Names of Chinese mushrooms. Chinese tree mushroom salad

Kira Stoletova


Over time, fruiting bodies destroy wood or sawdust. The description is different for the representatives:

  1. Black Chinese mushroom does not have prominent caps and legs; the fruiting body is wavy, thin, resembles scallops.
  2. Shiitake's appearance similar to Champignons, only they have a different color.

A feature that unites all woody Chinese mushrooms is the release of special enzymes that can split the tree and use this for the rapid growth of the mycelium. Such unpretentiousness to the substrate makes possible cultivation on an industrial scale.


  • Yellow polypore;
  • Orange tinder fungus;
  • Coral Woody;
  • Shiitake;
  • Black Muer.

The fungus is common in temperate climates. In China, this mushroom is used in medicinal purposes. Such mushrooms grow on the bark of trees, the fruiting body is flat and has the shape of an ear, there is no prominent leg. There are conditionally edible and inedible species. Do not eat Trutoviki growing on coniferous trees, they are poisonous. Description of mushrooms:

  1. The coral species has more than one name: Icy, White, Royal, Snowy, Gelatinous. The hymenophore is similar to white sea corals. Grow on a woody substrate.
  2. Shiitake, aka Japanese Forest Mushroom, grows on dead wood. It looks like Champignon, has a dark brown color with stains on the hat. Growing up alone. Possesses high palatability.
  3. Muer is popular in China, Vietnam, Thailand. It grows on alder, has the shape of ears, the fruiting body is thin and black. Young individuals have a pinkish color and transparent flesh. The species is also found in the Far East of Russia.

More often deliver dried fruits They are easier to transport and store. In addition, they retain the entire set of vitamins and minerals.

Useful properties and composition

Compound different types is different. But they all contain the following elements:

  • vitamin D;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • polysaccharides;
  • acids;
  • protein;
  • chitin;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium.

The calorie content of the products is low. coral fungus count dietary product, it contains 70% fiber. In Shiitake, only 34 kcal per 100 g, in Trutovik - 24 kcal. Any mushroom is indicated for weight loss, because alimentary fiber cleanse the intestines, and chitin promotes saturation. The pulp is low in carbohydrates and high in protein, which is useful for gaining muscle mass.

Dried wood mushrooms have the same composition of vitamins. They should be soaked before use. Given the vitamins and minerals, the fruits are useful for:

  1. Digestive organs and intestines.
  2. blood vessels.
  3. Works of the heart.
  4. brain, improve concentration and memory.
  5. Strengthening the musculoskeletal system.
  6. Protecting the liver from toxins.
  7. Lowering cholesterol and sugar levels.

Scientists prove the benefits of mushrooms in radiation exposure, for the prevention of tumors and treatment diabetes. The snowy appearance is beneficial to smokers due to the content of nicotinic acid. Muer - unique protein fruits, prevent the occurrence of beriberi. Shiitake are good for the respiratory system, in Chinese teaching they are considered regulators of positive Qi energy.


Tree mushrooms are harmful:

  • children under 14 years of age due to the content of chitin;
  • people with individual intolerance, including allergy sufferers;
  • patients with problems of the digestive system, which makes it impossible to digest and assimilate mushrooms.

Most species are produced at enterprises, so you should not be afraid of poisoning with such fruits. It is important to follow the instructions for use and storage. When collecting Tinder fungus, the same precautions are taken as when collecting common forest species. Dried tree mushrooms should not be bought by hand.

Application in cooking and medicine

Chinese tradition has long used Muer, Shiitake, Trutovik for soups, side dishes and other dishes. The coral variety is added to sauces and also eaten in fried: it has a pleasant crunchy texture and unusual taste. Dried tree mushrooms are boiled, squeezed out of water and left in syrup from canned peaches.

In medicine, lentian is obtained from Shiitake, which is the basis of commercial preparations in Japan. In Chinese folk medicine prepare tinctures, ointments, dry powders and extracts from dried Trutovik. Muer tinctures are known for their anti-inflammatory and healing properties.

In cosmetology, white coral species are used to make skin creams:

  • moisturizing;
  • rejuvenating;
  • wrinkle cream.

Now in European countries they pay special attention to the cosmetic and medicinal properties of the product. There are also exotic ways to use these organisms. The Stradivari violinist made unique musical instruments for himself from wood that was exhausted. tree mushrooms, so it conducts sound better.


