What to do with puff pastry and apples. For cooking you will need

Homemade cakes are always better than those purchased in the store, because they guarantee high quality and health benefits, which is especially important for families with children. The most delicious are products made from fresh puff pastry. Among them, pies can be distinguished, the filling for which can be used very different. One of the popular options is puff pastry pies with apples.

Apple filling is distinguished not only by its special sweet taste with the sourness inherent in this fruit, but also by its undeniable benefits, because apples are rich in useful trace elements beneficial effect on the human body. Yeast dough great for such pies, giving splendor and airiness to the product.

List of ingredients

To prepare yeast pies stock up on the following:

  • half a kilo of flour;
  • 20 grams of yeast;
  • 250 ml of milk;
  • 250 grams of margarine;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 600 grams of apples;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • egg.

Step by step recipe

Creating an extraordinary puff pastries First of all, it includes kneading the dough and preparing the filling. step by step recipe is in this order:

  1. Heat the milk and stir in the yeast.
  2. Mash margarine and mix with milk.
  3. 3 Add sugar to the flour and gradually pour into the liquid preparation.
  4. 4Knead the dough and let it rise for half an hour.
  5. 5After the time has elapsed, roll out, put a thin layer of margarine on top, fold in half and roll out again. Repeat the procedure again and set aside the dough for twenty minutes.
  6. 6 Cut apples into cubes or chop with a grater, depending on preference. Add sugar to taste.
  7. 7 Roll out the dough into a thin layer and cut it into squares.
  8. 8For each serving, lay out the apple filling and wrap it in the form of a pie.
  9. 9 Bake in the oven at 180 degrees. Cooking time - 30 minutes.

Recipe with cinnamon

A special apple flavor with a hint of cinnamon will fill the house if you take note of this recipe. For such products, you can prepare puff pastry on your own, or if there is not enough time at all, use ready-made frozen.

List of ingredients

Soft puff pastry pies with apples this method require the following products:

  • 250 grams of puff pastry;
  • 2 apples;
  • half a teaspoon of cinnamon;
  • a tablespoon of butter;
  • a tablespoon of sugar;
  • lemon juice to taste;
  • egg.

Step by step recipe

Making apple pies is to follow these simple steps:

  1. Wash the apples and cut the cores, cut into small cubes. Then fry them with butter and sugar, sprinkle with lemon juice and sprinkle with cinnamon. Once the apples have softened slightly, remove them from the heat.
  2. The dough must be defrosted in advance, then sprinkle the table with flour and roll out thinly.
  3. Cut the whole layer into squares with a side of about 7 cm. Put apple filling on each, brush the edges with egg yolk and wrap.
  4. For beauty, you can walk along the edges with a fork, slightly crushing them. Make small cuts on top with a knife.
  5. Pies are baked in the oven for ten minutes at 200 degrees.

Recipe with raisins

Flour products with apples are loved by almost everyone, which is why there are so many products with them. Even ordinary pies can be modified by adding various ingredients, because most products are combined with apples. An excellent option may be an additive of raisins and ginger.

List of ingredients

The production of puff apple pies with raisins is made from the following products:

  • Half a kilo of yeast puff pastry;
  • 2 apples;
  • Half a glass of raisins;
  • Ginger root;
  • a tablespoon of sugar;
  • 20 grams of butter;
  • Egg.

Step by step recipe

Using ready-made yeast dough will significantly speed up the cooking process, because cooking puff pastry is a rather dreary task. Making pies with it is as follows:

  1. Cut the apples into small cubes, rub a small piece of ginger root into them, 1 by 1 si. Add raisins and stir.
  2. Stew the filling in butter for no more than five minutes.
  3. Defrost puff pastry and roll into a thin layer, cut into portions.
  4. Put the filling on each piece of dough and fold in half.
  5. Arrange the products on a greased baking sheet, cover with cling film and stand for fifteen minutes so that the dough comes up.
  6. Brush the top of the patties with egg and make slits with a fork.
  7. Bake in the oven for about ten minutes.

Puff pastry pies with apple filling will always help out if you want to please your loved ones with something tasty and healthy. They will give the house a pleasant warming aroma, warmth and real family comfort.

It is a real pleasure for any housewife to pamper her family with delicious homemade cakes. But the time of a modern woman for culinary masterpieces, unfortunately, is catastrophically small. If you don’t have much free time, then you can treat your homemade crispy pastries, for example, puffs with apples.

