Sand cake with condensed milk "Sweet fantasy". Recipe with photo

If you do not know what to cook for tea in a hurry, then I recommend trying to make shortbread cake with condensed milk "Sweet fantasy".

Dough Ingredients:

  • Butter - 1 pack,
  • Eggs -2 pcs.,
  • Wheat flour of the highest grade - 2.5 cups,
  • Sour cream 20% fat - 2 cups,
  • Sugar - 2 cups
  • Soda - 1 tsp

For cream:

  • Boiled condensed milk - 500 gr.,
  • Walnuts

Cake with condensed milk "Sweet Fantasy" - recipe

Whisk the eggs together with the sugar until fluffy. Butter cut into pieces. Add to beaten eggs with sugar and stir. Then add sour cream. Pour in the soda. Mix the mass thoroughly. Now you can add flour. How much flour should be used, and what consistency should the dough be. This question is of interest to many housewives who love to cook homemade cakes. For this amount of ingredients, you will need about 2.5 cups of flour. So, add flour. Knead not too tight dough, as for.

As with other types of shortcrust pastry, it should be put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes before baking. After lying in a cold place, it will become more plastic and it will be easier to roll out. After thirty minutes, remove the dough from the refrigerator. Divide it into three equal parts. Roll out one piece of dough with a rolling pin into a thin rectangular shape.

Don't worry about uneven edges. Baked cakes will then be trimmed. Lay them out on a floured baking sheet. Poke holes all over the dough with a fork. Heat the oven to 200C. Put the baking sheet with the cake and bake for 20 minutes until cooked. So bake all three cakes.

Stack the finished shortbreads on top of each other. Cut the edges with a knife. As a result, ready-made rectangular cakes will be obtained. Grind the scraps with your hands into crumbs or lay them out on a board and walk over them with a rolling pin in different directions.

Now you can proceed to the next step - the formation of the cake. Coat the cakes with boiled condensed milk. Sprinkle finely chopped walnuts on top. You can also use peanuts instead of walnuts. Spread the top of the cake with condensed milk and sprinkle with nuts. In addition, the cake can also be sprinkled with chocolate chips.

Coat the sides of the cake with condensed milk and sprinkle with crumbs. Cake with condensed milk "Sweet fantasy" must be refrigerated for at least two hours before serving. During this time, it will soak and become tender and juicy. Happy tea drinking. It turns out no less tasty.

Cake with condensed milk "Sweet fantasy". A photo

With condensed milk. Ease of preparation, calorie content and, of course, the unforgettable taste of childhood return housewives to this recipe. Consider several options for baking dessert.

Oddly enough, but let's start with them, because by choosing one of the recipes for shortbread cake with condensed milk, you will not read the article to the end. There are tricks that will help you do everything quickly and correctly:

  • the indicated amount of flour is sometimes slightly different, so make sure that the dough always turns out to be elastic and sticks to your hands;
  • it is more convenient to roll out cakes between parchment;
  • before baking, it is better to pierce them with a fork or a toothpick in several places so that they do not swell;
  • do not try to make them even at the edges right away, as it is better to cut them hot, for example, along a dish or lid, and make crumbs for decoration from the leftovers;
  • so that they do not break and are easier to remove, bake on the back of the baking sheet.

The cakes are soaked for a long time, give the sand cake with condensed milk time to brew. Such pastries keep longer.

Good old homemade

One of the easiest ways to make a dessert, and you can decorate as you wish. Some sprinkle with crumbs, others cover with icing or lay out various berries.

For baking you will need:

  • butter (can be replaced with fat margarine) - 300 g;
  • 3 yolks;
  • a couple of cans of GOST condensed milk;
  • premium flour - 2.5-3 cups;
  • 1 tsp baking soda (for raising the dough);
  • sugar - 1 cup.

For a sand cake with condensed milk, you only need yolks, which you need to pour into sugar and grind. Add the resulting mass to the oil and mix well. Pour flour and soda (before that, extinguish with vinegar). The dough should stick well from the hands, but not crumble. Leave in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Divide into 4 equal parts and roll out with a rolling pin. Bake at 180 degrees. Apply condensed milk to each cake, and top with the next one. We coat the workpiece and the edges and decorate.


