Pie made from ready-made Napoleon cakes. Shortbread cake with canned food - table decoration! Juicy shortcake cake with canned food and vegetables, cheese, eggs, chopsticks, caviar

This recipe can be quickly prepared delicious snack on the festive table. The cake turns out to be layered not only because the filling is arranged in the appropriate order, but also because its base is made of puff pastry cakes. You don't even need to spend extra time baking them (although if you want to do it yourself, then why not?). But it’s unlikely that anyone will want to bother with baking if you can simply buy ready-made cakes at the grocery store. For working housewives, and not only for them, semi-finished puff pastry products have long become a reliable lifesaver. And making snack cakes with them is a pleasure.


Preparation. Take puff pastries (they are usually sold in a pack of 6 pieces). Place one cake on a tray or large flat plate, coat well with mayonnaise.

Fry carrots and onions in sunflower oil, cool and distribute half of the fried vegetables in an even layer over the surface of the crust.

Boil the eggs, peel and cut into cubes. It is also good to grease the next cake with mayonnaise and lay out the egg cubes.

Remove the fish pieces from the oil, remove large bones and mash with a fork. Place the fish mixture on the next crust greased with mayonnaise.

Place the remaining fried carrots and onions on the fourth cake layer. Cover with the next cake layer, grease the top with mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated cheese.

Grind the last, sixth cake with your hands to form large crumbs.

Grease the sides of the cake with mayonnaise. Sprinkle crumbs over the top and all sides of the cake.

Decorate the surface of the snack cake at your discretion, you can use pomegranate seeds or herbs. Place layer cake with canned food in the refrigerator for a couple of hours (it is advisable to leave it overnight so that it soaks in better). If you want to reduce the time required for soaking such a cake, you need to hold each of the cakes over steam for a few seconds before putting the filling on it - this will somewhat soften the dryish puff cakes.

Increasingly, the list of snacks on the holiday table is complemented by an original dish - a snack cake, prepared from ordinary sweet cake layers in combination with salad layers. To save time, you can replace homemade cake layers with purchased ones, so the dish is prepared much faster and easier, all you have to do is let the cake soak for several hours before serving.

Recipe for a snack cake made from Napoleon shortcakes

The filling for the Napoleon snack cake can be any salad or a combination of individual ingredients. To make the cake really soft, you will need a large number of, which will instantly soak up the warm cakes and make the appetizer juicy, so choose the highest quality sauce or prepare it at home.


  • “Napoleon” cake layers - 5 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 830 ml;
  • chicken fillet- 1.1 kg;
  • hard cheese- 370 g;
  • champignons - 420 g;
  • onion- 210 g;
  • garlic cloves - 4 pcs.;
  • eggs - 6 pcs.;
  • green onion feathers - 4 pcs.


Clean the chicken from films and remaining fatty layers, then boil and disassemble into fibers. Grate the cheese and proceed to the mushroom layer, for the preparation of which peeled champignons must be sautéed with chopped onions and pureed garlic until the mushroom moisture has completely evaporated. For the final filling, mix a finely chopped egg with onion greens.

Now place the finished cakes in a preheated oven or microwave - the cakes should warm up slightly in order to absorb the mayonnaise well. Cover the first warm crust with sauce, add chicken, then another crust, a generous layer of mayonnaise and cheese. Repeat a similar procedure for two more fillings and coat the finished Napoleon snack cake with chicken and mushrooms with mayonnaise on the outside.



Start by preparing each of the fillers. Boil the carrots, grate them and combine with pureed garlic and a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise to obtain a smooth paste. Canned fish knead together with a small amount liquid from a jar. Hard boil the eggs and chop them. Alternately distribute the filling between the cakes, first coating each with mayonnaise. The resulting Napoleon snack cake from ready-made cakes cover with a layer cream cheese and place in the refrigerator to soak.

Napoleon is a popular delicacy all over the world in the form of a layer cake or delicate pastries with cream. The origin of the recipe for this amazing dish is surrounded by many different legends. Today, the sweet treat rightfully takes pride of place among the most famous desserts.

In Russia, it is generally accepted that Napoleon cake appeared in the form of cakes back in 1912, during the celebration in Moscow of the 100th anniversary of the expulsion of Napoleon Bonaparte. Invention of the recipe delicate delicacy with cream was timed to coincide with the anniversary, as were many other treats and drinks. The new cream puff pastry was made in the shape of a triangle, which was supposed to be associated with Napoleon's famous triangular hat. The dessert quickly gained universal recognition and popularity.

