Chinese style tree mushroom salad. White Chinese mushroom

Asian cuisine, in particular, its individual components, sometimes raise many questions. And against the backdrop of all these incredible delicacies, Chinese tree mushrooms seem completely home-like. They fit perfectly into dishes of many cuisines around the world, adding a unique piquant touch. So today we’ll talk about how to cook wood mushrooms.

Residents of the Celestial Empire distinguish several subspecies tree mushrooms. It is with them that we will now get acquainted.


Shiitake tree mushrooms have been a part of the ingredient list for hundreds of years. national cuisine. It is this Chinese mushroom that visually resembles our Russian mushrooms. It also has a stem and a cap, although it grows exclusively on trees.

Shiitake, when freshly picked, has a nice dark brown hue. During the drying process, it changes to a darker color, becoming almost black. You can find both fresh and dry shiitake on supermarket shelves. If we talk about benefits, they are completely universal and can be used in all dishes.

The only thing that needs to be done first is to fill the dry shiitake with clean water. This procedure will help restore lost moisture to them. And only then the mushrooms can be used in cooking.

Dried mushrooms can be used as an aromatic seasoning that enhances the taste of other foods.


This one is Chinese tree mushroom contains great amount protein and vitamins. In addition, muer is an excellent source of iron. Mushrooms help increase appetite and also improve overall health.

But muer is not always a black mushroom. You can see porcini (delicacy) and yellow mushrooms. In supermarkets you can find white dried muer, which is very nutritious and tasty. It contains amino acids and polysaccharides necessary for our body. In addition, wood fungus contains phosphorus and iron.


Another edible tree mushroom that is popular in China is xianggu. As a rule, they arrive on store shelves in dry form, so they must first be soaked. After this, they enlarge and take their original umbrella shape. Mushrooms have a very hard stem, so it is not used for food. Xiangu have a rich aroma.

They are also called winter mushrooms. In China, the cultivation of xianggu is given a special place, and the country itself ranks second in their production in the world. Mushrooms are rich in amino acids and enzymes and also contain significant amounts of vitamin D.

Pre-preparation of mushrooms

Any Chinese tree mushroom that is imported into our country is always dried and vacuum sealed. This transportation option does not in any way worsen nutritional properties or taste qualities. But this is only provided that you are privy to the method of their restoration.

Preparing mushrooms for further processing comes down to simple soaking. But there are some subtleties here too.

How to cook wood mushrooms: soaking technology

Professional chefs use the following option:

  1. Remove the plastic and remove the mushrooms.
  2. Place dry mushrooms in a deep bowl.
  3. Add clean boiled water room temperature. The liquid should cover the mushrooms, but there should be some free space in the pan. Remember that mushrooms increase in size significantly.
  4. Tree mushrooms must spend a full two hours in water. Then they are washed. And again they fill it with clean water, but this time it’s completely cold.
  5. The dishes with mushrooms should be placed in the refrigerator for 4 hours. After this time, the mushrooms are completely ready for further use.

Quite a long procedure. The Chinese don't bother themselves that much. They pour the dry mushroom mass not too much cold water and leave for a couple of hours. Then the mushrooms are washed and cooking begins.

Remember that you cannot restore dried mushrooms using hot or boiling water. In this case, instead of quality mushrooms, you will get an unappetizing mass.

If all the recommendations are followed, then beautiful dark brown woody mushrooms will be waiting for you in the bowl. It is necessary to remove the bottom of the mushroom stem, since this is where the mushroom attaches to the tree. The cap and the rest of the stem can be used in cooking. It is worth considering that the legs are hard, but the caps are very delicate.

Chinese mushroom recipes

First we will prepare a salad of tree mushrooms.

You will need:

  • wood mushrooms (already soaked) - 300 grams;
  • canned corn - 1 can;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • soy sauce - 100 milliliters;
  • vegetable oil - 2 large spoons.

The mushrooms must be cut into arbitrary slices, and the onion into thin half rings. Fry the mushrooms and onions for about 7 minutes. Place corn on them, after draining all the water. Add a glass of water to the pan and evaporate all the liquid. The garlic must be passed through a press, combined with soy sauce and added to the pan. As soon as the contents of the pan boil, the salad is ready. It is served warm, and to make the dish more satisfying, you can add fried fillet chicken or turkey.

It will be no less tasty spicy snack with Chinese mushrooms.

You will need:

  • wood mushrooms -300 grams;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • garlic - a couple of cloves;
  • salt and red pepper;
  • vinegar - a tablespoon.