  • Tree mushrooms (Muer) - 1 pack (20 grams),
  • Onion - 1 head (medium size),
  • Carrots - 3 pieces (about 100 grams),
  • Garlic - 2 cloves (small)
  • Soy sauce - 2 - 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • Black and red ground pepper- 1 pinch,
  • Ground coriander - ½ tsp (without a slide),
  • Vegetable oil (odorless) - 2 - 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • Water (boiling water) - 1 liter.

In the East, tree mushrooms are widely distributed, because they are not only tasty, but also very useful. It contains so much protein that it can be put on a par with meat products by its content. Muer is rich in trace elements, thanks to which it saturates the body during fasting and diets.

Most often, soups, salads are prepared from tree mushrooms, and we will fry them with carrots and onions, the perfect dish in post. Below in the recipe I will show you how to cook Chinese tree mushrooms with carrots.

How to cook Chinese tree mushrooms Muer, recipe with photo

First you need to prepare the ingredients, peel the carrots, onions and garlic.
Remove the wrapper from the mushrooms and place them in a deep bowl. Boil water.

Pour boiling water over mushrooms. Cover the top of the cup with a plate or lid and leave for half an hour.

V hot water mushrooms will begin to increase in size, and will reach a weight of 200 grams, and in appearance they will become similar to "ears". Remove the mushrooms from the water and rinse thoroughly in cold water.

Then put on a cutting board and cut into small pieces, cutting out the hard parts, we will not need them.

Grate peeled carrots Korean salads. Cut the onion into thin half rings. Grind the garlic, you can use a garlic press or chop it with a knife.

Pour oil into a frying pan and heat it up.

Dip the onions, carrots and garlic into the hot oil. Fry until soft over medium heat.

After 5 - 8 minutes, add the prepared mushrooms. Stir the ingredients. Simmer for a couple more minutes.

After add soy sauce, ground black and red pepper, coriander. Stir and fry for another 5 minutes over low heat. That's the whole recipe. Now you know how to cook Chinese tree mushrooms.

Ready-made mushrooms can be served as a dish on their own, but they also pair perfectly with boiled spicy rice. Put the mushrooms and rice on a plate and serve with fresh herbs when serving.

Final recipe photo: Fried Chinese tree mushrooms

On a note:

Muer or tree fungus, popularly called "tree ear", grows in China and rarely gets on our tables. You can meet them in our area only in the store, they are sold dry, pressed small rectangles of 20 grams. But in the process of soaking, they increase 10 times, this is a very interesting action.

White Woody Chinese Mushroom (Korean Pickled)

Among the popular Korean salads (Korean-style carrots, pickled pork ears, seaweed in Korean, spicy cauliflower, garlic arrows in Korean and other spicy and sour Korean snacks ... from the mere thought of which are already salivating ...) you probably noticed beautiful white scallops that look like a multi-layered terry fan. This is the white Chinese tree fungus (and not white algae, as many people think).

Previously, I saw pickled tree mushrooms only in the market, from Korean sellers. And I did not expect to find this exotic product in dried form in an ordinary supermarket. It turns out that dried porcini mushrooms are a popular item in China that is sold in packages like regular pasta. It can be ordered directly from there. And marinate at home to your heart's content. And then eat just like that or add to salads.

Marinade composition

for 1 bush of white wood fungus

  • Table vinegar (6% or 9%) - 1 tablespoon (you can use 1.5 tablespoons if it seems not sharp enough to you);
  • Salt - 1 tablespoon;
  • Sugar - 0.5 tablespoon;
  • Hot water (boiling water);
  • Spices for Korean carrots, ground black or red hot pepper- optional, it is not necessary (a small pinch).

How to cook

1. Requirements for dishes

To prepare a white woody Chinese mushroom, you need a bowl or bowl with a wide bottom (ceramic, glass or enameled iron) so that the whole mushroom fits in it.

I had a ceramic bowl with a capacity of 750 ml - wide and flat. The mushroom fit comfortably in it and did not reach a couple of centimeters to the edge (top of the bowl).

2. How to do

  1. Put salt, sugar, pour vinegar on the bottom of the dish. Add spices (if using. But in my opinion, this is generally useless, and without them there will be a characteristic taste, like Koreans).
  2. Place the mushroom in a bowl. Pour boiling water over (a dry mushroom should hide under water. Do not pour a lot of water, it disappeared - and that's enough).
  3. After 1-2 minutes, the mushroom will straighten out and marinate. Drain the marinade. Everything! White tree fungus is ready to eat! You can eat!

