Pancakes nalistniki recipe. Nalistniki - pancakes in milk with curd filling Dish nalistniki

What to cook if milk has stagnated in the refrigerator? Of course, pancakes. Well, if you have patience and have an hour of free time in milk, you get excellent pancakes. And for the recipe for pancakes, you can look at this article. Today we will bake thin pancakes. In the people, thin pancakes are also called pancakes.

  • eggs - 3 pcs.,
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon,
  • salt - 1/4 teaspoon,
  • vanillin - optional
  • milk - 2.5 cups,
  • flour - 200 gr.,
  • rast. oil - 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • Thin pancakes are especially popular with children. Pancakes are so brittle and crispy, but once they are kept under a lid or covered with another deep container, they become soft and it is easier to wrap the filling in them.

    1. You can prepare pancake dough in different ways. Someone first kneads a thick dough, adding a little bit of milk. This is a great option and I use it, but most often, probably like many, I combine liquid ingredients, then add flour. Namely, I beat the eggs, with the help of a whisk, with the addition of sugar, vanillin and salt.

    Then I pour in milk at room temperature.

    After combining these ingredients, I add the sifted flour, but in portions. At the same time, after each added portion of flour, mix the mass thoroughly. The consistency of the mixture is watery, but not quite.

    2. Now add rast. oil, mix and set the bowl of dough aside for 15 minutes.

    3. Bake pancakes in a well-heated pan. If you have a ceramic frying pan, you do not need to grease it with oil, because it is already present in the dough. To make thin pancakes, you need to pour the dough a little and distribute it well over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pan, with rotating movements. Nastniks fry quickly, so don't forget about them.

    And that's what it turns out: thin crispy pancakes in milk, which are so easy to cook!

    How to cook pancakes in milk?

    Pancakes are the hallmark of Russian cuisine. They are made with yeast and are hearty and tasty pastries that can be eaten with a variety of sauces. The only drawback of pancakes is their thickness and some fragility. It is very difficult to wrap the filling in them and fold them into an envelope. But there is such a Ukrainian dish as nalistniki. These are yeast-free pancakes, very thin, elastic, as if created in order to serve as a strong dough shell for various fillings. Their neutral creamy taste is ideal for sweet cottage cheese with raisins, as well as for minced meat, apples with cinnamon and cabbage with mushrooms. In this article, we will reveal the recipe for milk pancakes. Photos of finished products motivate you and inspire you to culinary experiments.

    What is the uniqueness of nalistniks

    For this Ukrainian dish, you need to take the same ingredients that are required in order to cook Russian pancakes. Wedges on milk just don't need yeast. Instead, a little vegetable oil is poured into the dough. This ingredient makes pancakes elastic, thin. Since the oil is already in the dough, you can bake the naistniki in a “dry frying pan”. But still it is recommended to grease the bottom with a silicone brush with sunflower fat before the first pancake. Now about milk. It does not have to be fresh, as they say in Ukraine, "sweet". Sour is good too. And nalistniks are also made from various milk derivatives: on kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk, whey. The fermentation bacteria give the pancakes their delicacy. Sometimes regular soda is added along with milk. But here we will focus specifically on the question of how to cook pancakes in milk.


    We will need milk, flour, eggs, sugar and salt, sunflower oil. In some recipes, the dough is also diluted with warm water. And, of course, you can not do without the filling. Although nalistniki can be eaten in the same way as pancakes: with mushroom sauce, sour cream, honey and butter. What distinguishes the two different dishes is the way they are prepared. The dough for pancakes in milk is prepared in two stages. First, it is made thick, the consistency of homemade sour cream. So it should stand for at least an hour. And then it is diluted with milk or mineral water / ordinary warm boiled water. There is also a special choux pastry - but this is the subject of another article. So let's get cooking. What are the proportions of the ingredients? For a glass of milk, you need to take the same amount of flour, one egg, a pinch of salt, two teaspoons of sugar. To dilute the thick dough, we need about 100 ml of warm water. And, of course, so that the pancakes do not stick to the pan - two soup spoons of vegetable oil. It can be replaced with the same amount of melted butter. With it, the platters will have a beautiful golden look.

    How to make pancakes with milk

    The basic recipe advises first grinding the egg with sugar and salt. By the way, if you intend to make pancakes with meat, cabbage, mushrooms, chopped liver and the like, reduce the amount of the sweet ingredient to a pinch. Now you should pour a glass of milk. In order for the components to interact with each other faster, it would be better to warm it up a little. Now add flour. Mix thoroughly until lumps are eliminated. Pour in vegetable oil and leave the dough on the pancakes in milk to rest at room temperature. During this time, you can do the filling. Steam the raisins, rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, mix it with sugar and a raw egg. Or boil the chicken breast, pass the meat through a meat grinder, mix it with finely chopped dill and salt. While you are doing all this, the dough will do. Now you should dilute it to the consistency of cream with milk. But you can also use water.


    At this stage of cooking, the recipe for pancakes in milk - the photo shows this - differs from the method of frying pancakes. There is no need to pour a lot of oil into the pan. You can only lightly lubricate the bottom with a silicone brush. And before, Ukrainian housewives managed with a piece of bacon strung on a fork, and in fasting they dipped a goose feather in vegetable oil. With your right hand, scoop up the batter with a small ladle. With the left hand, we hold a heated frying pan on weight, slightly tilted. Pour the dough in a thin stream into the middle. We rotate the pan slightly in a circle so that the dough spreads and occupies the entire bottom. We check the readiness with a thin wooden spatula. As soon as the bottom is browned, we sharply throw the pan forward and up a little. A fat pancake will fly up, turning over in the air. Now it is important to catch him so that he slams into the pan with the unbaked side. Until you have developed the necessary skill, turn your pancakes over with a fork or wooden spatula. If you are going to wrap the filling in pancakes with milk, the recipe recommends frying them on one side only. Then we put the minced meat on the baked side, roll up the pancake with a tube and put it on a baking sheet. Put in the oven until fully cooked.

    Nalistniki in milk: recipe "Belarusian"

    In Ukraine, every housewife has several cherished ways of making thin, elastic pancakes in her arsenal. We bring to your attention the Belarusian recipe. The composition of the ingredients is not much different from Ukrainian. Sift two cups of flour into a bowl. Mix it with a tablespoon of sugar and a pinch of salt. In another bowl, slightly warm two glasses of milk. We drive an egg into it. Pour a quarter cup of vegetable oil. We combine the liquid mass with flour - just like that, and not vice versa. We work with a whisk so that lumps do not form. When the dough becomes homogeneous, leave it for one and a half to two hours. After that, dilute with a glass of warm boiled water. Knead the dough and bake the pancakes in milk on one side. I put stuffing on it. Most often it is a sweet cottage cheese with vanilla, mashed with an egg. We turn the sheet into a tube, tucking the edges. We put the products in a baking dish. In the old days, they were packed in a tight row in a cast iron. A layer of pancakes was poured with melted butter and sprinkled with sugar. Thus, the entire cast-iron was filled, tier by tier. They covered the dishes with a lid and put them in the oven on a very small fire to languish. Don't fry! The temperature should not be more than 160 C. If you can set the degrees in the oven, select the "60" mark. So the pancakes should stay in the oven for about an hour.

    Pancakes without water

    And now let's look at how to cook pancakes in milk without other solvents. For one and a half glasses of flour, you need to take three eggs, two tablespoons of vegetable or melted butter, a pinch of salt, a little more sugar. Separate an incomplete glass from half a liter of milk. Mix with other ingredients. After an hour or an hour and a half, dilute too thick dough with the remaining milk. In terms of density, it should turn out like heavy cream - liquid, but still not like water.

    The main problems that arise when making pancakes

    The most common difficulty is that the pancakes in milk stick to the pan or tear. For the first pancake, this is normal - you see, the dishes were not calcined enough or they gave little fat. But if this is repeated with the second and third sheets, add flour to the dough. To do this, pour off part of the dough (a third of a glass). Pour a couple of tablespoons of flour into it. Mix well and pour into most of the dough. Another problem is the fragility and fragility of finished products. In this case, pour a little vegetable oil into the dough.

    How to get rid of flour lumps

    There are several ways to achieve dough uniformity. The first is to mix flour, sugar, salt, eggs and quite a bit of milk. Then add the rest and only at the end add vegetable oil. The second way is to separate part of the milk and mix it thoroughly with the entire amount of flour. And then add the rest of the ingredients. Some housewives resort to using a mixer when kneading dough. The milk pancakes will come out a little more fluffy if you mix flour with cookie powder (on the tip of a knife).

    How to cook thin pancakes in milk

    Among the whole variety of flour products there is a wonderful dish with a mysterious name - naistniki. Let's first understand what it is?

    Nalistniki are the thinnest yeast-free pancakes. They are very elastic and, as a rule, are served with a variety of fillings, which are wrapped in these same pancakes. Since the pancakes themselves have a neutral, creamy rich taste, they can be combined with any type of filling: both sweet, such as cottage cheese, jam, fruits, and salty, such as minced meat, fish, mushrooms, or stewed cabbage.

    Classic recipe

    Cooking Ingredients:

    • whole cow's milk - 2 tbsp.;
    • premium wheat flour - 170 g;
    • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
    • table salt rock - a pinch;
    • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp;
    • unsalted butter - 50 g.

    Cooking time: 2.5 hours

    Nutritional value per 100 g: 187 kcal.

    Preparing pancakes with milk:

    See also: How I lost 19 kg in a month and a half


    • wheat flour - 100 g;
    • potato starch - 100 g;
    • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
    • cow's milk - 500 ml;
    • white crystalline sugar - 1.5 tbsp;
    • rock salt - ½ tsp;
    • refined vegetable oil - 50 ml.

    Cooking time: 60 min.

    Energy value per 100 g: 190 kcal.

