    • Soy sausage - 500 grams.
    • Ricotta cheese - 300 grams.
    • Tomatoes - 500 grams.
    • Chopped basil - 1/4 cup
    • Pepper - 1/4 teaspoon.
    • Salt - half a teaspoon.
    • Champignons - 400 grams.
    • Water - 100 milliliters.

    How to cook

    Although this species lasagna includes soy sausage and cheese with a minimum fat content, it is dietary. To cook it correctly, you need to use a recipe with a photo of dietary lasagna. The oven can be turned on immediately, as well as oiled a deep baking dish. Next, bring a little salted water to a boil in a large saucepan. Place the lasagna sheets in it. Until fully cooked, they do not need to be boiled, the cooking time should be reduced by three minutes from that indicated on the package. Drain the boiling water and fill the pan with sheets cold water. When the sheets have cooled, take them out of the water.

    Let's move on to the stuffing. Soy sausage cut into circles and fry in a pan over low heat with two tablespoons of oil. Place chopped mushroom slices to the sausage, pour hot water, mix and simmer covered for 10-12 minutes. Then add spinach to the pan, mix, simmer for another 5 minutes and turn off the heat.

    Grate the washed tomatoes. Pour spices into a bowl: ground pepper, chopped basil and extra salt. Stir so that the spices are evenly distributed with the tomatoes. Now you can start assembling the lasagna. Place the lasagne leaves on the bottom of the dish and place a third of the tomato mixture on top and sprinkle with half grated cheese ricotta. Then a layer of leaves, on which to distribute half of the sausage and mushroom filling. Sprinkle with a third of the mozzarella cheese. Next is a layer of leaves with tomatoes and ricotta cheese. The last layer is dough leaves with the remaining sausage and mushrooms, and some mozzarella cheese. Cover with lasagna leaves and spread with a third of the tomato.

    Assembled diet lasagna, cover with baking foil on top and fix the edges of the foil well. During the preparation of the lasagna, the oven heated up to 180 degrees, place the lasagna in it for 60 minutes, after which it is necessary to remove the foil from the lasagna and sprinkle with the remaining third of the mozzarella cheese. Return to oven for another 15 minutes. Turn off the fire and leave for another 10 minutes. Then it can be taken out and served, cut into portioned pieces.

    Consumption of certain foods proper nutrition best to limit. Alas, this also applies to lasagna, because its calorie content is about 600 calories per 100 grams! But you can always cook diet lasagna, the calorie content of which is many times less! The secret of cooking pp lasagna lies in the right ingredients and in diet sauce! You can safely include such lasagna in your diet for weight loss!

    Diet sauce for lasagna

    One of the most high-calorie ingredients in lasagna is the sauce, it is it that contains a lot of calories, which make this dish high in calories. If you decide to cook lasagna, then the first thing you should do is replace the sauce.

    Low-calorie lasagne sauce can be made with two simple ways: in the first variant we will use skimmed milk(500 grams) and corn starch(40 grams). Just dissolve the starch in cold milk and set to boil over low heat. When the sauce thickens, be sure to season it with salt and pepper. For flavor, you can add a little nutmeg.

    Second option low calorie sauce for lasagna prepared from kefir and low-fat sour cream. Mixing the two ingredients equal proportions, salt, pepper and put your favorite spices or herbs.

    Now that you have Diet Lasagna Sauce Recipes, you can always make favorite dish even if you eat right!

    PP lasagna with lavash chicken

    This low-calorie chicken lasagne is perfect for your weight loss menu. To prepare it, you will need following products:

    • 500 grams chicken fillet. cut into small pieces and grind in a blender or in a meat grinder.
    • 1 lavash Cut it into the pieces you need.
    • 1 bulb. Clean, shred
    • Vegetable oil. On it we will fry onions and minced meat.
    • Tomatoes. You can replace them with tomato sauce or pasta.
    • Sour cream and kefir for the sauce.
    • Salt pepper

    First, fry the onion in a pan, then add the minced meat to it, fry for a couple more minutes and pour tomato sauce. Let it boil a little, salt and pepper.

