Popcorn is being prepared. Popcorn with spicy sauce and marinade

Popcorn has long been popular all over the world and has won the love of millions of people. This dish is a grain of a certain variety of corn, subjected to heat treatment. Due to the effect of high temperature (about 200 degrees), liquid starch inside the grain explodes its shell, forming a foamy bulk mass, which instantly solidifies. The calorie content of "pure" corn without additives is 300 kcal per 100 g, and with the inclusion additional ingredients it can reach up to 500 kcal.

This airy delicacy is immediately associated with relaxing in the park or going to the cinema. But often not entirely useful components are added to its composition, so many began to cook popcorn at home on their own. It is very simple and fast, and most importantly - harmless. Consider step by step and with a photo how to make popcorn at home in several ways.

The benefits and harms of popcorn

Popped corn without third-party additives and spices is relatively low in calories, but at the same time very nutritious. It contains vitamins of group B, which help to maintain body tissues in good shape, and also have a beneficial effect on the condition of nails and hair. When eating fried corn grains, metabolism and heart function are normalized.

The product is rich in potassium, calcium and vegetable fiber, the benefits of which are to cleanse the intestines and fight extra pounds.

Unfortunately, in many outlets, popcorn is prepared with an abundance of flavor enhancers and other foreign substances that can harm the body. No matter how tasty such a delicacy is, you should not abuse it and absorb it. large portions. It is recommended to eat this yummy no more than 2-3 times a week and always on a full stomach.

Corn selection

Not all varieties of grains are suitable for cooking airy treats. Corn for popcorn should preferably be from wild-growing uncultivated varieties, where the kernels have a strong shell that can withstand exposure to high temperatures. An ordinary culture intended for cooking will not work, as it will quickly burst without reaching the required degree of roasting. This is one of the main reasons why homemade popcorn may fail.

You can also purchase ready-made special grains for popcorn in dry form. The contents of the package are easily and quickly prepared in a microwave oven, or on a dry frying pan. You just need to follow the instructions on the pack itself.

Popcorn in a frying pan

To prepare popcorn in this way, you need only two ingredients and minimal amount time.

You will need:

  • Large frying pan with a thick bottom and a lid (can be replaced with a saucepan);
  • Corn grains - 100 g;
  • Refined vegetable corn or sunflower oil - 30 ml.

The cooking scheme is very simple:

  1. Pour oil into a frying pan and warm it up well, reduce the flame level to a minimum. Oil can not be used at all, but the dishes must be non-stick or Teflon coated;
  2. Quickly spread the corn evenly in a single layer over the hot oil. This is necessary so that all the grains open and fry;
  3. Close the lid tightly, add gas and wait. After a while, pops from bursting grains will begin to be heard. They can be very strong, so you may have to hold on to the lid to keep our popcorn from popping and spilling onto the stove;
  4. When the frequency of pops decreases, you need to gently shake the pan without opening the lid;
  5. After the mixing process, remove the corn from the flame and leave to cool for 10 minutes under the lid. During this time, the remaining grains should open in the hot oil. After this time, open the lid. The popcorn in the pan should be ready. The product should be consumed completely cold.

if you love salted popcorn, then immediately after removing the lid, sprinkle the corn with finely granulated salt, but you can also use ordinary or iodized salt. Sweet option can be obtained by sprinkling a hot treat powdered sugar, which can also be additionally flavored with cinnamon or vanilla.

Popcorn in the microwave

This method is particularly simple, so popcorn in the microwave is perfect option fast food favorite treat for a home movie show.

You will need:

  • Container or glassware with lid for microwave oven;
  • Corn kernels;
  • Vegetable oil.

How to make popcorn:

  1. We lay the grains on the bottom of the container in one layer. It's best not to take too many at once. It is necessary to calculate the amount based on the fact that 25 g of corn when frying will fill a volume of 1 liter;
  2. Pour a little oil over the corn so that it is slightly covered with an oil film;
  3. Close the container tightly with a lid and send it to the microwave for 4 minutes at full power. As soon as intensive pops cease to be heard, then the product is ready. You can immediately sprinkle the delicacy with powdered sugar or salt, making accordingly sweet popcorn or salty.

You can also make caramel yummy. To do this, pour a glass of sugar and 30 g of high-quality sugar into a small saucepan. butter. Boil the mixture for 10 minutes on low gas, stirring regularly, at the end add two tablespoons of water and mix everything again. Pour the finished caramel in a thin stream into the popcorn and mix well.