Cut the pre-soaked mushrooms into small even pieces. Combine salt and vinegar and marinate them. Chop the onion and garlic thoroughly and then place them in hot frying pan. Don't forget to add frying oil. Bring the mixture to a homogeneous state and add mushrooms here. Cook the dish under a closed lid over low heat for about 20 minutes. Be sure to stir the appetizer during cooking. The result aromatic dish Perfect as a dressing or sauce for rice, meat or vegetables.

Second course

Next delicious recipe- wood mushrooms with veal.


  • mushrooms - 500 grams;
  • veal tenderloin - kilogram;
  • onion - 3 onions;
  • garlic - two heads;
  • soy sauce - 250 grams;
  • ginger (grated root) - 250 grams;
  • potato starch - 250 grams;
  • sesame oil - 20 grams;
  • sesame seeds - a teaspoon.

Mushrooms should not be cut too large. Cut the veal into thin slices and fry in a frying pan. Take dishes with high sides for cooking. Add chopped onion and garlic, as well as ginger, to the meat, add soy sauce and sesame oil (it can be replaced with regular vegetable oil). Pour in another half glass of water and simmer until tender over low heat. Dilute the starch in water and add it to the dish at the very end of cooking.

Features of Chinese cuisine

All dishes prepared according to these recipes demonstrate the true taste and aroma of ki Thai cuisine. To balance out the heat of Asia, try serving them with dishes that have a calmer flavor. Our favorite can act as such mashed potatoes or, alternatively, steamed rice.

Tree mushrooms can be prepared the way we are used to. Simply fry in a frying pan with onions or cook a classic mushroom soup. Good luck!

Kira Stoletova


Over time, the fruiting bodies destroy the wood or sawdust. Representatives have different descriptions:

  1. The black Chinese mushroom does not have a prominent cap and stem; the fruit body is wavy, thin, reminiscent of scallops.
  2. Shiitake mushrooms are similar in appearance to Champignon mushrooms, only they have a different color.

A feature that unites all Chinese woody mushrooms is the secretion of special enzymes that can break down wood and use this for the rapid growth of the mycelium. This unpretentiousness to the substrate makes possible cultivation on an industrial scale.


  • Yellow Polypore;
  • Orange Polypore;
  • Coral Woody;
  • Shiitake;
  • Black Muer.

The tinder fungus is common in temperate climates. In China, this mushroom is used in medicinal purposes. Such mushrooms grow on the bark of trees, the fruiting body is flat and ear-shaped, there is no prominent stalk. There are conditionally edible and inedible species. Polypores that grow on coniferous trees are not eaten; they are poisonous. Description of mushrooms:

  1. The coral species has more than one name: Icy, White, Royal, Snowy, Gelatinous. Hymenophore is similar to white sea corals. Grows on woody substrate.
  2. Shiitake, also known as Japanese Forest Mushroom, grows on dead wood. It looks like a Champignon, has a dark brown color with streaks on the cap. Growing up alone. It has high taste qualities.
  3. Muer is popular in China, Vietnam, and Thailand. It grows on alder, has the shape of ears, the fruit body is thin and black. Juveniles have a pinkish color and transparent flesh. The species is also found in the Russian Far East.

More often supplied dried fruits– they are easier to transport and store. In addition, they retain the entire range of vitamins and microelements.

Useful properties and composition

Compound different types is different. But they all contain the following elements:

  • vitamin D;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • polysaccharides;
  • acids;
  • protein;
  • chitin;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium.

The calorie content of the products is low. Coral mushroom is considered dietary product, it contains 70% fiber. In Shiitake there are only 34 kcal per 100 g, in Trutovik - 24 kcal. Any mushroom is indicated for weight loss because alimentary fiber cleanse the intestines, and chitin promotes satiety. The pulp is low in carbohydrates and high in protein, which is useful for gaining muscle mass.

Dried tree mushrooms have the same composition of vitamins. They should be pre-soaked before use. Considering vitamins and microelements, fruits are useful for:

  1. Digestive and intestinal organs.
  2. Blood vessels.
  3. Works of the heart.
  4. Brain, improve concentration and memory.
  5. Strengthening the musculoskeletal system.
  6. Protects the liver from toxins.
  7. Lower cholesterol and sugar levels.

Scientists prove the benefits of mushrooms during radiation exposure, for the prevention of tumors and treatment diabetes mellitus. The snowy look is beneficial for smokers due to its nicotinic acid content. Muer is a unique protein fruit that prevents the occurrence of vitamin deficiency. Shiitake fruits are good for the respiratory system; in Chinese teaching they are considered regulators of positive Qi energy.