    In a separate container, mix kefir and sour cream for the sauce. Kefir can be replaced with skim milk, if desired. Don't forget to add spices.

    Put a sheet of pita bread in a baking dish, sauce on top and only then minced meat. Alternate layers several times. Pour the rest of the sauce over the top layer. This lazy lasagna with sour cream is prepared for about 10-12 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees.

    Low calorie PP turkey lasagne

    You can also cook lasagna with turkey. In this recipe, we will not use sauce, but instead add some low-fat cheese.

    So, you will need:

    • Lasagna leaves. Approximately 16 pieces
    • 700 grams of turkey. The meat should be ground into minced meat using a blender or meat grinder.
    • 2 cans of tomatoes own juice(only about 800 grams)
    • 1 bulb. chop
    • Mozzarella cheese. We will sprinkle them on our lasagna
    • Salt, pepper, herbs to taste.

    Fry the onion, add minced meat to it and fry, stirring, so that there is no large pieces. We send tomatoes to the minced meat (pre-chop and add any greens to taste). Salt, pepper.

    We grease the form with vegetable oil and lay out the sheets so that they find each other. Then a layer of minced meat. So we alternate. Sprinkle the last layer of minced meat with grated cheese. Bake diet lasagna with minced meat for 40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

    Cabbage Lasagna: Low Calorie Recipe

    This Diet Cabbage Lasagna Is Easy perfect option if you are on a diet. Cabbage leaves are used in this recipe instead of lasagna or pita leaves. There are only 23 calories in 100 grams of cabbage, so this dish can be safely called low-calorie.

    To make this lasagna you will need:

    • Cabbage leaves. Boil the cabbage in salted water and carefully remove the leaves from it.
    • Any stuffing from low-fat varieties meat. Chicken and veal are perfect. Enough 400 grams.
    • Bulb and tomatoes.

    First, let's deal with minced meat. Chop the onion and fry it in vegetable oil. Now add minced meat and fry. At the end, add chopped tomatoes or tomato sauce.

    When our stuffing is ready, we will prepare the sauce. You can make it according to any diet recipe. AT this case we will mix low-fat sour cream and kefir and add your favorite spices.

    Finished cabbage leaves lay out on a baking sheet. Put a layer of minced meat on top and pour over the sauce. So we alternate several times. If desired, you can sprinkle low-fat cheese on top - mozzarella, suluguni, goudette.

    PP lasagna with chicken and zucchini

    Another low calorie recipe pp lasagna, which is prepared without frying food and without sauce. So, you will need:

    • 2 medium zucchini. We wash and cut them into thin plates. Salt, pepper.
    • 500 grams of chicken fillet. Rinse and cut into thin strips. Be sure to salt, do not forget the spices.
    • 3 tomatoes. We cut in circles.
    • 100 grams of low-fat cheese.

    Put a layer of zucchini in a container. Carefully place the chicken on top and again a layer of zucchini. Put the tomatoes on top and put in the oven (200 degrees) for 40 minutes. At the very end, sprinkle with cheese and cook for another 5-7 minutes.

    As you can see, diet lasagna is prepared simply and quickly. You can always enjoy your favorite dish and still not break your diet. You know delicious recipes pp lasagna? Be sure to share with us. Let's lose weight together!

