How to clean a herring from the bones of a fur coat. We clean the herring neatly and quickly: the perfect fillet without bones

Many modern housewives acquire herring fillet and use it in cooking. variety of salads and snacks. However, often purchased canned food is second-rate, prepared by unscrupulous manufacturers from taste qualities fish.

Therefore, it is better to purchase whole herring, remove bones, skin, fins and use it for making nutritious snacks. Then you can appreciate the freshness of the fish and cook really tasty and healthy meals. How to clean a herring will be discussed in this article.

To quickly separate the bones from the fillet and cook it in a few minutes, you first need to prepare the work surface and tools.

To clean the herring, it is better to separate a separate board, but you can wrap it with cling film so that there is no smell left and no fillet residues that have eaten into the wood or plastic. Instead of a film, you can use a dense plastic bag.

You can wear latex medical gloves or rub your hands after washing with lemon juice to get rid of the fishy smell.

For cleaning you will need:

  • sharpened knife;
  • gloves (for example, medical);
  • tweezers. It should be at hand. With it, you can remove small and thin bones from the fillet, which are located near the ridge;
  • paper towels or napkins. They are needed to remove intestinal films and blood;
  • trash bag.

Various ways to clean herring

Consider several methods of cleaning fish, their advantages and procedures.


The classic way to clean a herring from bones consists of several stages.

  1. The fish is placed on the board and the head is separated with a knife, and then the tail.
  2. Holding the herring by the fin from above, carefully cut it off.
  3. Passing the knife through the hole that remains, cut the belly and remove the insides of the herring. If you like milk or caviar, do not stick the knife deep inside so as not to damage them. Gently push the abdomen and free it from the insides.
  4. Caviar and milk can be used to make sandwiches or snacks.
  5. Turn the fish on its side and cut from one side, and then from the second strip half a centimeter wide. This allows the belly fins and hard parts to be removed.
  6. Remove the black film with a paper towel or with your hands, it gives a bitter taste to dishes. Rinse the fish both outside and inside under tap water.
  7. Lay the herring back to you on the board and make a hole with your thumb in the part where the fin is on top. Move up, dividing the herring into 2 halves, and then do the same, moving down.
  8. Put the herring on the board and pick up the skin with a knife, grab its edge and quickly remove it. Do the same with your other half.

Herring cleaned! It remains to remove the bones using tweezers, cut it into portions and serve.

For the "fur coat"

Here is one of the recipes for cutting fish intended for the famous fur coat salad.

First, lay the herring on the board, cut off the tail and head of the herring. Then open the belly from the caudal fin down forward to the end. Remove the entrails from the fish.

Rinse milk and caviar under tap water, put in a bowl or container and refrigerate. Throw the rest of the insides in the trash.

Move the knife from the ridge to the edges, clean the inside of the abdomen, scraping off the black film: first one side and then the other. Rinse the herring under tap water. Cut off with quick movements all the fins below - the caudal, dorsal and ventral.

Make an incision along the back of the fish with a knife, dividing the herring into 2 parts, a little short of the end. Lay the carcass on its side and pry the skin from the tail with your fingers. Then gently pull it forward and up with your hand. So you will remove the entire skin from both sides.

After that, you should separate the fillet from the fish ridge: start from the tail, carefully dividing the fish into 2 halves and, pressing your finger against the bone, move to the head and separate the meat. Do the same with the second half of the herring.

It remains to carefully remove with your fingers the small bones remaining on the herring, without violating the integrity of the carcass.

Rinse the fillet, cut it into cubes, and voila - you're done! You can start preparing a "fur coat".


This cooking method will show you how to quickly peel a herring without removing all the pits.

You must first gut the carcass, cut off the fins and remove the skin. Then the herring needs to be washed and an incision made on the back. Hold it so that 4 fingers are inside, and the thumb is on the cut on the back of the fish. Then you should squeeze your fingers, squeezing the meat and separating it from the ridge.

First, separate 1 half of the fillet, and then the 2nd, and then remove the bones using tweezers.

In one move

There is another option for cleaning fish from bones. First, the skin is removed from the carcass, the insides and fins are removed from it. Holding the herring by the tail with 2 hands so that its side is facing you, tear it a little with your hands, moving your fingers away from each other, holding the herring very tightly so that it does not slip out. Holding the carcass by the tail with 2 hands, “tumble” the fish onto yourself, the herring will describe a circle around the tail.

Then cut the herring with a sharp movement, spreading your arms to the sides. In one hand you will have a back and a ridge, and in the 2nd two strips of the abdomen. It remains to carefully separate the back from the bones with tweezers or fingers. Put the fillet on a plate and cut into portions and use for cooking.

