Chicken marinated in kefir and baked in the oven until golden brown. Chicken in kefir: recipe with photo, drumsticks baked in kefir marinade.

There are only completely ordinary products in the refrigerator, but you want to try something tasty and interesting? Then let's have it for dinner today chicken in kefir in the oven. The dish is absolutely time-consuming to prepare; of course, you will have to wait a little for the poultry meat to infuse and soak in the marinade, but all your expectations will be worth the result.

Ingredients for cooking chicken in kefir in the oven:

  1. Chicken drumsticks (you can use any other part of the chicken) 1.5 kilograms
  2. Kefir 1 liter
  3. Dried garlic to taste
  4. Mixture ground peppers taste
  5. Salt to taste
  6. Chicken spice mix taste

Products not suitable? Choose a similar recipe from others!


Oven, baking dish, oven mitts for hot dishes, kitchen knife, cutting board, disposable paper towels, tablespoon, large plate or pan, lid.

Cooking chicken in kefir in the oven:

Step 1: Prepare the chicken drumsticks.

Thaw the chicken by leaving it at room temperature for a while. Then rinse the poultry under cold running water. Place the pieces on a cutting board and cut them off excess fat ok, as well as rough or loose skin. Pat the chicken dry with disposable paper towels and proceed to the next cooking step.

Step 2: marinate the chicken in kefir.

Place the chicken parts in a deep plate or pan, sprinkle with salt, dried garlic, a mixture of various peppers and seasoning. Use your hands to mix everything together, rubbing the seasonings into the meat.
Pour kefir over the spiced chicken so that it completely covers all the pieces, so you may need a little large quantity fermented milk product, or slightly less. Using a tablespoon, mix the entire contents of the plate so that the kefir envelops each piece on all sides. At the end, close everything with a lid and marinate in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours. The most optimal time of course it is 12-18 hours, but we understand that it is not always possible to wait, but nothing prevents you from preparing the chicken in kefir in advance, and then sending it to the refrigerator to wait for its finest hour.

Step 3: bake the chicken in the oven.

The chicken pieces are marinated, it’s time to take them out and bake them. But first, take them out of the refrigerator and let them warm up a little until room temperature, 15-20 minutes. During this time you will have time to preheat the oven.

Place the chicken pieces in a heat-resistant pan and pour the kefir marinade over them. Now feel free to send all this beauty to preheated 180-200 degrees Celsius oven on 1 hour.Attention: if you have more large pieces chicken, then it’s better to keep it in the oven longer so that it’s cooked through.
The finished chicken will be covered with an appetizing crispy crust, and, of course, some of the kefir will evaporate, but it has already done its job, softening the meat and making it juicy and tasty. Once the poultry pieces are baked, soft and fall off the bones easily, it’s time to serve them.

Step 4: serve the chicken baked in kefir in the oven.

Chicken baked in kefir turns out soft and juicy inside, so it is a pleasure to eat. Choose the side dish yourself, I personally like chicken without it, you just need to add a little tomato sauce.
Bon appetit!

You can add it to the marinade to taste fresh garlic and onions, for the indicated amount of ingredients you need only 3-4 cloves of garlic and one large onion.

To prepare this dish, you can take one whole chicken, weighing 1.5 kilograms, and simply cut it into separate pieces with a knife.

To make the dish less greasy, remove the skin from the chicken pieces before marinating.

Chicken marinated in kefir can not only be baked in the oven, but also grilled. But in this case it’s best to drain the marinade.

Chicken in kefir in the oven- one of the options for delicious baked chicken. Kefir, as a marinade for meat, has justified its trust for many years, as clearly evidenced by the large number of recipes for meat marinated in it. Kefir is widely used both for marinating chicken for baking in the oven, and for barbecuing pork or beef. You will probably also be interested to know why this product has received such honor.

Kefir not only affects the smell and aroma of baked meat, but makes it soft and juicy thanks to the acids it contains. If you just take chicken or any other meat, pour it with kefir and soak it in it for about several hours, then don’t expect to get tasty meat or. Without additional components, in particular, without a set of spices and herbs, you will not be able to get truly tasty meat.

