Than without you can replace rice vinegar without harming the taste of dishes. Rice vinegar: composition, use and preparation at home

Before you learn how to cook rice, you need to understand what kind of dish you need it for. Rice for rice porridge easy to cook, rice for pilaf or rice for a side dish is more difficult to cook. Cooks are more often interested in how to cook rice for a side dish. We'll tell you how to cook rice so that it is crumbly. First, you need to rinse the rice well, the recipes contain a recommendation to rinse the rice in cold water times seven. Secondly, you must choose right sort rice, from different varieties cook different dishes from rice. Recipes for risotto, paella, pilaf usually contain information on which rice is best to cook them from. Steamed rice is easier and faster to cook, and most importantly - such rice turns out to be more crumbly. Thirdly, the recipe for cooking rice may contain advice to pre-fry the rice a little so that it does not stick together later. Finally, one more important note on the question of how to properly cook rice: 1 cup of rice should be poured with 1.5 cups of water and boiled over low heat. When the water has completely boiled away and the rice is ready, you can start cooking the rice dish. You can cook rice with stew, rice with gravy, rice with minced meat, rice with champignons or with other mushrooms. There are many options for making rice. Rice is a filler, a base. Rice dishes can be meat, fish and vegetarian, sweet. Side dishes, sweet dishes, casseroles are prepared from rice. Rice can be cooked delicious side dish by combining it with other cereals. These are, for example, rice with corn, rice with beans, rice with peas and corn. Rice goes well with fish and seafood, so rice dishes with seafood are often prepared, this is rice with squid, rice with mussels, boiled rice with shrimp.

Is there some more important nuance to the question of how to cook rice deliciously: you need to know how to season it and what spices to use. Whether you cook rice in the oven for a side dish, or rice in pots, add a little grated ginger to it, it will give the rice an interesting flavor and sharpness. Rice you can cook without spices, but there are rice dishes and recipes where spices play a key role. Spices are especially loved in Indian cuisine, they cook rice with saffron, rice with curry. Vegetarian dishes rice is often cooked with various dried fruits: rice with prunes, rice with raisins, rice with dried apricots. In addition, meat dishes with rice often contain dried fruits, which are added to rice dishes for a special flavor. For the same purpose, rice with fruits is prepared, for example, rice with apples, rice with quince. Rice is usually seasoned butter, cream. Rice with soy sauce is traditional in Asia.

We hope now you know what to cook with rice. If you are interested in some rice dishes that you have not cooked before, choose rice dishes with a photo.

Asian sous or rice vinegar is slowly gaining ground Russian market, because it is customary to add it to rice for making sushi.

A popular additive, in addition to a rich taste, has a healing and tonic property, which makes it almost universal in use.

Rice vinegar contains vital amino acids such as lysine, isoleucine, alginine, histidine, leucine, valine, phenylalanine. In addition, due to the presence of various vitamins and minerals, especially calcium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus, the use of this seasoning contributes to health and immunity.

There are several types of this seasoning, each of which has its own advantages, both for use in cooking and for use in medical and cosmetic purposes.

The name of each variety corresponds color scheme: red, brown, white, black rice vinegar.

NOTE! The product, which is presented on the shelves of stores, is most often a white variety of the product, with the addition various additives in the form of salt, sugar and other flavor enhancers. It can be used as a salad dressing or sauce.

The brown type of spice has an antiseptic effect.

Black defies cholesterol and lowers blood pressure. Along with it, white regulates the level of sugar in the body and takes care of the efficiency of the liver.

The red type of seasoning effectively removes toxins and supports the immune system.

The undeniable advantage of rice vinegar is the ability to use it without harm to people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This is a one-of-a-kind variety of vinegar that is gentle on the digestive system.

Asian su is used not only for the treatment and prevention of diseases. It can become an integral part of the diet. Women who want to lose weight especially appreciate the effectiveness of the product - after all, it is low in calories and, moreover, makes the taste of any diet food brighter and nicer.

The beauty industry has also appreciated the benefits of rice vinegar. To maintain female beauty, it is added to mattifying lotions, cleansing tonics, and body care products.

Additional Information! The calorie content of rice vinegar is only 18 kcal. The nutritional value: 0 g protein, 0 g fat and 0.04 g carbohydrates per 100 g.

homemade recipe

  • 300 g rice
  • 1.2 liters of water
  • sugar (the proportion is indicated below)
  • dry yeast (the proportion is indicated below)

Important! The taste of the seasoning depends on the variety of rice, its qualities - a more cloudy and viscous solution will be obtained from unsteamed cereals.


Rinse the rice well and pour water for 4 hours, then place in the refrigerator for 8-12 hours.

