Low-fat fish suitable for a diet (list). Fish table: diet recipes

Some people mistakenly believe that the diet is strictly limited to grains, vegetables, and meats. This opinion is fundamentally wrong, because for the normal functioning of the body, a complete set of vitamins and minerals is needed, which a person receives with food. A good source of amino acids and protein is lean fish for the diet. Lists of permitted varieties include fish with less than 4% fat.

Scientists have long proven that fish plays a key role in dietary nutrition. What kind of fish can be eaten in the presence of concomitant diseases, the gastroenterologist will explain, but its presence in the diet is mandatory. Therefore, it should be contained in the menu of losing weight. Useful trace elements and vitamins provide health, and Omega-3 fatty acids will give beauty to hair and nails. Therefore, eating fish will help not only get rid of extra pounds, but also maintain external beauty.

fish for weight loss

The product is a source of high quality protein, which belongs to the group of easily digestible components. For example: meat delicacies are completely digested by the body in 4 hours, while fish delicacies - in 2. When compiling a diet menu, you can safely include fish in your evening meal.

Useful properties of the product are due to its unique composition, which includes:

  • fatty amino acids Omega-3;
  • vitamins of groups A, D, B;
  • phosphorus, zinc and iodine.

The calorie content of a dish directly depends on the method of its preparation. Nutritionists recommend eating boiled or oven-baked fish. There are many diet recipes for fish dishes, thanks to which you can easily prepare a delicious and healthy lunch or dinner at home. Eat a delicacy 3 times a week to fully satisfy the body's natural need for nutrients and keep fit.

By eating seafood, you protect yourself from heart disease, increase immunity and ensure stable brain function.

Fish varieties - list

The calorie content of a particular variety directly depends on the level of its fat content. Popular dietary recipes are based on the preparation of low-fat fish, which is easy to find among river representatives.

  • Fatty. As part of the product, the mass fraction of fat is 8% or more. There are 230 kcal per 100 g, which significantly exceeds the calorie content of pork. These species include halibut, eel, mackerel.
  • Medium fat. The amount of fat varies between 4-8%, and the calorie content is 120 kcal. Among the representatives - pink salmon, perch, trout.
  • Low fat. Indispensable varieties of fish for the diet. The fat content does not exceed 4%, which makes it possible to attribute the product to the so-called "skinny" varieties. The calorie content of the finished dish is only 80 kcal. These include blue whiting, roach, carp, rudd, etc.

Table of calories and fat content of fish

When compiling the daily menu, do not forget to include a fish steak or steam cutlet in it.

You can find out which lean fish in the diet is best from the table below.

Representatives of the elite variety of red fish can hardly be classified as low-fat varieties. Nutritionists distinguish trout and pink salmon as the most dietary of their kind. The fat content in them ranges up to 7%, and the calorie content exceeds the value of 150 kcal.

The presented low-fat varieties are easily digestible. In addition, they contain a large amount of iodine, vitamin B, phosphorus. The Diet Varieties Calorie Table is designed as a guide to the correct diet menu.

When choosing a product for a diet, try to give preference to varieties with white meat. They are considered the most dietary and low-calorie. These include perch, cod and haddock.

Can fish be substituted

Seafood is a storehouse of unique vitamins and minerals that are difficult to find an alternative. Often, fish is called a meat substitute, especially in dietary nutrition. There are times when an allergy occurs to delicacies, then you have to think about an alternative.

On a diet, you can replace fish with plant products. These include soybeans, tofu cheese, and certain types of legumes. For example, in terms of amino acid content, one serving of lentils is in no way inferior to the same amount of fish delicacy. Of the negative points - amino acids of plant origin are absorbed much worse.

You can replace fish on a diet mushrooms and nuts. If you choose cashew nuts, then in addition to proteins and amino acids, the body will be enriched with phosphorus. When choosing nuts or mushrooms for a diet, remember that the daily portion should not exceed 50 g.

An excellent alternative to dietary fish delicacies is flaxseed. In addition to fatty acids, they contain zinc, iron and calcium. Flax seeds can be ground to a state of flour, consumed with kefir for breakfast or as an independent dish instead of porridge. You can replace fish with seaweed, from which nutritious dietary salads are obtained.

Experts in proper and healthy nutrition advise paying attention to dairy products, since they can be replaced to a greater extent with animal protein. Milk, kefir and natural yogurt contain calcium, proteins and vitamins, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Other sources

An alternative to the most valuable source of amino acids is buckwheat. Healthy porridge is the basis of even the most strict diets. The diet of an athlete and a patient with diseases of the intestines, liver and stomach cannot do without it.

This composition of this porridge is not in vain considered extremely nutritious. Having come to Russia from Ancient Greece (whence the name of buckwheat came from), all Slavs rightfully appreciated its benefits. Buckwheat porridge is a primordially Russian dish, which was eaten to replenish strength.