Pickled scallops (Chinese white tree mushroom) with new jacket potatoes, sausages and herbs

By the way, after repeated cooking in this way, general principle which was explained to me by a Korean woman selling Korean snacks in the market, I decided to search the Internet for other recipes.

And what a surprise it was when I read that, it turns out, someone soaks these dried tree mushrooms all night, and then also cooks for 2 hours. My God, what will be left of him!))) Friends, no need to soak, no need to cook. Brewing hot marinade for a couple of minutes is enough. The mushroom immediately straightens out, soaks in water and is ready to eat (like noodles fast food). At least this applies to porcini mushrooms, which are sold dried in our supermarkets.

What taste does white tree fungus have?

If you have never tried what pickled porcini tree fungus is, then they taste slightly like chicken cartilage, only very thin, with a characteristic spicy-sour taste. The sharpness here is not from pepper, but arises somehow from simple marinade from vinegar, sugar and salt.

They don't look like anything. Simply delicious, so don't miss out!

How to Use Pickled Tree Mushroom

This beautiful terry Chinese mushroom can be eaten just like spicy snack. I love him just like that, apart from everything. Eat the whole thing quickly!

But for those who are more relaxed about this Korean snack, I can advise serving tree mushrooms with potatoes (boiled, mashed, stewed potatoes, fried, in any form), to stewed sweetish beef in tomato sauce or to other dishes that want a light spicy-sour snack (where would you use it, for example).

Or add to salads, where pickled cucumbers, capers are usually put. I advise you to first try marinating tree fungus, understand what it is, and then (if you don’t mind) use it in salads. Because its original taste, and, most importantly, its crunchy structure, are unique. And I don’t want to drown out this wonderful taste sensation with something else.

These are thin and brittle woody black mushrooms. Outwardly, they look like charred paper. Mushrooms have a smoky smell and crisp, sweet flesh. They are widely used in Vietnam, Thailand, China. Muer grows on tree trunks. Muer mushrooms were first used at imperial receptions in Japan. Mushrooms, along with tiger lily buds, were considered a real delight. Japanese cuisine. Their crunchy structure and sweetish taste were loved by all the guests.

Muer later gained its distribution in Western countries. In dried form, these mushrooms were not particularly popular until, at one of the markets, the muer fell into the water, after which it swelled and acquired the form familiar to such a product. Now you can buy muer in the store of oriental spices at a fairly affordable price.

How to choose

If you buy dried mushrooms, and most often muer is sold in this form, you should pay attention to their appearance. They must be dry and without droplets on the package.

Then look at the color, which can be black or dark gray, but always smooth, without green or white patches. If these spots are present, the mushrooms have most likely been soaked and moldy. This product is not worth buying.

How to store

dried mushrooms it is advised to store in a cool dry place where they will be usable for a very long time, up to 5 years. Soaked mushrooms are stored in a closed bowl with water for no more than 2-3 days.

In cooking

The taste of muer is almost neutral, due to which they are perfectly combined with any products. They are used to make numerous stews and fried foods, first courses, side dishes, cold appetizers and salads. Muer is rarely used as a main dish due to the same neutrality of taste.

Before cooking, this product must be soaked in warm water for about 3-4 hours. After that, the mushrooms increase the volume by 6-8 times. Next, you need to remove the hard root part and you can cook.

In Korea, fried muer with spices is popular. To prepare such a dish, put red pepper, ground cilantro in a heated frying pan, pour them with olive oil and fry for about 2 minutes. Then add mushrooms and cook for 7-10 minutes. Cooled mushrooms are served with herbs. If the product is part of the salad, then you need to add salty and spicy sauces. In addition, muer is often used as noodles, cut into thin strips and sent to a boiling broth for 20 minutes.

Also often these mushrooms are used as a side dish for fried potatoes, boiled rice or pork. In modern cuisine, funchose salad with muer is popular. In addition to muer, it includes rice noodles, carrots, cabbage stalk, spices and herbs. To prepare it, vermicelli is poured with boiling water for 10-15 minutes, while frying the cabbage stalk and grated carrots with spices, then add the mushrooms chopped into strips and fry for about 10-15 minutes. After that, the pan is covered with a lid and allowed to stand for about 10 minutes. After this time, the noodles are mixed with mushrooms, soy sauce, fresh cilantro are added and cooled in the refrigerator for several hours.


