How to marinate meat for barbecue. Mustard marinade with honey for pork

Well, the time has come for our favorite weekend dish - barbecue. A picnic, a trip to the country, a trip to the forest or any other outing into nature on weekends or holidays is rarely complete without barbecue. With us, this is a separate kind of entertainment, strung pieces of meat on skewers, kindle a fire in the coals and fry them with pleasure, turning over and swallowing saliva from impossible delicious flavors. The cooking process itself is the main pleasure. But it is very important that this wonderful process ends with a meal in the fresh air. This is where it becomes important how the meat is cooked, what it is marinated in, what spices and products are used. Today I want to talk about how to cook pork kebab marinade, what types are there and with what products and sauces you can cook the most delicious kebab.

There are barbecue marinade recipes that are passed down from generation to generation, there are classic ones. But very often we start experimenting in search of new flavors. From my own experience, I can say how in one summer we managed to try a dozen different recipes, only from the search for something new and interesting. I don't see anything wrong with that and just support it. Even when it would seem that I found the same marinade recipe, after several times of its preparation, I want to try another one. Either a seductive aroma will fly from the neighbors, or you will try something new at a party. There are always temptations and reasons.

Let's pick up a small collection of pork kebab marinade recipes and test them all summer. It will be very tasty testing and research, I'm sure.

Classic pork kebab marinade with vinegar and onions

Why do I call this barbecue marinade recipe classic? Rather, due to the fact that our glorious past brought it to us, when it was the most popular. Many still remember how difficult it used to be to find good, juicy and fresh pork meat. It was often wiry, dry, hard and from those parts of the body that could be bought. There was little choice. Now we can go to a store or a farmer's market and take the most tender kebab neck, which, thanks to fatty streaks, will simply melt in your mouth even without much effort and softening marinades. In the same marinade, any meat could be cooked and the result was quite soft. The presence of onions and spices gave this kebab its own special taste.

Since then, it seems to me, many people have become very fond of the very sourness that pork with vinegar acquires.

For marinade for 1 kg of barbecue you will need:

  • onions - 2-3 pieces,
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tablespoon,
  • vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon,
  • black pepper - 1 teaspoon,
  • salt - 1 tablespoon without a slide.


The main thing in cooking pork skewers in vinegar is not to overdo it. If you have fresh meat, then you do not need to marinate the barbecue overnight. Vinegar has a strong effect on meat, so 1-2 hours may be enough.

Prepare pork meat for barbecue. To do this, cut it into cubes about 5 by 5 centimeters in size. It can be a little more, but I do not advise making it too small, because the pieces will dry out on the fire and the kebab will turn out tough.

Cut the onion into large rings and divide into rings. If you like to fry and eat onions, then you can cut them into slices, then it will be easier to stick them on skewers between pieces of meat.

In a large bowl or saucepan, put the pieces of meat, sprinkle with salt and pepper, add oil and vinegar. Now mix the meat well with your hands, so that each piece is evenly coated with pepper, salt, and oil. Then add the chopped onion and stir as well. But keep in mind, if you are going to cook onions and prick en skewers, try not to break the pieces. If you only have the onion for the taste of the meat, then you can knead it well so that the onion releases the juice. He will contribute to the impregnation of meat with juice.

Let the meat stand in the marinade for at least half an hour. Such a marinade for pork kebab is good in those moments when there is no time to leave the meat to marinate for a long time. Vinegar is quite a strong substance and with its acid it quickly softens the meat.

After that, you can safely go to nature and fry the barbecue on the grill.

Mayonnaise marinade with onion, coriander and paprika

Mayonnaise pork kebab marinade is a real find for busy people. It cooks quickly and tastes amazing. And most importantly, it is simplicity and such a kebab can be prepared by anyone, even the most inexperienced chef.

Mayonnaise already contains vegetable oil, which will envelop the meat and prevent the precious juice from flowing out, and also help the kebab to brown. There is also mustard to soften the meat and vinegar, which will also certainly contribute. And, of course, the taste. Add some spices for meat, fresh onion, and a wonderful pork kebab is ready.

For 1 kg of pork you will need:

  • mayonnaise - 200-250 gr,
  • onions - 7-8 pieces,
  • ground coriander - 1 teaspoon,
  • black pepper - 0.5 teaspoon,
  • ground paprika - 0.5 teaspoon,
  • salt to taste.


Wash the meat clean and pat dry. Cut into large cubes.

Divide the onion in half. Cut one half into large rings.

Put the second half of the onion in a blender and chop literally into porridge. The onion should release a lot of juice. Pour this gruel into a bowl with mayonnaise and mix.

Salt the meat and add spices: pepper, coriander and paprika. Mix well so that each piece is covered with spices. Now put the sauce into the meat, which is made from mayonnaise and onion puree. Mix everything.

In an enameled saucepan, fold a layer onion rings(about half), then put the meat in mayonnaise on top, and the remaining onion on the meat. Cover and leave to marinate for 1-2 hours. More if needed.

When frying, onion cut into rings, string on skewers along with meat. Fry the skewers until golden brown. turning from time to time. Readiness is checked by transparent meat juice. Remove one skewer and cut a piece of kebab.

Marinade for pork skewers with soy sauce will make the meat soft and spicy. The sauce gives it a great dark color and pleasant taste, especially tasty with natural fermentation sauce. Such a barbecue is marinated from half an hour to several hours, while the meat in any case will turn out juicy. pork neck you need to marinate the least, and drier pieces, like ham or chop, longer. Mineral water helps the process of tenderizing meat, but it is important that it be carbonated, this is a prerequisite.

