How can the best confectioners of the world please us? The most famous confectioners in the world.

Six legendary cakes that the whole world knows (and bakes). Famous desserts of Austria, Italy, Germany and, of course, Russia. It will be delicious!

Real gourmets with a sweet tooth sincerely consider dessert to be the king of any feast. Which is quite understandable by their taste preferences. Remaining absolutely indifferent to meat delicacies, vegetable dishes and, they show childish delight when sweets are served on the table. It is difficult to argue with the fact that a cake is a worthy end to an anniversary evening or a gala reception. But few of us know that the most famous cakes, which today can be tasted in any cafe or restaurant, have an amazing history.

Cake "Anna Pavlova"

Cake "Anna Pavlova" is one of the most popular cakes in Russia today.

The light and airy creation of "Pavlova", based on meringue and whipped cream with the addition of berries and fruits, owes its appearance to the tour of the famous Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova in New Zealand. Local confectioners invented this delicate dessert to show a talented woman his admiration. And it was so sincere that the cake has long been included in the top ten delicious desserts peace.

By the way, experienced confectioners claim that it is very easy to make, you just need to know a few secrets.

Dessert "Tiramisu"

Today, "Tiramisu" can be tasted anywhere in the world, but only in Italy it is unique. Don't believe? Try it as soon as you get the chance!

Tiramisu is the most famous Italian sweet dish. Its name literally translates as "lift me up." What is meant by this? Practical nutritionists believe that we are talking about a high-calorie treat. Cheerful Italians are inclined to believe that every bite eaten significantly improves mood. But the cunning nobles tried to taste it before love joys in order to confirm their masculine power to the chosen one.

This dessert has the status of an aristocrat among its brethren, therefore, it requires an appropriate attitude. its soft, delicate taste with light creamy notes, should be enjoyed slowly. It is very difficult to explain what the real one is. This is a cross between pudding, cake and soufflé, and in the best manifestations of these dishes.

Napoleon cake"

A very simple cake at first glance - a dozen cakes with cream - won the hearts of many sweet teeth!

Cake "Napoleon" in the minds of each of us is inextricably linked with France, although it was first prepared in Russia in 1912 in honor of the centenary of the expulsion of the French from the country. A dish of thin puff cakes and custard was served on the table in the form of a defeated emperor's triangular hat and suddenly gained unheard of popularity! And even today, only a few can refuse the pleasure of eating a piece of soaked nourishing "Napoleon".

Cake "Sacher"

Let's be honest, not everyone falls in love with Sacher and not the first time. It is too stiff and specific - nothing superfluous, no raisins.

If someday fate brings you to Vienna, be sure to try the luxurious austrian cake"Sacher". A dizzying cocktail of flavors and aromas usually does not leave indifferent any connoisseur fine dining- these are elegant notes of chocolate with light tones of apricot jam. It first appeared on the desk of Austrian Chancellor Metternich in 1832. Franz Sacher, a young 16-year-old culinary specialist, has created an amazing creation from chocolate cakes with layers of apricot jam, filled with thick chocolate icing. The experiment turned out to be more than successful!

black forest cake

The Germans are not far behind the Austrians in the culinary industry. Contrary to stereotypes, they are known for their sweet tooth! Those who have been to know that their desserts are hard to refuse. The Black Forest cake, known to us as the Black Forest, is a weighty confirmation of this. It is as simple as a day in execution: biscuits alternate with whipped cream and are decorated with fresh cherries. The secret of tenderness is the impregnation of chocolate cakes with cherry fruit brandy. The Germans affectionately call her "Kirschwasser". The top of the cake is sprinkled with chocolate chips.

"Red Velvet"

The cake of a bright scarlet shade with strips of butter cream was invented by the Americans. During the Great Depression, when products were given out on cards, and the cakes were all gray-brown in color, confectioners came up with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200badding ... beet mass to the dough. The cakes turned out bright, purple and life-affirming! In cooking capricious. Cream and soft cheese cool, butter and eggs, on the contrary, warm, send the cakes back to the refrigerator - there is a lot of fuss.

But the result overshadows all efforts. Try it, if you don’t believe it, it’s not for nothing that “velvet” is one of the ten most famous cakes in the world.

You can talk endlessly about the variety of tastes and originality of desserts from different countries, but it's better to just try them. For those who have the opportunity to travel, it is enough to make an order in a restaurant with national cuisine. The rest can try on the apron of a novice confectioner and surprise the household!