Like most mushrooms, the calorie content of muer is very small - 33 kcal. Therefore, it can also be used in dietary nutrition.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of muer

Composition and presence of nutrients

These mushrooms are not just so popular in Asia. In addition to good palatability, they have many useful and even unique properties. Muer is rich in protein, and in terms of its content, this product is not inferior even to meat. These mushrooms contain a lot of B vitamins and vitamin D. Amino acids, phosphorus, calcium, and potassium are also found in muer. It is ideal for diet food, as it helps to reduce weight, while saturating the body with all the necessary trace elements, which prevents beriberi.

Useful and medicinal properties

Benefit from muer mushrooms great for health. First of all, because they are considered an excellent natural antioxidant.

Mushrooms have a number of enzymes that prevent the formation of blood clots in the vessels, as well as nicotinic acid, known beneficial influence for recovery processes. In other words, eating muer, a person can not only protect the body, but also help to renew it.

contains iodine, which is important for thyroid gland. These mushrooms usually contribute to the elimination of iodine deficiency along with other Japanese culinary products, such as chuka and shibuki seaweed.

Tree mushrooms are also rich in polysaccharides, which prevent the development of malignant tumors and can increase overall immunity. In addition, extracts, ointments and tinctures from muer, used in oriental medicine, cope well with skin diseases and heal wounds.

This product is also useful for people suffering from hypertension, anemia, obesity and diabetes. The use of muer helps to reduce cholesterol levels and improve the condition of the cardiovascular system.

Thanks to regular use Muera normalizes the acidity of the stomach, soothes the inflamed and irritated mucous membranes. It acts as a mild antibiotic that has an anti-inflammatory effect.

It is also believed that muer normalizes water metabolism and slows down the aging process. They should be used by those who suffer from swelling in the legs (for this, a teaspoon of chopped mushrooms is added to rice cooked without salt).

Among other things, muer prevents the development of infectious diseases.

Fry with onions (or separately if onions are already fried with carrots).

P.S. There may be many options. 3, 5 and 7 points remain constant. It all depends on the imagination and the availability of products. Mushrooms can be replaced with any other, for example, canned, but still it will not be quite the same. The salad will lose one of its Chinese sides. From 6 points, you can refuse altogether, so as not to spend too much.

White tree mushrooms: benefits and applications in TCM

White tree mushrooms(“silver ears”, ??) refer to traditional products Chinese food. In China, they are highly valued for their medicinal properties. They are rich in vitamin D, prevent calcium loss, and are beneficial for growth and physical development. In addition, these mushrooms increase the antitumor immunity of the body.

TCM classifies "silver ears" as a means of nourishing yin and purifying heat, moisturizing dryness.

However, despite obvious benefit tree mushrooms, they are not recommended to be eaten in in large numbers(usually 15 g per person is enough). It is not recommended to eat mushrooms at night due to high content sugars, so that the viscosity of the blood does not increase.

New Year's table can decorate cold appetizer from white wood with cucumbers.

To prepare this appetizer you will need:dServing products: 2 long cucumbers, 2 mushroom snowballs, finely chopped garlic, oyster sauce, vinegar (you can use balsamic), salt, sesame oil.

Pre-soak dry porcini mushrooms in water, peel and cut into small pieces, boil the mushrooms quickly in boiling water so that they do not become soft, and cool.

Cucumbers lightly beat off, turning them into "broken" cucumbers. Then cut into pieces, add 2 incomplete teaspoons of salt. Mix everything and leave for 15 minutes, then slightly squeeze the resulting juice.

Mix mushrooms and cucumbers, add garlic to taste, add a little vinegar, oyster sauce and sesame oil. Mix everything again. A delicious and healthy snack is ready. Bon Appetit!

Happy New Year, dear readers of our blog!

Yinger tree mushrooms, dried, porcini, 100g? "fuji-san" - products for Asian cuisine

Dried porcini mushrooms (Yinger) are considered a delicacy and are used in soups and salads, as well as in sweet dessert dishes.

What are injer mushrooms?

Injer mushrooms called differently "silver ears", partly because these mushrooms are quite rare, and because of their healing qualities, they are quite expensive. Medicinal properties mushrooms injer: they are used as a tonic and in the treatment of diseases of the liver and lungs.