Tree mushrooms cause harm:

  • children under 14 years of age due to the chitin content;
  • people with individual intolerance, including allergy sufferers;
  • patients with digestive problems, which makes it impossible to digest and assimilate mushrooms.

Most of the species are produced at enterprises, so there is no need to worry about poisoning from such fruits. It is important to follow the instructions for use and storage. When collecting tinder fungi, the same precautions are taken as when collecting ordinary forest species. Dried tree mushrooms should not be bought secondhand.

Use in cooking and medicine

Chinese tradition has long used Muer, Shiitake, and Tinder to prepare soups, side dishes and other dishes. The coral variety is added to sauces and also eaten in fried: it has a pleasant crunchy structure and unusual taste. Dried tree mushrooms are boiled, the water is squeezed out and left in canned peach syrup.

In medicine, lentian is obtained from Shiitake, which is the basis of commercial drugs in Japan. In Chinese folk medicine prepare tinctures, ointments, dry powders and extracts from dried Polypore. Muer tinctures are known for their anti-inflammatory and healing properties.

In cosmetology, white coral species are used to make skin creams:

  • moisturizing;
  • anti-aging;
  • anti-wrinkle cream.

Nowadays in European countries they pay special attention to the cosmetological and medicinal properties of the product. There are also exotic ways to use these organisms. The violinist Stradivarius made himself unique musical instruments from wood that had been depleted by tree fungi, so it conducted sound better.

In appearance, muer vaguely resembles the mushrooms we are used to. But still it is a mushroom, and with very unusual names. It was in the East that they called him muer, but outside his homeland they came up with the most unusual names: from “tree ear” to “Judas ear”. But more often in different countries it is called wood or Chinese mushroom.

What is muer

There is a legend that the first tree mushrooms appeared on the very tree on which Judas, who betrayed Jesus, hanged himself. When people saw that this unusual mushroom’s shape resembled an ear, they “christened” it the ear of Judas. In the scientific community, this organism is known under the Latin name Auricularia auricula, that is, ear-shaped auricularia.

Initially, muer was used as a food product only by residents of China and Japan. But with the growing popularity oriental cuisine The fact that tree mushrooms can be eaten has become known all over the world. And they not only learned it, but included it in their diets. Although auricularia is a traditional product of oriental cuisine, it is also not alien to us. In Russia, these mushrooms are found quite often, but few people decide to collect them. But gourmets safely buy the product in stores with oriental spices.

Auricularia faintly resemble traditional mushrooms. Their wrinkled caps rarely exceed 10 cm in diameter, and their thickness, as a rule, is no more than 5 mm. Jelly-like pulp fresh mushroom almost odorless. With age, the muer can change color: from purple (at an early stage of development) to brown with a purple tint (at an “advanced” age). The age of abalone can also be determined by its texture: the older the organism, the denser, rougher it is, and some even become gristly. Muer rarely grows alone. Tree abalones love to settle on deciduous (sometimes coniferous) trees in entire colonies. Their favorite trees are elderberry and alder. But this is ours. And the Chinese, apparently, no longer have enough wild abalones, so in this country their favorite mushrooms have long been specially grown (on various wood substitutes and straw).

Nutritional characteristics and chemical composition

Muer mushrooms – very nutritious product. They contain an impressive amount of useful substances, but at the same time they contain almost nothing. Hence it is so low: a little more than 30 kcal per 100 g. This delicacy contains, among which the most, and many minerals important for maintaining health. It is interesting that the reserves of abalone are almost 2 times higher than the concentration of these substances in meat. Due to their rich phosphorus content, tree mushrooms are considered a fish substitute in a vegan diet.

Beneficial features

Since ancient times, Auricularia auricularia has been known in the East as a natural medicine, and today muer is used by fungotherapists all over the world.

The benefits of these organisms for the circulatory system are known. In particular, muer belongs to products that prevent excessive platelet formation. Researchers who studied this ability of the fungus compared it with the drug heparin, used in medicine to thin the blood.

Modern scientific research confirms that abalone has the ability to reduce, strengthen cardiovascular system, prevent the growth of malignant tumors. In addition, scientists have found scientific evidence that these unusual mushrooms are able to regulate stomach acidity, treat inflammation and irritation on the mucous membranes of the digestive organs. This product is useful for people with dysbiosis, gastritis, enterocolitis or chronic diarrhea. By the way, the last point may quite surprise many: they say, what mushrooms are for diarrhea! In fact, the astringent effect of abalone has already been proven in the laboratory. Diarrhea can be cured not only by fresh muer, but also by dried and powdered muer, which can be added in small quantities to other dishes that are more familiar to the patient.

