How to make homemade ice cream with the taste of Soviet ice cream. Ice cream at home step by step recipes with photos

Why is everyone's favorite kind of ice cream called ice cream? China claims to be the homeland of ice cream, Marco Polo brought the recipe to Europe, and court cooks began a competition for the most delicious recipe. Judging by the ice cream, the French were especially successful in this, since the origin of the word "ice cream" is known - there is the city of Plombier-les-Bains in France, and this ice cream was prepared there for the first time.

The ice cream recipe has been known since the time of Napoleon III. And homemade ice cream, the recipe of which will be given below, is the same ice cream ice cream.

Plombir is not just creamy ice cream. The same taste of ice cream made in the USSR, familiar to many since childhood, is achieved thanks to the delicate texture of the delicacy. To the displeasure of those who follow their figure, this can only be achieved with a sufficiently high concentration of fat and sugar. The ice cream recipe assumes a concentration of fat and sugar of about 15%, so the calorie content of the ice cream is 232 kcal. This is quite a lot, but for lovers of sweets who are watching their figure, they are now releasing a lighter version of ice cream, not so high in calories.

Recently, it has become increasingly difficult to find high-quality ice cream on sale. Chemical substitutes for odor and color, dyes and flavor enhancers have firmly entered the composition of ice cream even from well-known manufacturers. Therefore, for those who want to get homemade ice cream with a taste from childhood and are not afraid of working at home in the kitchen, a recipe for making ice cream is offered, as well as several options for homemade ice cream.

Plombir recipe using an ice cream maker


  • Cream 10% - 200 ml;
  • Cream 30% - 300 ml;
  • Egg yolks - 3 pcs.;
  • Powdered sugar - 100 g;
  • Starch - 0.5 tsp;
  • Salt;
  • Vanilla.

The number of products is calculated for a liter ice cream maker. This recipe can also be used to make ice cream without a special ice cream maker, simply by placing the finished mixture in the refrigerator. Salt is needed to improve the freezing of ice cream, in addition, it improves the taste. The required amount is a pinch. You also need very little vanilla, preferably vanilla, not vanillin. The fact is that vanillin is a chemical substitute for vanilla, which, in addition to a rich smell, has a bitter taste. Natural vanilla is tasteless.

Soviet recipe for ice cream without an ice cream maker


  • Egg whites - 3 pcs.;
  • Cream 30% - 300 ml;
  • Sugar - 100 g;
  • Powdered sugar - 80 g;
  • Juice of half a lemon;
  • Vanilla to taste.

The quantity of products is designed for 6 servings. The recipe can be enlarged by simply increasing the proportions. In terms of the ratio of ingredients, this is exactly the recipe for the Soviet ice cream that was used in Soviet times.

  1. Thoroughly mix the cream with sugar and vanilla and cook for half an hour, then cool and beat with a mixer until a strong foam;
  2. Beat egg whites with lemon juice and powdered sugar;
  3. Thoroughly mix both whipped masses, then place in the freezer for 2-3 hours. After the lapse of time, the mass must be beaten again with a mixer or blender, then the process should be repeated until a homogeneous mass without ice crystals is obtained. You can add various fillers.

low calorie ice cream

As mentioned above, ice cream is a fairly high-calorie product, so for those who follow their figure, there is a recipe for low-calorie ice cream. Only 55 calories.


  • Low-fat cottage cheese - 100 g;
  • Water - 50 g;
  • Kefir 1% - 150 g;
  • Orange;
  • Banana.

We prepare mashed orange and banana, having previously removed the orange seeds. Other fruits can be used if desired. We mix kefir, cottage cheese and water, add fruit puree to the resulting mass and beat thoroughly with a mixer.

We lay out the finished mixture in molds and place in the freezer. After 2-3 hours the ice cream is ready.

On the video - another ice cream recipe:

Very easy ice cream recipe

The ice cream recipe is extremely simple. All you need is yogurt and ice cream sticks. Yogurt with sticks inserted into it must be placed in the freezer for 2-3 hours, periodically removing and stirring. When the yogurt turns into a homogeneous mass without pieces of ice, the ice cream is ready.

