Lean bean soup. Lean fragrant canned bean soup

Cook lean bean soup from canned beans very easy and simple, my recipe with a photo will show how. meat broth soup is not needed, which means that the cooking time will immediately be reduced by 30-40 minutes. cooked for 20-30 minutes, pork and beef twice as long. And here lean soup with vegetables is ideal for preparing a hot first course for your family in an instant. For today's soup, we need canned beans in tomato sauce. These beans are tasty and have a wonderful aroma and color. Besides tomato sauce just makes the soup appetizing in color. We will add vegetables to the soup, which are always allowed in fasting: potatoes, onions, carrots, garlic.

Necessary products for 2.5 liters of water:
- 200 grams of canned beans in tomato sauce,
- 150 grams of potatoes,
- 1 medium onion,
- 1 small carrot
- 1 clove of garlic,
- 1 dried Bay leaf ik,
- 30 grams of vegetable oil,
- salt to taste.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Immediately put a pot of water on the fire, as soon as it boils, add the potatoes, already cut into medium sticks. Boil potatoes for 15 minutes, add a little salt.

For the soup, we use carrots, onions and garlic: chop all the vegetables. You can cut them into cubes, but I just grate the carrots.

poached on vegetable oil vegetables are sent to the soup, cook over low heat and at a slow boil.

When the potatoes are fully cooked. Even some will boil (thus the soup will be more velvety and rich), add the beans to the soup along with the tomato sauce.

We put bay leaves in the soup, cook for 5 minutes and turn off the heat. Cover with a lid and let it brew for 20 minutes.

Pour the finished lean bean soup from canned beans into bowls. Bon Appetite!
I also recommend cooking

Step 1: prepare the beans.

Of course, everyone knows that any variety of beans is highly enriched with proteins, so today's dish will turn out not only tasty and healthy, but also very satisfying, which is very necessary on the days of any fast. First you need to properly prepare the legumes so that they do not cause unpleasant fermentation in the intestines. So, we lay them out on the countertop, previously covered with a baking sheet or parchment paper, and sort through, removing rubbish of any kind, for example, dry twigs or pebbles. After that, we discard the beans in a colander, rinse, move to a deep bowl and fill with purified water so that it is 5-6 fingers higher. Leave this ingredient to infuse 7-8, and preferably 12 pm from the evening to the night. If we cook soup in winter, early spring or autumn, then we keep beans at room temperature if in the summer, then in the refrigerator.

Step 2: Boil the beans.

After half a day, we throw the swollen beans into a colander and rinse thoroughly again. Then we send it to a deep pan, pour the right amount purified water and put on medium heat. After boiling, using a slotted spoon, remove a gray-white foam from the surface of the bubbling liquid - a curdled protein. Cook the beans under a covered lid until almost ready. about 1 hour. As you can see, the duration this process may vary depending on the time of infusion, as well as the variety and quality of legumes.

Step 3: prepare the rest of the ingredients.

While the main ingredient is boiled, we are engaged in others, with the help of a sharp kitchen knife we ​​peel everything the right vegetables. Rinse thoroughly, dry with paper towels. kitchen towels, in turn lay out on a cutting board and continue preparation. We cut the potatoes into cubes about 2.5 centimeters in size, throw them into a deep bowl and fill with running water so that they completely cover, now it will not darken before use.

We chop the onion into cubes or straws with a thickness of 5 to 6 millimeters.

Grind carrots in the same way or chop on medium or coarse grater. After that, we put the rest of the components of the dish on the countertop and move on.

Step 4: prepare vegetable dressing for lean bean soup.

We don’t waste a minute, put a frying pan on medium heat and pour a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil into it. After a few minutes, we lower the chopped onion into this dish and sauté it for 2–3 minutes until transparent, periodically loosening it with a wooden or silicone kitchen spatula. After that, we send carrots to him and fry them together for about 4–5 minutes until the softness of the last. Then add to the dressing tomato paste, a couple of tablespoons of water, mix everything thoroughly, keep on the stove for another 2 minutes and set aside until use.

Step 5: bring the lean bean soup to full readiness.

When the beans are half cooked, that is, they become quite soft, add chopped potatoes to it and cook them together. 20 minutes. Then we put in practically ready soup vegetable dressing from onions, carrots and tomato paste.

Seasoning already fragrant dish salt to taste, black ground pepper and laurel leaf. Gently mix everything with the same slotted spoon and cook the food again 5–7 minutes. Then turn off the stove, cover the pan with a lid and after 10–15 minutes Let's start tasting!

Step 6: Serve Bean Lean Soup.

Lenten bean soup is insisted after cooking, then with the help of a ladle it is poured in portions on plates and, if desired, crushed each with fresh finely chopped dill, parsley, cilantro, basil or green onions. This miracle is put on the dinner table hot along with something refreshing, for example, salad, marinades or pickles, and, of course, bread is an obligatory hearty attribute, although crackers or toast are also suitable. Cook with love and enjoy delicious food even on fast days!
Bon appetit!

