How to make biscuit dough recipe. The most magnificent sponge cake

Today we offer classic recipe fluffy biscuit, which is suitable for making various cakes and other desserts. There is no soda or baking powder here - the dough rises well due to proteins whipped into an “airy”, strong mass.

Such a biscuit can be divided into 2 or 3 cakes and smeared with any sweet cream, or cut into cubes and used in the formation of cakes like "". The biscuit is very soft, tender and tasty. However, there are some nuances in the cooking process, which we will discuss below.


  • eggs - 6 pcs.;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • flour - 160 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet (10-12 g);
  • butter(for lubrication of the form) - 5-10 g.

Classic biscuit recipe with step by step photos

How to make biscuit dough

  1. Carefully separate the whites from the yolks and place in a clean and dry bowl. Beat at the minimum speed of the mixer until a light white foam is obtained. It is important that not a drop of yolk gets into the protein mass, otherwise it will not work to beat the proteins to the desired consistency. Also pay attention to the cleanliness of the bowl used so that there are no traces of grease or any specks on it. For safety, you can pre-wipe the bowl with a paper towel lightly moistened with lemon juice.
  2. Continuing to work with a mixer, gradually add half the sugar norm. We increase the speed of revolutions and be sure to beat the mass until “stable peaks” form. That is, if you tilt the bowl, the proteins remain motionless. This step in the cooking process is extremely important: if the whites are not beaten thoroughly enough, the biscuit will not turn out fluffy.
  3. Mix the yolks with the rest of the granulated sugar and vanilla sugar. Stir vigorously until smooth. You can work with a whisk, a regular fork or a mixer, but in any case, you need to get a mass of a light shade that has significantly increased in volume.
  4. We spread about 1/3 of the proteins to the yolk mass and gently mix with movements from the bottom up. Be sure to sift the flour, and then add to the egg mixture. We continue to knead the mass from the bottom up until a homogeneous composition is obtained without flour lumps.
  5. Next, lay out the remaining proteins and mix with the same movements from the bottom up until the components are combined into a smooth, fluffy mass (mix in a circle biscuit dough should not, from this it can settle).

    How to bake a biscuit so that it turns out magnificent and does not fall off

  6. We take a small detachable form for baking, with a diameter of not more than 22 cm (if you use a larger form, the biscuit will turn out thin). We cover the bottom with oiled parchment, and grease the walls of the form from the inside with a small piece of butter. We fill the form with the prepared dough. During the baking process, the biscuit will noticeably “grow up”, so the form should be filled with dough no more than 2/3.
  7. We send the form to the oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake for about 30-40 minutes (depending on your oven). In order for the biscuit to turn out lush and not to settle, during the baking process we try not to slam the oven door, and for the first 20 minutes it is better not to open it at all. When the dough rises and is slightly browned, we lower the temperature a little so that our biscuit does not burn and is well baked inside. We check the readiness with a toothpick, immersing it in the center of the biscuit. If the stick remains dry, then the biscuit is completely ready. Do not forget that the biscuit can fall off from a sharp temperature drop, so leave it in the oven turned off with the door ajar until it cools completely.
  8. Carefully remove the detachable board from the cooled biscuit. We first pass the knife blade along the edge of the form. We cover the biscuit with a napkin and leave it at room temperature for 8-10 hours (“resting” biscuit will not soak much from impregnation and crumble when cut into cakes).

In our recipe, we tried to describe in detail all the subtleties and nuances in the manufacture of a classic magnificent biscuit, but if it suddenly fell out of your favor - do not worry! Under a layer of cream, it will be almost imperceptible, and as a workout, just practice baking a biscuit more often. This process requires skill and culinary experience, and much also depends on the characteristics of a particular oven. Here everything is known only through trial and error! Good luck!