Enjoy your meal!

How to make homemade ice cream? The taste of the Soviet ice cream is familiar to many since childhood. That is why I want to try this delicacy again. But it is not always possible to buy delicious ice cream in a store, and the quality of some products is only regrettable. You can cook this dessert yourself, only from the best products. it turns out delicious, evokes nostalgia for distant times. The recipes are simple and the results are simply amazing.

Basic Recipe

This recipe can be taken as a basis and used to create other culinary masterpieces with various fillings. For cooking, you need to take 200 milliliters of good (preferably homemade) milk, 4 egg yolks, 150 grams of sugar, 200 milliliters of good cream (33 percent) and vanilla (stick or essence). Now let's start making homemade ice cream. At the same time, we will get the taste of Soviet ice cream thanks to high-quality products. First, put the milk on the fire and bring it to a boil. Then add vanilla and remove from heat. It is better to put the container on ice so that the liquid cools quickly.

Separately, beat the yolks with sugar. Pour the cooled milk into the egg mixture and mix thoroughly. We put the resulting mass on fire, but do not boil. The mixture should boil, and it must be constantly stirred. This moment is the most important. Do not boil, otherwise the yolks will curl up. You can check readiness with a wooden spoon. If you run your finger over it and a trace remains, then the delicacy is ready. Remove the container from the fire and cool. Separately, beat the cream and mix it with the cooled egg mass. It has a very airy consistency. We put homemade ice cream in the refrigerator. The taste of the Soviet ice cream is provided to him. After an hour, we take out a delicacy from the freezer and beat it with a whisk. We send ice cream for another hour in the freezer. Then we take out and repeat the mixing. After 8 hours, the dessert will be ready. The last procedures will make it airy and light.

simple recipe

What is needed to make homemade ice cream taste like a Soviet ice cream? Just 5 simple ingredients. For cooking, take two glasses of sugar, a small spoonful of starch, a liter of milk (it is better to take homemade), 100 grams of butter and five egg yolks. We put a saucepan with milk on the fire and dip the butter into it. Bring the mixture to a boil. Separately, mix sugar, yolks and starch. You should get a homogeneous mass.

Now combine the egg mixture with a little milk and mix thoroughly. It turns out a mass similar in consistency to liquid sour cream. We introduce the yolk mass in a thin stream into the boiled milk-cream mixture. Don't forget to stir constantly. Bring the mixture to a boil and remove from heat. Now it needs to be cooled as soon as possible. We put the pan in cold water or on ice. Stir the future ice cream to speed up the cooling process. Pour the warm mixture into molds and place in the freezer. This is where the quick freeze feature comes in handy. After that, you can serve homemade ice cream to the table. Guests will appreciate the taste of Soviet ice cream with pleasure.

Ice cream without eggs

Sometimes, due to certain circumstances, it is necessary to prepare a dessert that does not contain eggs. This recipe is perfect for this occasion. Will have homemade ice cream taste of Soviet ice cream. It is also possible to achieve this without eggs. For cooking, we take only high-quality products. Milk is better to use fat, homemade. It will take 400 grams of milk, 75 grams of sugar, 25 grams of powdered milk, 10 grams of corn starch and a bag of vanilla.

First, mix sugar, vanilla and milk powder. Then pour 350 milliliters of milk into this mixture. Separately, dissolve the starch in the remaining milk. Add it to the main ingredients and mix everything well. Now you need to boil the base of the dessert until it thickens. It must be constantly stirred. After that, we send the ice cream for an hour in the freezer. Then we take it out and beat it well with a mixer. We shift the delicacy into molds and put it again in the cold for 2 hours.

Dessert in an ice cream maker

For cooking, you can use an ice cream maker. To do this, we take the same ingredients as in the previous recipes. After preparing the mixture for dessert, place it in the freezer for an hour. After that, we shift the mass into the bowl of the ice cream maker, which is better to pre-cool.