These masters create such desserts, looking at which, it is impossible not to want something sweet. We know what we're talking about! See for yourself as you admire the sweet creations of the most talented craftsmen in the world. confectionery art.

Renat Agzamov

“I am the happiest person” - it is written in the description of Renat's Instagram account, and looking at his insanely beautiful creations, we do not doubt it for a second. Renat is known throughout the world for cakes of impressive sizes, weighing 100, 200 and even 400 kilograms. Agzamov is the favorite pastry chef of Russian pop stars, embodying their craziest desires. What is the royal cake for Philip Kirkorov with a crown, monograms and figurines in the form of the artist himself.

Each of his cakes is a real city or a small world with thousands of small sweet details. For Renat, impossible tasks simply do not exist: last fall, the confectioner shocked everyone wedding cake in the form of a palace, which weighed as much as 4 tons.

Dinara Kasko

Dinara Kasko from Kharkov (read an interview with her) is our real pride. The girl became famous all over the world for her geometric desserts, which have already appeared on the pages of the most famous confectionery magazines. Dinara and Instagram helped a lot in the work, to which more than 400 thousand people are now subscribed. Having abruptly become the star of the confectionery world, the girl travels around different countries with master classes and earns by selling unique silicone molds for cakes that she models in 3-D.

“All this boom around my Instagram started last fall. Offers to hold master classes rained down, and I agreed a lot. I traveled to Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Russia, Belarus, here in Ukraine. But it was very hard for me mentally and physically, but you have to work for pleasure! Therefore, now I choose only the best among the proposals, and this year, in terms of geography, everything will be much more interesting. I will go with master classes to Thailand, Italy, Spain, Belgium, China, Indonesia”, Dinara told us in an interview.

Amory Guichon

This confectioner from France is called the chocolate architect for a reason, because he creates the most impressive structures from sweet ingredients. Amaury has vast experience behind him: from the age of 16 he studied pastry making, and at 21 he became the youngest chef in Paris. Later, the guy moved to the United States and now holds the position of pastry chef in one of the most famous establishments in Las Vegas, Jean Philippe.

Adriano Zumbo

Adriano is one of the most popular confectioners in Australia. He began to master the skill as a child in his parents' supermarket, and later studied with famous Australian and international confectioners. After studying in Paris and success in the culinary competition "World Cup of Pastry", Adriano opened his confectionery Adriano Zumbo Patissier.

In addition, Adriano became famous for inventing the most expensive dessert in Australia called V8 Angel Cake. The dessert consists of 10 layers of different structure and preparation methods, and the eight in the title indicates the number of ways to use vanilla.

Julien Alvarez

World champion pastry chef Julien Alvarez is now pastry chef at The Peninsula, an international chain of luxury hotels in Paris. In 2011, Julien won the world title in the most prestigious international competition, la Coupe du Monde de la Pâtisserie, representing Spain. Its signature feature is an original combination of colors, tastes and sophisticated artistic decor.

Jerome De Oliveira

Jerome is the youngest world champion who received this title twice, and earned his first title at the age of 23. Today he is 31 and the track record of this master can be envied by many more experienced colleagues. Jérôme has an internship with the famous confectioner Sébastien Bouillet, five years of work in Paris with the pride of the French confectionery school Christophe Michalac, a sous-chef position at the Plaza Athénée luxury hotel, the title of champion in two of the world's largest competitions, as well as two of his own Intuitions boutiques in Cannes and in Monaco.

David Cakes

This British pastry chef proves once again that desserts can truly be a work of art. Among David's clients are many celebrities, and even the royal family. It was his cakes that were at the wedding of Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex and Prince Andrew, Duke of York. With 30 years of experience in this field, the pastry chef has appeared on television more than once and was even a judge on the popular CAKE WALK Wedding Cake Edition, dedicated to unusual wedding cakes.

Christoph Mishalak

The experimental pastry chef has gone from a small patisserie in Picardy to the title of World Pastry Champion in 2005 and the position of pastry chef in the three-star Michelin restaurant of the magnificent Alain Ducasse at the legendary Plaza Athenee hotel.

Last year, Christoph Mishalak released his first book, It's a Cake! (C'est du Gateau!), where he revealed some of the secrets of his skill to beginner confectioners. In addition, Christophe teaches at some of France's most prestigious confectionery schools, maintains a popular confectionery blog, and runs Michalak Connect, a global confectioner recruitment service.

Admit to yourself that at least once you dreamed of countless confectionery products around you that you could taste unlimitedly.

