Fried turkey. How to fry turkey fillet in a pan

Roasted turkey in a pan is an incredibly tasty and refined dish, it is easy to prepare and at the same time able to satisfy the gastronomic tastes of the most demanding gourmet. This food will be relevant with any side dish - be it potatoes, rice or buckwheat. The culmination of this gastronomic extravaganza can be a simple light vegetable salad and a glass of dry white wine. This dish can be consumed even by women who are on diets. How delicious to cook the meat of this bird? This will be discussed in the article.

Benefits of Turkey Meat

It does not cause allergies, and the amount of vitamins contained in it significantly exceeds the entire vitamin complex of chicken meat. And, of course, turkey protein is much easier to digest than chicken protein. There are many countries where the turkey is the national bird and an indispensable attribute of the festive table. Unfortunately, our housewives, due to the huge number of stereotypes, prefer other types of meat. Perhaps the only disadvantage during the preparation of turkey meat (although this is a controversial issue) is its large size. But this is more of a step that needs to be overcome in order to prepare an appetizing dish, rather than a reason why you should give preference to a different type of meat. Nowadays, you can buy a turkey in any supermarket, and related products can be found in the kitchen of any self-respecting housewife. turkeys are distinguished by their simplicity and unpretentiousness, they will not take much effort and time, and the result will exceed the expectations of even the most demanding people!

Roasted turkey in a pan

There are a large number of opinions that turkey meat is very dry, it is difficult to cook it, and you cannot boast of a wide variety of dishes, and the result may turn out to be generally doubtful. In fact, this is not so, having certain culinary skills and having a recipe in front of you, you can cook just a masterpiece.

Firstly, the turkey is best roasted separately without adding other ingredients. An exception to this rule may be recipes that require subsequent stewing. In this case, a crispy crust will not work, although the taste will be very pleasant and unforgettable.

It is preferable to buy an idea chilled, otherwise its taste will not be so pronounced. And when defrosting, a significant amount of useful substances loses their properties. It is best to stew a turkey when its temperature is equal to room temperature, in which case the meat will not lose its juiciness. The heavier the turkey, the longer it takes to defrost. It is best to buy a turkey two days before cooking, first you need to rinse it under running water, wipe it dry inside and out, cover with foil and send it to the refrigerator. Since homemade turkey is quite fatty, it is not recommended to add oil (olive or sunflower) when cooking it. Each part of the carcass has its own readiness period: it is advisable to fry the turkey legs for 30 minutes, but the fillet will be ready to eat in 20-25 minutes.

How to cook delicious turkey fillet

Dieters are recommended to use turkey fillet, it contains a small amount of calories. Now in stores you can buy various parts of the bird's body separately. Therefore, it is not necessary to buy it entirely. Although the turkey breast is not as juicy as other parts, this minus is fully compensated by a more refined, refined taste and lack of extra calories. How to cook delicious turkey fillet?

Cut the breast into small pieces and stew with any sauce or vegetables, add some oriental spices, just a little, as the spice should emphasize the main taste of the dish, and not drown it out with its aroma. At the end of cooking, it is recommended to grate the cheese and pour pieces of turkey on top.

roast turkey recipe

Roasted turkey, the recipe of which will be offered to you, will become a traditional dish on your table. So, sprinkle the meat with salt, put it in a frying pan, add sunflower or olive oil and pour 250 ml of water over it all. Then we put everything in a slightly preheated oven. You need to fry the carcass for up to two hours, while we do not forget to water our bird with our own juice that has formed and turn it over. It is necessary to fry the meat until a golden crust appears on all sides. After two hours, take out the meat, remove the fat and add to 300 ml of broth, cook over low heat. Then pour off the broth. We cut the carcass and fry in a pan. Serve the meat with a side dish (potatoes, rice or buckwheat), garnished with greens, preferably parsley or lettuce.

Fried turkey with sour cream

Required Ingredients:

  • poultry meat - 700 g;
  • sour cream - 400 g;
  • premium flour - 0.5 tsp;
  • nutmeg - a pinch;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • greens - at the discretion;
  • salt and cinnamon - to taste.

Turkey fried in a pan with sour cream is prepared quickly and easily. So, take the bird fillet and wash it thoroughly under the tap. It is advisable to cut the meat into small pieces, add spices to taste. The fillet is placed in a preheated pan with vegetable oil. Fry the meat until half cooked. Without wasting time, we take another pan and put flour on it, where it should warm up for three minutes, then add about a glass of water mixed with sour cream. Stir the sauce with the meat and bring to a boil, it takes about 40 minutes. Top the dish with finely chopped herbs. Roasted turkey in a pan is ready. Can be served with rice or buckwheat.

Sliced ​​roasted turkey in a frying pan


  • turkey breast fillet - 500 g;
  • oil - 70 ml;
  • sour cream - 120 g;
  • meat broth - one glass;
  • onions - 2 pieces;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • greens - at the discretion;
  • salt, aromatic herbs - to taste.