We turn on the stirring for 40 minutes. Soft, airy homemade ice cream is formed. The taste of Soviet ice cream in an ice cream maker will also turn out. You can remove the treat from the freezer by placing it in an airtight container. To prevent the formation of ice crystals, you need to periodically take out the ice cream and mix it.

Paradisaic delight

This is an original recipe, the taste of the resulting delicacy resembles a Bounty chocolate bar. For cooking, you need to take 100 grams of white and 150 grams of milk chocolate, 50 grams of coconut flakes, 400 milliliters of coconut milk with pulp, 300 milliliters of cream, 5 large spoons of sugar and 2 yolks. The process of creating such a delicacy is quite simple. Beat the yolks with sugar for about 5 minutes. Then, without stopping the work of the mixer, pour in the cream and coconut milk. The result is a homogeneous mass. Pour it into a saucepan and put it in a water bath. Add to this mixture

Don't forget to stir and don't let it boil. Pour in the coconut flakes and cool the mass until warm. Now add milk chocolate and let it melt. We mix everything well. do not completely melt, thus achieving a marble effect. We freeze homemade ice cream for about 4-5 hours. The taste of the Soviet does not provide for, but the dessert turns out to be very tasty.

diet ice cream

This recipe is suitable for those who follow their figure. We take low-fat products for cooking. It doesn't make the taste any less interesting. Take 500 milliliters of milk, three eggs, two tablespoons of cocoa, one tablespoon of starch, three tablespoons of sugar, vanilla and fresh berries for decoration (optional). First, mix starch, sugar, vanilla and cocoa with milk (5 tablespoons).

Separate the yolks from the proteins and add them to the remaining milk, which must be slightly warmed up. Now we mix the two prepared masses and put the container on the fire. The mixture should thicken to a custard consistency. Whip the egg whites until foamy. With the mixer running, add the milk and cocoa mixture. Pour ice cream into molds and let cool.

Melon ice cream

To prepare this delicious and fragrant dessert, you only need three ingredients. Take 250 grams of ripe melon, 250 milliliters of cream and 100 grams of sugar. We clean the melon and grind it with a blender with sugar. Separately, whip the cream, and then mix with melon. We send ice cream for an hour in the freezer. Then beat it with a whisk or a mixer and cool again for 5-6 hours. Dessert can be sprinkled with chocolate chips.


It is better to cook a delicacy from good, high-quality products. Only then will homemade ice cream taste like Soviet ice cream. Reviews about this dessert confirm this. Ice cream is well complemented with grated chocolate, fresh fruit, jams and preserves. You can use nuts, which must first be peeled and roasted. The delicacy can be served soft or after a long freeze. Homemade ice cream is tastier than store bought. Please your friends and loved ones.

I can find the composition and proportions later, now I’m not at hand. In the meantime, I will describe the cooking process itself, as an answer to Pavel instead of a comment.

It makes sense to have a method of making homemade ice cream in your arsenal for one main reason - you will not put a single gram of inedible products there. Only natural, tasty and understandable: milk, butter, egg yolks, sugar, vanillin. Only hardcore, as the often famous Maria writes)).

Another reason to be able to make such ice cream is the ability to depict a chic ice cream cake in several tiers. Especially now there are various decorations that can be used for such a cake. Although I got by with berry juice, regular real chocolate and fresh berries. My children, probably, do not even remember that such a miracle was prepared by me for their birthdays several times. There was a time when there was nothing interesting on sale, no cakes or, as it is now, ice cream in jars, rolls, with filling, and so on. I had to turn on my imagination, look for interesting recipes. I don't remember where I got this one from. Whether from an old book on home economics, or from the magazine "Family and School". That magazine printed amazing things to help parents.

First, like this: a mixture of milk (cream) - eggs - butter - vanillin - sugar is prepared. The milk is heated, dissolve the butter there in pieces in warm, not hot. The yolks are rubbed with sugar, there is vanillin on the tip of a knife. Then stir it into the milk-butter mixture. Bring to a boil, stirring to prevent the yolk from curdling.