Chicken in kefir in the oven, recipe with photos, which I want to offer you, will turn out very tasty, juicy and aromatic thanks to the successful combination of marinade ingredients. In addition to kefir for the marinade, I suggest using a large number of spices, ketchup, garlic and olive oil. Each of the marinade ingredients will perform its own function and role in taste and appearance dishes. So, thanks to spices and garlic, it will acquire a rich aroma. In addition, spices together with ketchup will give it a bright color, and kefir with olive oil will make the meat juicy, soft and tender.


  • Chicken drumsticks - 5-7 pcs.,
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves,
  • Ketchup - 100 ml.,
  • Kefir - 1.5 cups,
  • Olive oil - 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • Spices: paprika, dried Provencal herbs, spices for chicken - 15-20 gr.

Chicken in kefir in the oven - recipe

Having prepared all the above ingredients, you can start cooking chicken in kefir in the oven. Let's cook first spicy marinade on kefir. Peel the garlic. Place paprika, herbes de Provence, and chicken spices in a small bowl. If you don't have chicken spices, add a pinch of coriander instead. nutmeg, curry and black pepper.

Pass the garlic through a press into the bowl with the spices.

Mix all the ingredients for the kefir marinade – ketchup, spices and garlic – thoroughly.

Add olive oil to the resulting sauce and stir again.

Instead of olive oil, you can use plain sunflower oil. Stir the sauce again.

Pour kefir into a bowl.

Place the prepared tomato sauce. Mix the kefir marinade.

Chicken in kefir in the oven. Photo

Chicken meat can be cooked different ways. Its taste is good boiled, fried, stewed, and baked. The only drawback is that sometimes it comes out a little dry. Chicken in kefir is the ideal solution to this issue. Meat marinated in this way always turns out juicy and tender. In addition, it can be baked, stewed or simply fried, either at home in a frying pan or outdoors on the grill.

Chicken in kefir in the oven

The whole carcass or individual parts are often baked in the oven. The dishes turn out to be healthier and tastier than those fried in a frying pan. large quantities oils Many people like to use mayonnaise as a marinade, but chicken in kefir baked in the oven tastes even more interesting.


  • legs - 1.5 kg;
  • ground black pepper;
  • seasoning;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • fresh herbs– 50 g.


  1. Legs are defrosted naturally, without using a microwave, cut into several parts, rub well with salt and seasoning, put in an enamel container, add finely chopped dill, chopped onion into half rings, pour in the kefir product and stir well.
  2. Cover the container with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours. If time permits, you can leave it overnight.
  3. Then they put the marinated legs into the prepared form and at 200 degrees, the chicken baked in kefir will be ready in 1 hour.

Chicken in kefir in the oven with potatoes

Chicken marinated in kefir and baked with potatoes – great option quick dinner or lunch. It’s convenient that 2 dishes are prepared at once - both the side dish and the meat. The thighs come out with an appetizing crust, and the potatoes, soaked in the marinade and the juice that the thighs secrete during baking, come out soft and tasty.


  • potato tubers – 500 g;
  • hips – 4 pcs.;
  • cherry tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • fermented milk product – 400 ml;
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper.


  1. First, prepare a kefir marinade for chicken: add pepper to the marinade base, add salt to your taste and stir well.
  2. Peeled potatoes are cut into slices, placed in a baking dish, salted and seasoned with black pepper.
  3. Cherry tomatoes are cut into 4 parts and also laid on top. Next, place the marinated thighs, pour in the rest of the sauce and bake the chicken in kefir with vegetables for 40 minutes at 200 degrees.

Chicken in kefir in a frying pan

Chicken in kefir, in a frying pan, the recipe for which is presented below, turns out soft and juicy. From the first time you won’t understand that it’s breast, because it often turns out to be a bit dry. The quantity of ingredients indicated in the recipe will yield 2 servings.


  • breast – 1 pc.;
  • large onion – 1 pc.;
  • dried herbs - 1 tsp.