First you need to rinse the turkey under running water, then it is dried with dry napkins. The fillet is skinned, then washed and dried again. The meat is cut into large pieces. We heat the pan in vegetable oil and pour the chopped meat into it. Fry the meat until golden brown. Then we fall asleep onions (preferably cut into half rings) and fry the dish for another 5 minutes. Add sour cream and beef broth. Spices and seasonings to taste. Simmer the turkey for another 15 minutes. The culmination of the preparation of the dish is the addition of finely chopped garlic and fresh herbs. Roasted turkey in a frying pan is ready! Can be served at the table.

Fried turkey thigh in a pan

Prepare the following products:

  • turkey thigh - about 1 kilogram;
  • onion - 3 pieces;
  • ginger root;
  • half a lemon;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • mint to choose from;
  • salt, pepper to taste

Separate the turkey meat from the bones and cut into small pieces. An onion is taken and cut into thick slices. Then we take a lemon and rub it on a coarse grater, finely chop the garlic. Grind mint leaves. Next, the turkey thigh should be placed in a frying pan heated in olive oil. Brown the meat thoroughly on all sides for 10 minutes. Next, take the onion, garlic and mint leaves and add to the dish. Pour in 100 ml of water, mix and reduce the heat. Simmer the turkey thigh over low heat for another 20 minutes. We take the prepared lemon zest and send it to our turkey, simmer the dish for another 15 minutes. Salt a little and don't forget the pepper. Fry for another 5 minutes without a lid. Remove from heat, cover with a lid and let cool for 10 minutes. Fried turkey thigh (in a pan) is ready. Enjoy your meal!

Braised turkey with vegetables

You should take the following products:

  • turkey fillet - 500 grams;
  • Ukrainian zucchini - 1 piece;
  • sweet pepper - 3 pieces;
  • tomatoes - 1 piece;
  • carrot - 1 piece;
  • onions - 2 pieces;
  • a head of garlic;
  • olive oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • salt and spices - to taste.

Rinse the turkey and dry with a dry towel on all sides, cut into small cubes. Pour 2 teaspoons of olive oil into a heated frying pan and place the egg. Fry the meat over low heat (do not close the lid) for 10 minutes.

Then add the onion pre-cut into half rings and the carrots grated on a coarse grater. Wash the tomatoes, dip them in boiling water for 5 seconds and peel them, finely chop. Remove the skin from the zucchini and cut into cubes, it is also recommended to cut the garlic into small pieces. Wash the bell pepper, peel and cut into half rings. Preheat the pan, add vegetable oil, put onions, and after 5 minutes add carrots and peppers. Simmer the dish for 2 minutes and add the tomatoes and zucchini. Pour the stewed vegetables to the turkey meat, salt, pepper, add garlic to taste and half a glass of boiling water. Simmer for 20 minutes covered.

Everyone knows that in America and many European countries, turkey is a mandatory New Year and Christmas dish. In our country, turkey is not very popular, but in vain! Turkey meat is superior to chicken meat in many respects. It is dietary, healthy and very tasty. Recommended for inclusion in the diet of young children. Many vitamins, minerals and proteins contained in turkey are necessary for the human body. Therefore, you need to eat dishes based on the meat of this bird as often as possible.

The easiest way to cook a turkey is in a skillet. This option is chosen by many experienced chefs and beginners.

What is good cooking in a pan

Compared to other methods, cooking a turkey in a pan has several advantages:

  • a simple process that takes a little time;
  • meat is dietary and at the same time satisfying;
  • the variety of recipes and cooking methods makes it possible to get dishes of different tastes at the output;
  • with proper heat treatment, the turkey turns out to be juicy, tender and, importantly, healthy.

To cook poultry meat in a pan, you do not need to use complex equipment or many different kitchen utensils. All you need is a frying pan and some free time. This is the main advantage of this method.

Turkey preparation

An important point before starting cooking is the choice of meat and its processing. Ideally, it is best to purchase poultry from reputable suppliers.

You can cook from any part of the carcass. A turkey fillet taken from the brisket has a more uniform structure. This part of the bird is considered less high-calorie. You can also cook fillet from the leg. The main thing when choosing to pay attention to the color of the product, the smell and the condition of the upper covers. The meat should not be dented or damaged.

The selected turkey must be washed well and wiped with a kitchen towel or paper. The meat is ready for further processing.

Often use various marinades for poultry. They make the product softer and more tender. You can use soy sauce with honey or dry wine.

Not all spices are suitable for a particular product. Any Caucasian spices, cloves, cardamom and turmeric are in perfect harmony with turkey meat. Cinnamon and ginger would be appropriate. By adding various seasonings, you can change the taste of the finished dish and surprise your family and guests every time.

Cooking methods

Various techniques for cooking turkey meat allow you to get dishes with different tastes and aromas. So, when frying, the product is obtained with a golden crust. And when stewing, you can achieve extraordinary softness and juiciness of meat. With the help of roasting, the turkey will retain vitamins and juices, and will be an excellent option for diet food.

Roasting a turkey in a pan is the most common and easiest way to cook it. Takes little time. And the result is amazing: the meat is tasty, juicy and fragrant. You just need to follow some rules.