    🔸 per 100 grams - 81.73 kcal 🔸 B / W / U - 10.28 / 2.68 / 3.74 🔸


    Chicken fillet - 300 g
    Zucchini - 400 g
    Carrot - 1 pc.
    Egg - 1 pc.
    Onion - 1 pc.
    Natural yogurt - 4 tbsp. l
    Low-fat cheese - 100 g
    Tomato paste - 1 tbsp. l
    Salt, pepper - to taste


    Grind chicken fillet for minced meat. Fry in a pan with a little oil minced chicken, chopped onions, grated carrots, add a little water and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. Add tomato paste and sauté for 3 minutes, stirring constantly. Add salt and pepper to taste.
    Slice the zucchini into thin slices. Put half of the squash layers in a fireproof dish with a flat bottom. Put half of the fried minced meat on the zucchini.
    In a bowl, whisk the egg with yogurt and salt. Pour half of the egg-yogurt mixture over the minced meat. Then repeat all the layers.
    Sprinkle with grated cheese, put in an oven preheated to 200 degrees until cooked. As soon as the zucchini has become soft and the cheese has browned, you can remove it from the oven. Lasagna is ready to serve hot.

    2. Lazy lasagna, very simple and delicious!

    🔸 per 100 grams - 110.66 kcal 🔸 B / W / U - 9.45 / 4.52 / 8.07 🔸


    minced chicken - 500 gr.
    2 onions
    500 gr. fresh mushrooms
    lavash (thin)
    milk - 1 tbsp.
    1 tbsp flour
    low-fat cheese


    Fry the mushrooms with onions, salt the minced meat with pepper (not much),
    into a baking dish and spread in layers:
    – lavash
    - ground meat
    -lavash, etc.

    Cooking milk sauce: 1 tbsp. stir a spoonful of flour in milk, add salt and bring to a boil, remove from heat, the sauce should thicken. Pour the lasagne with this mixture, sprinkle with cheese and put in the oven for 30-40 minutes. before golden brown. Mushrooms can be replaced with tomatoes or add more tomatoes there. Whoever wants it.

    3. Protein Dinner: Cheesy Lasagna

    🔸 per 100 grams - 155.11 kcal 🔸 B / W / U - 16.61 / 8.81 / 2.54 🔸


    Onion 3 pcs.
    Tomatoes 3 pcs.
    Minced chicken 700 g
    Tomato paste 3 tbsp. l
    Low-fat hard cheese 700 g
    Greens 15 g
    Salt, pepper to taste


    4. Chicken Cheese Lasagna Without Dough

    🔸 per 100 grams - 151.17 kcal 🔸 B / W / U - 16.07 / 8.49 / 2.64 🔸


    Minced chicken 700 g
    Red onion 3 pieces
    Tomatoes 3 pieces
    Tomato paste 3 tablespoons
    Greens 15 g
    Low-fat hard cheese 700 g
    Salt, pepper to taste


    Cut 600 g of cheese into thin slices of 2-3 mm, grate the rest on a coarse grater.
    Cut the tomatoes into thin circles.
    Onion and minced meat stew in a small amount water.
    To the filling, add 4 tablespoons of tomato paste and water if necessary. Simmer for 10 minutes over medium heat. Salt, pepper.
    Put a layer of cheese in a small square shape, on it a layer of filling. Repeat layers as needed. Put the grated cheese and tomato circles in the last layer.
    Bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 10-15 minutes.
    Serve on the table in the form, decorating with herbs.

    5. Diet vegetable lasagna

    🔸 per 100 grams - 123.75 kcal 🔸 B / W / U - 5.21 / 2.99 / 19.83 🔸


    Sheets for lasagne - 5 pcs.
    Zucchini - 150 g
    Eggplant - 150 g
    Cashew - 30 g
    Tomato paste - 8 tablespoons
    Water - 50 ml.
    Salt - to taste


    Pour the nuts with water and leave for 1-2 hours.
    Blend nuts with water and salt in a blender.
    Wash zucchini and eggplant, cut lengthwise.
    Grease the bottom of the mold with tomato paste.
    Place a sheet of lasagne on top of the tomato paste and then a layer of zucchini. grease nut butter. Then again put a sheet of lasagna, and on it - a layer of eggplant and grease with tromat paste. Make several layers.
    Cover the lasagna first parchment paper, then foil and secure the edges.
    Put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for 40 minutes.

    Enjoy your meal!