Marinating pork skewers. Marinade for pork barbecue with tomato juice

Grilled meat is something special. At home, in the oven and even on an air grill, you will never cook such a fragrant, fried shish kebab as on the coals of a fire built on the banks of a river in the nearest forest. And to make the meat soft and tender, marinades were invented in the world.

Marinade is a mixture of spices, vegetable oils and natural products containing acids. The meat aged in the marinade acquires a soft texture and aroma due to the ingredients of the marinade. For pork, beef and lamb, marinades are made rich, while marinades for poultry and fish should be more delicate and tender. The tougher the meat, the longer you need to keep it in the marinade. It is not recommended to put salt in marinades, since the hypertonic solution will simply “suck out” all the juice from the meat, and the kebab will turn out dry. For the same reason, the marinade should not be made too “sour”.

Amateur cooks often experiment with marinades, sometimes adding the most unexpected and even exotic ingredients to them, making marinades sweet, spicy, sour or spicy. Ketchup, vinegar, soy sauce, kiwi, mayonnaise, cognac, coffee, mustard, sparkling mineral water, yogurt, a variety of spices, pomegranate juice, onion, garlic - all this can become the ingredients of your marinade. But the marinade should not be too much. Since the meat will give its juice during the marinating process, the amount of liquid will increase even more - this must be borne in mind.

Do not use aluminum utensils to marinate meat. Usually the meat is marinated in a large enamel saucepan and even in a bucket, if a large company is going to barbecue. But if such dishes are not at hand, it is quite possible to get by with the usual plastic bag, only whole.

The duration of marinating depends on several factors: the stiffness of the meat, the time that you have before the “X” hour, and also on the presence in the refrigerator right products. If time is running out, choose a recipe for a more “vigorous” marinade, and if you add onion to it, do not cut it into rings, as usual, but rub it on a grater. In such a marinade, the meat should be kept literally for 2-3 hours, otherwise it will be bitter.

Fish should not be kept in the marinade for a long time - 45 minutes is enough. Does not require long preparation and poultry meat. You can start frying chicken skewers within half an hour after laying the meat in the marinade.

If you cut the meat into large pieces, it will take longer to marinate it. You need to cut the meat across the fibers so that the pieces do not “shrink” during cooking.

Dishes with meat should be placed in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator.

Barbecue Marinade Recipes

Traditional marinade consists of vinegar, chopped onion rings, black pepper and salt. It is this marinade that is usually used for store-bought kebabs that no one likes. The disadvantages of this mixture are that the vinegar must be measured with jewelry accuracy, and the holding time should not be delayed, otherwise the meat acquires an unpleasant aftertaste, although, of course, it smells wonderful during cooking. But true barbecue connoisseurs reject vinegar and never add it to marinades. The same, incidentally, applies to mayonnaise.

lemon marinade connoisseurs of rejection does not cause and is great for pork. And all you need to do is add lemon juice of one or two lemons to the marinade instead of vinegar. The remaining ingredients are classic - onions, vegetable (preferably olive) oil, black pepper and peas, bay leaf. As for the proportions, 2-3 onions, four tablespoons of oil and spices to taste will be enough for two kilograms of pork.

coffee marinade generally does not involve the addition of acids to the meat. For the same two kilograms of pork with spices, 4 tbsp. spoons olive oil and chopped onion rings (4 pcs.) You will need 1 liter of hot, but not boiling coffee. The meat is poured with this coffee, and then it is left to cool at room temperature first, and then marinate in the refrigerator. Soak the meat in this marinade for six hours. Your guests will never guess what gave the kebabs such tenderness and aroma.

Kefir marinade has recently become very popular with lovers of fragrant shish kebabs in the bosom of nature. For its preparation, a liter is usually taken for two kg of pork. low-fat kefir, spices and seasonings to taste, and four not too small onions. Onions can be cut into rings, or cubes, then mixed with meat and seasonings, and pour the resulting mixture with kefir. The dishes with meat should be shaken well and put in the cold for 4 hours. Kefir marinade is not bad for chicken skewers, and for beef, just not too tough. A marinade based on yogurt is prepared in a similar way, but not sweet with fruit additives, but ordinary sour milk.

Marinade on mineral water made even easier. For him, one and a half liters of well-carbonated mineral water, herbs, spices, a little salt and 3 onions are taken. Even the oldest beef, after 4 hours spent in this marinade, turns into tender fillet. But attention, do not add medical table types of mineral water to the marinade: they have a peculiar taste and smell that they will not hesitate to tell your barbecue.

pomegranate marinade love in the east. For its preparation, two glasses are taken per kilogram of meat. pomegranate juice, a few bunches of herbs (cilantro, mint, basil), more ground pepper and one large onion. The meat is kept in such a marinade for at least 10 hours, and preferably a day, but, of course, in the refrigerator. For lamb and pork, this marinade is almost perfect.

wine marinade gives meat delicate fragrance and makes it softer. However, not everyone likes the taste of wine. Nevertheless, for those who want to try pickling meat in wine, it is recommended to take a liter of dry red wine, three medium-sized onions, more black pepper and fresh basil for the same two kilograms of beef or pork. If you use white wine, your marinade will work for turkey as well.

There are hundreds of barbecue marinade recipes. Soy sauce, honey, kvass, beer, tomato juice, mustard, balsamic and Apple vinegar and whatever. But now that the marinade preparation algorithm is clear, you can experiment with any ingredients, creating your own, unique and most best marinade.

Greetings, my dear guests of the blog! Spring is in full swing, which means it's time for picnics and barbecues. Agree that cooking them correctly is a real art. After all, even the best meat in the hands of an inept cook can turn into a “rubber” piece. The right marinade for pork skewers will help save you from such disappointment.

This is the meal we are going to cook today. However, without a quality main product, it is unlikely that you will be able to cook a delicious dish. When choosing, be sure to pay attention to freshness. The piece should be elastic, even. It should not be caked with blood, mucus or any other liquid.

Be sure to look at the color. Fresh young piglet is light pink in color. If there is a layer of fat, then it should be white. Remember: not creamy, not yellowish, but snow-white! And yet, be sure to sniff the proposed product. If its aroma causes you unpleasant emotions, refuse such a purchase.

Well, choose which delicacy you like best. There are many options for spice blends. Today I will introduce you to ten proven recipes. Among them is the usual, acetic, which will appeal to connoisseurs classic taste. For gourmets, ways with kiwi or pomegranate juice are good.

Marinade recipe for barbecue from 2 kg of pork with vinegar and onions

This option can be called a "classic of the genre." Meat marinated in this way has a breathtaking aroma. A significant advantage of this recipe is that overseas products are not needed for its preparation. And I think there is an onion with vinegar in every kitchen.