In general, nutritionists do not advise completely abandoning healthy seafood. It is quite difficult to make up for the lack of fatty acids and microelements in the body due to plant components. Eat fish delicacies at least a couple of times a week to maintain your health and figure.

Fish for medicinal purposes

Therapists declare the benefits of the product for the body and prescribe it as the basis of therapeutic nutrition. With a 5 table diet, the product is used to treat:

  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • cholecystitis;
  • hepatitis A;
  • cholelithiasis.

Table No. 5 is distinguished by a varied menu, but its origins are the obligatory use of a seafood product. It is best to boil a piece in a double boiler or bake in the oven, but only after preliminary heat treatment. You can find recipes for fish dishes in books on healthy eating or ask your doctor.

During the diet period, it is allowed to cook jellied fish, soufflé or broths. You can stick to a diet of 5 tables for 1.5-2 years.

For medicinal purposes, it is recommended to use low-fat varieties of fish, the list of which is given above. If you are a fan of herring, then before eating it must be soaked in a mixture of milk and water. Ready-made delicacies are served as cold appetizers.

Salted and smoked fish

It's no secret that proper nutrition is based on eating fresh food. Nutritionists do not prohibit adding salted fish to the diet. An exception in salted varieties can only be ram and fatty herring, which are cooked with a lot of salt.

There is even a popular food system - a salty diet. It is based on the use of salty foods and fasting days with their use. The addition of salted fish is not prohibited, but you must adhere to the recommended portion (100 g). Eating a delicacy is allowed only in the morning to avoid swelling of the face in the morning.

Eating smoked fish has its disadvantages:

  1. Any smoked meat contains substances that cause cancer.
  2. Due to the increased amount of salt, the liver and stomach suffer.
  3. The calorie content of a smoked product is much higher than that of a salted one. This is due to a special cooking technology.

Based on studies, nutritionists claim that the fat content of smoked fish is several times higher than that of a fresh product.

Smoked meat lovers need not fret. As you know, the product can be hot or cold smoked. So, smoked fish that has undergone heat treatment is definitely not worth buying and eating. Cold-smoked fish is less caloric, so occasionally it may appear on your table.

Cooking a delicacy

We have already decided that lean fish is not the only dish that is suitable for dietary nutrition. Recipes for preparing fish delicacies are quite diverse, which provides you with a large choice when compiling a menu.

Some nutritionists say that it is better to boil fish in a double boiler or bake in the oven without any extra additives. Place a piece of prepared fillet in lightly salted boiling water and serve when ready. This method of processing allows you to get dietary fish at no extra cost.

There are also more delicious recipes that offer you to bake your favorite stuffed product or fry it in a pan.

River representatives with the lowest fat content are suitable for baking and frying, including pollock, perch, pike and hake. In boiled form, the use of tuna and salmon, which are high in protein, is recommended.

Fish of a “good” dietary variety will saturate your body with useful trace elements and make the weight loss process safe.

Nutritionists have debunked the myth that it is impossible to fry fish while following a diet. Ordinary fillet pieces can be fried in a small amount of sunflower oil and spices. It is not recommended to cook fish in batter or breadcrumbs.

Smoked, overly salty and fatty fish should be excluded from the diet forever.

Fish is one of the healthy nutritious foods that will give not only health, but also help to lose weight. With the help of a wide variety of recipes, you can create a suitable menu for yourself for the entire period of the diet. Eating fish daily will make you healthy and beautiful.

Scientists have long proven that fish plays a key role in dietary nutrition. What kind of fish can be eaten in the presence of concomitant diseases, the gastroenterologist will explain, but its presence in the diet is mandatory. Therefore, it should be contained in the menu of losing weight. Useful trace elements and vitamins provide health, and Omega-3 fatty acids will give beauty to hair and nails. Therefore, eating fish will help not only get rid of extra pounds, but also maintain external beauty.

What is the use of fish for humans

Before using the product in the diet, you should find out what the benefits of fish are for weight loss. Its pulp is useful due to the content of low-calorie protein, which contains 25%. Easily digestible amino acids are digested in the stomach in 1.5-2 hours. It is also useful due to the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6. They strengthen the heart, prevent heart attacks, strokes, atherosclerosis. Fatty acids cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol, stimulate the brain, nervous system, and restore metabolism. Fish contains a lot of vitamins A and D, minerals - phosphorus, iodine, fluorine, calcium. They help strengthen bones and teeth. It is ideal to include protein fish dishes in the menu three to four times a week. For weight loss, it is worth increasing this amount to a daily intake. In addition to benefits, there are also harms:

Medium fat (from 5 to 10 grams) Salmon (Atlantic, coho salmon, sockeye salmon, chinook salmon), bluefish, catfish, rainbow trout, swordfish, catfish, capelin, carp, chum salmon, salmon, pink salmon

Very low fat content (less than 2 grams) Pollock, pike, pike perch, crucian carp, cod, flounder, haddock, lobster, scallops, shrimps.

