Daily dose of fish oil for a child. Which fish oil to choose. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.

In the modern world, it is virtually impossible to do without immunostimulants, as well as vitamin complexes, and this is especially important for young children. Today, the pharmacological environment represents a wide range of synthetic and natural drugs that are essential for humans. But, a large number of people still, and quite rightly, trust proven products, among which fish oil should be noted. This is one of the few drugs containing vitamin D in its composition, as well as a number of extremely valuable components, especially for the growing body of a child.

Holmes contrasted this procedure with the more modern one, which involved the use of steam boilers, specially designed separators, and other tools designed to produce cod liver oil for medical use. He then noticed that it was possible to end up with light yellow cod liver, taste and pleasant smell, while maintaining a rich vitamin content. Holmes argued that this type of light oil, produced using the developed methods of science, is the best option.

Cod liver oil in the US has also been found to be more effective than Norwegian. This is partly due to the fact that Norwegian products usually harvested cod during the breeding season, when the amounts of the vitamin in fish livers were present in smaller amounts.

Benefits of eating fish oil

Fish fat is a liquid, oily substance that is extracted from the liver or meat of cod fish. Such a product is used as a dietary supplement, as it is endowed with a rich and very useful composition. Among the most important ingredients:

  • vitamin A - has a positive effect on the skin, mucous membranes, hair and nails. Without it, tissues become dry, lifeless and prone to injury;
  • D - is necessary for the prevention of diseases of bone tissue, and in addition helps to absorb calcium and phosphorus in the body;
  • trace elements (iron, selenium, phosphorus, bromine, iodine, magnesium, calcium, etc.);
  • a complex of omega-3 acids - improves the functioning of the immune defense, increases resistance to infectious agents, normalizes the functioning of the circulatory system (thrombophlebitis is prevented).

Obtaining all these components is possible through food, but for this a person needs to eat at least 350 grams desired varieties fish 3 times a week, which is not always possible. In addition, there is a risk that the fish will contain toxic substances - this is due to the pollution of the oceans. The safest and most convenient solution is to use a dietary supplement.

Price: Tips and Warnings for Taking Cod Liver Oil

During this time, Dr. Weston Price conducted numerous animal studies. The results of the study showed that certain types of fish oils are very beneficial for the immune system and the proper development of physical and mental properties, especially in relation to the metabolic regulation of phosphorus and calcium, which positively affect the health of bones, teeth, blood and brain.

Negative effects of incorrect dosage

But he also found that cod liver oil can cause damage if taken in excess. He also emphasized the fact that in writings and treatises there are often some side effects on dosage were not properly recognized or emphasized.

Why children are given fish oil: indications for use

Fish oil is safe product, which is approved for use even at the smallest age. Given the properties of this supplement, it should be used in the presence of the following indications:

Despite everything, rich property oil

An overdose of cod liver oil or even other fish can be harmful, leading to depression or paralysis, as well as serious structural damage to the heart and intestines. He wrote numerous examples of his healing properties and provided assurance that cod liver oil could be administered in moderate doses without causing harm, but only if there were great benefits. Special circumstances apart, the price advises taking cod oil with meals, not before or after, as it helps to absorb the minerals in the food.

  • violation of the normal development of the neuropsychic complex;
  • growth disorders;
  • hyperactivity;
  • memory problems;
  • reduced immunity;
  • the presence of allergies;
  • eye diseases;
  • irritability and sleep disturbances;
  • lack of vitamins A, E and D;
  • congenital heart defects;
  • increased dryness of the skin;
  • recovery period after prolonged illness or surgery.

In all these states, the product is able to positively affect the body, but it is still better to consult a doctor first to agree on the dose and period of use of the remedy.

Children in particular should not be given more than one teaspoon of tea per day for extended periods of time. For example, she recommended using butter oil with high content vitamin in equal parts of cod liver oil; proportions may vary depending on clinical conditions. This combination can be found in a capsule containing 0.6 g of the mixture. It has been recommended to take three capsules per meal as part of a planned diet to ensure required amount minerals and other nutritional factors, including water-soluble vitamins.