Both adults and children will be happy to see on the table delicate puffs of yeast or puff pastry in the form of triangles, envelopes or roses with fragrant apple slices inside, sprinkled with powdered sugar. And most importantly, the recipe Apple puff”Extremely simple, even an unprepared hostess can cook it.

Puffs with apples from ready-made puff pastry


  • fresh apples - 4-5 pieces;
  • sugar - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • if desired, honey, ginger or cinnamon - half a teaspoon.


  1. Place the puff pastry on a floured cutting board. If it was frozen, then let it thaw at room temperature at least half an hour. Under no circumstances should puff pastry be defrosted in microwave oven or under warm water. It is very important that the mass becomes soft on its own, otherwise it will lose its wonderful properties, the dish will not work.
  2. Let's do the stuffing. We thoroughly wash the apples, peel and core with seeds, cut into slices, slices or cubes. Mix sugar with cinnamon or ginger. If they are not at home, you can completely do without them, it will also be delicious.
  3. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin into a fairly thin layer and cut. You can choose different shapes for your puffs: envelopes, corners, roses, scallops. Choose your favorite design option and - go! We mix the apples with the sugar mass, arrange them in equal portions in pieces and carefully pinch the edges with your fingers or a fork more tightly. It is not recommended to mix the filling in advance, then it will give juice, flow, it will be much more difficult to mold such products.
  4. We prepare the baking sheet in advance: grease it with oil, sprinkle with flour or cover it with parchment paper. Each hostess has her usual way. We lay out the envelopes on a baking sheet so that the edges do not touch, put them in an oven already preheated to 200 0 C. We bake a treat until a beautiful golden color for 20-30 minutes.
  5. We shift the finished fragrant products with a spatula from the baking sheet into a beautiful plate, brew tea and invite loved ones for dessert.

Rose puffs with apples

Puffs in the form of roses look original and romantic. Surprisingly, it’s not difficult to make them yourself and please your loved one in the evening. The process of their preparation is almost similar to the puffs given in the recipe above. Only the shape of the product differs, surprisingly similar to a rosebud.


  • a pack of ready-made puff pastry - 500 gr.;
  • fresh apples - 4-5 pieces;
  • sugar - 2-3 tablespoons;

Cooking sequence:

  1. Cut the rolled dough into even strips no more than 3 cm wide and 30 cm long.
  2. Apples are cut into thin slices 1-2 mm.
  3. They are then boiled in sweet water with cinnamon for a few minutes to soften.
  4. Now we lay out the pieces of the filling on overlapping strips and turn them into roses. From below they need to be firmly closed up so that the juice does not flow out during baking.
  5. Next, put all this beauty on a baking sheet and bake at 200C for 20 minutes.

Puffs with apples from puff pastry

To make the filling of puffs even more tender and tasty, confectioners offer to stew it a little initially. It will take a little time, but the taste will pleasantly please.


  • yeast puff pastry 0.5 kg;
  • medium-sized apples 5-6 pieces;
  • sugar 2-3 tablespoons;
  • butter 40 gr.;
  • honey, cinnamon - if possible

Cooking steps:

  1. We unfold the dough, lay it out on a cutting board sprinkled with flour, give it time to completely defrost.
  2. We wash the apples, peel and pit, cut into small cubes no more than 1 cm. In a hot frying pan, put sugar, pieces of apples, honey, cinnamon into melted butter. Simmer for a few minutes, stirring constantly, until they are soft. Further ready mix Put on a plate and be sure to give it time to cool completely to room temperature.
  3. Carefully roll out the dough, cut into pieces of the desired shape. Most often these are squares, in their center we lay out the filling. We turn it into an envelope or a triangle, carefully fasten the edges. The top layer of the dish can be cut, so the dish will look more interesting. Can be issued yeast puffs and in the form of a rose.
  4. We grease the baking sheet with plenty of oil, put the freshly stuck pies on it. We put in an oven preheated to 220 0 C, bake until golden brown approximately 30-35 minutes.
  5. Appetizing and satisfying puffs with apples and cinnamon are ready! We spread them out of the pan on a plate and enjoy an unforgettable taste.

homemade puff pastry recipe

Of course, it is much easier and faster to buy puff pastry in the store and, if possible, quickly get it out and defrost. But in cooking, quality is still valued, and not the speed of cooking. Homemade puff pastry definitely tastes better.