Dietary and non-dietary fish list

Despite the fact that fish is very useful, not all of its varieties will fit for weight loss. To determine which fish has the lowest calorie content, you need to find out about the level of its fat content. In some varieties of fatty fish, the calorie content can reach 300 kcal per 100 g, which significantly exceeds the calorie content of lean meat. Therefore, when going to the store for shopping, it is better to take with you a list of suitable fish for the diet.

From such a list, all fatty varieties of fish should be removed. These include:

  • acne;
  • mackerel;
  • sprat
  • halibut;
  • fatty herring;
  • sturgeon;
  • stellate sturgeon;
  • saury;

The fat content in oily fish is over 8%.

There are also moderately fatty representatives of the aquatic world. The percentage of fat in them ranges from 4 to 8. Such a product is more pleasant and delicate in taste than low-fat varieties of fish. Marine animals of medium fat content include:

  • sazanket;
  • carp;
  • herring;
  • silverfish;
  • anchovies;
  • pink salmon;
  • lean herring;
  • catfish;
  • zander;
  • trout;
  • carp;
  • horse mackerel;
  • tuna;
  • sea ​​bass;
  • cheese;
  • sole;
  • river bream;
  • sea ​​bream;
  • smelt;
  • red-eyed;
  • oily fish;
  • capelin (spring).

The calorie content of moderately fatty varieties is 100-140 kcal, so they are occasionally allowed to be consumed on a fish diet for a change.

But still, low-fat fish for a diet is the best option.

The calorie content of such a product varies from 70 to 100 kcal per 100 g. The most dietary, with a fat content of up to 1%, are:

  • cod;
  • haddock;
  • navaga;
  • lemonema;
  • saithe;
  • pollock;
  • river perch;
  • vobla;
  • crustaceans;
  • shellfish.

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Lean gill animals (1 to 2% fat) are:

  • pike;
  • zander;
  • Argentina;
  • crucian carp;
  • flounder;
  • Amur;
  • white-eye;
  • mullet;
  • burbot;
  • omul;
  • pristipoma;
  • grayling;
  • whitefish;
  • grenadier;
  • lamprey;
  • roach;
  • sorog.

The dietary varieties of water representatives, with a fat content of 2 to 4%, include:

  • hekzhereh;
  • tench;
  • rudd;
  • mackerel;
  • white halibut;
  • ice fish;
  • saber fish.

Regular consumption of fish with a fat content of up to 4% will help not only quickly lose weight, but also improve the body.

Cod steaks with potatoes

4 servings, 234 kcal, cooking time 45 min.


  • 600 g cod fillet,
  • 8 tubers of potatoes,
  • 1 onion
  • 1 lemon
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice,
  • 2 tablespoons of yogurt,
  • 2 tablespoons rye flour
  • 1 tablespoon grated horseradish
  • 1 bunch of parsley, pepper, salt,

Cooking method:

  1. Peel potatoes, wash, chop coarsely and boil in salted water.
  2. Onion peel, wash, cut into rings.
  3. Wash parsley, finely chop.
  4. Rinse the cod fillet, cut into portions, salt, pepper, roll in flour and fry in olive oil.
  5. To prepare the sauce, mix yogurt with lemon juice, horseradish and parsley.
  6. Arrange the steaks and potatoes on plates, pour over the sauce, sprinkle with the remaining parsley and garnish with lemon slices and onion rings.

Pollock stewed with lemon

3 servings, cooking time 40 minutes, 176 kcal.


  • 600 g pollock,
  • 200 ml vegetable stock
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 1 celery root
  • 1 lemon
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil,
  • 2 bay leaves,
  • 0.5 bunch of dill, pepper, salt.

Cooking method:

Clean the fish, gut, rinse, cut into portions, rub with salt and pepper.

Peel the carrots and celery root, wash and cut into slices.

Onion peel, wash, cut into rings.

Wash the lemon, cut into slices.

Wash the tomatoes, cut into slices.

Wash dill greens.

Saute carrots, celery and onions in olive oil.

Put pollock in a saucepan with a thick bottom.

Put browned vegetables and lemon slices on top.

Pour in broth, add bay leaf, simmer over low heat covered for 20 minutes.

Arrange the finished fish on plates, decorate with tomato slices and dill sprigs.

Delicate pike perch soufflé

Fish soufflé is a great option for those who want to diversify the menu with an exquisite and delicate dish during a diet. For this recipe, you will need a couple of cloves of roasted garlic, it is better to prepare it in advance.

Required Ingredients:

  • Fresh pike perch - 350 gr.
  • White of two eggs.
  • Low-fat cream - 100 ml.
  • Roasted garlic.
  • Ground pepper.
  • Salt.