  1. Rinse the turkey fillet well and pat dry with a towel. If the product is sent to be fried without being dried, it will start to “shoot” in the pan.
  2. Cut the meat into portions of small thickness.
  3. Slightly depart with a hammer, salt and pepper. Leave for 30 minutes.
  4. Beat chicken proteins with a little flour, salt.
  5. Each piece must be dipped in a protein mixture and sent to fry in a pan with vegetable oil.
  6. Fry the meat over medium heat for 12 minutes on each side.

The dish is tender and juicy. Properly timed heat treatment makes it possible to obtain an ideal result. The meat retains all the useful properties and taste.

After stewing, the turkey is very soft, melting in your mouth. The main thing is to observe the processing time. If a portioned fillet is being prepared, then half an hour is needed. And if the meat is cut into small pieces, 20 minutes will be enough.

  1. First you need to fry the pieces of meat on both sides for 5 minutes.
  2. You can add onions, carrots and other vegetables as desired.
  3. Pour the ingredients with sour cream and close the lid. Simmer for 7 minutes.
  4. At the end of cooking, salt, season with spices and sprinkle with herbs.

You can serve the dish with any side dish: potatoes, boiled rice or pasta.

The turkey baked in the oven is very tasty. You can do it right in the pan.

  1. Prepared meat, it can be drumsticks, portioned fillets or pieces of various sizes, must be placed in a frying pan and lightly fried on the stove. The process will take 5 minutes.
  2. Then you need to send the bird to the oven. Pour some water into the pan.
  3. Cooking time depends on the size of the turkey. If the pieces are large - it will take 40 minutes, if small - 20.
  4. 5 minutes before turning off, salt the dish and sprinkle with spices.

Turkey pieces in a frying pan

Turkey meat is comparable to beef in terms of benefits and nutritional value, while being more tender and dietary. In addition, the cost of turkey is lower than the cost of beef. Yes, and it cooks faster. For this reason, many housewives prefer to cook turkey dishes when they want to feed their family with something meat without spending a lot of money and effort on cooking.

Cooking features

There is a frying pan in almost any home, and it is on it that many housewives prefer to cook in a hurry. However, not all of them dare to use a frying pan for cooking turkey meat, fearing that with this method of cooking it will come out dry and tasteless. But this can be avoided if you know a few important points.

  • In pieces, you can fry both the turkey breast and its drumstick. It is only important that the meat is fresh. Avoid buying meat that has lost its elasticity, is slippery, smells bad and has too yellow fat.
  • Fresh or chilled turkey meat is preferable to frozen. If, nevertheless, there is a need to use a frozen product, you need to get the turkey out of the freezer in advance, since it will take a lot of time to defrost: first, the meat must be completely thawed in the refrigerator, then warm up a little at room temperature. If there is a sharp temperature drop, poultry meat will lose its juiciness, and even the best recipe will not help to make a truly tasty dish out of it.
  • In order for the turkey meat to turn out soft and juicy in a pan, it is best to stew it with vegetables and a fatty sauce, for example, in sour cream. However, before that, all the same pieces of turkey need to be fried until golden brown. And it does not matter that it will not be preserved during the stewing process - the meat will still acquire a special taste due to roasting.
  • To make the turkey tender and have a seductive aroma, it can be marinated before cooking. You can marinate the turkey in pieces or whole. In the first case, it will take less time, so if you are going to cook a turkey in a pan, it is advisable to cut it first and then marinate it. Any marinade suitable for poultry meat can be made using sour cream, mayonnaise, yogurt, kefir, honey, mustard, paprika, ginger, turmeric and other spices.
  • If you don't want to dry out a sliced ​​turkey, don't keep it on the stove for too long. Depending on the size of the pieces, it usually takes from 20 to 40 minutes to bring them to readiness, on average, turkey dishes in a pan are cooked for half an hour.

Turkey in sour cream with raisins

  • turkey breast fillet - 0.6 kg;
  • sour cream - 0.25 l;
  • raisins - 50 g;
  • wheat flour - 10 g;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • ground cinnamon - a pinch;
  • nutmeg - a pinch;
  • fresh parsley - 50 g;
  • fresh dill - 50 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.
  • Wash the turkey fillet, pat dry with a kitchen towel, cut into cubes 1–1.5 cm in size.
  • Rinse raisins, soak for 10 minutes in warm water. After the specified time, drain the water, squeeze the raisins.
  • Finely chop fresh herbs with a knife.
  • Pour vegetable oil into the pan, put it on fire. Wait a couple of minutes and add the turkey pieces to the pan.
  • Fry the turkey in the boiling oil for 10 minutes, tossing the pieces several times during the frying process.
  • Add raisins, continue frying for another 5 minutes.
  • Add salt, spices, chopped herbs to sour cream.
  • Sprinkle the turkey with flour, fry for a few minutes. Add sour cream.
  • Without reducing the heat, stew the meat in sour cream, stirring it vigorously, for 5 minutes.
  • Turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid. Simmer over low heat for 15 minutes.

The turkey, cooked according to the above recipe, has a delicate sweet and sour taste and looks very appetizing. You can serve it with almost any side dish: potatoes, rice, pasta, buckwheat. Do not forget to pour over the dish before serving with sour cream sauce with raisins, in which the turkey was stewed in a pan.