Consider a recipe with a photo of a sand cake with condensed milk. The name was taken from the famous chocolate bar. His taste is reminiscent of her.

You will need:

  • sugar sand (1 faceted glass);
  • flour sifted through a sieve (380 g);
  • 1 egg;
  • cocoa confectionery (30 g);
  • butter, creamy margarine (180 g);
  • sour cream 20% (50 g);
  • baking powder (10 g).


  • sour cream (2 cups);
  • walnut (250 g), if desired, replace with any other;
  • boiled condensed milk (1 can);
  • instant coffee (1 tablespoon);
  • slab chocolate.

In a deep container, mix the egg, sugar and sour cream with a whisk or mixer at low speed. After pour in a little melted margarine and mix well.

In a separate bowl, combine all dry ingredients: flour, baking powder and cocoa powder. After that, add the whipped mass. It should turn out to be a slightly sticky shortbread dough, which we send to cool.

We divide into 9 balls, from which we roll out and bake cakes. Each will stay in the oven for about 5 minutes.

Let's prepare a cream for a sand cake with condensed milk. To do this, in a small saucepan over low heat, melt the chocolate with boiled milk and coffee. Let cool and mix well with sour cream. Place in the refrigerator until the cakes are at room temperature.

We start assembly. On each cake, except for the last, we apply cream. In the rest of the mass, add sand crumbs crushed with a blender and walnuts. We generously cover the workpiece and decorate with strips of grated chocolate.


Above, recipes for shortbread cakes with condensed milk at home with a photo included baking cakes. But this is a different case and no less delicious.

  • a standard pack of butter, you can margarine (180 g);
  • a little table salt;
  • ½ tsp baking soda;
  • 100 g sour cream;
  • 4 faceted cups of baking flour.

Cream for "Anthill":

  • standard pack of butter;
  • 2 tbsp. l. steamed poppy;
  • jar of condensed cream.

Mash sour cream with a fork together with oil and salt. We extinguish 2 tbsp. l. vinegar soda and add along with flour. Knead a thick dough, divide into small balls and put it in the freezer.

After we rub the crumbs on a coarse grater and evenly pour a thin layer on a greased baking sheet. Bake for 20 minutes, stirring with a spatula, until browned.

At this time, prepare the cream, whipping all the ingredients with a mixer. Pour the sand crumbs here. Mix thoroughly with a spoon. The resulting mass is laid out in the form of a slide on a dish. You can grate chocolate on top.

Some are cunning and don’t bake for this cake, but use ordinary store-bought cookies instead of crumbs, but the taste immediately changes. Therefore, try and please your loved ones.

An anthill of those cakes that literally everyone has heard of. Many even tried, but there is no consensus - what it should be like does not exist. There are a lot of options, although all recipes have something in common - a form, and a cream of condensed milk. Since there are no cakes as such in the cake, the options for working with dough are almost unlimited. You can also decorate the finished cake in a variety of ways - who knows, these ants, from which they build their anthills!

Cake "Anthill" with condensed milk - general principles of cooking

  • "Anthill" is an easy-to-make dessert. The cake consists of shortcrust pastry crushed after baking, mixed with cream, which is prepared in most cases from boiled condensed milk with the addition of high-quality butter.
  • There is more than one shortcrust pastry recipe and its preparation depends on the specific recipe. The main thing is to properly prepare the dough so that after baking it can be easily broken into small pieces with your hands.
  • Most often, the kneaded dough is twisted in a meat grinder, while separating not too long strips, which are placed on a baking sheet. This classic option is not entirely convenient - not everyone wants to mess around in this way, and even more so to wash the meat grinder from the dough. The easiest option is to grind the chilled dough directly onto a baking sheet through a coarse grater. It can also be rolled out on parchment in a layer, which is then cut into thin strips.
  • In any case, the baked shortbread dough is broken while it is still a little warm. Cold sand blanks are more difficult to crumble.
  • If you don't want to bother with the preparation of the dough, you can use crumbly cookies. It, like baked sand blanks, is broken by hand.
  • In the preparation of the cream, boiled, best of all GOST, condensed milk is used. You can buy it ready-made or cook it yourself. Good butter is necessarily added to the cream for the "Anthill", which is softened in advance in heat and beaten with a mixer with condensed milk.
  • In order for the pieces of shortcrust pastry or cookies to be well saturated with creamy mass, they must be completely covered with it. Therefore, when mixing, it is advisable to gradually add crumbs to the cream, and not vice versa.
  • The prepared mixture is laid out on a dish, after which it is shaped by hands into a slide. Often, most of the mass is twisted in a meat grinder, and after the formation of the cake, it is covered with the set aside.
  • Decorate such a cake, showing all possible imagination. Dry poppy seeds or grated chocolate can give the cake the look of a real anthill. Dessert can be sprinkled with nuts or small crumbs from cookies.
  • Before serving, the "Anthill" is left for impregnation on the table, after which it is stored in the refrigerator.