You will need for 1 kg of pork neck:

  • soy sauce - 100 ml;
  • mineral water - 500 ml;
  • onions - 2-3 large onions;
  • red pepper - 0.3 teaspoon;
  • ground black pepper - 0.5 teaspoon,
  • bay leaf - 2-3 pieces;
  • other spices to taste;
  • salt as needed depending on the saltiness of the sauce.


Cut the meat across the grain into medium-sized pieces, with a side of at least 5 cm, otherwise the kebab will dry out very quickly over the coals and turn out to be tough. Too much large pieces will cook too long. It's important to find a balance.

Put the meat in a large marinating dish, preferably with a lid so that you can put it in the refrigerator for a long time. Instead of a lid, you can use cling film.

Cut the onion into large rings and put on the meat. Sprinkle with spices. Now measure required amount soy sauce and pour over the meat. AT last turn fill it all up mineral water and stir, kneading the meat and onions a little so that they start up the juice and absorb the marinade.

Leave the meat to marinate in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours, or overnight if the picnic is planned for the next day. Have a nice weekend!

If you are not yet familiar with such a fermented milk product as matsoni, then I advise you to definitely get acquainted with it. It is thick and airy, at the same time reminiscent of kefir and fermented baked milk, and even slightly natural. homemade yogurt. Many have tried to marinate barbecue on kefir, and if you are a fan of such recipes, then matsoni marinade is a real find for you. For taste, we will also take onions and spices. Since the marinade for pork barbecue is sour-milk, the meat will also have a slight, but not intrusive, sourness, like from vinegar.

It will take 3 kg of pork:

  • matsoni - 700 ml;
  • onion - 1 kg;
  • zira, coriander, red pepper, black pepper, thyme - a large pinch each (more to taste)
  • bay leaf - 2-3 pieces;
  • salt to taste.


Cut the pieces of pork suitable for barbecue into cubes. It is best when the meat is marbled and has thin streaks of fat, then the barbecue will turn out juicy.

Put the meat in large saucepan and immediately fill with fresh chilled matsoni. Stir a little.

Finely chop the onion, we need juice from it for the marinade. But if you like to string pieces of onion on skewers and fry instead of meat, cut a few onions into 4 parts to make large petals from onion layers. It is them that you then easily put on a skewer and fry. The rest will be exclusively for pickling and the meat will need to be removed so that the onion does not burn.

Pour spices into the pan and salt to taste. Stir. You can taste the marinade and determine how salty and if there are enough spices. Add pepper if you like it spicier.

Leave the meat to marinate overnight. The next day you will have an amazing fragrant barbecue.

Spicy marinade for white wine kebab with chilli and fresh basil

Acidic liquids very often form the basis of the barbecue marinade, there are a lot of meat lovers with sourness. Dry white wine can also be used for pickling. The following recipe is one of those, where the wine adds flavor to the meat and makes it tender. It goes very well with fresh basil, but if you suddenly do not like it, replace with parsley or cilantro to your taste.

You will need for 2 pork:

  • white dry wine- 100 ml;
  • onion - 3-4 pieces;
  • chili pepper - 1/4 teaspoon;
  • fresh basil - 50 grams;
  • salt to taste.


Cut the meat into pieces clean and dried with paper towels. This barbecue marinade is also suitable for grilled steaks or roasting meat in the oven.

Finely chop the onion, put in a bowl or pan, lightly salt and remember with your hands so that it starts the juice. Then add the onion to the meat and stir.

Pour wine over meat, add ground pepper Chile. Finely chop the fresh basil and add to the meat as well. Mix everything and leave to marinate for a couple of hours, you can overnight. It is best to salt the kebab before starting to fry on the coals, so the meat will lose its juice less.

Before frying, remove pieces of onion and green leaves from the meat, otherwise they may burn. Fry until golden brown and clear juice. Enjoy your meal!

The main rule for cooking pork skewers with beer is to use exclusively live non-pasteurized beer. Draft or craft beer, unfiltered beer - that's your choice. At the same time, you should not save money, take a more expensive beer, because you only need one bottle for 2-3 kilograms of meat. Bad cheap beer can ruin the whole taste of the barbecue and your mood.

For marinade on beer, both light and dark beers are suitable, you can take a stout or even wheat, they will add interesting notes to the meat. Do not take anything with a pronounced sweetness or additives. It is best when there is a distinct taste of malt and hops. It is enough to marinate pork in beer for 3-4 hours, after such a period the meat will turn out surprisingly soft and juicy. Spices can be added to your taste, but I recommend putting them to a minimum: only pepper and onion. Unless coriander is well suited to light beer in the marinade, but do not overdo it.

You will need for 2 kg of pork:

  • light or dark live beer - 500 ml;
  • onions - 3-4 onions;
  • ground black pepper - 2-3 pinches to taste;
  • salt to taste.


Pork beer skewers are very easy to prepare. Put the chopped meat in an enameled or glass container. Pour the onion cut into half rings on top, lightly salt and knead with your hands, while mixing with the meat.

Pepper with black peppercorns. Freshly ground pepper always gives more aroma and taste than ready-made powder.

Pour the beer over the meat and onions and close the container. Let the kebab brew for three hours. After that, pull out the meat, and do not pour out the rest of the marinade. When you fry the meat on skewers on the grill, use the marinade for sprinkling, then the meat will turn out to be very juicy and fragrant. There will be no alcohol left in the finished kebab, it will evaporate under the influence of high temperature.