You have imagined millions of times how you lick the sweet top rose from a multi-tiered cake, which seems fantastically unreal on the TV screen. Even in sweet dreams, you could not fully enjoy the smell of coffee beans and orange biscuit. Recognize yourself!? If yes, then take care of your nervous system and get ready for the dizzying news - all your sweet dreams can come true. Grab an atlas and quickly mark all the bakeries and pastry shops in the world where you are guaranteed a gastronomic orgasm.

1. Dominique Ansel Bakery, New York, USA

There are several reasons why you should visit Dominique Ancel's Bakery in New York. The first of these is kronat. Cronat is a new dish american cuisine and represents a hybrid of a donut and a French croissant. The cronut turned out so delicious that many people come to this bakery to try the wonderful donuts and recharge with positive energy for the whole day. Unfortunately, by 11 a.m., all the cronuts are taken apart in the bakery. But a good host always has a few free samples in store for you to taste. The second reason is amazing. delicious cakes, pies and cookies. Believe me, a couple of extra pounds are worth tasting delicious sweets.

2. Tatte Confectionery, Boston, USA

If you are a passionate lover of fruits and pastries at the same time, then the Tatte bakery is waiting for you. You can't even imagine how amazing pastries can be. Pies and all kinds of dough products look so beautiful that you are afraid to even touch them.

3. Sadaharu Aoki Confectionery in Tokyo and Paris

The talented confectioner Sadaharu Aoki has learned to “tame” absolutely any sweet texture and turn it into a real work of art. Boldly combining unique Japanese ingredients with French pastry, the confectioner practically created a separate branch of confectionery cooking. You won't find a green tea croissant or a black sesame eclair anywhere else in the world, so take your sweet journey now.

4. Confectionery Demel, Vienna

One of the best places on the planet where you can taste the real products of the imperial confectionery is located in Vienna. On the ground floor, you will come across an amazing selection of cakes, buns, sweets. If you can break away and go deep, you will be lucky enough to see the whole process of preparing the beautiful. On the second floor of the confectionery, you can personally taste everything you want. And within the walls of the confectionery you can visit the museum of confectionery art. It is unlikely that you will find a place in the world that combines the wonderful atmosphere of old Vienna, comfort, hospitality and sweets for every taste.

5. Conditori La Glace, Copenhagen, Denmark

Conditori La Glace is located in Copenhagen and is said to be the oldest patisserie in all of Denmark. Once inside, you instantly feel like you are in an unusual place and in a different era. For every holiday, the confectionery decorates the windows with all sorts of goodies, amazing and incomparable. When traveling around Denmark, be sure to visit this patisserie and taste their traditional cake and invigorating coffee with whipped cream.

6. Du Pain et des Ideas Bakery, Paris, France

Parisian bakery Du Pain et des Ideas is famous for its incomparable pastries. It is here that the most delicious French croissants are baked, which will surely drive anyone crazy. Even if you enter the bakery without feeling hungry, the sweet aromas will make you reconsider your choice.

7. Czech Stop Bakery, West, Texas

From the outside, the Czech Stop bakery does not look unusual. But, as they say, beauty is inside and it can be described in one word: colaches. Kolaches is a kind of pastry, in the preparation of which they use gentle soufflé and pieces of fruit. The bakery adheres to Czech confectionery traditions, so tasting something from their range will make you feel like you are in the cramped streets of Prague. A big plus of the bakery is that it is open to visitors 24 hours 7 days a week. So at any time you have not arrived, freshly baked colaches will always be waiting for you.

8. Pasticceria Marchesi Bakery, Milan, Italy

A small bakery is located in the heart of Milan and boasts the status of "the oldest bakery". Pasticceria Marchesi offers customers a wide range of traditional pastry Italian cuisine and great amount drinks. Once inside, you will feel the real Italian surroundings, thanks to the exquisite design. enjoying delicious coffee and sweet pastries, you can stroll through the antique shop located above the bakery.

9. Bakerbot's Confectionery, Toronto, Canada

At one of the best patisserie in Toronto, you can taste the amazingly delicious handmade dessert of ice cream and biscuit, adding any ingredients of your own taste. Trust me, you've never tasted anything more delicious, so be sure to check out Bakerbot's.

10. e5 Bakehouse, London, England

The small cozy e5 Bakehouse is famous in London for its traditional English pastries. Almost all of their recipes are old, so their products are unique. If you wish, you can enroll in a bakery course in the bakery and surprise your loved ones with some special dish. There are a lot of obvious advantages of e5 Bakehouse, so you should definitely see it for yourself.

