How to bake an anthill cake. Cake Anthill of corn sticks

Bake the dough for the Anthill cake for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Anthill Cake Recipe

Flour - 3.5 cups
Sugar - 150 grams
Sour cream - 200 grams
Margarine (can be replaced with butter) - 200 grams
Salt - 1 pinch
Soda - 0.5 teaspoon
Boiled condensed milk - 1 can

Dough preparation
1. Sift 3.5 cups of flour in a deep bowl.
2. Melt 200 grams of margarine (butter) and cool slightly.
3. Add 0.5 cups of sugar, 200 grams of sour cream, melted margarine, 0.5 teaspoon of soda to the flour and mix.
4. Knead the dough.
5. Ready dough pass through a meat grinder and put it on a baking sheet greased with sunflower oil.
6. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
7. Put the baking sheet in the oven and bake cookies at 180 degrees until golden brown.

Cream preparation
1. Melt 200 grams of butter over low heat.
2. Put melted butter and 1 can of boiled condensed milk into a deep bowl.
3. Beat the butter with condensed milk with a whisk until smooth.

Cooking a cake
1. Transfer the finished cookies to a bowl and chop with a pusher until large crumbs.
2. Pour the prepared cream into the crumbs and mix thoroughly.
3. Put the cake in a slide on a large smooth plate.
4. Put the finished cake in the refrigerator for at least three hours.


The average cost of products in Moscow in December 2017 for making the Anthill cake is 150-250 rubles, mainly the quality of the oil used affects the price.

- calories cake "Anthill" - 451 kcal / 100 grams.

Homemade cake "Anthill" stored in the refrigerator 72 hours.

The cake is best made in the evening so that it stands overnight in the refrigerator and better soaked.

finished cake can decorate chopped walnuts and candied fruits, and also pour glaze.

During the preparation of the cake, add in the dough cinnamon, vanilla or 2 tablespoons of honey.

Cake "Anthill" can be prepared no baking test. To do this, you can replace the dough with cookies, which will need 450 grams. Finely chop the cookies and add the cream to it, mix thoroughly and form a slide.

Chocolate icing for cake "Napoleon"

Powdered sugar - 100 grams
Cocoa powder - 3 tablespoons
Milk - 5 tablespoons
Butter - 2 tablespoons

1. Mix 100 grams powdered sugar with 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder.
2. In the resulting mixture, add 5 tablespoons of heated milk and 2 tablespoons of softened butter.
3. Grind the mixture well. If the glaze begins to thicken, it can be slightly heated over low heat.

White icing for cake "Napoleon"

Egg white - 2 pieces
Lemon juice - 2 tablespoons
Powdered sugar - 1 cup
Salt - 1 pinch
Confectionery topping - to taste

1. Separate the whites from two cold eggs, add a pinch of salt to them and beat thoroughly.
2. As the proteins thicken, add 2 tablespoons to them lemon juice and continue beating.
3. Introduce 1 cup of powdered sugar in a slow jet, whisking continuously.

Good day, dear guests of our culinary site. Today's recipe will be dedicated to a dessert familiar to everyone since childhood - Anthill cake. Many people know this cake and everyone loves it. Many people baked it themselves, others were baked by their mothers and grandmothers. It is a taste familiar from childhood.

What we need:

For the test we need:

  • 500 gr flour
  • 6 art. spoons of sugar
  • 6 art. spoons of sour cream
  • 200 gr butter or margarine
  • pinch of salt
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder

For the cream you will need:

  • 400 gr boiled condensed milk
  • 200 gr butter
  • 1 cup peanuts
  • 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons cognac (optional, but would be ideal)

How to cook an anthill cake with condensed milk

First of all, let's prepare the dough. The dough for the anthill is all prepared differently from the same products. Today we offer you the easiest option.

Take a bowl and pour the melted butter or margarine, here we send 6 tbsp. spoons of sugar and 6 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, and a pinch of salt. All this mass is well mixed.

Next, we will add flour and baking powder here. The flour must first be sifted through a sieve. We mix everything, gradually kneading the dough. We will not knead the dough for a long time, just collect it in one lump, it should turn out soft and even a little crumbly.

For convenience, we will divide the dough into four parts. We form a ball from each part of the dough, put it on a plate and send it to the freezer for 30 minutes so that the dough freezes a little. Then we will pass it through a meat grinder or we can grate it.

