How to make an anthill from. Cake Anthill: origin and name

Cake "Anthill" is a very popular delicacy, the preparation of which does not require special skills and abilities. The classic recipe for this cake is based on shortbread dough. Thanks to him, the "Anthill" turns out to be crumbly. Traditionally, cakes are baked first, which are then crushed and mixed with cream. The latter, according to "grandmother's" recipes, should be prepared from boiled condensed milk and tender butter.

Cake "Anthill": cooking video

Recipe for cake "Anthill"

To bake the Anthill cake according to the classic Recipe, you will need the following products:

3 cups of wheat flour; - 1 raw egg; - ½ cup of granulated sugar; - ½ cup of fat sour cream; - 100 grams of creamy margarine.

For cream: - 1 and ½ cans of boiled condensed milk with sugar; - vanillin; - 1-2 cups of walnut kernels; - 200 grams of butter; - 3-5 tablespoons of cognac.

All cake ingredients must be fresh. Before starting cooking, take out all necessary products out of the refrigerator and let them warm to room temperature. Only then can you start making the cake.

Rub the egg with granulated sugar until white, add sour cream and soft margarine, stir thoroughly until homogeneous mass, add 2 cups of flour and, kneading the dough, gradually add the rest of the flour. The dough for the cake should turn out cool.

Divide it into 4 parts, roll each into a ball, put everything on a plate or in a bowl and, covering with a napkin, put it in the cold for 2 hours.

Then rub 2 pieces of dough on coarse grater directly onto a baking sheet greased with margarine and spread evenly over the entire surface.

Bake the dough at 200° until golden brown. To remove the baked dough from the pan, cut the hot cake into large pieces and use a spatula to transfer them to a plate.

Well clean the baking sheet from crumbs, grease again with margarine, grate the remaining 2 parts of the dough and place the baking sheet in a hot oven.

When this cake is baked, cutting it into big chunks, remove from pan. Cool and break the baked cakes, as small as possible, into a deep bowl.

Recipe for cream cake "Anthill"

To prepare the cream, beat the softened butter with a mixer with 1.5 cans of boiled condensed milk. Grind the walnuts, breaking into pieces, and add to the cream, pour in the vanillin and pour in the cognac. Mix everything thoroughly and transfer to a bowl with broken cakes and again mix everything very well.

Cake "Anthill" - a delicacy that many prepared in childhood. Indeed, in the simplest version of this dessert, baking is not required. The cake is successfully prepared from shortbread cookies with butter cream. Therefore, its preparation can be entrusted to children. A more complex variation of this dish involves preparing the base for the cake. Although even a novice cook will perfectly cope with the second option.

What is the popularity and success of the Anthill cake? In ease of preparation and, of course, in its amazing taste. Indeed, to make such a dessert, virtuoso culinary skills are not required. The basis of the cake is, which is passed through a meat grinder or grated before baking. The finished cake is crushed into crumbs. The binding and most delicious link in this delicacy is cream. It can be either traditional butter with condensed milk, or chocolate, honey or cottage cheese.

Sometimes a cake is made from ready-made cookies, corn sticks or even popcorn. To decorate the dessert, you can choose any options that are more preferable for you. For example, grated chocolate, poppy seeds, nuts, dried fruits or chocolate glaze.

Photo #1. Recipe classic cake"Anthill" on sour cream

Prepare an Anthill Cake classic recipe quite easy. And the result will undoubtedly please you - fantastic delicious dessert for tea.


For test:

  • Butter - 1 pack;
  • Flour - 4 cups;
  • Baking powder - 2 teaspoons;
  • Vanillin;
  • Sour cream - 3 tablespoons;
  • Sugar - 4 tablespoons.

For cream:

  • Butter - 1 pack;
  • Condensed milk - 1 can.