In this case, it is better to use pork with a light layer of fat. For example, the neck. Don't take too lean a piece. Vinegar will dry it out, and as a result, it can become harsh.

As for the acid, you can use 70% vinegar or traditional table vinegar. When using the first, do not forget to dilute it with water. Yes, and do not neglect security measures.

The essence is very caustic, so if even a drop gets on the skin, thoroughly rinse the area with running cold water.

It is safer to use 9% vinegar. It is he who will be present in the recipe described below.

What you need for 2 kilos of pork:

  • Onion - 2 large heads
  • Salt - 2 teaspoons
  • Sugar - 1.5 teaspoons
  • Hot red pepper, ground black and paprika - to taste
  • Vinegar 9% - 4 tablespoons
  • Cold boiled water– 120 ml

How to cook:

We wash the pork, dry it and cut into rectangular slices.

Do not cut meat for barbecue into cubes. It is much more convenient to string not thick pieces on skewers. And yes, they cook evenly.

Wash the peeled onion. Then we chop it with a thin straw. The main thing for us is to ensure that the onion gives all its aroma and taste. If you like it when it is fried at the stake, you can peel an additional couple of onions. Cut them into rings and string them on skewers along with the barbecue.

A mixture with vinegar soaks muscle fibers very quickly. It is enough to wait an hour and you can proceed to the next step.

There is another secret: add raw meat to the meat egg(it must be beaten well before being introduced into the total mass). The yolk neutralizes the harsh vinegar flavor. And the protein will create a protective film on the pieces, which will additionally preserve their juiciness.

Thread the marinated pork onto skewers. Next, light the grill and fry the delicacy on the coals until cooked. Drizzle with remaining sauce while frying.

Marinade for pork skewers with tomato juice

The food prepared according to this recipe is so juicy and fragrant. It has light notes of sourness and a bright, rich taste.

This delicacy is prepared with tomato juice. You can use canned. Well, if you cook a kebab in the summer or even in the fall, when the tomatoes ripen, you can take fresh fruits, puree them and use this gruel to make a spicy mixture. Everyone in our family thinks that tomatoes and meat are best friends.

What you need:

  • Shoulder fillet - 1.5 kg
  • Onion - 5 medium sized heads
  • Pepper mix - to taste
  • Suneli hops - a little
  • Red hot peppers- taste
  • Tomato juice - 300 ml
  • Salt - to taste


Wash the spatula, dry it from the water and cut into medium pieces. Transfer to a bowl.

Remember: you need to marinate in a glass or enamel bowl. It is resistant to acids present in fragrant mixture.

Sprinkle salt, pepper, hops-suneli, paprika. We clean the onion from the husk, cut into 4 parts. And then we send it to the blender bowl and grind it into a puree. We send to the marinade.

And mix well. Top it all with tomato juice. It should completely cover the meat. We remove the bowl from the refrigerator.

Let the pieces marinate. In time it will take approximately 2-3 hours.

We kindle a fire and bring the coals to the required heat. Arrange the pieces evenly on the barbecue grill.

Fry until done. From time to time we water our cooking masterpiece leftover juice. How delicious and tender it will turn out!

Quick marinade with soy sauce

Do you want the meat to be soft and juicy, while not fiddling with it for half a day? Prepare it according to this recipe and make sure that it is the most delicious and quick barbecue of the ones you've tried.

Since soy sauce is used here, which is salty in itself, you should not add salt to the ingredients. Otherwise, it's easy to mess things up.

By the way, this marinade for pork skewers can be used for any other meat. For example, beef, lamb or chicken. Check it out and you won't be disappointed!

What we need:

  • Fillet - 1 kg
  • Soy sauce - 200 ml
  • Crushed black pepper - to taste
  • Provencal herbs - a little
  • Garlic - 3 cloves


We divide the pre-washed and dried tenderloin into small pieces. Transfer to a glass or enamel bowl.

Sprinkle on top provencal herbs and we pepper the mass. Pour all this with soy sauce and leave to marinate for 1-2 hours.

During this time, everything for the picnic will be ready. It remains only to light the grill and prepare the grate. And fry a fragrant treat on coals until cooked.

How to make marinade with mayonnaise and onions

This option is good for lean pork. Saturated with such a spicy mixture, it will be tender and soft. By the way, veal and chicken can be marinated in the same way.

I advise you to try to make your own in five minutes. It does not contain starch and other harmful additives. Well, if there is no way to make it yourself, then cook with a store-bought one. But get the most natural sauce with high fat content.

As for the bow, here you can also experiment. Take white or red of your choice. To maximize its flavor, grind it into a pulp. For example, in a blender, on a grater or finely chop with a knife.

What we need:

  • Tenderloin - 1 kg
  • Onion - 750 g
  • Mayonnaise - 250 g
  • Chopped paprika - ½ teaspoon
  • Salt - to taste
  • Ground black pepper - ½ teaspoon
  • Chopped coriander - 1 teaspoon
  • Sumac - 1 teaspoon

Let's get started.

First of all, clean the entire onion. We wash it and separate it, approximately 200 g. We cut it into 4 parts and place it in the bowl of a blender or combine. Puree it and mix with mayonnaise. The rest is cut into centimeter rings.

Wash the tenderloin, dry it and cut into elongated pieces. Sprinkle with salt and spices on top. Next, add the onion-mayonnaise mass to the meat and mix well. At the bottom of the container in which we will marinate, lay out a layer of onion rings. Place the pork pieces on top. And so alternate these layers to the very top of the dishes.

Please note: the topmost layer should be onion.

Cover the dishes and place in the refrigerator for 3-5 hours.

We put the finished pork on skewers, alternating meat pieces with onion rings. And roast on coals until golden brown.

Video recipe for marinating pork skewers on mineral water

This option is so simple that even a novice cook can cope with its preparation. Here the main secret is to use highly carbonated water. Gas bubbles will speed up the penetration of spices into muscle fibers. In addition, water will not dry out the pork and will not affect its real taste. Do you want to taste the most delicious and juicy kebab? Then cook it according to this recipe.

If you like light sourness, make it on mineral water with lemon. It is enough to add the juice of one citrus and the taste of the dish will radically change.

Pork skewers on kefir

The advantage of fermented milk marinade is that it makes the meat very juicy and tender. Although, for a good penetration it will take more time.

It can be replaced with ryazhenka or natural yogurt. In fact, this pork kebab marinade involves the use of any fermented milk product that contains bacteria that provoke the fermentation process. If you pickle lean meat, then it is better to take fatter kefir ..

