How to grow kombucha at home. Possible problems and solutions

Kombucha (originally "Japanese", as it was brought to Russia during the Russo-Japanese War) was to the taste of the Russian people. Maybe due to the fact that the drink is endowed with a very unusual taste - strong kvass more like beer combined with applesauce. Its preparation does not require special skills, anyone can make an infusion at home. Kombucha (another eastern name mushroom) is made from tea leaves with the addition of yeast and sugar. But this classic recipe, variations with rose hips, kvass, beer and even apple juice are also possible.

How to get tea mushroom cooking at home from scratch

In order to have a carbonated drink at home every day, you need to grow your own mushroom. It is very simple, all you need is tea leaves, sugar and a large jar (3 liters would be enough). It will grow in about 1.5–2 months.

Growing scheme:

Disinfect the jar by dousing it with boiling water. This will help kill germs and ensure that mold does not form;
You will also need strong tea, brewed in a different clean container (dry brewing 2 or 3 tablespoons per liter of boiling water). Insist for at least 20 minutes, only then will he get the necessary strength for our mushroom;
Pour the tea into three liter jar, having filtered it in advance. Mix with 4 tablespoons of sugar, stir until the sugar dissolves. The tea solution will come out saturated and sugary;
Take gauze, fold it four times and tie off the neck. So we will not allow the penetration of dust, but there will still be enough air for fermentation processes;
Now the most "difficult" thing: hide the jar for 1.5-2 months and do not touch it. If everything is done correctly, you will see a film of 1-2 mm on the surface, which will be the early stage of the fungus. You have grown this miracle!
You again need to prepare tea leaves and transplant the germ of the fungus into it. After a week, repeat this action again.
After some more time, you will get something similar to a jellyfish. You need to take it out of the jar, rinse it thoroughly under water, after which the mushroom can be used in making drinks.

The recipe for the drink itself is simple. After you have washed the mushroom, you need to put it in a jar of sweet tea. Now you will have to wait much less (literally 5-10 days - and the drink is ready). The fungus will give all its beneficial bacteria and sweet tea will take on a completely different bright taste. We recommend drinking kombucha chilled.


It is forbidden to put a jar of mushroom in the sun, but the temperature in the room itself must be at least 25 °, only then your mushroom will grow.

If a small amount is added to the finished drink apple cider vinegar(1/10 of the total volume), then it will be easier to grow a mushroom from scratch. This will take less time.

How to grow kombucha from a piece?

Growing kombucha at home 2 months - long term. Few people want to wait that long, so you can ask relatives or friends for a piece of the mushroom. Maybe someone will share with you. It is able to grow quite quickly, so a piece will soon turn into a large, whole and live mushroom.

The main thing to remember is that the piece cannot be cut, let it be separated by your hands. It is multi-layered like an onion, your friends will have no problem separating.

The great thing is that such a piece does not need to be grown for a further drink, it can be immediately used in consumption, and it will grow and develop itself in the process. If the provided layer is very small, then we advise you not to create kombucha in a three-liter jar, then it is more appropriate to start with a two-liter jar.

What to do if you get a piece:

First of all, be sure to rinse it, do not allow the penetration of dust or dirt, as our friend from Japan will become moldy;
Tea is needed not very strong, strain it, pour 2-3 tablespoons of sugar;
Now you need to wait until the tea leaves cool down. While warm, pour it into a pre-prepared jar, placing your mushroom layer carefully on top. Do not forget to bandage the neck with gauze;
Now you need to hide the jar in heat, but as with the option of growing from scratch, you can not allow sunlight to enter;
The drink takes 5-10 days to infuse. Some begin to use it after 3 days, the taste in this case will be softer. You can drink a little on day 3, and after day 10, in order to understand what you like more. During this time, your small layer will grow a little;
You can pour the entire drink into another jar when it is ready, then immediately pour cool sweet tea over the mushroom. So you will provide yourself with a new portion in advance.


If your mushroom is still very small, it is difficult for him to get used to new conditions every time you drain the liquid. Therefore, it would be more appropriate to leave a little drink, and after that add new sweet tea leaves to it.