Cooking method:

Cut and rinse the pike perch carcass, separate the bones and skin. Cut the resulting fillet into small pieces, place in a blender.

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Fish diet

There, in the blender bowl, pour the cream, put the garlic and spices, chop everything thoroughly. Separately beat egg whites with a pinch of salt.

Combine the fish mixture and whipped proteins in parts to obtain a homogeneous mass. The consistency of the mass should resemble a cream.

While the oven is preheating to 150 0C, form a soufflé. To do this, shift the mass onto a cling film, twist it to make it look like a sausage, tie the film well from the ends. Wrap the formed souffle with foil, place in the oven for 20-30 minutes.

At the same time, you can bake vegetables for a side dish. Taking the bundle out of the oven, let it cool, cut into portions, serve with vegetables. This soufflé is unusually airy, tasty both hot and chilled.

Can fish be substituted

Seafood is a storehouse of unique vitamins and minerals that are difficult to find an alternative. Often, fish is called a meat substitute, especially in dietary nutrition. There are times when an allergy occurs to delicacies, then you have to think about an alternative.

On a diet, you can replace fish with plant products. These include soy, tofu cheese, and some types of legumes. For example, in terms of amino acid content, one serving of lentils is in no way inferior to the same amount of fish delicacy. Of the negative points - amino acids of plant origin are absorbed much worse.

You can replace fish on a diet with mushrooms and nuts. If you choose cashew nuts, then in addition to proteins and amino acids, the body will be enriched with phosphorus. When choosing nuts or mushrooms for a diet, remember that the daily portion should not exceed 50 g.

An excellent alternative to dietary fish delicacies is flaxseed. In addition to fatty acids, they contain zinc, iron and calcium. Flax seeds can be ground to a state of flour, consumed with kefir for breakfast or as an independent dish instead of porridge. You can replace fish with seaweed, from which nutritious dietary salads are obtained.

It is important for women who are on a diet to know about products to lose extra pounds. Fish is considered useful for weight loss of low-fat or fatty varieties, it is recommended to boil, bake or stew it. Fish dishes are distinguished by a high content of protein, fatty acids, micro- and macrominerals. It is worth learning how to cook fish correctly in order to lose weight quickly and without harm.

What is the benefit for a person

Before using the product in the diet, you should find out what the benefits of fish are for weight loss. Its pulp is useful due to the content of low-calorie protein, which contains 25%. Easily digestible amino acids are digested in the stomach in 1.5-2 hours. It is also useful due to the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6. They strengthen the heart, prevent heart attacks, strokes, atherosclerosis. Fatty acids cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol, stimulate the brain, nervous system, and restore metabolism.

The most dietary varieties are white lean breeds: pike, cod. It is included in the diet for weight loss more often than fatty marine varieties. Salmon, trout or pink salmon contain more fatty acids that speed up metabolism, so they are also allowed to be included in the diet for weight loss. Smoked and fried will not work, but stewed or boiled will be ideal for weight loss.

On a diet, it is allowed to eat up to 800 grams of fish per day, so as not to burden the kidneys and liver. It is best paired with vegetables, white poultry, egg whites, and low-fat dairy products. For weight loss, you need to choose the right fish meat:

  • frozen fillet - best suited in terms of safety, but could lose some of the vitamins;
  • fresh carcass - worth buying from trusted merchants; the meat should be elastic, and the fish eyes should be clear;

Low-fat varieties

The lowest-calorie fish is included in the group of river or lean sea breeds. These include bream, pike, river perch. Of marine varieties, pollock, hake, flounder, cod, navaga are suitable. The approximate calorie content is 70-100 kcal, and there is only 4% fat. Varieties with properties of medium fat content up to 8% and 100-140 calories per 100 grams include pink salmon, low-fat herring, catfish, pike perch, catfish. It is useful to include trout, carp, horse mackerel, tuna and sea bass in the diet for weight loss.

Fat sea fish

A calorie content of 200-250 kcal per 100 grams can boast of fish from cold seas. This group of fatty varieties includes eel, mackerel, halibut, sturgeon, any red. They are distinguished by a high content of useful fatty acids, but should not be included in the daily diet - they do not contribute to weight loss. It is better to combine low-fat varieties to stimulate metabolism and lose weight.

fish diet

The fish menu is considered popular, allowing you to lose up to 3-4 kg per week. There are certain rules that promote safe weight loss

  1. Most of all, low-fat fish varieties should be included in the diet: pollock, hake, flounder, cod. Eat trout, salmon, mackerel occasionally. Up to four times a week, pink salmon, tuna and carp are allowed.
  2. Fish is ideally stewed, steamed or in water, grilled without oil.
  3. The best side dish will be fresh or stewed vegetables, cabbage, zucchini, carrots. From greens, give preference to arugula, spinach, lettuce.
  4. Do not combine potatoes, eggplant, pasta, white rice with fish meat.
  5. Replace salt with lemon juice and spices.
  6. Keep an eye on the water balance - at least two liters a day to stimulate weight loss.
  7. Half a glass of dry red wine per day is allowed.
  8. Eat fractionally, five times a day, it is allowed to consume up to 600 g of fish fillet per day for weight loss.
  9. Ban on sugar, confectionery. A glass of kefir can become a snack.