What to buy:

  • Neck - 1.5 kg
  • Onion - 3 pcs.
  • Paprika - 1 teaspoon
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Lemon - half
  • Black ground pepper- taste
  • Kefir - 1 cup


We wash the fillet, wipe it with paper kitchen towel and cut with a knife. Do not chop the pieces too much: they should be about 5-6 cm long and oblong in shape.

We clean and wash the bulbs. Then we rub one on a fine grater. Cut the other two into rings. We send onion gruel to the neck and mix these ingredients well so that the mass is evenly distributed.

Next, add onion rings, salt and spices. Sprinkle all this with juice squeezed from half a lemon. Also add here fermented milk product and mix thoroughly. Cover the container with a lid and leave in the refrigerator for 8-10 hours.

If you are going for a picnic in the morning, then it would be good to make this mixture in the evening. Softened and almost ready-made pieces will remain held over the grill for just a few minutes.

Marinade recipe with mayonnaise and lemon

The presence of citrus in the fragrant mixture speeds up the pickling process. After 3-4 hours you can safely fry yummy. Believe me, you won't be disappointed!

This option is good because it can be used both for lean meat and for a piece with a good greasy layer. The barbecue prepared according to this recipe comes out very tender, juicy and tasty.

What you need:

  • Tenderloin - 3 kg
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Lemon - 1 fruit
  • Mayonnaise - 250 g
  • Soy sauce - 2 tablespoons
  • Salt - to taste

Let's start already.

Cut the pre-washed and dried meat into pieces. Now you need to salt and put it in a container, where it will marinate. Mix it with onion cut into thin half rings.

Pour boiling water over citrus. Then cut into 2 pieces. Grind the first into thin slices, and squeeze the juice from the second.

Sending to cutting lemon slices and pour in citrus juice. We introduce soy sauce and mayonnaise into the total mass. And mix all the ingredients again.

Close the pot and refrigerate. You can fry the kebab after a few hours, but it is better to leave the tenderloin in the marinade overnight. So she will be even more saturated with spices and softened from lime.

Cooking pork skewers in the oven (video)

If the weather is bad outside, and the soul requires a holiday, it does not matter. Delicious barbecue can be cooked in the apartment. No, no, do not rush to build a fire in the middle of the room. There is a more "humane" way to prepare this delicious dish. For example, in a bank. And to be more precise, in the oven on skewers placed in glass containers. This video recipe will help you do everything right.

In addition, pickled fillet can be baked in a sleeve or foil. And when it comes to readiness, just open the package and let the dish brown slightly. So it will be not only juicy, but also beautiful.

Marinating meat for electric grill

Do you think you can't do it in your apartment? real barbecue in Armenian from pork? Nothing is impossible. Especially if you love this dish so much that you have already purchased such a wonderful unit as an electric barbecue grill. Below is a step by step recipe to help you.

By the way, to make this amazing dish, you do not need any overseas spices or spices. The recipe has been adapted to our local conditions. And if you manage to get a bunch of green cilantro, then the taste of real Armenian barbecue you are provided.

What you need:

  • Neck - 1 kilo
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Ground black pepper - 1 teaspoon
  • Paprika - 1 teaspoon
  • Coriander grains - 2 teaspoons
  • Greens - to taste


First of all, we cut the washed and dried pork neck fillet into arbitrary pieces.

Chop the washed tomatoes into small pieces. We chop one onion smaller, and the second - rings.

We send tomatoes and onions to the meat. We also enrich it with seasonings and salt. We mix all the ingredients carefully, because otherwise you will break the onion rings, which means you will not be able to string them on skewers.

Leave the neck with vegetables and spices at room temperature for 30-40 minutes. Then we put the pieces on skewers, alternating them with onion rings.

After that, we place them in special niches in the electric barbecue. We turn on the unit and put on the protective cover on top. After 20 minutes, remove the cap and check the readiness of the meat with a toothpick. If a pinkish liquid comes out after piercing, continue cooking for another 5-10 minutes.

Marinade "Piquant" with kiwi

This option is considered an express method. It is ideal when you need to prepare everything quickly. Let's say there are just a couple of hours left before the picnic. Believe me, the guests will not guess that you prepared this masterpiece in such extreme conditions.

When choosing kiwi, I advise you to give preference to ripe and even overripe fruits. They are soft, so they are easily crushed, give the meat a maximum of juice. Such a marinade for pork barbecue will give the meat an unusual, refined taste. And the acidity of the fruit will ensure a quick readiness of the dish.

What you need:

  • Pork shoulder - 2 kg
  • Onion - 500 g
  • Salt - to taste
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Kiwi - 200 g


We wash the spatula, dry it and cut it into pieces so that it is convenient to fry. Next season with salt and pepper.

We wash the peeled onion and break it with a blender. Then we send this mass to the meat and mix thoroughly.

Remove the skin from the kiwi fruit. And crush them well with your hands. Or, alternatively, you can also grind them in a blender. The main thing here is that the kiwi gives its juice as much as possible. Then mix the components again.

Let marinate for 2-4 hours. And then we put the pieces on a barbecue grill or put them on skewers and fry until golden brown.

Secrets of delicious pork skewers

Even the best marinade will not save you if you choose the wrong meat. It must certainly be fresh and chilled, but not frozen. Thawed, destroyed fibers are not suitable for barbecue. The ideal option the neck, inside of the ham, shoulder or tenderloin is considered. This also affects the calorie content of the finished dish.

Do not take too fatty pieces, because when frying them, the fat will drip onto the coals and burn. Because of this, the dish will acquire an unpleasant odor.

Around how to properly salt a dish, opinions differ. Some experts beat their chest, arguing that it is necessary to add salt to an already roasted product. Others believe that there is nothing wrong with salting the pieces right away. In general, experiment, trying both ways.

Make a pork kebab marinade with mustard and unrefined vegetable oil. These two products are considered excellent organic solvents. So, for example, oil “takes away” the aroma of spices and saturates muscle fibers with it.

If you have little time, add a couple of tablespoons of vodka or cognac to the mixture. Thanks to alcoholic beverages the pieces will be saturated with spices faster and become softer. By the way, meat marinates very quickly in wine too.

Serve ready-made yummy with fresh vegetables, greenery and caucasian lavash. In addition, it is in harmony with orange or fruit juice, as well as red semi-sweet wine. Don't forget the sauces too. FROM fried meat mustard, satsebeli, ketchup are very requested.

I am sure that the marinade recipes from today's article will be useful for you. And at least one of the ten options will become your favorite. Cook with love! I have everything for today. Until new delicious recipes!