Kombucha Care

Always keep kombucha in a glass container, as various metals can oxidize and adversely affect it. An exception can only be a polyethylene container, it is made of organic compounds of synthetic materials;

We recommend putting the jar in a dark place. It's great if you find a similar place somewhere in the kitchen, away from other food smells. Please note that you can not put the mushroom near the window, because cold or direct sunlight can slow down its development;

Room temperature is ideal for it to thrive. If the temperature in the house does not fall below 17 ° C and does not rise above 25 ° C, then growth will take place very quickly;

Gauze from the neck cannot be removed even after the mushroom has given its juice. If you replace the gauze with a lid, the tea leaves will stop fermenting, and you will no longer be able to make a kombucha drink. In addition, gauze protects the drink from dust and insects that often fly on its pleasant aroma;

You can not put the mushroom in a jar with undissolved sugar, it is also forbidden to add sweetness. All this will lead to burns in the fungus and the appearance of large brown spots;
Tea must be moderately strong in order for the mushroom to grow successfully. Otherwise, the process will slow down;

abssss- Welding granules should not be left in a jar of juice, they will slowly begin to worsen his health. If your "jellyfish" is covered with wounds, it may be due to tea leaves;

Wash your kombucha. Firstly, it is hygienic, and secondly, constant care will prolong his life. Tap water can be used, but it is better to purchase spring water and rinse with it. In the summer it is necessary to clean it a couple of times a week, in the winter it will be enough even once on the weekend;

It is forbidden to put the mushroom in very hot tea;

By color, you can track his health. If your pet is covered with a brown color on top, then rinse it with water, and separate and discard the part in which it has changed. Often this happens when it stands in its own solution.


Kombucha can make you happy all year round, and all you need is just to grow your own little mushroom, which not only tastes good and perfectly quenches thirst, but is also a very valuable healing infusion. Its health benefits are scientifically proven, so we have that rare case when tasty can also be useful.

Tea or japanese mushroom has huge amount useful properties. Drinking one glass of mushroom tincture a day, you will favorably affect the state of your entire body. Learn, grow and care for this amazing mushroom.

How to grow kombucha at home

Kombucha is obtained from strong brewing of black tea. Put 5 full tablespoons of tea in a teapot and pour half a liter of boiling water into it. Add 7 tablespoons of sugar to a strong drink and mix thoroughly. Let the brew cool completely and then strain the liquid well.

Pour tea into a 3 liter jar. But remember, the fungus is very picky and loves only sterile dishes. Wash the jar well, do not use detergents- use it better baking soda. It will remove all microorganisms and dirt from the walls, which can prevent the appearance of the fungus.

Having poured a strong and sweet brew of black tea into the dishes, it must be tightly covered with gauze and put in a warm place for about 5 to 6 weeks.

After two weeks or less, you should be able to smell the vinegar. This indicates the process of oxidation, which means that you are doing everything right. Soon the smell will disappear, and a thin film will appear on the surface - this is the emerging kombucha. Over time, the layers will build up, and soon you will grow a full-fledged kombucha at home.

Kombucha Care

First of all, you need to pay attention to the location of the mushroom in the jar. If it began to sink and is no longer on the surface, you are doing something wrong. First of all, it may concern the purity in which the product is contained. Not following the care tips, you can destroy the healing properties of the fungus, and instead of a miracle drink, get an acidic and useless liquid.

After 6 weeks from when you started growing the mushroom, you need to change the amount of liquid. Instead of 0.5 liters, it is necessary to add almost 3 liters to the jar. Naturally, you will regularly drain the infusion, so do not forget to add tea leaves. The liquid should no longer be so strong: 1 liter of boiling water accounts for 1 tablespoon of black tea and 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar.

Keep the mushroom clean. Every two weeks, carefully remove it and, without deforming, rinse with cool water. Also strain the liquid through cheesecloth and wash the jar.

Pay attention to the color of the mushroom: if it is brown, do not use the tincture. It will only harm your health and will not give you any useful properties. And the liquid itself should not be cloudy.

Store the jar at a temperature of about 20 degrees. Remember, a mushroom needs light, but don't make one of the most common mistakes - don't put it on a windowsill. Direct sunlight will destroy the medicinal product.