According to other sources, Napoleon cake is inextricably linked with French cuisine. According to one legend, the cook, deciding to impress the emperor, cut the traditional french pie“Royal galette”, which is usually bought for the Feast of the Kings, and the layers are coated with custard, strawberry jam and whipped cream. It was this delicacy that was named “Napoleon” and later became widely known throughout the world.

Nowadays delicate taste This popular dessert is probably familiar to every sweet tooth. However, to cook real cake Napoleon, you need to spend a lot of time and make some effort. Below is an excellent alternative to a complex, time-consuming recipe - a way to prepare the famous sweet treat from ready-made cakes. To create a real confectionery masterpiece, you do not need a lot of time or any deep knowledge of culinary art.

Required Ingredients

To prepare Napoleon from ready-made cakes, you first need to prepare the following products:

  • a can of condensed milk;
  • pack puff pastries for cake;
  • 2 egg yolks;
  • a glass of peeled walnuts;
  • 1/3 cup sugar;
  • butter – 400 g.

Cooking method

  1. To make your own Napoleon cake, you need to prepare a delicate cream. To do this, place the butter in a mixer bowl and beat it at medium speed. As a result, the product should acquire a whitish tint.
  2. Continuing to beat the cream base, add two egg yolks and sugar. The recipe suggests using for these purposes vanilla sugar, but if you don’t have one at hand, a regular one will do just fine.
  3. Continuing to beat cream base, add condensed milk to it in a thin stream. Continue beating until the mixture in the bowl is smooth homogeneous consistency and it will not turn white. While the mixer is creaming, you can start chopping the nuts.
  4. When the cream and nuts are ready, you can open a pre-prepared pack of puff pastries. Place the first sheet on the board and grease it thoroughly with freshly prepared cream. A similar manipulation should be carried out for all cakes. A cake soaked with this filling will turn out incredibly tender and tasty. Also grease the top cake with cream, and sprinkle chopped nuts on top. One pack of cakes contains approximately 2/3 of the cream. You can use one and a half packs of cakes and all the cream at once. It will turn out luxurious magnificent cake Napoleon is a real decoration of the festive table.
  5. For approximately one hour, the cake should be placed in freezer. After the specified time, dessert can be served with tea. But, if you still have time, leave the Napoleon cake for another two hours under pressure on the table, then put it in the refrigerator and let it brew for some more time.

A wonderful sweet treat is ready!

Napoleon cake is known in different parts of the world. Thanks to culinary experiments, the cream was replaced with a salty filling, which made it possible to obtain a hearty and very tasty appetizer salad. What is important is that each person can experiment independently, adding or removing ingredients to get new option. Like sweet cake, the snack option needs to sit in the refrigerator for several hours to soak in.

Recipe for making salad crusts

Can be purchased in the store now ready sheets and immediately start preparing the salad. There are also puff pastry pieces that you just need to roll out and bake in the oven. Many housewives do not trust store-bought options and prefer to cook everything with their own hands. There are many different recipes, let's look at one of the simplest ones.

  1. beat the egg with salt, and then combine with flour and replace the batter;
  2. roll out, grease soft margarine, fold in several layers and put in the refrigerator for 60 minutes;
  3. cut the dough into small portions and roll them into layers of the desired size and bake at 180 degrees.

Recipe for Napoleon salad with salmon cakes

Many people love red fish because this ingredient gives the dish an original salty taste. This great option for the festive table.

  • Cakes – 4-5 pcs.;
  • Cream cheese – 250 g;
  • Lightly salted salmon – 220 g;
  • Eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • Low-fat mayonnaise – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Green onions, dill.
  1. if desired, the salmon can be smoked, which will only improve its taste;
  2. boil the eggs hard, peel and grate;
  3. combine them with chopped onions and sauce;
  4. each cake should be greased with cheese, and lay out the filling one by one: chopped small cube salmon mixed with dill, and eggs with onions;
  5. Sprinkle the top layer with cheese and crumbs;
  6. put the cake in the refrigerator for a day or at least for a couple of hours.

Recipe for Napoleon salad with smoked chicken

Another option that is very popular. Smoked chicken adds piquancy and originality to the dish.

