How to bake pies in a gas oven. Gas oven: how to use, how to determine the temperature, instruction manual

homemade fruit and meat pies, cookies, cakes - the most delicious. When it comes to using the already familiar and proven oven, deal with traditional recipes usually easy. But how to bake in the oven, if a new technique has appeared in the kitchen that has its own character? General rules are simple.

  • Use matte and dark pans for even browning and browning without extending the cooking time.
  • Grease baking sheets with oil or line with special paper for easy removal ready meals especially if they contain a large number of egg white(meringue, biscuits).
  • Check the pies 10-15 minutes before the end of baking by sticking a wooden stick into the dough. The absence of wet traces indicates readiness.
  • Leave baked goods in the oven for five minutes after turning off to avoid sudden temperature changes and heavy settling.
  • Choose your options. When burning from above - lower the baking sheet, from below - raise. Further reduce the temperature for a crispy base and juicy filling.

Always pay attention to the manufacturer's recommendations. Is it possible to bake in the oven, choosing the settings yourself? Yes, cooking time and temperature regime may vary depending on taste preferences and experience, but when using the oven for the first time, it is better to focus on the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in the instructions.

How to bake in a gas oven

The usual lower heating mode in a gas oven is suitable for both simple and complex baking. The baking sheet with the dough stands in a warm place for about half an hour and is placed in a preheated oven. To obtain a golden crust, pies are smeared with egg yolk.

Universal tips for choosing temperature and time:

  • Cookies, muffins, rum baba, nut, curd and fruit pies from sand and sweet dough baked at 160-180 0 C for 35-55 minutes.
  • simple baking in the oven, biscuits as the basis for the cake and complex rolls with filling require 170-190 0 C and 15-35 minutes.
  • Yeast and cottage cheese pastry - open and closed pies With different stuffing, pizza - they turn out great at 180-200 0 C in 25-50 minutes.
  • Complex products from custard and puff pastry with fruit and cream are baked at 170-200 0 C for 15-35 minutes.
  • Delicate protein meringues, meringues, almond cakes need a low temperature of 120-140 0 C and 25-50 minutes of baking.

Without practical experience it is advisable to choose the lower value of the range and regularly check the dish for doneness.

How to bake in an electric oven

The presence of different operating modes removes most of the questions about how to properly bake in electric oven products from different test. The use of convection, bottom heat, top heat and combinations of these allows you to bake like a chef.

The main differences from using a gas oven:

  • No need for preheating when using a ring heating element, as implemented in Darina F EM341.
  • Reducing the baking temperature by 20-30 0 C when choosing modes with convection.
  • Reduced baking time by 10 minutes when placing the dough in a preheated oven.

The presence of a convector allows you to simultaneously bake at different levels, since the constant circulation of hot air ensures uniform cooking.

Baking bread in the oven

Is it possible to bake homebaked bread in a gas or electric oven? Yes, and both from yeast and from without yeast dough. The main requirements are the obligatory exposure of the rising dough in a warm place for a light consistency and the slow cooling of the finished product.

For baking white and rye bread in the oven using the lower and upper heating, 50-60 minutes are enough at a temperature of 180-200 0 C. When combining modes with a convector, it turns out especially air dough and crispy crust.

Owners of a gas oven often encounter a phenomenon in which the top of the baked product remains raw, while the bottom burns. Some attribute this to the presence of a flame and the inability to clearly adjust the temperature, others to problems with the functionality of the device. In fact, the oven works properly, the basic rules for its use are simply not followed. Few of the housewives read the instructions for the device after purchasing it, and yet the specifics of handling the device are described there. It should start with the fact that it is generally better not to use baking sheets in a gas oven - they interfere with an even distribution of heat. The best option in this case are the grates, on which containers for baking blanks are placed.

How to bake in a gas oven?

Contrary to popular belief, the oven is not a capricious device if you know how to handle it. Unfortunately, when the electric model is replaced by a gas model, they begin to treat it in exactly the same way, making this the first and main mistake. To ensure that the top and bottom of the products are always baked evenly, you should remember the following rules:

  • It is necessary to strictly follow the temperature recommendations given in the recipes. Do not try to speed up the cooking by increasing the flame.
  • To bake a large pie, use more than low temperature than when working with a small product. A large workpiece is evenly and completely baked only when it is held long time at medium temperature.

Tip: Each gas oven is designed differently, so you should read the instructions before using it. Sometimes the use of “non-native” pallets leads to blocking the movement of hot air, due to which the top of the products remains damp while their bottom is already starting to burn.