By doing everything right, you will get a healthy and enjoyable drink at home. Do not forget: if you do the wrong thing, you risk getting poisoned and harming your condition. Take care of yourself and your loved ones, and don't forget to press the buttons and

31.08.2015 01:30

What's happened milk mushroom? How it can be useful, and how to grow it at home ...

The Mongolian Khan Genghis Khan conquered almost half of the world. What was his secret good health, inexhaustible energy ...

Kombucha, popularly referred to as jellyfish, comes from Japan. It has been known since ancient times for its healing effect on the human body. It is the best remedy in case of problems with the kidneys and gallbladder. If you want to always have delicious and healthy drink you can borrow a part of a medusomycete from someone. In a nutrient medium, it begins to grow actively. It takes time and patience to grow a full-fledged kombucha, as the full process takes at least 2 months.

Growing kombucha

Kombucha in scientific terminology is called medusomycete, as it looks like a sea jellyfish. It is a thin film with a smooth mucous surface. Below are accumulations of microorganisms, including yeast and acetic acid bacteria. They are the ones who do the main job.

When in a nutrient medium (juice, tea), it is common for medusomycetes to grow to unlimited sizes. The liquid it floats in turns into a carbonated drink.

Growing a mushroom from scratch step by step at home:

  1. 1. First you need to prepare a nutrient medium. To do this, brew a weak leaf tea(green or black, without artificial additives) and add sugar (at the rate of 2-3 tablespoons per 1 liter of liquid). Some replace sweet sand with honey, but the taste ready drink will be different from the original. Do not use tea bags or sweeteners..
  2. 2. Strain the sweet solution and pour it into a liter glass jar until 2/3 of the volume is filled.
  3. 3. Close the lid and clean in a warm dark place for a week. During this time, a thin film forms on top of itself - this means that it was possible to successfully conceive the body of the fungus. The container with the composition is left in the same place for another 1.5-2 months.
  4. 4. Later due time, the jellyfish grows significantly, but is still weak in structure. Therefore, they carefully take it out so as not to damage it, wash it with warm boiled water and place it in a more spacious jar.
  5. 5. Fresh sweet tea is poured into it.
  6. 6. Cover with gauze folded in several layers on top, and again put in heat.
  7. 7. In summer, final preparation takes 3 days, in winter - at least a week.

Kombucha at an early stage of development

With a properly prepared tea solution chinese mushroom floats to the surface. If it sank, then a mistake was made at one of the stages. This should not be frustrating, as it is enough to rinse the body and immerse it in fresh tea leaves.

How to make a drink from rose hips

If the use of the drink is meant not only to quench thirst, but also to improve health, then instead of a tea solution, an infusion of rose hips should be used. This will be a good prophylactic during the cold season and in winter, when the immune system is especially weakened.

The principle of growing a mushroom is almost the same, with the exception of some nuances:

  1. 1. Prepare an infusion of wild rose: both fresh and dried fruits, which are available in free pharmacy sales, are suitable. Fall asleep in a thermos 4 tbsp. spoons and pour boiling water (500 ml). Close the lid and leave to infuse for 5 days.
  2. 2. After the due date, they begin to grow the mushroom directly. To do this, first wash a three-liter glass jar, where the resulting rosehip infusion is poured. Add a pre-prepared tea leaves: 1 tablespoon of black tea in a glass of boiling water.
  3. 3. Add 5-6 tablespoons of granulated sugar, mix and put in heat for a day.
  4. 4. The next day, the liquid is driven through the gauze and returned to the container. Cover with gauze folded in several layers and keep warm.

Further, the process develops according to standard technology (as in the previous version) - after about 2 weeks, a vinegar smell will appear, which quickly passes. The fungus will form completely in 1.5-2 months.

Medusa mycete care

Since the reserves of the drink produced by the fungus are depleted rather quickly, they must be replenished periodically. As necessary, add the liquid required for full growth and development. Even the remains of used tea leaves are suitable, if they are pre-strained.