An even simpler option is to make popcorn from prepackaged seeds. To do this, you need to carefully remove the bag, without violating the tightness and place it in the oven with the picture down. You also need to make sure that during rotation the package does not touch the inner walls of the device, otherwise some grains may not open or burn. You need to cook a yummy for three minutes at maximum power. Once the crackling stops, the product is ready.

Popcorn in a special machine

The simplest and fast way cook favorite treat This is a popcorn machine. But at the same time, this option is more expensive, and it is rarely possible to purchase the unit itself in ordinary household appliance stores. You can order it mainly in specialized online stores. In addition, it will be possible to purchase raw materials and additives for making popcorn.

These devices come in a variety of sizes, functions, appearance, and therefore have different performance and cost. Therefore, when choosing a device, you should pay special attention to all these parameters.

To make your favorite delicacy using such a device, you just need to follow the instructions: pour a little oil and pour right amount grains. Additionally, flavoring and non-stick additives are added. The boiler is preheated to a high temperature, reaching about 300 degrees, under the influence of which the grains burst. In a word, everything is exactly the same as in a pan or in a microwave, only more automated.

But do not forget that any technique requires careful maintenance. Therefore, the apparatus must be washed after each cooking process, and each time cooking with new oil. Careful operation will help to avoid breakdowns and allow you to regularly delight yourself and loved ones with the freshest airy treat.

Video: Popcorn at home

V winter time it is especially tempting to spend the evening at home, and wrap yourself in a warm blanket, watch your favorite films. Well, what's a movie show without popcorn?!

Simple and easy to prepare, popcorn is one of the most popular and loved snacks around the world. In addition, it is very versatile and allows you to safely experiment with seasonings and spices, each time getting a new bright taste!

Let's start from the very simple option popcorn - "dietary". All you need is corn and cooking utensils.

Heat a frying pan, ideally with a non-stick coating, over medium heat. Add popcorn kernels, cover and continue heating for a few more minutes until the last pops of popcorn have stopped popping. For a microwave, this is 2-4 minutes at maximum power.

For the first experiments with making popcorn in microwave oven it is better to choose a glass form with a lid, so you can watch the process and stop heating when all the grains open. In the future, you will know exactly the proportions and cooking times that are ideal for your microwave oven.

The option, frankly, is not the most impressive, but the simplest and most gentle for the figure.

Option "classical"- salted popcorn with butter. You will need: corn, salt and a little vegetable oil.

Pour 1 tbsp into a preheated pan. vegetable oil and add corn in such an amount that it covers the bottom with a thin layer. Cover with a lid and wait until the pops stop.

You can periodically shake the pan to warm up more evenly.

Sprinkle the finished popcorn with a few pinches of finely ground salt and mix well.

Popcorn can also be topped with a small amount (35–50 g) of melted butter.

We got a wonderful classic homemade salty popcorn!

Popcorn "caramel". My favorite, to be honest. Having tried homemade popcorn with real caramel, you don’t want to go back to popcorn with caramel “aroma”, as it is now customary to write on the package.

Grab some popcorn vegetable oil, butter, sugar, a pinch of salt and soda.

Combine sugar and water. Bring to a boil and cook until sugar dissolves. Shake the pan if necessary to help the sugar dissolve faster.

Add butter, a pinch of salt and 0.25 teaspoon of baking soda.

Simmer over low heat for a few more minutes until the mixture turns a dark golden hue.

Cook corn in any convenient way, with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil. Add caramel to popcorn and stir quickly.

At this stage, the popcorn is ready to serve, but to make it incredibly crispy, dry the popcorn in the oven or microwave for a few more minutes.

Home caramel popcorn ready!

Popcorn "Christmas". An unusual, sweet-salty, spicy version of popcorn according to Nigella Lawson's recipe - for connoisseurs of complex flavor combinations.

Combine vegetable and butter. Add spices, salt and sugar.

Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer over low heat until it thickens and caramelizes. Usually around 8-15 minutes.

Cook the corn. Add the spice mixture and mix well.

Christmas popcorn is ready!

Choose the option to your taste and crunch with pleasure!