    Step by step description:

    1. Crack the eggs into a deep bowl and beat lightly with a fork;
    2. Then add salt, sugar to them, pour in milk and beat again, but with a mixer;
    3. Combine flour with starch and sift through a sieve. After that, start gradually pouring it into the milk-egg mixture, without stopping the mixing process. Knead the mass until you break all the flour lumps. Then, lastly, vegetable oil is introduced into the dough;
    4. The finished dough should be quite liquid. Cover it with a cloth and send it to the refrigerator for 20-25 minutes;
    5. Pour batter into a very thin layer on a well-heated (non-stick) pan and bake until golden brown. Then, using a spatula, turn the pancake over to the other side and brown it in the same way;
    6. Fill the finished nalistniki with a pre-prepared filling (the choice is up to you), fold into an envelope and serve. Such nalistki can be stored in the refrigerator for several days, and before serving, reheat in the microwave or in the oven.

    Sour milk dough recipe


    • sour cow's milk - 2 tbsp.;
    • flour - 1 tbsp.;
    • crystalline sugar - 50 g;
    • salt - a pinch;
    • egg - 1 pc.;
    • refined oil - 50 ml.

    Cooking time: 50 min.

    Number of kcal per 100 g: 187.

    Step-by-step description of preparation:

    1. Place the egg, a pinch of salt, milk and sugar into the mixing bowl. Beat everything until a homogeneous mass is formed;
    2. After that, enter the sifted wheat flour and refined oil. Turn on the mixer and knead a homogeneous, semi-liquid dough (at the lowest speed;
    3. Heat the pan for baking pancakes well, pour a small amount of cooked dough on it, and start baking thin rosy pancakes. Bake them for a few minutes on both sides;
    4. Ready-made nalistniki can be served at the table, both with sweet and salty fillings. Bon Appetit!

    How to make pancakes

    Sweet filling options:

    1. Sweet curd. Combine cottage cheese, raw egg, sugar, a pinch of salt, raisins, vanilla and lemon zest;
    2. Banana. Mash the banana with a fork, combine with a piece of softened butter, sugar and lemon juice;
    3. Boiled condensed milk.

    Salty filling options:

    1. Cabbage stewed with mushrooms;
    2. Rice with minced meat;
    3. Minced fried liver;
    4. Boiled eggs with green onions;
    5. Lightly salted red fish;
    6. Leaver;
    7. Boiled potatoes with fried onions;
    8. Fried minced meat;
    9. Processed cheese with chopped garlic and mayonnaise.

    Bon Appetit!

    Recipe for pancakes in milk

    Pancakes are also called pancakes. There is a simple recipe for their preparation in milk. It won't require any fancy ingredients. The products used are very affordable.

    A simple cooking recipe

    Everyone bakes pancakes on Maslenitsa. Someone fills them with stuffing, someone makes them just sweet. As for the dough, there are also many cooking options. Nalistniki can be made with milk, kefir, or water. They turn out thin and stick so well from the pan. You can make pancakes at home the easiest way.

    Required Products

    • 750 ml of milk;
    • 3 eggs;
    • 2 sl Sahara;
    • 2 cups of flour;
    • lemon juice;
    • a pinch of salt;
    • 3 sl sunflower oil.


    milk recipe

    Everyone loves to eat delicious and fragrant pancakes. The recipe for making pancakes is very simple. Every housewife must be able to bake pancakes. You can try and cook nalistniki with milk. This will require a standard set of products.

    This article is about nalistniks - delicious Ukrainian pancakes with various fillings. Below is general information, then a selection of recipes for the pancakes themselves, and then ideas for toppings. Somewhere with a photo, and somewhere with a video. Watch, repeat and enjoy the taste!

    What it is

    Nalistniki (nalysniki) is a Ukrainian (and Belarusian) version of pancakes. They are thinner and prepared without yeast.

    What are noteworthy nalistniks? , they can be eaten right like that, but the nastniks almost always have some kind of filling. The fronds are thinner, the dough is fresher, almost tasteless. These pancakes should not somehow overshadow the taste of the filling.

    Nalistniki are still distinguished by a special presentation. Stuffed pancakes are often additionally simmered in the oven before use, generously flavored with butter or sour cream.

    How to (collapse)

    The pancakes are folded in the same way as all other pancakes. Tube, triangle, roll - what is enough imagination.

    Most often wrapped in this way. Look at the photo below.

    There is also such an option, it is considered more traditional:

    1. Cut the pancake diagonally into 4 pieces. Looks like triangles.
    2. Take one triangle. Now spread the filling over the entire area, or lay it on the wide end. Tuck the sides slightly, roll the pancake into a roll from the wide edge. As a result, the thinnest edge (acute corner) will be outside.

    Well, now let's start cooking. Some of the most popular recipes


    Nalistki on milk

    Not quite a classic recipe, but it turns out delicious. I added a pinch of sugar and salt, but you put it to your liking. In theory, these pancakes should be fresh. We will not do the filling in this recipe, it goes further.


    • Wheat flour - 20 tbsp. spoons;
    • Milk - 1 liter;
    • Eggs - 4 pcs.
    • Sugar - 3 pinches;
    • Salt - 1 pinch;
    • Soda - 1 pinch;
    • Vegetable oil - 1-2 teaspoons;


    Pour sugar, salt, soda and flour into a large and deep cup. Mix dry ingredients.

    Pour in warm milk and stir well.

    Separately, beat the eggs, pour into the dough, here a couple of tablespoons of oil. Mix thoroughly until the lumps disappear and let it brew for 15 minutes.

    Fry pancakes on both sides until golden brown. It takes me less than a minute on each side.

    Stitches on starch

    And this is an original, classic recipe for pancakes, which came from the villages.

    What is its feature? We will cook without wheat flour. Instead of flour, take a similar amount of starch (potato or corn). In addition to starch, we also add a lot of eggs. The dough will be thin, tender and stretchy - just right for delicious toppings!


    • Eggs - 7 pcs.
    • Starch - 6-7 tablespoons;
    • Milk - 500 ml.
    • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon;


    Combine warm milk with cornstarch. Beat eggs, pour into milk. Add a spoonful of oil. Beat well.

    Fry preferably in a pan with a non-stick coating. Pour the dough into a hot frying pan, after a minute gently pry off the edge with a fork and turn the pancake over.

    Flippers on the water

    A lower calorie option. You can also cook without eggs, but the essence of the pancakes is that eggs must be required and in large quantities.


    • Flour - 500 g (Can be 50 to 50 with starch);
    • Eggs - 4 pcs.
    • Water - 1000 ml.
    • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
    • Salt - 2 pinches;
    • Sugar - 2 teaspoons;

    Cooking process

    Heat the water slightly, dissolve the salt and sugar in it. Pour in the flour. Beat the eggs, pour them into the dough. Add oil and mix thoroughly.

    Stand for 15 minutes. Fry as usual.


    The pancakes are baked, but what to stuff them with? The filling was invented by the sea! Sweet, savory, vegetable and meat, mushroom, fish, etc. Below are the most common options.

    Nalistniki with cottage cheese

    Most often it is prepared with curd filling. Moreover, cottage cheese does not have to be sweet, some make it salty.

    In addition to cottage cheese, I also advise you to take some dried fruits: raisins, dried apricots, prunes.


    • Cottage cheese - 500 g.
    • Egg - 1 pc.
    • Raisins - 50-80 g.
    • Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
    • Vanillin - 1-2 pinches (optional);


    1. Pour raisins with boiling water for 5 minutes, then drain the water and dry the berries.
    2. Blend cottage cheese until smooth. If too dry, then add another 1-2 tablespoons of sour cream. Whisk the egg with vanilla and sugar. Add raisins, eggs to the curd and mix thoroughly.
    3. Everything. Spread the filling (1 tablespoon each) in pancakes, wrap them.
    4. You can eat it right away, or you can also bake the naistniki in the oven.
    5. To do this, fold the sheets into some kind of deep mold. Grate frozen butter on top, sprinkle with sugar. You can also top it with sour cream. Now send to the oven preheated to 200-220 degrees for 10-15 minutes until blush. Someone likes it to be completely darkened, someone - just a little bit.

    With ham and cheese

    1. Grate 300 grams of ham (sausage) and 100-150 g of hard cheese on a coarse grater. If desired, you can also put chopped greens here.
    2. Beat the egg, mix it with cheese and ham. We start the pancakes, then put them in the oven for 15 minutes (200 degrees).

    With meat

    1. Take 500-800 grams of minced meat, 1-2 onions, 2-3 pinches of salt and black pepper.
    2. Fry the minced meat along with the onion until fully cooked. Preferably covered. Salt, pepper. Everything, you can start and immediately try.

    with apples

    1. Peel the apple, remove the cores. Finely chop, add 3-5 tablespoons of sugar and a spoonful of softened butter. And a spoonful of starch so that the juice does not flow out.
    2. Stuff the pancakes, then put them in a pot. Top with a lid or pancake and bake for 15 minutes in the oven. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.

    Pancakes are called thin spring rolls. This dish is common in Ukraine and Belarus, but our compatriots make and eat it with pleasure. Pancakes differ from ordinary pancakes in the use of yeast-free dough and high elasticity. They are thin, but do not tear, which allows you to wrap the filling in them. It can be meat, mushroom, vegetable, fruit, often it is made from cottage cheese. The dough for nalistniks can also be different, but its taste is always close to neutral, because the main task of nalistniks is to be a wrapper for the filling, without interrupting or obscuring its taste.

    Cooking features

    Spring rolls are appropriate both for a family dinner and on the buffet table. They are baked for breakfast, taken with them on the road, made for the holiday. Having learned how to cook pancakes, the hostess will always be able to satisfy and tasty feed the household, meet guests with dignity. The process of making spring rolls is not difficult if you know a few points.