Half an hour passed, the dough froze a little and became tough. Now we pass it through a meat grinder or grater. We cover the baking sheet parchment paper if there is. If there is no paper, then you can not lay anything, the dough will not stick.

Preheat the oven to 180°C and bake the pastry until golden brown.

Nuts need to be washed, dried and fried in a dry frying pan. Next, we need to grind them. If you don't want to bother with peanuts, you can buy ready-made roasted peanuts. In principle, an anthill cake is prepared without nuts, look to your taste. It is not necessary to grind the nuts directly into dust. They must be felt.

Let's make cream in an anthill cake

While our dough for the anthill is baking, we will prepare the cream. We send soft butter at room temperature into a bowl and beat it with a mixer or blender.

This is how the cream should look like. It is light, airy and very tasty. If it seems too thick to you, you can add 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of ordinary condensed milk, thereby diluting it. You can also add 2-3 tbsp to the cream. spoons of cognac, the taste is simply magnificent.

As soon as the dough is browned, take it out of the oven. It is baked for about 30 minutes at 180 ° C. Let it cool down a bit and we will crumble.

You can crumble the cooled dough with a rolling pin as well as with your hands. Crushing too finely is also not worth it, you need to get such pieces.

And we put all this mass on a dish in the form of a slide. We seal the cake and form an anthill.

To make the cake look more like an anthill, sprinkle it with grated chocolate.

Here is such a wonderful anthill turned out. Now we put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours so that it is well soaked and infused.

Describe taste qualities anthill makes no sense. You have probably already tried it. If not, then try to bake it, please yourself and your loved ones.

Enjoy your meal! Cook with us with pleasure!

For some reason, this simple cake is very fond of children. It would seem that it is done without any special decorations, without a lush cream. But always to the question - “What kind of cake to cook?”, The invariable answer is “Anthill!” Whether the matter is in an interesting name, or in the fact that in childhood they often made it in the country. Bought cookies, boiled condensed milk. Children have always taken an active part in its preparation. With pleasure they broke cookies, made cream, mixed. And then, with no less pleasure, they ate their own work of culinary art.

Yesterday was my son's birthday. And although he was already 24, just like when he was 5, he again asked for his favorite cake. Of course, I immediately agreed, because I myself love him. Knowing that the guests will not refuse such delicious treats So I decided to make it big. To have enough for everyone! And of course, not from store-bought cookies, after all, we prepare treats on occasion ... Therefore, cookies and delicious cream let's do it the right way!

Cake "Anthill" at home

Once again, I note that the treat is being prepared for a birthday, 10 people are expected. Therefore, we prepare it for about 12 servings. It will get very big. If you are cooking for a smaller number of people, then proportionally reduce the composition of the ingredients.

We need, for the test:

  • flour - 1.2 kg (7-8 glasses)
  • milk - 300 ml
  • egg -4 pcs
  • butter or margarine - 400 gr
  • sugar - 1 cup
  • baking powder - 2 teaspoons (or soda 0.5 teaspoons)
  • salt - a pinch
  • vegetable oil - for greasing the pan
  • chocolate - for decoration

For cream:

  • boiled condensed milk - 2 cans
  • butter - 400 gr.
  • walnuts - 150 gr

Dough preparation

1. Remove butter from the refrigerator in advance. Let it rest until it becomes soft. If you didn’t get the oil in advance, then melt it in a water bath. But not to a liquid state, but so that it just becomes soft.

The oil I use is 82.5% fat. This is real good oil, from which pastries are not only tasty, but also healthy. It costs a little more than 72.5%, but we don't bake cakes every day, so use good butter instead. And I would not recommend using margarine at all.

They used to make "Anthill" on margarine, in my old notebook with recipes it is written like that - with margarine. But then they didn’t know anything about trans fats, and all sorts of others didn’t really healthy ingredients. Now we know and want to eat healthy food, so we use only 82.5% oil for food.

2. Mix oil with eggs.

3. Slightly heat the milk and add warm to the butter and egg mixture. Mix. If using baking soda, quench it with vinegar and add to the mixture.

4. Add flour with baking powder and salt. It is better to introduce flour gradually, thoroughly mixing the contents with a spoon. Then, when the dough becomes thick, put it on a table sprinkled with flour, and knead with your hands. It is pleasant to mess with the dough, it is soft, elastic and does not stick to your hands at all. Cover the finished dough with cling film and put in the refrigerator for 1 hour, or a little more.