Hello dear readers. Probably every child at least once, but tried popcorn. And I do not know a single child in my environment who would be indifferent to popcorn. My children also loved popcorn very much, and at one time they were so carried away by it that I had to “impose” a ban on it. The thing is, we bought popcorn in the store, with the taste of bacon, cheese, sweet, salty ... In general, whatever manufacturers come up with to increase their sales. And if caramel can be made from sugar, salty can be made with salt, but I doubt that bacon and cheese are natural flavors. And just more with bacon, my children fell in love.

We tried to cook popcorn from semi-finished products. This is when you cook briquettes in the microwave. I also didn’t like it very much, I had to stand and watch. If you do not hold up, then there will be unopened grains, and if you overdo it, it will burn. So we decided to cook regular corn kernels on the stovetop.

How to make delicious corn popcorn.

In order to cook popcorn at home, we need a container, and preferably such as a cauldron or a saucepan with a thick bottom, well, or a frying pan with a lid. We will cook on the stove, not in the microwave.

I took an aluminum cauldron, this is the most successful utensil for making popcorn. I added about three tablespoons of vegetable oil to the bottom, poured out half a glass corn kernels and in a circular motion distributed the corn along the bottom of the cauldron. The grains should lie in one layer. If they lie on top of each other, then there is a high probability that these grains will not open.

Cover the cauldron with a lid and put on fire. You can, of course, heat the oil first, and then add the corn. I did this and that, and when you add corn to cold butter, it turns out much easier, there is less chance of getting burned. After all, it doesn’t work faster if you add grains to hot oil.

If we take it by time, then my grains began to open after the second minute, and depending on the intensity of the fire, they ended up opening at a maximum of three minutes and 10 seconds. You yourself will already know, especially when you do it not for the first time. It is necessary to turn off the fire after about 5 seconds there is silence.

Even after switching off, the corn kernels will still open. Even if you turn it off a little later, nothing bad will happen. But if you did it in the microwave, then the grains would burn there, but not on the stove.

After the corn kernels have stopped opening, the popcorn is ready. Now you can already think with what taste you will do it next. The easiest way is to make salted popcorn. It will be enough to pour a little fine salt on the freshly poured popcorn and mix a little.

Now you know how to make salted popcorn. Let's move on to the next recipe. It will be slightly different, but not much.

How to make caramel popcorn

Making caramel popcorn will be slightly different from salted popcorn. But first, let's start cooking the caramel itself, since it takes longer to cook than the corn itself.

How to make caramel popcorn

To make caramel, we need sugar, salt, juice of half a lemon and a little soda, a little less than a third of a teaspoon. We will cook caramel in a saucepan with a double bottom. Pour a glass of sugar into it, squeeze the juice of half a lemon. This is so that our caramel is not cloyingly sweet.

Then add ordinary water. The amount of water should be within 1/3 - 1/4 of the amount of sugar. I took a little less than a third of a glass. After the water, I added less than half a teaspoon of salt. I use fine salt. In the meantime, you can already turn on the fire under the saucepan.

When our caramel is already cooked, and it takes about 15 minutes to cook, we can already start preparing for cooking the corn itself. It differs only in that I take one tablespoon of vegetable oil and add 30 grams of butter. So we get more delicious popcorn.

But, I want to warn you, I did it completely with butter, and so I liked the option with mixing oils more. First, when the corn is cooked, there was a slightly suffocating smell of butter in the kitchen.

At the same time, when I used a mixture of oils, there was no such smell. Yes, and I liked the option with a mixture of oils to taste. Oddly enough, but it was more fragrant and co creamy taste. In general, we already include corn.

While we are preparing the caramel and corn, we have a few minutes to prepare the popcorn mold. I take a bowl and a spatula and grease them with butter. Of course, you can lubricate with vegetable, the main thing is that the caramel does not stick to them when kneading, but I decided to lubricate it with cream.

When preparing caramel, we in no case interfere with it with a spoon. If you stir it with a spoon, then the caramel may begin to crystallize. And so we just mix the caramel in a saucepan in a circular motion.

When we have corn grains ready, we pour them into a greased bowl. The caramel is already getting darker, as you can see in the photo, and we add a little less than a third of a teaspoon of soda. The caramel starts to rise and foam. Turn off the heat and mix the caramel well so that there is no soda left.

We do it all quickly so that the caramel does not have time to settle, and pour our caramel onto the popcorn. Until the caramel has solidified in a piece, quickly stir it with a prepared spatula. You can also prepare two spatulas, so it will be a little more efficient and quickly mix the popcorn.