How to make a classic cake "Anthill":

  1. Butter (one pack) is placed in a saucepan, put on fire, heated until the butter is completely melted. We cool down a little.
  2. Add sour cream to butter and stir.
  3. Sift the flour, add vanillin, baking powder, combine with the butter-sour cream mass. We mix everything well. The dough should not be very tough.
  4. We form a ball from the dough, wrap it in cling film, send to the freezer (40 minutes).
  5. We put a jar of condensed milk in a saucepan with water, cook for 2.5 hours.
  6. We cover the baking sheet with paper. We take the dough out of the freezer, rub it on a grater immediately on a baking sheet.
  7. We bake the dough in the oven (180 0). We will cook for 20 minutes.
  8. Grind the finished cake into crumbs.
  9. Let's prepare the cream. We combine condensed milk with butter. We beat well.
  10. Add crumbs to the cream, mix. We form a cake in the form of a small slide.
  11. We decorate the dessert with nuts, grated chocolate.
  12. We put the cake in the refrigerator for impregnation.

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Photo #2. Recipe for cake "Anthill" from cookies with chocolate

A cake that does not require baking is just a godsend. Especially if you can cook it from products that are always on hand.


  • Condensed milk - 1 can;
  • Cookies - 500 g;
  • Butter - 200 g;
  • Black chocolate - 1 bar;
  • Walnuts - 100 g.

How to make an Anthill cake from cookies:

  1. Put the condensed milk in a pot with water. We will cook for 2.5 hours.
  2. Chop the walnuts.
  3. We take the oil out of the refrigerator first.
  4. The cookie breaks and we make small crumbs out of it.
  5. We mix the softened butter with a blender with condensed milk.
  6. We combine all the ingredients: cookies, nuts and cream. Mix well.
  7. We lay out the mass in a slide. Top with grated chocolate or sprinkle with chocolate icing.
  8. We place in the refrigerator for impregnation (about 12 hours).

Photo #3. Cake recipe "Anthill" with condensed milk and nuts

Piquant taste of this cake is given by prunes soaked in wine. A delicious dessert that is easy to make.


For test:

  • Sour cream - 3 tablespoons;
  • Flour - 800 g;
  • Butter - 1 pack;
  • Vanillin;
  • Baking powder.

For cream:

  • Butter - 1 pack;
  • Condensed milk - 1 can;
  • Prunes - 100 g;
  • Red wine - 100 ml;
  • Walnuts - 100 g;
  • Chocolate bitter - 100 g;

How to cook an Anthill cake with condensed milk:

  1. We wash the prunes, pour red wine, leave for one hour. Then cut into pieces.
  2. We put a jar of condensed milk in a saucepan with water, cook for 2.5 hours.
  3. Grind the nuts, melt the chocolate.
  4. Let's prepare the dough. Melt the butter on the stove, cool.
  5. Add sour cream, vanilla, flour mixed with baking powder.
  6. Knead the dough, roll it into a ball, put it in the refrigerator (30 minutes).
  7. Pass the chilled dough through a meat grinder, spread on a baking sheet.
  8. Bake the dough in the oven (180 0). We will cook for 30 minutes.
  9. Mix the butter with condensed milk, beat thoroughly.
  10. Grind the finished dough into small pieces, combine with cream, nuts and prunes. Mix well.
  11. From the mass we form a cake in the form of a slide. Top with melted chocolate, sprinkle with poppy seeds.

Air cake "Anthill" with honey from corn sticks

Photo #4. Cake recipe "Anthill" with honey and vanilla

The original cake "Anthill" can be made from corn sticks and honey. Those with a sweet tooth will especially like this delicacy: the dessert turns out to be very sweet and tasty.


  • Corn sticks - 600 g;
  • Nuts - 50 g;
  • Chocolate - 1 bar.

For cream:

  • Honey - 1 glass;
  • Candied fruits - 100 g;
  • Proteins - 6 pcs.;
  • Walnuts - 1 cup;
  • Powdered sugar - 1 cup;
  • Vanillin.

For sauce:

  • Red wine - 1 glass;
  • Yolk - 6 pcs.;
  • Honey - 6 tablespoons.

