Stuffed pike in the oven. Stuffed pike, baked in the oven: recipes with photos

Thanks to my father-in-law (an avid fisherman), a pike appeared in the house.

Pike ~ 600g, slice of loaf soaked in milk, 1 egg, ~ 30g. butter, 1 onion, salt, pepper, lemon juice.

I know that many people boil stuffed pike, but I decided to bake it. Let's get started.

Clean the fish, remove the gills and eyes. Lightly beat the carcass with a wooden spatula to make it easier to remove the skin. Make a cut under the head to the ridge, break it. You can simply cut off the head, which is what I did with the first fish. But I decided to tinker with the second one :) Remove the insides. Making cuts in a circle between the skin and meat, remove the skin with a stocking. To better preserve the skin, it is better to trim so that a small (1~2mm) layer of meat remains on the skin. Trim the meat near the fins so that the fins remain with the skin.

Break the ridge at the tail.

Separate the remaining meat from the skin.

Put the skin aside, remembering to turn it inside out :)

For minced meat:

Pass the meat, removed from the backbone and skin, with onions and bread three times through a meat grinder. Add softened butter, egg, salt and pepper. You can add some chopped green onions and grated carrots - for beauty on the cut.

Beat into a fluffy mass.

Fill the skin and head with this minced meat.

Do not fill it too tightly, otherwise the skin may burst during baking.

Cover a baking sheet with foil. Lay out a line of bay leaves on the foil and place the stuffed skin on them. Attach the head to the body (if cut off).

Lightly salt the pike on top and pour lemon juice.

Place the baking sheet in the oven for 1 hour at t=190°C.

All. We take out the pike, put it in a suitable dish (I don’t have one), decorate it, and rejoice - I did it! :))

Slice and...

Bon appetit!

A toothy freshwater predator, pike, reaches quite large sizes. This fish has lean meat and strong skin - a reliable shell for a variety of minced meats, which are used to stuff the gutted carcass before baking in the oven. Depending on the filling and preparation, it turns out to be more or less high in calories.

Let's consider step by step recipe with photo making dietary stuffed pike in two main ways, filling options and using the resulting dish in the weight loss menu.

Stuffed pike, baked whole in the oven - recipe with photo

Stuffed pike baked in the oven is prepared in two main ways:

  • They clean it of scales, gut it, and replace the entrails with prepared minced meat. It does not require any special skills in cutting fish.
  • Having freed the scales, remove the skin with a stocking, separate the fillet from the bones, grind it in a meat grinder, mixing it with additional ingredients, and stuff the resulting mass into a shell of pike skin. Cooking fish this way requires some skill.

In any case, the taste of the dish is determined by the original quality of the fish. The freshness of pike is assessed according to the following criteria:

  • elastic carcass;
  • absence of the slightest sign of ammonia odor;
  • transparent black eyes;
  • red gills.

Pike meat itself contains about 80 kilocalories per 100 grams. The energy equivalent increases due to minced meat, the method of its preparation and the characteristics of baking. So, they often add to the filling White bread, soaked in milk, the ingredients are fried, and the pike is greased with mayonnaise. As a result, calorie content increases to 140 units or more.

Let's consider two dietary, calorie-limited methods of preparing stuffed pike.

First option - " Buckwheat belly»


  • Remove the scales from the pike and gut it. Rinse, dry with paper towels, rub with salt and spices, and sprinkle with lemon juice. In this way, the pike gets rid of the specific muddy odor that is, to one degree or another, inherent in this fish.
  • Boil the washed buckwheat until half cooked (10 minutes from the moment of boiling).
  • Peel and wash the greens, vegetables and mushrooms, cut the onions and mushrooms into cubes, and grate the carrots. coarse grater. Finely chop the dill and parsley.
  • Dry the chopped onion in a heated non-stick frying pan, add the champignon cubes and completely evaporate the liquid released from the mushrooms.
  • Mix buckwheat, vegetables, herbs and mushrooms, add milk and stuff the prepared pike. To prevent it from coming undone, sew up the cut in the stuffed belly with white cotton thread.
  • Place the pike belly down on a greased baking sheet. vegetable oil, and cover its sides with a well-mixed raw egg.
  • Bake the stuffed fish for half an hour at an oven temperature of 180ºC.

The second option is " King fish without bones»


  • Free the pike from scales, separate the head, remove the gills and gut the fish without cutting the belly. Remove the skin with a stocking, separating it from the pulp and turning it inside out. Cut the ridge at the tail and finally remove the meat and bones. Carefully separate the pulp and grind it in a meat grinder at least twice.
  • Boil one hard-boiled egg and cut into cubes.
  • Peel and wash the carrots, chop them small cubes. Chop the washed greens.
  • Add chopped eggs and carrots, as well as chopped herbs, to the minced meat. Add a little salt, pepper and a raw egg and knead well.
  • Stuff the pike with minced meat, rub with spices, place on a greased baking sheet and attach the previously separated head to it. Grease the skin with sour cream and bake at 180ºC for up to 40 minutes.