Injer mushrooms sweeter in taste than muer mushrooms, but similar in texture and preparation to muer mushrooms. Injer mushrooms when soaked, they increase in volume by 6-8 times. One piece fungus injer The size of a tablespoon absorbs up to 250 ml of water. To prepare injer mushrooms, put them in water for 30 minutes, and then let the water drain and rinse well. Don't forget to remove hard roots. And do not cut tree mushrooms finely - it is enough to separate them with your hands, retaining their beautiful wavy shape.

Unlike muer, which are considered everyday food, interior prepared for special occasions. These mushrooms are added to vegetable dishes and also served as a banquet dish.

You can injer mushrooms, as well as everything for sushi and rolls in our online store of Japanese products with delivery in Moscow. We also supply products for sushi and rolls to other cities.

White tree fungus and what preparations are suitable

Oriental cuisine is slowly but surely entering our homes. And on this wave of popularity, many have probably heard of muer, tree mushrooms. You may even have tried them in oriental restaurants. But not everyone can cook such an exotic product on their own.

This mushroom has several names and is widely used in the East. In China or Vietnam, dishes are widespread where such an ingredient is a must. Well, in our stores you can buy it only in dried form. Moreover, outwardly, such mushrooms resemble unusual black pieces of paper. It's amazing how you can turn them into something edible.

So, what to do next after you have bought a white tree fungus. cooking it is not that complicated. To begin with, the mushrooms must be soaked. Pour large quantity water and refrigerate overnight. You will be surprised, but these small pieces will increase in size several times. Naturally, you can simply scald the mushrooms with boiling water and leave for several hours, but this way they will not fully open and will be harsh. By the way, before soaking, it should be borne in mind that one portion bought in a store can absorb about five liters of water at a time.

By themselves, tree mushrooms have no taste, however, in combination with other products, they can manifest themselves in different ways. You can start cooking after the mushrooms are completely soaked. They must be washed and divided into separate ears. It is also worth considering that tree mushrooms can be of different types. There are muer noodle mushrooms - they are most suitable for adding to various soups and for side dishes. But porcini mushrooms muer are really a delicacy. They are used to create salads.

Tree mushrooms - white nyar or "silver ears" - different recipes for cuckoo 1054

White tree mushrooms: benefits and applications

White tree mushrooms (“silver ears”, ??) are traditional products of Chinese cuisine. In China, they are highly valued for their medicinal properties. They are rich in vitamin D, prevent calcium loss, and are beneficial for growth and physical development. In addition, these mushrooms increase the antitumor immunity of the body.

In ancient times, it was believed that "silver ears" have a neutral character, non-toxic, replenish the spleen and "open" the stomach. They are useful for cleansing the intestines, moisturize the yin of the lungs.

"Silver Ears" relieve women of freckles and age spots on the face. They are successfully used as a means of restoring a beautiful natural complexion.

In clinical practice, "silver ears" are used to treat cough with blood, empty heat and dry mouth, constipation, neurasthenia, insomnia and tachycardia, senile bronchitis, leukemia, chronic nephritis, hypertension and atherosclerosis.

However, despite the obvious benefits of porcini tree mushrooms, they are not recommended to be eaten in large quantities (usually 15 g per person is enough). It is not recommended to eat mushrooms at night due to the high sugar content, so that blood viscosity does not increase.

In Fujian Province, porcini tree mushrooms are called "snow mushrooms". In appearance, they resemble snowballs made of loose snow. Among the aristocrats, white tree mushrooms were called "a remedy for prolonging years and longevity" and "a cure for old age."

"Silver Ears" can be used in salads and soups. These mushrooms cooked with eggs are very tasty.

Cold appetizer of porcini mushrooms with cucumbers.

To prepare this appetizer, you will need the following products:

2 long cucumbers, 2 mushroom snowballs, finely chopped garlic, oyster sauce, vinegar (you can use balsamic), salt, sesame oil.

Pre-soak dry porcini mushrooms in water, peel and cut into small pieces, boil the mushrooms quickly in boiling water so that they do not become soft, and cool.

Cucumbers lightly beat off, turning them into "broken" cucumbers. Then cut into pieces, add 2 incomplete teaspoons of salt. Mix everything and leave for 15 minutes, then slightly squeeze the resulting juice.

Mix mushrooms and cucumbers, add garlic to taste, add a little vinegar, oyster sauce and sesame oil. Mix everything again. A delicious and healthy snack is ready.