The recipe for the classic cake "Anthill" with condensed milk


  • five tablespoons of sour cream;
  • four glasses of first-class flour;
  • half a glass of beet sugar;
  • soda, quicklime - 1/2 tsp;
  • standard can of caramelized condensed milk;
  • 300 gr. butter, high fat.

Cooking method:

  1. Melt 200 grams of butter and pour into a bowl. Let it sit for five minutes to cool down.
  2. Add sugar and carefully grind it with butter.
  3. Put sour cream into this mixture, add soda, stir well.
  4. Pour in the flour and knead thoroughly, first using a spoon, and then just with your hands.
  5. Line a baking sheet with parchment, prepare a meat grinder.
  6. Twist the prepared dough immediately after kneading through a meat grinder and spread it on a baking sheet, then place the roaster in the oven and bake until a light golden hue. In order for the dough to bake well, when scrolling, separate strips up to 15 cm long, and, placing them on a baking sheet, slightly push them apart.
  7. Lay the baked blanks on parchment or towel and leave to cool completely. Then put them in a wide bowl and crush them with a masher. No need to turn into crumbs, just break into medium-sized pieces.
  8. Put the boiled condensed milk to the butter softened in heat and beat with a mixer, gradually increasing the speed.
  9. Combine the creamy mass with the prepared crumbs and mix it thoroughly with a spoon. Then put everything on a flat plate and use your hands to form an anthill. Place in the refrigerator and let the cake soak for at least five hours.

Cake "Anthill" with condensed shortcrust pastry on sour cream


  • "Creamy", high-quality margarine - 250 gr.;
  • 100 gr. beet sugar, refined;
  • white first-class flour - 750 gr.;
  • a glass of sour cream with a fat content of up to 20%;
  • two spoons of poppy.
  • a can of boiled high-quality condensed milk;
  • a bag of sugar, vanilla;
  • butter, high-fat butter - 150 gr.

Cooking method:

  1. In advance, about half an hour, place the margarine in the freezer, and cut the butter into pieces and put them in a bowl in which you will prepare the cream.
  2. In a deep bowl, rubbing through large cells on a grater, chop the frozen margarine.
  3. Add sugar and sour cream, sprinkle with sifted flour and, thoroughly mixing the ingredients with your hands, prepare a stiff dough.
  4. Divide it exactly in half. Wrap one part in a film and leave it on the table, and roll out the second part with a layer of half a centimeter thickness on dry parchment, preferably a rectangular shape.
  5. Use a sharp kitchen knife to cut the parchment into thin strips and carefully drag the parchment onto a baking sheet. Then place in a hot oven and bake until golden.
  6. Do the same with the remaining dough. It can be rolled out and cut while the very first cake is being baked.
  7. Slightly cooled cakes break into small pieces and put in a bowl. It will not be difficult to do this, since with light pressure they themselves will break into strips.
  8. Beat the condensed milk with pieces of soft butter with a mixer until a homogeneous oily mass is obtained. Add vanilla, beat again and transfer to the crushed dough, mix.
  9. Cover a bowl with a narrowed bottom with any cling film, place the prepared mixture in it and put it in the freezer for half an hour. You can also in the "warm" chamber of the refrigerator, but for an hour.
  10. After the specified time has passed, turn the bowl over onto a plate of a suitable diameter, remove it from the cake. Sprinkle dried poppy seeds over the top and serve.