On the marinade of beer, it turns out very soft and juicy barbecue, in terms of tenderness, the meat can be compared with the action of kiwi, but it will not fall apart so much. It's just so soft and melts in your mouth. Try it, you will definitely like it.

Pork skewers marinated in Dijon mustard with coriander

I don’t know about you, but the name alone makes me salivate. Imagine two delicious spices, Dijon mustard and ground coriander, their smell and taste, reimagine juicy grilled pork skewers. Now put it together. But it’s better not to imagine, but urgently run to cook. And all because the mustard barbecue marinade does not require several hours to prepare. Though immediately on skewers and barbecue. Mustard has amazing marinating and tenderizing properties. I already talked about this in an article about how to cook soft and juicy kebab. She even turns lean beef into something tender and divine.

In order for the mustard kebab to turn out tastier and more aromatic, let's take Dijon mustard, which is prepared with the addition of not a large number wine or wine vinegar(which is more common) and therefore has a very slight sourness. But do not take the mustard with grains, we need a one-way crushed sauce, because we marinate meat in it.

What's interesting about this marinade is that you don't have to use onions. Only at will and for taste. And without onions, the meat will turn out to be very soft, and the taste will be more pronounced. The sharpness of the mustard will evaporate during the frying process, only the aroma will remain.

It will take for 1 kg of meat:

  • Dijon mustard without seeds - 2 tablespoons;
  • ground coriander - 1 teaspoon;
  • ground black pepper - 0.3 teaspoon;
  • onion to taste
  • salt to taste (add before frying).


This is the perfect barbecue marinade if you didn’t have time to prepare in advance or the opportunity to fry the barbecue appeared very suddenly. for a long trip to the country from is also ideal, because it will be possible to eat it in half an hour.

All that is needed is to cut the meat into pieces. Large or small, depending on your preferences and barbecue.

Then put the meat in a bowl or saucepan, add mustard, sprinkle coriander on top (always ground, not seeds) and grind the pepper. Mix everything thoroughly so that the mustard and spices cover the meat on all sides in an even layer. Leave for a short time, for example, until the coals in the grill reach the desired temperature.

When the coals are ready, string the meat on skewers, salt to taste right on the skewers and put it on the grill. Turn over not too often, let the meat seal with a crust on one side, so it will turn out much juicier.

If desired, the meat can be allowed to brew longer, but it is not necessary to leave it all night. This is only necessary for very tough beef, but definitely not for tender pork.

You will be amazed at the beauty unusual taste such a kebab, and especially how in such a short period of marinating it turns out so soft and juicy. Urgently adopt this marinade recipe and cook mustard kebabs for your pleasure.

Pomegranate marinade for the most tender pork kebab - a simple recipe

Those who have never cooked kebabs with pomegranate marinade may be surprised by the bright red color of the meat and even mistake pork for beef, for example. But this is pork, just pomegranate juice stains it very well when marinated. According to the degree of impact on meat, pomegranate juice is one of the strongest marinades, so you should not marinate meat in it. long time. Do not leave overnight, marinate for 1-2 hours and the barbecue will turn out excellent.

Pork barbecue marinade with pomegranate juice is suitable for a juicy fatty piece of neck, and for a lean ham or chop, and for a shoulder blade. This is a universal marinade and you can also pick up different spices for it, it will turn out delicious with Caucasian herbs and ordinary greens. Black and red pepper will add spiciness, you can use a little chili.

It will take for 1 kg of meat:

  • pomegranate juice - 1 glass;
  • onions - 2-3 pieces;
  • black pepper - 1/4 teaspoon;
  • aromatic spices to taste (suneli hops, coriander, zira, thyme, ground ginger);
  • fresh herbs (parsley, cilantro);
  • salt to taste.


For pomegranate marinade freshly squeezed pomegranate juice is best. To do this, buy grenades and, after cleaning, squeeze out the juice, put the grains in a bag with a zipper and roll them with a rolling pin until they all burst and the juice flows out.

Cut the meat into pieces, pepper and add aromatic spices. Mix very thoroughly.

Cut the onion into thin rings, add to the meat and remember well with your hands, stirring and squeezing the juice. Put in a few sprigs of parsley and cilantro without chopping them. So they will give their flavor to the marinade, but they will be easy to remove from the meat and they will not burn on the grill.

Pour the future barbecue with pomegranate juice. Remember that the meat should not float in the marinade, it should envelop, cover and soak. Stir again, squeezing the meat so that the juice is better absorbed. Leave to marinate for at least an hour.

Before frying and stringing pieces of shish kebab on skewers, remove adhering onions and herbs from them. Fry until tender and clear juice when cut.

Enjoy your meal. shish kebab in pomegranate juice one of the most delicious and memorable recipes.

Marinade for barbecue with tomato juice and dry wine - video recipe

Have a great weekend and delicious barbecue!

What do you imagine when you hear the word "barbecue"? Roasted fried meat, strung on skewers and still sizzling with transparent fat over slightly reddening coals, light smoke and unique aroma. The sun, green grass, a table filled with salads and herbs right in the fresh air. Already the appetite has been worked up and I want to go to the country. But wait, because first of all you need to prepare all this splendor. Therefore, any picnic begins with the question of how to quickly and tasty marinate barbecue.

In this article, we will consider various ways with which you can marinate pork skewers so that the meat is juicy, but does not take too much time or effort.

