White wood mushroom - how to cook. Fried Chinese wood mushrooms


  • Tree mushrooms (Muer) – 1 package (20 grams),
  • Onion – 1 head (medium size),
  • Carrots – 3 pieces (about 100 grams),
  • Garlic – 2 cloves (small size),
  • Soy sauce - 2 - 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • Black and red ground pepper– 1 pinch each,
  • Ground coriander – ½ teaspoon (without a slide),
  • Vegetable oil (odorless) – 2 – 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • Water (boiling water) – 1 liter.

In the East tree mushrooms widespread, they are not only tasty, but also very healthy. It contains so much protein that it can be put on a par with meat products according to its content. Muer is rich in microelements, thanks to which it saturates the body during fasting and diets.

Most often, soups and salads are prepared from tree mushrooms, and we will fry them with carrots and onions, perfect dish in post Below in the recipe I will show you how to cook Chinese tree mushrooms with carrots.

How to cook Chinese muer wood mushrooms, recipe with photos

First you need to prepare the ingredients, peel the carrots, onions and garlic.
Remove the wrapper from the mushrooms and place them in a deep bowl. Boil the water.

Pour boiling water over the mushrooms. Cover the top of the cup with a plate or lid and leave for half an hour.

IN hot water the mushrooms will begin to increase in size and reach a weight of 200 grams, and in appearance they will look like “ears”. Remove the mushrooms from the water and rinse thoroughly in cold water.

Then place on a cutting board and cut into small pieces, cutting out the hard parts, we won't need them.

Grate the peeled carrots to Korean salads. Cut the onion into thin half rings. Chop the garlic; you can use a garlic press or chop it with a knife.

Pour oil into a frying pan and heat it.

Place onion, carrots and garlic into hot oil. Fry until soft over medium heat.

After 5 - 8 minutes, add the prepared mushrooms. Mix the ingredients. Simmer for a couple more minutes.

Then add soy sauce, ground black and red pepper, coriander. Stir and fry for another 5 minutes over low heat. That's the whole recipe. Now you know how to cook Chinese tree mushrooms.

Prepared mushrooms can be served as a dish on their own, but they also go perfectly with boiled spicy rice. Place mushrooms and rice on a plate and serve with fresh herbs when serving.

Final recipe photo: Stir-fried Chinese Wood Mushrooms

On a note:

Muer or tree mushroom, popularly called “tree ear,” grows in China and rarely comes to our tables. You can only find them in our area in stores; they are sold dry, pressed into small rectangles of 20 grams each. But during the soaking process they increase 10 times, this is a very interesting action.

100 grams of muer (another name for “turkey ear”) contains the following nutritional elements:

  • 10 g proteins;
  • 0 g fat;
  • 2 g carbohydrates.

As you can see, this plant contains a low amount of nutrients, but why then has it become so widespread in Asian cuisine? The answer lies in the content of a huge amount of vitamins and useful minerals.

In China, there is a belief that muer prolongs life, and this is true. This forest dweller is especially popular because it does not contain any negative substances, be it any nitrates or poisons.

The plant contains enzymes that help break up blood clots in blood vessels, improve blood circulation, and are rich in amino acids, which has a good effect on the general condition of the body. The huge content of vitamins D, C and B12 contributes to the development of immunity against various diseases. Calcium contained in the composition helps strengthen bones, phosphorus has a good effect on the condition of the eyes. In general, this mushroom is a storehouse of vitamins. However, despite all its usefulness, the product should not be consumed by children under 14 years of age due to the chitin content.

Place of growth

These mushrooms grow on trees in regions of Foreign Asia in deciduous and mixed forests (in the photo they look like a rosebud). There are two types: black (hei) and white (also known as bai). Plants love a humid, warm climate, but grow well in temperate climates, such as in the Jiangxi province of China, where the cordyceps mushroom is still popular.

The black species (like the cordyceps mushroom) is known in Japan as kikutare. It prefers to grow on alder trees, but is also found on elm trunks. The not yet dried mushroom has a light brown color, which when dried turns into black-gray. Dried products resemble burnt paper, however, despite their unappetizing appearance, they have a distinct, unique taste. The black variety is more common in cooking than the white variety due to its greater distribution, availability, and ease of cultivation.

White muer, which has names such as “pearl” and “Chinese”, prefers to grow on beech and oak trees. This type of mushroom in its shape, size and photo resembles a small jellyfish.