Turkey Stroganoff with mushrooms

  • turkey meat - 0.6 kg;
  • fresh champignons or porcini mushrooms - 0.2 kg;
  • onions - 0.3 kg;
  • sour cream - 125 ml;
  • mustard - 40 ml;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • Wash the turkey meat pieces and pat dry with paper towels. Cut the meat into oblong-shaped pieces, like beef stroganoff.
  • Wash the mushrooms, blot with napkins and cut each into 4-8 pieces (depending on the size of the mushrooms). With porcini mushrooms, the dish turns out to be the most delicious and fragrant, but champignons can also be used.
  • Remove the husk from the onion, cut it into not too small cubes.
  • Heat the oil in a frying pan, put the turkey pieces in it and fry them in a hot frying pan for 10 minutes.
  • Reduce the heat a little and put in the pan, where the fried turkey is already located, mushrooms and onions. Continue frying, uncovered, until excess liquid from the mushrooms has evaporated from the pan.
  • Mix sour cream with mustard, salt and pepper. Pour this sauce over the turkey. Turn up the fire even more. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer the turkey pieces with mushrooms in a creamy mustard sauce for 10 minutes.

The seductive aroma of this dish is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. A turkey fried in a Stroganoff pan with porcini mushrooms is a dish worthy of a festive table. As a side dish, you can serve potatoes to it, and any one is suitable: fried, baked, boiled, mashed.

Turkey drumstick in soy sauce

  • turkey drumsticks - 0.5 kg;
  • paprika - 10 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • dried basil - 5 g;
  • soy sauce - 40 ml;
  • balsamic vinegar - 40 ml;
  • vegetable oil - how much will it take.
  • Wash the turkey drumstick, dry it, cut into pieces of 2 cm, cut each piece with a knife along and across to make small, narrow, but long enough pieces.
  • Combine balsamic vinegar, crushed garlic, soy sauce, paprika and basil. This will be the marinade.
  • Dip the turkey pieces in the marinade and refrigerate them for an hour.
  • Remove the turkey from the refrigerator, let stand 20 minutes at room temperature. Remove the pieces from the marinade, squeeze.
  • Place the turkey in a hot skillet with simmering oil. Fry the pieces of meat over medium heat for 10 minutes.
  • Pour remaining marinade over turkey. Cover the pan with a lid while lowering the heat underneath. Simmer the dish for 15 minutes.

The turkey prepared according to this recipe can be served with a side dish or as an independent snack. It will be delicious both hot and chilled.

If you know a few culinary subtleties and pick up a good recipe, even an inexperienced housewife can cook a turkey in pieces in a pan. At the same time, the dish will turn out tasty and fragrant, it is not a shame to put it even on the festive table.

Fried turkey in a pan: recipes. How to cook delicious turkey fillet

Roasted turkey in a pan is an incredibly tasty and refined dish, it is easy to prepare and at the same time able to satisfy the gastronomic tastes of the most demanding gourmet. This food will be relevant with any side dish - be it potatoes, rice or buckwheat. The culmination of this gastronomic extravaganza can be a simple light vegetable salad and a glass of dry white wine. This dish can be consumed even by women who are on diets. How delicious to cook the meat of this bird? This will be discussed in the article.

Benefits of Turkey Meat

Turkey meat does not cause allergies, and the amount of vitamins it contains significantly exceeds the entire vitamin complex of chicken meat. And, of course, turkey protein is much easier to digest than chicken protein. There are many countries where the turkey is the national bird and an indispensable attribute of the festive table. Unfortunately, our housewives, due to the huge number of stereotypes, prefer other types of meat. Perhaps the only disadvantage during the preparation of turkey meat (although this is a controversial issue) is its large size. But this is more of a step that needs to be overcome in order to prepare an appetizing dish, rather than a reason why you should give preference to a different type of meat. Nowadays, you can buy a turkey in any supermarket, and related products can be found in the kitchen of any self-respecting housewife. Turkey cooking recipes are distinguished by their simplicity and unpretentiousness, they will not take much effort and time, and the result will exceed the expectations of even the most demanding people!

Roasted turkey in a pan

There are a large number of opinions that turkey meat is very dry, it is difficult to cook it, and you cannot boast of a wide variety of dishes, and the result may turn out to be generally doubtful. In fact, this is not so, having certain culinary skills and having a recipe in front of you, you can cook just a masterpiece.

Firstly, the turkey is best roasted separately without adding other ingredients. An exception to this rule may be recipes that require subsequent stewing. In this case, a crispy crust will not work, although the taste will be very pleasant and unforgettable.

It is preferable to buy an idea chilled, otherwise its taste will not be so pronounced. And when defrosting, a significant amount of useful substances loses their properties. It is best to stew a turkey when its temperature is equal to room temperature, in which case the meat will not lose its juiciness. The heavier the turkey, the longer it takes to defrost. It is best to buy a turkey two days before cooking, first you need to rinse it under running water, wipe it dry inside and out, cover with foil and send it to the refrigerator. Since homemade turkey is quite fatty, it is not recommended to add oil (olive or sunflower) when cooking it. Each part of the carcass has its own readiness period: it is advisable to fry the turkey legs for 30 minutes, but the fillet will be ready to eat in 20-25 minutes.

