Canape with quail eggs. Variants of buffet snacks on skewers for the festive table

Greetings dear readers. Let's talk about snacks today. What is a canape - this is a French "invention" and translates as "tiny". This is fully consistent with the description, since such a snack is very small, as they say "for one tooth." Let's learn how to cook canape on skewers on festive table.

By the way, this word can also be translated as "sofa", I myself was very surprised. But the meaning turns out to be what is meant here as a basis. Usually, canapes are based on bread or a loaf and other ingredients are already placed on it.

Canapes are usually very popular at receptions, picnics, large and mass holidays. Such a snack is easy to feed people quickly enough. Today, canapes are firmly fixed on any holiday tables. This is not surprising. After all, there are a lot of recipes for this snack. and the design is very beautiful, especially if you show imagination.

Today we will consider with you one of the most common canape recipes. They are always prepared very simply and quickly. Even when you see the final product in the photo, you can always do it yourself, repeat it. Well, during cooking, you can turn on your imagination and make your own changes.

You can use any products, even the most simple and unexpected ones, I think there will be no problems here, let's cook canapes on skewers for the festive table.

Canape with fish.

There are a great many types of canapes, it’s very difficult to sort them into groups, but I still collected the most common recipes into small subgroups for your convenience. Let's start with fish, what is a festive table without fish? Small appetizers with fish are a great option.

Canape with herring and beets.

One of the most simple options hastily.

We will need:

  • Black bread;
  • Herring fillet;
  • Garlic;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Boiled beets;
  • Dill.

The amount of ingredients depends on how many appetizers you want to cook, so here you need to look for yourself.

Step 1.

Grate boiled beets, mix with mayonnaise, dill and squeezed garlic.

Step 2

Cut the bread and fish fillet into slices.

Step 3

Now we spread beets on bread, herring on top and pierce with a skewer or toothpick.

Very beautiful and diverse skewers for canapes are now on sale. You should think about them in advance and stock up.

And here is another good option, only used for decoration onion, very effectively.

Herring boats.

And this recipe is very colorful, will decorate any holiday table.


  • Herring fillet - 1-2 pieces;
  • Quail eggs - 5 pcs;
  • Black bread;
  • Mayonnaise.

Step 1.

Cut the fillet into equal slices, remove all the bones. One fish makes 2 fillets.

Step 2

Cut the bread into small pieces, grease with a little mayonnaise. we also erase the crust

Step 3

We clean the boiled quail eggs and cut them in half, put the halves on the bread.

Step 4

Now we put fillet pieces on a skewer to make a sail. We put this sail on our sandwiches. From above, you can beautifully decorate with greens.

Canape from herring "Ship"

You can decorate in different ways and use any ingredients in a canapé. Here is another version of a canape with herring:

Instead of herring, you can use any other fish.

Red fish canape.

Red fish is always welcome on any table. Now I will show you a very beautiful and simple canape recipe on skewers for a red fish festive table. In this recipe we will use salmon, but you can use any other red fish.


  • Salmon - 100-150 g;
  • Bread for toast;
  • Curd cheese - 100-150 g;
  • Fresh cucumber - 1-2 pcs.

Step 1.

Bread for toast should be cut into equal pieces. At the same time, we remove the crust. You can make a round shape, for example, by pushing a glass. The best option is to use different molds.

Step 2

Cucumber cut into thin slices and put on bread.

It is best when all the ingredients are the same size, if possible. Looks nice and aesthetically pleasing. For example, in this case bread and cucumber, it is better that bread and cucumber are the same size.

Step 3

Now cut the salmon into thin and long strips. We spread cheese on each piece and twist it into a roll. Put it all on a cucumber and get a masterpiece))).

The fish will hold on to the cheese. For convenience, you can stick skewers in the center or simply put them on a dish nearby.

You can change the recipe a little and instead of cucumber make mayonnaise sauce with greens. And the fish itself can be beautifully made in the form of a rose. The greens on top will also look beautiful.

Here's another video you can watch:

Canape with salmon and quail eggs.

I really liked this recipe great snack before the main course.


  • Quail eggs - 8 pcs;
  • Salmon or lightly salted trout - 80 g;
  • Curd cheese Almette - 70 g;
  • Rye bread - 4 slices;
  • Dill - a few branches.

Step 1.

Mix cheese with finely chopped dill. Mix thoroughly so that the dill is evenly distributed in the mass.

Step 2

We clean the eggs. Boil for 5-7 minutes in boiling water. They are needed in their entirety.

Step 3

Cut the salmon into small pieces, according to the number of canapés.

Step 4

Bread cut into thin squares and dried in the oven. If there are crusts, then they need to be cut off.

Step 5

Now, after the bread has cooled, we put a piece of fish on it. From above we lay out a little our cheese with herbs and an egg. We pierce everything with a skewer and decorate with dill.

Canape with sausage.

As we talked about fish, the same can be said about sausage. Nothing on the table without it. Now consider canapes on skewers on a festive table with sausage and other ingredients.

Appetizer with cucumber and olives.


  • Baguette;
  • Smoked sausage;
  • Butter;
  • fresh cucumber;
  • Pitted olives;
  • Lettuce leaves.

Step 1.

Cut the baguette into slices, grease with oil and lay out the lettuce leaves.

Step 2

Cucumber should be cut into thin slices. The best way to do this is with a vegetable cutter. Cut the sausage in the same way.

Step 3

Now we string an olive on a skewer or a toothpick, a cucumber rolled into a roll, then a sausage and put it on a baguette. All is ready.

It's also a pretty simple recipe. We continue to fantasize and make canapés on skewers on the festive table with sausage.


  • Baguette - piece;
  • Dried sausage - 80-100 g;
  • Cucumber - 1 pc, large;
  • Tomatoes - 2-3 pieces, small;
  • Hard cheese - 50 g;
  • Pitted olives - 10 pcs.

Step 1.

First you need to cut a ring baguette and dry it in the oven, it turns out something like croutons. Definitely chill.

Step 2

Now you need to cut the olives in half, and cut the cucumber into thin slices along.

Halve the olives and cut the cucumber into thin slices

Step 3

Cut the tomatoes into thin circles. Cheese is also cut into thin slices. It is advisable to cut it in circles according to the diameter of the baguette.

Step 4

Now you can spread a little mayonnaise on the croutons. Put cheese and tomatoes on top.

Step 5

We put half an olive on a skewer. Then we string the cucumber in the form of a wave:

Step 6

Behind the cucumber was sausage. It can be rolled into a roll and onto a skewer. And already stick it in a baguette. Festive canape ready.

With cherry tomatoes.

Now let's prepare canapes on skewers for the festive table with boiled sausage and cherry tomatoes. It looks like a simple recipe, but tasty, beautiful and satisfying, everything is as it should be in a canapé.