Cool down. Pour the mixture into a plastic bag (two together for reliability). Pour so that there is room for air - about 2/3 of the volume. This air will be the main preparation of our ice cream. Because there were no plastic clip-latches, I took ordinary wooden clothespins and clamped the tucked edges of the packages with them. The package fits flat in the freezer.

All this is frozen in the freezer by half. Then it is whipped by shaking the bag in the hands. It takes a little skill here. From the heat of the hands, the mixture is slightly leveled in consistency, and it can not be heated too much. It is better to wear mittens or do it through a towel. Throw the package back and forth in your palms. The milk mixture is saturated with air. So we repeat several times (freeze-shake) until the state of soft ice cream.

Several servings are made in different packages. This allows you to add different fillers to them - grated chocolate, juice or fruit puree (very little!). Lay out in cake molds and freeze again. We take it out, slightly warming the bottom of the form from the outside in hot water and put it in a pyramid on a wide dish.
Before the guests arrive, put the cake back in the freezer. We turn the bags after ice cream and lick the tasty leftovers))

Older people have been familiar with the taste of Soviet ice cream since childhood. You can't compare it to today's ice cream. It was very tasty and, indeed, a real ice cream. Of course, because it was made from real whole milk, fresh eggs, natural cream and gelatin or agar-agar.

In our stores, you can hardly find ice cream that has the same taste as from the distant USSR. But not everything is so bad - you can cook this dessert yourself! Moreover, it is not so difficult to do this.

You just need to have the necessary products and a refrigerator for freezing. But first, let's find out the history of this dessert.

A bit of history

Soviet ice cream has always been valued for its quality and extraordinary taste. People stood in queues in order to taste this dessert. It was a favorite treat for both children and adults.

What's the matter? Why did everyone love him so much? Everything is in the technology of preparation. It was prepared in accordance with the standards of GOST 117-41, which was developed on May 12, 1941.

According to the standards, ice cream consisted of natural ingredients - milk, cream, chicken eggs, gelatin. Any deviation from the norm was not allowed, if the ice cream had a different taste, then it was immediately written off as a marriage.

The very first ice cream began to be produced back in the 30s. In those years, the People's Commissar of Food of the USSR Anastas Mikoyan issued a decree that ice cream should be produced in large quantities in order to become a consumer product at affordable prices.

On November 4, 1937, the first ice cream was produced in the USSR. Then factories opened in Moscow, Leningrad, Kharkov, Kyiv.

Of course, nowadays ice cream tastes far different from the Soviet one. Many do not even know what it tastes like.

In order to find out the taste of Soviet ice cream, you can cook it yourself. The following recipes for making this dessert will help with this.

Soviet ice cream - classics are always held in high esteem


Egg yolks are laid out in a container. Then granulated sugar is poured there and everything is whipped with a mixer. You need to beat until thick, white and airy;

We put a small metal container on the fire, pour in cream, milk and add vanillin. We warm everything up, in the process of heating everything is mixed;

The heated milk mixture is poured into a whipped mass of yolks and sugar. In the process of transfusion, the entire mixture must be periodically mixed;

After that, the ice cream mixture must be passed through a fine sieve and poured into an ice cream maker. This device will help bring ice cream to the consistency of a Soviet ice cream;

Leave the mixture in the ice cream maker for half an hour;

Then we shift the ice cream into a container and put it in the freezer for complete freezing.

Ice cream without eggs

You will need the following products:

  • 400 ml whole milk;
  • 40 grams of powdered milk;
  • 1 cup whipping cream;
  • 60 grams of white chocolate;
  • 40 grams of powdered sugar;
  • Vanilla pod.


  1. In a cup, mix milk powder with powdered sugar;
  2. Next, pour milk, cream and vanilla pod into another metal container. We put them on the fire and warm them up;
  3. Pour the crushed white chocolate into the heated milk mixture, and mix until the chocolate is completely melted;
  4. Then we begin to slowly pour the mixture into a bowl with powdered sugar and milk powder. In the process of transfusion, everything must be mixed so that lumps do not form;
  5. Next, pour the whole mass into a container and put in the freezer for 3-4 hours to freeze;
  6. The ice cream needs to be stirred every half an hour.