How to make an Anthill cake with honey:

  1. Let's prepare the cream. Beat egg whites into a thick foam with powdered sugar.
  2. Grind nuts, mix with liquid honey (1 cup) and chopped candied fruits, carefully combine with proteins, add vanillin.
  3. Let's prepare the sauce. Stir the yolks into the pan, grind them until white.
  4. Pour wine and liquid honey into the yolks in small portions.
  5. We put the pot on water bath. Beat the mass continuously until a thick foam appears.
  6. We form a cake. Pour a little on the dish, sprinkle with nuts, lay out part of the corn sticks.
  7. Pour over again protein cream, put the sticks. We alternate the layers, give the cake the shape of a slide.
  8. The cake is placed in the refrigerator for 1 hour so that the base is fixed.
  9. We take out the cake, pour it with hot sauce.
  10. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours before serving. Decorate the cake with grated chocolate and nuts.

One of the options for making the Anthill cake can be seen in the video. The dough is made from softened butter: this way the finished products are more tender. For cream, condensed milk is used without adding oil: so the calorie content of the dish will be less.

Now you know how to make an Anthill cake according to the recipe with a photo. Bon appetit!

In the process of preparing the cake, the following recommendations will not be superfluous:
  • You can add a little honey to the cream, then the cake will get a more interesting spicy taste.
  • You need to cool the Anthill cake for at least 12 hours in the refrigerator.
  • To make a delicious cream, you need to beat butter and condensed milk until smooth using a mixer or blender.
  • Before preparing the dessert, all products that make up the cake must be at the same temperature.
  • So that the "Anthill" does not crumble before it completely solidifies, you can wrap it with foil.
  • Condensed milk for cream should be boiled for 2-3 hours so that it acquires a caramel taste and a dense texture.
  • Cookies for making a cake, you can choose "Anniversary", "For coffee", "Strawberry" or "Chocolate".
  • The flour must be sifted together with the baking powder before making the dough. This will make the dough more porous and fluffy.
  • When kneading the dough, do not add liquid to the flour. It is necessary to do the opposite: pour the liquid ingredient into a container with flour in a thin stream.
  • For a cake, you can make such a filling (instead of chocolate icing): melt a pack of butter and 400 g of soft toffee, beat the mixture a little and pour over finished cake.


Anthill is a cake familiar to many from childhood. Delicious, crispy, moderately sweet dessert will delight all guests at your holiday, brighten up everyday life. A simple anthill recipe will please housewives with its simplicity. Just 30 minutes and the cake is ready. This dessert will help out if unexpected guests visit you. Making a cake turns into a fun game that is worth capturing in a photo if you cook with your children. unusual shape will be an original addition to the festive table.

How to make an Anthill cake at home without baking

There are a lot of recipes for the Anthill cake without baking: with sour cream, walnuts, cookies, honey, corn sticks. Each of the recipes is interesting in its own way and worthy of your attention. All methods are easy to perform. For cooking, you will need a simple set of products that you can buy at the nearest store. Consider the most popular recipes.

Classic step-by-step recipe for cookies and condensed milk in 10 minutes

The basis of any Anthill cake is whole condensed milk. If you do not have the time, or do not want to bother with kneading the dough, then you can use store-bought cookies. Then the cake is cooked without the help of the oven, i.e. no baking. Although the set of products is simple, you should know a few subtleties when choosing the components of the recipe:

  1. Cookies - 500 grams, it is better to take shortbread. The fatter, the tastier the dessert will be. Great option there will be cookies with the taste of baked milk.
  2. Condensed milk - 370 grams (one can). In order for condensed milk to cook well and evenly, the product must be of high quality.
  3. Butter.

Let's move on to the goosebump recipe:

  1. Condensed milk must be boiled without opening the jar. To do this, remove the factory label and place the jar in cold water, put on fire. For the Anthill, condensed milk should be boiled for at least three hours. Therefore, you need to be patient and control the level of water in the pan. It is important to add water, as it evaporates, always hot. Otherwise, a temperature difference will occur and the bank may burst.
  2. Break the cookies into pieces, but don't crush too much.
  3. Cool the boiled condensed milk. Without taking the jar out of boiling water, let it cool down along with the water in which the milk was boiled. This will prevent a temperature drop and the jar will not burst.
  4. Rub the butter with condensed milk. If you use a mixer, the cream will be more airy.
  5. Thoroughly mix the cookies with the cream with a spoon.
  6. Spread the mass on a dish with a spoon in small portions, in the form of a slide.
  7. We decorate the dish by sprinkling poppy seeds, grated chocolate or powdered sugar on top.
  8. Put in a cold place until cool.
  9. Cut into thin slices and enjoy tea drinking.