  • Doctor's boiled sausage;
  • Cherry tomatoes;
  • Leaf lettuce;
  • parsley;
  • The bread is white.

Step 1.

Cut the bread into thin slices and cut out a round shape.

Step 2

Put lettuce on top, then sausage. We fold it 4 times.

Step 3

Put one cherry tomato and parsley on top. We fasten everything with a skewer.

Snacks canape with cheese.

Very often in canapes on skewers on the festive table there is cheese. Therefore, we will separately talk about such small, but satisfying snacks. Yes, and in the recipes described above, there were already such snacks with cheese.

Canape "Assorted".

Now we will describe 4 types of canapes with one recipe. That is why this recipe is called so. Everything is still very simple and varied.


  • Rye bread - 75-80 g;
  • Ham 100 g;
  • Hard cheese - 50 g;
  • Canned pineapple - 1 ring;
  • Pickled cucumbers - 1 pc;
  • Cherry tomatoes - 3 pcs;
  • Olives - 3 pcs.

Canape "Assorted" - 4 recipes

Step 1.

First bread. We cut slices, cut off the crust from them, divide into 4 parts. Place in preheated oven to dry.

Step 2

Now hard cheese you need to cut into squares, not very thin and the size of a canape.

Step 3

Same thing with ham.

Step 4

Cut the pickled cucumber into thin slices obliquely.

Step 5

When the bread has cooled, put cheese on each slice, ham on top. This will be the basis for all types of canapes.

Step 6

Now the first kind of canape. Lay out the cucumber slices and fasten with a skewer.

Step 7

Second type: put cherry tomatoes on the base and pierce with a skewer.

Step 8

The third type: cut the pineapple to the desired size, put it on the base and fasten it with a skewer.

Step 9

The fourth type: put whole olives on each base and pierce with a skewer.

That's all, now we put it beautifully on a plate and serve for a hundred. Can be garnished with lettuce and herbs.

Appetizer with olives, mozzarella and salami.

Highly simple canapes on skewers on the festive table, you can’t imagine easier.


  • Olives;
  • Mozzarella;
  • Parsley.
  • Salami.

Everything is quite simple. You need to cut the cheese and salami to the size of the olives. Next, we take sausage as a basis, then parsley, cheese and olive. We fasten everything with a skewer or a toothpick.

Here is another simple, but very cool option:

Canape with mozzarella and cherry tomatoes.


  • Mozzarella cheese;
  • Cherry tomatoes;
  • Basil leaves.

We cut the cheese into cubes according to the size of the tomatoes, even a little less. Now we have a tomato at the bottom, then cheese and a basil leaf. Autumn looks cool.

Canape cheese in ham.

Sometimes canapes don't look like they usually do, layer by layer. You can also make small rolls and fasten them with a skewer. Like this recipe for example.

You can also do the same not with ham, but with bacon. But they will have to be slightly darkened in the oven, we wrote about this in a post:

Everything is elementary here, the main thing is to cut the ham very thinly and into long strips. We wrap the pieces of cheese, fasten with a skewer or a toothpick. You can decorate with greenery.

Appetizers with shrimp.

A special chic in appetizers is shrimp. They not only look beautiful on canapés, but are also insanely delicious. I advise everyone to cook canapes on skewers for a festive table with shrimp.

Shrimps with tomatoes.

Consider one of the most simple recipes. But they look just amazing.

We will need:

  • Boiled shrimp - 10 pcs;
  • Small or cherry tomatoes - 4-5 pcs;
  • Bread, preferably toasted - 3-4 pcs.

Step 1.

Of course the shrimp must be boiled. It is better if they are large.

Step 2

Cut the tomatoes into circles. They all need to be the same size as possible.

Step 3

In toast bread, cut out rounds according to the size of tomatoes, slices. But you can cut any other shape. Dry the bread a little in the oven and cool.

Step 4

Now just put a tomato, shrimp on each piece of bread and fasten it with a skewer. Top with greenery.

Such an appetizer always diverges very quickly, so you can cook more of it.

Shrimps with grapes.

This type of snack is also very simple, but it looks very impressive.

Grapes are best taken without seeds. And everything is done very simply. I think the photo is clear and without description. Just two ingredients and beauty. The same can be done with cancer necks.


  • Shrimps;
  • Fresh cucumber;
  • Cream cheese;
  • Parsley and dill;
  • Pitted olives.

Step 1.

Mix cream cheese thoroughly with finely chopped greens. By the way, the shrimp should be already boiled. If not, cook and clean.

Step 2

Cut into thin slices obliquely fresh cucumber.

Step 3

Now grease the cucumber with cream cheese, put the olive inside and fasten it with a skewer.

Step 4

Decorate with shrimp as in the photo. Greenery can also be decorated.

It is advisable to use large shrimp in this recipe, but with small ones it also turns out not bad:

And you can also do the same, but with small shrimp, but use bread as a base and remove the olives, put everything on a skewer.

And here's another recipe:

Fruit canapes.

These are the simplest types of canapes on skewers on the festive table, they only act as a dessert. You don’t need to cook anything special, just see in the picture how and what, cut it and you can experiment yourself. But you can decorate the table in many different ways.

But fresh fruits can be put on a skewer without a base, as they are denser in structure. But it’s better not so with canned ones, they need a base, usually crackers.

There is nothing special to describe here, just look and maybe you will have your own ideas on how to make everything even more interesting.

Here, too, everything is quite simple, the main thing is to fit the fruit to one size (cut) and put it on a plate, as it turned out to be a high appetizer and will not stand. You can sprinkle powdered sugar on top.

And here are the original New Year's fruit canapes, just a hat of Santa Claus.

The next batch is just licking your fingers. In fact, you can string any fruit on a skewer, pour over the icing. Then let it lie down in the refrigerator so that the glaze has cooled down and can be served.

Well, here everything is quite simple, but colorful.


That's all we have. Of course, I want to cover a lot more recipes, but there are so many of them that it is impossible to count them all. I hope you liked our selection and you will choose something for yourself or maybe you have your own ideas? Share your ideas with us in the comments and tell us about us in in social networks. See you in the next editions.

Canape on skewers on the festive table: simple and delicious recipes. updated: December 15, 2017 by: Subbotin Pavel

Buffet canapes are a fairly popular form of treat. What can not be said about the buffet itself - in our country, such a form is still not as popular as traditional feasts.

The buffet format is used at official events, coffee breaks, conferences and business meetings. The main difference is the lack of chairs, that is, the guest has to take treats from the table and eat while standing. Therefore, the canape becomes a salvation for guests and event organizers.