    • The dough for the pancakes is made quite liquid, resembling thick kefir or liquid sour cream in consistency, it should easily spread over the pan.
    • It will be easier to stir the flour so that the dough is smooth, without lumps, if you initially make the dough thick, and only then dilute with water or milk. Flour is introduced gradually, in parts. Stir the dough along the bottom with quick circular motions.
    • If vegetable oil is added to the dough, the pastry can be fried in a dry frying pan or lubricated with a minimum amount of oil using a special culinary brush.
    • The pan must be heated before pouring the dough on it.
    • The dough is poured into the center, then the pan is tilted from side to side so that the dough is evenly distributed along the bottom. It cannot be smeared.
    • As soon as the pancake is browned, it is turned over, fried for another half a minute, and removed. Ready pancakes are stacked on a flat plate.
    • It is customary to roll up the sheets with an envelope or a tube. You can also cut the pancakes into 4 parts, put a small amount of filling at the wide edge, roll up the roll towards the sharp corner. This form is also considered traditional.
    • The stuffing for nalistniks should be completely ready for use.
    • The pancakes should be served hot. This can be done immediately after filling the shell with stuffing. Cooled pancakes are heated in a pan or in the microwave. Traditionally, they are put in a pot, poured with oil, then simmered in an oven or in an oven at a minimum temperature of one and a half to two hours.

    Nalistniki are delicious on their own, but they are usually served with sour cream.

    The classic recipe for nalistniki with cottage cheese and raisins

    • milk - 0.25 l;
    • water - 0.25 l;
    • chicken egg - 3 pcs.;
    • wheat flour - 160 g;
    • sugar - 100 g;
    • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
    • cottage cheese - 0.5 kg;
    • raisins - 50 g;
    • butter - to taste.

    Recipe for the occasion::

    Cooking method:

    • Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, break one egg into a bowl with it, add 3 tablespoons of sugar. Pound until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
    • Pour raisins with boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. Drain the water, squeeze the dried fruits, put in the curd mass, mix.
    • In a separate bowl, break the remaining eggs, add the remaining sugar to them, rub.
    • Sift the flour. Stir it into the egg mixture one by one.
    • Pour in half the milk, stir the dough so that there are no lumps. Pour in the remaining milk, mix thoroughly again.
    • Continuing to stir the dough, add water, then vegetable oil.
    • Heat the pan, fry thin pancakes on it, put them in a pile.
    • On each pancake closer to one edge, put a spoonful of filling. Roll up the pancakes.
    • Melt the butter.
    • Arrange the pastry in a baking dish or ceramic pot, basting each layer with a little melted butter.
    • Put in the oven. The temperature in it should be minimal. Cover the pot with foil. Simmer for 1-2 hours, depending on the temperature in the oven (2 hours at 60 degrees, 1 hour at 120 degrees).

    It remains to take the pot out of the oven, let it cool down a little, put the pancakes on plates and call everyone to the table. You can cook the nalistny in the oven and immediately in portions, heating them in small molds.

    Nalistniki with meat and rice

    • wheat flour - 160 g;
    • milk - 0.5 l;
    • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
    • vegetable oil - 50 ml for the dough and 50 ml for the filling;
    • minced meat - 0.4 kg;
    • onions - 0.2 kg;
    • rice - 80 g;
    • salt, black ground pepper - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    • Rinse the rice well, cover with clean water, boil until tender.
    • Peel the onion, finely chop.
    • Combine onion and rice with minced meat, pepper and salt it.
    • Heat the oil in a frying pan, put the minced meat in it and fry it over low heat until cooked.
    • Pour a glass of milk into a bowl, break eggs into it, add sugar and a pinch of salt. Beat with a whisk to get a homogeneous mixture.
    • Gradually add the sifted flour and stir. As a result, you should get a fairly thick dough, but smooth, without lumps.
    • Pour milk into the dough, stir it in a circle until a homogeneous composition is obtained.
    • Add oil, mix well again.
    • Bake thin pancakes from the prepared dough, put them on a plate.
    • Put a spoonful of meat filling on each pancake, roll it up with an envelope.

    Serve meat pancakes with sour cream or mushroom sauce.

    Dough rolls on water with apples

    • water - 0.3 l;
    • butter - 60 g;
    • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
    • flour - 120 g;
    • honey - 10 ml;
    • starch - 30 g;
    • sugar - 100 g;
    • apples - 0.4 kg.

    Cooking method:

    • Peel the apples, cut out the seed boxes from them. Coarsely grate the pulp, mix with sugar and starch. Add 30 g of melted butter, mix.
    • Mix remaining melted butter with water.
    • Add melted honey and eggs to a mixture of water and oil. Beat with a whisk until the mixture has a uniform consistency.
    • Sift the flour. Pour it into the prepared mixture, knead a homogeneous dough, without lumps.
    • Fry pancakes.
    • Fill them with apple filling, forming tubules.
    • Put the pancakes in a pan or cauldron, cover with a pancake without filling, heat for 30–60 minutes in the oven, setting the minimum temperature in it.

    When serving, apple-filled pancakes can be poured with sour cream, yogurt, condensed milk, chocolate cream.

    Flour-free pastry with curd and poppy seed filling

    • chicken egg - 6 pcs.;
    • milk - 0.5 l;
    • poppy - 50 g;
    • cottage cheese - 0.3 kg;
    • starch - 150 g;
    • salt - a pinch;
    • sugar - to taste;
    • vegetable oil - 20 ml per dough, for greasing the pan - as needed;
    • butter, sour cream - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    • Pour boiling water over the poppy seeds so that the water barely covers the poppy seeds. Leave to swell.
    • Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve. Mix with one raw egg. Add sugar to taste, mix well.
    • Combine the curd mass with poppy seeds and a small amount of sour cream. Stir.
    • Place the remaining 5 eggs in a clean bowl. Pour a few tablespoons of sugar into them, rub them.
    • Add starch to eggs, mix thoroughly.
    • Pour in the milk, beat with a whisk. The dough should be homogeneous.
    • Add a tablespoon of vegetable oil to the dough.
    • Heat the pan, grease with oil, pour a small ladle of dough into the center. Fry the pancake on one side until the other side is no longer runny. Remove, transfer to a plate.
    • In the same way, fry pancakes from the remaining dough.
    • Put a spoonful of cottage cheese filling on one side of the pancake, roll up the pancake with a roll, tucking the edges.
    • Place in a pot, drizzling with melted butter.
    • Preheat the oven to 160–180 degrees, put a container with sheets in it for 10–15 minutes.

    Wraps according to this recipe are especially thin, tender. Cottage cheese-poppy filling gives them an exquisite taste. Such a treat can become a decoration of the festive table.

    Serum-based pastries with cabbage and mushrooms

    • flour - 160 g;
    • whey or kefir - 0.25 kg;
    • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
    • soda - a large pinch;
    • salt - to taste;
    • sugar - 5 g;
    • cabbage (fresh or half with sauerkraut) - 0.3 kg;
    • fresh mushrooms (porcini or champignons) - 0.2 kg;
    • onions - 100 g;
    • carrots - 100 g;
    • vegetable oil - 40 ml per dough;
    • butter - as needed.

    Cooking method:

    • From the sifted flour, a pinch of salt and the same amount of soda, eggs and whey (or kefir), make the dough. Add vegetable oil to it, mix.
    • Fry pancakes from the prepared dough. You can fry on one side.
    • Chop cabbage, grate carrots.
    • Lightly fry the cabbage with carrots in butter, reduce the heat, cover with a lid, simmer until the cabbage is soft.
    • In another pan, fry the mushrooms and onions, cut into small pieces, in butter.
    • Combine mushrooms with stewed cabbage, adding sauerkraut. Simmer everything together for 5 minutes.
    • Fill the pancakes with cabbage-mushroom filling, roll them into envelopes.
    • Fry the pancakes on both sides in butter.

    Nalistki according to this recipe are hearty, tasty and fragrant. Mushroom lovers will love them.

    Nalistniki are thin spring rolls. They are considered a dish of Ukrainian and Belarusian cuisines, although similar dishes are prepared by housewives in many countries. There are several recipes for dough and stuffing for nalistniks, so this dish is unlikely to get bored.

    How to cook a recipe for pancakes pancakes in milk - a complete description of the preparation, so that the dish turns out to be very tasty and original.

    Pancakes are the hallmark of Russian cuisine. They are made with yeast and are hearty and tasty pastries that can be eaten with a variety of sauces. The only drawback of pancakes is their thickness and some fragility. It is very difficult to wrap the filling in them and fold them into an envelope. But there is such a Ukrainian dish as nalistniki. These are yeast-free pancakes, very thin, elastic, as if created in order to serve as a strong dough shell for various fillings. Their neutral creamy taste is ideal for sweet cottage cheese with raisins, as well as for minced meat, apples with cinnamon and cabbage with mushrooms. In this article, we will reveal the recipe for milk pancakes. Photos of finished products motivate you and inspire you to culinary experiments.

    What is the uniqueness of nalistniks

    For this Ukrainian dish, you need to take the same ingredients that are required in order to cook Russian pancakes. Wedges on milk just don't need yeast. Instead, a little vegetable oil is poured into the dough. This ingredient makes pancakes elastic, thin. Since the oil is already in the dough, you can bake the naistniki in a “dry frying pan”. But still it is recommended to grease the bottom with a silicone brush with sunflower fat before the first pancake. Now about milk. It does not have to be fresh, as they say in Ukraine, "sweet". Sour is good too. And nalistniks are also made from various milk derivatives: on kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk, whey. The fermentation bacteria give the pancakes their delicacy. Sometimes regular soda is added along with milk. But here we will focus specifically on the question of how to cook pancakes in milk.