In order for the mushroom not to wither, certain care is needed:

  • The neck of the jar is covered with gauze and fixed with an elastic band. This is important to consider, since when using a sealed roof, there will be no air access inside and the jellyfish will stop developing. In addition, it is more convenient to drain the finished drink with gauze - there is no need for subsequent filtration.
  • Every 20 days, the mushroom is taken out and washed in a cool boiled water. The tea solution is prepared fresh, where the washed mushroom is placed.
  • If the drink becomes sour in taste and cloudy, it means that it has been overstayed. It is usually poured out and replaced with freshly brewed tea.
  • No less important are the conditions of detention: the optimum air temperature is 20–26 ° C. In the cold and in the sun, the substance dies. Already at a mark of 17 degrees, the body of the fungus begins to exfoliate strongly, growth is inhibited and an algal coating forms on the surface.
  • It is recommended to constantly drain the finished drink into a separate jar and store it in the refrigerator. In summer, this is done once every 72 hours, in winter - every five days. Then add a new portion of sweet tea to 2/3 of the volume of the jar.
  • The thickness of the mushroom should not exceed 4–5 cm. The top is regularly removed and transferred to a separate container. The lower layers are not touched, as they are the most valuable.

To enrich the taste of the drink, it is permissible to add all kinds of herbs: blackberries, plantain, nettles, wild roses, strawberries.

The drink infused for a month has the greatest healing saturation. Keeping it longer is not rational and unhealthy: the liquid turns into vinegar and is not suitable for consumption.

This tool can be used in cosmetic and medicinal purposes. After a week of exposure to heat, fungal kvass begins to ferment and acquires an alcoholic aftertaste. Then a part is cast and put in the cold for drinking, and fresh tea solution is poured into the container.

How to properly divide a mushroom

Few people independently grow kombucha from scratch. Usually, a part is separated from an adult whose thickness has exceeded the allowable limits. A characteristic sign of readiness for division is the stratification of the structure visible along the rim.

It is better not to touch the young thin substance so as not to injure. Even a slight plucking is unacceptable, since integrity cannot be violated at the growth stage.

A fragment of the fungus placed in a beneficial environment successfully begins to grow and takes the form of the container in which it is located. With the right approach during division, the risk of death of a medusomycete is minimized.

How to properly divide a mushroom:

  1. 1. In the place of delamination, the body is carefully separated into plates, which should freely move away from each other. If you have to make an effort, then you need to postpone the procedure for 1-2 days until the mushroom is fully ripe. You cannot tear the original body. It is not uncommon for the mother fungus to divide on its own: it sinks to the bottom, and a daughter thin film floats to the surface.
  2. 2. Each layer is washed warm water and placed in a separate jar with freshly prepared tea solution. Since the film is very thin, it must be handled with extreme care so as not to tear. For the first 2-3 days, it can lie flat at the bottom or take a vertical position, but eventually it will emerge.

Get tea kvass immediately succeed in a different way, taking more time. In fact, this is also a division, only by growing in the finished drink. Pour the drink, prepared before this 5-6 days, into a clean glass containers and cover with gauze. It is removed away from sun exposure for several days. As a result, a thin film is found on top, which is a new mushroom.

This wonderful drink with a unique sweet and sour taste is like a greeting from childhood. Without even thinking about its usefulness, they simply drank to quench their thirst, and it was much tastier than modern sodas. Kombucha, of course, deserved to be remembered today and restored to its legal rights again. As soon as they don’t call this microorganism - both “tea kvass” and “tea jellyfish” ... But the correct name accepted in all countries is “kombucha”, which means nothing more than “kombucha”.

What is kombucha? It is a thick film consisting of layers. She has the ability to float on a "cushion" of sweet tea. In fact, it is a conglomerate of yeast-like fungi and bacteria.

What are the benefits of kombucha?
If we consider that the Chinese were the first to use it in ancient times, then there is no doubt in its exceptional benefits. And they would not call it "medusomycete", that is, the elixir of health and immortality. It is amazing that in China this microorganism was known and widely used already 250 years before our era!