11. Bourke Street Bakery, Sydney, Australia

If you ever get the chance to visit Sydney, then check out the Bourke Street Bakery, which you can find all over the city. Despite the small size, you will be surprised by the taste of pastries and be sure to take a couple of buns with you. And the bakery bakes the best meat pie all over the world, so don't miss this bakery.

12. Confectionery Gagou de Paris, Jerusalem, Israel

The French-style Gagou de Paris patisserie surpasses many bakeries located in France. Imagine that in holy Jerusalem you can taste real french croissant prepared with all the subtleties of French culinary arts. The confectionery has products made from any kind of dough, so even a sophisticated gourmet will find something to their taste.

13. Tai Cheong Bakery, Hong Kong, China

Hong Kong is truly considered a phenomenal city, so even the bakeries located there are some of the best in the world. Tai Cheong Bakery specializes in a variety of pastries and cakes, and trust me, you won't be able to pass it up because of its sweet, inviting aroma. Tai Cheong Bakery is known all over the world for its amazing egg pie, which has become a true culinary legend. When you go to Hong Kong, don't forget to visit one of the best bakeries on the planet.

14. Conditorei Schober, Zurich, Switzerland

You can plunge into the luxurious atmosphere of royal tea drinking in the chic confectionery Conditorei Schober in Zurich. You can choose from the best desserts that are worthy of the kings themselves. Sitting comfortably in an easy chair with golden armrests, drinking slowly hot chocolate and eating a sweet dessert, you will feel that life is truly beautiful.

15. Pastéis de Belém Bakery, Lisbon, Portugal

This year Pastéis de Belém turns 180 years old, so the quality of the pastries on offer speaks for itself. The bakery prepares pastel de nata - crispy pastries with custard, which you will instantly gobble up and ask for more. You can see the whole cooking process personally through the glass and feel like a witness to a culinary miracle.

16. Tartine Bakery, San Francisco, California

In the mornings, a huge queue of those who want to buy fresh bread and rolls line up near the counter of the Tartine bakery, which are sold out very quickly. The taste of these pastries is incredible, so if you are lucky enough to try them, you will realize that you have never tasted better.

17. Confectionery Konditorei und Cafe Buchwald, Berlin, Germany

In the confectionery Konditorei und Cafe Buchwald, you can taste the wonderful German dessert baumkuchen, or tree-pie in another way. Baumkuchen - special kind baking, which is traditional for Germany. In the context, such a dessert looks like a saw cut of a tree with annual rings. At Konditorei und Cafe Buchwald, you can try this dessert topped with apricot or chocolate syrup. If you wish, you can always take a piece of another with you and enjoy the beauty in a cozy home environment.

18. Confectionery Hafiz Mustafa 1864, Istanbul, Turkey

Hafiz Mustafa 1864 is one of the oldest stores in Turkey and is famous for its endless selection of all kinds of Turkish sweets. On the shelves of showcases you will find absolutely any taste of the famous Turkish Delight. Only in Hafiz Mustafa 1864 you can taste delicious oriental baklava that instantly melts in your mouth. Believe me, you will not be able to leave the store without trying at least half of the presented goods.

19. Boulangerie Guerin Bakery, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The excellent bakery is located close to the local beaches, so you can always grab a couple of goodies with you. Boulangerie Guerin bakes the best fruit pies and serve delicious espresso, which you will want to repeat once you try it.

20. Macrina Bakery, Seattle, USA

Macrina Bakery offers the best baked goods in all of Seattle. Every sweet tooth knows this place, as the range of desserts and pastries is huge. You will never meet a person in the city who would not visit this bakery from time to time.

21. El Pan de la Chola Bakery, Lima, Peru

El Pan de la Chola is a true example of a traditional bakery that specializes in baking a wide variety of breads. Each loaf of bread is made by hand, which gives the bread a special significance. Traditionally, bread from the El Pan de la Chola bakery is usually eaten with Greek yogurt to bring out all the flavors of pastries. Refresh yourself with delicious fresh bread while traveling in Peru.

22. Confectionery Cafe Savoy, Prague, Czech Republic

If you prefer a bourgeois atmosphere, then you must visit the Cafe Savoy patisserie in Prague. In addition to impeccably delicious desserts, you will be captivated by the environment of old Europe. This pastry shop is a true paradise for lovers of luxury and delicious cuisine.