Recall the basic principles of cooking barbecue

  • Choose soft pieces of pork carcass, the neck is best for barbecue (the softest meat with thin layers of fat), ham (meat of medium softness, almost no fat), carbonade (lean meat, requires a tender marinade that traps juice inside), tenderloin (required clean pieces without veins and preferably with fat).
  • It is necessary to marinate the barbecue in advance: the minimum time is 1 hour, the maximum is 12 hours (overnight).
  • Cut the meat into pieces of the same size, this will ensure that all the meat is marinated and fried at the same time.
  • Don't use too much acid in the marinade, the amount of acid should be inversely proportional to the amount of marinating time or the meat may become tough.
  • Add vegetable oil to the marinade, it will help the meat soak in the aroma and taste of spices.
  • Salt the kebab not at the beginning of marinating, but before frying, this can be done in a common container or immediately on skewers, so more natural meat juice will remain in the meat.
  • Grill the kebab at the beginning at a high temperature to seal the meat with a crust, then lower it for even roasting.
  • The kebab is ready when clear juice (not pink) stands out from the meat when cut, if the juice does not stand out at all, then the meat is already overdried, reduce the cooking time for the next batch.

Onion marinade for pork skewers

Everyone knows that pork, especially fried, goes well with onions. These two products perfectly complement the taste of each other, because it is not just that since time immemorial, onions have been used as one of the most important seasonings for meat. And fried, and stewed, and boiled meat, onions will give an even richer taste.

In addition, onions have the ability to soften meat, and unlike vinegar, it will not dry it out.

  • white onion - 0.5 kg,
  • black peppercorns - 1 teaspoon,
  • bay leaf - 3-5 pieces,
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons,
  • salt to taste.

Cooking pork skewers in onion marinade:

Prepare the onion for the marinade, to do this, grate it or pass it through a meat grinder or blender until you get a gruel. At the same time, it will stand out a large number of onion juice. The gruel must be strained to separate the juice. Take a fine sieve or cheesecloth and strain all the juice into a separate container. It is better not to leave small pieces of onion pulp, as it will later be difficult to separate it from the meat, and when frying, they can burn.

Cut the prepared meat into pieces of the same size. Place in an enamel, stainless steel, or glass marinating dish. Sprinkle with pepper and chopped bay leaves. Optionally, you can add dry mustard or your favorite barbecue spices. Pour in vegetable oil and mix well, squeezing the meat well. Thus, the muscle fibers will absorb more marinade.

After all the spices have been mixed, pour the onion juice over the meat and cover with a lid. Put to marinate. For such a marinade, it is enough to leave the meat for only 1-2 hours so that it becomes soft and juicy, but at the same time retains its natural taste. If a walk on Fresh air is scheduled for the next day, then the dishes with meat must be put in the refrigerator.

Such a shish kebab is perfectly browned on coals thanks to vegetable oil. You can serve it with any set of vegetables and salads.

How to marinate barbecue in mineral water

Perhaps not everyone has heard of such a simple way to marinate barbecue in mineral water, but yes, it really allows you to make the meat soft, without adding any particular taste to it.

Here you can show the whole flight of fantasy with spices and special additives, mineral water will act as a conductor and softener.

What is required for 1 kg of meat:

  • 1 liter highly carbonated mineral water,
  • spices for barbecue - 1 tablespoon,
  • onions - 3-4 pieces,
  • black pepper - 1 teaspoon,
  • lemon, grape, pomegranate juice, wine, yogurt, etc. - 100 ml,
  • salt to taste.

As you noticed, we did not indicate the exact spices for the barbecue. They can be the ones that you like in meat. It goes well with pork: coriander, thyme, zira, oregano, basil, paprika, ginger and a mixture of hops-suneli. You can also use ready-made sets of spices sold in the store. If you like spicy meat, increase the amount of spices to two tablespoons.

The listed juices will give a light taste to the kebab, so also choose the one that you like. Instead of lemon juice, you can use fresh lemon, cut into rings, one lemon per 1 kg of meat will be enough.

You can also put fresh herbs in this marinade: parsley, cilantro, dill, tarragon, rosemary. But put it in large sprigs so that it is easy to remove it from the meat before frying.

Cooking pork skewers in mineral water:

First of all, cut the meat into cubes and the onion into slices. If using a fresh lemon, cut that too.

Then, in a marinating bowl, mix the meat and spices, add vegetable oil there and knead the meat well so that it absorbs the taste of spices. After that, you can add the onion and mix again.

Pour mineral water into meat with spices and onions and put lemon in it. Close the lid and leave to marinate for 1 to 4 hours. If necessary, you can marinate the kebab in mineral water overnight.

Salt the pork skewers before frying to keep the meat juicy.

Pork skewers in kiwi marinade

You will be surprised what amazing properties this little hairy fruit has. And who would have guessed that the marinade for kiwi skewers could be the most powerful remedy for fast food grilled meat on skewers. Thanks to high content vitamin C and special enzymes, kiwi is able to soften meat in less than an hour. At the same time, not drying it, but locking it own juice inside.

But with such a marinade, one must be very careful, if the meat is overexposed in it, then it will begin to fall apart and crumble, turning rather into chopped meat. But do not think that this makes kiwi a dangerous fruit for health. On the contrary, kiwi is good for the body and digestion in particular, so feel free to put it in meat. Most importantly, don't forget about time.