PLEASE NOTE! During the entire preparation of rice vinegar, you must use a glass or ceramic dishes, mix the solution - with wooden spoons (shovels, chopsticks).

Strain through cheesecloth folded in several layers, add sugar at the rate of: for 1 cup rice water- ¾ cup sugar. Mix well until completely dissolved.

Bring to a boil in a water bath and cook for 20 minutes. Then cool and pour the solution into glass jar, add dry yeast at the rate of: ¼ tablespoon to 4 cups of rice water.

Leave the mixture at room temperature for fermentation for 4 - 7 days, until it stops foaming and no longer bubbles stand out.

Important! If the solution does not foam well and “roams” a little, move the container to a warmer place!

Then pour rice water into a clean jar, cover with gauze, bandage the neck. Leave to "ripen" in a dark place at room temperature for 30 - 45 days (depending on the desired taste).

Strain the resulting vinegar again, boil, cool and pour into glass containers. Well-corked rice vinegar can be stored for quite a long time.

NOTE! rice vinegar, cooked at home, it turns out unclear. It can be clarified by adding at the last boil egg white, and strain again.

Homemade rice vinegar, despite the rather long preparation process and not quite perfect appearance, retains its uniqueness and usefulness and is not inferior in this store version and its counterparts.

How to use vinegar for rice?

A simple, at first glance, action can spoil the taste of your favorite treat. Combine vinegar and rice for sushi follows certain rules.

The process of combining the two components should be carried out in wooden (or glass) dishes, wooden appliances. At the same time, intensive stirring is completely excluded so that the rice retains its structure, and the dressing soaks it well.

The indisputable advantage of vinegar for rolls is not only its versatility, but also its pleasant, unobtrusive taste and aroma, which allows it to be used as a universal remedy in the kitchen, at home and on the shelf with cosmetic tubes.

Rice vinegar was first made over two thousand years ago in China. In the 3rd-4th centuries BC, it appeared in Japan, from where it began to spread to other countries of the world. It was used as a seasoning for rice and was very expensive, so it was available only to the nobility. Since the 16th century, the sauce began to spread to the masses.

In Japan, its history is inextricably linked with sushi. According to the traditions, they were prepared as follows: the fish was cut into pieces, sprinkled with salt and mixed with rice. Under the action of enzymes, the cereal secreted lactic acid. She preserved the whole mass, gave it a sour taste and allowed sushi to be stored for up to a year.

Rice sauce has a milder flavor than other types of vinegar. Its popularity is due not only to its mild taste, but also to its antibacterial properties.

rice vinegar recipe

Making it yourself is not easy, however, the result will please even gourmets. Taste homemade sauce almost perfectly repeats the taste of the original.


  • white round rice,
  • yeast,
  • sugar,
  • egg white.


  1. First you need to soak the rice in a sealed container for 4 hours, then refrigerate overnight.
  2. In the morning, strain everything through cheesecloth, but do not squeeze.
  3. For 250 ml of rice water, add 0.5 cups of sugar, stir it thoroughly until dissolved.
  4. Next, boil the mixture for 20 minutes in a water bath. Cool and pour into a jar.
  5. Add a quarter tablespoon of yeast per liter of liquid. Leave the mixture to ferment for 4-6 days.
  6. When the bubbles completely disappear, pour the mixture into a new clean jar and let it brew for another month.
  7. After the expiration of the period, the mixture must be filtered again and boiled before pouring into vessels. Before boiling, beaten egg white can be added to eliminate turbidity.
  8. Strain and bottle.

How to replace rice vinegar

  • For 4 tablespoons of grape vinegar, take a teaspoon of salt and three teaspoons of sugar. Put on fire and cook until sugar dissolves. The mixture should not boil. Cool down.
  • Mix a tablespoon apple cider vinegar with a teaspoon of sugar, half a teaspoon of salt and 1.5 tablespoons hot water. Wait for the salt and sugar to dissolve. You can then add the mixture to the rice.
  • Mix 50 ml 6% ordinary vinegar, 50 ml of soy sauce, 20 g of sugar until the latter is completely dissolved. Instead of the usual one, you can use a white wine or apple analogue.
  • Squeeze out the juice of a lemon and add some sugar to it.

Some people have concerns that alternative recipes can spoil the taste of ready-made sushi. If you do not overdo it with the amount of sugar and salt, then the difference will not be noticeable.

Making sushi

To prepare sushi with rice vinegar, follow the rules:

  1. First, warm rice is placed in a wooden bowl and poured with sauce.
  2. Then mix with a wooden spatula, gently moving the top layers down and vice versa. This procedure helps to soak the mass well and cool it.
  3. When the rice has completely cooled, you can cook rolls and sushi.

Good luck with your experiments and enjoy your meal!