For 7 days

For an effective weekly diet to bring a loss of five kilograms, follow an approximate meal plan from the table:



Boiled pollock, cabbage, tea

Vegetable soup, salmon, brown rice

Boiled cod, Korean-style carrots, bread, tea

Grilled flounder, tea, dried fruits

Pickle, steamed tuna meatballs, bread

Braised carp, bread, nuts

Sandwiches with boiled salmon, walnuts, tea

Green borscht, egg, haddock

Steam cutlets, tea, honey

Steam pollock, grated carrots, toast

Ear, trout, lettuce

Boiled perch, egg, cucumber

Steam cod, cabbage, toast

Vegetable soup with meatballs, boiled flounder, rice

Pike perch in foil, lettuce

Sandwiches with boiled hake

Ear, mackerel, seaweed

Steam meatballs, stewed carrots


Boiled catfish, dates

Ear, bread

Boiled pike, low-fat cottage cheese

Fasting day

For quick weight loss or support for the achieved result, a fasting day is suitable. Any fish can be used in a diet. Here are some dietary options:

  1. Five doses of equal amounts of boiled fish without salt (400 g), tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage. You can drink green tea or clean water during the day.
  2. After waking up, drink a glass of water, eat an egg, yogurt, tea for breakfast. Second breakfast - boiled cod, vegetables. Before lunch, two glasses of water, for lunch and dinner - steam catfish, vegetables with lemon and herbs. Drink herbal tea at night.

How to cook dietary fish

Proper low-calorie cooking of fish representatives involves processing without oil and smoking. The easiest way is to boil fillets or carcasses in water, make a broth, use it for soup. If you have a slow cooker or double boiler, you can steam, stew with vegetables and spices. For dinner, it is allowed to bake the fillet in the oven under foil or fry in a grill pan without oil.


A simple meal option would be boiled fish, which contains a minimum amount of calories. For manufacturing, take a large carcass, clean from scales, gills and internal organs. Put the chopped pieces in a saucepan with roots (parsley, celery, carrots are suitable) and spices (cinnamon, cloves, black pepper, dill). Boil until tender and eat chilled.

For a couple

It turns out very tasty low-fat steam fish in a slow cooker for weight loss. For making it is better to take large pieces, and to create steam, use vegetable broth with herbs. Place the pieces on the multicooker grate, after pouring fragrant water into the bowl. Set the mode to “Steamed”, cook for about half an hour until the meat changes in color. The dish can be eaten cold or hot.

In the oven

An evening meal option will be fish in the oven for weight loss. For baking, medium to high fat varieties are suitable, and if using low-fat, they should be accompanied by a small amount of olive or butter for softness. Put the pieces on a baking sheet or in a mold, wrap in foil, pour over a light lemon and basil sauce, bake for half an hour at 190-200 degrees.


There are various dietary fish recipes for weight loss, including step-by-step instructions with a photo of each stage. They will teach chefs how to prepare low-calorie dishes that taste good and look good. The most popular of them include white lean fish, combine it with vegetables, lemon juice, herbs and spices.

With vegetables

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 87 kcal per 100g.
  • Destination: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

Fish with vegetables for weight loss is considered a popular recipe used to make a delicious lunch or dinner. Flounder or cod is optimal for this. From vegetables, it is permissible to choose onions, carrots, zucchini, accompany them with apples to add exquisite sourness. To make the meat not too dry, make a sauce of low-fat sour cream or butter.


  • flounder - 1 kg;
  • apples - half a kilo;
  • leek - 100 g;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • butter - 10 g;
  • sour cream - 150 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Lubricate the saucepan with oil, put slices of apples, onion heads, pieces of fish on the bottom.
  2. Sprinkle with lemon juice, close the lid, simmer over low heat for half an hour.
  3. Take out the flounder and vegetables, boil the broth to half. Top with sour cream.
  4. Serve with vegetables and drizzle with sauce.

in foil

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 82 kcal per 100g.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Fish in foil for weight loss is great as a dinner. It is optimal to combine it with vegetables and low-fat cheese to get an appetizing crust and a delicate creamy taste. How to cook trout in foil is described in the recipe below. You will get an exquisite dish with a delicate taste. Of the spices, it is allowed to use salt and black pepper, but you can replace them with lemon juice.