While the dough is in the refrigerator, you can prepare the cream in advance. Or you can cook it when we bake cookies. Choose your own time, whichever is more convenient for you.

Cream and cake preparation

1. We will need soft butter again, again 82.5%. We mix it with boiled condensed milk. I have it already ready, bought in the store. And before they cooked it themselves, they didn’t sell boiled food.

But if you need to cook it yourself, then put the jars in a saucepan, so that the water completely covers them, bring to a boil, reduce the heat. Boil for about 3 hours, constantly adding water. The jars must be completely covered with water all the time, otherwise our milk will explode in no time. And then you can't do without repairs.

2. And so mix the butter with condensed milk with a mixer until smooth and color, add chopped walnuts. You can grind them on the board with a rolling pin. And so as not to scatter, cover with a towel, and roll with a rolling pin through it. The nuts should turn out to be not very small, so that, having hit the tooth, they are tangible, and so that they can be crunched. And it's just nice when a nut comes across.

3. Now that the dough is ready, let's start baking cookies. We take the dough out of the refrigerator, cut off a small part, put the rest back in the refrigerator. We mix it again, we no longer need flour. We divide the dough into several parts.

4. We take one of the parts and rolling it out with our hands, we form thin sausages. It's okay if they turn out not quite even, and if some of them break in an unnecessary place. Roll out and lay out on pre-greased vegetable oil and a baking sheet lined with baking paper.

In the original, the frozen dough is scrolled in a meat grinder and baked in this form. But I like it better when the pieces are bigger. So they are better saturated with cream, and the cake becomes much tastier. That's why I bake bigger cookies.

5. Lay out the sausages in a spiral so that there is free space between them for even baking.

6. Put the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake for 15-20 minutes. But I'm not guided by time, I look more at appearance. It is necessary to bake until such a state, until the sausages are browned.

7. While the first batch is baking, you can get more dough out of the refrigerator and roll up sausages for the next batch. I have a lot of dough, so I got either 4 or 5 baking sheets. For subsequent batches, the baking paper does not need to be changed. This is how we bake all the cookies.

8. We take out the finished cookies and put them in a flat dish to cool completely. It turned out uneven, just the way it should be. When we break it and prepare a treat, then in appearance there will be a real anthill.

9. When everything has cooled down, break them into small pieces in random order.

10. Move piece of cookie to large saucepan, add there the entire cream. Stir, gradually adding all the cookies. Do not break all the cookies at once, there may be a little extra. I have 3-4 pieces left. Of course, in a minute it was gone, the hunters were already walking in circles here. And I think that even before that one or two sticks were dragged away. It's just delicious without cream, and everyone already knows about it.

11. I love doing dense cake, not loose, so I put as many cookies as there is enough cream. Stir with a large spoon. The mass is large and heavy, and even sticky.

12. Now I'm cooking big dish, and putting the whole mass into it with my hands, I form a large slide. I compact it so that everything is soaked as best as possible. Everything, the hill is ready.

13. Now it remains only to sprinkle it with chocolate. Right above the hill on a fine grater I rub chocolate as much as I want.

14. Now for two or three hours the "slide" should be left at room temperature so that it is well saturated. And then refrigerate for another day.

15. The finished cake, despite the external rigidity, is easily cut into pieces. And I like to eat it not with a spoon, but with my hands. By the way, when I treated them to my guests, I noticed that not only I like it. Serve with hot tea.

Here we have such a handsome man. The simplest yet so delicious. The son was pleased. Over a cup of tea, they remembered how grandfather in the country cooked it together with his grandchildren from store-bought cookies. Then my dad cooked, and now I cook with my grandchildren. My grandchildren love this cake as well as my children.

My grandmother and mother cooked it, I cook it, my daughter cooks it. Even the granddaughter is already showing interest in its preparation. So, I think this recipe will live in our family for a long time, and will be passed down from generation to generation. Try it, cook it yourself, maybe you will like it too.

Enjoy your meal!

And let everyone bake pies with berries and fruits now, I will show "Anthill". BUT fruit pies will be tomorrow.