When dried, the muer comes out a large number of moisture, and it takes on the size of a table tennis ball and a beige, sometimes milky color. White muer, unlike black, has not only found great use in medicine, but is also eaten, but very rarely. White muer is more difficult to grow, it requires more time and useful substances, however, it contains much more useful substances, and its price is higher.

Marinated Chinese tree mushroom Muer (video)

Application of muer

Chinese muer mushrooms (like the Cordyceps mushroom) have found great use in cooking and medicine. Collecting mushrooms when they grow in natural conditions is unprofitable, and in Asia there are special farms for growing them, including muer. But even those mushrooms that remain in the forest are collected, but by private mushroom pickers.

Chinese muer mushrooms are exported to many countries, for example, the USA, Canada, Australia, Russia; the only competition is the cordyceps mushroom. In these countries, turkey ear is considered an expensive delicacy.

In cooking, mushrooms are soaked in water before use. They make them great amount sauces for meat, fish and other dishes. Muer noodle soup is common in restaurants and is in demand (the photos on the menu are very appetizing). Plants are served as independent dish. These dishes are usually not spicy, so as not to overpower the taste of the main product. These mushrooms are low in calories, and there are many dietary dishes of them. Positive reviews the use of mushrooms in diets was reported by many nutritionists working in medical publications, for example, the Wuying magazine, which published photos of different healthy dishes.

Muer has become widespread in medicine due to its content of vitamins and minerals. On sale you can find various mushroom ointments aimed at improving the condition of the skin, relieving pain in various places, as well as various granular vitamins based on muer.

In China medicinal properties these mushrooms were identified back in the middle of the 14th century, when common medicines were not widespread. They have been successfully used as medicinal compounds against colds, headaches and various other ailments. An antiseptic ointment made from muer, rice and green tea infusion was common.

But you should not get too carried away with self-medication; in case of a serious illness, you need to consult a doctor and take modern medications.

On mushroom farms, muer is usually dried. There is a way to marinate these mushrooms, but this option is not popular with local residents, but is done only for the sake of selling to tourists. Salting of these mushrooms is not used; salt kills all the beneficial components and taste of the mushrooms.

No fat, low carbohydrates, and high content protein has made muer an excellent food for bodybuilders preparing for bodybuilding competitions. And athletes from China and Japan take advantage of this by adding dishes from this product to their diet and using them to win prizes in competitions.

It should also be noted the influence of the plant on the emotional state of a person. Infusions of these mushrooms have always had a calming effect on nervous system a person, relaxed his body and cleared his mind - they acted like relaxing medications.

Ancient shamans in China used a mixture of muer with mint and motherwort to enter a state of trance.

In Russia, you can try muer in various elite restaurants and specialized stores. Chinese food. If possible, you should try the option where it is sold in a black steel box, because such packaging retains a pronounced taste, at the same time healing properties.

For self-cooking Chinese soup, whose photo is incomparable, you will need:

  • Chinese rice - 200 g;
  • mushroom - 100 g;
  • soy sauce - 30 ml;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • black pepper and salt - to taste.

The flavor of the muer should not be overpowered, and rice that does not have a distinct flavor of its own is ideal.

Cooking instructions include the following recipe:

  1. Boil rice in salted water.
  2. At this time, you need to fry the mushrooms along with the onions in a frying pan with oil.
  3. Then add onion, rice, top up soy sauce, sprinkle with pepper, salt and simmer for 10 minutes.

The dish is ready.

Muer is useful, but, unfortunately, it is difficult to get in Russia. It has become widespread in cooking and medicine. If you have the opportunity to try this product, you should not miss it.

Fried Chinese muer mushrooms (video)

These are thin and brittle woody black mushrooms. Outwardly, they look like charred paper. Mushrooms have a smoky smell and crispy, sweetish flesh. They are widely used in Vietnam, Thailand, China. Muer grows on tree trunks. Muer mushrooms were first used at imperial receptions in Japan. Mushrooms along with tiger lily buds were considered a real delicacy Japanese cuisine. All guests loved their crispy texture and sweet taste.

Later muer became widespread in Western countries. In dried form, these mushrooms were not particularly popular until at one of the markets the muer fell into the water, after which it swelled and acquired the appearance familiar to such a product. Now you can buy muer in an oriental spice store at a fairly affordable price.