  • trout fillet - 4 pcs.;
  • leek - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - a clove;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • water - half a glass;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 30 ml;
  • mozzarella - 20 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop the onion into strips, crush the garlic, cut the leek into rings.
  2. Put the onion, garlic, portioned pieces on the oiled bottom of the baking dish. Lay tomato slices on top, fill with water.
  3. Cover with foil, put in the oven at 200 degrees for half an hour.
  4. Remove the foil, leave for 10 minutes, sprinkle with cheese.

fish cakes

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 105 kcal per 100g.
  • Destination: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Delicious fish cakes for weight loss can be prepared from any white breeds. Carrots with onions and many spices add piquancy to their taste. Allowed to use white pepper, ginger, marjoram, celery root, nutmeg and fresh or dried parsley. Cutlets cannot be fried, because they will not be dietary. It is best to steam them or boil them in vegetable broth like meatballs.


  • cod - 900 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 20 ml;
  • parsley - 20 g;
  • spices - 10 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the carcass into slices, pass through a meat grinder along with onion slices.
  2. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, sauté until golden, add to the minced meat with eggs.
  3. Add spices, mix, form cutlets.
  4. Boil for a couple, sprinkle with herbs.


Low-fat sea fish is an integral part of a healthy adult diet and should definitely be included in the menu for children.

If you take care of your health, want to have a slim figure, shiny hair and a strong immune system - fish dishes should be on your table as often as possible.

According to the amount of accumulated fat, three categories are divided:

  • Varieties are considered lean if the fat content is less than 4%.
  • Moderate fat content - no more than 8%.
  • Fat breeds - more than 8%.

Note! The fat content of any breed can change throughout the year, gaining a maximum value during its spawning period.

In dietary nutrition, lean (low-fat) fish varieties are of the greatest value. It is these varieties that nutritionists recommend eating at least three times a week.

The best low-fat varieties of fish for a diet are cod, pollock, pollock, flounder, cupid pike perch, mullet, carp, trout, hake. It is their meat that saturates our body with a sufficient amount of calcium, iodine and phosphorus and helps to most naturally solve the problem of losing weight.

When compiling a diet menu, be sure to include low-fat breeds in the list:

Name Fat, grams / 100 grams Protein, grams / 100 grams Calorie content, kcal / 100 grams Average price, rub. / kg
Cod 0,6 16 69,0 170 – 300
Far Eastern flounder 3,0 15,7 90,5 150 — 800
Pollock 0,9 15,9 73,7 65 — 95
Tuna 3,9 24,4 136,0 190 — 270
Icy 1,4 15,5 75,0 750 — 950
Blue whiting 0,9 16,1 72,3 55 — 80
Halibut 3,0 18,9 103,0 450 — 730
small saury 0,8 20,3 143,2 95 — 120
sea ​​bass 3,8 17,6 117,9 235 — 320

Lean white fish with the best digestibility include haddock, cod and flounder. They contain a sufficient amount of B vitamins, phosphorus and iodine. These varieties have excellent taste, and flounder meat, at the same time, is almost boneless.

The most dietary red fish are trout and pink salmon. They contain only 4 - 7% fat per 100 grams, while the fat content of salmon and salmon can reach up to 15 - 18%.

Note! Prepare meals properly - bake without oil, boil or place in a double boiler. It is these methods that allow you to save the maximum amount of useful elements in food.

River fish

The fish that lives in our rivers and reservoirs has no less advantages than its marine counterparts.

Two hundred grams of river rock provide the body of an adult with a third of the daily protein requirement, which is necessary for the normal functioning of internal organs.

River fish is indicated for gastritis with low acidity, as well as for patients with peptic ulcer. Its meat stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, thereby forcing the pancreas to work without overloading it.

Pike perch is rightfully considered the most delicious and nutritious of freshwater. This delicious useful breed enters the markets of almost all regions of our country.

100 grams of zander meat contains:

  • Fat - 1.1 grams.
  • Protein - 18.4 grams.
  • Water - 79.2 grams.
  • Unsaturated fatty acids - 0.2 grams.
  • Calorie content - 84 kcal.
  • Vitamins - A, B1, B2, B6, B9, C, E, PP.

Note! Before purchasing river fish, take an interest in its habitat conditions. Unfortunately, with poor environmental performance, the carcass tends to accumulate harmful substances, which can adversely affect its useful properties ah for a man.

To choose the right inexpensive river fish, remember the list of such recommendations:

  • Fresh freshwater fish has a faint, pleasant smell of the river and seaweed.
  • The carcass is dense, without suspicious spots or deformations on the skin.
  • The scales of a freshly caught fish are shiny, moist, and the eyes are slightly bulging, not covered with a film.
  • Gills should be bright red.

Note! So that after cooking the river fish does not become bony, apply a little secret - before frying, make incisions in the carcass, from the side of the spine. This will help to fry the small bones until they are completely softened.

Low-fat fish with pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is a group of diseases in which the human pancreas becomes inflamed. This is a very unpleasant and dangerous disease, which requires special attention to the nutrition of the patient.