For 1 kg of pork you will need:

  • fresh kiwi - 1 piece,
  • onions - 2-3 pieces,
  • black peppercorns - 1 teaspoon,
  • coriander - 1 teaspoon,
  • rosemary - 1 teaspoon,
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tablespoons,
  • salt to taste.

How to marinate pork skewers in kiwi:

Meat prepared and cut into identical cubes, sprinkle with spices and pour over with vegetable oil. Mix well.

Finely chop the onion and add it to the meat as well. Then peel the kiwi and rub it on a coarse grater. If the kiwi is very ripe. then you can just knead it with your fingers until you get small pieces, almost mashed. The most important thing is for the kiwi to release its juice.

Add kiwi to the meat and mix thoroughly, while mashing the meat so that it absorbs all the juices and spices. Marinate kebab in kiwi should be no more than 1 hour, you can slightly increase the time only if you have only very hard and dry pork meat, such as ham or chop, at your disposal.

If desired, other aromatic spices that you prefer can be used instead of coriander and rosemary. Fresh herbs work well too.

Salt the kebab before stringing it on skewers and, without delay, start frying.

Marinade for pork skewers with kiwi is great if you need speed in cooking. This is a great way for spontaneous unplanned picnics and trips to the country.

Watch a video recipe on how to marinate kebab in kiwi:

Mustard barbecue marinade

We used to spread this sauce, famous all over the world, on a ready-made piece. fragrant meat, everyone loves mustard for its special pungency and taste. But not everyone knows that mustard has amazing pickling properties. The day you try pork kebab marinated in mustard will change your attitude towards it forever.

The mustard itself is aromatic enough to give the meat its special flavor. It may seem to someone that it will add spiciness, but this is not so, under the influence of temperature, all spiciness disappears and only the amazing, spicy and slightly sweet taste of mustard itself remains. But the meat at the same time becomes the softest.

That's why we're adding the mustard-based marinade recipe to our list of the fastest marinades. It will take you just an hour to get a delicious soft and juicy pork kebab. This will be enough to perfectly marinate the kebab from any part of the pork carcass. But the neck, of course, is preferable.

For 1 kg of meat you will need:

  • table mustard classic - 2-3 tablespoons,
  • onions - 2-3 pieces,
  • black pepper 0.5 tsp
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tablespoons,
  • aromatic spices (thyme, coriander, rosemary, cumin, basil, etc.) - 1 tablespoon,
  • salt to taste.

Cooking pork skewers in mustard:

If desired, other ingredients can be added to such a marinade, for example, a couple of tablespoons of soy sauce or wine, even honey can complement the bouquet. But today we will consider the mustard-only option to create a starting point for future culinary creativity. This will be our benchmark.

Start by preparing the meat. After you cut it, mix it with spices. You can take the spices you like yourself or mix in equal proportions combination of the above. Ready-made sets of spices are also suitable, but read the composition, do not use spices that have added monosodium glutamate. This is a flavor enhancer, which, unfortunately, will only spoil us with a great fragrant kebab in mustard.

Add vegetable oil to the meat with spices and knead it well, then put the onion cut into rings.

By the way, if possible, try to use not sunflower oil, and olive, it will change the taste of your kebab, adding subtle olive notes.

At the very end, add mustard and mix well. One hour is enough to marinate shish kebab in mustard. Immediately after that, you can go to the fresh air to the grill and start frying it. The most surprising thing is that the softening of the meat will continue during the frying process under the influence of high temperature.

This barbecue is good to serve with fresh herbs, salads and baked potatoes.

Which of the considered recipes you would not choose, they are united by one thing - a short cooking time and great taste and juiciness of meat as a result. We have specially selected recipes that will help you marinate the barbecue quickly and tasty, even if guests are already on the threshold of the cottage or just good weather suddenly pulled you out on a picnic. Believe me, no one will be disappointed with your barbecue!

Bon appetit and have fun!

Many chefs in our country know how to quickly marinate pork skewers. After all, this dish has long been traditional for us. Especially often it is prepared in the spring-summer season. Although kebabs are often made for winter holidays.

If you do not know how to quickly marinate pork skewers, then we will talk about this in the presented article. From it you will learn how to make such a dish as tasty and juicy as possible.

General information

Before telling you about how to quickly pickle pork skewers, you should tell what this dish is.

kebab is traditional dish nomadic peoples of Eurasia. As a rule, it is coarsely chopped lamb or other meat, which is first marinated and then cooked over coals. Most often, this dish is made using metal or wooden skewers, as well as using a barbecue.

Raw material selection

Quickly pickling meat for pork skewers is not a problem. But before that, you should choose the right one. The product should be as fresh as possible, but not paired. Most often, ribs are used for such a dish, as well as meat from the shoulder blades and legs.

It should be especially noted that today not only the most tender pork and fragrant lamb but also beef and even poultry meat. By the way, the last option is the most economical, but no less tasty.

How to quickly marinate pork skewers?

There is currently great amount all kinds of marinades that are used to cook pork, lamb, beef and chicken skewers. Which one to choose for cooking meat on coals is up to you. But in order for such a dish to turn out really tasty, it should be marinated properly.

The first thing a cook needs to know is that the meat for barbecue should be at room temperature. Only in this way will it soak as quickly as possible (in about one hour), absorbing all the seasonings and spices used.