  1. This salad is prepared without any crust. Chop the breast into small cubes and place on a plate in the shape of a circle. Lubricate the top with mayonnaise;
  2. the next layer is finely chopped onion. If you don't like its taste, you can marinate it. There is more sauce on top;
  3. take the cheese, grate it and put it in the salad. Don't forget the sauce;
  4. then comes peeled and grated coarse grater apple and mayonnaise;
  5. the last layer is chopped eggs. Apply the sauce not only on top, but also on the side of the cake;
  6. Break up the crackers to create crumbs. You can put them in a bag and beat them with a rolling pin several times;
  7. Sprinkle crumbs all over the salad. Leave to soak in the refrigerator for a while.

Recipe for appetizer salad Napoleon with mushrooms and chicken

The tasty dish is quite satisfying and can be prepared for any holiday table and for a regular dinner.

  • Cakes – 5 pcs.;
  • Honey mushrooms – 1 kg;
  • Onions – 4 pcs.;
  • Fillet – 2 pcs.;
  • Carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • Egg – 2 pcs.;
  • Mayonnaise – 400 g.
  1. It is best to use medium fat mayonnaise. Select a dish according to the shape of the cakes;
  2. Boil the fillet in salted water and cut into small cubes. Mushrooms can be used either pickled or raw;
  3. in the second case, they should be fried and then cut into small pieces;
  4. Cut the onion into cubes and fry it until golden brown. The same cooking It’s worth doing with carrots;
  5. boil the eggs and grate them on a coarse grater;
  6. place the crust, brush it with mayonnaise, lay out the mushrooms, add the next crust and coat with sauce;
  7. It's time for the onions, on which you need to put the next cake. Coat thoroughly with the sauce and lay out the fillet, the next layer is carrots;
  8. All that remains is to put the last cake, brush with sauce and sprinkle with egg;
  9. The cake needs to be left overnight so that it is thoroughly soaked.

How to prepare Napoleon salad with canned food?

More economical option, because the canned fish It's inexpensive. The taste of the dish is in no way inferior to the previous versions.

  1. peel the onion and carrots, chop and fry in oil until golden brown;
  2. grate the eggs, separate the sardines from the oil and mash well with a fork;
  3. Lay out the crust, brush it well with sauce and add half the fish. Cover with the next layer, again with mayonnaise and onions and carrots, just leave a little;
  4. next layer, sauce with most of the eggs. Again, crust, sauce and fish;
  5. there is the last layer left, which needs to be greased with mayonnaise and the remaining filling should be placed on it: onions with carrots, mushrooms and eggs;
  6. minimum amount of impregnation – 8 hours.

Vegetarian snack cake

For people who limit themselves in food, it is very difficult to choose dishes for themselves. You can prepare a vegetarian Napoleon that will satisfy your taste needs.

  • Cakes – 5 pcs.;
  • Red onion – 1 pc.;
  • Garlic – 3 cloves;
  • Cream cheese – 350 g;
  • Egg – 1 pc.;
  • Various greens – 350 g;
  • Young cabbage - 0.5 heads.
  1. To make this cake, chop the onion and fry it until golden brown, then add shredded cabbage and herbs, which you can choose depending on your own preferences. By the way, the more greens, the tastier and more aromatic the dish will be;
  2. add salt, pepper and cook over low heat;
  3. a couple of minutes before the end of cooking, add chopped garlic and grated cheese;
  4. mix everything well, brush all layers with filling and place them on top of each other;
  5. leave the cake to soak for 14 hours.

How to cook Napoleon with eggplants?

This Napoleon salad recipe can be enjoyed by vegetarians as well as vegetable lovers. The cake turns out very tasty and satisfying.

  1. Cut the eggplants into rings, the thickness of which should not be more than 1 cm. Salt everything and leave for 15 minutes. after the time has passed, remove the resulting juice and fry until golden brown;
  2. after that, place the eggplants on paper napkins so that they absorb excess oil;
  3. take the greens, garlic and finely chop them, mix with mayonnaise. Cut the tomatoes into half-centimeter rings. Grate the cheese on a fine grater;
  4. Now place the first cake on the chosen dish, brush it with sauce, lay out the eggplants and again the sauce. Then tomatoes, sauce and cheese;
  5. after that, add the next layer and repeat the filling, etc.;
  6. Lubricate the top layer with mayonnaise, sprinkle with cheese and decorate with herbs. This recipe for salad with Napoleon cakes makes for a rather savory dish.

Thanks to the recipes above, you now know what to serve festive table. Original dish will not only surprise your guests, but they will also definitely like it. Get ready that after the feast they will ask you for the recipe for such a cake.