Japanese cuisine is firmly rooted not only in its homeland, but also in almost all countries of the world. It is difficult to find a person who has never tried sushi or rolls. If you want to cook them yourself, then we will tell you how to replace rice vinegar for sushi. As always, all manipulations are carried out at home. Let's get started!

Homemade Rice Vinegar - Recipe

  • yeast powder (dry) - 8 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 0.9 kg.
  • round-grain rice - 0.3 kg.
  • filtered water - 1.2 l.

1. Rinse rice groats several times under the tap. Pour into a jar and pour in water. Set the container aside, keep warm for about 5 hours. After this period, move to the refrigerator for 4 days.

2. When the infusion time has elapsed, line a colander with gauze and strain the rice. All you need is liquid. Pour sugar into it.

3. Place the pan with the solution on water bath, cook for half an hour until the grains of sand dissolve. Then remove from the stove, let cool completely and pour into a jar.

4. Yeast activate with water, following the instructions on the package. Put them in a container with a solution. Wrap the neck of the dishes with several layers of gauze and insist at room temperature for a month.

5. After this period, filter the vinegar several times. Boil again, cool and enjoy the work done. This volume will last a long time.

Now you know how you can replace rice vinegar in rolls. After all, it can be made at home. But if there is no desire to bother, consider simpler recipes.

rice vinegar alternative

The above recipe is long, so consider options that can be used right away. So, what else can replace rice vinegar for sushi? When cooking at home, you may need regular vinegar, grape or apple.

No. 1. Grape vinegar (red)

Otherwise, this product is called wine. It should not be used by those who have increased stomach acidity or have an individual intolerance to grapes. Some people substitute old red wine for vinegar.

So, to prepare the composition, mix 12 gr. salt, 40 gr. granulated sugar, 100 ml. vinegar. Transfer the contents to a saucepan, heat and melt the sugar and salt. Don't let it boil. When all the granules have dissolved, the rice vinegar alternative is ready.

No. 2. Apple vinegar

Combine in a heat-resistant container 7 gr. salt, 18 gr. granulated sugar, 30 ml. water, 30 ml. vinegar. Put on the stove and simmer on the lowest heat until the crystals dissolve.

No. 3. Grape Vinegar (White)

If you do not know what to replace rice vinegar with, a great alternative for sushi is the composition own cooking at home.

Mix in a common cup of 75 ml. white wine vinegar, 30 gr. granulated sugar and 70 ml. soy sauce. Heat the components until the crystals are completely dissolved.

It is not necessary to use only rice vinegar when making sushi or rolls. As an alternative, there are many recipes. Now you know how to replace it in rolls.

No. 4. Lemon fresh

Lemon juice is considered great option impregnation for rice. At proper cooking sauce, the final taste of the dish will be indistinguishable.

Mix 60 ml. boiled non-hot water, 12 gr. granulated sugar, 55 ml. warm lemon fresh and 4 gr. salt. Stir the ingredients on a lazy fire until the crystals are completely dissolved. The sauce should never boil.

Rice vinegar is a popular oriental dressing for many various dishes. How is it better than regular vinegar? What and how can you cook with it? Is it possible to do it yourself? Find out the answers to these questions below.

Rice vinegar: for what dishes is it used

Rice vinegar is commonly used in Asian cuisine for dressing rice, pickling ginger, and cooking rice dishes. rice noodles funchose. In addition, the filling acts as a component vegetable salads, appetizers, is used in marinating chicken and in creating various sauces.

Consider, for example, a complete meat dish with the addition of rice vinegar.

To create it you will need:

  • potatoes - 3 tubers;
  • pork fillet - 200 g;
  • rice vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • yellow pepper - 1 pc.;
  • a little oil or fat to grease the pan;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l. with a slide;
  • soy sauce classic - 2 tbsp. l.

Operating procedure:

  1. Cut the potatoes into strips as thin as possible, fry until pale golden in color with the addition of oil and transfer to another bowl.
  2. Cut meat and pepper into strips. First, fry only the meat on all sides, then add pepper and sugar to it. Then add soy sauce and vinegar. Simmer for a couple of minutes with the lid closed.
  3. Turn off the heat, add previously fried potatoes, mix and arrange on plates.

On a note. Use chicken fillet for preparing a dietary dish or pork for a more satisfying meal.

What can replace rice vinegar for sushi and rolls

What can replace rice vinegar if it was not at hand at the most necessary moment? For sushi, rice vinegar is used as classic dressing, but this product is not always available for purchase.

In this case, you can get out of the situation by slightly improving the existing gas station with the help of simple components:

  • 5 st. l. vinegar 6 - 9%;
  • 1 tsp salt with a slide;
  • 4 tsp brown sugar.