Firstly, the mass is fresh, and freezing leaves an imprint on its taste. Secondly, there is confidence in the quality of the products from the recipe. You know for sure that butter was used, fresh and real, and not old margarine, which is often found in mass production.

The preparation of puff pastry will take a couple of hours, but given that most of the allotted time it will simply lie in a cool place, then very little effort will have to be applied.


  • flour - 6 glasses;
  • butter - 600 gr.;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • water - a glass;
  • salt - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • table vinegar - 10 drops.

How to knead the dough:

  1. The flour must first be sifted through a sieve into a wide and deep plate.
  2. In the middle with your fingers we make a fairly deep hole, break all three eggs there, pour a glass of water, add vinegar and salt.
  3. Mix all the ingredients with a spoon, gradually capturing more and more flour. Next, knead with your hands, applying force until the mass becomes elastic and homogeneous. If it sticks strongly to your hands, then you can add more flour, the main thing is not to overdo it, it will be difficult to roll out too tight.
  4. Cover the kneaded dough with a clean towel and let it rest for 20 minutes.
  5. At this time, grind the butter with the remaining flour. It is important to note that it is highly undesirable to replace butter with margarine or spread in order to save money; it will be difficult to call the dish obtained in this case a delicacy. We put the butter rubbed with flour in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.
  6. Let's get to the most interesting. Roll out the resulting mass on a floured cutting board to a square plate of no more than 1 cm. In the middle, spread the pounded butter. We bend the side edges to the middle, we close them up, then we bend the remaining edges, we close them up. Next, turn the resulting envelope over, slowly and carefully roll it into a new layer.
  7. Now it needs to be collected in an envelope, fold the side edges to the middle and bend in half. You should get an envelope of 4 layers. We wrap it in cling film and put in the refrigerator.
  8. After half an hour, we take out the mass and repeat paragraph 7. In total, you need to get it, roll it out and fold it at least three times.
  9. Everything is ready, you can start cooking delicious puffs with apples.

Secrets of making puffs with apples

  • Puff envelopes can be spread with stirred egg yolk, then after baking the crust will be especially ruddy and crispy.
  • Children will definitely like roses and envelopes sprinkled with sweet baked sugar syrup.
  • An even more attractive look and spicy aroma can be given to roses and puffs by sprinkling them with powdered sugar and cinnamon.

It doesn't matter what kind of dish you decide to cook - puffs, envelopes or roses - putting your soul and love into them, you will undoubtedly receive recognition and gratitude from your loved ones.

Puffs with apples from puff pastry - ready recipe with photo, step by step, see below.

What kind of dishes are not there, from this juicy and fragrant fruit, by the way, look at us only how many recipes using fresh apples, this is:

  • , and this is not the whole list of recipes with this healthy and fragrant fruit.

Today we will make puff pastry puffs with apples, shaped like flowers. In fact, our inventive hostesses, ruthlessly, refine themselves over new and new forms of such puffs. They are made, and with a lattice, and envelopes, bows, bagels, in general, whoever is in what much.

And for some reason, I fell in love with puff pastry puffs with apples, cooked in the form of flowers, therefore, I have prepared for you a recipe with a photo, with just such a shape (by the way, you can improvise).

Baking from ready-made puff pastry is always very tasty, simple and quick, no matter what you cook. You just need to defrost it, prepare the filling, form pastries - and into the oven.

Puff pastry puffs with apples - a recipe with a photo, just one of those.

We won't do anything out of the ordinary. Simple molding of puffs, fresh apples, cut into rings, and after 40 minutes, the house will be filled with a charming aroma home baking.

Puff pastry puffs with apples - the subtleties of an impeccable recipe

- Firstly, the apple flavored filling and crispy ready-made puff pastry are perfect combination, no doubt, will have, not only you, to taste.

- Secondly, it requires an unusual defrosting of puff pastry. Usually, during defrosting, its sheets stick together, unless, of course, they are packed, each sheet separately. So when you take out the package, puff pastry, from the freezer, then the sheets must be separated from each other immediately. You can also sprinkle each sheet with flour and put on parchment paper.

- It is better to defrost the dough at room temperature.

- For puffs with apples, puff pastry is suitable, both yeast-free and yeast-free. Also, you can do, in case you did not have time to buy it in the store.