How to remove small bones?

To quickly separate fish meat from small bones, wrap it with a paper towel and tap it several times on the table. After that, the bones will easily fall behind the main part of the fillet.

Use tweezers to remove any remaining bones.

The more fresh and big fish, the easier it is to separate the bones and skin. When choosing, pay attention: if the gills are reddish and elastic, and the eyes are not cloudy, this is an indicator of its freshness.

The video on our website will help you quickly learn how to clean a herring. Cutting may seem difficult at first. Having “gotten the taste” and having tried cleaning the fish several times, you will get the hang of it and stop buying canned herring with vinegar in oil for cooking “fur coats” and other dishes.

Herring can be taken from the Pacific, Atlantic or Black Sea, its full-fledged replacement is mackerel, trout or salmon, with these types of fish, dishes will also turn out very tasty.

  1. Before you clean the herring, we strongly advise you to sharpen the knife. Be sure to take for cutting fish sharp knife, because this will allow you to correctly cope with the task - quickly and without unnecessary hassle. A dull knife will tear the fibers when cutting, and a perfect fillet will not work.
  2. In order not to leave the aroma of salted fish on your hands, wear rubber, polyethylene, vinyl or latex gloves at the beginning of work. To protect clothes from stains, we recommend using an apron, you can cover the table with a sheet of paper or cling film.
  3. For different types products, it is better to use various cutting boards, this rule also applies to fish. So that the cutting board does not acquire bad smell, cover it with white paper or a layer of cling film. After eviscerating, the paper or film can be removed, wrapped in bones, entrails, fins and other waste, and then easily discarded.
  4. After cleaning the fish, it is better to wipe the board with a sponge, which should be moistened with dishwashing detergent and rinsed with water. If that doesn't work and the ambergris remains, sprinkle your hands and board with lemon juice.
  5. To make it easier to clean the herring, you can lower it into hot water or hold in cold water to which a few drops of vinegar should be added.
  6. If the herring is too salty, soak it in a strong tea infusion, then it will become tastier.
  7. To prepare a brine for barrel fish, you can take half a liter of water, add 1 tablespoon of sugar and salt, pour over the brine and refrigerate for 24 hours. To make the ambassador stronger, leave it in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.
  8. To make herring tastier, you can make a marinade for onions: pour a few teaspoons of vinegar or citric acid, a little sugar and mix thoroughly with pre-chopped onions, and then leave the onions in the marinade in an enameled container for several hours in the refrigerator.
  9. If you do not immediately use the fillet, after cleaning the fish, put it in the refrigerator, wrapping it in cling film beforehand.
  10. To cook herring from scratch, you can buy fresh fish, cut it into pieces, put it in a jar and pour it with a solution of water, vinegar (or citric acid), mayonnaise and add onions. After she has stood for 12 hours in this marinade, the bones, if any, will become soft.


There are many recipes with herring: mincemeat, “fur coat”, fish rolls, etc. We hope that the article was useful in cutting herring, and you are convinced that the task is within the power of an inexperienced cook.

Interesting culinary experiments and enjoy your meal!

Herring - universal fish, with which you can cook a snack, a delicious everyday dish or an original festive one. The main difficulty is to prepare it for submission. There are several ways to clean a herring, choose the most convenient one and delight your family and friends with culinary experiments with salted fish.

What you need for cleaning

Since cleaning a herring is not the cleanest process, you need to prepare everything you need for it in advance.

    • Cutting board. It is better to use a separate board specifically for fish. Choose products made of plastic or glass: they are easier to clean and do not absorb odors.
  • Sharp knife. For high-quality cleaning of herring, the sharpest knife is needed. If you need to sharpen the tool, do it just before cutting the fish.
  • Tweezers. With it, it is easy to clean the herring from the bones that "hide" in the fillet - they are thin and easily break off.
  • Tripe and bone bags. Put the leftovers in a bag right away, so you can reduce the time of cleaning after cleaning.
  • Container for cleaned fish. A regular plate will do.

Two cleaning options

If you have not had to butcher a fish before and you are just learning how to properly clean a herring, the first attempt may not be very successful. Don't worry, it's just a matter of time. Take your time, and after a few attempts you will master this simple art.

Classic way

We start simple. Prepare everything you need and get started.