    We will need milk, flour, eggs, sugar and salt, sunflower oil. In some recipes, the dough is also diluted with warm water. And, of course, you can not do without the filling. Although nalistniki can be eaten in the same way as pancakes: with mushroom sauce, sour cream, honey and butter. What distinguishes the two different dishes is the way they are prepared. The dough for pancakes in milk is prepared in two stages. First, it is made thick, the consistency of homemade sour cream. So it should stand for at least an hour. And then it is diluted with milk or mineral water / ordinary warm boiled water. There is also a special choux pastry - but this is the subject of another article. So let's get cooking. What are the proportions of the ingredients? For a glass of milk, you need to take the same amount of flour, one egg, a pinch of salt, two teaspoons of sugar. To dilute the thick dough, we need about 100 ml of warm water. And, of course, so that the pancakes do not stick to the pan - two soup spoons of vegetable oil. It can be replaced with the same amount of melted butter. With it, the platters will have a beautiful golden look.

    How to make pancakes with milk

    The basic recipe advises first grinding the egg with sugar and salt. By the way, if you intend to make pancakes with meat, cabbage, mushrooms, chopped liver and the like, reduce the amount of the sweet ingredient to a pinch. Now you should pour a glass of milk. In order for the components to interact with each other faster, it would be better to warm it up a little. Now add flour. Mix thoroughly until lumps are eliminated. Pour in vegetable oil and leave the dough on the pancakes in milk to rest at room temperature. During this time, you can do the filling. Steam the raisins, rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, mix it with sugar and a raw egg. Or boil the chicken breast, pass the meat through a meat grinder, mix it with finely chopped dill and salt. While you are doing all this, the dough will do. Now you should dilute it to the consistency of cream with milk. But you can also use water.

    At this stage of cooking, the recipe for pancakes in milk - the photo shows this - differs from the method of frying pancakes. There is no need to pour a lot of oil into the pan. You can only lightly lubricate the bottom with a silicone brush. And before, Ukrainian housewives managed with a piece of bacon strung on a fork, and in fasting they dipped a goose feather in vegetable oil. With your right hand, scoop up the batter with a small ladle. With the left hand, we hold a heated frying pan on weight, slightly tilted. Pour the dough in a thin stream into the middle. We rotate the pan slightly in a circle so that the dough spreads and occupies the entire bottom. We check the readiness with a thin wooden spatula. As soon as the bottom is browned, we sharply throw the pan forward and up a little. A fat pancake will fly up, turning over in the air. Now it is important to catch him so that he slams into the pan with the unbaked side. Until you have developed the necessary skill, turn your pancakes over with a fork or wooden spatula. If you are going to wrap the filling in pancakes with milk, the recipe recommends frying them on one side only. Then we put the minced meat on the baked side, roll up the pancake with a tube and put it on a baking sheet. Put in the oven until fully cooked.

    Nalistniki in milk: recipe "Belarusian"

    In Ukraine, every housewife has several cherished ways of making thin, elastic pancakes in her arsenal. We bring to your attention the Belarusian recipe. The composition of the ingredients is not much different from Ukrainian. Sift two cups of flour into a bowl. Mix it with a tablespoon of sugar and a pinch of salt. In another bowl, slightly warm two glasses of milk. We drive an egg into it. Pour a quarter cup of vegetable oil. We combine the liquid mass with flour - just like that, and not vice versa. We work with a whisk so that lumps do not form. When the dough becomes homogeneous, leave it for one and a half to two hours. After that, dilute with a glass of warm boiled water. Knead the dough and bake the pancakes in milk on one side. I put stuffing on it. Most often it is a sweet cottage cheese with vanilla, mashed with an egg. We turn the sheet into a tube, tucking the edges. We put the products in a baking dish. In the old days, they were packed in a tight row in a cast iron. A layer of pancakes was poured with melted butter and sprinkled with sugar. Thus, the entire cast-iron was filled, tier by tier. They covered the dishes with a lid and put them in the oven on a very small fire to languish. Don't fry! The temperature should not be more than 160 C. If you can set the degrees in the oven, select the "60" mark. So the pancakes should stay in the oven for about an hour.

    And now let's look at how to cook pancakes in milk without other solvents. For one and a half glasses of flour, you need to take three eggs, two tablespoons of vegetable or melted butter, a pinch of salt, a little more sugar. Separate an incomplete glass from half a liter of milk. Mix with other ingredients. After an hour or an hour and a half, dilute too thick dough with the remaining milk. In terms of density, it should turn out like heavy cream - liquid, but still not like water.

    The main problems that arise when making pancakes

    The most common difficulty is that the pancakes in milk stick to the pan or tear. For the first pancake, this is normal - you see, the dishes were not calcined enough or they gave little fat. But if this is repeated with the second and third sheets, add flour to the dough. To do this, pour off part of the dough (a third of a glass). Pour a couple of tablespoons of flour into it. Mix well and pour into most of the dough. Another problem is the fragility and fragility of finished products. In this case, pour a little vegetable oil into the dough.

    How to get rid of flour lumps

    There are several ways to achieve dough uniformity. The first is to mix flour, sugar, salt, eggs and quite a bit of milk. Then add the rest and only at the end add vegetable oil. The second way is to separate part of the milk and mix it thoroughly with the entire amount of flour. And then add the rest of the ingredients. Some housewives resort to using a mixer when kneading dough. The milk pancakes will come out a little more fluffy if you mix flour with cookie powder (on the tip of a knife).

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    Pancakes with milk, Nalistniki

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    Nalistniki - pancakes in milk with curd filling

    Thin pancakes with cottage cheese, which came to us from neighboring Belarus, have firmly established themselves in the diet of many families. Traditionally, such pancakes with cottage cheese, the recipe of which is also used in Ukraine, Poland, are made from liquid unleavened dough with the addition of a large number of eggs.

    From ordinary pancakes, pancakes differ in texture and taste. They are thinner, almost unsweetened, elastic, do not have holes. They are served rolled into a tube, poured with sauces, sour cream or jam. In addition to cottage cheese, other fillings are also wrapped in pancakes - meat, mushroom, vegetable. Such thin pancakes should emphasize the taste of the filling, only slightly set off, and not "hammer" it, serve as a kind of shell, in this case - cottage cheese.

    Today we offer to cook pancakes in milk, a recipe with cottage cheese and raisins. This filling is considered a classic, pancakes are fragrant and sweet, served with coffee, juice and tea.

    Today's Belarusian pancakes - unleavened pancakes with cottage cheese - will be cooked in milk, although in the classical interpretation they usually use water, especially for savory fillings. You will need the following ingredients for the test:

    • 500 milliliters of milk;
    • 4 eggs;
    • 2 tablespoons of olive or vegetable oil;
    • 3 tablespoons of sugar;
    • a pinch of salt;
    • 150-200 grams of flour.

    For the filling on the cottage cheese pancake, take the following components:

    • 400 grams of granular cottage cheese with a fat content of about 9%;
    • 5 tablespoons without a hill of sugar;
    • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar;
    • a little butter;
    • a handful of raisins.

    The filling for the pancakes should be quite dense, so it is important to choose the right cottage cheese. It is not recommended to use curd mass instead of ordinary cottage cheese; it is better to take a fresh rustic product with high fat content. Raisins can be used any, preferably small and pitted. We will steam it so that it becomes soft and does not crunch in the filling.

    Cooking process

    Milk pancakes with cottage cheese are prepared very simply and do not differ much from our usual pancakes with fillings. But there are also small secrets that you will learn about in the process of phased preparation.

    Let's start kneading the dough for sheets:

    1. Warm the milk slightly in a deep bowl. The temperature should be at least 30 degrees to make it easier to dissolve salt and sugar in the liquid.
    2. Beat the eggs with a mixer or a whisk until a fluffy foam appears and the eggs increase in volume. Add this mass little by little to the milk, also kneading it.
    3. Add salt and sugar, stir with the main milk mixture.
    4. Now pour in a portion of vegetable oil. It is not at all necessary to use olive oil, you can take the usual sunflower oil, as well as corn and other without a pronounced smell.
    5. Sift the flour twice into a deep bowl before adding it to the pancake dough so that in the end there are no unbaked lumps or debris in the dough. Pour the flour into the milk mass in several steps, then knead the dough with a mixer until fully cooked.

    The dough for pancakes should be more liquid than for ordinary pancakes. This will allow you to bake really thin pancakes, in which it will be convenient to wrap the curd filling. The amount of flour depends primarily on the size of the eggs - the larger they are, the more flour you will need. Therefore, do not pour out the entire portion at once, but add flour gradually, adjusting its amount in the dough.

    We start frying when the dough has stood for a few minutes:

    1. We put one or two pans at once on medium heat and heat for 5 minutes.
    2. Grease the surface of the pan with butter. Do not overdo it with the amount of fat, otherwise the dough will immediately curl up and distribute unevenly.
    3. Heat the pan for another minute with oil.
    4. Pour quite a bit of dough and spread it over the surface. Add a little more, if necessary, so that there are no holes in the pancake.
    5. Such pancakes are fried very quickly - literally less than a minute on each side, if you poured the dough into the pan in a thin layer. The readiness of the pancakes is determined by their color - when they are browned, remove them and put them on a dish.
    1. Grind cottage cheese with sugar and vanilla. if necessary, excess whey can be decanted from the curd beforehand, resting it on cheesecloth (in a sieve) for several hours.
    2. Pour raisins with boiling water for 20 minutes, after that we also strain the water, and dry the raisins on a towel.
    3. Mix raisins and cottage cheese with sugar and vanilla using a blender until a fluffy homogeneous mass.
    4. If desired, you can add a little lemon zest or other flavorings to the mixture.

    To make pancakes even tastier, we bake them in the oven. Each pancake must be stuffed with cottage cheese - put about 1 tablespoon of the filling in the center of the pancake, fold it into a square, bending the edges inward. Now put one layer of pancakes into a refractory form, grease with very soft butter, put another layer of pancakes on top. So put all the pancakes into a mold, salting them with butter.