Cake "Anthill" with condensed shortcrust pastry with eggs


  • two eggs;
  • 150 gr. fat sour cream;
  • five large spoons of sugar;
  • a teaspoon of ripper;
  • a pack of butter or high-quality margarine;
  • wheat flour - 400 gr.
  • one and a half cans of GOST boiled condensed milk;
  • 300 gr. high fat butter.


  • 100 gram bar of milk dark chocolate.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind pieces of softened butter with granulated sugar. Add eggs, mix, add sour cream and mix well again.
  2. Pour in the baking powder, immediately add the sifted flour and start mixing with a spoon. When the dough begins to thicken, switch to hand kneading and knead it until smooth.
  3. After that, divide into balls, the size of a large plum. Transfer them to a wide plastic container and, covered with a lid, place in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.
  4. Twist the chilled balls of dough alternately in a meat grinder and spread them out on a baking sheet lined with parchment. Place in oven and bake until light golden brown.
  5. While still warm, crumble the dough with your hands. Due to the heat and the fact that the dough is twisted in a meat grinder, the workpieces crumble easily.
  6. Transfer the softened butter from the pack into a deep bowl and chop it into pieces right in it. Add condensed milk, beat the cream and transfer it to the broken crumbs, mix.
  7. Set aside a third of the mass, and twist the rest in a meat grinder and put it on a dish in a slide. From above, cover the "anthill" with a uniform layer of the deferred mass of cream and crumbs.
  8. Pour the chocolate melted by heating in a water bath into a confectionery syringe and, quickly pushing through the chocolate mass, apply arbitrary patterns to the surface of the cake.

How to cook an Anthill cake with condensed milk without baking (from cookies)


  • crumbly cookies "Baked milk" - 600 gr.;
  • half a pack of quality oil;
  • a tablespoon of sour cream;
  • 100 gr. peeled dried nuts;
  • dark natural chocolate, bitter or milk - 50 gr.

Cooking method:

  1. In a deep and fairly wide bowl, crumble cookies into medium-sized pieces.
  2. Put the condensed milk in a separate bowl. Add to it chopped into pieces, soft butter and sour cream. Beating with a mixer, and gradually increasing the speed from medium to maximum, prepare the cream.
  3. Pour finely chopped nuts into the creamy mass, mix. Then, gradually adding and mixing well each time, add the crushed cookies. All of its pieces should be well covered with a creamy mass, otherwise the cake will come out dry.
  4. Put the resulting mass with a spoon on a dish in the form of a slide and sprinkle its entire surface with large chocolate chips.

Recipe for homemade cake "Anthill" with condensed milk and nuts


  • three glasses of wheat, high-grade flour;
  • one egg;
  • 100 gr. granulated sugar;
  • half a glass of sour cream;
  • four large spoons of melted, warm margarine.

For cream:

  • two standard jars of boiled whole condensed milk;
  • vanilla sugar - 10 gr.;
  • a glass of hearts of nuts;
  • a pack of high quality oil;
  • four tablespoons of cognac;
  • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Mash softened margarine with egg and sugar until white. Enter sour cream, and, stirring, combine it with fat into a homogeneous mass.
  2. Pour first two cups of sifted flour and mix thoroughly with a spoon. Then, gradually adding the remaining flour, knead a steep and at the same time fairly soft dough.
  3. Divide it into four equal parts, roll each into a ball and place in the refrigerator for an hour. Be sure to put each ball in a separate bag.
  4. Line a baking sheet with a sheet of parchment, take out two balls of chilled dough and quickly rub it with a grater into large chips, evenly placing throughout the roasting pan. Bake the crushed dough until a delicate golden color is obtained, holding the heat at about 180 degrees.
  5. Drag the baked cake, without removing it from the parchment, onto the table, cut into pieces and leave to cool. Lay a clean piece of paper on a baking sheet and prepare the second blank in the same way.
  6. Break the cooled dough pieces into small pieces and place in a bowl.
  7. Chop the nut kernels with a knife and mix with the cooked crumbs. You can pre-heat the nuts in a dry frying pan.
  8. Mix boiled condensed milk with cocoa and vanilla sugar. Add pieces of soft butter, beat with a mixer. Pour in the cognac and stir it into the cream at medium speed of the mixer.
  9. Pour the prepared creamy mass into crumbs mixed with nuts and put the resulting mass in a slide on a dish.
  10. Let the cake soak for two hours at normal room temperature, then place in the refrigerator.