  1. The skin and bones are removed from the breast. Wipe the pulp with paper towels and cut into cubes.
  2. In a deep bowl, mix the liquid base for the marinade with seasonings and add salt to taste.
  3. Dip the fillet into the resulting sauce and leave for 2 hours.
  4. Finely chop the onion.
  5. Heat the oil, add the onion and fry it until golden brown. Then it is moved to the side, the marinated fillet is laid out and fried until almost all the liquid has evaporated.
  6. Reduce the heat, pour out the remaining sauce, cover with a lid and simmer the chicken in kefir for about half an hour over low heat.

Chicken fillet in kefir

Before frying, chops are dipped in batter and breaded, then they turn out more juicy, and the crust when frying comes out appetizing.


  • fillet – 600 g;
  • fermented milk drink – 500 ml;
  • wheat flour – 150 g;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • seasonings


  1. The fillet is cut across the grain into pieces up to 7 mm thick, carefully beaten, and salted to taste.
  2. After this, prepare a kefir batter for the chicken: beat the eggs with a whisk with the addition of spices and salt. Pour in the liquid base, slowly add the sifted flour and stir thoroughly so that there are no lumps.
  3. The pieces are dipped into the resulting mixture, and then fried for 5 minutes on each side.
  4. Ready chops can be placed on napkins to remove excess fat.

Chicken in kefir with garlic

Chicken stewed in kefir, the recipe for which is presented below, is striking in its simplicity. Using minimum quantity available products and, without spending a lot of time, you can get an appetizing, and also low-calorie dish.



  1. Pour into a deep bowl fermented milk drink(fat content can be any, the main thing is not to use a low-fat product), salt, pepper, add chopped dill and garlic. Add chicken to the resulting marinade, stir and let sit for half an hour.
  2. Place them in a cauldron, pour in the sauce, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat. In half an hour, the chicken in kefir will be completely ready to serve.

Chicken in kefir in a slow cooker

Chicken in kefir, the recipe for which is posted below, was prepared in a slow cooker. With its help, you can get interesting dishes without monitoring the cooking process itself. If you don’t have time at all, you can put the drumsticks in the bowl of the device, set the timer for 30-60 minutes and leave. This time is enough for the product to marinate, and only then the baking process itself begins.


  • drumsticks – 6 pcs.;
  • fermented milk drink – 200 ml;
  • large onion – 1 pc.;
  • spices.


  1. Washed and dried drumsticks are rubbed with salt and spices, onion rings are added, poured with fermented milk base and left to marinate.
  2. Place the drumsticks in a multi-cooker bowl and set the “Baking” mode. In just half an hour, the chicken in kefir will be ready.

Chicken stewed in kefir in a slow cooker is an excellent dish that is suitable even for baby food. it comes out not dry, but very juicy, and thanks to the spices, it is also tasty and aromatic.


  • breast – 1 pc.;
  • fermented milk drink – 200 ml;
  • seasonings


  1. The breast is cut into pieces and placed in a bowl, salt and pepper. Pour in the fermented milk product and stir thoroughly. Leave for at least half an hour.
  2. Then place the whole mass in a multi-cooker pan and cook in the “Stew” mode for 40 minutes.

Using kefir, the recipe for which is waiting for you below, will amaze those who do not like to use chicken for grilling over coals. They believe that it is not suitable for this because it is dry. IN in this case The kebab will turn out tender and juicy, thanks to pre-soaking the chicken.

But before you enjoy your delicious deed, you should show a little patience. After all, chicken fillet should acquire the above qualities after spending several hours in the refrigerator, immersed in a kefir marinade. This circumstance whets the appetite even more, as it makes one think of a triumphant ending.

Imagine how a chicken baked in the oven along with kefir is placed on a platter in the center of the table. The juiciness and aroma of spices overwhelm it, breaking through. Streams of sweetish smoke emanating from stewed fillet, convey to contemplators a colorful palette of upcoming taste discoveries.

Stop - it's all emotions! Euphoria, so to speak, from what was eaten chicken drumstick. I pull myself together, descend from culinary heaven to the computer and now I’m just telling you how to cook chicken in kefir.

Chicken - kefir - oven - that's all cooking


  • 1 kg. Chicken;
  • 700 grams of kefir (any fat content);
  • parsley and dill (cilantro is also suitable);
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of barberry berries;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • pepper and salt.