  • If the temperature is not indicated in the recipe, you can use universal data: 180ºС for large pies, 200-210ºС for small pastries.
  • Initially, blanks in a gas oven should be placed at an average level. After some time, we evaluate the quality of the work of the product. In the case when the bottom darkens, and the top does not set, we rearrange the container to the upper level. Sometimes you need to brown the crust at the bottom, in this case we rearrange the product as low as possible.
  • Forms for baking products in the oven in without fail lubricate with vegetable or butter, odorless natural fat. Then you can not worry about the risk of deformation of the cake or its sticking to the dishes.

If you do not want to constantly lubricate surfaces with products that, as a result of heat treatment, turn into not the most useful material, you should use a dough based on butter. It does not stick to the forms, it turns out tasty and crumbly. Moreover, most of the recipes allow you to use such a universal basis.

Secrets from experienced housewives

When even following the above rules does not help, and the products burn anyway, you have to use techniques proven by experienced chefs. At home, you can do the following:

  • Pies will stop burning if a refractory brick is placed at the very bottom of the chamber. Only first it needs to be cleaned, if necessary, washed and dried.

Tip: The tops of savory items will set and bake a little faster in the oven if you heat treatment Brush them with beaten egg yolk. And sweet blanks are treated with sweetened and strongly brewed black tea for the same purpose.

  • When there is no brick or you don’t want to use it for aesthetic reasons, you can take coarse salt. It is placed in a bowl of heat-resistant material and placed under the grate with pastries.
  • And in a gas oven they sometimes put a container of water. The liquid evaporates, slightly raising the temperature. But at the same time, the products do not burn, but are evenly baked. If you want to culinary masterpiece appeared golden brown, water should only be used in the first half of baking. The dish prepared in this way also turns out to be more juicy than usual.

Despite the simplicity of the methods, they have proven their effectiveness. If such approaches do not give the desired result, and the top and bottom continue to bake unevenly, this indicates violations of the rules for the production of semi-finished products.

Features of the temperature regime

In order for the gas oven to help bring the workpiece to the desired state, and not spoil it, temperature and time indicators should be clearly maintained. Here are just the basic recommendations, which may vary slightly depending on the characteristics of the filling and the composition of the baking dough:

  • The bottom of the pizza will not burn, and its top will be covered with an appetizing crust if baked at a temperature of 210-220ºС for 20-25 minutes.
  • For high pies with filling, the optimum temperature is 180-200ºС. The processing time will be 35-45 minutes.
  • Low pies and a variety of buns are processed for half an hour at a temperature of 210-220ºС.
  • Meringue, regardless of which oven is used, is baked at 140ºС until its top, bottom and sides dry out and become covered with a dense crust.
  • For baking lasagna, the temperature is set in the range of 190-200ºС. The duration of exposure may vary. The main thing is to grab and brown the top layer of the product.

It turns out that working with the oven is not difficult at all, you just need to do everything taking into account the specifics of the apparatus. Well, if observance of the nuances does not help, you should measure the temperature in the chamber of the device using a special thermometer. The probability that some settings were knocked down, or that one of the systems broke down, also exists. In this case, you should not try to figure out the problem on your own, you should immediately contact specialists who will quickly establish the cause of the phenomenon and eliminate it without risks to the device.

What to do to make baking perfect, both in an electric and gas oven. "Tips for a novice housewife" continues ...

Pies burn, dry, do not bake? Do not get a golden and crispy crust? It is not at all necessary to think about buying a new oven, it is quite possible to agree with the one that already exists, especially if you know a few secrets.

electric oven

It is much more convenient to handle it than with a gas oven, since heating can go both from above and from below. You can turn on the upper or lower heating elements separately. In addition, the electric oven is equipped with a convenient thermostat and often a timer. It is like an iron, it turns itself off and on - it maintains a constant temperature.

  • Before turning on, be sure to remove all unnecessary items from the oven. If there is a grate, but it will not be used, then it must be removed (an extra baking sheet left in the oven will negatively affect the temperature and heating of the oven).
  • Before baking, the oven must be preheated: set the desired temperature and wait 15-20 minutes.
  • If you need to put pastries in a cold oven (for example, a glass or ceramic baking dish cannot be put in a hot oven - it will burst), then watch the dough. If it has already risen, and the oven has not warmed up yet, then you can put parchment moistened with water on top of the dough.
  • The baking dish must not be placed on the bottom of the oven, only on a wire rack or baking sheet. It is necessary to put on the guides in the oven.
  • The air in an electric oven is very dry, so the baked goods need to be moistened. You can put a container of water in the oven for the first half of the baking time. You can also sprinkle the seized pies with water or warm milk.
  • The convection mode makes the air hotter by 10-15 degrees.
  • Any oven must not be opened while the dough is being prepared. - When the cake has been placed inside, close the door carefully, do not slam. Otherwise, the dough may fall.
  • A toothpick will help you find out about the readiness of the dough: you need to stick it into the dough, if there is no sticky dough left on it, then everything is baked.

gas oven

In it, heating comes only from below and it is more difficult to regulate the temperature. Therefore, it often happens that the bottom of the cake burns, and in the middle it does not bake. What to do?