Sundae with biscuits and liqueur for true ice cream connoisseurs

For homemade Soviet ice cream with cookies and Baileys liquor, you will need the following components:

  • 400 ml of milk;
  • 400 heavy cream;
  • Vanilla pod;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 3 yolks of chicken eggs;
  • 150 grams of granulated sugar;
  • Baileys - 40 ml;
  • Crushed chocolate chip cookies.


  1. Pour cream, milk into a metal container and put the vanilla pod. We put everything on fire and warm it up. During heating, the entire mixture must be stirred. Next, turn down the fire;
  2. Next, we separate the chicken eggs from the shell and put them in a bowl, add egg yolks and granulated sugar there. Everything is whipped to a white, thick and airy state;
  3. Without ceasing to beat the egg mixture, we begin to pour the heated milk mixture into it. Be sure to ensure that there is no folding of the chicken protein;
  4. Then we put the whole mixture on fire and heat it up. Cook over low heat until the entire mass is completely deserted;
  5. After that, cool the mass and pour into an ice cream maker. The whole mixture is whipped in an ice cream maker for 1.5 hours;
  6. Approximately 5 minutes before readiness, add crushed cookies, Baileys to the mixture and transfer the whole mass into a mold;
  7. We put the ice cream in the freezer for 3 hours to freeze.

Homemade ice cream with condensed milk - you will lick your fingers!

The plumber will need the following components:

  • 400 grams of condensed milk;
  • 600 ml whipping cream;
  • Vanillin packaging.


  1. Put the whipping cream and vanilla in a cup and beat with a mixer until peaks form;
  2. Next, slowly pour condensed milk into this air mixture. In the process of transfusion, everything must be mixed with a silicone spatula;
  3. The mixture must be poured into a container and put in the freezer for 5-6 hours for complete freezing.

  • In order to prevent the formation of small ice crystals in the ice cream during the freezing process, it must be pulled out every half an hour and mixed;
  • In order to make homemade ice cream with the taste of Soviet ice cream more tasty and unusual, grated chocolate, chopped nuts, fresh berries, pieces of fruit can be added to the base;
  • The mass for the ice cream must be beaten well;
  • For cooking, use natural ingredients. Milk and cream should be high in fat;
  • In order for the ice cream to turn out tender and airy, a thickener should be added to it - gelatin or agar-agar.

It turns out that preparing this excellent dessert is not so difficult. The main thing is to follow the entire recipe. Use only natural and fresh products. Of course, you can not do without useful advice in this matter. With the help of them, you can cook an excellent delicacy that will look like ice cream from the distant Soviet Union.

The taste of a classic ice cream, once tasted, will never be forgotten. Even after many years, people remember him as he was in their childhood or youth. Thanks to manufacturers of household appliances, it has become possible to make ice cream at home. There are many ways to make this unforgettable dessert, and it’s impossible to say exactly which ice cream recipe is the best, since how many people, so many opinions. However, instead of a special ice cream maker, ice cream can also be made in a conventional chamber of an average refrigerator. This is how it was made at home decades ago.

Recipe for homemade ice cream

Cooked is not only tasty, but also useful. This dessert contains nutritious protein, as well as natural animal fats that are good for the body in small quantities. He is loved not only by children, but by adults. Next, we will consider how to cook homemade ice cream, we will now describe its recipe in detail.

You will need:

  • 2 glasses of fat peasant cream or 33% confectionery and the same 3.2% or 4%);
  • 3 egg yolks;
  • 200 grams of powdered sugar;
  • a little vanilla for flavor.

The first stage of preparation

All liquid ingredients should be pre-chilled, because at a low temperature they are easier and much faster to whip.

