Cooking jam from juicy peaches in a slow cooker. Peach Jam

Peaches contain a lot useful substances which are so essential to man.

This fruit is easily digestible, and its juicy and fragrant pulp tones and refreshes.

Regular use Peaches improve digestion and increase appetite.

To enjoy this fruit not only in summer, but also in winter, they make various blanks- jam, compotes, jams and marmalades.

Peach Jam - Basic Cooking Principles

Peach jam is a real treat for the sweet tooth. Delicate, fragrant and sweet jam Suitable for spreading on toast during tea drinking, and for preparing various pastries and desserts.

For jam, ripe, juicy fruits are taken without damage and pests. The fruits are thoroughly washed, broken and pitted. The pulp of the peaches is laid out in enamelware and pour boiling water. Cover with a lid and cook over low heat for 15 minutes until the fruit is soft.

The resulting mass is cooled and ground through a sieve to obtain a uniform, delicate texture.

Pour the peach puree into an enamel bowl and add sugar at the rate of one to one. Mix and put on slow fire. Boil the puree, periodically removing the foam, until the desired jam consistency. The longer it cooks, the thicker it gets.

Peach jam is laid out in prepared jars and hermetically sealed. To do this, take dishes with a volume of not more than a liter.

peach jam can be cooked with the addition of citrus or other fruits. To make the mass thick, agar-agar, pectin, gelatin or starch are added to it.

To spice up the jam, add cinnamon, rosemary, or mint.

Recipe 1. Peach Jam


    200 ml of purified water;

    one and a half kilograms of peaches;

    granulated sugar - one and a half kilograms.

Cooking method

1. Wash soft, ripe peaches thoroughly under the tap and remove the stones.

2. Put the pulp of the peach in an enamel bowl, and pour boiling water over it. Boil the fruit for a quarter of an hour, covered with a lid. Peaches should become soft.

3. Then cool the peaches and grind them through a sieve. Add sugar to the peach puree, mix and pour the resulting mass into an enamel bowl. Send it to a slow fire and cook, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula and removing the foam, until the desired consistency.

4. Wash the jars and send them to the oven for sterilization. It is enough to hold them there for about 15 minutes. Spread the hot jam in jars and seal them tightly. After the workpiece has cooled, send it to storage in the cellar.

Recipe 2. Peach Lemon Jam


    half a lemon;

    two kg of peaches;

    half a kilo of sugar.

Cooking method

1. Put the peaches in cold water and then rinse well. Transfer the clean peaches to a wide bowl. Boil water in a kettle and pour boiling water over fruit. We leave for a few minutes. Then we merge hot water and immediately pour over cold.

2. Remove the skin from the peaches. If in some places it fits snugly to the pulp, you can cut it in a thin layer. sharp knife.

3. Break the peeled peaches into pieces. If the pulp is dense, cut into slices.

4. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice from half directly onto the pulp of the peach. We mix. The lemon will make the jam slightly sour and keep the peaches from browning.

5. We put a container with peaches on a slow fire and cook jam without adding water. Stir the mixture constantly with a wooden spatula. Half an hour is enough for the fruit to become soft.

6. Drain the resulting juice into a saucepan, and grind the peaches into a puree using an immersion blender. We shift the puree into a saucepan with juice and add sugar.

7. Mix thoroughly with a wooden spatula. We put the pan on the fire, adjusting it so that the mass boils slightly. Cover with a lid and cook for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

8. We calcine clean jars in the oven. We pack the jam in jars and tightly cork with lids. Cover the workpiece and leave to cool completely.

Recipe 3. Peach Jam with Mint


    sprig of mint;

    peaches - kilogram;

  • fructose - 400 g.

Cooking method

1. Peaches need to be peeled. If it adheres tightly to the pulp, dip the peaches for a few minutes in boiling water, and then immediately pour over cold water.

2. Cut the peeled peaches into slices. Put the prepared fruits in an enameled container and sprinkle them with fructose. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice directly onto the peaches. Stir and leave the fruit for four hours.

3. After the allotted time, add mint leaves and place the container on medium heat. Boil for forty minutes, periodically removing the foam. You don't need to stir the jam. Shake the pot periodically. This will preserve the amber structure and shape of the peach slices.