  • Before you put the cake in the oven, you need to warm up for 10-15 minutes on the highest heat. Then reduce the fire to medium or even to the minimum (if you feel that it is burning), and referring to the thermometer and adjusting the temperature, if necessary, bake the cake.
  • The cake should be placed so that there is enough space around it for air to circulate.
  • To protect the bottom of the pie from excessive heat, place a baking sheet with coarse salt or sand under the mold or baking sheet. Sometimes pans with water are placed under the pies, but this method is not effective in all cases.
  • Gas ovens often come with an enameled black pan, which is a container for collecting fat and is not used for baking. For baking, you need to use special forms and put them on a wire rack, or bake in a pan.
  • To obtain golden crust, it is necessary to bring the cake to readiness over low heat, and then add fire for 5 minutes. And then turn it off.

Whatever oven you intend to cook in, it is best to read the instructions for it first. Even experienced chefs Those who have changed several ovens can find a lot of interesting and useful things in the usual instructions.

Every housewife knows how nice it is when a pie cooked on the table flaunts in front of the guests. with my own hands! But, unfortunately, it happens that the bottom of baking in a gas oven burns, and inside it remains raw and inedible. Why does this happen and how to prevent a repetition of the situation with the next pie?

It's all about the stove

The main feature of gas stoves is the heating coming from below, it is the most difficult to regulate it. Therefore, if the pastry inside is poorly baked, although its bottom is already almost black, then the point is most likely in the wrong distribution of heat. In this case, you can call the wizard or try to fix the situation yourself. There are several ways.

  • Install a special baking stone in the gas oven. Its secret lies in the porous structure and high heat capacity, it warms up evenly and acts as a kind of heat transfer buffer. Such a stone is made from fireclay clay, which is used for laying furnaces. Many craftsmen replace this attribute with ordinary red brick; it accumulates heat no worse.
  • At the very bottom of the stove, you can put a baking sheet filled with large rock salt. It will take about a kilogram and a half. You will be surprised, but salt perfectly takes away all the excess heat, thereby allowing the cake to bake evenly. It can be stored in a gas oven for years without spoiling at all. For the same purpose, some use sand.
  • Place a bowl of water under the baking sheet. Water also contributes to the even heating of the gas oven. It is advisable to choose a larger and deeper container for it, otherwise it will all evaporate during prolonged baking. But you should know that this method is more suitable for instant baking.

The bottom of the cake may burn when using the drip tray instead of the baking sheet. It greatly limits the movement of hot air in the oven, baking does not have time to bake inside, its edges and top dry, burn. Properly cook on a special aluminum baking sheet or wire rack.

Rules for using the oven

Some do not know or forget that there are certain rules for using a gas oven. Even such seemingly trifles as an extra frying pan or brazier can cause the cake to burn.

So what do you need to know?

  • Before putting pastries in the oven, it is necessary to remove all unnecessary items from it so as not to disturb the circulation of air flows.
  • Then the oven must be well warmed up. You should set the highest temperature and wait about 15 minutes.
  • After that, the temperature regime is adjusted to the required one, and after a few more minutes, a baking sheet with pastries is placed in the oven.
  • It is advisable to place the baking dish or the baking sheet itself in the middle so that there is enough space around for the heat to circulate.
  • It is necessary to monitor the readiness of baking in a gas oven through a special window, after turning on the backlight. It is extremely undesirable to open the door during cooking.
  • You can check the readiness of the cake with a toothpick or just a match. You need to pierce the pastry in the middle, and if the dough does not stick, then it is well baked.
  • Now gas stove can be turned off. Do not rush to take out the cake, it should stand in the oven for another 5-10 minutes.

Comes with every stove detailed instructions. It is advisable to study it carefully so that the baking is perfect. Some models have their own characteristics that must be considered when cooking.

Temperature secrets

Sometimes the recipe does not indicate the temperature at which the dish must be baked, or the temperature regime for baking is indicated. microwave oven, electric stoves. Therefore, it is useful for hostesses who cook in a gas oven to familiarize themselves with the following information.

  • Buns, pizza and miniature pies are baked at 220 degrees.
  • D cooking lasagna, big pies with stuffing, meat in foil requires a temperature of 200 degrees.
  • Fish and meat are best baked at a temperature of 160-180 degrees.
  • Meringue needs to be baked at 140 degrees.

Or maybe it's the recipe?

It happens that, despite the manipulation of the stove, the bottom of the baking still burns, and the top remains raw. Then you should think about possible problem in the test itself. As you know, each type requires an individual approach.

  • If it does not rise and the biscuit burns.