In the first year of life, the use of fish oil should be very careful, because if you overdo it, the baby's fontanel will close too early. Those children who are bottle-fed need to supplement the drug, since they do not receive fatty acids from mixtures.

Instructions: from what age and how to give the drug to children

Fish oil is a pharmacological agent that cannot be drunk constantly, and the doctor's recommendation may serve as a reason for prescribing the remedy. Usually, the drug is drunk in courses of several weeks, so that the amount of vitamin D3 in children's body came back to normal. Thus, it should be noted that the intake, including the dosage of the drug, must be agreed with the pediatrician, and the treatment process should be under his control.

Price wrote that cod liver oil can improve the effectiveness of dairy products and animal and vegetable products. However, even if it is very a good product, it can also contain unwanted substances, so it should be taken in small doses and only foods with the highest natural vitamin content should be used.

It was found that the oil obtained from cow's milk, grown on pastures, obtained in equal proportions with cod oil, caused a symbiotic effect, stating that the combination of these two drugs is more effective than two products taken individually. He explained that, with the exception of women in the last stages of pregnancy, he did not prescribe more than half a teaspoon of the mixture three times a day for meals, a dose that avoided toxicity.

In capsule form, fish oil can be given to children over three years old - the number of capsules depends on their volume. This information can be found in the dosage table, which is contained in the instructions for each individual drug. In liquid form, fish oil can be consumed from the age of one month, 3 drops of the drug twice a day. Over time, the amount of funds increases, so a one-year-old child should drink 1 teaspoon twice a day, from two years two spoons twice a day. From the age of three, the volume of fish oil can reach dessert spoon twice a day, and over 7 years old, you should drink a tablespoon 2-3 times a day.

Cod liver oil as "bottle sun"

As mentioned earlier, for at least a century, cod liver oil has been used as a cure for rickets, but this knowledge was not officially recognized in the medical world until the 1920s and 30s. Some physicists noticed that sunlight and cod liver oil were useful as a cure for rickets, but the cause was unknown.

The connection between cod oil and ultraviolet radiation has been an inspiration for new research in the following decades. They concerned “activated” cod liver oil, that is, oil that had been exposed to various kinds radiant light for several periods of time. In the document, the price described the results of activated oil and was not activated on chickens. Based on these data, it was suggested that there is a factor in cod liver liver that acts not only on the alimentary canal, but also on food product absorbed by this channel, but also to organic tissue, by changing the absorption of calcium; this ability will expand with exposure to ultraviolet radiation, in this case in the form of sunbeams.

Which fish oil is better to choose: a review of drugs

Today, you can find a large amount of processed fish oil on the shelves of pharmacy kiosks. Most companies, such as Goldfish or Solgar, which are proven manufacturers, offer a deodorized product that does not have bad smell. This is not the only criterion that it should have, it is also important to pay attention to what the drug is made from, what fish it is made from, etc. Therefore, below is a list of the most worthy and proven products implemented in various forms.

But the results were not always positive due to ultraviolet exposure. He did, however, warn the public that cod liver oil, activated by one hour of exposure to sunlight or the vapor of a quartz lamp, is dangerous product and that it is better to use non-activated oil, and that the latter.

The price also had personal experience destructive effects of overactivation. I have learned a lot about experimenting with myself and one of the latest warnings has been confirmed by the onset of a severe headache caused by taking ultraviolet illuminated oil from a quartz lamp for an hour and a half, despite the dosage being only a few drops.

Biter in chewable capsules

Fish oil "Kusalochka" is unique product, which enjoys great recognition among children, since the drug does not have an unpleasant fishy taste. During the production process, the main component is processed through low temperatures, as a result of which all the characteristic taste and aromatic signs of fish oil completely disappear. The tool is enclosed in pleasant-tasting gelatin capsules that can be cracked. The product contains a large number of nutrients and vitamins for children. In other words, "Kusalochka" is a complex of non-synthesized vitamins necessary for a child, while the taste of the capsules will appeal to every kid.