With pancreatitis, it is contraindicated to use fatty varieties, since the diseased organ cannot cope with the large amount of saturated acids contained in their meat.

Important! During an exacerbation of the disease, it is worth refraining from eating even low-fat breeds. It is possible to introduce fish into food only on the 6th - 7th day after the stabilization of the patient's condition.

For problems with the pancreas, you must follow some important rules for eating fish and seafood:

  • Only lean (low-fat) varieties are allowed.
  • Fried, smoked and salted fish dishes are contraindicated. You also need to give up canned food, and in severe cases of illness - even fish soup.
  • Fish can be cooked exclusively by steaming or by boiling in unsalted water, after cutting the carcass into fillets.
  • With pancreatitis, a therapeutic diet No. 5 is prescribed, in which spicy, salty and fatty foods are prohibited. Starting to cook fish dishes - follow these recommendations.

The best varieties for pancreatitis: blue whiting, pollock, haddock, cod, mullet, lamprey, grass carp, pike, roach, burbot, grayling, whitefish, whitefish and omul. The fat content in these breeds is minimal (up to 2%). After the condition improves, medium-fat varieties can be gradually introduced, such as sea bass, hake, ice, mackerel, rudd and carp.

Important! For any deviations from normal health - nausea, vomiting or other painful symptoms, immediately discard fish products and switch to a sparing diet.

Regular consumption of dietary marine and freshwater fish reduces the risk of dangerous diseases by several times. Fish products successfully replace meat dishes, they do not require a mandatory side dish, being a self-sufficient healthy product. Make fish a regular part of your meal, and you can prevent the development of many ailments without resorting to medication.

Useful video

Good afternoon, my dear readers! Today I will tell you about my favorite product - fish. Currently, scientists have proven its usefulness for weight loss. Low-fat fish for the diet, the list of which is given below, is divided by fat content and calorie content. Let's dwell on the popular power systems that use this valuable product. And included tips on how best to cook the fish, so that it is tasty and healthy.

Fish is a source of high quality protein and is quickly absorbed by the body. If it takes about three or four hours to digest meat, then the fish will “dissolve” in two. Therefore, in dietary nutrition, it is recommended even for an evening meal. Proteins keep you feeling full for a long time. The brain "gives a signal" not to store anything on the sides or buttocks.

I think many have heard about the longevity of the inhabitants of Japan. They practically do not have problems with the thyroid gland. Excellent vision and smooth skin are preserved until old age. Just look at the photo - cheerful, youthful people. Scientists have found that the cause of health was the consumption of a large number of marine fish. The composition of the favorite product includes the following benefits:

  • fatty amino acids Omega-3, Omega-6;
  • vitamins,, group B;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • calcium.

Regular consumption of seafood reduces the risk of heart disease. The pressure stabilizes. Improves the functioning of the immune system and the brain. If you do not want to suffer from dementia in old age, eat fish.

Iodine - saturates the thyroid gland, which has a huge impact on calorie burning and metabolism. And omega-3 fatty acid is a very useful thing. Without it, the synthesis of other substances in the body is impossible. It maintains the normal sensitivity of nerve fibers, is involved in muscle contraction. The presence of useful Omega-3 acids will have a positive effect on hair, skin, nails.

In carbohydrate-free nutrition systems, when losing weight, it is often advised to replace meat with fish. However, not all varieties are equally beneficial. In terms of calories, fatty mackerel is far ahead of lean pork. In order not to be mistaken, we divide the fish by fat content.

To get an idea of ​​the fat content of seafood, pay attention to the color of the meat. If it is light - in front of you is a lean variety of fish. The darker the fillet, the more calories. Think herring, salmon or mackerel.

Of course, scientists say that the most useful is oily fish. It contains a large number of necessary substances. But when losing weight, you should forget about it. Or reduce consumption to a small piece a week.

Low-fat varieties of fish will be noted separately. They have no carbohydrates. That is why they are so popular among fans of carbohydrate-free diets. Because switching to fish while on a diet can help delay the need to lower your carb intake.

Product (per 100 grams)Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates calories
Low fat (2 to 5 grams)
Tuna24,4 4,6 0 139
sea ​​bass18,2 3,3 0 103
Far Eastern flounder15,7 3 0 90
Vobla18 2,8 0 95
Bream17,1 4,4 0 105
Carp18,2 2,7 0 97
white-winged halibut18,9 3 0 103
Hake16,6 2,2 0 86
horse mackerel18,5 4,5 0 114
Very low fat content (less than 2 grams)
Pollock15,9 0,9 0 72
Blue whiting18,5 0,9 0 82
Haddock17,2 0,5 0 73
Cod16 0,6 0 69
river perch18,5 0,9 0 82
Pike18,4 1,1 0 84
Zander18,4 1,1 0 84
carp17,7 1,8 0 87

Lean fish has less fat than the leanest meat. You will be able to take the same amount of protein from each, but consume fewer calories. This will allow you to keep your carbohydrate intake at a relatively moderate level and you won't feel too depleted. Even in the evening it is allowed to eat fish while losing weight. Excess will definitely not be postponed 😉

If you are wondering how often you can eat fish, then I can make you happy - if there are no contraindications, then at least every day. The standard serving is 100 gr. And even if you are not a fan of this type of product, then arrange yourself at least sometimes “fish days”. A plate of fish soup or a fragrant baked piece diversifies any menu.