Canape - light snacks from several ingredients, connected by skewers. It is convenient to take them, they are satisfying, but not heavy. The composition of canapes is limited only by the budget and the imagination of the chef.

The composition of the snack can include both refined red fish and simple and affordable herring. Quite often they use bread, sausage and its varieties, cheese as a basis. There are also vegetable and fruit canapes. Recipes really can not be counted - there are many, it remains only to choose according to your pocket and taste.

Canape can be used not only for a buffet table. For the usual feast, including home, this form is also very convenient. It can be used during nature outings, as well as, for example, for fruit snacks on a sweet table.

How to cook canapes for a buffet table - 15 varieties

A very simple canapé. Fast, from available products. Great option for family gatherings.


  • Bread - by the number of skewers
  • Hard cheese - 50 g
  • Greens - to taste
  • Melted cheese - 1 cube
  • Mayonnaise - to taste


Bread cut into small squares. Dry in the oven for a couple of minutes.

Mix mayonnaise with finely chopped herbs. Add to it processed cheese and beat with a blender. Cut hard cheese in the same shape as bread. Thread the bread onto long skewers, generously coat with cheese and mayonnaise paste, top with a piece of hard cheese. Then more bread. This combination can be repeated on a skewer two or three times.

Definitely an attractive meal option. Light and tasty - for sophisticated ladies, especially those who take care of their figure.


  • Hard cheese - 50 g
  • Blue cheese - 50 g
  • Parmesan cheese - 50 g
  • Seedless red grapes - 200 g


Cut the cheese into identical 1x1 cm cubes. Cut the grapes in half. String everything on a skewer: grapes cut to cheese - hard cheese, then again grapes - brie cheese - grapes - parmesan - grapes cut to cheese.

Interesting recipe and presentation. At first glance, it looks like an ordinary sandwich that we are used to seeing in American films. But with serving on skewers, its purpose changes.


  • Toast bread - 4 slices
  • Green onion feathers - 3-4 pcs.
  • Salted salmon - 50 g
  • Fresh cucumbers - 1 pc.
  • Olives and black olives - to taste


Toast slices of bread in a toaster or in a dry frying pan. Put a whole slice on the board, grease with mayonnaise on top and lay out red fish plates. The fish should completely cover the entire surface of the bread. Put thin slices of cucumber on it, then chopped onion and close with another toast smeared with mayonnaise.

From a ready-made sandwich, cut off the crusts on all sides. Cut each of them diagonally into triangles, or another convenient shape. Thread a sandwich onto a skewer, if desired, decorate both sides with olives or black olives.

Making canapes more original is easy. For hard foods - bread, cheese, ham - you can use not just a round or square shape, but also funny cookie cutters. Canape in the form of a Christmas tree, a heart or a cloud will surely appeal not only to children.

Few ingredients, but interesting presentation. A good option both for formal receptions and for family celebrations.


  • Salami - 100 g
  • Hard cheese - 100 g
  • Bread - 1 pc.
  • Pitted olives - 1 can


Cut the bread into slices about a centimeter thick. Cut the sausage into thin circles, the cheese can be thicker, up to 0.5 cm. Put the cheese on the bread. Bend the salami circle into an arc, place the olive perpendicularly inside, pierce with a skewer. Thus, the salami will be threaded on both sides, and the skewer will go along the olive, where the stone was. Next, thread the cheese and bread, which serve as the base of the canapes.

Canape for buffet "penguin"

A very simple appetizer. But incredibly impressive externally! Beware - olive lovers may not like it.


  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Pitted olives - 1 can
  • Soft pasty cheese - 100 g


Peel the carrots and cut into thin slices. Take the olives out of the jar. Part of the olives (according to the number of canapes) cut lengthwise, cut half of this amount in half across. Cut carrot circles into the shape of paws.

To do this, cut off a small triangle from the circle with the upper corner inside the circle (like a hollow between the paws), then trim a little along the edges from it to remove the roundness.

Stuff the cut olives with soft cheese. Put the stuffed olive on the circle of carrots, and on it - an empty half. Connect everything with a skewer: carrots will serve as the base.

A very colorful and tasty combination. Sweet and light at the same time.


  • Smoked chicken (can be replaced with fried) - 200 g
  • Cherry tomatoes - 200 g
  • Lettuce leaves - 50 g
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  • Bread - 1 pc.


Cut the chicken into thin small slices. Cut the bread and dry it in the oven or in a frying pan. Put a lettuce leaf in size, a small slice of pepper on each piece.

Cut cherry tomatoes in half and thread cut side down on skewers. To it, pick up a couple of pieces of chicken, then thread everything that is prepared on bread.

Simple yet elegant and delicious recipe. Available as a whole products together create an exquisite harmony of taste.


  • Hard cheese - 50 g
  • Sweet pepper - 1 pc.
  • Bread - 5 slices
  • Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Lightly salted salmon - 100 g
  • Olives - 1 bank


Prepare food for canapés. They need to be cut into pieces of the same size: cubes or circles. The thickness of a piece is about 1 cm, no more, the size is also no more than 1x1 cm. Put an olive across the skewer, then a piece of salmon, cucumber, bread, pepper and cheese.

It is easy to give the same rounded shape to the components of the snack using a conventional medical syringe with a volume of 10-20 ml. From the side of the needle, you need to cut off a part of the tube to get an even round cut. They also squeeze circles from prepared soft foods.

Option from the category of "it does not happen easier." Just two components that together make an excellent composition.


  • Peeled shrimps - 300 g
  • Fresh pineapple - 1 pc.


Boil shrimp in salted water for two to three minutes, cool.

Peel the pineapple and cut into cubes one by one centimeter.

Pass a rolled (physiologically, as it rolls itself) shrimp onto a skewer, stick it into a pineapple cube.

A savory snack, perfect for men, especially with the well-known strong Russian alcoholic drink.


  • Bread - according to the number of canapes
  • smoked bacon- 5 strips
  • Cherry (tomatoes) - by number of servings
  • Mustard - to taste
  • Parsley - to taste


First you need to prepare small fried croutons - within 3x3 cm. They can be replaced with plain bread.

Lubricate the toast with a light layer of mustard. Thread whole tomatoes onto skewers. On a greased toast, roll a strip of bacon into a roll, on it - a sprig of parsley. And pierce everything with a tomato skewer.

A light Italian flavor emanates from this appetizer. Everything ingenious is simple.


  • Cherry tomatoes - 100 g
  • Mozzarella - 200 g
  • Pesto sauce - 50 g


Cut the tomatoes in half and place cut side down on a serving platter. Cut mozzarella into small pieces. Thread the cheese with a skewer and stick into the cherry. Drizzle a little pesto on top of the mozzarella.