Too often we make life difficult for ourselves by trying to find amazing recipes, which, as a rule, contain rare ingredients, and we completely forget about such old and proven recipes as the biscuit recipe. Biscuit dough, which is made from cheap and affordable products, allows you to create real culinary miracles. It is unusually light and gentle, allows you to apply the most various additives, ranging from cocoa and lemon zest to liquors and more complex ingredients. That is why biscuit dough is widely used for cakes, rolls, cakes and even cookies are made from it. How to cook biscuit dough correctly, how to avoid novice mistakes, see my recipes.

Easy biscuit dough recipe

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Glazes and fillers for biscuits

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Biscuit dough is the classic and most common version of cake layers and other desserts that we are used to using. In fact, there is nothing difficult in preparing a biscuit, and any cook can make it on their own at home with a minimum of effort.

Classic biscuit dough

This biscuit dough is suitable for almost any kind of cakes.

What you need:

  • chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • flour - 100 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon.

First of all, we prepare everything necessary ingredients. We take a form of small size and a diameter of 20 centimeters, grease it with oil and cover the bottom parchment paper. The flour needs to be sifted a couple of times so that there are no extra impurities in it. The whites are separated from the yolks. Be very careful while doing this.

Mix the yolks in a separate bowl with 75 g of sugar and vanilla. Rub them with a whisk until they increase noticeably in volume. Beat the whites with a mixer at low speed until a peak forms. After that, we begin to gradually pour the remaining sugar into it, while the mixer does not turn off.

Add 1/3 of the whipped protein to the yolks, mix gently with a spoon and pour flour into it. Mix well again, add the remaining proteins and knead the dough. Do not overdo it in time, otherwise the air bubbles will disappear and the biscuit will not rise. Pour the dough into the form, level and bake for half an hour. Temperature 180 gr.

In a slow cooker

And again, the owners of multicookers can rejoice, because they are able to make biscuit dough using the miracle of technical thought. Multi-cups are indicated in the list of ingredients as a measure of weight.

What you need:

  • flour - 1 cup;
  • chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • drain. oil - 20 g;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon.

Separate the yolks and beat the latter until peaks form. Add the egg yolks and both sugars one by one and continue beating with the mixer. Gently add flour to the mixture, mix with a spoon or spatula.

After that, grease the multicooker bowl with a piece of oil and carefully pour the dough into it, leveling the surface. Biscuit cakes are cooked in the "Baking" mode for about an hour. The result will be fluffy base, which can be used to create any dessert.

Biscuit for 4 eggs in the oven

To make the 4 Egg Biscuit Cake, you will need the following ingredients:

  • flour - 1 cup;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • rast. oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • chicken eggs - 4 pcs.

Biscuit is a universal pastry for confectioners. Almost no cake can do without a biscuit, cakes and rolls are made from biscuit, they are used as the basis for any confectionery.

Lush, like a cloud, and quite dense, with butter and cream, with nuts and carrots - they are very different, but they are united by the technology of preparation. Whatever the biscuit dough, for it you just need to beat the eggs (or separately the whites and yolks) and add the rest of the ingredients as carefully as possible. It is due to the air added during whipping that your biscuit will rise in the oven.

When baking a biscuit, two processes occur simultaneously. Firstly, the air in the dough heats up and, accordingly, expands, it causes the dough in the oven to rise, that is, to increase in volume. Secondly, if there is enough heat (at a baking temperature of 180-200C), the walls of the growing pores are baked. Thus, to get the right biscuit, you need to beat the eggs well, adding as much air as possible, mix the dough, trying not to lose the added air, and then bake it properly at a sufficiently high temperature.

Before carefully studying the technology of Irina Chadeeva, we suggest watching the video recipe of professional confectioner Oleg Ilyin!

What do we bake from?


Biscuits are baked thanks to the starch gelatinization process - when heated in a wet dough, it changes its structure, becoming thicker and more viscous. Therefore, it is the presence of starch that is important for a biscuit, and, accordingly, it can be baked from almost any flour - rice, wheat, corn, buckwheat (any flour contains starch). If you replace a part wheat flour starch - the biscuit will be more durable and crumbly. You can bake a biscuit without flour at all, only on starch. But in nut flour (ground nuts) there is no starch, and therefore biscuits with nut flour are less durable and easily settle. Nevertheless, confectioners often make biscuits with nuts - it turns out very tasty!