We'll go the other way

Here are the dried mushrooms

Needs to be soaked in warm water at night, but not all - a little, otherwise it will swell and all 10 kg will be

We spent the night in some water - this is 1 mushroom

As usual, my dressing only took colorless (without tomato) for asparagus and funchose.

There is one nuance. I like the mushrooms not to crunch, so I boiled the multicook in the cuckoo for 120 - 35 minutes. On the stove they need 3-4 hours. I used to buy ready mushrooms- they crunched and I was not impressed.

For special occasions - Chinese white tree fungus

In the online store of Japanese products, mushrooms are usually represented by two types: shiitake and nameko. Shiitake is a true indigenous Japanese tree fungus that grows in the wild under chestnut and oak trees. Recently, these mushrooms have learned to grow artificially. Japanese mushrooms are healthy foods because they can lower blood cholesterol levels.

Varieties Japanese mushrooms

There are several varieties of Japanese shiitake mushrooms. Those that have dark brown velvety hats about five centimeters in diameter are considered the best. The king of shiitake is the donko mushroom (winter mushroom). On his small dark, dense and thick hats there are cracks that form a bizarre pattern. Japanese mushrooms are usually sold fresh or dried.

In autumn, nameko mushrooms or "slippery" mushrooms appear in Japan, which grow in peculiar families. Their legs are up to four to five centimeters high, and their diameter is small, only one to two centimeters. Mushroom caps resemble orange-brown buttons. Nameko is practically the only Japanese mushroom that is supplied outside its native country only in canned form. The reason is that fresh mushrooms spoil very quickly, so they prefer to pickle or pickle.

In winter, enokitake or yukinoshita mushrooms grow on the stumps, as well as enoki (caracas), poplars and persimmons. In other countries, cultivated enokitake are often used as a new nutrient for salads. These mushrooms have a flavor and excellent crispy flesh.

Asparagus and porcini tree fungus - byasemanki :)

So we come to the most important thing - Salad with tree mushrooms and funchose, which is called "Chinese CAI".

Do you know what tree mushrooms eat with?

1. Smoked or boiled chicken cut into strips.

2. Fresh cucumbers are also chopped or grated on a coarse grater.

3. Grate the carrots, as for Korean carrots (you can fry the carrots with onions, or you can put them in a salad raw - to your taste).

4. Fry the mushrooms with onions (or separately if the onions are already fried with carrots).

5. Boil the funchose, put it in a colander and let it cool a little.

6. Beat 2 eggs with a teaspoon of starch and bake pancakes, which are then cut into strips.

7. Garlic, soy, spices for Korean carrot or something else spicy already to taste and personal discretion.

Put all the ingredients in a deep salad bowl. Drizzle with soy sauce or salt and pepper (with spices), sprinkle with a little sugar for juiciness. Squeeze out a few cloves of garlic. To stir thoroughly. Add more seasonings if needed vegetable oil or soy, again to taste. And put it in the fridge for a while.

P.S. There are many salad options. For me, points 3, 5 and 7 remain constant. It all depends on the imagination and the availability of products. Mushrooms can be replaced with any other, for example, canned, but still it will not be quite the same. The salad will lose one of its Chinese sides. You can refuse 6 points altogether, so as not to spend too much

Ъ-weekend - "tree mushrooms should not crunch on the teeth"

Meal with the chef

In summer, mushrooms in China are eaten less than at other times of the year. So, before it gets warm outside, it's time to taste this delicious product. About which mushrooms are considered noble in China, which of them can be bought in Russia and how to cook them, says the executive chef of the restaurant chain " Peking duck Zhang Sen Chen.

- types of mushrooms exist in China?

- Officially it is considered that about two hundred. Moreover, the Chinese learned to grow half of them in artificial conditions, in special factories. There are 32 provinces in China, each with its own microclimate and its own regional cuisine. For example, there are more tree mushrooms in the north than those that grow on the ground. There are also "exclusive" local mushrooms. For example, lingzhi grows only in the southwest - outwardly they resemble your pigs. In China, this is one of the most expensive mushrooms. Firstly, because their historical homeland is the province of Guangdong, and they have not been anywhere else before. Moreover, in vivo lingzhi grow quite high in the mountains, where the sun's rays do not fall. So, to be honest, it is dangerous to look for them - after all, where it is dark and humid, snakes often live. Secondly, lingzhi has long been used only in medicine - they quickly stop the blood and have a lot of other useful properties. They were served on the table only to emperors, among others. unusual dishes from expensive products. Thus, lingzhi deserved the status noble mushrooms. But, despite the fact that for twenty years these mushrooms have been grown in factories and they are generally available, they are still relatively high. Lingzhi goes well with any meat. For example, they are traditionally added to turtle soup. But, in my opinion, these are not very tasty mushrooms.

