"Fish fish" (pike in Hebrew). Jewish stuffed fish! With the help of a cunning trick, the dish will turn out excellent

Gefilte fish, gefilte fish, - a traditional dish national Jewish cuisine. Culinary historians claim that Ashkenazi Jews stuffed fish as early as the Middle Ages. Cooked large pike, carp, pike perch. They removed the skin from the fish and filled the "stocking" minced meat from fillet with vegetable additives. Today, “stuffed fish” is called not only the well-known or carp (we will cook it), but also minced fish cutlets boiled in fish broth.

By the way, about the broth. It gets thick fish jelly, which can be served as a bay of fish - then you get an exceptionally tasty gelled jellied fish without any gelatin, and as a separate dish.

Carp is often stuffed - it is a very tasty, fatty fish with thick skin. It should, however, be borne in mind that the “stocking” made of fish skin cannot be stuffed tightly with minced meat - it will burst. Therefore, if minced meat remains, it is better to mold cutlets from it and put it in a cauldron to cook along with the fish.

To get the right gefilte fish, you do not need to add cookies, crackers, straws and other unsuitable ingredients that can be found in modern recipes Jewish stuffed fish Previously, there was no cracker, but there was always a stale, good old bun or loaf, in last resort, semolina. The roll should be soaked in water or milk, and adding semolina, let the minced meat stand for a while so that the grits swell and absorb excess moisture from the minced meat.

And the last thing I would like to say: if you do not have a meat grinder, use the blender very carefully. blender interrupts fish fillet to dense homogeneous mass, as a result, stuffed fish will not turn out juicy and airy. This will be a homogeneous piece of minced fish. The meat grinder leaves small pieces of fish fillet in the minced meat (even if you twist the minced meat several times), and in the cut, the fish will turn out to be porous, airy, juicy and very tasty.


  • carp 1 pc. (1.5-2 kg)
  • onion 3-4 pcs.
  • carrot 1 pc.
  • stale bun (or loaf) 300 g (if semolina - 4 tablespoons)
  • chicken egg 1-2 pcs.
  • salt to taste
  • pepper h. m. to taste
  • vegetable oil 1 tbsp. l.

How to cook Jewish stuffed fish

To begin with, the fish must be cleaned of scales, rinsed under running water, and dried with a paper towel. To quickly remove the mucus, you can sprinkle the fish with coarse salt, rub into the scales, and then rinse.

The most time-consuming part of cooking is removing the skin. Do it different ways. Here are the most common:

1. Cut off the head and tighten the skin with a "stocking". The “stocking” skin is stuffed with minced meat, sewn up at the place where the head is cut off, but the head is not sewn on, but is also filled with minced meat. Then everything is boiled together and laid out on a dish, joining the pieces.

2. A method when the head is not cut off, but the fish is cut along the belly. Stuff, then sew up the incision.

3. Cut the fish along the back, remove the dorsal fin, which runs along the entire length of the fish and tightly “holds” the skin, and then remove the skin. Stuffed. The back is sewn up.

The method used by Tatyana is the “improved” first, does not involve the use of a needle and thread and consists in cutting off the head incompletely, “breaking” the spine, leaving the skin intact, and then pulling off the skin, helping yourself with a knife and scissors at the attachment points fins.

It's hard to say which way is better. Probably for every hostess.

First, I cut the abdomen under the fins to the ridge, cut the ridge, but left the skin intact in this place so as not to separate the head. I removed the insides, washed the fish under running water and dried it again with a paper towel. If your hand is thin, it fits well into the abdomen, and the insides can be removed, so to speak, in one motion.

In the next step, I cut the skin with a knife from the carcass of the fish, pry it with my index finger and separated it from the fish carcass with light movements from side to side. I repeated this until I lifted all the skin. To separate the skin around the fins, I cut the muscles around the cartilage holding the skin with kitchen shears or a small knife, leaving the cartilage on the skin. The tail, like the head, was left on the skin.

The correct "stocking" of fish skin looks something like this picture. As you can see, the head, tail and fins remained in place along with the skin.

