Puff pastries with cottage cheese recipe. How to make puff pastries with cottage cheese from yeast dough

Try baking these simple puff pastries with cottage cheese made from puff pastry, which turn out incredibly tasty. It takes little time to prepare, or more specifically, 5 minutes to prepare the filling and form the buns, and then 20 - 25 minutes to bake.

Puff pastry with cottage cheese from ready-made puff pastry is delicious, and very quick baking, the taste of which will definitely appeal to both adults and children.

The puff pastries are filled with cottage cheese or curd mass, your choice. I took the second option, since it is much softer and already completely homogeneous, but if you have regular cottage cheese, then you definitely need to grind it through a sieve.

Puff pastries from store-bought yeast dough no worse than home test, so if you don’t buy it, then make it yourself, but then the cooking time will increase much. By the way, if you don’t have yeast dough on hand, take yeast-free dough; there won’t be a significant difference.

I really love quick and easy recipes, because I don’t always have time to stand in the kitchen for a long time, so I’ll be happy to show you how to make puff pastry puffs. You can take them with you to work or school as a snack. But if you don’t want something sweet today, I suggest you make it.


  • Puff pastry – 250 g
  • Curd mass – 100 g
  • Chicken egg – 0.5 pcs.
  • Chocolate drops – 1 tbsp
  • Vanilla - a pinch
  • Poppy – for sprinkling
  • Sesame - for sprinkling

How to make curd puffs from puff pastry

Remove the dough from the freezer and leave to defrost completely, this will take about 20 minutes. Then I roll it out on a floured surface until it doubles in size.

The recipe for curd puffs is prepared with delicate filling. For this, I add half an egg to the curd mass, and leave the second part for greasing the buns on top. I also add chocolate chips or raisins, your choice. Since I do not have cottage cheese, but a curd mass, I no longer add sugar, but only a pinch of vanilla. If you take regular cottage cheese, grind it through a sieve to make it smooth, and then add a couple more tablespoons of sugar and a teaspoon of sour cream.

I mix everything well and the curd filling for the puff pastries is ready. The consistency is not at all liquid, so as not to leak out of the formed products.

Spread the filling onto the rolled out dough in an even layer. You don’t need too much of it, this amount is quite enough.

Next, see how to roll the puff pastry, it’s easy to do. First, I roll the dough into a roll, and then cut it into pieces, each about 2 cm wide.

I place them on a baking sheet with parchment, at a distance from each other, and grease them with the remaining egg on top, which needs to be shaken a little, sprinkle with poppy seeds and sesame seeds.

I also remind you at what temperature it is better to bake puff pastries, which is 180 degrees, then they will have time to bake inside. If you increase the temperature, they will burn on top, but the inside may not be cooked at this time. Therefore, first I preheat the oven to 180 degrees, then put the puff pastries in it for 20 - 25 minutes, until they are beautifully golden brown and fully cooked. After which, I take them out of the oven and let them cool a little. When baked, they increase in size and become airy due to the puff pastry, and the delicate curd filling complements them perfectly.

These are the soft puff pastries with cottage cheese made from puff pastry; they taste very delicate. Such baked goods with enough a small amount calories, which means that it is possible even for those who are on a diet. Even if guests come and you don’t have enough time for anything else, bake these small buns and believe me, your guests will appreciate them. Enjoy your meal!

Do your children still not like cottage cheese? This means you didn’t treat them to such puff pastries. This delicious dish is prepared quite quickly. Make puff pastries with cottage cheese from ready-made puff pastry, and they will become a favorite and frequent dish on your table.

- ready puff pastry– 1 pack / 0.5 kg;
- cottage cheese – 250-350 grams;
- granulated sugar – 30-50 grams;
- vanillin – 1 gram.

How to cook with photos step by step

1. Ready-made puff pastry can be used either with yeast or without yeast, depending on your taste. Defrost the semi-finished product according to the instructions on the package. Roll out the dough on a table dusted with flour in one direction so as not to damage the multi-layer structure. In other words, we use the rolling pin either back and forth, or from left to right.

2. Cut the rolled out sheet of dough into squares (about 12 pieces).

3. The cottage cheese should not be too wet or too dry. When wet, place it on cheesecloth and squeeze lightly. And dry - dilute with a spoon of sour cream. Add sugar to your taste and taste, since the optimal sourness in cottage cheese is difficult to predict in advance. Add vanillin for flavor.

4. Mix thoroughly until homogeneous mass no lumps.

6. Connect the opposite corners of the square and pinch.

We do this efficiently so that when baking and increasing the dough in volume, the envelope does not unfold.
7. Leave the sides so that the baked goods can “breathe”.

8. Place the cottage cheese puffs on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

9. Bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes. Once the puff pastries have browned, you can remove them.

After removing from the baking sheet, let the baked goods cool and serve.

Cottage cheese puffs made from ready-made puff pastry are good with both cold and hot drinks, e.g.