Without which, in principle, it is impossible to bake a biscuit - so it is without eggs. It is the eggs that give it both splendor (when beating) and strength (when baking). A well-beaten egg mass is the key to success when working with a biscuit.


For a biscuit, take regular sugar, preferably with small crystals. They dissolve faster, respectively, and the eggs beat better with them.

Basic biscuit recipe

There are many options for a biscuit, but it’s worth starting with the simplest recipe, which, however, is no worse than the most complex ones. Remember the proportion:

4 eggs
120 g sugar
120 g flour
and no baking powder!

How to make a biscuit:

1. First, measure out all the ingredients. Sift flour (as well as starch, if using) - it is saturated with air and then it is better mixed in the dough. Separate the eggs into whites and yolks (remember that cold eggs are best separated into whites and yolks), while using a large bowl for proteins, and a medium-sized bowl for yolks.

Please note that the forms and baking sheets for biscuits must be prepared in advance, and the oven should also be preheated in advance. When the biscuit dough is ready, it must be immediately transferred to the mold (on a baking sheet) and baked without wasting time. Biscuit dough settles quickly, and the finished products from the settled dough are low and sticky.

2. Pour half the sugar into the yolks and beat with a mixer at maximum speed into a thick, almost white mass.

3. Wash and dry the whisks and beat the whites at maximum speed until the mass is white and thick. Mixer attachments should leave a clear, non-blurring mark. Only now add the remaining sugar and beat further until the mass becomes snow-white and shiny.

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4. Add the yolks to the whites and mix very gently with a spoon so that the mass becomes homogeneous, light yellow in color.

How to mix correctly? Take a spoon and lower it sideways into the middle of the bowl. Swipe the convex part of the spoon along the bottom (towards you), then up the wall of the bowl, continue moving over the dough and again lower the spoon into the middle. The spoon will describe a circle. Repeat this movement while turning the bowl with your other hand. Thus, all types of biscuit (and other whipped) dough are quickly and gently mixed. This method is called the "folding method".

5. Add flour and other dry ingredients. Stir again by folding. Do not mix too long, as the dough may become too dense.

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As soon as the lumps of flour have disappeared, stop. Pour the dough into a mold, smooth the surface and place in the oven.

publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber"

What to add?

Butter is often added to the biscuit. To do this, it is melted, cooled and poured as carefully as possible. Even a small amount of butter makes the crumb more tasty and moist, biscuits with butter do not stale longer.

How to prepare a form?

There are several ways to prepare the molds and bake the biscuit. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes it doesn't matter what form you bake in, and sometimes it matters.

Method number 1

Brush the inside of the pan with softened butter (the melted butter will run off and not evenly coat). Pour a spoonful of flour and, shaking the form, distribute the flour first along the sides of the form, and then along the bottom. Tap the mold well to pour out the excess flour.

With this method, the biscuit does not stick to the bottom and walls of the mold at all. After baking for 5–10 minutes, the biscuit cools down and slightly decreases in size, while a small gap appears between the mold wall and the biscuit, and a small slide remains on the biscuit. Turn the biscuit over onto a wire rack, it will easily come out, while the slide will be at the bottom, and the top will be completely even.

DISADVANTAGE: when using this method, the biscuit is slightly lower.

Method number 2

Do not grease the mold, but cover the bottom with baking paper.

When baking, the biscuit will stick to the walls, but when you take out the mold, it will also settle. Since the walls cannot settle (they are stuck), the “hill” will settle, thus, when cooling, the surface of the biscuit will become even. The biscuit is taken out of the mold only when it has completely cooled down. To do this, very carefully run a knife along the walls, separating the biscuit, and remove the mold. The baking paper is removed before using the biscuit.