The summer season with picnic trips begins in early spring. As soon as the snow melts, the first sun will warm, the first weekend will happen, and summer will begin. And there is a fair amount of truth in this joke. For most Russians, the first trip to a picnic is most often timed to coincide with the May holidays. And of course, no picnic is complete without barbecue. Quietly smoldering coals, a light smoke over the barbecue and a lot of fragrant, juicy, intoxicating tasty meat with a crispy, well-done crust. What else is needed in order to consider outdoor recreation a success?

If you are the happy owner of a piece of the most tender neck from a freshly slaughtered young animal, then all you need to do to cook a barbecue is just chop the meat and string it on skewers, just sprinkling it lightly lemon juice yes sprinkled the minimum amount spices. But what about those who are not so sure about the quality of the chosen meat, poultry or fish? It is in this case to help us and marinades come. Sharp and tender, sharp and soft, but always spicy, fragrant and bright, marinades help us make meat more juicy, soft and tasty. So, how to prepare a barbecue marinade?

Marinades are used for soaking, marinating meat at the very beginning of cooking barbecue. Food acids (vinegar, lemon acid, wine) or vegetable oils rich in softening enzymes, such as olive oil. But the main taste and aroma of the marinade, and hence the barbecue, is given spicy vegetables, herbs, spices and sauces. Onion and garlic, tender leaves fresh young parsley, basil, cilantro, bright oriental spices, your favorite sauces, adjika and mustard, all these products will help give your barbecue the most incredible flavors and aromas.

There is an infinite number a variety of recipes on how to make barbecue marinade, but there's no need to stick to them too strictly. Give vent to your imagination, invent and try new tastes, do not be afraid to experiment, your experience and taste will always tell you the right decision.

For those who cook barbecue for the first time or want to try a new one, interesting taste, but is afraid of independent experiments, "Culinary Eden" has prepared today a selection of successful and proven marinades that will definitely help you cook delicious, juicy and very fragrant barbecue.

1. An excellent marinade for any meat that is not too tough is plain onion juice. Thanks to the special enzymes contained in onions, onion juice perfectly softens the meat, making it more juicy and fragrant. White, most bitter onions are best suited. Just cut it into circles, sprinkle with coarse salt and your favorite spices, and then knead thoroughly with your hands until the juice is released. Mix the well-mashed onion with the meat and, pressing hard with your fingers, knead everything together. It is important to mash the meat with onion juice as thoroughly as possible, so that the juice completely soaks your kebab.

2. Use vinegar with extreme caution when preparing marinade. Too much vinegar, as well as not enough time to season the meat, can make your kebab dry and tough. It is best not to use ordinary table vinegar at all, but to replace it with good fruit or wine vinegar. If you are right If you think for a long time that the sharp aroma of vinegar only prevents you from enjoying the taste of the meat itself, then simply replace the vinegar with lemon juice, its acid and enzymes will perfectly soften any meat, and the light, delicate aroma will only emphasize the taste of your barbecue.

3. The easiest marinade is made from lemon and onion. This marinade is perfect for pork. Cut three large onions into rings, lightly mash with coarse salt and mix with meat. Squeeze ½ lemon into a glass and top up with water. Add your favorite spices, mix well, pour into meat with onions and remember everything together with your hands. Leave to marinate for 5-10 hours.

4. For pork or veal, you can cook and honey marinade, which will give your barbecue a bright oriental flavor. Lightly heat in a water bath 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey When honey becomes liquid, add 3 tbsp. tablespoons of soy sauce, 1 teaspoon of sesame oil, 1 teaspoon of fresh or dried ginger, ½ teaspoon of cumin seeds, 2 crushed garlic cloves, red pepper to taste. Marinate the meat for 5 - 8 hours.

5. For tough meat (beef na, game) marinade based on red wine is perfect. Mix one glass of dry red wine with 2 tbsp. tablespoons of lemon juice, add ¼ teaspoon of dry mustard and sugar to taste. head onion cut into rings, put in a deep bowl, pour the prepared mixture and add your favorite spices, such as cloves, bay leaves and rosemary. Bring the marinade to a boil and set aside. Marinate the meat for 10 - 12 hours.

6. In order to quickly soften even the toughest meat, you will need a kiwi marinade. Peel half of a ripe kiwi, and mash the flesh until a smooth puree is obtained. Mix kiwi puree with one glass of vegetable oil, add ½ teaspoon ground cumin, 1 teaspoon ground coriander and 20 gr. finely chopped parsley. Marinate the meat for 1 - 3 hours in a cool place. Do not marinate meat in such a marinade for longer than 3 hours!

7. Keep the full juiciness of your meat will help original marinade with starch. Grate two large tomatoes or chop in a blender. Using gauze, squeeze out the clear juice from the tomato mass. Add 5 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce, 1s. a spoonful of honey, 1 teaspoon of starch, 1 teaspoon of ground paprika, 1h. a spoonful of sesame oil, salt and red pepper to taste. Finely chop 50 gr. leeks and 4 garlic cloves. Add vegetables to marinade and mix thoroughly. Marinate the meat for 5-6 hours. Be careful when frying, such a marinade burns quickly.

8. Fish and chicken fillet like the marinade with herbs. Cut two heads of onions into rings, sprinkle with coarse salt and carefully crush with your hands. Finely chop 50 gr. green mint and cilantro. Crush one clove of garlic. Mix all ingredients, add 150 ml. olive oil and 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice. Marinating time in such a marinade is 2 - 4 hours.

9. Another excellent marinade for fish skewers is prepared on the basis of yogurt. Mix three tablespoons of natural yogurt with 3 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of soy sauce, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil, 4 minced garlic cloves, 2 tbsp. grated fresh ginger, ½ teaspoon ground cardamom, 1 teaspoon ground paprika, salt and red pepper to taste. Mix everything thoroughly. Coat the fish with a thick layer of marinade and marinate for 4 to 6 hours in a cool place.

10. Useful for vegetable barbecue oil marinade. 4 tbsp. spoons of olive oil combine with 1 finely chopped onion, 2 chopped garlic cloves, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of any finely chopped greens. Add some of your favorite spices and mix thoroughly. Drizzle vegetables with this marinade while grilling on skewers and before serving.

We sincerely hope that our today's tips on how to cook will help you to please your friends and loved ones more than once with such an excitingly tasty and fragrant dish, like a properly marinated shish kebab. And "Culinary Eden" on its pages is always glad to offer you many new and interesting ideas for preparing a variety of dishes.

Zhalnin Dmitry

With the advent of spring, you want to breathe in the freshness and aroma of blossoming trees. It is at this time that people celebrate May Day and Victory Day, on which they get out with their families to nature.