Many people have been familiar with the delicious layer cake since childhood. delicate cream. The history of the origin of Napoleon cake is no less interesting than its preparation.

Why do you think the cake was named Napoleon? One version says that the first such dessert appeared in 1912 during the celebration of the hundredth anniversary of Russia's victory over France.

The second version is preparing such a cake especially for Napoleon famous pastry chef Upper.

Another opinion why the cake is called Napoleon is due to the fact that the emperor tried to justify himself to his wife for flirting with the maid of honor. Then he came up with an idea that he whispered in her ear new recipe, which his servant subsequently prepared.

Quite a lot of theories exist regarding how to prepare Napoleon cake. Both the dough and the filling can be completely different (and not only sweet).

How many calories are in Napoleon cake? On average, the calorie content of Napoleon cake per 100 grams is about 249 kcal.

So, let's watch step-by-step recipes with photos of Napoleon cake, try and choose the best one.

Napoleon cake: recipes with photos

Traditional cooking method

Let's start with the classic recipe for Soviet-era Napoleon cake at home with custard, familiar to everyone. Let's prepare it for him according to the old and forgotten, “real” recipe. For the dough, take 0.75 kg of flour, 0.6 kg of butter, two eggs, a small spoon of salt, one and a half large spoons of five percent or 7 percent vinegar and about 220 ml of water.

The recipe for cream for Napoleon cake according to the classic recipe includes a liter of milk, 0.3 kg of sugar, four eggs, 0.12 kg of flour, 320 grams of butter, three large spoons powdered sugar and vanillin.

So, how to cook the best and delicious recipe Napoleon cake:

Napoleon cake - classic recipe with photo

You can cook very tasty puff napoleon and according to the following simple video recipe:

Napoleon with condensed milk

Another simple recipe for making Napoleon cake at home. We will tell you how to make something delicious with boiled condensed milk.

Take 400 gr. margarine, four glasses of flour, about 0.6 liters of water, a large spoon of vodka, two cans of condensed milk and 100 grams of butter.

So, the recipe with condensed milk:

  • sift the flour, make a mound out of it - and add margarine inside. Make a mixture, stir, pour in water and vodka;
  • we form “koloboks” from the dough and place them in the cold for several hours;
  • roll out the dough and cut out the shortcakes;
  • put the cakes in the oven at 220 degrees;
  • Leave the finished ones to cool at room temperature;
  • Now we’re making the cream for the Napoleon cake with condensed milk. Soften the butter at room temperature, beat until white, get rid of excess water. Mix condensed milk with it;
  • spread the cream onto the cakes, placing them on top of each other. Distribute the cream among the cakes using a knife;
  • Press down the shortbreads so that they are pressed closer to each other. Place a weight on top and refrigerate the cake for a couple of hours;
  • Once fully prepared, decorate the dessert at your discretion and you can serve.

Cake Napoleon, photo

Cake on ready-made dough

Now let's discuss easy recipe layer cake Napoleon from ready-made cake layers. We will need two packages of dough, a can of condensed milk, a package of butter and 0.25 liters of 33% cream. Defrost the dough, divide into 3-4 parts of the same size. Roll out the cakes and use a plate to cut them in a circle.

Advice: lubricate sunflower oil a rolling pin and the surface where you plan to cook - and the dough sheets will not stick.

After all the cakes have been rolled out, you can start baking. Place them in a 200 degree oven for 15 minutes. The next stage of the Napoleon cake recipe from ready-made puff pastry is creating the cream. Take a mixer and slowly stir the condensed milk with soft butter.

Separately, whip the cold cream (it is better to place it in the freezer before starting work). Stir until they become so thick that they do not fall out when turning the dishes. But please note that it should not resemble butter in consistency.

Add the cream to the condensed milk, mix everything again - and the cream is ready! Now we cover the cakes with it according to the standard scheme. All that remains is to decorate the cake and refrigerate it before serving to guests. It will be better if it sits in the refrigerator for at least half a day.

How to make a delicious Napoleon cake - watch the video:

Snack bar Napoleon

A similar cake can also be made unsweetened. For example, according to simple recipe Napoleon snack cake made from ready-made cake layers, which includes the following ingredients:

  • shortbread;
  • can of tuna;
  • 0.2 kg crab sticks;
  • four eggs;
  • one hundred grams of cheese;
  • bulb;
  • not too thick mayonnaise.