Despite the very unusual appearance, wood ear has something in common with, for example, porcini mushrooms. This is the presence in their composition large quantity and (chitosan). And this is another reason why muer is useful for digestive system. Fiber and chitosan are able to absorb toxic substances and remove them from the body, like the well-known activated carbon.

Thanks to this ability, muer can be useful in case of poisoning.

In addition to the benefits already listed, Chinese mushrooms have the properties of a natural antibiotic and are a natural anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. These mushrooms are useful for edema, as they help remove fluid from the body.

Unique chemical composition abalone makes them powerful natural. Therefore, mushrooms are useful as a food with anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, it is believed that muer helps slow down the aging process in the body.

Wood mushroom has beneficial properties for the lungs, and therefore Chinese doctors advise smokers to include this product in their diet as often as possible. Muer contains some reserves, which is the main mineral for thyroid gland. The combination of algae with tree fungi can become an excellent remedy for the treatment or prevention of iodine deficiency.

Use in alternative medicine

In Chinese medicine, muer is known as a medicine against anemia, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, kidney stones and gall bladder. Since ancient times, Chinese healers have used a milk decoction of abalone to treat seasonal colds and infectious diseases of the respiratory system, and to combat swelling they used the most ordinary rice, cooked without, but with the addition of dried abalone.

But don't think that medicinal properties this amazing product were known only in ancient China. The Eastern Slavs also respected the healing abilities of tree mushrooms. They applied mushrooms to swellings, and used muer products to treat inflammation in the throat, as well as for the so-called angina pectoris.

Dangerous properties of muer

It is better to exclude these exotic mushrooms from your diet for nursing mothers and women planning to soon become mothers. In addition, tree ears are prohibited not only for those already pregnant, but also at the stage of planning a child. This product is not suitable for people suffering from allergies, dermatitis and eczema. Tree abalones (or rather, absolutely all mushrooms) are strictly prohibited for people with liver diseases. People with increased secretion of the thyroid gland should be wary of Chinese mushrooms, since muer further activates the thyroid gland. For people with diseases of the digestive system, especially in the acute period, this product is also prohibited (coarse fiber contributes to even greater irritation of the mucous membranes). There is no clear opinion in scientific circles regarding the introduction of muer into the diet of people with cholecystitis or other gallbladder diseases. Experts from the classical school of cardiology do not advise people with heart disease to overindulge in mushrooms, since excessive consumption of fiber in some cases can be dangerous for them (increases pressure in the abdominal cavity, and this can affect arterial pressure). This product should not be given to children under 14 years of age, since their bodies are not yet able to digest chitin, which is abundant in muere.

Wood mushrooms in cooking

Muer is a famous delicacy of Chinese, Vietnamese, and Thai cuisine. In Japan this unusual product, prepared with tiger lily buds, was the main “trick” of imperial receptions for centuries. If muer appears in our stores, it is already dried, when it resembles charred paper, and tastes sweet with a slight smoky smell. Abalone can also be used in dried form by grinding it into powder and adding it to soups and other dishes as a seasoning. Or you can soak the tree ears.

If the mushrooms are to be a separate dish, then before using them you will definitely have to pour them over and leave them for at least half an hour. The structure of these organisms allows them to absorb moisture very quickly and in large quantities. After just 2 hours, the dried muer will increase in volume by almost 10 times. Some gourmets advise changing the water in which the mushrooms soak several times. In addition, each time alternate cold and warm liquid, after which the product is placed in the refrigerator for a day (of course, in water).

Once the mushroom reaches its original size, you can begin cooking. Soaked abalone can be kept in liquid in the refrigerator for no longer than two days. But it would be more correct to prepare the product right away.

Like most forest mushrooms, muer requires a long heat treatment. To make the product soft and completely cooked, boil it for at least 2 hours, and once boiled, the ears can be added to soups, salads and other dishes. Pre-boiled mushrooms can be fried, stewed, added to cold appetizers, and whole ones can be stuffed. Pickled muer is very popular in oriental cuisine. If the boiled ears are cut into strips, they can be added to the broth instead of noodles. In Korea, muer is fried with red pepper and cilantro.