An appetizer with salted herring familiar to our table. This taste will not leave anyone indifferent.


  • Herring fillet - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Fresh carrots - 1 pc.
  • Potato - 1 pc.
  • Bread - by number of servings
  • Soft cheese- 100 g


Cut the bread into desired pieces. Boil carrots and potatoes in their skins.

Finely chop the onion in half rings and marinate in 6% vinegar for five minutes.

Brush slices of bread with cheese. Slice potatoes and carrots. Cut the herring into cross pieces. On a skewer, string a circle of carrots, then one half ring of onion, a piece of herring. Inside the piece of herring, thread another piece of carrot, so the herring will be pierced twice and fixed in the form of a sail. Then stick the skewer into slices of potatoes and bread. You can add a parsley leaf if you like.

Another easy option snacks. minimum products, interesting combination colorful presentation.


  • Peeled shrimps - 300 g
  • Fresh cucumber - 2 pcs.
  • Bread - 1 pc.
  • Cream cheese - 100 g
  • Fresh parsley - 10 g


Cut the bread into even slices. Cucumber, without removing the peel, cut into very thin strips along. Boil the shrimp in boiling salted water for a couple of minutes.

Lay out the bread on a platter. Put the shrimp in the center of the cucumber strip and a little cream cheese. Fold the strip so that you get a ring with a shrimp inside, and pierce everything through with a skewer. Stick into bread.

Unusual form of presentation, interesting flavor combination- the undoubted advantages of this dish. Such an appetizer can be served to dear guests and beloved family.


  • Ground pistachios - 50 g
  • Bread - by number of servings
  • Fresh seedless grapes - 200 g
  • Blue cheese - 50 g
  • Green salad - 100 g
  • Adyghe cheese (soft) - 50 g
  • Mayonnaise - 1 tbsp.
  • Spices - to taste


In a deep bowl, mix cheeses (grated), mayonnaise and spices. Mix thoroughly.

From slices of bread, cut out the desired size of the form. Place a lettuce leaf on each.

Take a little cheese mass in the palm of your hand, put one grape in its center and form a ball. Roll the ball in ground nuts and lay on bread with salad. String another grape on a skewer and pierce the ball and bread with it.

When using bread in canapes - fresh or fried - be aware of the crusts. Their presence is unacceptable in such thin snacks, so all crusts must be carefully cut off.

A good option for receiving guests. Everything is fast but tasty.


  • French baguette - 1 pc.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  • Lightly salted salmon - 200 g
  • Pickled cucumbers - 300 g
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Fresh parsley - 20 g


Cut the loaf across into circles no thicker than a centimeter. Cucumbers also cut into circles, and put on bread. Put a piece of fish on top, on it - a small strip of pepper and onion. Pierce with a skewer.

Simple and fast cooking fully compensated by the unusual taste of appetizers with an Italian accent.


  • Mozzarella (mini balls) - 200 g
  • fresh spinach- 50 g
  • Cherry Tomatoes - per serving
  • Oregano (spice) - to taste
  • Olive oil - to taste


Thread a ball of mozzarella onto a skewer, then roll up a spinach leaf and string as well. The next one is a whole tomato.

Put the finished skewers on a dish, sprinkle with oregano and drizzle with oil.

Canape is currently a very popular form of serving appetizers. There are an incredible number of recipes for such dishes. Perhaps the most common options are canapés with olives. It is olives that are in perfect harmony with all products and are good decoration any snack.

Why canapes?

Canapes were invented by French chefs. A special form of serving snacks immediately found many fans. Very quickly, recipes for such dishes scattered around the world. It should be noted that the use of this form of serving snacks has long gone beyond buffet events. Now canapes with olives and other products can be seen in every restaurant and banquet, at events of various levels. But housewives have long appreciated all the advantages of snacks in the form of canapes. After all, such snack dishes are an adornment of any table. Of course, real professionals are able to create real miracles of laying out ingredients, but at home you can recreate beautiful and delicious food.

Canape with olives on skewers

Canapes are distinguished by their versatility, for which hostesses love them. They are great for all events. And the very preparation of snacks is an incredibly interesting and exciting process, because here you can show your imagination.

In fact, a canape is a very calculated one bite. Oddly enough, but it is these snacks that are the main decoration of the table. They always look bright and appetizing, and therefore are in demand.

For canapes, cheeses, hams, fruits, vegetables and other products are usually used. An obligatory component of any snack are olives. They give the dish a finished look. In addition, olives are very tasty and are combined perfectly with any products.

They can be attributed to the category of ingredients that cannot be dispensed with when organizing a festive table. They add to any dish. spicy taste. Olives are good in combination with cheeses, fruits, bell pepper, salmon, bacon and other products. Canape with olives can be offered to any alcoholic beverages. There are even options for serving olives as part of sweet snacks.

In order to beautifully arrange canapés with olives, chefs recommend using special skewers. Thematic stores have a huge selection of them. You can choose skewers for every taste and budget. They can be of different sizes, colors and have decorations.

However, skewers are far from the only option. If guests are in a hurry to you, and you don’t have the appropriate accessory for making canapes, you can use ordinary toothpicks.

Canapes are designed for just one bite, so don't make them too big. A small snack looks more elegant and beautiful, and it is much more convenient to use.

There are no standard forms for making canapés. You can use different products, but combined to taste. Culinary experts recommend serving the appetizer on a wide plate. Canapes are laid out in several rows. But you can lay them out in the form of some figure. When preparing canapes, you can play with colors, bright snack looks much better on the table.

Spicy canape

To prepare such a canape with olives on skewers, you will need sausage and cheese. To spice up the dish, it is better to use raw smoked sausage (for example, Finnish).


We clean the sausage and cut into thin slices. Grind the cheese into cubes. We string olives on skewers, then cheese and sausage. The sausage must be rolled several times, then the canape will look more elegant.

Delicate canapes

Canapés with cheese and olives on skewers are very tender. For cooking, you need pork ham.


  • jar of olives;
  • cheese (190 g);
  • ham (160 g).

Ham must be cut into thin strips. Moreover, it is desirable that meat product had no veins. If there are any, then they must be removed. Chop the cheese into cubes. We collect canapes in the following sequence - cheese, ham and olive roll.

Canape with pineapple

Canape with cheese, pineapples and olives is a classic. The appetizer is based on a very successful combination of products. As a rule, absolutely everyone likes such a dish. In addition, the simplicity of preparing snacks captivates. It can be done in literally minutes.


  • jar of olives;
  • 1/3 can of canned pineapples;
  • hard cheese (120 g).

Cut the cheese into equal squares, drain the liquid from the olives and pineapples. If you purchased pineapples in pieces, then you don't even have to cut them. But the fruit in the form of rings will need to be chopped, giving the slices the shape of a square or triangle.