DISADVANTAGE: in order to separate the biscuit from the walls, skill and accuracy are needed; Do not use silicone molds.

Method number 3

Do not grease the mold and do not put baking paper on the bottom.

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This method is suitable for the lightest and tender biscuits, which are deposited upon cooling under their own weight. These are biscuits with a small amount of flour and starch, as well as protein biscuits. Usually they are recommended to be cooled upside down - for this, immediately after baking, the form is turned over and placed on bowls so that the biscuit does not touch them. In this position, the bottom and sides of the biscuit are glued to the form, it does not fall out, but it does not settle under its own weight either. Please note that in this case it is important to choose the right size of the form so that the biscuit does not turn out above the edges and can be turned over.

DISADVANTAGE: sometimes it is difficult to separate the biscuit from the form; silicone molds are not suitable for such baking.

Bakery products

Always preheat the oven to 180–200°C in advance. It is desirable to bake biscuits on the middle level of the oven, you can use convection. Try not to open the oven during the first 15 minutes of baking so as not to cool the air. You can check the readiness of the biscuit 25-30 minutes after the start of cooking. Ready biscuit - always with a uniform slide, golden brown. Pierce it in several places (closer to the middle) with a toothpick, there should be no sticky dough on it. You can also press with your palm finished biscuit resilient and durable.


So that the biscuit does not get wet during impregnation, is strong and elastic, it is advisable to let it lie down for several hours. For cakes, I usually bake a biscuit in the evening and leave it in the kitchen overnight. Please note that the biscuit should not dry out - for this, if the air is dry in the kitchen, you can remove the biscuit into a bag after complete cooling.

publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber"

How to cut a biscuit?

One four-egg biscuit, baked in a 20 cm diameter pan, can usually be cut into three cakes. To keep the cuts even and the cakes the same thickness, use a few simple tricks.

Lay the biscuit upside down - it is very flat and your cake on top will be flat too. It is convenient to use a sheet of baking paper, a flat plate or a wire rack as a substrate, the main thing is that you can easily turn the cake along with the base. Prepare a knife - it is highly desirable that it be sharp, with a blade that is longer than the diameter of the biscuit. A bread knife with a wavy blade is very suitable.

Use a knife to mark cut lines about 1 cm deep around the circumference of the biscuit.

Insert the knife into the cut and cut, carefully turning the biscuit and pressing the knife against the bottom cake, it should go exactly along the marked line.


  1. Too much batter- Poorly whipped whites or yolks, the dough was stirred for too long;
  2. The biscuit does not rise well - the dough was stirred for a long time, the eggs were not beaten well, the oven is too cold;
  3. The biscuit sagged heavily after baking - the dough was badly baked, there was little flour or starch;
  4. Biscuit donkey in the oven - too hot oven;
  5. Biscuit crumbles a lot - too much starch.

First culinary products on this basis appeared in France and looked like dried bread slices. It wasn't until a few decades later in England that the biscuit became known as a delicious, fluffy cake when its composition changed. Today, every housewife should understand how to make a biscuit, because this is one of the simplest types of baking.

How to make a biscuit

The composition of this gentle and lush pastries fluctuates, obeying the wishes of the cook, but the outcome should be the same - an airy porous structure, softness, dryness and friability.Preparation of biscuit dough- something that every professional masters culinary arts still in the early stages of education. How to do everything right? Take into account the features of such a basis for desserts:

  • What do you need for a biscuit? Patience and calm. From the products - granulated sugar, flour and eggs that create elasticity: this is the classic "golden three". All variations that can be found (on sour cream, with butter, with cottage cheese, with yeast, etc.) are focused on changing the taste and structure.
  • Victorian biscuit pastries are more tender and sweeter - honey, butter, condensed milk may be present here.
  • The most magnificent biscuit base becomes when the whites and yolks are beaten separately from each other.
  • classical proportion for the tastiest and thick crust- 5 eggs, 200 g sugar, 200 g flour. However, not all housewives like a strong egg flavor, so some (by weight!) They are replaced with a liquid fatty component - milk, sour cream, cream, yogurt.
  • Flavoring additions are introduced very carefully - you can cook dough with poppy seeds, alcohol, chocolate, coconut flakes, pieces of berries / fruits, nuts, however, these components make baking heavier. Carefully monitor the final consistency of the working mass so that its density does not change (it should look like sour cream).