Hello my dear visitors! Despite the fact that baked goods are considered unhealthy, they are so delicious that it is simply impossible to resist its aromatic smell. Most often, most housewives prepare pies, buns, cookies, cakes, and so on and so forth. Today I want to invite you to prepare puff pastry with cottage cheese from ready-made puff pastry and follow the recipe with photos step by step. Preparing such delicacies is very simple, quick, and most importantly, it’s really very tasty.

I will prepare puff pastries with a sweet curd filling, but you can prepare the filling to your taste. For example, you can make a curd filling with any berries: strawberries, cherries, and also with herbs.

But since the berry season is already over, and I couldn’t prepare strawberries for the simple reason that it was a lean year, I will use the usual cottage cheese filling. Of course, if you don’t like sweet curd filling, then you can cut some greens into the cottage cheese, I think it will be delicious. Only my children don’t eat this, unfortunately, I have to please them. And if they don’t like it, you have to eat it all yourself. What I don’t really want is that I try to carefully monitor my figure.

As for the dough, I use yeast-free ready-made puff pastry. But I think if you buy yeast, nothing bad will happen.

How to cook puff pastries with cottage cheese


  • Puff pastry – 1 pack (500 gr.)
  • Cottage cheese – 300 gr.
  • Sugar – 2-3 tbsp.
  • Egg – 1 pc.

Step-by-step recipe for making curd puffs with photos

Puff pastries with cottage cheese video recipe:

Well, there is nothing easier, baking something from already ready dough. In general, I try to make the dough myself. Well, for the simple reason that it is not so harmful. The thing is that in production they do not care much about people’s health and use cheap products. This is how puff pastry is prepared with margarine. I won’t talk about the dangers of margarine and similar trans fats.

But I always use butter in the recipe. But ready dough it's so convenient! If with any other dough there is not so much fuss, then with puff pastry you need to tinker and it doesn’t always work out well for me.

So, the finished dough needs to be taken out of the refrigerator and defrosted at room temperature. Next, cut the dough into several small pieces.

Pour sugar into the cottage cheese, add the yolk and mix everything thoroughly. As for cottage cheese, it has one unpleasant feature: it spreads beyond the boundaries of the dough during baking. To prevent this from happening, you can first squeeze the cottage cheese through cheesecloth.

Lightly roll out each piece of dough. And make cuts on one half.

We put a little on the second part curd filling. You can brush the edges of the dough with whipped egg white. This is necessary so that the edges of the dough stick to each other better.

Cover the filling with the second part of the dough and press the edges with a fork.

Ready-made puff pastries transfer to a baking dish, brush with whipped egg white on top and place in a preheated oven at 180-200C for 15-20 minutes. Try not to open the oven at first, as the puff pastry may not rise and the baked goods will turn out slightly flattened.

That's all, puff pastries with cottage cheese from ready-made puff pastry are ready, now they can be served. These puff pastries go away very quickly, before you even have time to blink your eye. Cook with pleasure and enjoy the amazing taste with the whole family.

Bon appetit!!!

Preparing a layer cake with cottage cheese is very simple and quick; no special skills are required. And at the end we get a crispy sweet crust, a tender crumb and vanilla cottage cheese in the filling. A pleasant tea party for your household will be guaranteed.

It is very important to choose high-quality cottage cheese for the filling that does not float after adding sugar, and then your efforts will be rewarded.

According to the recipe, you need to add an egg to the curd filling and brush the top of the pie with the egg. I thought that two pieces would be too much, I always have them left after greasing the pies, and I divided one in half, they are quite large, 70 grams each. Part of the egg mass went into the cottage cheese, and part of it I greased the pie. If your eggs are not large, then take 2 pieces.

To prepare a puff pastry pie with let's use cottage cheese all products on the list.

Shake the egg and divide into two parts - larger and smaller. Add most of it to the cottage cheese, add sugar and vanillin. The amount of sugar is arbitrary, according to taste, since cottage cheese varies. The filling should be quite sweet. If desired, you can also add raisins or candied fruits to the cottage cheese.

High-quality cottage cheese is mixed with sugar and egg and does not float and keeps its shape. Working with him is a pleasure.

Prepare the streusel. To do this, rub the flour, sugar and butter with your fingers until crumbs form.

Thaw puff pastry and divide into 2 parts. Roll out each part thinly into an even rectangular layer.

Place the dough with the narrow side up, in a column. Make parallel cuts on both sides, leaving the middle intact. Place the curd filling in the center and tuck the end edges of the dough inward.

Braid a neat braid. Do the same with the other pie. Or make one big one.

Postpone layer cakes with cottage cheese on a baking sheet, brush with remaining egg.

Sprinkle the tops of the pies with streusel. Bake at 180 degrees for about 20-30 minutes. Make sure the top browns evenly.

I then put the pies under the grill. Everyone's oven bakes it differently, but the crust should be golden brown.

Puff pastry pie with cottage cheese is ready. This is a pleasure!

Help yourself!