After all the components are ready, we begin to collect canapes. We stick products on toothpicks in the following sequence - cheese, then olive, and then a slice of pineapple. Canape with olives (photo is given in the article) and pineapples are ready.

hearty snack

The recipes for canapés with olives with photos given in our article will help you understand the variety of options for preparing and decorating snacks. Excellent hearty meal are Juicy meat is often used to prepare all kinds of snacks. Ham is very tasty and convenient for making canapés. In addition, the appetizer turns out to be hearty, all three or four mini-sandwiches are able to satisfy hunger.


  • black bread (five slices);
  • hard cheese (210 g);
  • two pickles;
  • jar of olives;
  • ham (180 g).

Ham goes well not only with white, but also with black bread. An appetizer can be prepared with any bread product. Our recipe uses the black variety. To make canapes interesting, you can cut curly slices of bread using culinary molds.

It can be not only circles, but also stars, daisies, triangles and so on. With the help of the same molds, you can also cut cheese. We cut the cucumber into thin slices, and the meat into slices. Next, we collect a snack, piercing bread, meat, a piece of cucumber and an olive on a toothpick. Canape with cheese, olive and cucumber is ready.

Canape with marmalade and cheese

Canape with olives, cheese and marmalade will be appreciated by adults and children. At first glance, completely incompatible products are used, but this is not so. Such a festive dish can become a real decoration of the table. His unusual taste able to surprise even gourmets. By the way, this appetizer is perfect for light alcoholic drinks.


  • marmalade (120 g);
  • jar of olives;
  • half a lemon;
  • hard cheese (135 g).

Cut lemon slices, cheese into cubes. As for marmalade, it should also be crushed. We cut it into slices so that they do not exceed the size of the cheese cubes. In general, all ingredients should be about the same size. Highly beautiful appetizer obtained by using colored marmalade.

Now it remains to collect canapes. We put a slice of lemon on the cheese, and marmalade on top. Completes the composition of the olive. We chip off the canape with a toothpick.

Canape recipes with olives are very diverse. A very tasty appetizer using seafood, including shrimp. We offer to cook easy diet dish with shrimps, cucumber and olives.


  • cucumber;
  • eight shrimp;
  • the same number of olives and a few lettuce leaves.

Cut the cucumber into circles, but not thinly. In this embodiment, it is the cucumber slices that will act as the basis for the canapes. Boil shrimp in slightly salted water. After they cool down, clean them. Lettuce leaves are thoroughly washed and dried, then we tear them into pieces, about the same size as cucumbers.

We begin to collect canapes. On a toothpick, we alternately prick the products in the following sequence - shrimp, olives, lettuce and cucumber. Try to assemble the canapes in such a way that the olive appears to be inside the shrimp. The lunch looks very impressive.

Greek canapes

Already by the name of the snack, you can guess about its components. The dish is an analogue of Greek salad and is prepared from the same products. Canapes with olives and cheese are very tasty and juicy.


  • jar of olives;
  • cherry tomatoes (branch);
  • fresh cucumber (3 pcs.);
  • 1 st. l. lemon juice;
  • balsamic vinegar (two tablespoons);
  • olive oil (five tablespoons);
  • greens, ground pepper.

For canapes, chop the cheese into large cubes. Cucumbers cut into rings. Wash and dry tomatoes. We put a tomato, an olive, a slice of cucumber and cheese on a skewer.

In a deep bowl, mix olive oil with balsamic vinegar, add black pepper and herbs. We mix the components and put on the table in a separate bowl as a sauce for our canapes.

Canape with herring

Herring is a very popular product that is loved by many. And that's why everyone will like it.


  • pickled herring (220 g);
  • two cucumbers, a little mayonnaise;
  • jar of olives;
  • six pieces of black bread;
  • greens.

For canapes with herring, you need to take black bread. We cut it into squares and send it to the oven to dry. After we apply a drop of mayonnaise. Cucumbers cut into thin circles and put them on bread. Put a slice of herring and a small sprig of parsley on top. An olive completes the composition. We fasten the canape with a skewer.

Snack "pearl"

Canape prepared according to this recipe is very tasty and tender. Culinary experts recommend applying a little on bread butter. Then the dish will become more tender.


  • jar of olives;
  • half a baguette;
  • salmon (185 g).

We cut the baguette. The fish must be cut into slices of medium thickness. We place an olive inside each piece and wrap it in salmon by about 70 percent. We chop off the bread with the fish with a skewer.

Appetizer with cheese and shrimps

We offer to prepare a delicious appetizer with seafood. For cooking, we will use not only olives, but also olives. So the snack will look brighter. Plus, they taste amazing.


  • ten shrimp;
  • ten olives and olives;
  • ten cherry tomatoes;
  • salt;
  • hard cheese (90 g).

Boil shrimp in lightly salted water. We wait until they cool down and clean them. Grind the cheese into cubes. On a toothpick we alternately prick shrimps, olives, tomatoes, olives and cheese.

Canape with mushrooms

delicious snack obtained with pickled mushrooms.


  • pickled champignons (10 pcs.);
  • ten olives and olives, cheese (210 g);
  • two pickled cucumbers.

Cut the cheese into cubes. By the way, you can take not only hard varieties, but also soft ones. For example, with cheese, an appetizer has an amazing taste. Cucumbers are cut in the form of circles.

We put olive, mushroom, cheese, cucumber, olive on a skewer. The canape is ready.

Canape with Adyghe cheese

As a more casual option for picnics and home table you can cook a wonderful appetizer based on olives and Adyghe cheese.


  • three slices of black bread;
  • smoked or boiled-smoked sausage (230 g);
  • Adyghe cheese (190 g);
  • jar of olives;
  • mayonnaise;
  • cucumber.

Cut the bread into curly slices using cookie cutters. We cut the cheese into cubes, and slice the sausage. Next, we chop bread, cheese, sausage, a piece of cucumber and an olive on a skewer.

Instead of an afterword

As you can see, there are an incredible number of all kinds of recipes for making snacks in the form of canapes. They are all good in their own way. Such dishes are convenient because there are no special restrictions in their preparation. You can change components within reasonable limits by replacing them with others. In addition, there are many options for decorating and serving canapes on the table. Such an appetizer always attracts the attention of guests. Even salads are not always as popular as canapés.

Colorful fruit canapes will be in place at any feast. romantic dinner they will make it more refined, please the kids on children's holiday, will help to impress colleagues with a spectacular mini-buffet without much effort. They are interesting, varied, allow you to "create" with taste and form from the heart. In a word, not a single housewife will hurt to master a couple of recipes for making fruit snacks on skewers. Believe me, they will come in handy more than once.