4. Spread hot jam in sterile jars, seal tightly tin lids and leave covered with a warm cloth to cool completely.

Recipe 4. Peach jam with starch


    12 g cornstarch;

  • 200 g of sugar;

  • 50 ml of purified water.

Cooking method

1. Place the peaches in cold water for a short while. Then carefully wash them, break them in half and take out the bones. Cut the pulp of the peach into random pieces.

2. Place the peaches in an enamel bowl. We fill the fruit with half of the sugar. We put the basin on the stove, pour in purified water and cook until the sugar dissolves.

3. Pour in the rest of the sugar. Cut the lemon and squeeze the juice from half a lemon into the peach mass. We also put a cinnamon stick here. Keep on fire for five minutes.

4. Add a spoonful of filtered water to the starch and mix well. We introduce a mixture of starch into the peaches in a thin stream. Stir, and after a couple of minutes, remove the basin from the heat. We take out the cinnamon.

5. Pour the jam into sterile jars and twist with tin lids. Wrap with a warm cloth and leave for a day.

Recipe 5. Peach jam in a bread machine


    240 g of granulated sugar;

    400 g ripe pitted peaches.

Cooking method

1. Wash the peaches thoroughly under cold, running water. Break them in half and take out the bones. Spread the peach halves on a towel and leave to dry slightly.

2. Then cut the peach halves small cubes along with the skin.

3. We shift the chopped peaches into the bowl of the bread machine.

4. Top the fruit with sugar. Insert the bowl into the device and close the lid. We select the program "Jam" or "Jam" on the panel. Cooking jam for an hour. The time is determined depending on the model of the bread machine.

5. Open the lid of the unit and lay out the hot jam in sterile dry jars. We tightly twist the jars with lids, cover with a blanket and leave to cool for a day.

Recipe 6. Fragrant peach jam in a slow cooker


    50 g of granulated sugar;

    kilogram of peaches;

  • 750 ml of purified water;

    50 ml lemon juice.

Cooking method

1. Put ripe peaches in cold filtered water and leave for ten minutes. Then we drain the water, and wash the fruits under the tap. Cut each peach in half and remove the pits. We crumble the pulp small pieces.

2. We send the chopped peaches into the multicooker bowl. Pour water here and add granulated sugar. We mix.

3. Close the lid of the unit, activate the "Extinguishing" program and cook, stirring occasionally, for an hour and a half. Wash the lemon, wipe it and cut it in half. We squeeze juice out of it.

4. After an hour and a half, open the lid of the unit and add lemon juice and marjoram. Close the lid again, turn on the same mode and cook the jam for the same amount of time.

5. Wash half-liter jars and send them to the oven for a quarter of an hour. We lay out the hot jam in jars and roll up with tin lids. Wrap and leave to cool completely. Then we clean the workpiece in the cellar.

Recipe 7. Peach Jam with Rosemary


    12 g gelatin;

    600 g of peaches;

    100 ml of lemon juice;

    400 g of granulated sugar;

    rosemary - a few branches.

Cooking method

1. Put the peaches in a deep container and fill with water. We leave for ten minutes. Then we wash the fruit. Cut each peach in half and remove the pit. Cut the pulp into slices. We put the chopped peaches in a copper basin and cover them with sugar. Leave for an hour for the peaches to release their juice.

2. We interrupt the peach mass to a puree state using an immersion blender. We send the basin to the fire and put the washed sprigs of rosemary in it. Cook, stirring constantly, for 20 minutes.

3. Soak gelatin in water. Cut the lemon and squeeze the juice out of it. Add the soaked gelatin and lemon juice to the hot peach puree. Take out the rosemary branches and discard. They have already fulfilled their function. Stir, keep on fire for a couple more minutes.

4. We lay out hot jam in half-liter jars and tightly roll them up with tin lids.

  • For jam, take ripe, but not overripe fruits with soft, yellow flesh.
  • It is advisable to remove the skin from the peaches before making jam, as it can give the jam a bitter taste.
  • To easily remove the skin from peaches, pour boiling water over them.
  • Add citrus zest or juice to peach jam to dilute the sugary sweetness of the fruit.

Time: 60 min.

Servings: 4-5

Difficulty: 3 out of 5

Fragrant peach jam in a slow cooker

What could be more beautiful than a juicy, ripe peach? Sweet pulp and pleasantly tart skin together create a truly wonderful combination. However, in winter it is rarely possible to buy a real delicious fruits, which means it makes sense to look for recipes for making peach jam.