What other mushrooms are considered noble in China?

- valuable mushrooms in China - white tree hutoku. Their name is translated into Russian as "head of a monkey". They are round, light as a feather, and fluffy - the villi can be up to five centimeters long. They grow mainly in northern China in winter, but are available all year round because they are grown. Despite this, they are very expensive, much more expensive than lingzhi. Hutoku grow one by one on a tree, but if a mushroom appears on one tree, then another one will immediately appear on the next one. Hutoku are white and yellow. The yellow ones, I think, are better because they are more fragrant. Whites don't really smell. In culinary terms, hutoku are almost universal - they can be dried, salted, fried, boiled, served as a side dish for meat, added to soup, they are not usually eaten only with fish. A traditional dish from hutoku - chicken soup with mushrooms and barberry.

— Are lingzhi and hutoku sold in Russia?

No, I haven't met. Only four types of Chinese mushrooms are sold in Russia. First of all, these are tree mushrooms - black muer and white nyar. In shape, they resemble an ear, white "ears" are smaller than black ones. They can be eaten raw, but because they spoil quickly, they are usually dried. In Russia, they are sold only dried. Soup and hot dishes are prepared from nyar, they are added to salads. If you are going to make a nyar salad, do not use soy sauce - it will color the mushrooms and turn them from white to brown. Suitable for nyar salad rice vinegar. Another tip - muer are good with spicy and sauces, and nyar - with sweet and sweet and sour, so don't be afraid to add sugar. You can also make a sweet soup with oranges, apples and berries from these mushrooms. But do not forget that dried tree mushrooms need to be cooked for a long time - about four hours. During the cooking process, they become soft - if the mushrooms are crunchy, then they are not ready yet.

— And what kind of Chinese "ground" mushrooms are there in Russia?

“It’s jin-jin-gu and xianggu. Both species are cultivated. The first ones are white and yellow small mushrooms on thin long legs with small caps. Their homeland is southwest China. Jin-jin-gu is not dried, it is used fresh. Salads are prepared from them, having previously marinated a little in salt, garlic and sesame oil. In salads with jin-jin-gu, onions, garlic, fresh cucumbers, Bell pepper. From these mushrooms you can cook soup and make a hot dish. The second, syangu, always throw away the legs, because they are very hard. The caps themselves are dark brown on the outside, and light brown on the inside. "Syangu", by the way, is translated into Russian as " fragrant mushrooms". After drying, their aroma becomes even more vivid. Xianggu are very similar to japanese mushrooms shiitake, only they are noticeably smaller, and their hats are softer, thinner. So be careful - if the mushrooms are large, and the price tag says "syangu", do not buy - this is shiitake. Dried syangu must be boiled for a long time - at least three to four hours, they should become soft. As they cook, they seem to gain flavor. From boiled syangu you can, for example, prepare a snack with ginger root and red hot pepper. From them it turns out good soup, garnish for meat and fish. You can cook soup with duck and syangu, or you can bake duck stuffed with syangu. There are a lot of options.

- Are there any mushrooms in China that look like Russian ones?

- We have simboku mushrooms that look and taste like your porcini mushrooms. They also have a massive thick light leg, a small brown hat. But in China, unlike in Russia, they are not considered noble. There is also yangduzhun - they are no different from your morels. And even the season coincides - in the western provinces they are harvested in the spring. And they remind us of sunzhum - they also grow in families, only in our country they are not on trees, but on the ground.

Interviewed by Nadezhda SUKHOVA

Dried Chinese mushrooms: Chinese white and black tree mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, coral mushrooms

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A unique drink gifted by nature itself has become a global trend, popular for more than 5 years abroad.

What do you have in common coconut water with Madonna and Demi Moore? Read the article.


The Incredible Aloe Vera Plant: Health Benefits

A unique plant that has a rejuvenating, healing, soothing and moisturizing effect on our body, contains more than 200 active ingredients...


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