Fruit canape - the highlight of the festive table

For certain to establish exact time and the place where appetizing baby sandwiches were born - and even more so to find out whose smart head guessed to string not only meat and cheese, but also fragrant fruits on a wooden skewer - is now not possible. According to linguists, the very word "canape" came to us from ancient greece, where it sounded like "konops" and served to refer to small insects - like a mosquito or mosquito. The Egyptians, and after them the Romans, adopted the Greek term, modified it to "conopeum" and began to call so beds with a net from uninvited blood-sucking guests. Over time, the word traveler moved from Latin to European languages ​​​​and firmly settled in French, for some unknown reason, clinging no longer to a bed with a canopy, but to a miniature sofa with a curved back. So…

And then solid secrets. Whether the French remembered the original meaning of the term "canapes" and called snack sandwiches "mosquitoes" for their small size. Whether the cook, with a particularly violent imagination, saw in the pieces of appetizing food, folded in a pile, a resemblance to his favorite piece of furniture. Or maybe it's about absorbing unusual snack it was most convenient just on such sofas, slowly sipping wine from a glass and conducting a leisurely dialogue with his interlocutor.

Bones from cherries when preparing canapés are still better to remove

Whatever the case, one thing is certain: the fun idea caught on, gained popularity and gave rise to dozens of different, but invariably delicious culinary recipes. There are at least five reasons for this:

  1. Fruit canapes are tasty, juicy and fragrant.
  2. If you do not set out to create some absolutely incredible composition from a dozen different ingredients, you can cook a delicacy in no time. For example, strawberry-banana "canapes" will take a quarter of an hour from a skilled housewife.
  3. Find a recipe fruit salad or a cake that would be to the taste of all the guests to a single one, it is impossible. But out of half a dozen different options fruit sandwiches, even the most capricious picky eater will pick up something suitable for himself.
  4. Canapes are universal. They will perfectly play the role of a dessert at a family feast or a buffet table, they will take pride of place on children's table, and on occasion will serve as an exquisite snack for strong drinks. Let's say to white wine suitable "turrets" with tangerines, kiwi, apricots; melon and strawberries are combined with red. Sweet liqueurs are usually eaten with grapes and pears; cognac, in addition to the traditional slice of lemon, loves the company of apples and juicy peach, and the taste of champagne is perfectly set off by pineapple and watermelon.
  5. Making a fruit snack is pure creativity. You can not only use any fruits and berries of your choice, but also boldly combine them with other ingredients: chocolate, marshmallows, mastic, nuts, marmalade. Sometimes even ham and cheese are used. Complete freedom of creativity and no boundaries!

By tradition, it is customary to serve 3-4 varieties of canapes with different fillings. Moreover, it is advisable to calculate in advance the total number of snacks so that each guest has at least 8 miniature sandwiches. Considering that a canape is a bite-sized treat, it can fly off the dish in a few minutes, and no one should be left behind.

How to cut fruit beautifully

The easiest way out is to take a knife and simply chop the washed and peeled fruits into cubes or slices. Cheap and cheerful, but inefficient in terms of wasted time. Yes, and the beauty of future “canapes” will suffer, since not everyone will be able to fit hand-cut pieces to the same size, and different-sized slices will greatly spoil the appearance of the snack.

The neater the pieces, the more effective the result.

If you have a special cutting spoon for watermelon and melon in your kitchen, use it. Perfectly smooth multi-colored spheres on skewers always look impressive.

You can turn into balls any large fruit with not too dense pulp

With the help of cookie cutters, you can turn fruit slices into shapes of any complexity.

A real masterpiece in miniature

If you are seriously passionate about the topic of canapes and are going to regularly treat guests and homemade sweet "kebabs", it does not hurt to purchase special device for cutting berries and fruits into pieces. AT budget option it will be replaced by an ordinary egg cutter.

The slices will look the same

The most advanced cooks will come to the aid of a special syringe for canapés. Sequentially cut with it the pieces of fruit selected for treats, press the piston, and the finished delicacy will be on your plate. It remains only to fasten it with an elegant skewer. Just as easily, the syringe will cope with pieces of biscuit, marshmallow, marmalade and other goodies, if it occurs to you to add them to your creation.

Don't have a cooking syringe? Take a regular one, cut off the top of it

Remember that fruit is a perishable product. They quickly give juice, darken and lose their shape, so you need to cook a delicacy shortly before serving, sprinkling pieces for greater safety. lemon juice.

Step by step fruit canape recipes

So who are you going to feed? Business partners, old friends, relatives at a family holiday? Then check out the recipes. fruit canapes with cheese and ham. An unusual flavor combination will arouse interest and give your evening a slight touch of aristocracy.

For adults

With grapes and cheese

You will need:

  • 100 g of cheese;
  • 100 g green or blue grapes (try to get a seedless variety).


Pairs well with grapes. hard varieties cheese: Gouda, Maasdam, Edam, Dutch, Parmesan. However, soft curd cheeses with mold - for example, Bree - will be here in their place. If you want, make a mix of two or three different varieties, shading their taste halves walnut, almonds, strawberries, slices of exotic mango or thin leaves of fresh tarragon.

The classic version of cheese-grape canpe is far from the only one.

With melon and Parma ham

You will need:

  • 0.5 kg of melon;
  • 200 g goat cheese;
  • 100 g Parma ham, sliced;
  • 1 st. l. olive oil;
  • half a lemon;
  • salt, pepper to taste.


  1. Cut the melon in half, remove the seeds, and cut the flesh into cubes or - using a special spoon - into balls.

    In the absence of a cutting spoon, a simple dessert will do.

  2. Mix oil, juice of half a lemon, salt and pepper. Pour the marinade over the prepared pieces of melon and leave them alone for a quarter of an hour to let the pulp soak.

    The result will be better if you beat the mixture lightly with a whisk

  3. Cut the goat cheese as you see fit.

    Sprinkle the cheese with chopped basil, if desired.

  4. Randomly thread slices of melon and cheese, a slice of ham on a skewer, and then put the canapes in the refrigerator.

    The taste of the delicacy will be beyond praise

  5. The appetizer should be served chilled, with semi-dry red or white wine.

The combination of melon and Parma ham is considered a classic and does not need additions, but if you have a desire to brighten the taste of canapés, add basil leaves, arugula or pieces of kiwi pulp to the indicated ingredients. In addition, the melon itself, on occasion, can easily be “replaced” by a juicy pear.

With pear and Dor Blue cheese

You will need:

  • 1-2 pears;
  • 100 g Dor Blue cheese;
  • 2 tbsp. l. finely chopped walnuts;
  • a little olive oil;
  • juice of half a lemon.