For people who observe days of dry eating, you can add undercooked onions and carrots to the soup, and pour the tomato paste, after diluting it in water along with refined vegetable oil;

Some housewives replace tomato paste with fresh blanched finely chopped tomatoes or thick homemade tomato juice;

Sometimes a few tablespoons of fried wheat flour, from this the consistency of the soup becomes thicker, richer and somewhat reminiscent of gravy;

Very often, 5 minutes before full readiness, the soup is seasoned with garlic squeezed through a press and fresh finely chopped herbs.

Of course, when guests come to me, most often I cook and serve.

But for everyday meals for my family, I cook bean soup from canned beans.

It saves me time, it turns out delicious and my family loves this dish.

Soup beans can be used white and red in own juice and white and red in tomato.

Today I will cook from red beans in their own juice.

The recipe is quick and very easy!

Peel potatoes, carrots and onions.

Cut the potatoes into small cubes and boil until almost cooked.

Chop the onion, carrot and sauté in a frying pan in vegetable oil until golden brown.

At the end of the passivation, add finely chopped tomato without peel.

I have frozen tomatoes. I prepare them for the winter in this way, and then use them to prepare various dishes.

Open a can of beans and drain the liquid it is in. I do not use this liquid in cooking.

If the beans tomato sauce, then I pour out half of this liquid, and use the other half.

Add sautéed onions, carrots, tomatoes to the pot with boiled potatoes, then pour the beans from the jar and add spices.

Salt must be added after the beans have been lowered into the pan, after tasting, because it can be salty.

Boil 10 minutes. Then add greens to the soup,

and at the end of cooking - squeeze the garlic with a garlic press or finely chop.

So our bean soup is ready, no more than 30 minutes have passed. You can invite the family to dinner!

You can serve with sour cream.

Bon appetit everyone! Cook, taste, enjoy the taste!

Cooking time: PT00H30M 30 min.

Approximate cost per serving: 50 rub.

Rinse beans thoroughly in running water before boiling. Soup bean varieties can be mixed, just choose beans with approximately the same cooking time.

I boil beans in a slow cooker-pressure cooker for 25 minutes on the "stew / beans" mode. Otherwise, fill the swollen beans with fresh water and send to the fire. Boil. Boil for 2-3 minutes, drain and rinse cold water. Pour cold water over again and bring to a boil. Repeat this procedure 3-4 times, and only then, boil until soft.

Prepare potatoes and celery. Clean and wash the roots. Cut into small cubes.

Boil about 2 liters of water. Add potatoes and celery root to boiling water. Bring to a boil again. Simmer for 10-15 minutes until soft.

In a frying pan sunflower oil fry until soft sliced onion and grated carrots.

Once potatoes and celery are tender, add boiled beans. Stir, boil and boil for 5-7 minutes over low heat.

Add chopped Bell pepper, fried vegetables. Season to taste with ground black pepper, salt, add bay leaf. Bring to a boil. Boil 5-7 minutes.

Rinse any fragrant greens, finely chop and add to the soup. Stir and turn off the fire. Let it brew a little under the lid.

We clean the onions with carrots. We cut the onion small cube, and three carrots on a medium grater.
I take a fairly heavy pan, and fry the vegetables right in it. And less dirty dishes, and very convenient. If you fry in a pan, then just transfer to a saucepan in which you will cook the soup.

Add two tablespoons of oil (you can also use olive oil) to the pan and first fry the onion over medium heat. Fry for about two minutes and add carrots - and fry for another minute.

Spices. All I had on hand was dried ginger. If fresh is available, then finely rub it with a teaspoon.

Zira is one of the most important fragrances, you can't replace it with anything. Feel free to add 2 teaspoons if you like her.

If suddenly you have smoked paprika in stock, then you can also add a little of it. Adjust to taste, but start with half a teaspoon.

Throw all the seasonings to the vegetables and mix.

Beans. We take white, three cans, four hundred grams each. It doesn’t matter what size your beans will be, anyway, after we chop them with a pusher for mashed potatoes and make our soup thickish, but still not quite homogeneous, which was intended.

Drain the water.

Add the broth to the vegetables with seasonings in a saucepan and cook for about 5 minutes.

Of course, you can take water instead of broth, but this will make the soup lose a little.

By the way, if you want, it is very appropriate and not bad to add a jar of chopped canned tomatoes in their own juice. I didn't because my youngest doesn't really like tomatoes in soup.

Remove the soup from the stove and, using a mashed potato masher, make it more homogeneous by simply crushing the beans in the pan.

Put the soup back on the stove and let it boil again.
Add chili peppers to the soup if desired.

Enjoy your meal!