How to choose

If you purchase dried mushrooms, and most often muer are sold in this form, it is worth paying attention to their appearance. They should be dry and without any droplets on the bag.

Then look at the color, which can be black or dark gray, but always even, without green or white splashes. If such spots are present, the mushrooms have most likely been wet and moldy. This product is not worth taking.

How to store

It is recommended to store dried mushrooms in a cool, dry place, where they will be usable for a very long time, up to 5 years. Soaked mushrooms are stored in a closed bowl with water for no more than 2-3 days.

In cooking

Muer has an almost neutral taste, due to which they combine perfectly with any food. They are used to prepare numerous stews and fried foods, first courses, side dishes, cold appetizers and salads. Muer is rarely used as a main dish due to the same neutrality of taste.

Before cooking, this product must be soaked in warm water for about 3-4 hours. After this, the mushrooms increase their volume 6-8 times. Next, you need to remove the tough root part and you can cook.

In Korea, fried muer with spices is popular. To prepare this dish, add red pepper and ground cilantro to a heated frying pan, pour olive oil over them and fry for about 2 minutes. Then add mushrooms and cook for 7-10 minutes. Cooled mushrooms are served with herbs. If the product is part of a salad, then you need to add salty and hot sauces. In addition, muer is often consumed as noodles, cut into thin strips and placed in boiling broth for 20 minutes.

These mushrooms are also often used as a side dish for fried potatoes, boiled rice or pork. Funchoza salad with muer is popular in modern cuisine. In addition to the muer, its composition includes rice noodles, carrots, cabbage stalks, spices and herbs. To prepare it, pour boiling water over the vermicelli for 10-15 minutes, meanwhile frying the cabbage stalk and grated carrots with spices, then add the mushrooms cut into strips and fry for about 10-15 minutes. After this, cover the pan with a lid and let stand for about 10 minutes. After this time, the noodles are mixed with mushrooms, soy sauce and fresh cilantro are added and cooled in the refrigerator for several hours.

Calorie content

Like most mushrooms, the calorie content of muer is very small - 33 kcal. Therefore, it can also be used in dietary nutrition.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of muer

Composition and presence of nutrients

These mushrooms are so popular in Asia for a reason. Besides the good ones taste qualities, they have many useful and even unique properties. Muer is rich in protein, and in terms of its content this product is not inferior even to meat. These mushrooms contain a lot of B vitamins and vitamin D. Muer also contains amino acids, phosphorus, calcium, and potassium. It is ideal for dietary nutrition, as it helps to reduce weight, while saturating the body with all the necessary microelements, which prevents vitamin deficiency.

Useful and healing properties

Benefit from muer mushrooms great for health. First of all, because they are considered an excellent natural antioxidant.

Mushrooms have a number of enzymes that prevent the formation of blood clots in blood vessels, as well as nicotinic acid, known beneficial influence for restoration processes. In other words, by eating muer, a person can not only protect the body, but also help its renewal.

contains iodine, which is important for thyroid gland. These mushrooms usually help eliminate iodine deficiency along with other Japanese culinary products, such as chuka and shibuki seaweed.

Also, tree mushrooms are rich in polysaccharides, which prevent the development of malignant tumors and can increase overall immunity. In addition, extracts, ointments and tinctures from muer, used in oriental medicine, cope well with skin diseases and heal wounds.

This product is also useful for people suffering from hypertension, anemia, obesity and diabetes. Consumption of muer helps reduce cholesterol levels and improve the condition of the cardiovascular system.

Thanks to regular use Muera normalizes the acidity of the stomach, calms the inflamed and irritated mucous membrane. It acts as a mild antibiotic with anti-inflammatory effects.

It is also believed that muer normalizes water metabolism and slows down the aging process. They should be consumed by those who suffer from swelling in the legs (for this, a teaspoon of chopped mushrooms is added to rice cooked without salt).

Among other things, muer prevents the development of infectious diseases.

Muer mushroom (Chinese black tree mushroom) is mainly found in Asian countries. It is similar in shape to oyster mushrooms and grows primarily on deciduous trees rather than conifers. The Chinese nicknamed the mushroom “tree ear,” and it really does look like an ear. This mushroom is a treasure trove useful to people substances: protein, vitamins B and C, microelements (iron, calcium, phosphorus) and a complete absence of fat.