Lemon with marmalade and cheese

And here is a completely incredible, but attractive combination:

  • hard cheese;
  • the same amount of marmalade;
  • half a lemon.


On a plate, such an appetizer usually does not lie down.

For children and older sweet tooth

But enough exotic! Let's talk about simpler recipes, where there will be no such savory food combinations. For example, what could be more traditional and tastier than strawberries and chocolate?

Bananas, strawberries and marshmallows in chocolate

You will need:

  • banana;
  • a handful of strawberries;
  • multi-colored marshmallow;
  • half a bar of dark chocolate.


  1. Peel banana and cut into slices.

    Sprinkle banana with lemon juice to keep it from turning brown.

  2. Wash strawberries and remove stems.

    Berries should be the same size

  3. If the marshmallow is large, cut it into pieces the size of strawberries. Leave the small one as it is.

    Multi-colored marshmallow looks festive

  4. Melt the chocolate in a water bath.

    If you want to make the mass less thick, add a spoon or two of milk to it.

  5. String prepared pieces of fruit and marshmallows on wooden sticks, pour over chocolate and let cool.

    Canape will appeal to both children and adults with a sweet tooth

If the combination of marshmallows and chocolate seems too sweet, remove one of the sweet ingredients from the recipe or prepare two versions of canapés with a sweetener for every taste.

No one leaves the party disappointed.

Jelly on skewers

You will need:

  • a bag of grape jelly;
  • a bag of strawberry jelly;
  • a handful of grapes;
  • a handful of strawberries;
  • ice molds.


Fruit platter

You will need:

  • apples;
  • canned pineapple;
  • kiwi;
  • grape;
  • Strawberry;
  • blueberry.


  1. Wash all fruits. Peel apples, remove seeds. Cut the pulp into small pieces.

    Look for sweet varieties of apples on the market, such as Kitayka, Medok, Belarusian apple

  2. Peel and cut the kiwi.

    Treat loved ones with a fragrant rainbow on a skewer

The fruits in the above recipe can be replaced with others without any damage to the taste. For example, use canned peaches instead of pineapple, soft pear instead of apple, or raspberry instead of blueberry.

And also pay attention to the combinations:

  • Banana, kiwi and tangerine. The fruits will need to be peeled, cut the banana and kiwi, divide the tangerine into slices, and then, in any order, plant all this fragrant company on wooden skewers. Everything! Sweet, but tinted with a slight sourness, and therefore even more delicious dessert ready.
  • Green grapes, kiwi and pineapple. Here the situation will be reversed: sweet yellow tropical fruit soften the sourness of its green neighbors. For those who fail to get a pineapple for the holiday, it will be replaced by an orange.
  • Banana, orange and pear.
  • Strawberries and banana.
  • Apple, pear, red orange.
  • Grapes and melons.

Fruit canape for lunch - video

Options for serving fruit canapes in the photo

Canapes can be placed on long skewers Semicircular pieces of tangerines can be represented as sails So that the skewers do not remain empty, you can offer the guests pieces of fruit separately - let everyone collect their own canape The easiest option is to simply fold the canapes in a slide Even a minimum of ingredients can be interestingly beaten Unusual combination basil, watermelon and strawberries are perfectly fixed with soft cheese Top canapes can be decorated with chocolate

What else can be said about fruit canapes? A lot of. But why waste time on theory when you can start practicing right away? New combinations and flavors are just waiting to be discovered. Choose your favorite fruits and berries, shake the cabinets in the kitchen in search of marshmallows, powdered sugar, chocolate and other goodies and go ahead - create a unique canape according to a recipe invented by you personally!

Canapes with olives are perhaps one of the most popular dishes for buffet tables. Their beauty lies in the fact that they are sandwiches for one bite, which makes it possible not to overeat and at the same time try many different variations of products.

For the preparation of canapés with olives, in the vast majority of cases, salty foods. It can be cheese, sausage, meat, salted vegetables And so on. There are several recipes that combine olives with sweet foods, such as canapés with olives and marmalade. Such dishes cannot be called particularly popular, since they are not to everyone's taste.

If it is supposed that canapes with olives will be one of the dishes of the table, then it is worth remembering one rule. Olives without liquid dry up, shrivel and lose their appearance.

Cooks recommend using toothpicks to form canapés. In this case, the canapes can be completely assembled, just do not string olives on them. They should be attached to the canapes just before serving, so that they retain their moisture for as long as possible.

How to cook canape with olives - 15 varieties

For such canapes, cheese and sausage are used. In order for them to really live up to their name, you should choose a raw-smoked sausage with a special spicy taste, such as “Finnish”.


  • Hard cheese - 200 gr.
  • Raw-smoked sausage - 100 gr.
  • Black olives - 15 pcs.


We clean the sausage and cut into thin circles. Cheese cut into cubes. On a toothpick, or a culinary skewer, we prick one olive, then a piece of cheese, and then a sausage. The sausage should be folded into an envelope, and then pricked, so the canapes will look more elegant.

For the preparation of tender canapes, use pork ham and cheese without spices. Only in this case canapes will turn out as they should.


  • Ham - 150 gr.
  • Cheese - 200 gr.
  • Olives - 1 jar


Cut the ham into thin strips.

It is very important that the meat strips are free of veins. If there are any, they should be cut out.

Cheese cut into cubes. Drain excess liquid from olives.

On a toothpick we prick a piece of cheese, a rolled up tape of ham and an olive. Enjoy your meal!

Anyone, even the youngest culinary specialist, will cope with such a recipe. Indeed, for such canapes, you just need to cut the products and chop them on skewers in the desired sequence.


  • Canned pineapple - 1/3 can
  • Olives - 1 bank
  • Hard cheese - 100 gr.


Cheese cut into medium-sized cubes. Drain excess liquid from olives. Drain excess liquid from pineapples. If they are in the shape of rings, then they should be cut into cubes, about the same size as the cheese. When everything is prepared, we proceed to the assembly of canapes. To do this, we stick products on toothpicks in the following sequence. First we prick a piece of cheese, then an olive, and then a piece of pineapple. Canape is ready!

These canapes are very satisfying. Only 2 - 3 pieces are able to remove a slight hunger, despite the fact that it is very simple to cook them.


  • Black bread - 5 slices
  • Meat (ham, juicy beef etc.) - 150 gr.
  • Hard cheese - 200 gr.
  • Pickled cucumber - 2 pcs.
  • Black olives - 80 gr.


We make circles from bread using culinary molds. We do the same with cheese. Cut the meat into thin rectangles. Wash cucumber and cut into thin slices.

Now you should chop the products on skewers in the following sequence:

  1. The first product is an olive;
  2. The second product is cucumber;
  3. The third product is meat;
  4. The fourth layer is cheese;
  5. The fifth layer is bread.