    The last layer can not only be greased with oil, but also sprinkled with powdered sugar. It will give your dessert an appetizing golden crust. Bake pancakes for no more than 10 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. The main purpose of baking is to saturate them with butter and make them more juicy and soft.

    Recipe for thin pancakes in milk (pancakes)

    What to cook if milk has stagnated in the refrigerator? Of course, pancakes. Well, if you have patience and have an hour of free time in milk, you get excellent pancakes. And for the recipe for pancakes, you can look at this article. Today we will bake thin pancakes. In the people, thin pancakes are also called pancakes.

    For the recipe for thin pancakes you will need:

  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon,
  • salt - 1/4 teaspoon,
  • vanillin - optional
  • milk - 2.5 cups,
  • flour - 200 gr.
  • rast. oil - 3 tbsp. spoons.

    thin pancakes with milk recipe

    Thin pancakes are especially popular with children. Pancakes are so brittle and crispy, but once they are kept under a lid or covered with another deep container, they become soft and it is easier to wrap the filling in them.

    1. Cook pancake dough can be different. Someone first kneads a thick dough, adding a little bit of milk. This is a great option and I use it, but most often, probably like many, I combine liquid ingredients, then add flour. Namely, I beat the eggs, with the help of a whisk, with the addition of sugar, vanillin and salt.

    Then I pour in milk at room temperature.

    After combining these ingredients, I add the sifted flour, but in portions. At the same time, after each added portion of flour, mix the mass thoroughly. The consistency of the mixture is watery, but not quite.

    2. Now add rast. oil, mix and set the bowl of dough aside for 15 minutes.

    3. Bake pancakes in a well-heated pan. If you have a ceramic frying pan, you do not need to grease it with oil, because it is already present in the dough. To make thin pancakes, you need to pour the dough a little and distribute it well over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pan, with rotating movements. Nalistniki fry quickly, so do not forget about them.

    And here's what happens: thin crispy pancakes with milk. which are so easy to make!

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    Nalistniki, or spring rolls, is a traditional dish of Ukrainian cuisine. They are called foliar because they are very small, like a leaf of a tree.

    Pancakes can be prepared with a variety of fillings: meat, mushrooms, jam, etc. - the list is difficult to limit, because everything that can be wrapped in a pancake can turn into a pancake. The most famous and beloved for many are sweet pastries with cottage cheese and raisins.

    Pancakes are baked from unleavened dough, without yeast, unlike traditional pancakes. The dough is very liquid, which makes the pancakes thin, almost transparent, which makes them ideal for serving with fillings. And so that such delicate and thin pancakes do not tear and hold the minced meat securely, the dough is prepared on the basis of milk, half mixed with water, which makes it both soft and elastic.

    Cooking time: about 1 hour

    To make the nippers, you will need

    • 1 glass of milk
    • 1 glass of water
    • 1 cup flour
    • 2 eggs
    • 100 ml vegetable oil
    • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar.
    • 500 grams of cottage cheese
    • 1 egg
    • 60 grams of raisins
    • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of sugar.

    You will also need a little butter for baking the pancakes and sugar for sprinkling.

    How to cook cottage cheese pancakes - a step-by-step recipe for pancakes with a photo

    In a bowl, whisk together eggs, sifted flour and sugar.

    Then pour milk into the egg base.

    At this stage, it is best to mix the dough with a blender, as it will help to avoid the appearance of unwanted lumps.

    Then pour water into the dough and mix again until smooth.

    The dough will be very liquid. At the very end, add vegetable oil. Thoroughly mix the dough so that the oil is completely combined with it.

    Pour a little dough into a dry pan and spread it quickly to make the pancake very thin. Pancakes should not stick to the pan, as the dough contains oil that will be released during cooking. Bake the pancakes until golden brown on both sides.

    If you have 2-3 pans, feel free to use the entire “arsenal”, because this will go much faster.

    Stack the finished pancakes in a pile and immediately cover with a large bowl. Thanks to this, the steam that will be released from the still hot pancakes will soften them and make them very elastic.

    Filling preparation

    Soak raisins in hot water to soften a little.

    Mix cottage cheese, sugar and egg in a bowl. Cottage cheese is better to take fatter, then the filling will turn out more creamy.

    Then squeeze the raisins out of the water and add them to the curd.

    Formation of foliar

    Cut each pancake into 4 pieces. Place 1 teaspoon of filling on the wide side of the pancake.

    Fold up the sides first.

    Then, holding them, carefully, but tightly enough, roll up the sheet.

    Lubricate the baking dish with a little butter and lay the sheets in a dense layer.
    Grease the tops of the pancakes with butter and sprinkle with sugar. Thanks to this, the surface of the pancakes will become caramel.

    Place the casserole dish in an oven preheated to 220 degrees and bake until the surface is golden brown (about 15-20 minutes).

    Serve right out of the oven with sour cream, honey or your favorite jam.

    Thin pancakes with milk: 7 delicious recipes

    Thin pancakes with milk are a simple delicacy that both adults and children love equally. Pancakes are good on their own, they can be served with sour cream, sauce, jam or honey, or you can fill them with meat, apples, rice, mushrooms, cottage cheese, sausage, cheese, herbs, liver, and many other delicious fillings.

    In the old days, the skill of the hostess was checked by whether she knows how to cook pancakes. This unpretentious, at first glance, art is a real test of strength for some housewives. But if you learn how to cook them once, then you definitely won’t forget how to cook them later.

    How to cook thin pancakes with milk

    In this collection you will find 7 original recipes for making pancakes with milk. Unlike recipes using kefir, pancakes here are very thin and tender, so you can wrap stuffing in them or just eat them with sauces.

    1) Pancakes with milk. Thin pancakes with milk

    There are many options for fillings for pancakes: pancakes with meat, with liver, with cottage cheese, with chicken and cheese, with red caviar. The list can be very long, not to mention sweet fillings and toppings. But at the heart of all these recipes are ordinary thin pancakes in milk. Here we will start with them.

    • Milk 500 ml
    • Eggs 3 pcs.
    • Wheat flour 1.5 tbsp.
    • Sugar 0.5 tbsp. l.
    • Salt 0.5 tsp
    • Vegetable oil 1-2 tbsp. l.

    How to cook thin pancakes with milk

    1. Beat the eggs, add 200 ml of milk, salt, sugar to them and mix.
    2. Pour in the sifted flour.
    3. Add the remaining milk and stir until smooth.
    4. Lightly grease a well-heated frying pan with vegetable oil and pour a portion of the dough.
    5. Fry the pancake until it is golden brown on the bottom.
    6. Turn it over and fry on the other side.

    The dough for pancakes should be in consistency, like liquid sour cream or like cream. But in any case, it should not resemble water in consistency.

    2) Sugar pancakes

    Sugar pancakes are very tender, tasty and fragrant. They go well with condensed milk, honey, favorite jam or sour cream. And the kids are always asking for more.

    • Wheat flour 1 tbsp.
    • Milk 0.5 l
    • Eggs 3 pcs.
    • Sugar 3 tbsp. l.
    • Vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l.
    • Salt 1 pinch

    How to make sugar pancakes

    1. Sift the flour through a sieve, separate the yolks from the proteins. Combine the yolks with milk and mix thoroughly. Add flour and knead the dough.
    2. Whip the whites into a strong foam.
    3. Add proteins to the dough and mix the mass until smooth.
    4. Put the pan on the fire and brush with oil with a silicone brush.
    5. Pour in the batter and fry the pancake on both sides.
    6. When the pancake is baked, without removing it from the pan, pour a teaspoon of sugar into the middle.
    7. Fold the pancake in four and serve.

    Add fruit, berries, a scoop of ice cream, whipped cream, caramel or your favorite sweet sauce to the pancakes and enjoy every bite of this yummy.

    See the full recipe with step by step photos here.

    3) Pancakes in milk with soda

    Probably, every housewife has her own secrets on how to achieve a beautiful pattern on pancakes. One of the easiest is to use baking soda. And how to make ruddy pancakes that will please the eye?

    • Wheat flour 1 tbsp.
    • Chicken eggs 2 pcs.
    • Milk 0.5 l
    • Sugar 3 tbsp. l.
    • Salt 1 pinch
    • Soda 1 tsp
    • Vinegar 1 tsp
    • Sunflower oil 2 tbsp. l.

    How to cook pancakes in milk with soda

    1. Heat the milk to 40ºС, pour into a bowl and beat in the eggs.
    2. Add salt, sugar and beat the mixture thoroughly with a mixer until fluffy foam.
    3. Quench the soda with vinegar and add it to the mixture.
    4. Add the sifted flour and beat the dough until smooth.
    5. Add sunflower oil to the dough and beat. Let stand for 20 minutes.
    6. Pour the dough into a well-heated and oiled frying pan or pancake pan with a thin layer and bake the pancake on both sides.

    Pancakes in milk with soda are a tasty and fragrant dish, which is very easy to cook, and eating is a pleasure. Thin, delicate, patterned pancakes, flavored with butter and sprinkled with honey ... Well, what could be better if you suddenly want something delicious for tea?

    See the full recipe with step by step photos here.

    Pancakes with cinnamon are a fragrant and tasty delicacy that you can please yourself and your loved ones not only on Maslenitsa, but also at any other time.

    • Wheat flour 200 g
    • Milk 1 tbsp.
    • Chicken egg 2 pcs.
    • Ground cinnamon 1 tsp
    • Sugar sand 2 tbsp. l.
    • Vanilla sugar 1 tsp
    • Vegetable oil 1 tbsp. l.
    • Soda 1 tsp

    How to make pancakes with cinnamon

    1. Beat eggs with sugar until firm foam.
    2. Add milk and mix well.
    3. Mix flour with cinnamon and vanilla.
    4. Combine flour with liquid and stir.
    5. Pour in vegetable oil and add soda.
    6. Knead the dough again and let it rest for a while.
    7. Bake pancakes in a skillet.