    1. Cut off the head and tail of the herring, remove them.
    2. Lift the fish by the top fin and cut it off with a knife.
  • Cut the belly of the herring, moving from head to tail. Remove the insides. You can leave caviar or milk: many people like to eat them with bread.
  • Place the herring on a cutting board and cut off the edges of the belly to remove small bones, fins and hard parts.
  • Carefully peel off dark films - they give bitterness. Rinse the fish under running water.
  • Run a knife along the back of the herring, making a thin cut. Grab the skin from the side of the head and pull it off.
  • When the skin is removed, take the fish in your hands. Put your thumb on the dorsal incision, and put the other four inside the carcass. Start separating the fish from the spine, moving slowly from head to tail.
  • Remove first one half of the fish, then the other. As a result, only the spine should remain.
  • Check fillets for bones. Remove them with tweezers. Cut the fish into slices and serve as planned.

professional way

This method requires a little more dexterity than the traditional method, but allows you to clean faster. Traditionally, we start by preparing the ingredients.

    1. Cut off the herring's head. Leave the tail, it will still come in handy.
    2. Cut off the top fin.
  • Cut the belly, take out the insides, peel off the films, rinse the fish.
  • Make a cut on the back from head to tail.
  • Peel off the skin carefully. Hook it at the head and pull.
  • Once the skin is off, the real fun begins. Take the fish by the tail, dividing it in half.
  • Holding the herring firmly by the tail, roll it back and forth.
  • Now, while continuing to hold the herring, pull the halves of the tail in different directions. Do this slowly so as not to break the bones of the ridge. At the end of the procedure, in one hand you will have a clean half without bones, and in the second - a half with a ridge.
  • Put the boneless fillet on a plate, carefully separate the second half from the ridge.
  • Check the cleaned fish for small bones, remove them with tweezers.
  • Cut the fillet and continue cooking.

    • Don't buy fish spicy brine: with the help of spices, sellers often mask a stale product. A good fish should have clear eyes and firm dark red gills.
  • To prevent the smell of fish from soaking into other foods in the refrigerator, store the remaining pieces in a closed glass jar. Add some vegetable oil and a couple of onion rings - and there will always be a delicious snack on hand.
  • Do not use newspapers when cleaning to prevent printing ink from getting on the product. Wrap your cutting board in cling film instead. The rest of the fish can be immediately wrapped in foil and thrown away without staining the board.
  • Remove fish smell from cutting board and hands lemon juice: Wipe the tools with a slice of lemon, then wash with the usual means.

It cannot be said that it is right to clean the herring only in the first or second way. Just understand how convenient it is for you, and each next fish will be easier than the previous one.

New Year's herring under a fur coat is the central dish of almost every table. And here, too, there are some nuances: in the salad there must be boneless fish.

You can always buy ready-made fillets in the store, but store-bought fillets are usually generously marinated with harmful additives. Still, it’s better to learn how to marinate it yourself.

cutting board
sharp knife
gloves for those who do not like the specific smell of fish on their hands
First of all, thoroughly wash the herring under running water.

Then, with a sharp knife, separate the head from the carcass. Cut the belly of the fish from the head to the tail. Get rid of the insides. If you are lucky and have caviar in your belly, you can use it for sandwiches. They turn out very tasty.

Rinse the gutted herring again with running water. Now you have to remove the skin from the carcass. To do this, first make a deep incision along the spine, in the direction from head to tail.

Immediately remove the dorsal fin. And then, gently picking up the edge of the skin with the tip of a knife, remove it from top to bottom.

Now the most important thing! Divide the tail into two parts. Firmly grasp the herring by the tail with both hands, in one hand - one part of the tail, in the other - the second. Holding the fish in this way, wrap the herring around the tail, while a small tear will already appear near the tail.

Gently, slowly, without haste, continue to separate the herring, while all, even very small, bones will remain on the part where the back is. It remains to cut off the tail and separate the spine along with most of the bones from the back. Check the finished parts of the fillet. Remove any remaining bones from them. An ordinary table fork will help you with this.

Under the remaining side bones of the herring, put the cloves of the fork, pull them towards you and remove them. If you do this carefully, there will be no bones left.

After removing the bones, the fillet can be cut into portions or used for salad.

The crunch of bones when eating a dish made from herring is quite unpleasant. Each housewife tries to fillet the fish in such a way that not a single bone remains in it. However, only a few succeed.

And therefore, dishes such as mincemeat or fish rolls rarely appear on the festive table. After all, no one wants to disappoint guests by serving fish with bones. That's just to clean the herring from the bones is much easier than some people think.