Simple cake with honey without condensed milk

If there is no condensed milk at home or there is no time for cooking, then we replace it with honey. This Anthill recipe is suitable for those who are allergic to milk. The cake turns out to be no less tasty than with condensed milk, but also healthy. Cooking principle:

  1. 500 gr. crush cookies into small pieces.
  2. Heat 4 tablespoons of honey over a fire.
  3. 200 gr. grind nuts with a blender. It is important not to make them too small.
  4. Mix hot honey with nuts.
  5. Pour honey-nut cream into the dough, mix well.
  6. Spoon onto a flat dish in the form of a slide.
  7. Give the cake time to set. The cookies are soaked quickly, so after half an hour we cut the delicacy.

Hill of corn sticks

Such a cake has an airy texture, while it crunches nicely if cooked correctly. A hill of corn sticks can be safely present on the ceremonial table, along with other desserts. Children will be especially pleased. The composition of this delicacy includes such products:

  1. Corn sticks - 1 pack.
  2. Oil - 200 gr.
  3. Sweets "Iriska" - 500 gr.

To prepare this dessert you need:

  1. Add toffee to melted butter. Stirring with a wooden spatula, wait until the sweets are completely dissolved. The mass will become a little viscous, this is normal.
  2. Pour the sticks into a large bowl, pour over hot cream.
  3. Mix well with a spoon so that all the sticks are covered with buttercream.
  4. Put on a dish in the form of a slide.
  5. Place in the refrigerator to chill for half an hour.

With boiled condensed milk and walnuts

  1. Mix soft butter with sugar, vanilla, egg.
  2. Add sour cream, beat thoroughly with a mixer.
  3. Pour flour into this mass along with baking powder.
  4. Knead the dough, do not do it for a long time, otherwise it will become tough. It should be soft, not sticky.
  5. Pass the mass through a meat grinder or cool in the freezer, after which, grate on a coarse vegetable grater.
  6. Bake the strips of dough in the oven at 180 ° C until a pleasant golden hue.
  7. Cool cookies, break into pieces.
  8. Mix dry ingredients with buttercream until smooth.
  9. Put the resulting mass into silicone or paper molds for cupcakes.
  10. Decorate with grated chocolate or colored sprinkles for Easter cakes.

Cookies Anthill

All children have a sweet tooth, they love desserts with the addition of condensed milk. To diversify the sweet table at a children's celebration, we make Anthill cookies. This recipe is prepared according to the principle of a cake. We sculpt the dough in the form of cookies of any shape: balls, rhombuses, triangles. We decorate your work with coconut flakes, grated chocolate, sesame seeds, chopped nuts. Place on a parchment-lined plate and refrigerate for half an hour to set.

Learn at home.

Videos cake recipes

The video below describes how to cook Ant Hill with sour cream. Maybe it will be a discovery for you that it’s really possible to cook a cake not only without baking, in the oven, but also in a slow cooker. For owners of an electric meat grinder, an easy and quick recipe for preparing goodies with its help will be interesting. If you follow your figure, want to reduce the calorie content of the cake, then you fit recipe diet Anthill.

The secret of making Ant Hill cake with sour cream

How to bake a homemade anthill in a slow cooker

Easy and quick recipe for cooking in a meat grinder

Step by step cooking a diet cake at home

I share a photo of the Anthill cake recipe at home. It so happened that every year I cook this cake for my husband's birthday, my husband just loves it, not to mention the children. And this is not surprising, because this dessert is one of the most delicious for our family, and besides, it is quick and easy to prepare.

I tried to cook "Anthill" with different types of cream. With oil - the cake turned out to be too fat. C is pretty tricky. Therefore, now I cook it only with boiled condensed milk. So it turns out much tastier, easier and faster. And you can cook condensed milk yourself or buy ready-made.

Anthill Ingredients

Butter - 1 pack
Sour cream - 200 gr.
Sugar - 0.5 cups
Flour - 3.5 cups
Boiled condensed milk - 1.5 cans

The recipe for making cake Anthill at home

1. Remove the butter from the freezer in advance so that it softens. Or you can defrost it in the microwave.

Grind the softened butter with 3.5 cups of flour into small crumbs. Rub it better with your hands.