23. Breads Bakery, New York, USA

Breads Bakery is famous in the USA thanks to the talent of the chef from Israel. It works real miracles with flour and eggs. With the help of his hands, he creates wonderful types of Jewish bread, which is considered amazing in taste. The bakery also offers a wide range of pastries and desserts, many of which have become "favorites" of regular customers. Try joining the ranks of Israeli bakers by tasting the "chocolate babka".

24. Taxinge Slott Café, Nykvarn, Sweden

The wonderful Taxinge Slott Café is located in the castle, so the surrounding atmosphere will especially please you. The patisserie works like a canteen, so you have the right to choose what you want to try. From the assortment on the shelves are cakes, desserts, pastries, pastries. Each name has unique taste and acceptable price. So all the sweet tooth of Sweden gather there.

25. Henri Charpentier Confectionery, Tokyo, Japan

The famous pastry chef Henri Charpenty is considered a master of his craft and is known in the world for incredible cakes that are even a pity to try. You should definitely visit the Henri Charpentier patisserie to admire the real edible works of art and maybe taste a slice.

The Village tirelessly follows everything that happens in the city - the opening of shops, cafes, restaurants and salons - and tells about the most significant and interesting to readers. In our section "" we give the floor to people who have contributed to the development of the restaurant business in Moscow. The new issue features Maria Troitskaya, who at the age of 21 managed to found her own brand of desserts and launch an online confectionery Californicaketion.

How it all began

My family never really cooked. It all started with the fact that in the second year of the institute I decided to seriously lose weight - it was fashionable. Then I forbade myself to eat sweets, but soon realized that I missed him very much. Mom gave me cookbook with recipes for dietary desserts. Of course, the first time I didn’t manage to cook anything on it. But I liked the process itself, at the same time similar to chemistry and magic!

Soon diet desserts began to turn out. Then my mother advised me to cook something that everyone would like. I decided to start with the most difficult - with pasta. Although the cakes were more like two cream pancakes, everyone enjoyed it. Then I started making cakes. I remember that I did the first one for five whole days - it had eight different layers. So in six months, cooking has become a serious hobby.

About studying abroad

No matter what I did, I still couldn't make pasta. Therefore, my mother offered to give me a gift - training at a pastry school. Largely because of my love for Paris and the French language, I chose the school of confectioner Alain Ducasse. To get there, it was enough to write a letter and pay for the course. Knowledge of French was also important, since almost none of the cooks spoke English.

I chose the pasta making course. Mom went with me and supported me all the time: she went to classes, watched what we were doing there. Although the training lasted only a few days (more long term I couldn’t leave, because I was still studying at the Moscow Architectural Institute), I really liked it. I was finally able to cook perfect pasta. I also practiced my French and met some nice people.

Soon I signed up for a course in tarts at Christoph Mishalak's school. I was interested in working with sand dough. In addition, then Christoph just launched his own line of tarts. Initially, I wanted to get on his personal course - he is a fairly well-known confectioner, and in Paris he is generally considered a star - but due to the high demand, this was impossible. And I went to study with his team, which turned out to be very professional. Two of Christoph's assistants have already opened their own pastry shops.

When I had my own handwriting and the work became more serious, I decided to study at the Bellouet Conseil school. Unlike the previous courses that I attended, the training there is considered more professional. Before choosing a course, all participants are asked to submit examples of work to help determine the level of difficulty they can afford.
At that time, I had already started making cakes to order: first for friends and acquaintances, and then word of mouth started. Therefore, I chose the course entreme- this is the name of mousse cakes covered with icing and decorated with complex chocolate decor.

I communicated in in social networks with Antonio Baschur, who worked as a pastry chef at an expensive hotel in Miami's Bal Harbor Resort. After seeing my work, he invited me to a two-week internship. For me, this was probably the most interesting and serious experience: I was able not only to see from the inside how the process of creating desserts goes, but also to participate in the work.

How to start a candy store

When I started showing my cakes to friends and acquaintances, other people began to learn about me. Often they asked to prepare something for the festive event. There were especially many architects among them - this is natural. They are pleased when someone from the architectural environment is engaged not only in the main profession, but also makes desserts.

Then I realized that I needed my own brand, by which people could recognize my work, and I started thinking about a logo. The Marie Oiseau Pâtisserie was inspired by French graffiti artist and tattoo artist Fuzi UVTPK. Together with him we came up with my first tattoo - a bird (in French "oiseau". - Approx. ed.), as a symbol of something very light and airy. I used it for the logo.