Bake delicious biscuit you also need to be able to, so professionals advise not to neglect the following recommendations:

  • The baking dish for such a dough is not smeared along the edges to the full height - only 1.5 cm, otherwise the biscuit product will fall off.
  • In the oven, the form is placed exactly in the middle, heating should be carried out from above and below. Do not open the door for the first 20 minutes.

Biscuit dough recipe

A real English dessert, born in the court of Queen Victoria, or Italian margarita served in every coffee shop in this sunny country? Eachbiscuit dough recipebelow deserves your attention and inclusion in a cookbook. You will understand that even at home, this unpretentious pastry can be incredibly diverse, and each time surprise with new facets of taste.

With butter

  • Time: 15 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 3248 kcal.
  • Purpose: for tea.
  • Cuisine: Italian.

Lush and gentle biscuit with butter, which does not get stale for a long time - a classic that is appropriate for any occasion. If this is an Italian Margarita, then be sure that each guest will ask you step by step recipe. This simple round cake is served only under a thin layer of powdered sugar, and for the indicated volume of products they take a mold with a diameter of 24 cm. However, muffins, and cake layers for complex cakes or a base for cottage cheese cake can be prepared from such a biscuit base.

Ingredients :

  • eggs - 6 pcs.;
  • butter - 115 g;
  • starch - 150 g;
  • flour - 150 g;
  • sugar - 225 g;
  • lemon zest - 3 g;
  • baking powder - 14 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Whisk the eggs until the mixture is almost white.
  2. Add lemon peel, granulated sugar.
  3. Sift flour with starch and baking powder, mix into the egg mass (not vice versa!).
  4. Melt the butter, let it cool - the technology for preparing the Italian biscuit base requires the use of a barely warm butter mass.
  5. Combine all ingredients, mix very gently. Bake products immediately.

On kefir

  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1557 kcal.
  • Purpose: for tea.
  • Cuisine: Swedish.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

it dough for biscuit on kefirthe composition looks unusual, because there are no fatty components. However, it turns out deliciously airy and tender, great for cake and cupcakes. The cooking technology is close to that described step by step for the Italian Margherita biscuit cake, but the Swedish version is softer and not so crumbly. Any starch can be used, but Italian chefs use mostly corn starch.

Ingredients :

  • starch - 90 g;
  • flour - 90 g;
  • kefir - 100 g;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • baking powder - 6 g;
  • salt - 11 g;
  • sugar - 145 g;
  • lemon essence - 1 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Let the eggs warm up before you start beating them with a mixer. Don't forget the salt.
  2. When a lush foam of almost white color is obtained, add sugar.
  3. Continuing to work with a mixer, introduce kefir and lemon essence.
  4. Last, carefully introduce the remaining liquid components into the dough, knead a pliable mass of medium density.

simple recipe

  • Time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1967 kcal.
  • Purpose: for tea.
  • Cuisine: American.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Looking for perfect dough for a biscuit cake or a roll that can be rolled up beautifully without cracking? Try this recipe, which has been appreciated by many hostesses. Suchsimple biscuit doughcooked in milk, and depending on the type confectionery, which you need to get at the exit, vary the technology of cooking in the oven.

Ingredients :

  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • butter - 65 g;
  • milk - 125 ml;
  • flour - 175 g;
  • baking powder - 8 g;
  • sugar - 135 g;
  • vanillin.

Cooking method:

  1. Sift all dry ingredients, beat (!).
  2. Bring milk with pieces of butter to a boil, wait until this liquid is homogeneous. Pour in a stream to loose components.
  3. Add beaten eggs to the dough only after it has cooled, otherwise they may curl.
  4. It is undesirable to stand such a biscuit base, therefore, already at the moment of boiling the milk-butter mixture, warm up the oven.