Recipe for a simple cake "Anthill" with condensed milk and dried fruit from cookies


  • any crumbly cookies - 800 gr.;
  • kernels of nuts, dried apricots and pulp of prunes - 100 gr each;
  • 50 gr. seedless raisins;
  • a pound of Mascarpone cream cheese;
  • two teaspoons of cocoa powder;
  • a small jar of boiled condensed milk.
  • two spoons of powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Break the cookies into random pieces. It is not necessary to make them the same size, ideally, if the mass consists of pieces ranging in size from one to two centimeters and a small amount of small crumbs.
  2. Lightly dry the nuts in a dry frying pan, then cool and cut into medium-sized pieces, try not to grind.
  3. Rinse dried fruits with cold water and pour them with not very hot water for a quarter of an hour. Then decant the liquid, and cut the fruits into medium-sized, square-shaped pieces. Add them to the cookies along with the nuts, mix.
  4. Whisk cream cheese with powdered sugar. Without ceasing to beat and adding a spoonful, enter the condensed milk. Set aside a little less than a third of the cream for decoration, and add the rest to the cookies and mix well.
  5. Transfer the prepared mass to a flat dish and, pressing lightly with moistened hands, form it into a slide.
  6. Mix the reserved cream with cocoa and apply it in a thin layer on the "anthill". For decoration, the top of the cake can be sprinkled with crushed nuts.

Cake "Anthill" with condensed milk - technology tricks and useful cooking tips

  • Shortbread dough will not stick to a meat grinder or grater if, after kneading, place it for half an hour in the “warm” compartment of the refrigerator.
  • Anthill quick cake can be easily prepared using corn sticks. So that tender sticks do not get wet from the cream, they are mixed only with boiled condensed milk.
  • You can diversify the taste of the cake by adding dried fruits or nuts. Many cooks supplement it with pieces of marmalade.

A difficult shortcrust pastry pie recipe with English condensed milk step by step with a photo. Easy to cook at home in 75 minutes. Contains only 103 kilocalories.

  • Preparation time: 9 minutes
  • Time for preparing: 75 minutes
  • Amount of calories: 103 kilocalories
  • Servings: 12 servings
  • Complexity: Difficult recipe
  • National cuisine: English cuisine
  • Dish type: pies

Ingredients for eight servings

  • For test:
  • Ingredients:
  • 3 cups flour
  • 300 g butter or margarine
  • 1 glass of granulated sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • soda on the tip of a knife
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • vanilla sugar and cinnamon to taste
  • (I also added orange juice from one slice, but this is optional)
  • Filling:
  • 1 can of boiled condensed milk.

Step by step cooking

  1. Sift flour into a large bowl. Mix with cinnamon and vanilla sugar. Pour granulated sugar, soda slaked with lemon juice on top, put butter or margarine cut into pieces, and squeeze orange juice as desired. Mix well. Add eggs and mix well again.
  2. Roll the dough into a ball and refrigerate for an hour.
  3. Divide the dough into two parts. Put one part in the form as a base, grate the second part on a coarse grater.
  4. Put boiled condensed milk on the base and spread evenly.
  5. Spread the grated shortcrust pastry on top.
  6. Bake for about 15 minutes at 180 degrees.
  7. Bon appetit!

The pie is insanely delicious. The main thing is not to let the condensed milk turn into caramel during baking. Therefore, it is important not to overdo it.

    Sand cakes always work out, because working with this dough is much easier than with biscuits. There is no need to be afraid that it will fall off and not bake, which is why many housewives love such recipes. Cake "Tanita" was invented in the 70s in a restaurant called "Siberia" in the city of Prokopyevsk. The name of the director of the restaurant was Tatyana, after whom this dessert was named. Many people liked thin shortbread cakes soaked in a layer of caramel cream from boiled condensed milk, so the recipe has survived to this day. But now it is not necessary to go to a restaurant to try a piece. It can also be baked at home.