Now that the “stocking” is ready, you can start preparing the minced meat. With a sharp knife, I cut the carp fillet from the bones. If you can’t do it very carefully, you should take an ordinary spoon with a sharp nose and scrape off the remains of the fish fillet from the bones with it.

Then I proceeded to prepare the stuffing. I finely chopped the onion, which should be quite a lot, since it is he who gives the fish juiciness and sweetness. I fried the onion over low heat, until transparent, but not golden, because golden onions will give bitterness.

Fish fillet, onion and pre-soaked in water (can be in milk) roll passed through a meat grinder with a fine sieve. In order not to come across small bones, the minced meat should be twisted twice. Salted and peppered the minced meat, added the egg and kneaded well.

At the bottom of the form in which the fish will be cooked (I have this goose), laid out fish bones, sliced large pieces onions and carrots.

Loosely, about 2/3, filled the fish "stocking" with minced meat. If "stuffed", the skin may burst during cooking. To make it easier, I moistened a spoon with water, collected minced meat and thus “packed”, distributing the minced meat “inside” and shaping the fish. You don't need to sew anything.

Fish cooking

Lay the fish out on top of the vegetables. She poured water so that it covered the fish not completely, but by 2/3, and put it on fire. When the water boiled, turned on the quietest fire, salted and peppered the broth, added bay leaf. I cooked the fish for 1.5 hours, closing the lid. After the stuffed fish is ready, you should not rush either: it should cool in the broth.

What happens during cooking? The skin is gelled (after all, it contains collagen), and if small bones remain in the minced meat, then they finally boil soft.

Then I took the fish out of the broth, put it on a convenient dish and put it in the refrigerator for several hours (preferably overnight) to solidify, so the natural gelatin will hold the minced meat together, and it will be easier to cut the fish into portions. How long does stuffed fish keep in the refrigerator? 3-4 days.

The broth is strained, it can also be used. It turns out gelled, and it can be served with fish in a small broth bowl. And you can boil potatoes and carrots in it.

I cut the chilled fish into portions, put it on a serving dish, garnished it only with herbs: carp is quite fatty fish, you should not pour mayonnaise on it.

As you can see, in the cut, Jewish stuffed fish turns out to be porous and very juicy. For color, you can crumble a pinch of paprika.

A story about cooking gefilte fish. It would seem, well, what is there - a fish for itself and a stuffed fish, but you never know what? I foresee screams and groans in the comments, I foresee those offended and slamming the door, as in reality I see those writing: “But at our house it was cooked quite differently.”

There are few Jews, but there are many gefilte fish recipes. There are many recipes, even more connoisseurs, and there is nowhere to try well-cooked fish - no one wants to mess around. But everywhere they say: “Ah, leave me alone, I still have to stuff fish today!”

Our love story for stuffed fish began a long time ago, when we were young. But I want to start the story with the events that happened in our family not so long ago, even fifteen years have not passed.
Things didn't go well for me that year. That's not going business and that's it. Sometimes, to distract myself from sad thoughts, I called my older friend, the father of my late friend, Mikhail Natanovich, who lived alone in a large, deserted house.
- Mikhail Natanovich, what do you have for lunch? Well, then I'm for "kerosene" and to you!
We jokingly called vodka kerosene. Mikhail Natanovich, despite his lonely life, cooked hot every day and believed that this was the key to his health. We ate deliciously, drank, turned on a tape recorder with songs from that time when his house was a full bowl and there was not enough room for dancing, and we remembered the past, or we simply kept silent and sighed about today.
- Well, Stalik, are you upset about money? Here, rub the palm of one hand with the thumb of the other. Rub well! Look, what's rolled up there? Not rolled up, no pellets? And sometimes it rolls, right? That's what rolls - the money is! Nothing rolled up on your hand today, you won’t be upset because of this, right?
- Yes, how? After all, the house, family, children. Dress, teach, feed. And here - at least crack - I fight like a fish on ice, but nothing goes.
“Wait,” Mikhail Natanovich interrupted me. - Do you have an anniversary this year? Forty years old? Here, arrange a holiday so that everyone gasps. Call the whole city! Call everyone so that everyone can see - things are going well for you! And then we'll see.