2. Then add half a glass of sugar and sour cream to the butter. Mix everything thoroughly.

3. You should get a thick dough that sticks well to your hands. 4. Line a baking sheet with foil or baking paper and grease with vegetable oil. Now we begin to make flagella from the dough and spread on a baking sheet. Flagella are made directly by hand: a small piece of dough is taken, rolled out and stretched in the hands into a thin tourniquet. Put each flagellum on a baking sheet at a small distance from each other.

Bake at 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes until the dough is browned.

5. Delicious ruddy sticks are obtained. Cool them down and break them into small pieces. The smaller the pieces, the better, of course, but you will have to spend some time on this. If time is running out, then you can break the sticks and large, it's okay.

6. Add one and a half cans of condensed milk. I did not come to this proportion immediately, but by trial and error. If you put in too much - it's too cloying, not enough - a bit dry. And 1.5 cans are just perfect, it turns out not very sweet and quite juicy.

Mix everything thoroughly, the easiest way is to do it with your hands.

7. Now it remains to put the resulting mass on a plate in the form of an anthill. Top can be sprinkled with poppy seeds, but not necessary. Put the cake in the refrigerator for a couple of hours so that it brews and soaks with condensed milk.

Invite everyone to the table to try the Anthill cake according to a homemade recipe! Bon appetit!

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Cake "anthill" - a dessert that came to us from Soviet Union, after its appearance did not have much demand. In the 1990s, the "anthill" began to be produced in factories, but this did not help the dish become more popular.

The cake has a second name "brushwood", it is very similar to american dessert fanel cake, which originated in Pennsylvania. A dish from the USA was often prepared for big holidays, fairs and other events, thereby making it more popular.

The method of preparing a foreign cake differs from the domestic one in that the dough is poured into the oil through special-shaped funnels, then fried to a golden brown hue. Dessert is often decorated with cinnamon, jam or various powders, sometimes fresh fruits are used.

In other countries of the world, this dessert is also not forgotten. Here, for example, in Slovenia the cake is called "flanzati", in Austria the dessert is called "strauben", in Finland they also remember and call it "tippalea", they are most often prepared in spring.

In India, the dessert is prepared according to a modified recipe: it is obtained with a thicker consistency, the top is sprinkled with sugar.

Many people like to cook an anthill because of its simplicity and great taste. Of course, this dessert can now be bought ready-made, but such a cake will bring little pleasure, but if you make it yourself in a cozy home environment, your mood will rise in an instant.

There is hardly a person who has not tried "Anthill" from Soviet times. Real housewives always had a recipe for this delicacy on hand. The cake has many reasons due to which it has gained such immense popularity among chefs: firstly, its preparation process is very simple, secondly, no special ingredients are required, and thirdly, the dessert turns out to be very tasty.

Anthill cake: a classic recipe with condensed milk

Delicious dessert with original name which is very easy to prepare.


  • sugar half a glass.
  • flour 0.5 kg.
  • egg 2 pcs.
  • margarine 250 g
  • salt on the tip of a knife.
  • soda 1 pinch.
  • butter 0.2 kg.
  • condensed milk 1 bank.


1. We buy the necessary components. First of all, boil the condensed milk for 60 minutes.

2. Using a fork, beat the eggs.

3. Pour sugar into margarine and stir until creamy.

4. Pour beaten eggs, soda into the mass. Salt the mixture and stir.

5. Add flour in small portions to the egg mass.

6. Take the amount of flour so that the kneaded dough has a cool consistency. Then send it to the refrigerator for 60 minutes.

7. Activate the oven. While it is warming up, we rub our dough. If it is inconvenient for you to grind the dough with a grater, then use a meat grinder.

8. We cover the baking dish with parchment and coat with butter. We fill the baking sheet with dough and send it to the oven for 25 minutes at a temperature of 160 degrees. If the dough browned earlier, turn off the oven.