You can also prepare parchment paper a little earlier, on which we will pour popcorn to harden the caramel. And now, when we have mixed the caramel with popcorn, we just pour it onto the prepared parchment paper. If you have a good parchment paper you don't even need to lubricate it. Then popcorn will be well removed from it.

Leave the popcorn to cool completely, and then we can collect it in a bowl or glass. In general, in a container in which it will be in finished form. The popcorn will stick together on its own, but it will easily break into smaller pieces.

This popcorn is crispier and tastier. You can make caramel without baking soda, but then you will need to stir the popcorn faster. Butter is also added to the caramel, but I did not do this. If you still do with soda, then it is better to add less than more. If you add more soda and it doesn't go out, your popcorn will taste a bit soda-like.

For my taste, caramel popcorn is more crunchy and delicious. But my kids prefer salted popcorn. And if you are still thinking whether it is worth cooking popcorn or not, then I recommend that you read my article "."

And recently we went with the children to a cartoon at the cinema, so instead of getting popcorn from a special machine, they poured it out of ordinary shopping bags. Moreover, the price was more than 3 times higher. And after the cartoon, we went to the store, and there we found only semi-finished products for the microwave. Apparently all the popcorn was bought from the cinema.

The cost of a small glass of popcorn in a movie theater is equivalent to a kilogram of corn kernels. If you love popcorn, then this information will be useful to you. And even more so, you already know how to make delicious popcorn from corn kernels at home.

Popcorn is low calorie and very nutritious dish, but its main advantage is the possibility of cooking at home. To do this, you will need a frying pan, corn and a few ingredients to taste. And in just a few minutes, the dish will be ready.

Corn for popcorn

They showed the world popcorn, which, hundreds of years before the discovery of the continent, heated grains on stones. After such a peculiar frying, delicious crispy flakes were formed. In Europe, this dish originated in Ukraine. The locals made popcorn from homemade corn and called it rams.

However, not all varieties of grains are ideal for frying. Therefore, before making popcorn from corn, you need to choose the right culture. Cooks advise frying only wild-growing varieties, as their grains have a more durable and elastic shell. Ordinary corn, intended for cooking, is not suitable for popcorn. Grains of such varieties quickly burst, not having time to fry normally.

It is recommended to make popcorn from the so-called "wild". Grains of uncultivated corn have a strong shell that can withstand high temperatures. Also they contain a large number of fiber and starch. The advantage of wild-growing varieties is that the water inside the grain has time to optimally heat up and turn into steam before the shell bursts. When the pressure reaches its maximum, the pulp is poured out and instantly fried. It is noteworthy that making popcorn from corn at home is several times cheaper than buying it ready-made in the store.

nutritional value

It is generally accepted that popcorn is a high-calorie dish, which makes it unsuitable for a diet. In fact, this is a misconception, as 100 grams of roasted grains contain only 300 calories. As for nutrients, three-quarters of them are carbohydrates, the remaining share is divided between fats and proteins.

Popcorn made from regular corn contains little more calories than from wild. such a dish is up to 520 calories. Popcorn also contains iron, riboflavin and thiamine, but the main beneficial component for the body is fiber, which makes up about 15 percent of the total mass of the product.

Popcorn in its traditional form does not contain harmful substances and is ideal for a diet. Another thing is when spices or oil are added to the dish, then you definitely can’t wait for the benefits, and it can hardly be called low-calorie. Some people make popcorn for dessert by mixing it with sugar or syrup. The energy value such a dish can reach up to 900 calories per 100 grams.

It is allowed to fry grains on butter or because it withstands heat treatment well. It is important that the cooking utensils are always covered with a lid. To evenly heat the grains, shake the pan (pot) slightly, if possible. And do not forget: the more oil, the higher the calorie content and the lower the vitamin value of the dish.

Harm or benefit

There are various rumors about the effect of popcorn on the human body. For example, Madonna herself has repeatedly claimed that it was he who allowed her to bring herself into perfect shape after giving birth. In addition, nutritionists around the world unanimously say that fried corn kernels do not have many calories, but are very nutritious. They also contain a lot of fiber, which significantly reduces the risk of stomach cancer and various diseases hearts.