I arranged to rent a hall in a newly built restaurant, where customers have not yet found their way. I promised them:
- Such people will come who will then go to you every day! And I will cook myself. So let's cook that everyone will think "this is a restaurant!"
And I started shopping for groceries. You won't believe it, I had only 600 dollars, and we invited and fed 120 people to satiety. I won’t be able to list all the menus and tell in detail how you can get out of the situation even with such little money, so I’ll only talk about the highlight of that evening - gefilt fish, stuffed fish.
First of all, I went to the Syr Darya and bought 22 fish there. Among them, there was just no one - and pike, and silver carp, and carp, and grass carp and snake-head. In a word, everything that is found in this river, if only the fish were larger.

It is traditionally believed that pike is the most suitable fish for gefilte fish. This is due primarily to the fact that the pike itself is a rather dry fish and is rarely tasty if cooked as it is. Therefore, cutlets and gefilte fish are most often prepared from pike.

The second reason for choosing a pike is that it is easier to remove the skin from a pike than from other types of fish. If the pike is not yet gutted, then you just need to cut the skin at the head and the whole skin will be removed entirely, with a stocking.

Unfortunately for pike, its caviar has recently been popular, so they catch it more and more for caviar, and the carcass itself is sold cheaper than the rest of the fish. But, alas, already ripped through the stomach. Well, nothing, you can cook it like that - just remove the skin.

Here skinning a carp is somewhat more difficult. But there is a trick - take two napkins, hold the carp's slippery skin with one hand, and the flesh with the other. Where the meat remains on the skin, carefully trim with a knife.

Chop at the base of the tail, cut off at the base of the head too.

Remove the gills from the head, thoroughly rinse everything inside.

Remove the meat from the ridge, do not pay attention to small bones.

Ridges, ribs, heads, send to cook, pouring a small amount of water.

I forgot to tell you that you need a few more fish than you are going to serve. For example, if you want to cook two stuffed fish, then buy three fish at once. Of those that I bought for my fortieth birthday, my wife prepared 12 for the table - the largest and most beautiful. And the trifle all went in addition to minced meat.

In general, in addition to the minced fish itself, onion fried in vegetable oil (do not spare oil!) And white rolls soaked in milk are in the fish gefilt.

For example, this time we got five kilograms of minced meat twice passed through a meat grinder, so we put six pieces of rolls, and there were probably about a kilogram of onions, if you count raw.

A large spoonful of sugar went into this amount of minced meat.

A couple of tablespoons of fine salt.

And a full, with the top, a spoonful of black pepper.

Minced meat must be properly kneaded and knocked out, just like chopped meat for a kebab.

For greater smoothness, you can add half a glass of cold water to the minced meat.

And with this stuffing it is necessary to stuff the fish skin and head. You don't need to sew anything, everything will be fine!

This time I thought: stuffed fish is good for everyone, but some zest is missing in it!
And here's what I came up with. In Azerbaijan, they cook lavang fish, that is, stuffed fish. Only there they do not remove the skin from the fish, but prepare minced meat from soaked plum marshmallow (lavashany), nuts, and fried onions. At first there was an idea to add all these components to minced fish and thereby enhance its taste. But then another idea came to mind, a better one.
We rolled minced meat for lavanga into a sausage, wrapped it in cling film and chilled, almost frozen.

Then this sausage was inserted into the belly of one of the fish and covered with other stuffing.

Here - as if there is nothing. Close, smooth the skin!

The baking sheet is greased with oil and onions and carrots are laid out on it in thick rings.

The fish is placed on top.

It would be nice to grease the fish with oil before baking.

I inserted a thermometer needle into the mouth of one of the fish and set the oven temperature to 140C at a humidity of 50%. If you don't have oven humidity control, place a hot frying pan down and pour boiling water into it. And that's it - close and bake. Focus on the beautiful color of the skin, but I warn you that the fish should be cooked for quite a long time, an hour and a half or two, if not more.