Many cooks mistakenly believe that fast way marinating pork skewers is the wrong way. Therefore, most housewives soak meat product throughout the day and even longer. However, it should be noted that such a process contributes to the release of all the pork juices, which makes it not very tasty and juicy. Therefore, before you start marinating the kebab, the meat must be completely thawed. If you decide to soak frozen pork, then it will take you several hours to soak the pieces with spices and seasonings.

How to marinate pork skewers? Best Recipes

As mentioned above, there are many ways to barbecue. Traditional recipe is one where ordinary mayonnaise is used as a marinade. If you have never made such a dish, then we will describe its cooking process right now. For this we need:

  • pork with a small amount fat - about 3 kg;
  • olive mayonnaise - 100 g;
  • tomato paste - a large spoon;
  • table salt, dried dill and pepper - apply to taste;
  • white onion heads - 2 pcs.

Meat processing

How to marinate barbecue quickly? The best ways the preparation of such a dish does not require the use of outlandish ingredients.

Before proceeding with the soaking of meat, it is thoroughly washed, cutting off all inedible elements. Then the pork is cut across the fibers so that one piece contains not only meat, but also a little fat. This will make the barbecue more juicy and tasty.

pickling process

After the pork is chopped into long and rectangular pieces, it is laid out in enamelware and flavored with salt, mayonnaise, tomato paste and pepper. Large rings are also added to the meat onion and dried dill.

After mixing all the components with your hands, they are covered with a lid and left aside for 1.5 hours. This time is enough to marinate the meat. But only if it was at room temperature. If you soaked chilled pork, then the indicated time is impassable to double, and if it is very frozen, then quadruple.

Making an onion marinade for pork

Now you know how to quickly marinate pork skewers. The recipes for this dish are very simple.

So, for cooking barbecue you need to purchase:

  • hops-suneli - 1.5 large spoons;
  • fresh honey - 15 g;
  • white onion heads - 8 pcs.;

Cooking process

Before you start marinating pork, it should be properly prepared. I would like to immediately note that meat for barbecue is always processed the same way. Pork is well washed warm water and then remove all veins and films. After that, it is chopped into rectangular pieces. Do it against the fibers.

By the way, it is desirable to cut the meat product while still frozen. Then it should be completely thawed and only then proceed to pickling.

To prepare the marinade, we decided to use onion juice. It is done easily and simply. Vegetables are peeled, and then rubbed on a small grater. After that, they are placed in a not very fine gauze and squeezed hard. Later, fresh honey, suneli hops, ground pepper are added to the resulting juice. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and the meat product is poured over them.

In this marinade, pork (warm) is soaked for two hours. After that, it is put on skewers and cooked on coals. traditional way. It should be noted that the output is a very tasty, juicy and fragrant dish.

Cherry marinade for pork skewers

Now you have an idea about how to barbecue. Recipes for such dishes should be taken into account.

If you like meat dishes with sweet sauce, then the presented method of cooking barbecue will become your favorite. Pork soaked in it turns out incredibly juicy and tasty. This dish is especially liked by the fairer sex and children. To implement it, we need:

Cooking method

We will not talk about how pork should be processed for barbecue, as we described this process a little higher. As for the marinade, it requires a special approach.

Pieces of pork with a small amount of fat are placed in a deep enamel pan, and then salt to taste and add sweet paprika. In this form, the meat product is left under the lid for 20 minutes. After that, it is poured with dry red wine and concentrated cherry juice.

After mixing the ingredients with your hands, they are closed again and allowed to marinate for 90 minutes. During this time, the meat pieces are completely saturated with the aromas of cherry juice and dry red wine.

Tomato barbecue marinade

There is nothing difficult in preparing a barbecue marinade. The main thing is to use only ingredients that are compatible with each other and add a sufficient amount of spices.

So, to prepare a meat dinner on the coals, you should purchase in advance:

  • pork with a small amount of fat - about 3 kg;
  • tomato juice - 150 ml;
  • pickled tomatoes (better to use homemade) - 4 pcs. + brine in a volume of 150 ml;
  • red onion heads - 2 pcs.;
  • salt and pepper - apply to taste.

Marinating meat for barbecue

Pork meat for barbecue should be purchased with a small amount of fat. If you use too fatty a product, then the dish will turn out to be very high-calorie and tasteless. If, on the contrary, you buy meat without fat, then it will simply burn, and it will also be dry and sinewy.

After right amount pork will be purchased, it is well processed and cut into medium pieces. Then it is spiced up table salt and pepper, pour tomato juice and mix thoroughly. After that, they take a few and free them from the hard peel. In the future, they are laid out in a blender bowl and whipped for

The resulting tomato porridge is added to the meat. Brine is also poured into it. For taste and aroma, coarsely chopped red onion rings are placed in the same container.

In conclusion, all the mentioned ingredients are thoroughly mixed by hand, closed and left at room temperature for 1.5 hours. This time is enough for the meat product to absorb part of the marinade and become fragrant and juicy.

After the meat is soaked in tomato brine, it is strung on wooden or metal skewers and then cooked. the classic way on coals.

How are they brought to the table?

Barbecue to the table pork meat only served hot. It is served to family members directly on skewers or laid out on a plate. It is recommended to use such a dish with a slice of bread, as well as fresh herbs and vegetables.

For more hearty lunch some hostesses serve pork skewers along with side dishes. However, in this case, the dish will turn out to be more difficult for the stomach and high in calories.

Summing up

In this article, you were presented with several ways to quickly marinate meat for barbecue. The marinade recipes described above can be supplemented with your own ingredients, including spices and seasonings.