Medusomycete affects sweet tea in such a way that it becomes sweet and sour tea kvass, somewhat reminiscent of a slightly carbonated drink. And the process is very simple: sugar is fermented under the influence of yeast fungi, and bacteria help alcohol to oxidize into acetic acid. The result is an extremely healthy drink. How can he help human body? The list will be long: kombucha is capable of:

  1. Normalize the acidity of the stomach;
  2. Improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  3. Restore intestinal microflora;
  4. Contribute in the cure of dysentery and nephrolithiasis;
  5. Fight constipation;
  6. Relieve headaches of neurological origin;
  7. Normalize arterial pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood
  8. Eliminate insomnia;
  9. Relieve hangover syndrome;
  10. Heal and rejuvenate the human body.
Is it possible to grow kombucha at home?
A few decades ago, kombucha was present in literally every home. Three-liter jars filled with this drink and covered with gauze were always on the kitchen tables or on the windowsills. And most often people passed each other a plate of this mushroom with a small amount liquids. The kombucha began to quickly build up new layers, and soon the hosts were enjoying a delicious drink.

But nowadays it is quite difficult to find those who know how to grow kombucha at home. Although this can be done literally from scratch. Follow the recommendations - and you will succeed. You just have to follow simple rules and carefully care for the fungus so that mold does not form in the jar. And you can grow kombucha using either rose hips or sweet tea.

Rosehip kombucha
Boil a thermos. Pour washed rose hips into it at the rate of 10 pieces per 0.5 liter of water. Pour boiling water over it, close the thermos tightly with a lid and, with patience, do not open it for two months. But when you remove the lid of the thermos, you will see a real kombucha, plump, but transparent and not yet dense enough. While it is not quite ready for the production of delicious and healing drink.

Rinse the mushroom with boiled cool water, put it in a three-liter jar and pour it with cooled sweet tea. The concentration is as follows: for one liter of water, you need 2 teaspoons of tea leaves, and add sugar to taste. Next, the neck of the jar should be covered with gauze. The mushroom should be stored in a warm place. If it happens in the summer, then in three days the drink will be ready. If in winter, then in a week.

Sweet tea mushroom
For the second method, you will immediately need a three-liter jar treated with boiling water. You need to pour strong sweet tea into it - about 0.5 liters. Next, cover the neck with gauze and put the jar in a warm place for two months. Further, everything happens in the same way as in the previous recipe.
These are not at all complicated ways you can grow kombucha.

Kombucha Care
You managed to independently obtain a source of healing drink. However, that's not all. Remember that you have grown a living organism that will serve you only with good care. The mushroom should always float on the surface. Only in this state will he be useful to you. If he began to sink, something is wrong with him, most likely, you welded him incorrectly.

Usually such tea leaves very quickly, so you need to constantly replenish the supply of liquid, this is a prerequisite for the development and growth of the fungus. If drunk tea leaves remain after feasts, strain it and pour it into a jar of mushrooms. At the same time, make sure that tea leaves do not get there. Add sugar to your own taste.

But that's not all care. In order for the mushroom to grow well and be healthy, it must be washed in warm boiled water every three weeks. Strain the infusion remaining in the jar, process the jar well, pour in the strained tea solution and dip the washed mushroom into it. The infusion should always be transparent. If you do not do this procedure, all your work will be lost: the mushroom will begin to deteriorate and exfoliate, and the infusion will become unusable.

Storage of kombucha
It is better if it is constantly in a dark place, at an air temperature of no more than +25 degrees. The fact is that direct sunlight and low temperature can kill the fungus. Already at +17 it will stop developing, covered with dark algae. You will have fewer problems if you use two jars at the same time: one will always contain a mushroom, and you will pour the finished drink into the other: once every three days in summer and five days later in winter. It is advisable to store this liquid in the refrigerator. If you do not change the solution, a film will form on it - a harbinger of kombucha disease.

Make sure that the thickness of the mushroom is no more than four centimeters. Carefully pinch off the excess top layers and put them in other jars. It will be a good gift friends and relatives. And the strongest and most productive are the lower layers. Kombucha infusion can be enriched with medicinal herbs - leaves of nettle, blackberry, plantain, strawberry, birch. And the tea leaves are not made from black, but green tea.

For a drink to be beneficial, its age should not exceed one month. Further it will be vinegar, harmful to the body. But even in this form it can be used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes. A drink that has stood for a week has a refreshing and even slightly alcoholic effect. In this state, half of the liquid must be drained, put in the refrigerator and gradually consumed. And fill the jar with filtered tea solution. In a few days, a new portion of tea kvass will be ready. You pour half again, and replenish with fresh mortar. And so constantly.