Oh, yes, I know that many fish are not baked, but gefilte fish are cooked in a patch, in the same oven! And I am ready, ready to please both ours and yours, so long as there is no war. That's what we needed the broth for! Do you understand me? Has it reached you now?

Only at first I poured pomegranate juice into the patch, and put carrots and beets under the fish.

And he poured enough broth into the patch so that the fish was waist-deep.
That's it, this patch can be kept in the oven for at least five hours, just don't heat the oven too much. Here is that baked fish, when it is ready, take it out, but let this one still stand! The longer it stays in the oven, the tastier it will be!

Of course, in determining the readiness of the fish, one must focus not only on the color of the skin outside, but also on the temperature and consistency of the minced meat inside. In fact, the minced meat should reach a temperature of 65C in the very middle of the fish and harden, lose plasticity.

Fish can be served warm or cold. I love carrots that served as a substrate for fish and serve fish with it. Olives are very appropriate for such fish, and salted lemon is just super!

Let cool the fish that was stewed in its own broth and pomegranate juice, remove from the patch and cut into washers.

Decorate it with those beets and carrots that served as a substrate, and warm the sauce a little and pour it over the dish that is already ready to serve.

Well, now, it remains only to tell how it ended. In general, how you start a year or decade is how you spend it. My business went uphill after that birthday, I worked from four in the morning and fell into bed at ten in the evening, every day I drove several hundred kilometers behind the wheel, did not disdain any earnings, and already in the summer I began to build a large new house. True, I found out that it would turn out to be big, beautiful and expensive in a couple of years - closer to the finish of the construction.

I don’t even know what influenced the changes for the better in my life at that time - my work or the taste of our stuffed fish. We have been preparing fish for fifteen years already, we learned from books, but gained experience by stuffing cones. Well, I finally learned to work by my forty years.
Most likely, good teachers, like the aforementioned old man, who improves health with pilaf, mutton fat, vodka, a barbell and a love for women and dancing, have influenced.

Anyway, good luck to you guys. Don't put your hands down. And if it seems that there is absolutely nowhere to put them, prepare a gefilte fish and invite guests. Do not sit idle, most importantly, do not sit and everything will be fine.

If you think what to cook stuffed fish difficult, I hasten to dissuade you. The main point in preparing this mind-blowing delicious dish- remove the skin from the fish! Thanks to a tricky trick, which you will read about below, even completely inexperienced housewives can do this.

Stuffed fish in Odessa style it is prepared very simply, but it is necessary - with beets. For a chic feast, this special dish is perfect! The recipe has been tested by more than one generation.

Gefilte fish


  • 1 carp or pike (weighing 1.5 kg to 2.5 kg)
  • 2 onions
  • 2 tbsp. l. white crackers
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp Sahara
  • 0.5 tsp ground black pepper
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 3 beets
  • 5 allspice peas
  • 10 black peppercorns
  • 2 bay leaves


1. Sodium raw fish salt to remove mucus from it. Rinse, pat dry with paper towel. Remove the scales from the fish, cut the fish along the back, cut off the fins.

Carefully remove all the insides from the fish.

2. Cut the spine of the fish at the head and tail. With a sharp knife, cut the skin near the back, stick your finger into the hole between the muscles and the skin. Carefully separate the skin, gradually moving in an arc. Here's what you get.

3. Lightly fry the onion in vegetable oil, separate the fish fillet from the bones. Mix crackers with a little water. Pass the fillet with onions through a meat grinder 2 times, add crackers, salt, sugar and ground pepper in minced meat Thread the needle and dip the thread into the bowl with vegetable oil.

4. Start stitching the skin of the fish, constantly dipping the needle and thread into the vegetable oil. When the tail is stitched, you can start stuffing! Dip a spoon in the water and carefully place the minced meat inside the stitched fish.

No need to stuff the fish too tightly! In this case, it may burst during cooking, keep this in mind.

5. Line the bottom of a pot or baking dish with raw beetroot slices. Place a grate or gauze on top of the bottom. Add 1 tsp to 1 liter of water. salt, bay leaf, peppercorns.

Cover the form with foil and place the fish in an oven preheated to 220 degrees. You can also cook fish over low heat. Regardless of which cooking method you choose, the fish will languish for 2 hours!