How to cook delicious turkey fillet

Dieters are recommended to use turkey fillet, it contains a small amount of calories. Now in stores you can buy various parts of the bird's body separately. Therefore, it is not necessary to buy it entirely. Although the turkey breast is not as juicy as other parts, this minus is fully compensated by a more refined, refined taste and lack of extra calories. How to cook delicious turkey fillet?

Cut the breast into small pieces and stew with any sauce or vegetables, add some oriental spices, just a little, as the spice should emphasize the main taste of the dish, and not drown it out with its aroma. At the end of cooking, it is recommended to grate the cheese and pour pieces of turkey on top.

roast turkey recipe

Roasted turkey, the recipe of which will be offered to you, will become a traditional dish on your table. So, sprinkle the meat with salt, put it in a frying pan, add sunflower or olive oil and pour 250 ml of water over it all. Then we put everything in a slightly preheated oven. You need to fry the carcass for up to two hours, while we do not forget to water our bird with our own juice that has formed and turn it over. It is necessary to fry the meat until a golden crust appears on all sides. After two hours, take out the meat, remove the fat and add to 300 ml of broth, cook over low heat. Then pour off the broth. We cut the carcass and fry in a pan. Serve the meat with a side dish (potatoes, rice or buckwheat), garnished with greens, preferably parsley or lettuce.

Fried turkey with sour cream

  • poultry meat - 700 g;
  • sour cream - 400 g;
  • premium flour - 0.5 tsp;
  • nutmeg - a pinch;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • greens - at the discretion;
  • salt and cinnamon - to taste.

Turkey fried in a pan with sour cream is prepared quickly and easily. So, take the bird fillet and wash it thoroughly under the tap. It is advisable to cut the meat into small pieces, add spices to taste. The fillet is placed in a preheated pan with vegetable oil. Fry the meat until half cooked. Without wasting time, we take another pan and put flour on it, where it should warm up for three minutes, then add about a glass of water mixed with sour cream. Stir the sauce with the meat and bring to a boil, it takes about 40 minutes. Top the dish with finely chopped herbs. Roasted turkey in a pan is ready. Can be served with rice or buckwheat.

Sliced ​​roasted turkey in a frying pan

First you need to rinse the turkey under running water, then it is dried with dry napkins. The fillet is skinned, then washed and dried again. The meat is cut into large pieces. We heat the pan in vegetable oil and pour the chopped meat into it. Fry the meat until golden brown. Then we fall asleep onions (preferably cut into half rings) and fry the dish for another 5 minutes. Add sour cream and beef broth. Spices and seasonings to taste. Simmer the turkey for another 15 minutes. The culmination of the preparation of the dish is the addition of finely chopped garlic and fresh herbs. Roasted turkey in a frying pan is ready! Can be served at the table.

Fried turkey thigh in a pan

Prepare the following products:

  • turkey thigh - about 1 kilogram;
  • onion - 3 pieces;
  • ginger root;
  • half a lemon;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • mint to choose from;
  • salt, pepper to taste

Separate the turkey meat from the bones and cut into small pieces. An onion is taken and cut into thick slices. Then we take a lemon and rub it on a coarse grater, finely chop the garlic. Grind mint leaves. Next, the turkey thigh should be placed in a frying pan heated in olive oil. Brown the meat thoroughly on all sides for 10 minutes. Next, take the onion, garlic and mint leaves and add to the dish. Pour in 100 ml of water, mix and reduce the heat. Simmer the turkey thigh over low heat for another 20 minutes. We take the prepared lemon zest and send it to our turkey, simmer the dish for another 15 minutes. Salt a little and don't forget the pepper. Fry for another 5 minutes without a lid. Remove from heat, cover with a lid and let cool for 10 minutes. Fried turkey thigh (in a pan) is ready. Enjoy your meal!

Braised turkey with vegetables

You should take the following products:

  • turkey fillet - 500 grams;
  • Ukrainian zucchini - 1 piece;
  • sweet pepper - 3 pieces;
  • tomatoes - 1 piece;
  • carrot - 1 piece;
  • onions - 2 pieces;
  • a head of garlic;
  • olive oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • salt and spices - to taste.

Rinse the turkey and dry with a dry towel on all sides, cut into small cubes. Pour 2 teaspoons of olive oil into a heated frying pan and place the egg. Fry the meat over low heat (do not close the lid) for 10 minutes.

Then add the onion pre-cut into half rings and the carrots grated on a coarse grater. Wash the tomatoes, dip them in boiling water for 5 seconds and peel them, finely chop. Remove the skin from the zucchini and cut into cubes, it is also recommended to cut the garlic into small pieces. Wash the bell pepper, peel and cut into half rings. Preheat the pan, add vegetable oil, put onions, and after 5 minutes add carrots and peppers. Simmer the dish for 2 minutes and add the tomatoes and zucchini. Pour the stewed vegetables to the turkey meat, salt, pepper, add garlic to taste and half a glass of boiling water. Simmer for 20 minutes covered.

Turkey fried in a pan

The pan-fried turkey according to this recipe is most often cooked in the summer, during the tomato season. But it turns out to be especially tasty in winter, as a reminder of warm sunny days.