Which is better and how to cook

Even on the most democratic Dukan diet, you can eat this product at any stage. In Dr. Dukan emphasizes proteins and forbids carbohydrates, fats and sweets. Fish in the food system is not the last place. During all stages of the diet, almost any diet is allowed - sea or river. You can even have a little piece of smoked salmon. In more detail, I wrote an article about allowed foods on the Dukan diet. Products can be boiled, steamed, fried or baked in foil. But with a minimum amount of vegetable oil.

Now let's move on to the most delicious moment. Fish recipes for diets are a separate science. They need to take into account the usefulness of a particular variety. And also how safe it will be to use with gastritis or diabetes.


I recommend including the following types of seafood in your diet: tuna, flounder, haddock, pollock, cod, as well as shrimp and crabs. Other types see in the table above with low and very low fat content. But the amount of protein in such meat is high.

To reduce calories, you can boil the fish in water or steam. The last method is the most useful and tasty. The meat is juicy and tender. Pour a little lemon juice over the pieces for flavor and put a sprig of greens (dill, parsley). Sprinkle with aromatic fish seasoning and wrap in foil. In 30 minutes it will be ready.

A plate of fish soup without potatoes is an excellent dietary dish. You can eat as much as you like without any consequences on the waist. Very tasty broth is obtained from pike. A minimum of calories with an amazing aroma.

Try to use less sauces. They provoke an appetite. If you don’t like the fishy smell, hold the seafood in milk for an hour. The bad odor will dissipate.

Some of mine complain that the fish falls apart when cooked. Try cooking cod. Its fillets are not as tender as those of other species. Or you can use a little trick. Add some vinegar to boiling water and boil the fish calmly. Fragrant fillet will not fall apart.


Recipes for weight loss contain a minimum of oil. The baking process itself involves cooking the product simultaneously from all sides in the oven. At the same time, the fish turns out to be much tastier than with banal boiling.

For baking, foil or a sleeve is suitable. Nutritionists have noticed: products from the oven are much healthier than those fried in a pan. Pieces of fish a few minutes before readiness can be “freed from protection”. Then get a delicious crust without oil. Or try baking in natural yogurt. The taste is indistinguishable from sour cream. But fewer calories.

Can I eat fried, salted or smoked?

With gastritis and other gastric problems, fried food is not allowed.. But rethink your cooking methods. In batter or breadcrumbs - definitely not. Especially with diabetes. If you really want to, then in a small amount of oil on a grill pan you can treat yourself to a portion. But not more than once a week. Just do not forget to put the finished pieces on a napkin. The oil should be absorbed. By the way, in my article "How to fry fish in a pan"You can find a lot of interesting things.

But salty doctors do not prohibit. Just not herring or ram, of course. It is better to make lightly salted low-fat fish yourself. Eat only in the morning. Otherwise, expect unpleasant swelling on the face and extra pounds on the scales. After salty, you just want to drink and drink.

Smoked under strict ban! Don't even think about it - definitely not. They have been talking about the dangers of smoked food for so long that everyone has already stopped paying attention to it. And in vain - dangerous carcinogens can cause cancer.

Smoked meats negatively affect the stomach and liver. First, the amount of salt in such products is increased. Secondly, the calorie content increases due to the removal of water during the cooking process. In order not to be unfounded, I am attaching a table for comparison.

Fats in fresh fish, per 100 grams Fats in smoked fish, per 100 grams Calorie content of smoked fish per 100 g
Hot smoked perch0,9 8 166
Tesha cold smoked sturgeon10,9 25,7 302
Cold-smoked sturgeon balyk10,9 12,5 194
Vobla cold smoked2,8 6,3 181
Hot smoked cod0,6 1,2 115
Hot smoked bream4,4 4,5 172
Cold smoked bream4,4 4,6 160
Hot smoked cod0,6 1,2 115
Cold smoked mackerel13,2 15,5 221

And negligent manufacturers can smoke low-quality raw materials. In addition to the main problems, you can get poisoned.

Fish is a tasty and healthy product that will help to cope with excess weight. Choose low-fat varieties and cook. Fried, baked or boiled - you can calculate a varied menu for the whole week. Daily use will make you not only slim, but also beautiful.

Another short video about the benefits of fish:

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