6. After 2 hours of languishing, the fish is ready! Not a single bone will be felt ... Let the fish cool in the broth, then gently remove it and put it in the refrigerator. Threads can be removed when the fish is completely cool.

I cook stuffed fish in Hebrew for all holidays: every time the dish turns out better and better! It will be very tasty if you pour the finished fish with the broth in which it languished and let it harden.

You can experiment and cut the jelly into pieces, you can boil vegetables in the broth and serve them as a side dish - the taste is indescribable.

Bon appetit, dear reader! I have no doubt that you will want to try to cook such a fish: even those who do not eat fish in principle adore it.

If you decide to get acquainted with Israeli cuisine, then Jewish stuffed carp is just what you need! You will never regret the time and effort spent. After all, the dish is simply amazing. The delicacy succeeds amazingly tasty, tender, juicy, fragrant. Moreover, despite the mythical complexity of the recipe, you should not be afraid of such a culinary experiment. Everything will turn out just for "5+" even for novice cooks. As a result, on your table will be fish snack, which is ideal for both daily diet and for holiday menu. Let's experiment!

Cooking time -3 hours.

The number of servings is 4.


Carp stuffed in Jewish style is made from the most familiar and simple products. If you decide to beat the proposed recipe, then you are guaranteed to definitely not have to find it all with difficulty. necessary ingredients and angry that you can't find rare and expensive components. Everything here is very, very simple and accessible:

  • carp - 1 carcass weighing about 1.5 kg;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • onion - 2 heads;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tsp;
  • white crackers - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • beets - 3 pcs.;
  • ground pepper (black) - ½ tsp;
  • allspice - 5 peas;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • black pepper - 10 peas.

How to cook Jewish stuffed carp

If you do not know how to cook Jewish stuffed carp, then you should not worry. Learn the tricks and some of the features of Israeli cuisine, without even leaving the borders own kitchen, quite realistic and quite simple. You should be armed step by step recipe with photos and video clips that simply and without unnecessary wisdom talk about cooking carp stuffed with Jewish recipe. So let's get started?

  1. First you should do the carp itself. The raw carcass will need to be thoroughly rubbed with salt. Such a simple technique will allow you to remove mucus from the fish. Then the carp will need to be thoroughly rinsed in running water and blotted a little with paper napkins or towels. Now you need to clean off all the scales from the carcass. This work should be approached diligently and thoroughly, so that nothing superfluous remains on the finished carp. Then you should cut off all the fins from the carcass. It remains only to complete the preparation of the carp by cutting it along the back. Through the resulting hole, all the insides should be removed from the carcass.

  1. At the tail and near the head, you will need to cut the fish spine. Near the back, you need to trim the skin a little. To do this, you should use the most sharp knife in order to cut the skin, and not tear it. Gently insert your finger into the resulting incision. This is the gap between the skin and the muscles. In this case, it is necessary to carefully and accurately separate the skin from the main mass. While moving experienced chefs recommend on an arc. This is how our result will turn out, as in the photo below.

  1. What do we do next? Onion you will need to clean, chop and fry a little in a pan with the addition of a small amount vegetable oil. Fish fillets will need to be separated from the bones. A little water must be mixed with white breadcrumbs. Onions and fish fillets will need to be scrolled at least twice through a meat grinder. Pour ground pepper into the resulting mixture. That's where the crackers go. Sprinkle the mass with sugar and salt. In a separate bowl, you will need to pour vegetable oil. Thread a needle and dip it into this prepared oil.

  1. Now we have the most responsible and difficult job of stuffing carp according to a Jewish recipe. Skin stitching should begin. In this case, the needle will need to be constantly dipped in a bowl with vegetable oil. After you complete the sewing of the tail of the carcass, you can begin to fill the workpiece with minced meat.

On a note! When stuffing carp in a Jewish way, each time you should dip a spoon into water and only then scoop up the filling and put it into the workpiece. By the way, you should not tamp the fish too hard. Otherwise, it will simply break in the process of further heat treatment.