On the other hand, before making popcorn from corn, it is important to know the disadvantages of this dish. By itself, it is harmless, but not a single cooking option is complete without the addition of seasonings. For example, diacytyl flavoring is widely used, which is considered a very strong allergen and negatively affects the lungs. Another disadvantage is the chemicals that are used to fertilize the fields. This method of increasing yields is especially in demand in a number of countries in Europe and America.

Do not risk eating popcorn on an empty stomach or immediately in large portions. An excess of corn in the diet can worsen the condition of people prone to varicose veins. It is recommended to consume this dish no more than 2-3 times a week on a full stomach.

What is popcorn made in?

You can fry the grains in any heat-resistant dishes. Popcorn made from regular corn is usually cooked in a pan. To do this, they heat it up, pour a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil, add a pinch of salt or sugar, and only then grains. It is important that even before the corn begins to “pop”, the lid is lowered into the pan. Fry only on low heat. On average, one serving takes up to 10 minutes to prepare.

Some people resort to the help of home appliances. How to cook from corn All you need is 2 teaspoons of oil. No more than a third of an ordinary glass should be poured into the multicooker at a time. Salt is not recommended as it corrodes the coating of the bowl.

You can make popcorn even faster. It is important here that the container has high sides. This method gives the most high-calorie product, since all grains must be covered with oil, and there will be no possibility to shake the container. Two minutes is enough to prepare one serving.

How to make popcorn from corn in a pan (cauldron)? This is the most popular method among housewives, as it does not require additional equipment and special skills. The only downside is that it takes a long time to cook. For frying, it is necessary to fill the bottom of the dish with a thin layer of oil. Here you can safely add salt directly to the pan. At one time, many grains cannot be fried, but there will be fewer unopened ones.

Popcorn preparation

You can make a delicious air treat without much difficulty at home. A tall saucepan with a lid is ideal for this. Before making popcorn from corn, you need to dry the grains well. Avid cooks are also advised to hold them for about an hour in freezer so that the pressure when opening on fire is stronger.

For 100 grams of corn is 2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter, preferably butter. Add seasoning or salt to taste. The grains are evenly poured onto the hot bottom of the pan, after which they are covered with a lid. Fry only on low heat. It is necessary to shake the container slightly so that all the grains are saturated with oil. After 2-3 minutes, when the corn stops "exploding", you can lift the lid and start frying a new portion.

caramel popcorn

Many people prefer a sweet treat to a salty one. But how do you make corn popcorn so that it's caramelized and literally melts in your mouth? To do this, you need a small saucepan, and preferably a small cauldron. A quarter cup of corn is 4 tablespoons of oil, 2 tablespoons of water, 1/2 tablespoon of soda and a glass of sugar. It's also a good idea to add some lemon juice.

This popcorn is fried traditional way in oil with the lid closed. To make caramel, you will need another saucepan in which water and sugar are mixed. Cook the mixture to a homogeneous viscous mass, stirring constantly. As soon as the caramel is ready, you need to quickly add soda to it. Then foam is formed from the sweet mass, which must be mixed with popcorn. The dish will cool down for about 5-7 minutes.

spicy popcorn

Its peculiarity lies in the long list of ingredients. The recipe includes corn kernels, syrup, vanilla, salt, sugar, oil and chili. For starters, it is recommended to make a spicy dressing. 1/2 cup of sugar, 25 grams of butter, 50 ml of 2 tablespoons of water, 1 tablespoon of vanilla and a pinch of pepper are mixed in a vessel. All this mass is cooked over low heat for about 20 minutes.

Only after preparing the dressing can you start frying popcorn from corn. Before serving, pour over the opened grains with hot syrup.

Exotic popcorn sweets

In the East, it is customary to eat fried corn kernels with raisins or nuts in a sweet form. Such dishes are very appetizing and satisfying. Before making oriental popcorn from corn, you need to prepare the icing and other ingredients.

For 1 cup of grains, you need 1/2 cup of nuts and raisins, 300 grams of chocolate and 2 tablespoons of butter. The corn is roasted at the same time as the nuts. Then raisins are added, popcorn is poured with melted chocolate. Served on small saucers in the form of cakes.

To make popcorn from ordinary corn, you need to dry its grains well on a radiator, and cool them in a freezer before cooking (about an hour).

The lid of the pot (pan) should fit snugly against the edges of the container.

Microwave popcorn cooks faster, but popcorn cooks more airy on a regular stovetop.