What do we do next? Grind the tuna with a fork, finely chop crab sticks and eggs, chop the onion and grate half the cheese. Mix all this together. We coat the cakes with mayonnaise and make the filling from this mixture.

Decorate the top of the cake with the second half of grated cheese.

Before serving, place this appetizer in the cold for about 6-10 hours and cut it into small pieces.

Napoleon on beer

Few people know that you can make Napoleon cake with beer.

To prepare Napoleon cake this way, you need to take:

  • half a kilo of flour, a glass of beer and three hundred grams of margarine for the dough;
  • a liter of milk, two glasses of sugar, four eggs, four large spoons of flour, two hundred grams of butter and vanilla for cream.

The recipe for Napoleon beer cake begins with melting margarine. Mix it with sifted flour and beer - and make tender dough. We make ten koloboks from it - and form layers, cut into the required form. Before placing the cakes in the oven, use a fork to poke a few holes. Bake until browned at 190 degrees. Don't forget about the scraps that will be used to decorate the top of the cake.

While the cakes are cooling, make the cream. Mix eggs, sugar, flour and vanillin. Add half a liter of warm milk, stir, and pour this mixture into the container where the milk was heated before. We wait until the cream boils, stirring constantly. Once ready, add soft butter and beat the mixture that will be used to coat the cakes.

Now you should coat the entire cake with filling, decorate the top - and place the dish in the refrigerator for 10 hours. That's the whole simple recipe.

Cooking Napoleon without baking

Now we'll find out step by step recipe Napoleon cake in a frying pan without baking. For the dough, take two and a half glasses of flour, a glass of sugar, three large spoons butter, three eggs, half a small spoon slaked soda. The cream will use a liter of milk, three eggs, two large spoons of flour, a glass of sugar, vanillin and one hundred grams of butter.

Mix eggs with sugar, add soft butter, soda and flour. We make a place and cover with film for half an hour. For the cream, mix eggs with sugar, add flour and cold milk. Slowly heat the cream over the fire, stirring until it boils. At the end add vanillin. After cooling, add the butter and beat it by hand.

Napoleon will use the dough to make cake layers on a hot frying pan. They are prepared in the same way as pancakes. Coat the cakes with cream and decorate. All is ready!

Napoleon cake: recipe with photos, step by step

Sour Cream Napoleon

A delicate Napoleon cake will be made from sour cream. Here are the ingredients we need for cooking:

  • half a kilo of flour;
  • 400 grams of sour cream;
  • 220 gr. oils;
  • two large spoons of sugar for the dough;
  • 0.25 l milk;
  • one hundred grams of butter and sugar;
  • vanillin;
  • egg;
  • a large spoon of flour for filling.

We start the recipe for Napoleon cake with sour cream by whipping melted butter, sour cream and sugar. Add flour to a uniform mass and make a dough, which, similar to previous methods, is divided into parts and formed into layers. Bake all the shortcakes at 200 degrees for 7 minutes.

How to prepare cream for Napoleon cake? Beat eggs with sugar and add flour. Pour warm milk inside, mix everything - and put on fire until the cream boils. Next, add soft butter, beat the cream again and use it to cover the cakes.

As you can see, the cake is very easy to make.

Napoleon cake: recipe with photos

"Wet" Napoleon cake

Now let’s prepare a recipe for a wet cake at home with a very delicious cream. Heat a glass of milk, put one hundred grams of butter inside and stir. Beat an egg with a glass of sugar. Add them to the hot milk mixture. We put a small spoon of salt and four and a half cups of flour there and mix the dough. We make shortcakes and bake in the oven at 200 degrees.

How to cook custard for Napoleon cake? To do this, beat six yolks, two liters of milk, one and a half glasses of sugar, four large spoons of flour and vanillin. We put all this on the fire until it thickens and wait for a creamy state. After the mass has cooled, add one hundred grams of melted butter and stir again.

Now coat the shortcakes with cream. This way how to do soft cake Napoleon at home involves completely coating even the top and sides of the cake with cream. Liquid cream will spread, which is why the cake is called “wet”.

Decorate the dish with chopped cake scraps on top.

Napoleon on cottage cheese

Do you want to know how to bake a Napoleon cake from cottage cheese at home? Dough composition: 0.4 kg fat cottage cheese, 0.37 kg of sugar, vanillin, two eggs, one hundred and twenty grams of butter, fifteen grams of baking powder and 0.7 kg of flour. The cream will use a liter of hot milk, four eggs, 0.3 kg of sugar, vanillin, 60 grams of flour, two large spoons of starch and three quarters of a package of butter.