    These easy-to-make pancakes will be an excellent addition to breakfast and will be an excellent company for a cup of aromatic tea or coffee. Openwork and ruddy pastries with a unique aroma of cinnamon are a tasty morsel for both children and adults.

    See the full recipe with step by step photos here.

    5) Vanilla pancakes with milk

    If your culinary piggy bank does not have a suitable recipe for vanilla pancakes, then use this one. Pancakes are very thin, soft and appetizing, with a delicate aroma of vanilla.

    • Milk 1 l
    • Chicken eggs 2 pcs.
    • Wheat flour 270 g
    • Sugar 3 tbsp. l.
    • Vegetable oil 3 tbsp. l.
    • Salt 0.5 tsp
    • Soda 0.5 tsp
    • Vanilla sugar 1 tsp

    How to make vanilla pancakes

    1. Heat up the milk.
    2. Beat eggs, add granulated sugar and vanilla sugar, salt and soda.
    3. Mix all ingredients.
    4. Add vegetable oil and mix again.
    5. Pour in a third of the milk and stir.
    6. Pour in the flour and pour in the remaining milk.
    7. Stir and leave for half an hour.
    8. Grease a frying pan with vegetable oil and fry on both sides.

    Many people think that making pancakes is a very complicated and long process. Perhaps the first pancake will be lumpy, but with experience you will be able to quickly prepare this delicious dish.

    See the full recipe with step by step photos here.

    Pancakes according to this recipe are not with onion, but with onions directly in the dough. Interested? Then run to the kitchen and cook these delicious pancakes!

    • Chicken eggs 4 pcs.
    • Onion 3 pcs.
    • Milk 1 tbsp.
    • Boiled water 1.25 tbsp.
    • Rye flour 1 tbsp.
    • Wheat flour 2 grades coarse grinding 1 tbsp.
    • Salt 0.5 tsp

    How to cook onion pancakes

    1. Whisk eggs with salt.
    2. Cut the peeled onion and chop in a blender.
    3. Add onion puree to eggs, add milk and beat.
    4. Sift flour into the ingredients and whisk.
    5. Pour in hot water and whisk for the last time.
    6. Fry on both sides.

    Such pancakes can be served with greens, sour cream, salmon and any sauces. Bon Appetit!

    See the full recipe with step by step photos here.

    7) Pancakes with coconut

    Absolutely everyone loves pancakes, and each housewife has her own proven recipe for making them. By varying the composition of the dough, shape and thickness, you can create many new recipes. This recipe will help you make thin pancakes in milk with coconut flakes.

    • Wheat flour 1 tbsp.
    • Milk 2 tbsp.
    • Refined vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l.
    • Egg 1 pc.
    • Sugar 2 tbsp. l.
    • Coconut flakes 100 g

    How to make pancakes with coconut

    1. Sift the flour.
    2. Add sugar to it and beat in an egg.
    3. Add vegetable oil and heated milk.
    4. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
    5. Heat the frying pan, pour out the dough, and add coconut flakes on top of the dough and bake pancakes.

    Coconut chips are very often used in the confectionery business. It can be added to cakes, pastries, rolls, fillings, and simply decorate finished products. This ingredient also gives pancakes its unique taste.

    See the full recipe with step by step photos here.

    Pancake recipes can be varied endlessly: experiment with spices, add new flavors, change proportions. And one day you will definitely find your unique recipe for perfect pancakes!

    Lush milk pancakes without yeast recipe

  • How to cook pancakes nalistniki recipe - a complete description of the preparation, so that the dish turns out to be very tasty and original.

    Nalistniki, or spring rolls, is a traditional dish of Ukrainian cuisine. They are called foliar because they are very small, like a leaf of a tree.

    Pancakes can be prepared with a variety of fillings: meat, mushrooms, jam, etc. - the list is difficult to limit, because everything that can be wrapped in a pancake can turn into a pancake. The most famous and beloved for many are sweet pastries with cottage cheese and raisins.

    Pancakes are baked from unleavened dough, without yeast, unlike traditional pancakes. The dough is very liquid, which makes the pancakes thin, almost transparent, which makes them ideal for serving with fillings. And so that such delicate and thin pancakes do not tear and hold the minced meat securely, the dough is prepared on the basis of milk, half mixed with water, which makes it both soft and elastic.

    Cooking time: about 1 hour

    To make the nippers, you will need

    • 1 glass of milk
    • 1 glass of water
    • 1 cup flour
    • 2 eggs
    • 100 ml vegetable oil
    • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar.
    • 500 grams of cottage cheese
    • 1 egg
    • 60 grams of raisins
    • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of sugar.

    You will also need a little butter for baking the pancakes and sugar for sprinkling.

    How to cook cottage cheese pancakes - a step-by-step recipe for pancakes with a photo

    In a bowl, whisk together eggs, sifted flour and sugar.

    Then pour milk into the egg base.

    At this stage, it is best to mix the dough with a blender, as it will help to avoid the appearance of unwanted lumps.

    Then pour water into the dough and mix again until smooth.

    The dough will be very liquid. At the very end, add vegetable oil. Thoroughly mix the dough so that the oil is completely combined with it.

    Pour a little dough into a dry pan and spread it quickly to make the pancake very thin. Pancakes should not stick to the pan, as the dough contains oil that will be released during cooking. Bake the pancakes until golden brown on both sides.

    If you have 2-3 pans, feel free to use the entire “arsenal”, because this will go much faster.

    Stack the finished pancakes in a pile and immediately cover with a large bowl. Thanks to this, the steam that will be released from the still hot pancakes will soften them and make them very elastic.

    Filling preparation

    Soak raisins in hot water to soften a little.

    Mix cottage cheese, sugar and egg in a bowl. Cottage cheese is better to take fatter, then the filling will turn out more creamy.

    Then squeeze the raisins out of the water and add them to the curd.

    Formation of foliar

    Cut each pancake into 4 pieces. Place 1 teaspoon of filling on the wide side of the pancake.

    Fold up the sides first.

    Then, holding them, carefully, but tightly enough, roll up the sheet.

    Lubricate the baking dish with a little butter and lay the sheets in a dense layer.
    Grease the tops of the pancakes with butter and sprinkle with sugar. Thanks to this, the surface of the pancakes will become caramel.

    Place the casserole dish in an oven preheated to 220 degrees and bake until the surface is golden brown (about 15-20 minutes).

    Serve right out of the oven with sour cream, honey or your favorite jam.

    Recipe for thin pancakes in milk (pancakes)

    What to cook if milk has stagnated in the refrigerator? Of course, pancakes. Well, if you have patience and have an hour of free time in milk, you get excellent pancakes. And for the recipe for pancakes, you can look at this article. Today we will bake thin pancakes. In the people, thin pancakes are also called pancakes.

    For the recipe for thin pancakes you will need:

  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon,
  • salt - 1/4 teaspoon,
  • vanillin - optional
  • milk - 2.5 cups,
  • flour - 200 gr.
  • rast. oil - 3 tbsp. spoons.

    thin pancakes with milk recipe

    Thin pancakes are especially popular with children. Pancakes are so brittle and crispy, but once they are kept under a lid or covered with another deep container, they become soft and it is easier to wrap the filling in them.

    1. Cook pancake dough can be different. Someone first kneads a thick dough, adding a little bit of milk. This is a great option and I use it, but most often, probably like many, I combine liquid ingredients, then add flour. Namely, I beat the eggs, with the help of a whisk, with the addition of sugar, vanillin and salt.

    Then I pour in milk at room temperature.

    After combining these ingredients, I add the sifted flour, but in portions. At the same time, after each added portion of flour, mix the mass thoroughly. The consistency of the mixture is watery, but not quite.

    2. Now add rast. oil, mix and set the bowl of dough aside for 15 minutes.

    3. Bake pancakes in a well-heated pan. If you have a ceramic frying pan, you do not need to grease it with oil, because it is already present in the dough. To make thin pancakes, you need to pour the dough a little and distribute it well over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pan, with rotating movements. Nalistniki fry quickly, so do not forget about them.

    And here's what happens: thin crispy pancakes with milk. which are so easy to make!

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    Nalistniki - pancakes in milk with curd filling

    Thin pancakes with cottage cheese, which came to us from neighboring Belarus, have firmly established themselves in the diet of many families. Traditionally, such pancakes with cottage cheese, the recipe of which is also used in Ukraine, Poland, are made from liquid unleavened dough with the addition of a large number of eggs.

    From ordinary pancakes, pancakes differ in texture and taste. They are thinner, almost unsweetened, elastic, do not have holes. They are served rolled into a tube, poured with sauces, sour cream or jam. In addition to cottage cheese, other fillings are also wrapped in pancakes - meat, mushroom, vegetable. Such thin pancakes should emphasize the taste of the filling, only slightly set off, and not "hammer" it, serve as a kind of shell, in this case - cottage cheese.

    Today we offer to cook pancakes in milk, a recipe with cottage cheese and raisins. This filling is considered a classic, pancakes are fragrant and sweet, served with coffee, juice and tea.

    Today's Belarusian pancakes - unleavened pancakes with cottage cheese - will be cooked in milk, although in the classical interpretation they usually use water, especially for savory fillings. You will need the following ingredients for the test:

    • 500 milliliters of milk;
    • 4 eggs;
    • 2 tablespoons of olive or vegetable oil;
    • 3 tablespoons of sugar;
    • a pinch of salt;
    • 150-200 grams of flour.