9. Cooking cream. First of all, we start whipping the butter.

10. Without turning off the mixer, add small portions of condensed milk to the creamy mass.

11. We crumble the baked tourniquets with our hands and mix with the creamy mass.

12. The final stage is registration. We take a beautiful dish and lay out the dessert in a slide, send it to the refrigerator. Cake "Anthill" is ready.

Video recipe

Happy tea!

Another interesting version

Most often, a cake is prepared in cases where you need to cook a dessert in a hurry. The delicacy does not require special ingredients. Everything you need is available to every hostess. There are many ways to prepare "Anthill". Some cooks pass the dough through a meat grinder, the rest use a grater. The classic cream recipe consists of condensed milk, but some make their own from chocolate and other ingredients.

Personally, I love making cake standard recipe that I once learned from my best friend. Today I will share with you this simple recipe, I will tell you step by step how to prepare a dessert.


  • flour 0.2 kg.
  • sugar 100 g
  • butter 100 g (remove from the refrigerator in advance).
  • chicken egg 1 pc.
  • milk 50 g.

Let's do the test first.

1. We combine the egg with butter, milk and sugar in one container.

2. Pour a little flour and knead the dough. Wrap it in cling film and refrigerate for 60 minutes.

4. Spread on a baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

For the cream you need:

  • milk 20 g.
  • boiled condensed milk 300 g
  • nuts or other decorations of your choice.

How to make cream

1. We connect all the components that are required for the cream.

2. Add broken cookies or nuts to the cream and mix.

3. Mix dough flagella with cream.

4. Place the "Anthill" in portioned glasses and turn over.

5. Decorate to your taste and serve.

Happy tea everyone!

lazy anthill

This recipe is suitable for resourceful housewives. We will make the cake according to this principle: first we bake the whole cake, then we will divide it into pieces.

Dough Ingredients:

  • Flour 2 tbsp.
  • Sugar 1.5 tbsp.
  • Butter 0.2 kg.
  • Sour cream 250 ml.
  • Refined oil 3 tbsp.

Cream ingredients:

  • Butter 200 g.
  • Condensed milk boiled 300 g
  • Mac a few pinches.


1. Put the butter out of the refrigerator and keep it on the table for half an hour.

2. Mix it with sugar.

3. Add sour cream to the resulting mixture and mix.

4. The dough is almost ready. Add flour and baking soda to the mixture, then stir until smooth. We activate the oven.

5. Lubricate the baking dish with refined oil. Then we put the dough on it, do it in an even layer, otherwise the cake may burn in some places.

6. In the meantime, let's prepare the cream. Combine condensed milk with butter and mix with a mixer.

7. Bake the cake for about 15 minutes, set the temperature to 180 degrees. You can check the dough with a toothpick. After cooking, cut it into small squares.

8. We move the slices into a separate container, preferably deeper and fill it with cream. Thoroughly mix the resulting mass.

9. The cake is completely cooked. It remains to find a suitable dish and make a poppy decoration. Dessert can be put on the table.

No Bake Cookie Recipe

Preparation of cream for the cake "Anthill"

Making cream is even easier than making dough. By the way, it is better for him to use homemade condensed milk, but if purchased, then the inscription “whole” should be on the jar. Boil condensed milk for cream: put it in a jar in a saucepan, pour cold waterso that it completely covers the jar, boil over moderate heat for 1.5-2 hours, then put the jar under cold running water or let it cool at room temperature, never do not open a hot jar of condensed milk - you can get burned very badly, because. condensed milk in it under pressure.

So, boiled condensed milk is ready. Now it needs to be mixed with softened butter using a mixer. The proportions of condensed milk and butter are 1 to 1. You need to beat the butter a little in advance with a mixer, and add the condensed milk gradually in portions. Ready cream must be put away in the cold.

Assembling the cake

The dough for the Anthill cake is usually passed through a meat grinder or rubbed on a coarse grater. If you are grinding it in a meat grinder, use the grate with the largest holes. Strips of dough must be cut with a knife after twisting. Next, the resulting pieces of dough should be poured onto a baking sheet covered with baking paper, greased with vegetable oil. A baking sheet with dough is placed in an oven preheated to medium temperature, you need to bake the dough until browning - about 20-30 minutes, then the finished warm dough turns into crumbs with your hands, which cools completely.