Due to their almost neutral taste, these mushrooms go well with different food groups. For example, if you add fried onions to the abalones, and a little soy sauce and simmer everything together for 10 minutes, you get a dish that any gourmet will appreciate. Muer goes well with meat, boiled rice And . The famous funchoza salad is also prepared using tree mushrooms.

Some argue that soaked muer is more reminiscent of seafood than mushrooms. But no matter who sees what in unusual shape Chinese mushroom, it beneficial features this does not change. This product is called differently in different countries, but in almost all of them this healthy exotic is highly valued.

Before you start cooking anything using Chinese tree mushroom, you need to prepare it properly. The packaging of this product always contains instructions for use, but there are some subtleties that are not mentioned in it.

So, soak muer necessary in warm water, slightly warmer than room temperature. Under no circumstances should you use hot water, otherwise the result will be a slimy mushroom mass that is unsuitable for food. After soaking The mushrooms need to be sorted, rinsed and filled with cold water. In this form, they must be left in a cool place for at least 12 hours. After the specified period of time, you can begin cook muer. You need to drain the water, add a little salt to the mushrooms and season Not big amount 9% -nogo vinegar.

Original Chinese tree mushroom snack


    2 packs of dried tree mushrooms

    1 can canned corn

    2 tbsp. spoons vegetable oil

    1 onion

    2 cloves garlic

    100 ml soy sauce

How to prepare an original Chinese tree mushroom snack:

  1. Prepare Chinese mushrooms in advance and cut into small pieces.
  2. Cut the onion into thin half rings and fry in vegetable oil in a well-heated frying pan along with mushrooms for about 5 minutes.
  3. From a jar with canned corn drain all the liquid and add the grains to the pan. Add 1 glass of water to the mixture and simmer until the liquid has completely evaporated.
  4. Pour in the soy sauce and then add the pressed garlic. As soon as the sauce in the pan begins to boil, turn off the heat.
  5. Ready Chinese snack made from wood and served warm.



    1 pack of dried Chinese mushrooms

    200 g boiled or smoked chicken

    1 small onion

    1 carrot

    100 g funchose

    1 fresh cucumber

    1 clove of garlic

    vegetable oil - for frying

    sugar - to taste

    salt - to taste

    soy sauce - to taste

How to cook Chinese salad with funchose and wood mushrooms:

  1. Prepare and chop the mushrooms coarsely.
  2. Grate carrots onto coarse grater, cut the onion into thin half rings, mix them with mushrooms and fry in vegetable oil until fully cooked.
  3. While the vegetables reach the desired state, cut the chicken into strips, fresh cucumbers grate on a coarse grater, boil the funchose, drain in a colander and let cool until lukewarm.
  4. When the vegetables are finally ready and the funchose has cooled, you can put all the ingredients in a deep salad bowl. Next, season the salad with soy sauce, salt and pepper, add sugar and chopped garlic and mix thoroughly.
  5. After this, the dish must be put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours so that the salad can infuse.
  6. Chinese salad with funchose and wood mushrooms is served as a separate dish.
Do you like mushrooms? Cook more delicious dishes according to our recipes!

Today we invite you to master a dish that will be appreciated not only by fans of oriental cuisine, but also by everyone who loves juicy spicy snacks. Unusual salad with wood mushrooms in Chinese is prepared in several ways, we have selected the most popular of them. In addition, one of the main advantages of cooking is, of course, its speed, because everything about everything will take no more than half an hour of our time.

Chinese tree mushrooms for salad

The main ingredient in Chinese salad is tree mushroom, and if you have never come across it on sale, it will not be easy to find. And not so much because it is rarely found on our shelves, but because of its inconspicuousness.

Tree mushrooms, or as they are also called mu er or mun, are sold only in dried form - this significantly increases their shelf life, since ready-to-eat mushrooms are stored for no more than a couple of days and only in the refrigerator.

Dried mu er are sold in very small packages, but you shouldn’t pick up several at once - from a box the size of a briquette processed cheese You can prepare an appetizer for 4 people if you soak it properly and wait the right amount of time.

How to properly soak mu er

Pour boiling water over the tree mushrooms whole, you can lightly salt the water and add half a teaspoon of vinegar. We leave them like this for an hour to an hour and a half so that they open up.

However, if we decide to pour them in the evening so that we can start preparing the salad in the morning, or if we do it, on the contrary, in the morning before leaving for work, it’s okay, it won’t make the taste any worse.

Ready-to-eat mushrooms will increase in size by 6-8 times. Now you can start preparing any snack of your choice!