  • Turkey leg 2 Pieces
  • Tomato 2 Pieces
  • Onion 1-2 Pieces
  • Salt 0.5 teaspoons
  • Pepper 1 Pinch

To cook a turkey fried in a pan, prepare a few legs, cut them into 2 parts.

Salt and pepper the parts of the turkey, send them to a pan with heated sunflower oil or pork fat (I prefer the second option, because the fat does not give an unpleasant burnt aftertaste). Fry the bird on all sides until golden brown.

While the meat is frying, peel and cut the onion into half rings or quarter rings.

And also cut the tomato (large half rings).

Send onion and tomato to half-finished, but well-fried meat, fry for literally 2-3 minutes, then add 100 ml. water and simmer covered until the meat is cooked (about 10-15 minutes). I used a young turkey, so it only took me 5-7 minutes.

The turkey fried in a frying pan with tomato and onion is ready. Any side dish is perfect for it - mashed potatoes, cereals or pasta.

Turkey meat is comparable to beef in terms of benefits and nutritional value, while being more tender and dietary. In addition, the cost of turkey is lower than the cost of beef. Yes, and it cooks faster. For this reason, many housewives prefer to cook turkey dishes when they want to feed their family with something meat without spending a lot of money and effort on cooking.

Cooking features

There is a frying pan in almost any home, and it is on it that many housewives prefer to cook in a hurry. However, not all of them dare to use a frying pan for cooking turkey meat, fearing that with this method of cooking it will come out dry and tasteless. But this can be avoided if you know a few important points.

  • In pieces, you can fry both the turkey breast and its drumstick. It is only important that the meat is fresh. Avoid buying meat that has lost its elasticity, is slippery, smells bad and has too yellow fat.
  • Fresh or chilled turkey meat is preferable to frozen. If, nevertheless, there is a need to use a frozen product, you need to get the turkey out of the freezer in advance, since it will take a lot of time to defrost: first, the meat must be completely thawed in the refrigerator, then warm up a little at room temperature. If there is a sharp temperature drop, poultry meat will lose its juiciness, and even the best recipe will not help to make a truly tasty dish out of it.
  • In order for the turkey meat to turn out soft and juicy in a pan, it is best to stew it with vegetables and a fatty sauce, for example, in sour cream. However, before that, all the same pieces of turkey need to be fried until golden brown. And it does not matter that it will not be preserved during the stewing process - the meat will still acquire a special taste due to roasting.
  • To make the turkey tender and have a seductive aroma, it can be marinated before cooking. You can marinate the turkey in pieces or whole. In the first case, it will take less time, so if you are going to cook a turkey in a pan, it is advisable to cut it first and then marinate it. Any marinade suitable for poultry meat can be made using sour cream, mayonnaise, yogurt, kefir, honey, mustard, paprika, ginger, turmeric and other spices.
  • If you don't want to dry out a sliced ​​turkey, don't keep it on the stove for too long. Depending on the size of the pieces, it usually takes from 20 to 40 minutes to bring them to readiness, on average, turkey dishes in a pan are cooked for half an hour.

Turkey in sour cream with raisins

  • turkey breast fillet - 0.6 kg;
  • sour cream - 0.25 l;
  • raisins - 50 g;
  • wheat flour - 10 g;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • ground cinnamon - a pinch;
  • nutmeg - a pinch;
  • fresh parsley - 50 g;
  • fresh dill - 50 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the turkey fillet, pat dry with a kitchen towel, cut into cubes 1–1.5 cm in size.
  • Rinse raisins, soak for 10 minutes in warm water. After the specified time, drain the water, squeeze the raisins.
  • Finely chop fresh herbs with a knife.
  • Pour vegetable oil into the pan, put it on fire. Wait a couple of minutes and add the turkey pieces to the pan.
  • Fry the turkey in the boiling oil for 10 minutes, tossing the pieces several times during the frying process.
  • Add raisins, continue frying for another 5 minutes.
  • Add salt, spices, chopped herbs to sour cream.
  • Sprinkle the turkey with flour, fry for a few minutes. Add sour cream.
  • Without reducing the heat, stew the meat in sour cream, stirring it vigorously, for 5 minutes.
  • Turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid. Simmer over low heat for 15 minutes.

The turkey, cooked according to the above recipe, has a delicate sweet and sour taste and looks very appetizing. You can serve it with almost any side dish: potatoes, rice, pasta, buckwheat. Do not forget to pour over the dish before serving with sour cream sauce with raisins, in which the turkey was stewed in a pan.

Turkey Stroganoff with mushrooms

  • turkey meat - 0.6 kg;
  • fresh champignons or porcini mushrooms - 0.2 kg;
  • onions - 0.3 kg;
  • sour cream - 125 ml;
  • mustard - 40 ml;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;

Cooking method:

  • Wash the turkey meat pieces and pat dry with paper towels. Cut the meat into oblong-shaped pieces, like beef stroganoff.
  • Wash the mushrooms, blot with napkins and cut each into 4-8 pieces (depending on the size of the mushrooms). With porcini mushrooms, the dish turns out to be the most delicious and fragrant, but champignons can also be used.
  • Remove the husk from the onion, cut it into not too small cubes.
  • Heat the oil in a frying pan, put the turkey pieces in it and fry them in a hot frying pan for 10 minutes.
  • Reduce the heat a little and put in the pan, where the fried turkey is already located, mushrooms and onions. Continue frying, uncovered, until excess liquid from the mushrooms has evaporated from the pan.
  • Mix sour cream with mustard, salt and pepper. Pour this sauce over the turkey. Turn up the fire even more. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer the turkey pieces with mushrooms in a creamy mustard sauce for 10 minutes.