In some cases it was possible to determine which type of cod liver oil is used and recommended. In order to produce oil of the coast, the fish were caught by small boats off the coast and brought to the place of production on the same day; the fish liver was frozen and then the oil was compressed. According to material published by the company, the Norwegian climate made it possible to compress the oil at a low temperature. After skimming, the oil was kept in a waterproof container, protected from light.

With this historical overview, some of the questions and mysteries that float around cod liver oil could be found. Who would have thought that the fame of the supplement is so in vogue in last years is the result of centuries of folk tradition and research?

Moller in liquid form

Moller, a manufacturer of vitamins and nutritional supplements for children, produces a premium fish oil derived from Norwegian cod liver oil. The composition of the drug includes omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as vitamins A, C, E, etc. The product is sold in bottles of 250 and 500 milliliters. At the same time, the product has a pleasant fruity taste, which will especially appeal to children who are difficult to get to drink the product in its original form. The drug is offered for purchase in order to improve the concentration, activity and intellectual development of the baby.

In fact, after a period of decline caused by medical and scientific advancement, since the turn of the new millennium, cod liver oil has been gaining popularity among those who choose natural remedies for an optimal lifestyle. In fact, more and more people are choosing to turn to alternative medications and antibiotics whenever possible to reduce side effects on the liver and intestines. However, there is still a lot of misinformation about fish oil.

Misinformation and myths to discard on fish oil

For this reason, we would like to list some of the myths that need to be discarded, point out and repeat what has been said before so that you can refer to buying and taking this supplement. Most of the fish oils on the market today are highly developed. Synthetic vitamins are also added at the end of the process to meet label standards. As we have seen in the historical review, the traditionally used cod liver oil was not produced with this invasive and denaturing process and, of course, no synthetic vitamins were added.

Finnish Fish Oil Omega-3

Finnish fish oil is a complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega 3 and essential vitamins, including components of groups A, E, D, etc. This complex is suitable for taking both an adult and a child. It should be noted that for children, the described drug is simply necessary, since it helps to strengthen the immune system, improves the course of metabolic processes, adds strength, and also helps to concentrate on solving complex problems. The drug is sold in various forms and has the form of a capsule or liquid preparation, which must be taken in its pure form.

Some manufacturers revise it later, but these are usually synthetic and in smaller quantities than would be natural. If you decide to go back to your grandma's products, always choose the most natural products! In adults, this disease is called osteomalacia.

If diagnosed at the right time, rickets can be successfully treated. Human skin contains a provitamin that is activated by sunlight. However, this vitamin is not able to heal rickets on its own. It promotes the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the body, making bones stronger. If the skin is darker, you can expose your child to sunlight longer.

Children's fish oil Biokontur

This drug is a high-quality product of domestic production, produced in accordance with all quality standards. You can start using "Biokontur" from the age of three, which will have a colossal effect on the baby's nervous and immune systems. The described agent is implemented in capsule and liquid form, in small bottles with a volume of 50-200 milliliters. The fat is deodorized, thanks to which it does not have a characteristic sharp fishy smell and taste. In this regard, no problems and taste dislikes for food additive cannot arise.

Do not cover the child with too tight clothing so that the sun's rays can pass directly onto the skin. But you should be more careful with babies and young children. Their skin is very sensitive and it can explode when exposed to the sun's rays. Another method of dealing with rickets is the use of cod liver oil, which is the preferred remedy for mothers of the past. In the early twentieth century, the poorest children were often victims of rickets. Even before this discovery was made, northern Europeans were getting relief from rheumatism, joint pain, and muscle stiffness.

Harm and side effects from the use of drugs

Fish oil is a natural product and is a fairly common allergen. In addition to a possible allergic reaction, there is a possibility of loose stools in a child (to avoid this, the supplement is consumed with food).