Such a pike with a golden “tan” looks impressive on a plate covered with leaf lettuce, with decorations of red berries, in a “crown” skillfully carved from a small onion.

From the oven to the dietary table

Stuffed pike, prepared without high-calorie additives and frying, has an energy equivalent of about 100-120 kilocalories in one hundred grams. At the same time, it contains natural antiseptics and antioxidants, biologically valuable microelements and vitamin complexes, as well as a large number of highly digestible protein. This composition heals the body, strengthens the immune system, nourishes muscles and, combined with its low calorie content, makes stuffed pike a valuable and beautiful item on the menu for those losing weight.

Variations of minced meat

In addition to the fillers listed in the sample recipes, the following is placed in the pike belly:

  • Vegetables - in addition to carrots and onions also, root and parsley, Bell pepper and potatoes. The last component, due to its noticeable calorie content, is dietary recipes, as a rule, is absent.
  • Fruits and fruits – citrus fruits and olives.
  • Cereals - not only buckwheat, but also. Buckwheat is still more appropriate on the dietary table.
  • Mushrooms - in addition to champignons, fresh and dried porcini, as well as other forest mushrooms.
  • Minced meat – chicken, first of all. May be present in moderation in the diet if made from lean white chicken.
  • Butter and, including ghee. Diet menus, naturally, welcome only high-quality olive oil.
  • Mayonnaise - due to its high calorie content, is not used in diets.
  • Nuts – grated.
  • Dried fruits - . Its sour taste goes well with pike meat.
  • Milk, cream, sour cream - low-fat dairy products are used in the diet of those losing weight
  • White bread and crackers made from it are also a fairly high-calorie supplement; they are used sparingly in slimming diets.

How to cook stuffed pike - video

Two options for preparing stuffed pike in the oven are illustrated in the corresponding videos.

In the first of them, a large pike is stuffed with buckwheat, tomatoes, sweet peppers, carrots, onions and champignons. In this case, carrots, onions and champignons are fried in vegetable oil. For dietary table It is better to replace frying with stewing. In addition, the pike carcass is covered with a layer of mayonnaise. IN dietary option You should use low-fat sour cream.

The second video demonstrates a step-by-step recipe for preparing stuffed pike in the oven with professional pike skinning. When making minced meat, frying of onions and carrots is also used, which in the dietary version should be replaced by stewing. In addition, white bread soaked in milk is added. For a slimming menu, it is better to introduce some low-calorie vegetable instead.

Pike is lean and healthy fish. It is appropriate in diet menus for weight loss if the caloric content additional ingredients taken into account and limited.

Do you cook stuffed pike on weekdays or consider it a holiday dish? What filling options do you use? Do you include such a pike in diet menu for weight loss? Share your culinary discoveries and practical experience with us in the comments!

If you are going to cook pike for the first time, do not be alarmed. This process, although not for beginners, is not as complicated as is often written. To cook stuffed pike entirely, you need to remove the skin. Also in its entirety, or rather “stocking”. This is the most difficult part of the recipe. But if you have before your eyes step by step photos And detailed description, you will definitely cope with this. Well, preparing minced meat, filling the skin with it and baking the fish in the oven is not so difficult. But for those who have not yet purchased fish, we will begin with how to choose it.

How to choose a good pike for stuffing

  1. Not worth taking too much big fish weighing more than 1.5-1.7 kg. Large specimens are old fish, its meat will be dry, it is more difficult to remove the skin from it and it is not a fact that it will go into the oven, since we will bake it entirely on a baking sheet.
  2. Pay attention to the smell. This River fish and it may smell like mud, but not musty or rotten. The smell of mud can be easily eliminated by adding fried onions to the minced meat, or by first putting the fish in water with lemon, but you definitely don’t want stale fish.
  3. Concerning appearance, then the fish should be whole, its scales are dense and covered with transparent mucus. Fresh pike will have pinkish or even reddish gills, but in no case brown or spotted.
  4. Only after carefully examining the purchase from all sides, make a decision about its purchase.

Stuffed pike - step-by-step recipe with photos

It will be simple, you might say basic recipe preparations. It is classic, where in addition to the pike meat itself, only onions and lard are added to the filling.


  • pike weighing 1 kg – 1 piece;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • salted lard – 150g;
  • salt and black ground pepper- taste.

How to cook stuffed pike:

Stuffed pike is usually served as cold appetizer. To serve it beautifully, you need to decorate it.