At first, most of my family members were wary that I preferred confectionery to architecture. Unfortunately, in Russia there is still an opinion that a confectioner is not a representative of art, but a woman from the dining room, who, in a dusty dressing gown, makes cream roses. Of course, then I was hurt and sad. But my achievements made my relatives change their minds and understand what I really want to do in the future.

A year ago, I met two young people who suggested that I start an online bakery. I liked their concept: in Moscow, really, almost no one makes a line of desserts of a single design. And there are no pastry shops in the real French format at all. We soon started working together under the name Californicaketion. Within the framework of the project, I am engaged in the creation of desserts and branding, and the guys - in the organization of the process, finance and promotion.

Last spring, I enrolled in a master's program at the National School of Architecture Paris-Malaquais, because I decided to complete the architectural phase of my life. In order for the confectionery to continue its work, we began to assemble a team of chefs. The main criterion was not a lot of experience, but an optimistic attitude, which is characteristic of the same young people as we are.

We found the first girl, Daria, through acquaintances: she really wanted to cook, however, she practically didn’t know how to cook. confectionery. Now she makes beautiful and neat cakes. The second girl, Maria, wrote to me herself. She had a good pastry experience and soon moved from St. Petersburg to Moscow to work with us.

About products and suppliers

I practically don't eat my cakes, because I try not to eat a lot of sweets.
In this sense, confectionery is a great thing. Desserts are always prepared by the gram. Therefore, I am sure that if you follow the exact recipe, the result will always be good and the same.

For chefs, I not only compose technological maps, but I also make a drawing of each cake, including in a section. I don’t worry about the taste (I know that girls cook strictly according to the recipe), but appearance I check desserts by photos - they are sent to me every day. Of course, sometimes there are mistakes. But it happens to everyone. In most cases, I am satisfied with the result.

Perfect option supplier with our turnover - Dorogomilovsky market. There good quality products, plus you can always agree on personal delivery and discounts. But, of course, not all ingredients are available in Moscow. For example, for pasta you need the right, that is, dry, almond flour. Sometimes I bring something from Paris. These are mainly sprays and cans of confectionery paint, chocolate decorations, beads and sugar decorations, which we often use.

How desserts are made

The process of creating a dessert is very interesting. At first I draw for a long time, I make a lot of sketches of the cake from different angles. I figure out how my idea can be translated into reality: what products to use and in what form. Then I redraw the cake again, create diagrams in ArchiCAD and cut it in Photoshop.

I usually come up with something new when I have inspiration. It largely depends on the mood. Therefore, it is natural that I, like all creative people, have periods of pauses when I cannot do anything.

Travel often inspires me. For example, when I was in Stockholm, I really wanted to embody this city in the form of a cake. I took the products that the locals love and transferred them to different layers of the dessert. It also happens that I see, for example, a piece of jewelry, and after a while I decide to make a cake in the form of it.

One day I was inspired by Four Cheese pizza. I wondered if it was possible to make such a cake. For a whole year I nurtured the idea, and then, when European cheeses were banned in our country, I nevertheless decided to implement it. Then I brought all the necessary ingredients from the trip and made the cake the way I imagined.

Of course, architectural education helps me in my work. At the Moscow Architectural Institute, I was taught a sense of composition and color. I often find inspiration in the work of my favorite architects, such as Frank Gehry.

Often I ask friends to give me ideas and images for cakes. But my main adviser is my mother. She is an architect and artist, plus I trust her. There are cakes that she came up with from start to finish, and I just realized. Also, if one of my chefs comes up with an idea, I never forbid it to be implemented. It is useful both for them and for me.

About plans for the future

I try not to make global plans, I live for the next day. I would like to work in some Parisian restaurant or patisserie. But for now, I'm doing my education and I'm thinking about opening a confectionery in Moscow. The latter is a program for a maximum of the next couple of years.

We also began to discuss with various establishments the possibility of presenting our desserts at their venues. For example, we recently agreed with the Double B coffee shop on Neglinnaya Street to supply desserts.

I'm interested in teaching people about confectionery. I have been teaching workshops for over two years. It all started with a simple suggestion from a friend to teach a small group class. Now my lessons are being filmed for an online school. A master class is not only a transfer of experience, it is a philosophy of creating a special, pleasant atmosphere for people who love confectionery art.

I especially remember the master class for the boarding school in the village of Medny. After the lesson, a girl came up to me and said that in the future she wants to become a confectioner and give people joy.