Marinade is the most important moment for cooking barbecue. The final taste of the meat depends on what the marinade will be. Of course, if the barbecue also tries and does not overcook or, on the contrary, does not overcook the meat on the grill.

Barbecue Marinades - Ingredients

The best way, according to many chefs of the world, to marinate meat is lemon juice. It is suitable for all types of meat, poultry and even fish. Fans of fermented milk marinades should remember that it is a product that is usually transported far and not always in cool weather. BUT dairy products deteriorate quickly at positive temperatures. Because kefir, whey, sour cream and others perishable products should not be used to prepare barbecue marinade if you do not have a mobile refrigerator in which you could transport meat to nature. But fermented milk products, in addition to good softening of meat, protect it from excessive frying on the grill.

The main ingredients of the barbecue marinade, in addition to traditional onions and a bouquet of spices, can be pieces of pineapple or kiwi (these two products marinate meat very quickly, in just an hour, if you hold it longer, the meat will literally fall apart into fibers when frying), tkemali sauce, mustard, citrus fruit and their juice, pomegranate juice, cognac, dry wine, beer, mineral water, sea buckthorn juice, Apple juice. And this is not all the products with which you can make marinated meat. Below we offer two recipes for the most common marinades that lovers of outdoor barbecues like to use for marinating meat.

Marinade with vinegar

Vinegar many chefs and people knowledgeable in the preparation of barbecue, it is generally not recommended to use in the marinade. It dries out the meat unnecessarily and makes it tough. But vinegar, in turn, gives a unique flavor to the meat, kills foreign odors, and makes it special. You can replace the usual table vinegar balsamic, or grape, apple. They will also give the taste of marinated meat that same acetic sourness, but they will bring much more benefit to the marinade, as they have a number beneficial trace elements. The best meat for pickling in vinegar is pork. Her vinegar will not make it hard, but will be very fragrant.

To prepare the vinegar marinade, stir the vinegar in eight tablespoons of water. It must be taken at the rate of one and a half kilos of meat four tablespoons. Add a teaspoon of sugar to the marinade - for piquancy, salt and pepper. Cut more onions. For one and a half kilos of meat, there are three large heads. You need to cut not large, but smaller.

Mix meat with marinade and onions. Cover with a plate, put the load on top. We remove the meat to marinate in the refrigerator for several hours.

Marinade with mayonnaise

It is good to marinate meat with mayonnaise when there is not too much time for marinating, and I would like to get soft and juicy kebab at the exit. Marinating barbecue with mayonnaise is enough for a couple of hours. To do this, a kilo of meat will need three hundred grams of mayonnaise. Homemade is better if you have time to prepare it. More onions. Pepper, salt to taste. We marinate under oppression for 2-3 hours and the marinated kebab is ready. It remains only on the coals to bring it to a golden brown, and bon appetit!

Pork shish kebab is one of the common dishes of Caucasian cuisine. He gained particular popularity due to his juiciness and tenderness. How to marinate pork kebab so that the dish meets all your expectations? It is only necessary to know a number of secrets. Most of them relate to the preparation of marinades.

At its core, a marinade is a mixture in which meat is soaked. This mixture consists of acids (wine, vinegar, fruit juices, mayonnaise, kvass), spices, spices, onions and salt. The task of all these ingredients is to give the meat a tender texture and flavor. However, before preparing the marinade, you should choose the right meat. To learn how to make a real Caucasian barbecue, take note of a few marinade recipes.

How to choose meat for pork barbecue

The ideal option for cooking will be fresh, fresh boneless meat with a moderate amount of fat. The freshness of pork is determined by a pleasant smell, and on the cut - a pink, uniform color.

When choosing a part of the carcass of a pig, preference should be given to the pulp from the neck, loin, brisket and lumbar region. Ham, shoulder blade or ribs are not suitable for these purposes. It is an indisputable fact that pork kebab is the most delicious, juicy and aromatic, but beef, lamb or chicken breasts.
In the absence of fresh pork, the use of a chilled and frozen product will be quite acceptable. The main secret of preparing a delicious dish from a frozen product is its proper preparation and how long it will be in the marinade. To do this, the meat needs to be thawed, it is best if this happens on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. This defrosting option will preserve the taste and nutritional properties product. Some chefs advise salting frozen meat and leaving it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Re-freezing is not recommended, as juiciness is lost. The photo shows what kind of fresh pork has.

In what dish to marinate barbecue

For pickling, it is better to use an enameled, glass or ceramic pan. It is not recommended to use aluminum and plastic container, because during the marinating process, the meat can absorb harmful substances released by the dishes.

Marinade composition

What products and spices will be needed depends on the chosen pickling recipe. So for classic recipe you will need onions, dried paprika, coriander, dried basil, ground allspice, savory, dried chili, turmeric, curry, adjika, salt and vinegar. However, this is not a definitive list, it may be supplemented, or some ingredients may be replaced by other products. Take advantage ready recipes by following the cooking process step by step.

For this recipe you will need:

  • 2 kg of pork;
  • 300 g of onion;
  • 1 pack of store-bought kebab seasoning;
  • 250 ml of vinegar 6%;
  • salt to taste.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We cut the pork into medium-sized cubes, approximately like 4 matchboxes folded into a cube.
  2. We cut the onion in half rings. We place it in a marinating pan and lightly squeeze it, wait until the juice begins to stand out.
  3. Put the meat in the onion and mix everything.
  4. Add seasoning, stir.
  5. Add vinegar and mix again.
  6. Let marinate for two hours until done. Some cooks believe that it is better if the meat stands in the vinegar liquid a little longer - about 5 hours.
  7. Before you start stringing on skewers, the meat needs to be salted.
  8. Grill by placing skewers over hot coals.
  9. Ready meal Serve with ketchup or homemade tomato sauce.

tomato sauce


  • 200 g tomato;
  • 4 garlic cloves;
  • parsley.