To be honest, I was a little afraid to cook this cake. Still, the "Anthill" should be quite familiar, with a taste recognizable from the first spoon - that which has remained in the memory since childhood. In my memory - shortbread dough and bright taste of boiled condensed milk. But so that it is not a sugary-sweet cake, but one that does not come off - you want more and more. And it’s better that you can gently pinch off pieces with your fingers and put in your mouth)

I am 100% satisfied with this recipe. And the dough is just right, and the cream is not cloying, but sweet and very rich, and cooking is nowhere easier.

Needed (for 1 "Ant Hill"):
200 g sour cream (20%)
200 g butter
100 g sugar
400-500 g flour
2 teaspoons baking powder

1 can of boiled condensed milk (380 g)
200 g butter

Cooking time: 1 hour (+1 hour for chilling).

Preheat the oven to 180C.

For the dough, first mix sour cream, softened butter, sugar in a large bowl, and then, adding flour and baking powder, knead the shortbread dough.

I immediately write “shortbread dough” because it is a good designation for the desired density of the dough. It should be well collected in a dense uniform lump. Add flour gradually - first 400 g - mix. If the dough is watery, add another 50 g of flour, and then, if necessary, another 50 g.

Now - the most interesting. AT classic version the dough is scrolled through a meat grinder and its small cakes / lumps are laid out on a greased baking sheet. If there is no meat grinder, just pinch off small balls from the dough and put them on a baking sheet (greasing it with butter or laying it with baking paper).

Bake for 10-15 minutes at 180C until the cookies are a nice brown color.

While the cookies are baking, prepare the cream. To do this, mix softened butter and boiled condensed milk in homogeneous mass. There are no complicated tricks here - just mix them in a bowl and put them in the refrigerator for a while.

Ready and cooled cookies need to be crumbled a little with your hands. Here - to your taste. Someone likes a smaller crumb, someone likes to come across large lumps.

Transfer the crushed biscuits to a bowl ready cream and mix well.

Put the whole mass in a slide on a prepared dish and put it in the refrigerator for 1 hour so that the cake freezes.

Today we will tell you how to make an Anthill cake and share with you the best recipes for making it. Preparing an Anthill cake is very simple if you strictly follow the recommendations given in the recipe. We will share with you and classic recipe cake Anthill, which was passed down from generation to generation, and various variations of the recipe.

Cookie Anthill cake recipe with photo

This Anthill cake is prepared in just 5 minutes. If you have guests who have warned 15 minutes before arrival, the recipe for this Anthill will save you. So, it is better to keep the products always ready, you never know ...


  • A glass of peeled walnuts, or a mixture of nuts
  • 500 grams sugar cookie type "For coffee"
  • Bank of boiled condensed milk
  • 100 grams of butter 82.5% fat
  • You can decorate the cake with poppy seeds - 5 grams

How to make an anthill cake from cookies:

1 Sort the nuts so that there is no debris. You can use a mixture of various nuts, or you can get by with just walnuts. It tastes like color here. You can lightly toast the nuts in a dry frying pan.

2 Break the cookies with your hands. The pieces should not be too large, but the crumbs should be in moderation.

3 Butter, even at the beginning of the preparation of the anthill of cookies, must be left at room temperature. It does not need to be melted, it needs to become soft. Put the boiled condensed milk into the oil.

4 Mix the butter and boiled condensed milk with a whisk or mixer.

5 Add nuts to the condensed milk.

6 Mix well.

7 Now add crushed biscuits and mix well.

8 To form the same round anthill as mine, take a round salad bowl, line it with cling film and put condensed milk cookies in a mold. Then invert onto a plate. Decorate the anthill as you wish. You can sprinkle with poppy seeds, or you can decorate with candied fruits and seat the ants. The anthill with cookies was prepared by Nazly Akmollayeva.

Cake Anthill - best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook an Anthill cake.

Cake Anthill - general principles and cooking methods

A cake called "Anthill" has not lost its leading position among holiday desserts for many years and has been one of the most beloved by many of us since childhood. This cake got its name from unusual shape. After all, almost all traditional cakes are a multi-layered structure of a round or square shape. And this cake is laid out on a plate in the form of a slide, resembling a real anthill in its appearance.