  • Butter - 100 g
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Flour - 2 tbsp.
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp
  • Vinegar - 1 tbsp.


  • Boiled condensed milk - 1 can
  • Butter - 100 g

Chocolate frosting (optional):

  • Cocoa - 2 tbsp.
  • Butter - 2 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp
  • Milk or water - 2 tbsp.

Step by step photos of the recipe:

With a mixer or a whisk, manually beat the eggs with sugar.

Then add the sifted flour with soda and knead the shortcrust pastry. It should not be very hard, so do not add more flour.

Roll out each ball into a cake.

Shortbread dough is very difficult and inconvenient to roll out, so it is best to do it with parchment paper. Put the dough on paper and cover with a second sheet on top, and then roll out.

Remove the top sheet, and leave the bottom one and transfer it directly on it to a baking sheet. By the way, if you scour and carry the cake without paper, it can tear or stretch.

To keep the cakes neat, even and of the same size, you can trim the edges with a plate of a suitable diameter or other round shape, such as a cake pan.

If there is no baking paper, then cut it off after placing the dough on a baking sheet.

Do not remove the dough around the edges. It will come in handy for sprinkling the finished cake.

We send it to the oven for 10-15 minutes to bake at 180 C. You can try baking in a pan, but on low heat and with the lid covered.

Well, now we are preparing the cream. Everything is just as simple here.

We take boiled condensed milk and put it in a deep container, add softened butter and beat with a mixer until smooth.

When the cakes have cooled, then grease each with a layer of cream and do not forget to coat the sides.

The top cake can also be smeared with cream, but you can pour glaze over it.

Decorate with chocolate icing.

In a saucepan, mix cocoa, sugar and milk or water. Cook, stirring all the time, until the sugar dissolves and the mass thickens slightly. Then add the butter and let the glaze cool, but it should not harden. The icing should spread over the cake on its own.

We pour over the top of the cake and, if desired, you can decorate with nuts: walnuts, forest nuts, almonds, etc.

Let the cake soak for at least 4 hours, but it is best to leave it on the table overnight, and not in the refrigerator, as the cream will harden in the refrigerator and the cakes will remain firm.

Happy tea drinking everyone!

Secrets of making shortcrust pastry

There are several types of dough that differ in their taste characteristics. Shortbread is used for baking crumbly cookies that melt in your mouth. But sometimes it happens that the dough turns out not at all the way we would like. In order for the baking not to turn out hard, you must follow some recommendations:

  1. To bake really crumbly, you need to add a large number of margarine or butter. In this case, the best option would be to use both in equal proportions. If you neglect this requirement, the cookies will turn out to be harder and tasteless.
  2. All components must be cold, so before starting work, you can put them in the refrigerator for a while. However, care must be taken to ensure that they do not freeze.
  3. The prepared flour must be carefully rubbed with butter or margarine. As a result, a dough with a crumbly structure is formed, which will not be hard.
  4. It is very important to adhere to the correct ratio of ingredients. So, to achieve the desired effect, oils should be taken half as much as flour.
  5. It is recommended to replace granulated sugar with powder, and eggs can be completely abandoned. This approach will allow you to get a softer dough, which will be very crumbly. Sometimes an egg can still be used, but in this case it is better to get by with one yolk, separating it from the protein.
  6. You need to work with your hands, trying to knead it as quickly as possible so that the margarine does not start to melt. Otherwise, this will affect the consistency of the finished product, which will become more rigid.
  7. All components must be used in a specific sequence. First, powdered sugar and soda are added to the flour. You can add vanilla. After that, the mixture is rubbed with oil, and only then the grated mass is mixed with the liquid. In this case, you can take both water and sour cream.
  8. Before rolling out the dough, you can hold it for half an hour in the refrigerator. You should work with a rolling pin from the middle, constantly making sure that it does not stick. To do this, sprinkle the dough with a little flour from time to time. The optimal thickness of the rolled cake is 4-8 mm.
  9. To make pastries melt in your mouth, it is best to bake them in a preheated oven. In this case, the temperature should be at least 180 degrees.
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