There is nothing supernatural in the recipe. True, my kefir marinade has one distinguishing feature. Namely, to prepare it I I use live products: bio-kefir, fresh herbs and dried barberries. This combination of ingredients is perfect for poultry and game dishes. They emphasize the aristocratic taste of oven-baked fillet, successfully complementing it with subtle, refined notes.

Any part of the chicken is suitable for preparing this dish. Including the breast. But I would advise you to make your choice of hips too. They are the ones that taste the best.

Preparation of chicken meat and kefir marinade recipe

From yours chicken carcass separate those parts that you will marinate and then bake in the oven. Don't make it too small. If it's a drumstick, let it cook whole. Rinse them cold water and remove excess fat. Dry with a paper towel or napkins. Since I already have ready-made pieces, I kind of skip this part of the recipe and go straight to marinating. Well, if cutting up chicken is difficult, then I have it on my blog to help you.

Baking chicken in the oven

And so it happened that, immersed in the routine of everyday problems, I completely forgot about the chicken in kefir marinade. And only a day later I remembered about her, when I was racking my brains about what could be so delicious to cook for Sunday dinner. And he was amazed at his forgetfulness. Apparently I’m getting old, I thought. I remember what happened a long time ago, but I forget what happened literally yesterday. Have you encountered a similar problem, friends?

But I want to tell you such a long marinating time chicken meat only benefited him. It had a positive effect both on the structure, making the fillet impeccably tender, and on the taste parameters of the dish.

In short, I take the find out of the refrigerator and turn on the oven to preheat to 190 degrees. I bake the bird for a little over an hour without leaving the kitchen. God forbid I forget again! Then I’ll definitely ruin everything.

The chicken is cooked as usual until it appears on the skin. If you removed the skin before marinating in order to avoid excessive fat in the dish, then a golden blush should form on the surface of the meat.

What about kefir?

Kefir curdles when cooked. But don't worry - that's how it should be. The bio-drink has already given the chicken fillet everything it wanted. And for the zealous owner, the clear liquid that forms after baking is a real godsend. It makes an excellent gravy for a side dish. Portioned pieces of chicken can be served with either boiled rice, and with potatoes, watering them with this most delicious divine nectar.

How many delicious words have been written about chicken, how many times have I baked it in the oven! I knew the truth was somewhere nearby all the time, until I stuffed it into kefir. Suddenly the culinary chakras opened, the familiar taste blossomed like a lotus, luxurious smells put me in a trance, and the floor began to shake under my feet. And sitting down on a chair, all alarmed, he turned off his mobile phone. So that this frostbitten despot does not interrupt his appetite with the bell.

There are also options for preparing such chicken not only in the oven. You can simmer it in a frying pan on the stove or place it in a slow cooker along with the marinade, but baked in the oven it always turns out much tastier!

06 March 2016 1098

Simple dishes, which take a little time, a lot. Of the most regular products turn out culinary masterpieces, if you choose the right spices, marinade or sauce.

However, some quick dishes should be marinated a little so that they become as melt-in-your-mouth as possible, which is when mixtures of greens, herbs, oils and, oddly enough, fermented milk products come to the rescue.

Chicken in kefir turns out incredibly tender, and the crispy crust gives it an attractive appearance.

Chicken marinated in kefir in the oven

Before inviting guests or thinking that the chicken will be cooked in the oven in literally an hour, it is worth calculating the time correctly if the hostess plans to marinate the bird in kefir.

In order for the meat to completely absorb the marinade, you need at least 2 hours. Thus, if you plan festive dinner or lunch, you should have at least 3-4 hours left in order to have time to prepare the ingredients and let the raw poultry brew.

For a company of 4 people you need:

  • 1 fresh chicken carcass;
  • 1.5 liters of kefir;
  • Salt and pepper to taste;
  • 2 tbsp. l. seasonings for chicken.

Wash the chicken in running water; if there are any remaining feathers, remove them. Rub the bird with spices, salt and pepper on all sides. Can be cut into portioned pieces, this makes it easier to marinate the bird.

Place in a tall bowl and pour in kefir. Let stand in a cool place for about 2 hours.

It is advisable that the kefir covers the meat completely, otherwise you need to periodically turn the carcass in the liquid. Place a fireproof dish in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and place the chicken in kefir on it.