The cream is added to the prepared crumb base in portions - it is easier to adjust the consistency of the future cake. After you have mixed all the crumbs with the right amount of cream, the mixture must be laid out on a dish in the form of a hillock - an “anthill”.

Cooked must be left at room temperature for half an hour, then put it in the cold for another 1 hour so that it is properly soaked.

The subtleties of cooking cake "Anthill"

  • For this cake, it is allowed to cook dough on kefir - in this case, it replaces sour cream (for the amount of ingredients for the dough indicated in the recipe above, you need to take 4 tablespoons of kefir and 3 eggs);
  • The dough can not only be twisted in a meat grinder - you can pick it up with your hands, or freeze it well and rub it on a grater;
  • To flavor the cream, you can use lemon zest, vanilla and cognac, you can also add honey to the cake - it is added to the cream instead of sugar;
  • For beauty, the finished cake can be sprinkled with chocolate or crushed nuts, whipped cream, glaze;
  • You can decorate the cake with "ants", "flowers", "grass" and "mushrooms" from sugar mastic, you can also use coconut flakes, bananas, marmalade, dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, etc.) for decoration.

The recipe for the cake "Anthill" from cookies

You will need: 500 g of any crumbly cookies, 1 cup chopped walnuts, 1 can of boiled condensed milk, chocolate.

How to make an Anthill cake. Roast the nuts in a dry frying pan - so the cake will turn out tastier. Crumble into small cookie crumbs. Mix nuts with condensed milk and crumbled cookies, put a slide on a dish. Melt the chocolate in a water bath (you can use any - dark, milk, white), pour over the cake and put it in the cold for several hours to soak.

For those who do not have enough time to cook, this recipe is a real find. The cake turns out delicious, and it takes a few minutes to prepare it. Chocolate does not have to be melted - you can just grate it and sprinkle on the cake. Condensed milk can be replaced with any cream to taste.

Overpower any method of cooking Anthill - from cookies or homemade dough, even novice housewives will be able to. And having mastered the classic Anthill recipe, you can safely experiment with cream and various additives- this one gives a lot of imagination, but it is always done easily and quickly.

Which one to choose. We will advise.

Many of us experience boundless tenderness for the Anthill cake. The roots of sentimental feelings go back to distant childhood - the time when mothers and grandmothers baked this delicacy for us. And now we are preparing it for our families, linking the times and passing along the chain of tradition, culinary skills and the Anthill recipe. Today, any housewife can independently capture the process on a camera, and after capturing it, give it to the next generation of her family with the words: “The same Anthill. Recipe with photo. Prepare strictly according to the instructions.

The basis of the Anthill cake is shortbread dough, and the cream is made from boiled condensed milk and butter. The combination of simple ingredients invariably shoots into the top ten. But the nuances of cooking can give different results: sometimes stunning, but sometimes unsuccessful. That is why, even if you have already baked Anthill, take a closer look at the recipe: you may like my version more!

Preparation time: 1 hour + 3 hours boil condensed milk / Yield: 12 servings

Recipe Ingredients

To make the Anthill cake you will need:

For test:

  • wheat flour 3 cups (360 grams)
  • sugar 1 cup (130 grams)
  • egg 2 pieces
  • butter 190 grams
  • soda 0.5 tsp
  • lemon juice 1 teaspoon
  • a pinch of salt.

For cream:

  • condensed milk in a jar 200 grams
  • butter 210 grams.

For decoration:

  • walnuts 100g
  • dark chocolate 200 grams

How to make an Anthill cake

Homemade cake "Anthill" Desperate Housewife

Despite the simplicity of the homemade Anthill cake, it is loved by many. For me, this is more of a weekend cake, when relatives come and you can chat about trifles and drink in a close circle fragrant tea with herbs.
And one more advantage - even beginners can handle the preparation of "Anthill";) This recipe is one of those that are stored in old culinary records on yellowed notebook leaves. This cake has been prepared in my family for many years, and despite the fact that I really have a lot of cake recipes, the Anthill cake is in my top ten favorites and I make it often.