How will we cook? cheese cake Napoleon:

  • for cream, beat eggs with sugar and vanilla;
  • while stirring, add starch and flour to the mixture;
  • pour in milk at room temperature;
  • We place all this in a container and heat until the cream thickens. Don't forget to stir;
  • After emptying, add butter and beat the cream with a mixer. The thickness should be medium;
  • Grind the curd through a sieve. Beat together with vanilla and sugar, as well as eggs. Then add baking powder. Use the mixer again to mix;
  • add flour to the mixture, form the dough - and make the cakes of the desired thickness and shape;
  • bake them at 180 degrees and trim off all excess;
  • Apply the cream over each cake and decorate the top with powder.

The most delicious cake is ready!

Lazy recipe

And now we will prepare a lazy Napoleon cake from “puff ears” cookies without baking. This is the simplest recipe, and to prepare you will need about 0.8 kg of cookies, as well as ingredients for the cream: a liter of milk, three eggs, half a glass of sugar, six large spoons of flour and one hundred and fifty grams of butter.

Quick recipe for Napoleon cake - prepare step by step:

  • Mix the ingredients for the cream and put this mixture on low heat. Stir the cream constantly until it boils. Once cooled, add butter and beat well;
  • start dipping the cookies into the cream and distributing them onto the dish. Determine the number of layers at your discretion;
  • After laying out all the layers of the cake, pour the rest of the cream onto the top. It can also be decorated with melted chocolate.

Now that you know how to make Napoleon cake at home without long preparation and baking of the cakes, you will be able to pamper your loved ones with such delicacies more often.

Napoleon cake without baking: recipe with photo

Napoleon in a slow cooker

If you don’t have the opportunity to use a frying pan or oven, it doesn’t matter! Next recipe delicious cake Napoleon suggests cooking it in a slow cooker.

For the dough you will need three hundred and fifty grams of butter, 0.7 kg of flour, lemon and half a small spoon of salt. The filling will consist of three eggs, a liter of milk, three large spoons of flour, a glass of sugar and vanillin.

How to bake Napoleon cake in a slow cooker:

  • preparing the dough for the cake. Mix three and a half cups of flour with butter;
  • survive in a separate container lemon juice- and add salt to it. Add water to make half a cup;
  • add the liquid with lemon to the flour and mix;
  • form the dough and transfer it to polyethylene to leave in the cold for half an hour;
  • Now let's start with the cream. Mix half the milk and a glass of sugar, put it on the stove;
  • Separately mix three eggs and the remaining milk. Add three tablespoons of flour and beat;
  • after boiling the milk on the stove, add the just prepared mass to it - and continue stirring the cream;
  • after the mixture thickens, turn off the heat, add vanillin and leave the cream to cool;
  • Make shortcakes from the dough. Bake them in the “baking” mode in a slow cooker, preheating it for six minutes. It will take about seven minutes for each cake to be ready;
  • When all the shortcakes are ready, you can start adding cream to the cake. Do not use all the cream on the layer;
  • leave the cake on the table for about half an hour so that the cakes are soaked;
  • let the layers “settle” by pressing the cake with a cutting board;
  • Now you can use the rest of the cream to pour on the top and sides of the cake;
  • Decorate the top of the cake with crumbs left over from baking.

That's the whole recipe for making Napoleon cake in a slow cooker. Before serving, refrigerate the dish for about two to three hours.

Cake Decoration Ideas

To make your dish look presentable, consider ways to decorate the Napoleon cake. It can be anything that suits your taste preferences. For example, the top can be covered with other cream or chocolate or decorated with mastic.

You can place pieces of chopped fruit or berries all over the top of the cake or in some places. For decoration, you can take a couple of mint leaves.

How to decorate a Napoleon cake, photo

You can also decorate the cake with nuts or grated chocolate. And if you use dyes, using separately prepared creams you can make inscriptions and patterns on the surface. Great option, how to decorate a Napoleon cake for a birthday - put number candles or even make them edible - for example, from cookies or gingerbread with icing.

The photo below shows one of the options for decorating a layer cake with fruit and mastic:

Napoleon cake decoration, photo

These and many other ideas are easy to implement. We advise you to look at pictures of the Napoleon cake to decide both the type of the future product and the method of preparation.

And even if you have never prepared such a dish before, you will see that there is nothing complicated about it! That's why this cake is so popular.