The seductive aroma of this dish is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. A turkey fried in a Stroganoff pan with porcini mushrooms is a dish worthy of a festive table. As a side dish, you can serve potatoes to it, and any one is suitable: fried, baked, boiled, mashed.

Turkey drumstick in soy sauce

  • turkey drumsticks - 0.5 kg;
  • paprika - 10 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • dried basil - 5 g;
  • soy sauce - 40 ml;
  • balsamic vinegar - 40 ml;
  • vegetable oil - how much will it take.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the turkey drumstick, dry it, cut into pieces of 2 cm, cut each piece with a knife along and across to make small, narrow, but long enough pieces.
  • Combine balsamic vinegar, crushed garlic, soy sauce, paprika and basil. This will be the marinade.
  • Dip the turkey pieces in the marinade and refrigerate them for an hour.
  • Remove the turkey from the refrigerator, let stand 20 minutes at room temperature. Remove the pieces from the marinade, squeeze.
  • Place the turkey in a hot skillet with simmering oil. Fry the pieces of meat over medium heat for 10 minutes.
  • Pour remaining marinade over turkey. Cover the pan with a lid while lowering the heat underneath. Simmer the dish for 15 minutes.

The turkey prepared according to this recipe can be served with a side dish or as an independent snack. It will be delicious both hot and chilled.

If you know a few culinary subtleties and pick up a good recipe, even an inexperienced housewife can cook a turkey in pieces in a pan. At the same time, the dish will turn out tasty and fragrant, it is not a shame to put it even on the festive table.

Turkey fillet today can be bought at any large supermarket, and many, knowing that this meat is even more healthy than chicken, want to try to replace chicken with it, or at least diversify their poultry menu. To do this successfully, and to please yourself with really tasty turkey dishes, you need to know how to cook it properly. In this article, we will focus on turkey fillet roast recipes.

Fried turkey fillet is a great option for lunch or dinner, hearty and very tasty, and to top it off, it’s also healthy. However, some cooks, who do not have much experience in cooking this bird or in general experience with it, are faced with the fact that the fillet after frying turns out to be dry and not very tasty. To prevent this from happening, you should cook the turkey fillet in the pan correctly. That's it - we have collected good recipes for you in this collection. Using them, you can fry a turkey very tasty, including fillet both from the breast and from the leg.

Recipe one: Turkey fried in sour cream with raisins

You will need: 600g turkey fillet, 1 cup sour cream, 2-3 tbsp. vegetable oil and raisins, 1 tsp. flour, ground nutmeg, ground cinnamon, parsley and dill, salt.

How to cook turkey fillet in sour cream. Cut the fillet into pieces, rub with nutmeg, cinnamon and salt, put in a pan with hot oil and fry. Rinse raisins, pour 0.5 cups of water, boil, add flour fried in fat separately from meat, mix and dilute the mixture with sour cream. Pour the resulting meat sauce, simmer it for 40 minutes over moderate heat, sprinkle with herbs before serving, garnish with green salad and fried potatoes.

An unusual sauce of sour cream with raisins makes the turkey very tender and tasty.

You can fry a turkey in a well-known way - in Stroganov's way.

Recipe Two: Stroganoff Roast Turkey

You will need: 300 g of meat from a turkey leg, 100 g of porcini mushrooms, 1-2 onions, 0.25 cups of fat sour cream, 1 tbsp. mustard, vegetable oil, pepper, salt.

How to fry turkey fillet in Stroganoff style. Cut the fillet into strips, put in a pan with oil and lightly fry. Cut the onion into cubes, cut each mushroom into 4 parts. Put the mushrooms with onions to the turkey, simmer until the water evaporates over low heat, pour in the sour cream and put the mustard, pepper and salt, bring everything to a boil and simmer for another 5 minutes.

Simple, very fast and incredibly tasty - this way of frying turkey fillet definitely deserves attention! However, like the next one.

Recipe Three: Roast Turkey with Beans, Tomatoes and Garlic

You will need: 400g turkey fillet, 2 tomatoes, onions and garlic cloves, 2 cups green beans, 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, cilantro, parsley, spices to taste, pepper, salt.

How to fry turkey fillet with vegetables. Cut the fillet into small pieces, fry in oil until browned in a deep frying pan. Cut each bean pod into 2-3 parts, remove the hard veins, boil it until soft with a little water. In the same oil where the turkey was fried, fry the chopped tomatoes and onions, put chopped greens, chopped garlic, season with spices to taste, salt, pepper, mix, fry for another 2-3 minutes, add turkey meat, put boiled beans, add a little water / broth (it should only slightly cover the ingredients), simmer for 10-15 minutes and serve.