Toppings for stuffed pike

In addition to the traditional one that you saw above, the pike is also filled with minced meat, to which the following ingredients are added:

  • fried onions and carrots;
  • potato;
  • crab sticks;
  • aerobatics stuff a pike minced fish from two types of fish - your own and red fish so that they do not mix and when cut in the finished form, one half is white, the other is pink.

How to decorate stuffed pike

Most traditional version- mesh or scales, or pattern with sour cream or mayonnaise. To keep the lines thin, you need to insert them into a culinary syringe.

If you open the mouth of the fish before baking and secure it with a toothpick, then after taking it out you can put a small tomato in the mouth.

Before serving, baked fish is usually cut crosswise into portioned pieces, which can be decorated with slices of lemon, cucumber, and olives.

You can tie a “scarf” made of a paper napkin on your head, and cut a crown from a whole onion.

Stuffed pike – real holiday dish, which all guests certainly want to try. Properly cooked stuffed pike can drive you crazy with its taste from the first bite - the main thing is that you choose the ideal ratio of minced meat and spices.

Of course, create this cooking masterpiece- it’s a very troublesome and difficult task, especially for beginners, but every time you do it better and better. It is advisable to purchase or catch large fish for stuffing, but in the absence of such, you can stuff small ones, up to 1 kg in weight. When planning to serve stuffed pike on the holiday table, also bake its head in the oven; you don’t have to do this for yourself and your family!


  • 1 pike
  • 3 slices of bread
  • 100 ml milk or cream
  • 1 large carrot
  • 1 large onion
  • 1 egg
  • 0.5 tsp. ground dried garlic
  • 3 pinches of ground black pepper
  • 0.5 tsp. salt


1. Clean the pike of scales, carefully removing them even from hard-to-reach places. Let's cut off the head of the “queen of the rivers” and remove all the insides through the hole, and then wash it inside and out several times. Cutting the skin in a circle with a knife, remove it from the pike carcass, like a stocking. If you accidentally tear or cut the skin, it doesn’t matter, you can always sew it up with a needle and thread. Near the tail we will trim the ridge and wash it peeled skin in water. Then use a knife to carefully remove the meat from the bone and place it in a bowl. If you come across small bones, then, if possible, remove them after the large ones, but this is not so important - small bones will be ground in a meat grinder. When the meat is completely cleaned, pass it through a meat grinder about 4-5 times, installing a grid with small holes. IN last time Along with the meat, we will pass in peeled and washed onions and carrots, and bread slices soaked in milk. Add salt, ground black pepper, ground dried garlic and mix gently.

2. Add the chicken egg and mix the minced meat again so that there is no air left in it. The egg is best used from poultry– your minced meat will turn out more yellow.

3. Loosely stuff the washed pike skin with minced meat and sew it on top. If there are other holes, then sew them up too when stuffing the carcass. Lubricate the carcass with vegetable oil, as well as the head of the fish. We will also grease the baking sheet with vegetable oil and place our preparations on it. We will definitely try in several places stuffed carcass with a large needle, otherwise it will burst during baking. Place the baking sheet in the oven and bake its contents for about 35-40 minutes at a temperature of 180C. If the carcass turns brown before the cooking time is over, cover it with foil. Be sure to let the baked fish cool, otherwise it will spread when cutting, and only then cut it into portions.

Great recipe stuffed fish that will suit anyone festive table. Of course you will like the recipe better for experienced housewives, since carefully stuffing delicate fish requires certain skills and a decent amount of time. However, it is very tasty dish, which I highly recommend making.

To prepare stuffed pike, prepare the ingredients according to the list.

Soak the crumb of bread or loaf in cream.

Wash and clean the pike. Cut off the head, carefully pulling out all the insides along with it. If you come across pike with caviar, you can also use the caviar to prepare the filling.

Gently helping yourself thin sharp knife, use a “stocking” to remove the skin of the pike all the way to the tail.

Cut off the ridge near the base of the tail. You should have 2 parts: a “stocking” made of leather and a spine with pulp.

Trim the meat from the backbone, avoiding the bones.

Cut the onion into pieces, grate the carrots. Lightly fry the vegetables in vegetable oil.

Grind the pike fillet into minced meat using a meat grinder or food processor. Add soaked white bread, roasted vegetables, salt and lemon pepper. Stir. If you want the filling to become denser, you can add a raw egg to it.

Fill the pike skin “stocking” with the resulting minced meat.

Carefully sew up the hole using a sharp needle and cotton thread.

Wrap the stuffed pike in foil and brush the top with sour cream. Without wrapping the foil, send the fish to preheated to 190-200 degrees. oven for 30-40 minutes.

The stuffed pike is ready. Let the fish cool slightly, then you can cut it into pieces and serve it to the holiday table.