"Anthill" is very fond of not only adults and children, but also housewives who cook it. After all, baking "Anthill" is not difficult at all, and, most importantly, quickly. You don’t have to roll out cakes, constantly get nervous and worry so that they rise well and don’t fall off, bake them in the oven one by one and then collect a multi-layered cake. Prepare a perfect cake festive celebration many women simply do not succeed due to the constant lack of time and the lack of certain skills. But the “Anthill” can be prepared even by a novice hostess.

There are recipes for making "Anthill" great amount, but their essence always comes down to the same thing. From shortcrust pastry small cookies are baked, then they are crushed into crumbs, this crumb is combined with cream, and the resulting mass is laid out on a plate in the form of a slide.

The dough itself after kneading is placed in the refrigerator or even in freezer, then the chilled dough is rubbed on coarse grater, laid out on a baking sheet and baked. Previously, our grandmothers and mothers passed the dough through a meat grinder, but with a grater everything turns out much faster and easier.

If we talk about cream for "Anthill", then in the classic version, softened butter and condensed milk are used for its preparation. equal proportions. Now "anthills" are also very popular with custard, with cream of boiled condensed milk or sour cream. And the dough itself, by the way, can be, for example, chocolate or honey. Very often chopped nuts, poppy seeds, coconut or chocolate chips.

Focus on your taste preferences in order to cook the perfect, in your opinion, "Anthill".

Cake "Anthill" - food preparation

To prepare an "anthill" you will need the most ordinary products that a good housewife will always have at hand. For the dough you will need wheat flour, butter, chicken eggs, granulated sugar, soda or baking powder for dough, sometimes sour cream. Butter can be replaced with baking margarine, most importantly, it must be pre-chilled. Flour must be sifted through a fine sieve. Powdered sugar is sometimes used instead of granulated sugar.

To prepare the cream, as mentioned above, butter with condensed milk is traditionally used. Also, the cream can be prepared from boiled condensed milk with sour cream. Only sour cream should be oily so that the cream turns out to be thick, and the “anthill” keeps its shape.

In addition to the main ingredients, you can always diversify "Anthill" with honey, seeds, poppy seeds, nuts, chocolate or coconut flakes. Sometimes "Anthill" is made from crushed cookies or corn sticks. It also turns out very tasty and fast.

Cake Anthill - the best recipes

Recipe number 1. Cake "Anthill". Classic variant

Delicious "Anthill" in its classical form will always be a win-win option during a festive tea party.

To prepare the classic "Anthill" you will need the following ingredients:

  • Wheat flour- 3.5 cups
  • Sour cream - 200 grams
  • Butter - 400 grams
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Condensed milk - 2 cans
  • Sugar - 1 cup

How to cook classic cake anthill:

In a deep bowl, sift the flour together with the baking powder, add 200 grams of chilled finely chopped butter. Grind flour with butter into crumbs. Add sour cream and granulated sugar, knead homogeneous elastic dough. We form a ball from the dough, wrap it in cling film and put in the freezer for thirty minutes. We rub the frozen dough on a coarse grater, put it on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. We send the baking sheet to the oven preheated to one hundred and eighty degrees for ten minutes. Then we take it out, mix the crumbs and bake for another five minutes. Leave the resulting crumb to cool.

It is better to put the second half of the butter out of the refrigerator in advance so that it is soft. In a separate bowl, combine condensed milk and softened butter, beat with a mixer until a fluffy cream is obtained.

Put the cooled crumbs from the dough into the cream, mix thoroughly. We spread the resulting mass on a flat dish in the form of a slide. We put the cake in the refrigerator overnight to soak.

Cake "Anthill" is ready! Enjoy your meal!

Recipe number 2. Cake "Anthill" honey

Honey "Anthill" tastes very much like another favorite cake "Honey cake". Only it is prepared much easier and faster, because you do not have to roll out and bake the cakes in turn.

To prepare honey "Anthill" you will need the following ingredients:

  • Chicken eggs - 2 pieces
  • Wheat flour - 2.5 cups
  • Sugar - ½ cup
  • Honey - 1 cup
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Sour cream - 400 grams
  • Soda - 1 teaspoon
  • Butter - 100 grams.

How to cook an anthill cake with honey:

We shift the honey into a saucepan and melt it in a water bath, add butter, soda, salt and granulated sugar. Stir and heat the mass over low heat, stirring constantly, until it turns white.