Even a schoolgirl can cook puffs with apples from puff pastry, so I think that you can easily do it too. Moreover, we have already prepared a similar dish with you "

Most delicious recipes pies with apples

The classic puff pastry pie with apples, which we all remember well from childhood - attention to family, quick recipe. Step by step description with photo.

45 min

475 kcal

5/5 (2)

Remember those famous puff pastry pies with apples that in our childhood were sold in the school cafeteria for a penny? I remember this gentle, juicy taste and sticky palms, crumbly dough it just melted in your mouth, and my mother was never able to make the same deliciousness - either the ovens were different, or the apples!

Rejoice, today I will introduce you to the real, "the same" very tasty puff pie with apples and cinnamon, the recipe of which I got from a friend who once lived in Serbia and learned how to cook the most famous pastries from the simplest ready-made store-bought or her own dough cooking.

Having tried a piece of such a product, you will immediately remember everything - even what seemed irretrievably forgotten.

Did you know? classic pies with apples are divided into two groups: some are prepared from puff yeast, others from yeast-free dough. Both options are equally good, however, I personally prefer the dough without yeast, because I love it when there are more toppings in the pie than sweet bread.

Kitchen appliances

Prepare the utensils and utensils that are required for making puff pastry pie with apples:

  • baking sheet with non-stick coating with a diagonal of 25 cm,
  • several voluminous bowls with a capacity of 250 to 1000 ml,
  • teaspoons and tablespoons
  • cutting board (must be wooden)
  • sieve,
  • sharp knife,
  • rolling pin,
  • measuring cup or kitchen scale
  • metal whisk,
  • linen and cotton towels,
  • shoulder blade
  • medium grater,
  • also, a blender or mixer will not be superfluous at all, which will help you to properly knead the dough for the pie.

You will need


Important! If you decide to cook an apple pie from ready-made (store-bought) puff yeast or yeast-free dough according to this recipe, remove it from the refrigerator a couple of hours before cooking so that it can completely melt. AT last resort put a pack of dough on a towel and place on a hot radiator or use a microwave to defrost.


  • 100 g of granulated sugar;
  • 1 tsp lemon juice;
  • 500 - 600 g of apples;
  • 10 g cinnamon powder.


  • 10 g butter or margarine.

Do you like richer toppings? Then add to the steamed apples in hot water raisins or other fruits (only not too sweet) - pears, plums, cherries or peaches, but only in very small quantities so as not to interrupt the taste of the juicy apple mass.

Cooking sequence


Did you know? Lemon juice needed so that the apples do not darken ahead of time, so do not ignore this step. If you still don’t have a spoonful of juice available, do all the manipulations with apples just before you collect the pie.



Assembly and baking

Made! I'm sure your amazing pie has already attracted homemade sweet tooth to the kitchen, who require a piece for a sample. You can easily satisfy such a desire, since the product is easily divided into parts thanks to prudently applied incisions.

decorate such beautiful cake no need, except to sprinkle a small amount powdered sugar, but even my little daughter said that this is useless - the pastries are so fragile and tender that even sugar dust can ruin the airy structure.

Video recipe for making puff pastry pie with apples

Pay attention to the video, which shows how to properly assemble and bake a puff pastry apple pie according to our recipe.

17 Apple Pie Recipes for Every Taste

puff pastry pie with apples

35 minutes

150 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

I am sure that every housewife will agree that in our time it has become easier to cook. To the aid of culinary specialists, hitherto unheard-of devices and kitchen equipment have come to the rescue, which greatly facilitate the work and save time. In addition, some semi-finished products that have recently appeared in stores allow you to quickly and easily prepare both a simple treat for tea and a true cooking masterpiece. For example, I myself constantly use frozen store-bought dough during culinary delights - it is very convenient when making pastries. Today I would like to invite you to bake a simple and quick layer cake with apples and cinnamon from ready-made yeast (or yeast-free) dough, which your homemade sweet tooth will definitely like. So let's get started!

Kitchen tools

It is very important to prepare ahead of time all the necessary kitchen utensils and appliances for baking:

  • a spacious baking sheet for a pie (preferably with a non-stick coating) with a diagonal of 26 cm or more;
  • several capacious deep bowls with a capacity of 450 ml or more;
  • cutting board and rolling pin;
  • a piece of parchment paper;
  • cutlery (forks, knives and spoons);
  • linen and cotton towels;
  • kitchen scale or measuring cup.

You can also prepare a blender or food processor with a chopping function for use - this will make the filling easier to prepare.