When using the drug, an overdose of the fat itself cannot be, but an overabundance of the vitamins that make up its composition may well occur. This is a sign of violation digestive process, nausea, abdominal pain. Also, such an excess can lead to an exacerbation chronic diseases- cholecystitis and pancreatitis. All these negative effects go away by themselves after the abolition of fat.

Fish Oil: Side Effects of Overconsumption

It also helps prevent type 1 diabetes, hypertension, and some common types of cancer. From cod liver oil, you should take a teaspoon of the day. it does not smell pleasant, but there are also flavored versions. However, excessive amount fish oil can cause side effects because the dosage is always critical, which can also be heavy, such as taking more than 10 g of fish oil per day. Let's now take a look at the possible side effects associated with overconsumption of fish oil.

What are the contraindications

The first contraindication is the presence of an allergy to seafood. In this case, neither the fish itself nor fish oil can be consumed. In addition, there are other restrictions:

  1. increased content of vitamins in the body (for example, due to the intake of vitamin complexes);
  2. hyperthyroidism (malfunction thyroid gland) - taking fish oil can worsen the condition;
  3. active form of tuberculosis;
  4. liver disease;
  5. kidney failure;
  6. ulcerative lesions in the stomach or duodenum.

Where and how to store fish oil

To preserve its properties, a liquid product must be packaged in dark glass vials (fatty acids are broken down under the influence of light). The product deteriorates quickly and in heat, so best place there will be a fridge to store it. When the vial is used, it is important to ensure that the cap is tightly closed, otherwise the fat may deteriorate. Of course, you should also pay attention to the expiration date, and it is better to purchase the freshest product, since even normal shelf life according to the data on the package may not correspond to reality due to violation of storage rules. As for the encapsulated additive, it will be enough to place it in a dry, dark place at room temperature.

How much fish oil is good to take and when to use it?

Risk of bleeding - Omega-3 fish oil can break down blood clots and prevent platelet aggregation. However, this is only the case when a large amount of fish oil is consumed. For example, Eskims suffered from this side effect because their diet is characterized by the consumption of a lot of natural fish oil. A high intake of fish oil for a long time also increases the risk of bleeding, blood in the urine, and even nosebleeds. Despite the precautions taken by the fishing industry, there is always the possibility that fish and other contaminants could get into the fish and then be sent to us to be eaten. People who eat fresh fish are more likely to become infected than those who consume fish oil supplements. Indigestion and indigestion problems: fish oil can cause heartburn if we take more than 8 grams per day Immune system compromise: Studies have shown that fish oil, when taken in excess of 6 grams per day, can slow down the immune system, thereby increasing the risk of infection. This side effect is important for the elderly or those taking fish oil as they already have a mild the immune system. Possible Allergic Reactions: Allergic people in seafood should be careful when they take fish oil as it can cause similar allergic reactions that cause skin rashes, hives and itching. Bipolar Disorder: Some people with bipolar disorder experience a worsening of their symptoms after eating fish. Converts the balance of sugar in the body: Diabetics who take fish oil should be careful, as some studies have shown that fish oil can increase blood sugar levels. Daarreya: People who have just started taking fish oil may experience diarrhea until the body gets used to it. Therefore, it is recommended to gradually increase the doses of fish oil to prevent this initial effect. Fatty Fat: People who take more than 6-8 grams of fish oil per day often develop oily skin. One of the lesser known benefits of fish oil, when taken in moderation, is that it can control oil production in the skin. Pollution problems. . As mentioned earlier, almost all of the undesirable effects that have been listed are associated with excessive consumption of fish oil.

Video by Dr. Komarovsky

As part of the video proposed for viewing, the issues of using fish oil for children and pregnant women are revealed. The doctor explains in detail the features of the action of this drug on the body, describing its potential and purpose of use. After reviewing the video, you can get answers to most of your questions regarding fish oil as the main source of vitamin D.

April 21, 2012, 23:43

Unfortunately, many mothers do not even know that rickets can be prevented not only by Aquadetrim, but also by a natural product obtained from the liver of cod fish - fish oil. And almost no one thinks about the question “How to give fish oil to young children”. But before, in Soviet times, toddlers in kindergarten Lined up in a row and given a spoonful of useful fish oil.