    For the filling on the cottage cheese pancake, take the following components:

    • 400 grams of granular cottage cheese with a fat content of about 9%;
    • 5 tablespoons without a hill of sugar;
    • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar;
    • a little butter;
    • a handful of raisins.

    The filling for the pancakes should be quite dense, so it is important to choose the right cottage cheese. It is not recommended to use curd mass instead of ordinary cottage cheese; it is better to take a fresh rustic product with high fat content. Raisins can be used any, preferably small and pitted. We will steam it so that it becomes soft and does not crunch in the filling.

    Cooking process

    Milk pancakes with cottage cheese are prepared very simply and do not differ much from our usual pancakes with fillings. But there are also small secrets that you will learn about in the process of phased preparation.

    Let's start kneading the dough for sheets:

    1. Warm the milk slightly in a deep bowl. The temperature should be at least 30 degrees to make it easier to dissolve salt and sugar in the liquid.
    2. Beat the eggs with a mixer or a whisk until a fluffy foam appears and the eggs increase in volume. Add this mass little by little to the milk, also kneading it.
    3. Add salt and sugar, stir with the main milk mixture.
    4. Now pour in a portion of vegetable oil. It is not at all necessary to use olive oil, you can take the usual sunflower oil, as well as corn and other without a pronounced smell.
    5. Sift the flour twice into a deep bowl before adding it to the pancake dough so that in the end there are no unbaked lumps or debris in the dough. Pour the flour into the milk mass in several steps, then knead the dough with a mixer until fully cooked.

    The dough for pancakes should be more liquid than for ordinary pancakes. This will allow you to bake really thin pancakes, in which it will be convenient to wrap the curd filling. The amount of flour depends primarily on the size of the eggs - the larger they are, the more flour you will need. Therefore, do not pour out the entire portion at once, but add flour gradually, adjusting its amount in the dough.

    We start frying when the dough has stood for a few minutes:

    1. We put one or two pans at once on medium heat and heat for 5 minutes.
    2. Grease the surface of the pan with butter. Do not overdo it with the amount of fat, otherwise the dough will immediately curl up and distribute unevenly.
    3. Heat the pan for another minute with oil.
    4. Pour quite a bit of dough and spread it over the surface. Add a little more, if necessary, so that there are no holes in the pancake.
    5. Such pancakes are fried very quickly - literally less than a minute on each side, if you poured the dough into the pan in a thin layer. The readiness of the pancakes is determined by their color - when they are browned, remove them and put them on a dish.
    1. Grind cottage cheese with sugar and vanilla. if necessary, excess whey can be decanted from the curd beforehand, resting it on cheesecloth (in a sieve) for several hours.
    2. Pour raisins with boiling water for 20 minutes, after that we also strain the water, and dry the raisins on a towel.
    3. Mix raisins and cottage cheese with sugar and vanilla using a blender until a fluffy homogeneous mass.
    4. If desired, you can add a little lemon zest or other flavorings to the mixture.

    To make pancakes even tastier, we bake them in the oven. Each pancake must be stuffed with cottage cheese - put about 1 tablespoon of the filling in the center of the pancake, fold it into a square, bending the edges inward. Now put one layer of pancakes into a refractory form, grease with very soft butter, put another layer of pancakes on top. So put all the pancakes into a mold, salting them with butter.

    The last layer can not only be greased with oil, but also sprinkled with powdered sugar. It will give your dessert an appetizing golden crust. Bake pancakes for no more than 10 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. The main purpose of baking is to saturate them with butter and make them more juicy and soft.

    Pancakes on the water are green, thanks to the addition of leafy greens to the dough. Extraordinary filling for pancakes - potatoes, dried tomatoes, peppers and prunes.

    vegetable oil, vegetable oil, water, eggs, sugar, flour, herbs, potatoes, tomatoes, prunes, salt, green onions

    The recipe for pancakes has a lot in common with pancakes. At the same time, you need to know how to cook nalistniks correctly. Classic nalistniki, these are nalistniki with cottage cheese. Also often cooked nalistniki with meat. To make pasta, you will need flour, milk, eggs, salt, and sugar. And of course, the filling to cook nalistki with it. The dough recipe for pancakes is the same as for pancakes, the only thing is that the dough is prepared in two steps. First, the dough for the pancakes is made thick and left for 20 minutes. Then it is diluted with milk so that it becomes liquid. Ready napkins should not be overdried, it will be even better if the napkins are damp. After all, then you need to wrap the filling in them and put nalistniks briefly in the oven to cook.

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    pancake recipe

    The name nalistniki (in Ukrainian it sounds “nalysnyky”) comes from the word “leaf”, since this dish is made as thin as possible to make different rolls from it. In order for thin dough to retain strength, milk is added to it, diluted in proportions one to one with water, such a recipe allows you to maintain elasticity, softness, and the taste is tender and at the same time saturated.

    Nalistniki is the Ukrainian name for pancakes with filling, actually small pancakes, but these pancakes are not fried, but simply wrapped in a thin milky pancake of the ingredients you like. The traditional taste of nalistniki is with sweet homemade cottage cheese, which is often supplemented with raisins. It can also be stuffed with salty fillings - mushrooms, meat, seafood, as well as a variety of sweets - chocolate, honey, jam, which can be supplemented with candied fruit, nuts.

    Poltava baked

    For the test, you need to prepare one glass of ordinary water, one glass of cow's milk (preferably homemade), one glass of wheat flour, two chicken eggs, 100 grams of sunflower (olive, corn) oil, two tablespoons of sugar.

    Filling: half a kilo of homemade cottage cheese, one egg, three tablespoons of raisins, two tablespoons of sugar (if the cottage cheese is not sour, you can add three tablespoons of sugar if the cottage cheese is sour).

    Cooking - butter is used for baking, for serving - sugar, which can be sprinkled on ready-made pastries. Cooking takes about one hour.

    Cooking pancakes nalistniki recipe:

    1. Break eggs in a wide bowl, sift flour on them, beat with a whisk along with sugar.
    2. Add milk and mix with a blender, you need to mix at low speed, but so that there are no lumps.
    3. Add water and mix again.
    4. Pour in the vegetable oil and mix with a whisk, mixer or blender so that the separated fat is not visible.

    You can fry in a Teflon pan without oil, as it is part of the dough. Pancakes should be stacked in a wide plate and covered with a lid so that they soften due to steam.

    • to prepare the raisins, they must be left in hot water for a while so that they become soft, but the boiling water must be allowed to cool for a minute so that the grapes do not boil;
    • in a bowl, mix cottage cheese, egg, sugar, the fatter the cottage cheese, the filling will be more like a cream;
    • Pour raisins into the curd mass, but you need to squeeze it out a little so that the curd does not turn out watery.

    We wrap the trims:

    • we take a triangle - a quarter from a round pancake and put one teaspoon of cottage cheese with raisins closer to the edge;
    • fold two side corners to the center so that they overlap a little;
    • then, starting from the edge, roll the sheet into a roll, so that it is tight.

    At this stage, the naistniki are classic, they can be eaten immediately. They can be fried in a frying pan in butter, then the cottage cheese turns out to be viscous, and the hot pancake may seem tastier, but that's how anyone likes it. In order for the nalistnik to turn out according to the Poltava recipe, it must be baked in the oven (once it was baked in a pot in the oven).

    1. The form in which we will bake should be greased with a thin layer of butter.
    2. Place the sheets tightly and on top give another thin layer of the same oil and sprinkle with sugar.
    3. Bake at a temperature of about 200 degrees for 20 minutes.

    You need to eat hot, pouring sour cream, honey, jam on top. And it is possible without watering, as the curd filling will become soft, like a cream, and sugar forms a caramel layer on the surface.

    Milk pancakes are actually just pancakes cooked with milk instead of water. Milk can be added fresh, and one that may no longer boil, but not sour. The filling for these thin pancakes should be given any, to your taste and from what is at hand.

    For cooking, you need to take three eggs, one tablespoon of sugar, a pinch of salt, a little vanilla, two and a half glasses of milk, 200 grams of wheat flour, three tablespoons of vegetable oil.

    Milk pancakes are fried quickly, no additional oil is needed for frying them, since it will already be part of the dough.

    The dough is first prepared by combining liquid elements:

    1. Beat the eggs with a whisk, gradually adding sugar, salt and vanilla.
    2. We add milk, it does not need to be heated, but if it is from the refrigerator, it should stand for a while to warm up to room temperature.
    3. Constantly stirring, add flour, but you can add in portions, mix thoroughly after each.
    4. Add vegetable oil, stir with a whisk or mixer and leave to stand for a quarter of an hour.

    If the pan is ceramic or Teflon, you don’t need to add oil, or you can add a little, if it’s a regular one, you will have to pour in a little vegetable oil so that the pancake does not burn. Since the dough is liquid, it is not difficult to achieve a round shape by making gentle circular movements with a frying pan.

    Nalistniki with cottage cheese

    Pancakes for pancakes are very tender and literally melt in your mouth, and all because they are cooked with milk and starch. Try it!

    • After cooking you will get 5 servings
    • Cooking time: 30 minutes 30 minutes
    • egg, 6 pieces
    • starch, 5-6 tbsp. l.
    • cottage cheese, 300 grams
    • milk, 0.5 l
    • vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. l.
    • sugar, to taste
    • butter, to taste
    • sour cream, to taste
    • salt, to taste

    Cooking method

    Beat 5 eggs with salt and sugar. Add to taste.
    Then add the corn starch while constantly stirring the egg mixture. There should be no lumps.
    Pour in milk and sunflower oil. Mix. Let stand 15 minutes. The dough will be liquid.
    Lubricate the pan with sunflower oil or a piece of bacon once, then - as needed.
    Now pour the batter into the pan. Do this with a ladle. Pour enough so that the dough covers the bottom of the pan with a thin layer. You need to distribute the dough in the pan with a quick deft movement.
    The fire must be small. Otherwise, the pancakes may burn.
    As soon as the top of the pancake is set and its edges start to lag behind the edge of the pan, take a spatula, slide it under the pancake and quickly remove it and put it on a plate, cooked side up.
    Pancakes are baked quickly, so you can not move away from the pan.
    Prepare the filling. Grind cottage cheese with sugar and 1 egg. Poppy and raisins are optional. Spread the cottage cheese filling on the toasted side of the pancake. Wrap it up the way you like it. Put the naistniki in a saucepan, cauldron or pot. Layers need to be smeared with sour cream and melted butter. Send the dish to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes.