You will need

How to choose the right ingredients

To make your pastries truly tasty and airy, it is important to choose the right ingredients that we will use in the process of making the pie.

Cooking sequence

  1. My apples, cut out the core and remove the seeds.

  2. Then we cut the fruit into thin slices with a knife, you can also use the special nozzle of a food processor.

  3. Defrost the puff pastry completely, then roll out one of the sheets into a round layer on a floured kitchen table. We grease a baking sheet with sunflower or butter or line it with baking paper.
  4. We transfer the rolled layer to a baking sheet, carefully straighten the dough.

  5. Spread the filling on the surface of the dough. Apples can be arranged arbitrarily, according to your taste. Do not forget to leave indents from the edge of the layer, free from the filling.

  6. Sprinkle apples evenly ground cinnamon, try to put the spice on all the slices.

  7. The edges of the layer, where there is no filling, are carefully coated with whipped yolk - this is how the two parts of the dough, upper and lower, stick together better.

  8. We also roll out the second sheet of puff pastry on the kitchen table and close our pie with it.

  9. The edges of both layers are gently pressed for better adhesion, and the surface of the product is covered with the remaining whipped yolk.

  10. Then the surface of the cake can be cut to decorate it beautifully - after baking, the product will look simply unique.

  11. We send a baking sheet with a pie to an oven preheated to 200-210 degrees, bake the product until a rosy golden brown. In general, the process takes about fifteen minutes.

  12. After the end of baking, transfer the cake to beautiful dish to serve and let it cool slightly.

How to serve this pie

The rules for serving such products are simple: cut the cake into pieces and send it to the table in portioned plates. However, there are a few secrets that will make your usual tea party unforgettable.

  • Puff pastry pie with apples can be submitted with sour cream sauce apple filling goes well with a gentle additive that makes pastries even more delicate.
  • Also don't forget the right drinks- coffee, tea, fresh milk and fruit compote go very well with the cake. In addition, fruit drink and lemonade are able to express the taste of pastries more vividly.

Video recipe for puff pastry pie with apples

Take a close look at the proposed video to learn in detail all the secrets of making an excellent puff pastry apple pie.

Layered cake with apples in 20 minutes!

You will need:

Puff pastry - 2 sheets
Apple - 1-2pcs
Cinnamon 1/4…1/2 tsp
Chicken egg 1pc

Be sure to go to the channel playlists - there you will find Caesar salad dressing and Caesar salad itself, there you can pick up a recipe for something delicious for dinner, the Salads playlist has (who would have thought) delicious salads, in the playlist "Soups and broths" you will find the most magnificent Ukrainian borsch recipe, absolutely amazing champignon cream soup, in the Pasta playlist there is how very simple recipes– carbonara pasta, marinara pasta, pasta with mushrooms and creamy sauces, so gorgeous Italian lasagna with bechamel and bolognese. Dig through the piles of these videos - you'll love it!

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Creative Commons License
The work "Layer pie with apples in 20 minutes!" created by an author named Dmitry Fresco, is published under the terms of the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported license.
Based on https://youtu.be/YCI9MGeEVKk

Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at fresco.espan @ gmail dot com.

Used in the work:
music fragment from the site http://audionautix.com/ distributed by the author Jason Shaw under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. (http://www.audionautix.com/Saved/CCrelease.jpg), Music from the YouTube Music Library




How can you vary the standard recipe

Many experienced chefs they try to change the classic recipe for such pastries more often in order to get a more fragrant, tasty and magnificent product.

  • It's best if you let the yeast puff pastry apple pie rest a little before baking - so the pulp finished product will become even more magnificent.
  • To prevent baking from burning, try to monitor its color by opening the oven more often.. The readiness of the dough layer can be easily checked with a wooden stick or a toothpick: shallowly pierce the baking side of the product with it and immediately pull it out. If the skewer remains dry, the cake is completely ready to eat.
  • Constantly cooking various pies, you improve your overall culinary level and gradually become a real professional in baking. For example, grab a wonderful - very delicate and airy product, from which not even a crumb quickly remains. In addition, try to cook the famous one, which has an inimitable taste and delicate aroma.

Puff pastry with apples is a simple and very tasty product that even the most stubborn picky can not refuse. What do you know about this bakery? Perhaps one of the readers knows how to make a different filling, with other ingredients and spices? Share your knowledge and findings in the comments, let's discuss aerial apple pies! Bon appetit and always successful culinary experiments!