How to make pink salmon fillet. How to properly cut pink salmon: peel and remove the skin

Pink salmon: how to clean fish

Fish preparation

The scales of pink salmon are not large, but it must be removed, even if you are going to just pickle this delicacy and then cut the meat from the skin into sandwiches. To cook this fish in any form, you will also need to remove the insides from it. Make her out perfect fillet quite possible. Do not be afraid that you will have to cut the purchased pink salmon at home on your own - it is not so difficult. To begin with, if you bought a frozen carcass, you need to properly defrost it. Leave it overnight on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or, if you are in a hurry, defrost it, leaving it to lie down for an hour and a half room temperature. Rinse the fish before cleaning.

Unlike salmon and trout, pink salmon meat is rather dry, so it is not very suitable for frying or baking in foil. It can be stewed in sour cream or salted for sandwiches.

How to clean pink salmon

Hold the tail of the fish firmly in your left hand and begin to clean the scales, gradually moving from the tail to the head. Clean one side first, then the other side. Do not make any special efforts so that the scales do not scatter in all directions, act carefully. Carefully treat the abdomen and places near the head fins with a knife. Rinse the fish from the scales so that it is convenient to butcher further.

Take a sharp knife and carefully cut out the dorsal and caudal fins, making a deep cut along them with the tip of the knife. Then cut off the head, rinse it from the inside in cold running water, remove the gills by cutting them at the base with kitchen scissors. Cut out the pectoral and head fins, cut off the tail by 3-4 cm. Fold the head, tail and fins separately - this is the future ear.

With a sharp knife, starting from the anus, open the belly of the fish. Proceed with caution - if you come across a female, there may be caviar inside the abdomen. Open the incision and remove all innards. If you see a black film inside the abdomen, you need to remove it. This can be done by scraping the film with a knife. Rinse the carcass under running water inside and out. Helping yourself with the sharp tip of a knife, remove the skin from the fish.

The shape of the head of the female and male pink salmon is different. In females, the nose is slightly turned up, in males it is more pointed and straight.

Make a deep incision along the spine bones up to the backbone of the fish. Start separating the fillets from the bones. Carefully cut the meat from the ribs with a knife, and then from the spine, first from one side, then from the other side. The resulting fillet can be used for salting or stew it.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Despite the variety of recipes for cooking fish dishes, many housewives are in no hurry to cook them. And all because they simply do not know how to work with a fish. After all, it’s not enough to buy it, you also need to cut it before you cook your dish from it. And if this process is not dealt with, then the further fate of the dish will be unenviable.
But in fact, cutting fish is a very simple process. If you learn, then you can do it in a matter of minutes, because there are not many stages. But, of course, many people prefer to buy ready-made cut fish, sometimes even milled. In principle, it is much simpler - you bought it, brought it home, thawed a piece of fillet and you are preparing dinner. But, from my own experience, I can say that the most delicious dishes obtained when you buy a whole carcass of fish, and then cut it into pieces at home. The thing is, first of all, that filleted fish, according to its technology, has already been thawed once and processed with special compounds, and this all affects its taste qualities. Well, then, on the carcass, you can quickly determine the quality of the fish, its freshness and the degree of freezing.
And not the last moment, when buying a whole fish, you can cook several dishes at once - both the second main and the first of the trimmings (head, tail and fins), and as a bonus, you may come across caviar that you can pickle for a snack.
So feel free to buy a whole fish, but I'll tell you how to fillet pink salmon. Photo step by step will further simplify the cutting. After cutting the fish, you can cook something delicious: for example,


- fish ( fresh-frozen pink salmon) - 1 PC.

Recipe with photo step by step:

An important point - we take a good sharp knife to make it more convenient to work with the fish. Next, we clean the fish from scales, we do it in the direction from the tail to the head. (Many housewives in the kitchen have a special cutting board for fish with a clothespin for the tail - it is convenient to work on it, since both hands are free).

Next, wash the pink salmon carcass in cold water from the remnants of scales.
Then we open the tummy - we make a cut from the fin to the head.3

We very carefully and carefully take out the insides, disassemble the caviar or milk from the offal.

Next, it is important to remove the thin film that is lined with the belly of the fish, if this is not done, then the taste of your dish will be very bitter.

We make a small incision along the spine, there is another white film covering it. We cut this film and kill all blood clots.
Now rinse the gutted fish well in running water.

And now we cut off the head and take out the gills from it, cut off the tail, make a small incision along the spine on both sides and take out the median fin through it. The pelvic fins are simply cut off.

Now our carcass is ready for further cutting. It can be milled or simply cut into pieces.