Canape is ready!

Such canapes are a real festive dish. They have a very specific taste and inimitable appearance. Canapes with cheese and marmalade are wonderful as an appetizer for light alcoholic drinks.


  • Hard cheese - 100 gr.
  • Lemon - ½ pc.
  • Marmalade - 100 gr.
  • Green olives - ½ can


Cheese cut into cubes. My lemon and cut into small slices. If the marmalade is large, larger than pieces of cheese, it should also be cut. All products must be approximately the same size.

For such canapes, it is better to use colored marmalade, then the dish will look much brighter and more spectacular.

Now let's start forming canapes. To do this, we put a slice of lemon on the cheese, marmalade on top of it, and, finally, an olive. Ready-made canapes are pricked on beautiful skewers.

Light and delicate - these canapes will appeal to many. They do not require a lot of time and special skills for cooking.


  • Shrimps - 8 pcs.
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Olives - 8 pcs.
  • Lettuce leaves - 2 pcs.


My cucumber and cut into circles. Boil shrimp in salted water. Cool them down and clean them up. My lettuce leaves, dry and tear into small pieces, which will correspond in size to cucumber circles. On a skewer, we alternately prick a shrimp, an olive, a lettuce leaf and a cucumber. It is necessary to prick so that the olive is, as it were, inside the shrimp.

Such canapes with full confidence can be called a related dish Greek salad. For their preparation, you need the same products as for him.


  • Black olives - 1 can
  • Fresh cucumber - 3 pcs.
  • Cherry tomatoes - 200 gr.
  • Fetta cheese - 200 gr.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Olive oil - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Balsamic vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Greens - 1 bunch
  • The black ground pepper- taste


Cheese cut into large cubes. My cucumbers and cut into large rings. Wash and dry tomatoes. Drain excess liquid from olives. On each skewer we prick a tomato, an olive, a cucumber and a piece of cheese. In a separate container, combine finely chopped greens, balsamic vinegar, olive oil, ground black pepper. Mix everything thoroughly. We serve the sauce to the table in a separate deep bowl.

Herring is the product that has a whole army of fans. It is quite natural that herring canapés are a favorite dish of many.


  • Marinated herring - 240 gr.
  • Black bread - 6 slices
  • Cucumber - 2 pcs.
  • Olives - 40 gr.
  • Mayonnaise - to taste
  • Parsley - for decoration


Bread cut into squares and dried in the oven. Then it should be smeared with mayonnaise. My cucumber, cut into thin slices and put on top of the greased bread. Place the herring on top of the cucumber. On the surface of the herring lay out half an olive and a parsley leaf. We pierce the resulting design with a toothpick. Canapes are ready.

Canape with red fish and olives can be attributed to festive dishes. They have a simply unique taste, and thanks to the fat content of the fish, they are perfect as an appetizer for strong alcoholic drinks.


  • Black bread - 5 slices
  • Green olives - 120 gr.
  • Dill - 1 bunch
  • Lightly salted salmon - 200 gr.
  • Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Avocado - 1 pc.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp


Bread cut into cubes of the desired size.

Previously, the bread should be cut off the crusts on all sides to make the canapes more tender.

We clean the avocado, remove the pulp from it and knead it with a fork until it becomes a puree. Now the pulp of the avocado should be poured with lemon juice and mix everything. We clean the fish from the skin and cut into cubes of the same size as the bread. Wash dill, dry and finely chop. My cucumber and cut into thin slices.

Brush each slice of bread with avocado puree. Then we put a piece of fish on the spreaded bread and sprinkle everything with dill. We prick an olive on a toothpick, and then a cucumber slice folded several times. Now we pierce the bread with the fish with the same toothpick. Canapes are ready. Enjoy your meal!

"Pearl" - a very spectacular variety of canapes.


  • Baguette - 1 pc.
  • Olives - 1 bank
  • Lightly salted salmon - 200 gr.


We clean the salmon from the skin and cut into large squares. We wrap each olive in a piece of salmon. The fish should close the olive about 70%. Cut the baguette into circles. Now with a toothpick we prick the olive wrapped in fish and a baguette. "Pearl" is ready.

Such canapes will be a real find for seafood lovers. You can include other seafood in their composition, depending on your own preferences.


  • Shrimps - 10 pcs.
  • Green olives - 10 pcs.
  • Cherry tomatoes - 10 pcs.
  • Hard cheese - 80 gr.
  • Salt - to taste


Boil shrimp in salted water, cool and clean. Cheese cut into medium-sized cubes. My tomatoes. On the skewers we impale in turn the shrimp, olive, tomato and a piece of cheese. We serve ready-made canapes to the table on a beautiful dish.

These canapes are not in vain received such a name. They are really very satisfying, because they include real fried meat.


  • Meat - 200 gr.
  • Olives - 1 jar
  • Tomato - 3 pcs.
  • Greens - to taste


Wash meat, cut into large pieces. Then it should be fried depending on your own preferences. My tomatoes and cut into slices. Wash greens and dry.

Wrap each slice of tomato in a piece of fried meat. Lay a leaf of your favorite greens and one olive on top. Now we pierce the entire resulting structure with a toothpick.

These canapes are best suited for New Year's table. For their preparation it will be very appropriate to involve children. After all, it will be possible to connect beneficial process having a good time.


  • Cherry tomatoes - 10 pcs.
  • Olives - 10 pcs.
  • Fetta cheese - 200 gr.


My tomatoes, dry and cut off their bases. We cut the cheese into plates, and then, from half of the plates we make circles using culinary molds. Cut the remaining cheese into cubes. Drain excess liquid from olives.

On skewers we prick one olive, then a circle of cheese, then a tomato and, finally, a cube of cheese. Canapes are ready.

Such canapes cannot be called standard dishes of this type. This is due to the fact that they are large in size, and after all, canapes are sandwiches for one bite.


  • Baton - 1 pc.
  • Olives - 1 jar
  • Bacon - to taste
  • Tomatoes - 4 pcs.


Baton cut into pieces. Drain excess liquid from olives. Wash the tomatoes and cut them into 4 pieces. Bacon cut into thin slices. Lay bacon slices on each piece of loaf. You can even put a few of them. Place one piece of tomato on top of the bacon, and one olive on top of the tomato. We pierce the resulting sandwich with a culinary skewer.

Nowadays, crab sticks have become an integral part of the daily diet. In most cases, they are used to prepare all kinds of salads, however, they can also be used in canapes.


  • Crab sticks - 2 pcs.
  • Pickled cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Green olives - 6 pcs.


We clean the crab sticks and cut into 3 equal parts. My cucumber and cut into rings. We prick the products on the skewer in this order. Olive first, then crab stick and then cucumber. Canapes are ready!