There is a legend about this mushroom, as if this mushroom first appeared on the tree that Judas, the traitor of Jesus, chose to hang. People who saw the resemblance of the mushroom to the human ear called this mushroom “Judas’s ear.”

There are two types of muer mushroom: Auricularia auriculata and Auricularia pilosa. Their difference is appearance and color - ear-shaped mushrooms have an ear-shaped cap and gelatinous translucent flesh, and hairy mushrooms (also known as white Chinese tree mushrooms) are distinguished by a pubescent upper surface of a gray-brown color and their flesh is gray-white. Auricularia eariformis is the more popular species in use.

By the way, the muer mushroom is not always black. There are white (dessert) and yellow types of mushroom. In Russian supermarkets you can most often find dried white Chinese tree mushrooms.

Auricularia eariformis has a very short stalk, and it fits tightly to the tree. The flesh of the mushroom is transparent, very thin and gelatinous. The hat is usually rough on top and smooth on the inside, like the shell of an ear. When dried, the mushroom hardens and decreases in size, but not much.

The mushroom has been used in medicine and cooking since ancient times, especially in ancient China. For example, an infusion of these mushrooms was used by the ancient Chinese people to treat eyes and colds and throat diseases.

In addition, the use of the mushroom was noticed in European countries - Germany, Scotland and Ireland, as stated in historical information.

Medical properties of muer mushroom

Muer is useful for people suffering from anemia, hypertension, diabetes and obesity. It contains antitumor substances, and the mushroom also copes with infections of the upper respiratory tract acting as a mild antibiotic. The benefits of Chinese tree mushrooms make them an essential part of the daily diet of older people.

Muer is mainly used for treatment and prevention:

  • Anemia
  • Hypertension, obesity and diabetes
  • Increased acidity and cholesterol levels
  • Reduced immunity

Auricularia eariformis is used in both folk and traditional medicine. For example, in the treatment of severe poisoning, it acts as Activated carbon, that is, acts as a strong absorbent. In addition to its absorbent properties, the muer mushroom has prebiotic properties, which makes it possible to use it for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Due to the ability of the muer mushroom to improve blood composition, it is used in traditional medicine to restore the human body after radiation and chemotherapy. Also, the wood mushroom muer has a property that is useful for athletes - improving metabolism and reducing body weight due to the absence of any fat in the mushroom.

The ear-shaped auricularia also has a number of useful properties for cardiovascular diseases, namely, it has a therapeutic effect on blood clotting, which helps avoid the occurrence of blood clots; helps in the presence of malignant and benign tumors; has a hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effect.

Nutritional composition of muer and use in cooking

Muer has a rich nutritional composition, namely rich in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, macroelements and microelements. Also included are no less necessary human body magnesium, calcium, silicon, potassium and other elements.

Prepare Chinese mushrooms Muer can be whatever your heart desires: boil, fry, marinate older mushrooms and eat “young” mushrooms raw, for example, by adding funchose to a salad. They taste slightly sweet, crunch a little in the mouth and resemble cartilage.

Muer mushrooms go well with various food groups; they complement meat well, boiled rice and potatoes. And if you add fried onions to the mushrooms, chicken fillet, ginger, garlic and a little soy sauce and simmer it all over low heat for 10 minutes, you will get a delicacy beloved by the Chinese and Japanese.

They are usually sold in bags or boxes, dried. Before consuming them, you need to cover the mushrooms with water and leave for about 2 hours. Ideally, soak them before bed and leave them overnight. After this, the mushrooms swell and increase in size. In order to feel the taste of the mushroom, a few pieces are enough, it is not necessary to use the whole pack at once. Soaked mushrooms can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. When dried, mushrooms can be stored for a very, very long time.

Another one unusual feature Chinese black muer mushrooms are that they have absolutely no mushroom taste. When the mushrooms are just taken out of the bag, you can feel a slight smoky aroma, which completely disappears after soaking.

Growing mushrooms

For those who are interested in growing mushrooms, there is great news - these mushrooms can be grown at home! It is enough to make 2 cuts on the branches of a deciduous tree (maple, elderberry, alder), and place the mushroom mycelium there. The length of the branches recommended by experts is up to 1 meter, and the diameter is 15 cm.

Favorable time for planting is from April to May. Mushrooms should be germinated at a temperature of 20 degrees in special piles. The germination process usually takes 3 months, and then the logs are installed in a place protected from sunlight.