Biscuit-shortbread dough

  • Time: 2 hours 15 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 2004 kcal.
  • Purpose: for tea.
  • Kitchen: home.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

If for you the phrase "shortbread biscuit dough” looks absurd, try to study this recipe with a photo step by step and bake according to it. Finished products are crispy, but with a soft core. There are no obvious difficulties in how to cook biscuit-sand delicacies. Initially, the working mass is started up like a traditional biscuit, and then it is combined with oil and cooled. Professionals advise making such a dough for cookies or thin cakes.

Ingredients :

  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • butter - half a pack;
  • granulated sugar - 2/3 cup;
  • flour - 165 g;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • vanillin.

Cooking method:

  1. Cold eggs (you can keep them in the freezer for a few minutes, but watch the time) beat with a mixer for 6 minutes. Gently add sugar as you go. Lush foam is the required result of this step.
  2. Spoon in the sifted flour with vanilla and baking powder.
  3. Mix the soft biscuit base with pieces of butter. Cool the resulting lump for 2 hours, wrapping with cling film.

with apples

  • Time: 15 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1528 kcal.
  • Purpose: for tea.
  • Kitchen: home.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Considering different variants biscuits, one cannot ignore the Charlotte pie known to every housewife, which is traditionally prepared with apples, but it is possible to add pears, plums and other fruits. The composition and cooking technology are so simple that most housewivesbiscuit dough with appleshas become a way of creating fast, but always delicious treats. A kind of duty recipe, which you can safely work with even in a slow cooker. Baking is relatively light - on eggs, but without additional fats.

Ingredients :

  • flour - 165 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 127 g;
  • red apples - 220 g;
  • soda - 4 g;
  • vinegar for quenching.

Cooking method:

  1. Grate the apples coarsely. Mix with sugar. You can add a couple of grams of cinnamon to give a spicy flavor to the biscuit product.
  2. Enter the flour slaked soda. Knead the dough, which holds well on a spoon or spatula, and flows off them in lumps. If necessary, vary the density by adding flour / warm water.


  • Time: 30 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1689 kcal.
  • Purpose: for tea.
  • Cuisine: European.

Classical biscuit dough recipesuitable for those who are looking for an easy way to make an interesting dessert with excellent appearance. Even the simplest cream, laid between the cakes, will turn the biscuit base into a stunning cake worthy of a high-class restaurant menu. Some housewives simply serve sliced ​​portioned pieces with jam - it turns out a quick homemade cake.

Ingredients :

  • butter - 65 g;
  • boiling water - 55 ml;
  • proteins - 220 g;
  • yolks - 110 g;
  • sugar - 110 g;
  • flour - 85 g;
  • baking powder - 4 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat egg whites, lightly seasoning.
  2. Melt butter, boil. Pour the baking powder with flour, immediately remove from the burner. Mix.
  3. Boil milk separately, pour it there.
  4. In a water bath, mix the yolks with sugar. Connect with the main part of the test. Remove from stove.
  5. Put the protein foam there with spoons, mixing until smooth.

On sour cream

  • Time: 15 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 2922 kcal.
  • Purpose: for tea.
  • Cuisine: Indian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

How to cook biscuit dough with sour cream? For the answer, you should look into the collections of Indian cuisine recipes, where you can find very interesting option magnificent delicious base for biscuit baking... without eggs. It is recommended to use sour cream with a fat content of about 20-25%, always fresh. Vegetable oil does not have to be sunflower, but it is important that it does not have a strong smell. Similarly, you can make biscuit-cream dough, if you take drinking (!) Low-fat cream - about 15-20%.