Today we will prepare peach jam in a multicooker - know that the recipes for cooking this delicacy in a multicooker are incomparably easier than if you used a regular saucepan. By the way, in the absence of peaches, nectarine jam in a slow cooker is excellent.

In order to prepare fragrant peach jam, you need only three ingredients:

On a note: want to get more original taste? Feel free to add a couple of oranges to the jam along with the skin, but without the seeds.

Calorie 100 grams ready meal will be as much as 258 calories. No fats, microscopic protein content, but carbohydrates as much as 67 units.

Therefore, you should not get carried away with such a dessert, and it is best to use it in the morning - this way you will cause the least harm to the figure.

Step 1

Ripe fruits (peaches or nectarines - it doesn’t matter, they are very similar to each other both in appearance and in taste) without any damage or stains, washed under water.

We remove the cuttings, if any, and the bones. Dry the fruits on a towel.

Be sure to remove the skin, because during cooking it will move away from the peaches, and significantly spoil general form and taste of jam. Although, some recipes advise leaving it - it adds astringency. But this, as they say, is an amateur.

On a note: it will be much easier to remove the skin from the fruit if you scald it with boiling water beforehand and dip it in cold water - then it will easily leave the fruit.

Step 2

Cut the fruit into neat pieces, but do not grind.

We put them in the bowl of our magic pot.

Sprinkle with sugar so that it completely covers the peaches. Therefore, do not rely on recipes that indicate the exact amount of sugar - in the end it all depends on how many peaches you end up putting in the slow cooker.

We add a little citric acid- in case you want to keep the jam uncandied all winter.

On a note: the amount of sugar can also be increased or decreased as you wish, however, remember that the less sugar, the less likely the treat will last all winter.

Step 3

We turn on the “Extinguishing” function on the multicooker display for a period of 30 minutes, and prepare the jam with the lid open until the sugar is completely dissolved.

How to know if it's ready peach jam in a multicooker? Take a spoonful of treats and watch the jam drip down. Drops should be large and flow lazily and reluctantly. The consistency of the food should be thick, it should not drain freely from a spoon.

Step 4

We put the hot delicacy in pre-prepared and sterilized jars, twist it with sterilized iron lids, using a special seaming machine.

We turn the jars upside down, and leave it like that until the goodies cool completely.

In this form, peaches will delight you in winter, you can treat them as a snack with tea, or use for various kinds pastries, the recipes of which you can find on our website.

Nice delicate fragrance peach is the first thing you will feel when you open a jar of jam from this bright and juicy fruit on a frosty morning or evening. According to chemists, peach aroma is the strongest and most persistent. And if you have not yet had time to make preparations for the winter, then we suggest you make peach jam in a slow cooker right now!


Step-by-step recipe for making peach jam in a slow cooker with a photo

So let's get to work:

Wash peach fruits well.

Scald all peaches with boiling water, then dip in cool water and immediately remove the skin.

Cut the fruit in half, remove the stones and cut each peach half into slices.

Put the peach slices into the multicooker bowl.

Pour fine sugar here, let the peaches stand for two hours.

When the specified time has elapsed, set the "cooking" mode, set the timer to 10 minutes.

After the signal, do not touch the jam, let it stand for 6 hours.

Then add a chicken stick to the delicacy, boil it in the same mode for 5 minutes, remove the cinnamon and put the jam in jars, roll up the lids, cool and lower into the basement for storage, delicious jam from peaches in a slow cooker will give you cold winter unforgettable feelings!

Video recipe Peach jam in a slow cooker

So, in order to bake a pie according to this recipe, you will need:

eggs - 3 pieces;
sugar - 1 cup;
flour - 1 cup;
salt - a pinch;
baking powder - a pinch;
peppers - 4 pieces.