Carefully remove the spine and bones.

Separating the pink salmon from the bones, you can later pickle it. find out

Note to housewives and fishermen: how to fillet pink salmon. Our tips will help you fillet pink salmon quickly and beautifully.

You will need:
Pink salmon
sharp knife
Cutting board

It is necessary to prepare pink salmon for cutting. As a rule, it will be fresh frozen fish. There is no need to defrost whole salmon. If the outside of the fish is soft, and frozen inside - that's it! So it will be easier to separate the ridge from it. Defrost in the refrigerator or in water with the addition of a small amount salt.

It will not be superfluous to recall that a knife for cutting fish should be well honed. Both the quality of cutting and your safety when working with fish will depend on this. We separate the pectoral fins of pink salmon, they are under the gills. We cut off the fins carefully, towards the head, capturing a thin strip of skin.

We open the belly, take out the insides. This must be done before removing the fillet from pink salmon. If you caught pink salmon "egg", then carefully take out the caviar, put it aside. Thoroughly wash the carcass of the fish. We separate the head from the ridge, put it aside, it will come in handy for the fish soup. Carefully cut the fish along the entire length along the ridge.

The next stage of cutting pink salmon into fillets is skin removal. It is more convenient to do this from the side of the tail. We spread the fish on a cutting board, make an incision and carefully remove the skin of the fish with a stocking from the carcass with our hands. We make sure that the fillet remains whole and does not stick to the separated skin.

We help with a knife if necessary. After the skin is removed, you have almost finished fillet pink salmon, only with a backbone and bones. Separating the fillet from the backbone and removing the bones is the next step in cutting. With a sharp knife, carefully separate the ribs from the carcass, making sure that a very thin strip of meat with bones remains on the ribs.

It remains to remove the fillet from pink salmon, after freeing it from the ridge. There are two ways to do this. The first - with a knife, carefully separating the meat from the ridge, trying not to divide the carcass into two parts. The second - the same operation can be done with your hands, carefully separating the meat from the ridge. Cutting time - no more than ten minutes.

Pink salmon fillet removed. Before you is a wonderful piece of fish pulp. We cut it, depending on what you are going to do. For salting in pieces, thinly sliced ​​fillets are used, for this it is necessary to divide our piece into several thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpieces. When salting, we use the fillet completely. For frying, it is enough to cut it into medium portions.

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On a note!

And they also make a filling for it. I will try to tell you in detail about how to properly cut pink salmon into fillets on my own in today's step-by-step recipe with a photo. By repeating the procedure described here a couple of times, you will subsequently cope with it quickly.

Taste fish dish always depends heavily on the freshness of the fish. When buying frozen pink salmon, pay attention to the color of the abdomen and scales. The belly should be light, without yellow spots, and the scales should be silvery.

Before removing the bones from the fish, it must be completely thawed. It is better to do this during the first 12 hours in the main compartment of the refrigerator, and then finally warm it up at room temperature.

After defrosting, pink salmon should be washed under cool running water and cleaned of scales. They clean the fish with the sharp side of the knife, with scraping movements, moving from the tail of the carcass to the head. If you plan to skin the fish in the future, you can skip the skinning.

If the fish was not gutted, then you need to remove its insides. This should also be done with a knife, cutting the abdomen. If there was caviar in pink salmon, then it must be carefully separated from the intestines. In the future, this delicacy can be salted.

Now, let's do the filleting of pink salmon. We put the clean fish on a large cutting board and cut off the head.

The next step is to cut out the fins and cut off the tail. Removing the fins from the abdomen, we make an incision along the bottom of the carcass to the very tail.

In order to free the fish meat from the costal bones, we will use a small knife. We insert a knife between several costal bones and meat layer at the very base of the spinal bone. We move the knife to the edge of the abdomen, while freeing the ribs. The point of the knife should be directed towards the spine so as not to damage or cut the costal bones.

After that, we free the tail of the fish from the bones.

Now it remains to disconnect the fillet from the spine with a knife and open the carcass.

We cut off the milled layer along the back and do the manipulation of bone removal with the second half of pink salmon.

After the bones are completely removed, proceed to the removal of the skin. To do this, we hook the skin from the wide side of the piece and remove it with a smooth movement towards the tail. If in some places the skin will move away along with the meat, then you will need to scrape this place a little with a knife.

We cut the finished pink salmon fillet into portioned pieces and use it for cooking, for example, for salting with butter.

Separating pink salmon from the bones is not at all difficult. Try to fillet pink salmon yourself, using the tips of my step-by-step recipe with a photo.