Ingredients :

  • flour - 320 g;
  • sour cream - 210 g;
  • milk - 185 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • baking powder - 14 g;
  • sugar - 140 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix sugar with sour cream like a cream for biscuit cakes. Whisk.
  2. Add butter under the working blades of the mixer (medium speed), then warm (40 degrees) milk.
  3. Gently add dry ingredients, already kneading, rather than beating this mass. Products when laying out in a mold on the surface must be leveled.

With condensed milk

  • Time: 25 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 2876 kcal.
  • Purpose: for tea.
  • Kitchen: home.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

The biscuit dough recipe with condensed milkhousewives often open when they intend to bake a delicious layered cake. The dessert turns out to be airy and very sweet, the cakes are perfectly cut without crumbling. You can flavor it if you wish. coconut milk, cocoa, vanilla. The amount of granulated sugar is set individually, because. condensed milk gives a clear sweetness.

Ingredients :

  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • bank of condensed milk;
  • starch - 15 g;
  • granulated sugar - 40 g;
  • butter - 55 g;
  • flour - 235 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Hold a jar of condensed milk in hot water a quarter of an hour to make the contents more liquid. Mix it with egg yolks.
  2. Add starch, flour in portions (sift beforehand).
  3. Pour the last dry component, put the protein foam. Stir so that the biscuit mass does not lose splendor.

Yeast dough

  • Time: 25 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 2424 kcal.
  • Purpose: for tea.
  • Cuisine: Italian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Biscuit-yeast doughItalian housewives are used mainly for cakes, where important role plays the splendor of cakes and their porosity. The general recipe is similar to the classic one, only dry yeast is introduced. The kneading method is safe, nothing needs to be insisted - the rise is provided without this stage. The poppy and almond essence give a highlight.

Ingredients :

  • eggs - 8 pcs.;
  • starch - 75 g;
  • flour - 135 g;
  • sugar - 205 g;
  • dry yeast - 7 g;
  • poppy - 40 g;
  • almond essence - 10 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix dry ingredients, shake several times, set aside.
  2. Beat yolks with proteins separately, each will take 8-9 minutes of work with a mixer.
  3. Add to the biscuit base in the same order, connecting with it from the bottom up, as if capturing a new component.


  • Time: 20 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 3294 kcal.
  • Purpose: for tea.
  • Cuisine: Italian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Chocolate biscuit doughin composition and structure it differs from the classic dough, since after baking the product has a high moisture content and softness. Professionals advise using not only cocoa powder for it, but also good chocolate. The cocoa butter indicated below can be replaced with vegetable oil in the same volume, but take it unrefined, otherwise biscuit baking will appear bad smell. Ready product can be frozen for 60-90 days.

Ingredients :

  • proteins - 165 g;
  • flour - 175 g;
  • yolks - 90 g;
  • powdered sugar- 145 g;
  • soft butter - 140 g;
  • chocolate 60% or higher - 55 g;
  • cocoa butter - 35 g;
  • cocoa powder - 25 g;
  • baking powder - 12 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Melt broken chocolate with cocoa butter. It is better to do this in the oven or use the water bath technology.
  2. Mix butter and sugar, beat until light.
  3. Add the yolks there, do not turn off the mixer for another 4 minutes.
  4. Pour in the chocolate-butter mass when it has cooled slightly.
  5. Pour in the remaining dry ingredients.
  6. Lastly, add protein foam to the dough. Bake biscuits immediately.

Methods for preparing biscuit dough

All the recipes discussed above are easily divided into 2 main groups according to the type of kneading - hot or cold. It is possible to say what will be used for baking only after clarifying what product will be the output. There are several options for how to make dough, and each of them is focused on a different result:

  • Cold kneading is suitable for housewives who decide how to make a roll so that it does not crumble. The disadvantage of this biscuit base is that it is too marshmallow and tender, it almost does not crumble. High thick products cannot be made with it - they will be damp.
  • Hot or brewedbiscuit doughfocused on cupcakes, cakes, pies. The structure of such baking is denser than that obtained by a cold method, it settles less often, and has greater friability. However, it will take longer to prepare, novice housewives are afraid of her.