What vacation can be without tasty and fragrant barbecue from pork? Then a lot of questions arise. "How to choose the right meat?" "What is the best marinade to cook?"

So, the choice of recipe occurs individually, depending on taste preferences. We offer to consider the main options for preparing barbecue marinade.

Marinade recipe for pork skewers so that the meat is tender (a simple classic recipe with kiwi)

Kiwi contains natural acid in its composition. For pickling, it is best to use natural ingredients than artificially created in the form vinegar essence. It is important to remember that when combining the fill with meat, it cannot be left overnight, as exotic fruit greatly softens the meat fibers. Therefore, this step-by-step recipe is considered the fastest, most delicious and fragrant.


  • pork (loin) - 1.6 kg;
  • kiwi - 120 g;
  • onion turnip - 420 g;
  • spices, salt to taste.

1. Rinse the meat, cut into pieces of the same size, salt and pepper a little. Stir, light and crushing movements.

2. Remove the husk from the onion. Using a blender, grind until puree. Combine it with meat, mix.

3. Peel the kiwi. Turn into gruel and put in meat, stir and leave to marinate for 2 hours. After the time has elapsed, it is allowed to fry.

Next, I suggest that you consider the options for pork kebab marinade, which I once cooked myself and tried accordingly. As the saying goes: “there are no comrades for taste and color” - choose your barbecue recipe and quickly go to nature!

Properly marinating meat is the most important step in preparing a tender and fragrant dish. The chosen method determines the taste of the finished ingredient. Despite the fact that the pork pulp will be of the highest quality, it all depends on the marinade made.

These step-by-step recipes will help make the meat tasty, fragrant and tender. The main condition for cooking is to observe the proportions of meat and the main product for the marinade.

The easiest way pre-training meat pulp for frying - pickling in a large number of onion slices. Due to the significant release of onion juice, the meat softens, and when frying it turns out tender and soft.


  • pork fillet - 2 kg;
  • onion - 2 kg;
  • ground pepper - 25 g;
  • lavrushka - 5 sheets;
  • table salt - 10 g;
  • granulated sugar - 10 g;
  • lemon juice - 80 ml;
  • ground coriander - 5 g.

1. Free the onion from the husk, wash and cut into a medium-sized cube. Crumble the parsley with your hands into a separate bowl.

2. Combine the prepared ingredients in a blender bowl and grind to a puree state.

3. Rinse the meat, dry and cut into equal pieces. Combine in a capacious container with prepared onion gruel, spices, sugar, salt and lemon juice. Mix thoroughly, cover and leave in a cold place for 6-10 hours.

Pork skewers - marinade with mayonnaise

A simple and common way to prepare marinade for pork meat. Experts recommend using fat mayonnaise sauce or purchased "Provencal", but without additives. For piquancy, ketchup "Shashlychny" is added, as it contains fragrant spices in its composition.


  • onion turnip - 500 g;
  • meat without bones and skin - 1.5 kg;
  • grill seasoning - 30 g;
  • liquid smoke - 5 ml;
  • mayonnaise "Provencal" - 40 g;
  • ketchup - 45 g;
  • table mustard -2 tsp;
  • garlic - 4 cloves.

1. First of all, you need to prepare the pork: rinse, dry and cut into equal pieces. Peel the onion from unsuitable parts, chop into strips.

2. In a capacious container, combine meat, onion and seasoning. Leave for 60 minutes, previously covered. In a separate bowl, combine mayonnaise with ketchup, mustard, minced garlic and liquid smoke.

3. Lubricate the meat pieces with the finished mass, cover and put in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

Barbecue marinade with vinegar and onions for pork shish kebab

Making a marinade with wine vinegar and herbs is quite easy and simple. The difference from other cooking options is the absence of vinegar essence. The filling turns out to be fragrant, spicy, thereby giving an unusual taste to pork.


  • onion - 400 g;
  • meat pulp - 1.5 kg;
  • white wine vinegar - 50 ml;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • sesame oil - 55 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tsp;
  • chili - 15 g;
  • cloves - on the tip of a knife;
  • cinnamon - 0.5 tsp;
  • thyme, thyme;
  • lavrushka - 2 sheets.

1. Pre-treat the meat, cut into suitable pieces. Peel the garlic, rinse and pass through a press. Chop the clean and prepared onion into strips.

2. Peel hot pepper and cut into 2 identical parts. Combine all liquid ingredients with loose spices, mix thoroughly.

3. Pour into meat, add garlic and onion. Stir the contents well, cover and put in a cold place for 8 hours. If necessary and desired, before frying, it is allowed to sprinkle the pieces with finely chopped dill.

Classic kebab according to the Caucasian recipe from the chef of the Caucasian cuisine restaurant

The secret of cooking the most delicious kebab, according to the chef himself, is the right meat and the right spices. So he fries meat only from the pork neck and marinates according to the classic recipe: thyme, two types of pepper (black and red), bay leaf, vinegar and vegetable oil, onion and salt.

Watch the video and everything will become clear to you:

Pork barbecue marinade with soy sauce and lemon

The composition of the marinade has an acidic base, since lemon fruit is used for cooking. In turn, soy sauce will give the finished dish some piquancy and a beautiful blush during frying.


  • pork pulp without skin, bones - 2 kg;
  • onion turnip - 1.5 kg;
  • lemon - 1 fruit;
  • spices for pork to taste;
  • table salt - 30 g;
  • a mixture of ground peppers;
  • soy sauce - 50 ml.

1. Rinse the meat pulp from blood, dry with disposable napkins. Chop into medium-sized cubes and place in a convenient bowl.

2. Peeled onions, chop into half rings. Knead a little with your hands and combine with meat pieces.

3. Squeeze freshly squeezed juice from a lemon fruit, add spices and a mixture of peppers, pour in soy sauce. Mix thoroughly with light, pressing movements. Cover, put in a cool place for 4 hours with regular stirring. Half an hour before frying, add salt.

Pork skewers - marinade on kefir

The fermented milk drink contains acid, which makes the meat pulp softer. Kefir for this dish will come in handy. It is important to remember that marinating pieces long time not worth it in kefir. Otherwise, the result will be the same as in acetic acid. The time interval is from 3.5 to 4 hours. AT Tatar cuisine used when classic recipe special kefir drink - "Ayran".


  • pork neck - 3 kg;
  • onion turnip - 1.4 kg;
  • kefir - 1 l;
  • table salt;
  • ground black pepper;
  • spice mix (coriander, paprika, nutmeg, zira);
  • dry dill, basil;
  • red ground pepper.