    They prepared it. Look what happened

    Nalistniki - Belarusian cuisine. They are so hot. Try it - you'll love it. I already wrote that my grandmother cooked them in the oven. She folded the folded triangles into a cast iron to languish - she poured each row with melted homemade butter. Mind eat. You can pamper yourself at Shrovetide.

    Thanks! Can be in pots, in the oven, I think. And not too troublesome, put it and do something else. I will do that, for sure! With Shrovetide!

    So after all, this is a classic recipe for nalistniks. What is the reason for all these squabbles and strife? Nelya wrote everything correctly. It seems that people have never fried pancakes in their lives. but to be smart is not the case much!

    I don’t understand why not fry the pancake on both sides, then the filling, and then into a container with sour cream, it won’t get worse

    This is a different dish with a different taste, although whoever likes it.

    Dear Nelya, I bake pancakes regularly. Responding to a stranger in an openly offensive tone is ugly. Especially to you, not only I hinted at the degree of readiness of the unfried half. You could simply clarify your recipe by indicating that the pancake is cooked to the stage when the top half is almost ready. And for you I inform you when one side is browned, the second is not ready in all cases, it all depends on the consistency of the dough for pancakes.

    Dear Marina, if you took my answer as an insult, I apologize. But a raw pancake cannot turn over and be removed from the pan. Well, it can't, because it can't! It's a pancake, it's thin. When typing the recipe, I could not even think about such an incident. I'm sorry! I'll make sure to update the recipe.

    it’s not clear how to put the filling on the fried side, so the unfried sticky one lies on what? On the table, on the plate and when wrapping, the fingers will be half-finished in the dough, is it so? And then these sticky, raw, rolls wrapped outside with the uncooked side must be transferred to a cauldron and pour more sour cream. A very strange recipe. Has anyone prepared? It is very interesting to know whether something worked or not.

    After stuffing in this way (from the fried side), fry the rolls on both sides until “ruddy”, and then fold and pour sour cream.

    Marina Rodionova, if you cooked pancakes once, then you would clearly know that when one side of the pancake is browned, then the other side is also ready, but not so beautifully browned.

    In general, it is not clear if you put the filling on the fried side, how to wrap it, because the unfried side will stick to the surface.

    The fried side of the pancake is ready, and the unfried side will cook further. It won't burn, don't worry.

    How to cook pancakes in milk?

    Pancakes are the hallmark of Russian cuisine. They are made with yeast and are hearty and tasty pastries that can be eaten with a variety of sauces. The only drawback of pancakes is their thickness and some fragility. It is very difficult to wrap the filling in them and fold them into an envelope. But there is such a Ukrainian dish as nalistniki. These are yeast-free pancakes, very thin, elastic, as if created in order to serve as a strong dough shell for various fillings. Their neutral creamy taste is ideal for sweet cottage cheese with raisins, as well as for minced meat, apples with cinnamon and cabbage with mushrooms. In this article, we will reveal the recipe for milk pancakes. Photos of finished products motivate you and inspire you to culinary experiments.

    What is the uniqueness of nalistniks

    For this Ukrainian dish, you need to take the same ingredients that are required in order to cook Russian pancakes. Wedges on milk just don't need yeast. Instead, a little vegetable oil is poured into the dough. This ingredient makes pancakes elastic, thin. Since the oil is already in the dough, you can bake the naistniki in a “dry frying pan”. But still it is recommended to grease the bottom with a silicone brush with sunflower fat before the first pancake. Now about milk. It does not have to be fresh, as they say in Ukraine, "sweet". Sour is good too. And nalistniks are also made from various milk derivatives: on kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk, whey. The fermentation bacteria give the pancakes their delicacy. Sometimes regular soda is added along with milk. But here we will focus specifically on the question of how to cook pancakes in milk.

    We will need milk, flour, eggs, sugar and salt, sunflower oil. In some recipes, the dough is also diluted with warm water. And, of course, you can not do without the filling. Although nalistniki can be eaten in the same way as pancakes: with mushroom sauce, sour cream, honey and butter. What distinguishes the two different dishes is the way they are prepared. The dough for pancakes in milk is prepared in two stages. First, it is made thick, the consistency of homemade sour cream. So it should stand for at least an hour. And then it is diluted with milk or mineral water / ordinary warm boiled water. There is also a special choux pastry - but this is the subject of another article. So let's get cooking. What are the proportions of the ingredients? For a glass of milk, you need to take the same amount of flour, one egg, a pinch of salt, two teaspoons of sugar. To dilute the thick dough, we need about 100 ml of warm water. And, of course, so that the pancakes do not stick to the pan - two soup spoons of vegetable oil. It can be replaced with the same amount of melted butter. With it, the platters will have a beautiful golden look.

    How to make pancakes with milk

    The basic recipe advises first grinding the egg with sugar and salt. By the way, if you intend to make pancakes with meat, cabbage, mushrooms, chopped liver and the like, reduce the amount of the sweet ingredient to a pinch. Now you should pour a glass of milk. In order for the components to interact with each other faster, it would be better to warm it up a little. Now add flour. Mix thoroughly until lumps are eliminated. Pour in vegetable oil and leave the dough on the pancakes in milk to rest at room temperature. During this time, you can do the filling. Steam the raisins, rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, mix it with sugar and a raw egg. Or boil the chicken breast, pass the meat through a meat grinder, mix it with finely chopped dill and salt. While you are doing all this, the dough will do. Now you should dilute it to the consistency of cream with milk. But you can also use water.

    At this stage of cooking, the recipe for pancakes in milk - the photo shows this - differs from the method of frying pancakes. There is no need to pour a lot of oil into the pan. You can only lightly lubricate the bottom with a silicone brush. And before, Ukrainian housewives managed with a piece of bacon strung on a fork, and in fasting they dipped a goose feather in vegetable oil. With your right hand, scoop up the batter with a small ladle. With the left hand, we hold a heated frying pan on weight, slightly tilted. Pour the dough in a thin stream into the middle. We rotate the pan slightly in a circle so that the dough spreads and occupies the entire bottom. We check the readiness with a thin wooden spatula. As soon as the bottom is browned, we sharply throw the pan forward and up a little. A fat pancake will fly up, turning over in the air. Now it is important to catch him so that he slams into the pan with the unbaked side. Until you have developed the necessary skill, turn your pancakes over with a fork or wooden spatula. If you are going to wrap the filling in pancakes with milk, the recipe recommends frying them on one side only. Then we put the minced meat on the baked side, roll up the pancake with a tube and put it on a baking sheet. Put in the oven until fully cooked.

    Nalistniki in milk: recipe "Belarusian"

    In Ukraine, every housewife has several cherished ways of making thin, elastic pancakes in her arsenal. We bring to your attention the Belarusian recipe. The composition of the ingredients is not much different from Ukrainian. Sift two cups of flour into a bowl. Mix it with a tablespoon of sugar and a pinch of salt. In another bowl, slightly warm two glasses of milk. We drive an egg into it. Pour a quarter cup of vegetable oil. We combine the liquid mass with flour - just like that, and not vice versa. We work with a whisk so that lumps do not form. When the dough becomes homogeneous, leave it for one and a half to two hours. After that, dilute with a glass of warm boiled water. Knead the dough and bake the pancakes in milk on one side. I put stuffing on it. Most often it is a sweet cottage cheese with vanilla, mashed with an egg. We turn the sheet into a tube, tucking the edges. We put the products in a baking dish. In the old days, they were packed in a tight row in a cast iron. A layer of pancakes was poured with melted butter and sprinkled with sugar. Thus, the entire cast-iron was filled, tier by tier. They covered the dishes with a lid and put them in the oven on a very small fire to languish. Don't fry! The temperature should not be more than 160 C. If you can set the degrees in the oven, select the "60" mark. So the pancakes should stay in the oven for about an hour.

    And now let's look at how to cook pancakes in milk without other solvents. For one and a half glasses of flour, you need to take three eggs, two tablespoons of vegetable or melted butter, a pinch of salt, a little more sugar. Separate an incomplete glass from half a liter of milk. Mix with other ingredients. After an hour or an hour and a half, dilute too thick dough with the remaining milk. In terms of density, it should turn out like heavy cream - liquid, but still not like water.

    The main problems that arise when making pancakes

    The most common difficulty is that the pancakes in milk stick to the pan or tear. For the first pancake, this is normal - you see, the dishes were not calcined enough or they gave little fat. But if this is repeated with the second and third sheets, add flour to the dough. To do this, pour off part of the dough (a third of a glass). Pour a couple of tablespoons of flour into it. Mix well and pour into most of the dough. Another problem is the fragility and fragility of finished products. In this case, pour a little vegetable oil into the dough.

    How to get rid of flour lumps

    There are several ways to achieve dough uniformity. The first is to mix flour, sugar, salt, eggs and quite a bit of milk. Then add the rest and only at the end add vegetable oil. The second way is to separate part of the milk and mix it thoroughly with the entire amount of flour. And then add the rest of the ingredients. Some housewives resort to using a mixer when kneading dough. The milk pancakes will come out a little more fluffy if you mix flour with cookie powder (on the tip of a knife).

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    Lush milk pancakes without yeast recipe