When the resulting mass has cooled down a little, we drive in the chicken eggs and begin to gradually sift the flour. kneading homogeneous dough not sticky to hands. We form a ball from the dough, put it in a clean bag and put it in the freezer for an hour. After the specified time, we take out the frozen dough, rub it on a coarse grater and spread it on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. We put the baking sheet in the oven preheated to one hundred and eighty degrees for ten minutes. Lightly disassemble the baked dough with your hands to make a crumb.

We combine fat sour cream and pre-cooked condensed milk in a deep bowl and beat with a mixer to get a homogeneous lush cream. Put the cooled crumbs into the resulting cream, mix thoroughly. Put the resulting mass on a plate, giving it the shape of a slide. We remove the cake for three hours in the refrigerator.

Cake "Anthill" honey ready! Enjoy your meal!

Recipe number 3. Cake "Anthill" chocolate

Another variation on the Anthill theme, which will especially appeal to chocolate pastries.

To prepare the chocolate "Anthill" you will need the following ingredients:

  • Butter - 400 grams
  • Wheat flour - 1.5 cups
  • Cocoa powder - 3 tablespoons
  • Baking powder for dough - 1 teaspoon
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pieces
  • Sugar - 1 cup
  • Condensed milk - 1 can
  • Chocolate - 100 grams
  • Walnuts - 100 grams.

How to cook chocolate cake anthill:

Before preparing this cake, put one half of the butter and a chocolate bar in the freezer in advance, and leave the other half of the butter at room temperature. So, grate the frozen butter on a coarse grater or finely chop, put in a deep bowl. In the same bowl, we begin to sift the flour along with the baking powder and cocoa powder. With your hands, grind the flour with butter into crumbs. In a separate bowl, beat eggs with sugar until foamy. We introduce the egg mixture into the butter - flour crumbs. We knead an elastic dough that does not stick to hands, form a ball out of it, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for one hour. Then we take out the dough, pass it through a meat grinder and put it on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake in an oven preheated to one hundred and eighty degrees for fifteen minutes. We put the baked and cooled dough in a bag, go through it a couple of times with a rolling pin. You should get a large crumb of dough.

In a deep bowl, combine softened butter and condensed milk. Beat with a mixer until a homogeneous lush cream is obtained. Peel the walnuts and grind them in a blender. Add to cream, beat again. Put the dough crumbs into the cream, mix thoroughly. Put the resulting mass on a flat dish with a slide. We take out the chocolate bar from the refrigerator and rub it on a fine grater. We decorate the cake with chocolate chips and put it in the refrigerator for several hours, and even better at night

Chocolate "Anthill" is ready! Enjoy your meal!

Recipe number 4. Instant cake "Anthill"

Every good housewife has in her arsenal such recipes that help out in a situation of acute lack of time. Now your piggy bank of express recipes will be replenished with one more recipe for making the most delicious Anthill.

For "Anthill" fast food you will need the following ingredients:

  • Shortbread cookies - 500 grams
  • Boiled condensed milk - 1 can
  • Butter - 200 grams
  • Walnuts - 150 grams
  • Poppy - 50 grams.

How to cook an Anthill cake in a quick way:

Put the cookies in the bowl of a food processor and grind until not very fine crumbs are obtained. Instead of a food processor, you can use a good old meat grinder or blender. Peel the walnuts from the shell and chop.

In a separate bowl, combine softened butter and boiled condensed milk, beat with a mixer until a fluffy homogeneous cream is obtained. In a bowl with cream, put the cookie crumbs, chopped walnuts and poppy seeds. Mix thoroughly.

Put the resulting mass on a plate in the form of a slide and put it in the refrigerator for several hours.

Instant cake "Anthill" is ready! Enjoy your meal!

If the cream for the "anthill" is not thick enough, and you are afraid that the whole structure may collapse, leave it overnight in a cone-shaped bowl. Overnight, the cake will set well and keep its shape.

Crumb for the "Anthill" can be obtained different ways. The chilled dough is either rubbed on a coarse grater, or passed through a meat grinder, or baked in the form of a cake, and only then crushed. Choose the one you like best. The taste of the cake does not change.

"Anthill" turns out to be especially tasty and rich if you add chopped nuts, chocolate chips or a little poppy to the cream.

Don't forget to decorate the cake before serving. This can be done using confectionery topping, powdered sugar, coconut flakes or almond flakes.