To whom is the tea fungus drink contraindicated?

  1. Patients with diabetes.
  2. Those suffering from fungal diseases can drink only well-fermented tea kvass.
  3. At hyperacidity stomach drink in limited quantities.
  4. It is advisable for drivers to use only fresh infusion of kombucha.
  5. It is not recommended to drink tea kvass during and after meals. It is better to do it on an empty stomach or before going to bed.
Those who do not fall under contraindications can drink kombucha, but only with obligatory breaks to prevent stomach irritation.

The peak of popularity of kombucha falls on the beginning of the 80s. Then this miracle product, and as such it was recognized by both the people and medicine, was present in almost every family. And no one considered the incredible consumption of sugar and tea, since the panacea for all diseases was worth such sacrifices. Over time, he went into oblivion, and was replaced by various dietary supplements. But everything is returning to normal, and today there is again increased interest and demand for kombucha.

Kombucha features

Official medicine has proven that kombucha (aka kombucha, medusomycete) really has therapeutic and prophylactic properties and can become an alternative to expensive pharmaceuticals. The unusual taste of the drink increases the tone of the body, gives strength and vigor, and, in addition, successfully fights various diseases.

The popularity of kombucha is also explained by unpretentiousness. Create the minimum conditions for it, the necessary nutrient medium in the form of sweet tea, and it will grow and develop very rapidly.

The biological origin of the puff jellyfish is due to the community of living cultures such as bacteria and yeast. In the course of the vital activity of organisms so different in nature and other characteristics, sweet tea is transformed into a sour drink that has a number of healing properties:

  • the risk of cancer is reduced;
  • the protective function of the liver increases;
  • the metabolism of the body is normalized and the process of purification from toxic substances is activated;
  • the intestinal microflora is restored;
  • the level of cholesterol decreases;
  • activities are normalized of cardio-vascular system and blood pressure;
  • improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increases the activity of the musculoskeletal system.

And this is not the whole list of advantages of kombucha. A drink saturated with organic acids, vitamins, enzymes and trace elements helps to reduce weight. It quenches thirst, dulls the feeling of hunger, but does not replace daily ration food intake. In combination with a fractional and balanced diet, kombucha is an auxiliary component in weight loss. The use of kombucha, as in other therapeutic and prophylactic cases, should be regular.

Indications for use

Based on research on the properties of the tea product, it is recommended as one of the means to help recovery in the following diseases:

  • ARI, influenza, tonsillitis;
  • scarlet fever;
  • diseases of the ear, throat, nose;
  • viral eye infections;
  • problems with the liver or gallbladder;
  • dysentery;
  • tonsillitis;
  • diphtheria.

A tonic drink can simultaneously serve as a diuretic and cholagogue. It also helps with hypertension, hair loss, nail fungus and various cosmetic procedures.


Not everyone is allowed to use kombucha. For a certain category, there are contraindications: with increased acidity of the stomach, patients diabetes, drivers are allowed to consume only fresh tea drink, and those who have problems with fungal diseases should refrain.

The process of growing kombucha at home is simple, but requires accuracy and consistency. The procedure itself takes about a month and a half, so patience and time will be needed.

Growing kombucha from tea leaves

  1. It is advisable to prepare a glass jar with a volume of 3-5 liters, wash it well with the addition of soda and leave to dry naturally.
  2. To prepare the nutrient solution in a separate container, 3 tsp. green or black brewed tea pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Drain, add 5 tbsp. granulated sugar and cool.
  3. Pour the cooled tea into a prepared jar and place in a warm but dark place.
  4. Cover the neck of the glass container with a piece of gauze and tie with a braid or fix with an elastic band. Periodically, it is necessary to open for a short time to replenish the liquid with oxygen.
  5. After four days, you will notice a thin film on the surface - this is the beginning of the birth of kombucha.
  6. After 10-20 days, the contents of the can lighten up, a sour smell appears, and the film increases in size.
  7. By the end of the process, a mobile thickened substance is already formed on the surface. The formed kombucha is transferred to a clean container and a new nutrient solution is prepared, with which it is poured.
  8. The drink in the first jar is ready, it must be filtered and stored in a cool place so that the fermentation process stops. And the infusion of the second jar can already be consumed after 5-7 days.