Milled herring is available in most markets. Moreover, more and more often, ready-to-eat herring fillets appear on the shelves of supermarkets. That's just the acquisition of such a product is not always justified. And there are several reasons for this:

  1. It is recommended to purchase a whole fish due to the fact that it becomes possible to evaluate its quality. As you know, stale fish is strongly betrayed by the condition of the gills and fins. That is why experts do not advise buying smoked fish. After all, it is impossible to correctly assess the degree of its freshness due to the strong smell of smoke and rich golden color. Such a warning does not lose its relevance, since unscrupulous sellers quite often disguise the missing fish by smoking it in liquid smoke or cut into fillets.
  2. Buying ready-made fillets will be quite expensive, since the cost of the product immediately includes the cost of cleaning. Therefore, the best option is precisely self-filling herring. In addition, it should not be forgotten that cutting finished fillet carried out according to a certain scheme. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to obtain pieces of the desired size. Especially when it comes to preparing snacks. In this case, the hostess will still have to cut the fillet on her own in order to achieve the desired shape.
  3. Buying already cleaned fish is sometimes dangerous. As you know, many enterprises selling already processed herring fillets use a special processing technology. Due to this, the bones literally dissolve. Of course this process is dangerous. Because it involves the use of chemicals.

Chemicals can cause:

  • the development of allergies;
  • food poisoning;
  • occurrence of digestive problems.

Before considering simple and effective method cleaning herring from bones, let's talk about some of the intricacies of the process that most people simply forget about.

  1. The first thing to mention is choosing the right knife for cutting. Never use a dull kitchen knife as it will make the job more difficult and take much longer. It is noteworthy that the use of knives with a wide blade will also have to be abandoned. After all, they are more suitable for butchering very large types of fish or meat. For filleting herring, a knife with a long blade is ideal.
  2. Make it a rule to work with fish only in rubber or plastic gloves. Moreover, the board on which the cutting is performed is also recommended to be wrapped with cling film. This will help get rid of the pungent smell of fish. Note that this is extremely important in two cases. Firstly, if the guests are already on the doorstep, there will simply not be time to wash the smell off their hands. Secondly, it will be possible to cut other products on the board in the future only after its thorough washing. Otherwise, the smell will remain on all products.
  3. If the fillet is harvested for the future, it must be stored correctly. Under proper storage the use of cling film as a kind of container is implied, since fish cannot be stored in a refrigerator in ordinary dishes. This is due to the fact that her smell spreads too quickly. Within a few minutes after placing the fish in the refrigerator, an unpleasant odor will begin to hover in it. That is why it is so important to choose The right way storage, especially if the hostess plans to keep the fish for several days.

We clean the herring from the bones

Before you start cleaning fish from bones, you must:

  • rinse it under running water;
  • cut off the head neatly;
  • remove all the fins and cut open her belly.

Pay attention to one important fact. The incision must be made deep enough and at the same time try to completely remove all the insides. It is especially important to get rid of the dark film that remains on the abdomen.

Out of ignorance, many housewives, when cutting herring into fillets, leave this film, and then wonder why fresh fish has such an unpleasant aftertaste of silt.

It is the film that causes the appearance of a rather unpleasant aftertaste, which greatly spoils the taste of the fish itself. Moreover, he is able to spoil any dish. Therefore, it is important to completely remove the film.

You can do this with a regular paper towel. It is enough just to press a little on that part of the abdomen on which the film remains, and hold it with a napkin.

After that, there is no trace of it, and the taste of herring will improve significantly. Remember to use the knife in this case unacceptable. Since there is a high probability that he will simply damage the fillet.

As soon as you finish gutting the fish, you need to rinse it again. After all, in the process of removing the insides, it is impossible to avoid damage to them. To get rid of leftovers internal organs and blood, the belly of the fish should be thoroughly washed. And only after that you can safely begin to get rid of the bones:

  1. Make an incision at the very bottom of the belly. There should be 1 slit on each side. You will have to cut off a fairly thick layer. Since there are many small bones in this place. It is also not possible to remove them with tweezers. Therefore, you just have to cut them along with the meat.
  2. Having dealt with the bones that are in the tail of the fish, you need to make another incision. This time you should do it carefully from the top of the ridge to the bottom.
  3. After making a thin cut, take care of the skin of the fish. In herring, it is quite dense, so you do not need to leave it on the fillet. Especially if this fillet will be used to make a salad or appetizer. You won't be able to remove all the skin at once. This should be done carefully and gradually. Don't be afraid to damage it. But at the same time, try not to injure the loin. Don't forget to remove the tail at this stage.
  4. Now you can proceed directly to the extraction of the ridge. It is necessary to take the herring in the right or left hand, put the thumb at the base and begin to move it towards the tail. At the same time, it is important that the finger goes under the meat a little and, as you move, try to cling to the backbone as much as possible.