To prepare homemade ice cream, the recipe of which we are considering, boil milk. Then he should let it cool down to a temperature of about 35 degrees. While the milk is cooling, it is necessary to grind the yolk with vanilla and regular sugar or powder. Further, when there are no crystals left, we begin to beat the mixture. When a steep foam is formed, it is necessary to very carefully introduce the yolk mass into the cooled milk and put on a slow fire. When heating, you should continuously stir the contents of the pan, passing a spatula along the bottom so that a burnt layer does not form. The cream is cooked to the consistency of thick sour cream. After removing from heat, let the contents cool, then send to the refrigerator.

Do not forget that the ice cream recipe contained high-fat cream. It is they who need to be turned into a strong foam while the other part of the future ice cream is cooled. When the cream is well whipped, you need to get the thickened cold cream and mix these components. This should be done very carefully, best of all with a whisk so that the foam does not fall. The resulting mass must be placed in a food form, and then sent to the freezer. The first stage of preparation of the classic ice cream is completed. We proceed to the second, as a result of which the mass will turn into real ice cream, and not just a frozen ice mixture.

The second stage of preparation

Next, you need to have time and be patient. After 30 minutes, the container should be removed from the freezer and first mixed, and then beat its contents. And do this 5 more times, then re-send to harden. In total, the process takes 3-4 hours, including preparation. After the final freezing, the ice cream can be considered ready. It can be served in bowls, taking it out of a common dish using a special or regular spoon. On top of the dessert, it is better to decorate with mint leaves, grated chocolate, nuts or berries.

Cooking according to GOST

The most delicious, reminiscent of childhood, is ice cream according to GOST. The recipe for this very ice cream, dating back to 1939, contains the following components: 1 liter of 35% fat cream, 3 tbsp. l. sugar, vanillin, a can of condensed milk, 7 grams of gelatin.


Having prepared everything you need, we begin the cooking process. First, soak the gelatin in a tablespoon of water and leave to swell. Next, using a mixer, starting at low speed, you need condensed milk, sugar and vanilla. After a minute, turn on the maximum power for the same time.

In a water bath, melt the swollen gelatin and carefully pour into the creamy mass. It is advisable not to interrupt the whipping process and not exceed the recommended time of 2 minutes. Otherwise, you can get an excellent sweet butter, and not ice cream according to GOST, the recipe of which we are now describing.

The process of preparing a cold dessert takes up to 7 minutes. Qualitatively whipped mass when raising the mixer forms well-formed peaks. Next, the workpiece is sent to the freezer for 3 hours. Every 30 minutes, the mass should be stirred to get the perfect ice cream.


GOST USSR - this is the standard by which various products were made in the Union, including our favorite ice cream "plombir". For those who miss the old days and a delicious cold treat, this recipe is intended.

We will show you how to make ice cream from the past, which was often called creamy after the main ingredient. It is thanks to this that the ice cream has a special taste. The main ingredient is a liter of confectionery cream and 200 grams of condensed milk.


For whipping you will need a mixer and a tall bowl. You should pre-cool the cream, then place them in a bowl. It must be remembered that in the process of whipping, the volume of the mass increases approximately twice, so the height of the container must correspond. The recipe for ice cream provides that the cream should acquire a consistency in which it will not flow out of the dish when it is tilted.

Carefully introduced into the mass, the whipping process does not stop. When both components are properly mixed, the mixture must be sent to the freezer. According to tradition, 3 hours should be enough, the main thing is not to forget about periodic mixing. If you still manage to find classic waffle cups in the store, then immersion in nostalgia is guaranteed.

This ice cream recipe guarantees that the result will be the same ice cream, loved by many for its unique creamy taste. Instead of bowls, it is better to serve dessert in waffles in the form of a cup or basket. This combination of taste was deposited in our memory in those distant times of childhood or youth. That is why this delivery method is the best.


We reviewed the recipe for homemade ice cream "ice cream". In fact, there are many options for preparing such a dessert, which tastes like classic Soviet ice cream. Among them, you can find the one that suits you. Enjoy your meal!