The grown jellyfish is unpretentious, but requires care, cleanliness and lack of bright light.

Growing from wild rose
Rosehips themselves are saturated with vitamins, and a drink made from them is a godsend for boosting immunity, preventing viral diseases and other disruptions in the body.

Select dense, evenly colored fruits, rinse, dry a little and chop. 6 art. l. pour into a clean thermos, pour boiling water in a volume of 0.6 liters. Close and put for 6 days. Then strain and pour into a three-liter jar, adding a tea solution there, which is prepared in the following proportion: 1 tbsp. l. tea, 5 tbsp. l. sugar, and steep boiling water in a volume of 220 ml. Place gauze on the neck of the container and leave in a warm, dark place. Then repeat the previous method.

You can independently grow a jellyfish from homemade vinegar own cooking.

washed up sour apples dry and grate with the core on coarse grater. fruit puree(approximately 400 gr) put in a clean jar and pour cold boiled water. Add 150 g honey and 15 g yeast. After that, the container remains open, it must be placed in a dark place. The mass should be stirred daily.

Ten days later applesauce it is necessary to squeeze through several layers of gauze, and pour the resulting liquid into a clean jar, cover with a thin cloth and leave for 1.5-2 months for fermentation.

At the final stage, the liquid becomes lighter, and a multi-layered jellyfish grows on its surface. It is transferred to a clean bowl with sweet tea and then according to the usual scheme.

Kombucha on beer
Mix 100 ml live beer, 10 ml wine vinegar, 5 grams of sugar. Pour the mixture into a container, cover the neck, and put in a warm place until a film forms on the surface. When it is 2 mm thick, then move it to a bowl with sweet tea. A week later, the drink is ready.

These methods are for those who are just starting to master the art of growing kombucha. For those who are more fortunate and have shared a piece with them already finished product the process is greatly simplified. And if you connect fantasy, then the healing qualities of the medusomycete increase significantly.

Herbal kombucha
The preparation scheme is standard, and herbal collection choose according to your disease. Pour 200 grams of herbs with 3 liters of boiling water and leave overnight. Add a little honey to the infusion and place the mushroom in it. A week later, tea-infusion will be obtained. Thus, you can prepare a tonic drink based on hibiscus.

Growing kombucha is part of the task. For its development and reproduction, proper care. An indicator of health, first of all, is buoyancy. If he began to sink to the bottom and does not rise to the surface on his own, it means that he is “ill” and it is time to save him. Optimum temperature should not exceed 25 degrees.

The thickness of the jellyfish should not exceed 4 cm. The excess layer that appears should be carefully separated from the top and laid out in other jars. The lower part is the most productive.

The term of the curative effect of the finished drink is not more than one month. Subsequently, they are lost taste qualities, it will be more vinegar than an invigorating elixir. After keeping the liquid for a week, it is half drained and stored in the refrigerator. And the newly filtered tea kvass is added to the jar. When a new portion is ready, pour the part again and replenish with fresh tea leaves.

The volume of liquid in the tank

During growth, the fungus needs more liquid medium, about 3 liters. And when you pour a drink, make up for the shortage each time by adding liquid. This may be unfinished tea leaves, which are cooled, sweetened per liter of boiling water 2 tbsp. l. sugar and stir until sugar is completely dissolved. Undissolved sugar that has fallen on kombucha is one of the causes of jellyfish disease.

Bath days for kombucha

Every two weeks, the medusomycete must be bathed, carefully removed from the jar. Rinse gently with warm water, taking care not to injure. Then leave for a couple of minutes on a plate to breathe air. Strain the contents of the jar and pour into a clean container. And wash the jar and return the mushroom to it.

The habitat of the fungus itself should be clean, without signs of turbidity, and the tea product should be light in color.

Growing kombucha at home does not require special knowledge and abilities. It is enough to adhere to a strict recipe, step by step technology and observe the conditions of its storage.

Video: how to grow kombucha from scratch