You can season it with any spices and syrups, but all such additives will affect the calorie content of the dish.

For many, popcorn today is necessarily associated with the cinema, because it has long become a popular delicacy of such events, they sell it there as you like!

Sweet, salty or with the taste of your favorite fruits, however, you don’t always want to buy it there, most people have the opinion that this is a harmful and useless product that is generally better to avoid once again. There is some truth in this, however, everything is not quite as it might seem at first glance.

Popcorn, which is prepared “massively”, of course, does not shine with usefulness: you never know what quality the oil was used to cook it, and artificial additives that are often used to give the product unusual taste also do not inspire confidence.

But this fact does not at all mean that you need to completely deny yourself the joy, at least sometimes, to enjoy this product. In addition, popcorn can also be useful: it has beneficial effect on the digestive organs, and also contains vitamins B and A.

The best option is to make homemade popcorn, which will allow you to please yourself and your loved ones without harming your health. To prepare it, you do not need any special devices or equipment, everything is real within your kitchen and ordinary kitchen utensils. But first, let's find out where such an unusual delicacy came from?

It is believed that America is the birthplace of popcorn, it was invented by the ancient Indians a long time ago. It was they who opened the new kind sweet corn which may explode when heated. By the way, it is this property that is embedded in the name of the dish itself, which translates as “popping corn”.

To explain this process is simple: each grain contains a few drops of water with starch, which, when the temperature rises, turns into steam, expanding and tearing the outer shell. It is thanks to this that one small grain can increase 3-4 times.

By the way, an interesting fact is that in their homeland, exploded corn grains had a religious meaning: they were guessing and predicting the future.

The great love for the local delicacy does not fade even today: the United States is currently the undisputed leader in the consumption of this product.

How to cook it at home?

In total, there are two main methods by which you can cook real popcorn at home, while it turns out to be much tastier and, which is nice, much cheaper and healthier. Coping with this dish is easy: you can use a microwave, and if one is not available, a regular stove with a frying pan will do.

As practice says, the latter method is even simpler and more efficient, since it is much easier to make sure that the corn does not burn in the pan. There are many recipes for different taste, but the essence of the method still remains the same.

Cooking in the microwave

There is nothing tricky in the process itself: you will need a plastic container that can be closed with a lid, some corn kernels and vegetable oil. We lay out the grains at the bottom of the container, there should be few of them, they need to be laid out so that they lie in one layer.

Pour the grains with a small amount of oil, cover the container with a lid, shake well so that the grains are covered with a thin film of oil. We send the container, covered with a lid, to the microwave, turned on at full power.

Cooking time is just a few minutes. At first, single intense pops will be heard, then there will be more pops and, as soon as they begin to subside, the popcorn will need to be checked, it may already be ready.

Making popcorn on the stove

The second option is to cook popcorn on the stove, usually using a pot or pan. We light the gas, put a frying pan on it and pour a little sunflower oil into it, pour corn grains.

We cover the pan tightly with a lid and wait until characteristic sounds begin to be made under it, at this time it is better to hold it with your hand and in no case open it, otherwise you can burn yourself with hot jumping popcorn. After 2-3 minutes, when the pops subside, you can open the pan and pour the exploded grains into a bowl.

Further - even more interesting, you can give the dish your favorite taste. Adults tend to like salted popcorn, so once it's out of the pan, sprinkle it with salt before it's cold. Children, for sure, will like sweet popcorn more, especially for this it can be sprinkled with powdered sugar. By the way, each country has its own preferences regarding the taste of ready-made popcorn.

For example, in France they like to add rosemary to it and sea ​​salt, but the Germans cannot imagine such a delicacy without pieces of bacon. The British prefer the combination of black pepper and nutmeg.

What else can you put on popcorn?

Love caramel popcorn? Nothing complicated! pre-melt a small amount of butter in a separate frying pan or in a ladle. When a light aroma begins to emanate from it, add a little granulated sugar to it, wait until it starts to melt and, at the same time, stir constantly.

In just a couple of minutes, your mixture will turn into caramel, then you need to pour it to the grains after they explode in the pan.

Can be made with citrus, lemon or orange flavors. To do this, you need to remove the zest from some citrus, dry it, and then grind it together with sugar in a coffee grinder. It turns out not only interesting taste and aroma, but also a pleasant yellow color, which makes the result also very creative.