1. Rinse the pork, dry it with clean, disposable napkins. Cut into cubes measuring 5 cm by 5 cm. It is better not to chop into small pieces, otherwise the meat will turn out a little dry. Large ones, on the contrary, may not be fried. Place in a plastic bowl suitable for mixing.

2. Peel the onion from the husk, rinse and chop into strips. In order for the vegetable to let the juice out faster, it needs to be mashed a little. Determine in a container for meat.

3. Thoroughly mix everything, making light and pressing movements. Add prepared spices, dry herbs, ground pepper and fermented milk drink. Mix everything well, cover and put in a cool place for marinating, but not in the refrigerator. Do not forget to stir the contents of the container from time to time.

In time, 40-60 minutes will be enough before the start of frying the barbecue. It is recommended to salt the meat 10-15 minutes before cooking, as salt particles draw all the juices out of the pulp, therefore, the dish will not turn out soft.

Pork meat skewers marinated in mineral water (mineral water)

For a large number meat is better to use mineral water for the base of the marinade. It quickly penetrates deep into the fibers, making them juicy and soft. And if you add fragrant dry herbs and spices, then the composition for meat will be ideal.


  • pork flesh without bones, skin - 4 kg;
  • onion - 1 kg;
  • paprika - 2 tablespoons;
  • coriander (seeds) - 0.5 tsp;
  • ground black pepper - 10 g;
  • salt.

1. Rinse the meat, dry it with dry napkins and cut into equal pieces. Remove husks and other parts that are unsuitable for eating from onions. Chop in half rings and combine it with meat pieces. Cover and leave for 60 minutes to soak up the onion juice.

2. After the time has elapsed, add all the prepared spices and seasonings, mix thoroughly. Then pour in mineral water. Fill with liquid so that it completely covers the pieces.

3. cling film hermetically close the vessel with the meat in the marinade. Leave in this form for 8 hours, and preferably 10 in a cold place.

Salads for nature:

Marinade for pork barbecue with tomato juice (paste, sauce)

No less tasty is the meat, pre-marinated in tomato juice, sauce or paste. It is recommended to choose the basis carefully, but it is better to stop the choice on the product own cooking or tomato adjika. When packaged juice, it is important to look at the composition, as the less preservatives, the better.


  • meat pulp without bones and skin - 3 kg;
  • tomato juice - 900 ml;
  • onion turnip - 1.5 kg;
  • seasoning for barbecue to taste;
  • salt, seasoned to taste.

1. Rinse the pork, dry it with clean disposable napkins. Cut into pieces of the same size and put in a convenient container for marinating.

2. Clean the onion, remove unsuitable parts for food and rinse. Cut into several pieces and scroll through a meat grinder.

3. Combine the finished mass with meat pieces, add seasonings and juice, mix thoroughly. Cover and leave to marinate for 4 hours. It is important to remember that salt is added half an hour before frying.

Can be used instead of juice tomato paste. Meat is prepared in the same way, only 0.5 kg of concentrated puree is taken for 3 kg of meat.

And often served with barbecue.

Marinade with pomegranate juice

The beauty of this step by step recipe that whatever additional spices would not have been taken, the marinade will still give off pomegranate. The meat turns out to be lickable, soft and savory in taste.


  • pork (loin) - 4 kg;
  • a mixture of ground peppers;
  • caraway;
  • coriander;
  • oregano;
  • paprika;
  • lavrushka;
  • onion turnip - 1.5 kg;
  • pomegranate juice - 1 l;
  • salt to taste.

1. Rinse the meat, dry it and cut into cubes of the same size. Peel the onion from the husk and other parts unsuitable for food. Chop into rings or half rings, as you like. Combine in a separate container, mix thoroughly and leave in a cool place for 60 minutes.

2. After the time has passed, add the prepared spices, the main thing is not to overdo it. Leave again for 1 hour, and then pour the required amount of pomegranate juice. Mix well, leave the container with the contents for 6-8 hours, stirring the contents regularly. Add salt half an hour before cooking meat on the coals.

With beer

Beer lovers will love this recipe. By the way, gourmets and maybe even you will like it more than with vinegar or mayonnaise. Barbecue on beer exudes the aroma of malt, the aroma of live fermentation. I only advise you to buy beer that is really fresh and lively, you can spoil the taste of shish kebab with others of lesser quality.


  • beer (dark or light) - liter bottle or two half a liter;
  • onions - 500 grams;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • ground coriander - 2 teaspoons;
  • paprika - 2 teaspoons;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste.

Everything is the same as in the previous recipes. Prepare the meat, finely chop the onion, garlic can be chopped or pressed in a crush.

Add spices, garlic and onion to the meat. Gently mix and pour the main ingredient - beer. Let it soak and saturate for 6-10 hours.

How to choose the right pork meat?

It is important not only to properly prepare the marinade for meat, but also to know the recommendations for choosing pork:

1. For juicy barbecue neck, shoulder blade, loin are perfect.

2. The color of the meat should be pink. The lighter, the younger the age of the animal and the dish itself will turn out much tastier and softer.

3. There should be a natural shine, haze indicates that the animal is not young. If you cook such a piece, then the kebab will turn out tough and tasteless.

4. Fat layers should be white, not yellow.

5. The smell is natural.

6. To purchase a piece of meat, you need to take it without bones, films and skins.

How to barbecue properly?

Before you start frying pickled meat, the pieces must be properly put on skewers. They are strung evenly so that the meat is evenly distributed throughout the skewer, and also that nothing hangs in the form of separate pieces. The onion must be completely removed from the meat, otherwise it will start to burn and the taste of the kebab will change.

Step-by-step meat frying technology:

  1. make your own coals or buy ready-made ones. Don't forget to keep the coals smoldering. The heat is weak - the meat is dry, and if flames come out, then the pieces will burn. In order to maintain approximately the same temperature, it is recommended to keep a bottle of water next to the barbecue;
  2. put skewers with strung meat on the grill, if necessary, it is allowed to additionally coat each piece vegetable oil. So, the meat will be baked faster and will not remain raw inside;
  3. rotate skewers regularly. This is required so that the pieces are evenly fried;
  4. be sure to follow the cooking process and do not leave the barbecue anywhere;
  5. check the meat for readiness, remove it from the skewers to a clean plate.
  6. Serve ready meal allowed with fresh vegetables, boiled potatoes. As a sauce, you can use garlic, soy, pomegranate, tomato.

Now you know how and know how to cook the most delicious barbecue to keep the meat soft and juicy. Use any marinade recipe and shock your loved ones and friends.

Bon appetit! And have a great weekend!