Yes, I agree, it’s easier to give the baby one drop of cholecalciferol, that’s what vitamin D3 is, in fact, called, than to persuade, and even worse, to “fill in” the baby with fish oil. Therefore, I personally gave my daughter exactly D3 at the age of up to a year (after all, the doctor attributed it that way, and everyone said that fish oil was simply not on sale) and not the entire sunless period, but periodically, but in the next year of life we ​​boldly switched to fish fat and made great friends with him. I remember how our first “tasting” ended with a soiled T-shirt, on which the baby spit out a new product, and then about ten washes passed while I washed off the rich fishy “flavor”. But that's not the point. We need to find out the indications, contraindications and side effects of an important and necessary drug for the child's body.

Indications for use

First of all, vitamin D is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of rickets, rickets-like diseases and osteoporosis. If we consider the indications for the use of fish oil, they are much wider. Fish oil helps to solve the problems of hypo- and beriberi A, eye diseases, is used to treat and prevent rickets, acute and chronic respiratory diseases, accelerate wound diseases, as well as to treat and prevent many other problems. It is assigned to women living in northern latitudes, during pregnancy and lactation.

Contraindications and side effects

If vitamin D has several indications for use, then there are many more contraindications, which cannot be said about fish oil. In fact, vitamin D is a chemical drug, and not every doctor advises taking it only for the purpose of prevention. It is even believed that it is better to wait for the sun than to give a bad load on the baby's liver. Contraindications to the use of fish oil are hypersensitivity to the drug, as well as hereditary hemophilia.

Benefits of fish oil

As you can see, fish oil has many advantages and practically no disadvantages. Therefore, when dealing with the prevention of rickets in young children, it is most likely to give preference natural product- fish oil. And so that you do not doubt him undoubted benefit Let me highlight some of its important advantages.

As you know, fish oil contains omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are very important and valuable for a growing organism. It has been established that omega-3 contributes to the formation and development of brain tissue, which is very important in early childhood, it helps to stimulate the mental development of babies.

Nowadays, young children are increasingly being diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. The intake of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids helps to improve children's concentration, improve reading skills, behavior, and cognitive activity of babies. Omega-3 deficiency causes such phenomena as anxiety, hyperactivity, impulsivity and sleep disturbances in children. Thus, fish oil plays important role in the development of children, helps to protect them from such negative factors as inattention and fussiness.

How and in what dosage to give fish oil to young children

If you decide to give your baby fish oil, then, nevertheless, I recommend consulting with a pediatrician. As a rule, the dosage of the drug is determined individually. Children from four weeks of age are prescribed 3-5 drops of the drug twice a day, gradually increasing the dose to ½ - teaspoon per day. Children under the age of one year are prescribed one teaspoon per day, up to two years - 1-2 teaspoons, from three to six years - one dessert spoon, and children over seven years old - one tablespoon 2-3 times a day. day (dosage for adults is similar). As a rule, fish oil is taken in courses of 2-3 months, and if a second course is necessary, they take a break for one month and repeat the intake again.

How to teach your child to drink fish oil

I think if you started giving your baby fish oil almost from birth, then there will be much less problems in taking it than if you introduced the baby to this product at the age of one. Although, on the other hand, after a year, you can agree with the baby about everything in the world, if, of course, you try very hard. It is best to give the drug to the child during meals, somewhere in the middle of the "process". So the baby will not drink fat on an empty stomach, in addition, he will have the opportunity to “eat” the drug with delicious food. That's right, my daughter and I take the drug. You can also show your child how to take fish oil on their own. own example, offer to treat you to this useful product. Having become interested, the child will undoubtedly want to try the drug on their own.


After reading this article, you are probably convinced of the undoubted benefits of fish oil for the growing body of a child. Now you know exactly what it is for, what its advantages and benefits over vitamin D, and how to properly give fish oil to children. Health to you and your children!

printed by Veronika Ratnikova, Brest