The result should be two perfect fillets. After removing the ridge, bones may remain in the meat. But they will be clearly visible. Therefore, such bones can be removed independently. Moreover, the number of such bones will be extremely small.


  1. If you bought frozen fish, do not start working with it until it is completely defrosted.
  2. Don't neglect preparatory stage and try to completely remove all the insides.
  3. Make all cuts as carefully as possible. This is especially important when cutting the dorsal fins. If the cut is not done carefully, the fillet will be divided into two parts. Using it to make a roll will be quite problematic.
  4. It's better to just cut off the bones from the tail. Since they are too small, it is not possible to remove them all manually.

Herring has always been considered the favorite fish of Russians. Can not imagine festive table without salted fish with onions and sunflower oil or herring under a fur coat. However, not all housewives know how to clean a herring, and consider this process to be very difficult and time-consuming. But after learning a few simple ways cutting fish, they will be able to regularly delight their households delicious meals from herring.

Basic rules for cutting

Regardless of which method of cleaning herring from bones the hostess prefers, she needs to adhere to the basic requirements for cutting this fish. Following them will help make the cleaning process quick and easy:

  1. When cleaning fish, you need to use a very sharp knife. This will eliminate cuts and help avoid loss of fish.
  2. To clean the herring, you need to have a separate board. This is due to the fact that the fishy smell is absorbed very quickly. That is why it is better to refuse wooden boards. Some housewives use only plastic and glass boards to clean fish. The smell in them is practically not absorbed.
  3. Using paper or cling film allows you to save the board in original form for several years. Newspapers should not be used as they contain a lot of ink.
  4. To get rid of the unpleasant smell of hands after work, you can use lemon juice or diluted Apple vinegar. Also, any glass washing liquid helps to get rid of the smell of fish.
  5. Dry your hands regularly with paper towels while cleaning. And you should also wipe the blade of the knife.
  6. Tweezers allow you to remove small bones in a few seconds.

Following these rules will allow you to cut a herring without bones or with them in a few minutes.

To clean herring from the bone, you need special culinary scissors, a sharp knife and a cutting board. Some cooks additionally use tweezers for this purpose. There are several cleaning methods.

Classic bone removal

When looking for information on how to clean a herring quickly and without bones, most housewives find information on classic way cutting . It includes several stages:

Fillet preparation in German

In Germany, housewives use a different way of cleaning fish. A well-known blogger posted a high-quality video on his page. How to properly clean a herring from bones, says a former teacher who speaks Russian well. First you need to cut off the fins, head and tail of the fish. Then you should remove the skin with a "stocking". Then you need to cut the stomach to take out its contents. After that, the fillet is removed, starting from the head, with the help of the thumbs. The fillet must be removed very carefully so as not to damage. This rule can be neglected if the fish is needed for cutting into a salad..

In unsalted herring, it is much more difficult to separate the fillet. In such a situation, you can find a special video on the Internet. How to quickly cut a herring from the bones using a regular package, many bloggers tell.

First you need to cut the stomach and remove all the insides. Then the fish is placed in a bag and beaten off on both sides with a culinary mallet. Do not hit the fish hard with a hammer, as you can severely damage the fillet. Then the carcass should be removed from the bag, cut off its fins, head and tail. After that, it is easy to divide the fish into two parts. On one part there will be a ridge that needs to be removed. Fillets should be skinned at the last minute..

Instant separation of the ridge

There is a way to clean a herring from bones in one motion. It is suitable if the integrity of the fillet is not important. First you need to cut off the head and fins. Then you should remove the skin from the fish and remove the insides from the abdomen. The tail cannot be cut off.

With your right hand, you should take one half of the tail, with your left - for the second. Then the fish must be turned through the tail 360 degrees. After the carcass turns over, you need to pull the tail in different directions. If everything is done correctly, then in one hand there will be a clean piece of fillet with part of the tail. The ridge will need to be separated from the other part of the fish. The belly of the herring is cut off last turn. This method of cleaning herring is very popular on the Internet. It is demonstrated online by many bloggers and famous chefs.

It is worth remembering that herring has a lot small bones, which remain after the separation of the ridge. They can only be removed with tweezers. First you need to separate all visible large bones from the fillet. After that, the fillet should be carefully felt and inspected. Most of the small bones are located in the region of the back. By removing them, we get a clean fillet that can be eaten without fear of choking on a bone.

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