Well, let's start cooking:

  1. First, take a deep bowl, beat the eggs into it, add salt and beat the ingredients.
  2. Then add sugar to the whipped mass, beat again.
  3. Sift flour and mix with baking powder.
  4. Send the whipped mass to the dry ingredients and start kneading the stiff dough.
  5. Pour starch into a separate container
  6. Wash the peaches, pat dry and cut into small pieces.
  7. Transfer peach slices to a bowl with starch and mix gently.
  8. Lubricate the multi-cooker bowl butter, here lay out the finished test mass.
  9. Lay peach slices in starch on top of the base.
  10. Next, turn on the “baking” mode, set the timer to 50 minutes. When the multicooker signal sounds, beautiful, juicy and lush peach pastries will be on your table!
Enjoy your meal!

The recipe is implemented in a slow cooker. This multicooker, like many others, has a "Jam" program. Temperature regime this program - 100-108°C.

The program is designed for making jam.
- Turn on the device, when the sensor indicator “START” starts flashing.
- Place everything necessary ingredients, according to the recipe, into the bowl. The presence of liquid in the bowl is required.
- During cooking in this program, after boiling, it is recommended to keep the lid open and periodically stir the product, as foaming is possible. If the lid is not properly positioned, the result may not be satisfactory.
- By sequentially touching the “MENU” sensor, select the “Jam” program, while the inscription “Jam” on the display and the timer will flash.
- The flashing timer will show the default time for this cooking program - 1 hour. The time range can vary from 30 minutes to 4 hours depending on the cooking recipe.
- Using the “HOURS” and “MINUTES” sensors, you need to change the cooking time in accordance with the recipe of the dish: by successively touching the “HOURS” sensor, set the hours in increments of 1 hour, by touching the “MINUTES” sensor - minutes in increments of 10 minutes.
- While the cooking time is being set, the timer flashes on the display.
- To start the program, hold the “START” sensor for 2 seconds, the device will emit a sound signal, the name of the program will light up on the display, the indicator of the “START” sensor will light up constantly. The multicooker will start cooking in the set mode.
Also, the “REHEAT / CANCEL” sensor indicator will light up, which means that at the end of the program, the appliance will automatically switch to the REHEAT mode. To disable the automatic change to HEAT mode, touch and hold the “START” sensor, and the indicator of the “KEEP HEAT / CANCEL” sensor will turn off. If desired, you can re-activate the automatic switch to HEAT mode by touching the “START” sensor again.
The display will show the countdown time.
- If necessary, you can interrupt the program with the “WARM / CANCEL” sensor, and the appliance will go into standby mode.
- At the end of the operating time, the multicooker will emit a sound signal, if it has not been turned off before. The unit will automatically enter HEAT mode if it has not been canceled earlier. In REKEEP mode, the display will show a countdown time showing how long the dish has been reheated.
- To turn off the HEAT mode, hold the “WARM / CANCEL” sensor for 2 seconds, the appliance will go into standby mode. Turn off the device.

Peaches are unusually juicy, tasty and fragrant fruits. I really want to not only enjoy the peaches in the hot summer, but also prepare several jars from them fragrant jam, confiture or jam. After all, how pleasantly cold winter evenings open a jar of peach confiture and enjoy it as a bite with fragrant tea, pancakes, cheesecakes or pancakes. When preparing jam from peaches, it is very important to remember that it is necessary to prepare it only from ripe fruits. The main indicator of their ripeness is a unique aroma. The riper the fruit, the stronger the aroma. You can prepare confiture with the addition of gelling agents, but this is not at all necessary. Today we will prepare thick confiture from peaches in a slow cooker. To get a really thick confiture, do not increase the portion of these products for one cooking run. If you need to make several servings of jam, just prepare the next serving immediately after rolling up the previous one.


  • 800 g sugar
  • 800 g peaches
  • 0.25 pcs. lemon


Preparation of the recipe "Confiture (jam) from peaches in a slow cooker for the winter":

For work we need peaches, sugar, lemon.

Rinse the peaches well and dip them in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Remove and immediately plunge into a bowl of cold water.

Remove skin from peaches. Remove bones.

Place the pulp of the peaches in a food processor (metal knife attachment) along with lemon juice And lemon zest. Grind until a puree with small pieces of pulp is formed.

Transfer the puree to the bowl of a food processor and cook, stirring constantly, on the "Baking" mode for 15 minutes.

Put sugar into a bowl. Mix. Switch the slow cooker to the "Stew" mode and cook, stirring for another 15 minutes.

Pour boiling confiture immediately into dry sterilized jars and roll up. Leave at room temperature until completely cooled. Store in a basement or cold closet.