  1. Next, you need to take a deep pan. Raw beets are thoroughly washed and cut into slices. They must be laid out on the bottom of the selected container. Gauze should be placed on top. 1 liter of drinking water is poured into the container. A teaspoon of salt is added. Peppercorns are also laid out here and bay leaves. Fish preparation is laid out. It is proposed to boil the fish over low heat. But you can also send it to the oven.

If you decide to get acquainted with Israeli cuisine, then Jewish stuffed carp is just what you need! You will never regret the time and effort spent. After all, the dish is simply amazing. The delicacy succeeds amazingly tasty, tender, juicy, fragrant. Moreover, despite the mythical complexity of the recipe, you should not be afraid of such a culinary experiment. Everything will turn out just for "5+" even for novice cooks. As a result, on your table there will be a fish snack, which is ideal for both everyday diet and holiday menu. Let's experiment!

Cooking time -3 hours.

The number of servings is 4.


Carp stuffed in Jewish style is made from the most familiar and simple products. If you decide to beat the proposed recipe, then you are guaranteed to definitely not have to struggle to find all the necessary ingredients and be angry that you cannot find rare and expensive components. Everything here is very, very simple and accessible:

  • carp - 1 carcass weighing about 1.5 kg;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • onion - 2 heads;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tsp;
  • white crackers - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • beets - 3 pcs.;
  • ground pepper (black) - ½ tsp;
  • allspice - 5 peas;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • black pepper - 10 peas.

How to cook Jewish stuffed carp

If you do not know how to cook Jewish stuffed carp, then you should not worry. To master the tricks and some features of Israeli cuisine, without even leaving your own kitchen, is quite realistic and quite simple. You should take into account a step-by-step recipe with photos and videos that simply and without unnecessary wisdom talk about cooking carp stuffed according to a Jewish recipe. So let's get started?

  1. First you should do the carp itself. The raw carcass will need to be thoroughly rubbed with salt. Such a simple technique will allow you to remove mucus from the fish. Then the carp will need to be thoroughly rinsed in running water and blotted a little with paper napkins or towels. Now you need to clean off all the scales from the carcass. This work should be approached diligently and thoroughly, so that nothing superfluous remains on the finished carp. Then you should cut off all the fins from the carcass. It remains only to complete the preparation of the carp by cutting it along the back. Through the resulting hole, all the insides should be removed from the carcass.

  1. At the tail and near the head, you will need to cut the fish spine. Near the back, you need to trim the skin a little. To do this, you should use the sharpest knife to cut the skin, and not tear it. Gently insert your finger into the resulting incision. This is the gap between the skin and the muscles. In this case, it is necessary to carefully and accurately separate the skin from the main mass. At the same time, experienced chefs recommend moving in an arc. This is how our result will turn out, as in the photo below.

  1. What do we do next? Onions will need to be peeled, chopped and fried a little in a pan with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil. Fish fillets will need to be separated from the bones. A little water must be mixed with white breadcrumbs. Onions and fish fillets will need to be scrolled at least twice through a meat grinder. Pour ground pepper into the resulting mixture. That's where the crackers go. Sprinkle the mass with sugar and salt. In a separate bowl, you will need to pour vegetable oil. Thread a needle and dip it into this prepared oil.

  1. Now we have the most responsible and difficult job of stuffing carp according to a Jewish recipe. Skin stitching should begin. In this case, the needle will need to be constantly dipped in a bowl with vegetable oil. After you complete the sewing of the tail of the carcass, you can begin to fill the workpiece with minced meat.

On a note! When stuffing carp in a Jewish way, each time you should dip a spoon into water and only then scoop up the filling and put it into the workpiece. By the way, you should not tamp the fish too hard. Otherwise, it will simply break in the process of further heat treatment.

  1. Next, you need to take a deep pan. Raw beets are thoroughly washed and cut into slices. They must be laid out on the bottom of the selected container. Gauze should be placed on top. 1 liter of drinking water is poured into the container. A teaspoon of salt is added. Peppercorns and bay leaves are also laid out here. Fish preparation is laid out. It is proposed to boil the fish over low heat. But you can also send it to the oven.