As you know, barbecue is a dish from the distant past with a rather interesting history. In the past, fearless knights, going on distant campaigns, took with them pieces of raw meat. In order not to spoil their food, they placed it in leather knapsacks with wine, and in moments of rest and snacking they roasted meat on their spears or various bayonets and branches. Due to this, many believe that the term "kebab" is derived from the Turkic "shish" - meat and "bayonet" - a spear. Apparently, from that time on, the custom of marinating pieces of meat began.

Today, there are many ideas on how to marinate meat for barbecue, and the wealth of spices and seasonings will help transform this dish and give it sophistication and additional flavor. Many connoisseurs of this delicacy believe that soaking the meat is completely optional. Enough to cover it with spices and salt.

One can agree with this opinion if the meat prepared by this method is fresh and homemade. But this method is a matter of taste. There are such lovers of meat fried on fire who believe that pickling is a rather entertaining process and many men take it upon themselves with pleasure, considering it a masculine vocation.

Marinade is a combination of natural acids (wine, fruit or vegetable juices, vinegar), salt, herbs, spices, sugar, vegetable oil, all kinds of seasonings, and so on.

Raw meat, poultry and many varieties of fish are soaked in this composition. These barbecue marinade recipes allow you to make meat spicy, juicy, aromatic, with pleasant sourness and a delicate aftertaste.

Spicy lovers Chinese food you can soak the meat in a mixture of soy sauce, a drop of honey, pepper, ginger, dry wine or rice vinegar. Well-soaked meat is fried on the grill, barbecue or grill, brushed lightly with sunflower oil. To marinate the barbecue deliciously, it is kept in the prepared mixture for 1-2 days.

The best barbecue marinade recipes

To make the barbecue really tasty, you need to choose the best marinade for meat, as well as marinate it correctly. We want to present you the best barbecue marinades, the recipes of which you will see below.

Marinade for pork skewers

Pork, one of the most revered and affordable types of meat for cooking on charcoal. To perform this yummy, as a rule, it is taken pork neck, since it is this part that is distinguished by juicy pulp, with thin streaks of fat, which makes it possible to make the dish soft, literally melting in the mouth. But try to take the meat of the first freshness, because frozen can be dry later and it is quite difficult to determine its freshness after defrosting.

To properly marinate pork skewers, you will need:

  • kilogram of collar;
  • mayonnaise (95 ml);
  • Bay leaf;
  • onion (330 grams);
  • lemon (1 pc.);
  • collection of spices and spices hops-suneli;
  • mustard (45 grams);
  • salt.

How to pickle:

Cut the meat into mini pieces, 3-5 cm in diameter, chop the onion, giving it the shape of rings, and squeeze the lemon juice. Shake everything thoroughly in a glass or enameled container and leave for 22-33 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare the marinating solution. Mix mayonnaise, hot mixture and mustard, move your sauce to the meat with onions and sprinkle with salt. Marinate pork skewers for about 2-3 hours.

Marinade for pork skewers with vinegar

Many believe that quick marinade for pork skewers - this is a recipe with the addition of vinegar. Thanks to this element, which is inherent in acid, the meat is quite tender and juicy.

Therefore, if you want to quickly marinate pork skewers, then take the following products:

  • kilogram of pork;
  • water 100 ml;
  • vinegar 9% (100 ml);
  • onions (3 pcs.);
  • seasonings and spices (by eye);
  • salt.

How to pickle:

Divide the meat into slices or cubes, depending on what method you will fry it with. If on skewers, then it will be more convenient and more correct to string cubes the size of two matchboxes. If it is a grid, then try to cut into slices. So, salt the prepared meat pieces, pour vinegar diluted in half with water. Add chopped onion rings there, and then sprinkle with seasonings and fragrant spices.

Leave your marinade with meat in a warm place for an hour. After, move the container with the barbecue to the cold, but not to sub-zero temperatures. You can marinate your treat from 2-3 hours to 2-3 days.

Delicious pork skewers on kefir

The difference between the marinade, which is based on kefir, is that yogurt has a more gentle effect than vinegar, so it takes a little more time (from 10 to 24 hours) for the meat to be fully cooked.

To learn how to marinate pork skewers with kefir and enjoy unsurpassed taste, take these products:

  • kilogram of pork;
  • kefir of any fat content (450 ml);
  • sugar (12 grams);
  • onions (5 pcs.);
  • salt, spices (coriander, pepper, cumin, basil).

How to marinate:

The recipe for marinade for pork skewers based on yogurt is not much different from the one above. The only difference is kefir instead of vinegar. Therefore, in the same sequence, arrange all the components and fill everything with fermented milk liquid. Soak the composition for about an hour at room conditions, and then put it in the cold from 3 to 24 hours.

Mineral water barbecue marinade

Many connoisseurs of meat at the stake, who have tried many different versions of preparing this appetizer, believe that the best marinade for pork skewers is mineral water brine. Thanks to this bubbling ingredient, your meat, saturated with oxygen, will be insanely soft and tasty. In addition, this method does not require many auxiliary ingredients.

To cook a barbecue on a mineral water, stock up on the following components:

  • kilogram of a young ham or neck;
  • onion (430 grams);
  • mineral water (1 l);
  • zira and black pepper;
  • salt.

How to marinate:

Divide the meat into small slices, but try to have a little more than a matchbox. Chop the onion into halves of the rings, place in a barbecue container (it’s good if it’s enameled or glass), knead properly until juice appears and place a layer of chopped pork on top. Crumble spices on top and fill with mineral water.

Try salting at the end, right before cooking the meat. This will keep the juiciness, because the salt draws all the juices from the meat. Refrigerate your snack for 3 to 12 hours, depending on the time you have.

Marinade for chicken barbecue

Chicken kebab, like pork, is no less in demand and popularity. Chicken, unlike pork, beef and lamb, urinates and cooks much faster. Perhaps that is why many appreciated the merits of this fine dish, because people do not always have an extra 12 hours to wait for such a treat. And I wanted a barbecue right now.

Therefore, to marinate chicken for barbecue, take:

  • kilogram of chicken fillet;
  • juice of two lemons;
  • Bulgarian pepper of different colors, 1 each;
  • honey (2 tablespoons);
  • small fresh tomatoes (5 pcs.);
  • olive oil (55 ml);
  • black pepper, basil, salt, turmeric (a pinch);
  • garlic (2 cloves).

How to pickle:

Cut the chicken into medium pieces and sprinkle with salt. Combine honey, lemon juice, spices, olive oil and garlic in a bowl. Cut the bell pepper into slices, and the tomatoes into rings. Cover the meat and vegetables with a skillful marinade for chicken skewers and refrigerate for about half an hour. After, take a metal grate and spread the kebab with vegetables and bake on the coals. Watch your embers smolder, not burn.