If the weather was warm and humid, then by the end of summer you will be able to harvest ready-made fruits! It is worth remembering that harvesting occurs only when white pores appear on the bottom of the cap. Typically, fruiting continues for 6 years, but subject to all care conditions.

Chinese muer mushrooms are absolutely harmless to the human body, and, by the way, have no poisonous analogues in nature. The only thing to be wary of is individual intolerance to the components of mushrooms, for example, chitin. Also, special attention and caution should be shown during lactation and pregnant women. We do not recommend giving muer mushrooms to children under 10 years of age.

To summarize, I would like to wish you not to be afraid to experiment, but within reason, watch what you eat and enjoy your meal!

Asian cuisine surprises gourmets with a variety of unusual dishes. Mushrooms with unusual name"muer" can be added to salads or cooked with them excellent snacks with a unique taste. Today we will discuss how to cook wood mushrooms and share interesting recipes.

Exotic snack for your table

Muer mushrooms are commonly called wood mushrooms. They grow on tree trunks. In supermarkets, such a product is sold dried, so the question of how to prepare wood mushrooms from a pack remains relevant for housewives.

On a note! Wood mushrooms are a unique source of protein, vitamins, micro- and macroelements. They are enriched with iron and are considered very beneficial for human health.

As life practice shows, housewives prepare snacks from dried wood mushrooms, the taste of which is emphasized by spices and herbs. To prepare such a fragrant and incredibly tasty salad, you will have to visit a Chinese shop, since in addition to the usual spices, you will also need exotic additives that Asian chefs use.


  • 4 things. garlic cloves;
  • 3 packs of dried wood mushrooms;
  • ½ tsp. ground black pepper;
  • 2 tbsp. l. refined sunflower seed oil;
  • ½ tsp. seasonings for Korean dishes;
  • ½ tsp. ajinomoto;
  • ½ tsp. ground red pepper.


On a note! The longer the woody mushrooms are marinated, the tastier the dish turns out.

How to prepare dried Chinese tree mushroom?

Most often, black wood mushrooms are found on store shelves. However, they also come in white and yellow. All types are edible, and you can cook delicious dishes from them. savory snacks, as well as salads. Interesting dish obtained from porcini mushrooms. Before use, they need to be prepared, since such mushrooms are sold in pressed dried form.


  • 2 packs of white woody mushrooms;
  • 1 tsp. paprika;
  • 5 pieces. garlic cloves;
  • soy sauce - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • 1 tsp. granulated sugar;
  • 1 tsp. hot pepper ground red;
  • 60 ml refined sunflower seed oil;
  • 2 onions.


Original salad

Let's look at another option on how to cook Chinese tree mushroom. In combination with light vegetables obtained from tree fungi delicious salads. To improve the taste, you need a couple of unusual ingredients, such as oyster sauce and sesame seed oil.

On a note! Easiest to prepare fried potatoes with mushrooms. The mushrooms are first soaked and then fried. This dish is not only tasty, but also very satisfying.


  • 100 g dried wood mushrooms;
  • 2 pcs. fresh cucumbers;
  • 1 ½ tsp. table salt;
  • 2 pcs. garlic cloves;
  • vinegar - 1 tsp;
  • oyster sauce - 1 tsp;
  • sesame seed oil - 2 tbsp. l.


  1. As you already know, pre-dried mushrooms must be soaked.
  2. After half an hour, the mushrooms will swell.
  3. We wash them with running water and cut them into small cubes.
  4. Place the mushrooms in a thick-walled bowl, fill with filtered water and place on the stove.
  5. Boil for 30-40 minutes.
  6. Place the boiled mushrooms in a colander and drain off excess liquid.
  7. Let's cool them down.
  8. Wash fresh cucumbers thoroughly and dry.
  9. Cut into cubes or strips.
  10. Place in a salad bowl, salt to taste.
  11. Leave the cucumbers in this form for a quarter of an hour.
  12. Drain off the released juice.
  13. Grind the garlic cloves.
  14. Combine these ingredients with mushrooms.
  15. Mix everything, pour vinegar and oyster sauce.
  16. Add sesame seed oil.
  17. Mix again and leave for 10-15 minutes to infuse.

On a note! Before preparing dishes from tree mushrooms, do not forget to soak them in water. In principle, half an hour is enough, but some varieties require 2-3 hours to soften and swell.