Because oriental dish You can prepare it in several ways, we will go from simple to complex and, for starters, make a salad with a minimum of ingredients.

Spicy Chinese salad with tree mushrooms


  • Wood Chinese mushrooms- 1 package + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - 2 cloves + -
  • - 1/2 tsp. + -
  • - 2 tbsp. + -
  • 2 pinches or to taste + -
  • Ground red pepper- 1/2 tsp. + -

Making homemade Chinese salad

  1. We soak the mushrooms and 10 minutes before we are ready to drain them, we start preparing the salad.
  2. First, prepare the onion - cut it into half rings or cubes, whichever you prefer to see in a salad, and peel the garlic.
  3. Pour oil into the pan and once it is very hot, add red pepper powder. It is necessary to overcook the spice so that it does not burn and does not interrupt the taste of other products, but only emphasizes it and gives a little spiciness.
  4. Keep the pepper on medium heat for 30-40 seconds, stirring continuously, and then add the onion to it, stir and leave to warm up until lightly golden.
  5. Drain the mushrooms, let them drain and cut into thin strips. Mix the rosy onions again and pour the boiling fry over the chopped mushrooms.
  6. While the salad has not cooled, pass the garlic through a press and add it to the rest of the ingredients. Stir, add some salt and leave. Serve when the Chinese salad reaches room temperature.

If desired, you can fry the garlic along with the onion - this will make the salad less spicy, but more aromatic and change the taste slightly.

For those who like snacks with a lot of ingredients, we recommend preparing the salad according to the following recipe.

Chinese tree mushroom salad with carrots

Pour in the mushrooms and leave them to swell. Then we drain and, while they are draining, we prepare the remaining ingredients.

How to Make Homemade Chinese Tree Mushroom Salad

  • 1 carrot, three on a coarse grater or chopped in a vegetable cutter.
  • 1 onion chopped small cubes or very thin half rings.
  • Heat a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the onion for 3-4 minutes, then add chopped carrots to it. Let it sit until it becomes soft and browned.
  • Cut the mushrooms into thin strips and place them in a frying pan - additional heat treatment will make the salad unusually juicy. There is no need to keep them on the fire for a long time; 10 minutes is enough for them to remain crispy.

Remove the finished salad from the heat, transfer it to a salad bowl and, while it cools, prepare the dressing.

Preparing the dressing

  1. Mix 2 tbsp. soy sauce with 1 tsp. sugar and 1 tsp. vinegar;
  2. Squeeze (optional) 1-2 cloves of garlic;
  3. Add red pepper to taste, but not more than 1/3 tsp, since it is not fried.
  4. Shake everything well, it is better to use a jar with a lid and pour over the salad.

Mix the dressing and sprinkle ready salad in Chinese 1-2 tbsp. sesame seeds and serve immediately. The appetizer with warm wood mushrooms is especially tasty.

If you want to give the salad a special spicy note, you can also use Korean carrots. This amount of ingredients will require 200 g of it. There is no need to fry it - add it raw directly to the salad.

But such a salad can be not only an excellent appetizer, but also a full-fledged oriental dinner if you add a couple of additional components to it.

Chinese tree mushroom salad with funchose

We brew a pack of mushrooms with boiling water, as indicated above, and after 40 minutes we begin preparing the remaining ingredients.

  1. Boil 150 g of funchose or the same amount rice noodles According to the instructions, drain it and put it in a salad bowl.
  2. Peel 1 onion and fry it in oil with or without pepper and, while it sautés, cut the mushrooms into strips.
  3. Add wood mushrooms to the onions and keep for about 10-15 minutes. Place hot on top of funchose.
  4. Beat 2 eggs with a pinch of salt and fry them into 2-3 pancakes, depending on the diameter of the pan. The main thing is to bake them on both sides, like classic pancakes from dough. When ready, cut them into strips right away, without waiting for them to cool down, and put them in a salad bowl.
  5. Finally, cut the fresh cucumber into thin slices.

Prepare the dressing: mix 2 tbsp. soy sauce with 1 tbsp. oil, sesame or refined sunflower, squeeze out 1 clove of garlic.

Season the salad and mix it, sprinkling sesame seeds. It can be served warm or cold when it is well infused.

If you want to make the dish even more satisfying, add 150-200 g of smoked finely chopped chicken to it - it will add additional aroma and taste.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in preparing a salad with tree mushrooms in Chinese; on the contrary, even a novice housewife can make this appetizer. Try to surprise your guests or please your household with an unusual dinner or original dish on festive table. You'll see - everyone will ask for more!