This chicken kebab marinade recipe has been enjoyed by many who have tried it. The chicken is juicy thanks to the vegetables and marinade, and after 25-35 minutes your chicken delicacy will be ready.

Marinade for beef skewers

Most people who prefer diet beef, not knowing how to marinate beef skewers, run the risk of getting burnt pieces that may be raw inside. In order to avoid such a nuisance, you need to know some of the nuances of soaking hard beef skewers.

Do you want something interesting?

To do this, take:

  • a kilogram of beef (it is best to take tenderloin, loin or rump);
  • onions (3 pcs.);
  • dry wine (155 ml);
  • fresh tomatoes (550 grams);
  • garlic (3 teeth);
  • a bunch of cilantro;
  • salt and a handful of ground pepper.

How to pickle:

To properly marinate the kebab, the beef must be chopped into pieces similar to the size of a box of matches.

Then salt it, pepper it and cover with chopped onion rings. Pour the beef appetizer with wine and leave for 3-4 hours, stirring occasionally. After everything, string the meat mixed with tomato rings and cook over hot cherry or apple coals. When serving a treat, top it with chopped cilantro.

Marinade for lamb skewers

Not everyone likes lamb because of its specific smell. But if you approach the issue correctly and prepare this product, contriving with a few subtleties, you can get an amazingly appetizing and tender meat dish. To marinate lamb for barbecue, select the meat of a young animal not exceeding the age of one year. For a wood-fired snack, a front shoulder blade, ham or entrecote, which can be depicted on a bone, are perfect.

To learn how to marinate lamb skewers and amaze your friends and loved ones with your dish, stock up on the following products:

  • kilogram of young lamb pulp;
  • half a glass sour sauce tkemali;
  • onion (3-5 pieces);
  • zira and dried barberry;
  • tomatoes (5 pcs.)
  • chopped cilantro and dill.
  • salt and pepper.

How to marinate:

Cut the lamb into slices about 4-5 centimeters. Grind the onion in a blender and send to the meat. Tomatoes should be freed from the skin by immersing them in boiling water for a minute, after which you can get rid of it without much effort. Then chop red garden fruits and also enrich your meat with them. Pour everything with tkemali sauce and sprinkle with spices, chopped herbs and salt. Leave in a warm place for 2-3 hours and you can start frying on charcoal. When the meat is ready, you can serve it with plum sauce and greenery.

Rabbit barbecue marinade recipe

Many believe that rabbit meat is quite dietary meat in its composition and is by no means suitable for cooking barbecue. But those who nevertheless decided on this experiment did not regret it at all. After all, rabbit meat, made on the coals of fruit trees, is a truly unusual and magnificent delicacy for lovers of diet goodies.

To quickly marinate rabbit meat skewers, you need to take:

  • kilogram of a young rabbit;
  • tomato, zucchini and bell pepper (1 each);
  • sour cream (435 ml);
  • coriander, cumin and pepper;
  • onions (3-4 heads);
  • salt.

How to marinate:

Before you marinate the meat for the barbecue, prepare the marinade and vegetables. Mix yogurt with all the spices and salt, and chop the tomatoes, zucchini, onion and pepper into equal and even rings. Divide the meat into pieces, place the chopped garden fruits on top and pour over everything with sour white sauce. Refrigerate your marinade for 3-7 hours. Then fill the skewer in turn with meat, all vegetables, including onions and knock everything down tightly. Roast on a smoldering fire and enjoy the incredible taste.

Marinated salmon skewers

Agree, what can be tastier and more original than shish kebab from salmon adored by everyone, which has absorbed a bouquet of fragrant marinade. Considering that the salmon itself is very tender and does not require lengthy cooking processes, it will not have to be marinated for a long time. And the result will certainly exceed everything, even unthinkable expectations.

So, you will need:

  • salmon fillet (200-300 grams);
  • one lemon;
  • salt and allspice;
  • green olive oil (33 ml);
  • fresh herbs (parsley, celery, cilantro).

How to pickle:

Since, as the proverb says, “everything ingenious is simple,” then here it is most welcome. Salmon meat should be sprinkled with lemon, lightly rubbed with salt and spices, and drip a little oil from Greek olives on top. Forget about it for half an hour in the cold, and your marinated salmon for barbecue is ready, you can start frying. When serving, sprinkle lightly with assorted greens and drizzle with lemon juice.

Recipe for pickled onions for barbecue

To complement the taste, we bring to your attention pickled onions for shish kebab, which will brilliantly suit any kind of meat. To make your side dish appetizing and rich, you need to use a red Crimean onion. It is distinguished by its special sweetness and juiciness, but if there is none, then any onion will do.

So, to pickle onions for barbecue, take:

  • onion (500 grams);
  • vinegar 9% (15 ml);
  • salt and a pinch of sugar;
  • fruit oil olive tree or sunflower (15 ml);
  • fresh dill (bunch).

Cut the onion into rings, sprinkle with vinegar and oil. Salt and sugar. Chop the dill and add to onion rings. Mix everything thoroughly and forget about it for 10-15 minutes. While the kebab is fried, your onion will be ready. By the way, such a side dish will take root perfectly with herring, bacon, mushrooms, potatoes and more.

Delicious barbecue sauce recipe

In addition to the onion marinated under the skewers, the taste of meat will be wonderfully complemented by spicy sauce.

To execute it, take:

  • ketchup or tomato sauce;
  • green herbs;
  • sugar;
  • a bunch of green onions;
  • salt.

If you chose tomato sauce, then you need to dilute it slightly with hot water, for 415 grams of sauce you need to take 75 ml of water. chop greens in equal pieces, add to the sauce, then salt. If desired, you can add a bit of red pepper or pressed garlic.

Take a look at some useful recommendations for the correct and successful cooking of meat on coals and take note of:

  1. If you cut the meat very finely, then your kebab runs the risk of being dry, because in more large pieces juiciness is easier to maintain;
  2. Use wood to roast meat fruit trees, but not ready-made coals. This will enrich your delicacy with additional flavor;
  3. If the meat was frozen, then only mustard can increase its juiciness. To do this, generously coat the chopped pieces with it before marinating;
  4. The coals in your barbecue should not blaze with flame, but quietly smolder. If they get too hot, pour beer or water over them. Can be sprinkled with salt
  5. Tough meat will help soften the kiwi or a piece of pineapple added to the marinade. These fruits have the most wonderful property to soften the protein.

Guided by these simple recipes, you will quickly learn how to cook barbecue from all kinds of meat. Bon appetit to you.