The dish takes about 1 hour to prepare. The finished bird can be served with a side dish of rice, buckwheat, any other porridge or fresh salad, decorated with greenery.

Depending on the size of the chicken, the amount of kefir will vary. The main thing is that after marinating all the meat is in kefir.

Where would we be without potatoes?

Potato - perfect side dish for any meat or fish. Like amateurs proper nutrition Although they were against tubers, they are the most consumed vegetable in the country.

Cook the chicken in kefir and serve it with mashed potatoes, young boiled potatoes or baked means feeding all the guests to their fullest.

For 2 servings of chicken in kefir marinade with potatoes you will need:

  • 2 chicken legs;
  • 6 potatoes;
  • 1 large onion;
  • Salt and pepper to taste;
  • 600 gr. kefir;
  • 1 pinch each of marjoram, basil and dry dill.

Wash the legs, grease well with spices and salt. Peel the potatoes and cut them into 4 parts, add salt.

Cut the peeled onion into large half rings. Pour the fermented milk drink into a deep plate, put the chicken legs there and let marinate for 1 hour.

After this, preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Place the chicken legs, potatoes and onions in a baking bag and tie the edges.

Bake the dish for 40 minutes, then open the bag and leave in the oven for another 10 minutes.

This combination of poultry, herbs and vegetables - perfect dinner. You can take food with you on a trip and be sure that hunger will not be terrible.

Chicken kebab in an apartment or house - it’s real

What is a shish kebab ideally? This is nature, a barbecue, dry branches for kindling and meat on a skewer with smoke.

The shish kebab should absorb the taste and aroma of smoke, then the result will be not just fried meat, but an excellent camp dish. What to do if you really want barbecue, but there is no opportunity to go out into nature or go out into the yard (rain, hurricane, desire to cook a dish quickly and not smell of smoke)?

There is a way out, you need to cook chicken kebab in kefir in the oven. Chicken fillet fits perfectly, and the kefir marinade will soften it.

Makes 4 homemade servings chicken kebab you will need:

  • 1200 kg chicken fillet;
  • 500 gr. kefir;
  • Salt and black pepper to taste;
  • 1 tbsp. l. dry rosemary;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. dried mint;
  • 8 wooden skewers for barbecue.

Wash the fillet and cut into square pieces so that it is convenient to string them onto skewers. Pour the kefir into a bowl with high sides and place the meat there.

Add spices, salt, pepper and mix well with your hands. You can massage the meat so that it absorbs the marinade mixture. Leave the chicken to marinate for an hour.

After 50 minutes, put the skewers in (cold) water, let them soak in it, then they definitely won’t burn in the oven. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.

Thread the fillet pieces onto soaked skewers and place them on a baking sheet at a distance of 0.5 cm from each other. Place the baking sheet in the oven for 12 minutes.

This perfect time for fillet so as not to dry it out. The finished kebab can be removed from the skewers and placed on a plate or served directly to guests.

Of course, such kebab will not have the smell of a fire, but it interesting option for a variety of festive and everyday menus. What if you splash it in kefir? liquid smoke, then none of the guests will definitely guess that the kebab was cooked in the oven.

  1. During the time spent in the marinade, the chicken absorbs it. Accordingly, the longer the meat is in kefir, the juicier it will be;
  2. For chicken kebab, you can use any part of the bird. You just need to keep in mind that the cooking time will depend on the size of the pieces. If 12 minutes is enough for fillet, then thighs or drumsticks will need at least 20;
  3. Kefir for marinade can be taken of any fat content;
  4. Chicken in kefir is served cold or hot, so the dish is useful as a snack while traveling;
  5. Spices for chicken need to be chosen responsibly. You shouldn’t mix everything you have in the kitchen; 2-3 types are enough;
  6. It is better not to use metal skewers for barbecue. Even if there are short skewers in the house, they will heat up in the oven to such an extent that it will be almost impossible to handle them without getting burned.

Every cook can come up with his own recipe for a kefir-based marinade and get enthusiastic exclamations from satisfied, well-fed guests.

All you have to do is use your imagination, be in a good mood, experiment a little and use trial and error to find the ideal proportions of ingredients.