In order for the top of this capricious dough to bake well, and the bottom not to burn, you need to make it lush. To do this, beat the whites separately from the yolks and put the biscuit in the oven immediately after kneading. It is important that the oven is heated to 200 degrees, not higher, so that the crust does not seize (it will prevent the biscuit from rising). After 15 minutes, the temperature can be reduced to 170 degrees.

  • If the bottom of the shortcrust pastry burns.

Problems with shortbread baking can occur when the dough is kneaded for a long time, then it turns out to be hard, like a cracker, and burns easily. At the same time, the top is almost always baked. To make the dough crumbly, you need to use only egg yolks, put the butter softened (not melted), and cool all the ingredients before mixing.

  • What to do if the bottom of the yeast dough burns, but the top is not baked?

First of all, it must be thoroughly kneaded and not clogged with flour. And, of course, any dough that uses yeast in the recipe should “stand” for a while. If you immediately put it in the oven, then it will take a dense crust and burn.

It happens that instead of crispy plates ruddy dough the hostess gets one wet, unbaked cake. To avoid this situation, butter in puff pastry should be put not melted, but chopped with a knife. In this case, the temperature of the oven should be high - 250-260 degrees.

This result is usually caused by an excess of sugar or butter in the dough, poorly beaten eggs. It is important to consider that if soda is present in the recipe, then you need to start baking immediately after kneading the dough. In the case when the top and bottom of the cake is already well browned, but it is not yet ready, you can cover it with foil and reduce the temperature of the oven.

In order for the pies to bake faster and better, you can use a special form with a hole in the middle.

Cooking pastries in a gas oven can be difficult - either the bottom will burn, or the top will not bake. But you can fix this situation, you need to find out the cause of the problem. Sometimes it’s enough just to put a brick or slightly adjust the recipe. Everything is in your power, the main thing is to set a goal.

What to do to make baking perfect, both in an electric and gas oven. "Tips for a novice housewife" continues ...

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Pies burn, dry, do not bake? Do not get a golden and crispy crust? It is not at all necessary to think about buying a new oven, it is quite possible to agree with the one that already exists, especially if you know a few secrets.

It is much more convenient to handle it than with a gas oven, since heating can go both from above and from below. You can turn on the upper or lower heating elements separately. In addition, the electric oven is equipped with a convenient thermostat and often a timer. It is like an iron, it turns itself off and on - it maintains a constant temperature.

  • Before turning on, be sure to remove all unnecessary items from the oven. If there is a grate, but it will not be used, then it must be removed (an extra baking sheet left in the oven will negatively affect the temperature and heating of the oven).
  • Before baking, the oven must be preheated: set the desired temperature and wait 15-20 minutes.
  • If you need to put pastries in a cold oven (for example, a glass or ceramic baking dish cannot be put in a hot oven - it will burst), then watch the dough. If it has already risen, and the oven has not warmed up yet, then you can put parchment moistened with water on top of the dough.
  • The baking dish must not be placed on the bottom of the oven, only on a wire rack or baking sheet. It is necessary to put on the guides in the oven.
  • The air in an electric oven is very dry, so the baked goods need to be moistened. You can put a container of water in the oven for the first half of the baking time. You can also sprinkle the seized pies with water or warm milk.
  • The convection mode makes the air hotter by 10-15 degrees.
  • Any oven must not be opened while the dough is being prepared. - When the cake has been placed inside, close the door carefully, do not slam. Otherwise, the dough may fall.
  • A toothpick will help you find out about the readiness of the dough: you need to stick it into the dough, if there is no sticky dough left on it, then everything is baked.

In it, heating comes only from below and it is more difficult to regulate the temperature. Therefore, it often happens that the bottom of the cake burns, and in the middle it does not bake. What to do?

  • Before you put the cake in the oven, you need to warm up for 10-15 minutes on the highest heat. Then reduce the fire to medium or even to the minimum (if you feel that it is burning), and referring to the thermometer and adjusting the temperature, if necessary, bake the cake.
  • The cake should be placed so that there is enough space around it for air to circulate.
  • To protect the bottom of the pie from excessive heat, place a baking sheet with coarse salt or sand under the mold or baking sheet. Sometimes pans with water are placed under the pies, but this method is not effective in all cases.
  • Gas ovens often come with an enamelled black pan, which is a container for collecting fat and is not used for baking. For baking, you need to use special forms and put them on a wire rack, or bake in a pan.
  • To get a golden crust, you need to bring the cake to readiness over low heat, and then add heat for 5 minutes. And then turn it off.

Whatever oven you intend to cook in, it is best to read the instructions for it first. Even experienced cooks who have changed several ovens can find a lot of interesting and useful things in the usual instructions.

Baking temperature

Yeast dough pies – 180 °С

High products - 175-190 ° С

Small items, gingerbread, pies - 210-220 ° С

Puff pastry pies - 200-220 ° C

Meringue and meringue - 100-130 ° С