Cooking instructions:

We put all the ingredients in a blender and grind for two minutes at full power. The sauce is ready.

Tip: When choosing your spices, you can either purchase store-bought seasonings or use a mix of your own. Try not to overdo it with the variety of spices. In everything you need to have a sense of proportion.

Many cooks are ardent opponents of vinegar, believing that it only spoils the taste of the dish. In their recipes, they suggest replacing it with other products such as kefir, mayonnaise, sour cream, mustard powder, cranberries, pomegranate juice and tomatoes.

Lemon juice is a good alternative to vinegar.


  • 1.5 kg of pork;
  • 5-6 large onions;
  • 10 g spices;
  • 2 lemons;
  • a mixture of peppers to taste;
  • salt.

Shish kebab prepared with lemon juice, is no less popular. The process of its preparation is not much different from the option using vinegar. The main difference is the use of lemon. To do this, you need to take lemons, cut in half and squeeze all the juice onto the cut pieces of pork. Pouring the meat with juice, mix it thoroughly. Marinating time - no longer than 3 hours.

The success of this recipe largely depends on a well-chosen amount of lemon juice. If you overdo it with juice, then the dish will become unpleasant sour taste.

How to marinate pork skewers on kefir

For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1.5 kg of steam pork;
  • 15 g sugar
  • 0.5 l of kefir with a fat content of 3.2%;
  • 6 medium sized onions;
  • pepper, salt.

This recipe is slightly different from the previous one. Its main difference is that the marinade on kefir has a milder effect. For this reason, meat should be infused for a longer time - about 12 hours, preferably a day.Kefir marinade does not contain a large amount of spices.

During the cooking process, it is necessary that kefir gradually soak the meat. For this, in prepared in the usual way onion and meat, pour in kefir and mix. Add sugar and mix again. Let the meat brew for an hour at room temperature. Then we put it in the refrigerator, leave it to soak for 10-11 hours.

To prepare this recipe you will need:

  • 1 kg of pork;
  • 300 g of mayonnaise;
  • 3 large onions;
  • spices to taste;
  • salt.

Pour the meat, cut into pieces, with mayonnaise. Add spices and onion, cut into half rings, into the mixture. Mix everything, leave for 1 hour. In the meantime, prepare the grill, kindle the coals.

One of the most original variants marinade is vinous. In it, the role of the main component is assigned to wine (dry white or dry red). The meat is poured with wine and left to marinate for 2 hours. (For such a recipe, per 1 kg of meat, you will need 2 cups of wine.) After 2 hours, spices are added to it and left to marinate for another two hours, if the wine is absorbed, it must be periodically topped up. Salt, as usual, before frying.

Marinate pork skewers with cream

This recipe will require the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg pork loin;
  • 500 g 20% ​​cream or natural yogurt without additives;
  • 5 grams of dried basil;
  • 2 large heads of onions;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • a mixture of red and black peppers to taste;
  • salt.


  1. After peeling the garlic and onions, finely chop them by hand with a knife or use a blender.
  2. Mix the resulting mass with finely chopped basil and pepper.
  3. We cut the meat into pieces.
  4. We rub each piece with the resulting onion-garlic-basil sauce.
  5. We put the meat in a deep bowl, pour the rest cream sauce of garlic and onion and pour cream.
  6. We put in a cool place for 6 hours.
  7. Drain the marinade before frying.
  8. This recipe will also be relevant for grilling.

How to marinate pork skewers in mineral water marinade

This recipe differs from the previous ones in its unusualness and creativity.


  • 2.5 kg of pork;
  • 1 liter of any mineral water;
  • 6 medium sized onions;
  • 50 ml of vegetable oil;
  • spices and salt to taste.


The cooking process remains the same, except that mineral water takes on the role of the sour ingredient. Marinated - no more than three hours. Half an hour before frying, vegetable oil is added to the marinade. To raw meat you can add champignons and pre-fry them with onions in a pan.

cook tasty dish You can also use ready-made marinades. Their range is amazing. On the shelves of shops there are marinades with mustard, pomegranate juice, marinades with pieces of fruits and vegetables, classic marinades. Their advantage is more fast process pickling.

Little tricks in cooking barbecue

  • If the barbecue is cooked in the summer, then the meat should be cut into larger pieces. So it will be more juicy.
  • If the meat has been frozen, mustard will help keep it juicy. It is enough to add mustard to the finished marinade, smear the pieces of chopped meat and leave for an hour or two hours. At the end of the specified period, the meat is marinated to your liking.
  • The pickling process is very important: the taste of the future dish depends on how successful the marinade turns out.
  • To build a fire for cooking meat, it is advisable to use wood, not ready-made coals. Thus, the pork will turn out more fragrant and soft.
  • So that the meat does not dry out on the coals during frying, it is sprinkled with homemade wine, water or beer.
  • The coals in the grill should not burn, they should smolder. If during frying a fire breaks out or the coals smoke heavily, it is either slightly poured with water, or knocked down with a special spatula.

So that everyone enjoys a successful barbecue at a picnic, we invite you to learn all the secrets of its preparation from this video