Ingredients for the Anthill Cake:

  • 400 grams of flour (sift);
  • 100 grams of sour cream;
  • 200 grams of butter (preferably at room temperature, then it will be soft - it is easier to interfere);
  • 3 tablespoons sugar (if you want sweet cake, but you can, in general, not put sugar);
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder;
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt.
  • For cream:
  • 1 can of boiled condensed milk;
  • 200 grams of butter (room temperature, soft).

- dark chocolate for sprinkling (optional);
- chocolate icing (you can melt chocolate or a simple recipe here);
- 100 grams of walnuts.

How to make a homemade cake "Anthill"

Step 1. Making dough for the cake.

    Mix the butter with sour cream, add sugar and salt there - mix everything well (you can beat). Our task is to disperse sugar and salt evenly.

    Sift flour with baking powder several times (to avoid lumps in the dough), add to sour cream with butter. We mix everything well.

    We start kneading the dough. At first it will be a crumb, but then it will begin to gather into a smooth lump :) Put the dough in a bag, put it in the refrigerator for 1 hour. This is necessary so that the texture of the dough becomes more uniform, besides, in the cold, the oil will harden a little and it will be easier to work with the dough;) But if you are limited in time, you can do it right away.

    Well, our hour has passed, we get the dough. It has become even smoother and more uniform. Now it needs to be passed through a meat grinder. For a meat grinder, take a nozzle with small holes.

    While skipping the dough in a meat grinder, turn on the oven to warm up. The final temperature should be 180-200 degrees. We take a sheet, put a non-stick mat or confectionery paper on it. Spread the dough passed through the meat grinder evenly on the sheet. It is better to distribute the dough evenly as in the photo below.

    Bake the dough for about 25 minutes until slightly golden. After 15 minutes, start watching so that it does not burn. How to check readiness? In the thickest place, gently press with your finger, the dough should be a little dry. If it is damp, you will immediately understand;) The dough should not be white! If it is very light, then most likely it is not ready! Let it sit still =)

    It is better to immediately remove the finished dough from the sheet, otherwise it may fry a little more on it. I just take the rug off the sheet and put it on the towel. We are waiting for the dough to cool down.

    Step 2. Making cream for the Anthill cake.

    Mix boiled condensed milk with butter. I still do this - I mix them in a wide cup ( boiled condensed milk thick, oil too - when you heat them, they mix better), put the cup on a saucepan of water over low heat and start stirring the cream. Then the oil diverges more evenly in it, the cream becomes a little thinner, but this is even better - it will soak the dough well;) We stir the cream until it becomes a uniform consistency (as in the photo).
    It may seem to you that the cream is not enough, believe me, it only seems that everything is going as it should :)

    Step 3. Making a cake.

    Coarsely chop the walnuts. Cut the cooled dough into pieces of about 5 mm.

    Mix nuts, dough and cream. We mix everything well so that the cream is completely dispersed over the dough, otherwise the cake will crumble in unmixed places, as the cream helps it to set.

    We take a cake maker and lay out the cake and level it (it is better to level it with hands moistened with water). By leveling, you sort of compact it a little.

    Advice: Previously, this cake was constantly made in the form of an ant hill, but in my opinion this is not very convenient, since the pieces turn out to be such that they are not very convenient to eat. Once in a pastry shop, I saw an Anthill cake, which was laid out in the form ordinary cake I liked the idea, now I'm doing it. You can do as you wish.

    Pour the icing on top of the cake and sprinkle with chocolate chips (pour in when the icing has cooled a little, otherwise it will melt). It is very easy to make sawdust - for this, you need to scrape the chilled chocolate on the back with a knife (see photo).

    Chocolate should be dark and without additives. When pouring crumbs, do not touch it with your hands - it will stick. It is better to immediately pour it on the cake from the chocolate bar.
    Our delicious homemade cake "Anthill" is ready! Now you need to let him soak. To do this, put in the refrigerator overnight. You can drink tea in the morning

Bon appetit!

  • After cooking you will get 12 servings
  • Cooking time: 2 hours

Additional Information

  • Cooking time: 2 hours
  • Difficulty: for beginners
  • Equipment: Meat grinder, oven
  • Dish type: Festive, high-calorie
  • Cuisine of the peoples of the world: Russian