Of course, all the described recipes provide for frying the turkey only at the first stage of cooking, and it is brought to culinary readiness by stewing. If you want to cook a truly crispy turkey just by roasting it, try the following recipes.

Recipe Four: Oatmeal Breaded Turkey Roast

You will need: 1 kg of turkey fillet, 1 egg and onion each, 3 tbsp. mayonnaise, 1 tbsp. flour, oatmeal, vegetable oil, pepper, salt.

How to fry breaded turkey fillet. Cut the fillet into small arbitrary pieces, beat off a little, rub the onion on a coarse grater, mix it with a raw egg, mayonnaise and flour, add 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, pepper the mixture and salt, pour it over the fillet, mix and leave for 1 hour at room temperature. Heat a frying pan with oil, breaded the marinated turkey in oatmeal, put it in a frying pan and fry until well browned on both sides.

Marinating allows you to make the turkey fillet very tender, and breading in oatmeal makes the dish very unusual! Well, if you want something in this spirit, but more spicy, try the following recipe.

Recipe Five: Spicy Fried Turkey

You will need: 700g-1kg turkey fillet, 100g breadcrumbs, 70ml vegetable oil, 50ml soy sauce, 2-3 garlic cloves, 1 egg, pepper, salt.

How to spicy roast a turkey. Cut the fillet into medium-sized and thin slices, pour over soy sauce, put the garlic passed through the press, pepper and salt, mix and remove to marinate in heat, stirring. Heat oil in a frying pan. Drive a raw egg into one container, beat it slightly, pour crackers into another. Spread the turkey pieces first in the egg, then in the breadcrumbs, then again in the egg and in the breadcrumbs, fry in hot oil until golden brown. Place on a paper towel before serving to absorb excess oil.

Try to cook turkey fillet according to one of the proposed recipes and enjoy such a delicious lunch or dinner, bon appetit!

Meat dishes

Roasted, baked and slow-cooked turkey fillet - step by step recipes with photos and videos, useful tips and tricks.

30 minutes

190 kcal

5/5 (2)

Turkey meat more and more often it began to appear on the menu of the inhabitants of our country, mainly due to its availability and inimitable taste. It is also important that the turkey is famous for its beneficial properties - it is a well-known dietary product. The fillet of this bird is rich in vitamins, valuable minerals and protein, and cholesterol in it is found in very small quantities. The important thing is that in a turkey, red meat is almost as valuable as white meat.
Dishes prepared from turkey are quickly and easily digested, give a feeling of fullness, which stably lasts for several hours. How to cook a tasty and juicy turkey thigh, breast or drumstick fillet, are there any ideal recipes for such dishes? Today I will share with you the experience of my own family in this area - fortunately, my grandmother also knew how cook a great turkey in many ways so much so that after the meal there was not a piece left.

Fried turkey fillet in a pan

Kitchen tools

To make the turkey tasty and fragrant, and also not require you a lot of time to make, I recommend preparing all the necessary tools and appliances in advance:

  • ribbed pan with non-stick coating (you can also use an electric grill);
  • container for marinating meat;
  • several ceramic bowls with a capacity of 450 ml;
  • a couple of tablespoons and teaspoons;
  • hammer for beating meat;
  • long sharp knife;
  • wooden cutting board;
  • metal whisk.

You will need


Baked turkey fillet in the oven

  • Time for preparing: 30 to 50 minutes.
  • Number of persons: 11-15.

Kitchen tools

Prepare the following cutlery and utensils:

  • a baking sheet or a form with a Teflon coating with a diagonal of 27 cm;
  • several ceramic bowls with a capacity of 300 ml or more;
  • a couple of tablespoons and teaspoons;
  • hammer for beating meat;
  • measuring cup (it is better to use a kitchen scale);
  • long sharp knife;
  • wooden cutting board;
  • metal whisk.

You will need

  • 2 kg of turkey meat;
  • 150 ml soy sauce;
  • 100 g of viscous honey;
  • 4 fresh apples;
  • 2 small oranges;
  • 10 g dried garlic;
  • 7 g black ground pepper.

Cooking turkey fillet in the oven

  1. We wash the meat, sprinkle with dried garlic and pepper.
  2. Then pour the fillet with soy sauce and leave to marinate for about half an hour.
  3. At this time, cut the apples into four parts, remove the core and seeds. Wash the oranges well and also cut each into four slices, do not remove the peel.
  4. We coat the baking sheet with sunflower oil and put the pickled meat on it.
  5. Slices of apples and oranges are placed around the fillet.
  6. Pour the marinade sauce over the meat on a baking sheet, pour honey on top.
  7. Bake in the oven for about forty minutes, trying not to open the door once again.

Baked turkey fillet: video

Below is a video in which an experienced chef talks in detail about the intricacies of cooking turkey fillet in the oven.

Turkey in orange sauce in a slow cooker

  • Time for preparing: 20 to 35 minutes.
  • Number of persons: 10-12.

Kitchen tools

Prepare the necessary tools and devices:

  • multicooker bowl with a volume of 3 liters;
  • several ceramic bowls with a capacity of 500 ml or more;
  • a couple of tablespoons and teaspoons;
  • measuring cup (it is better to use a kitchen scale);
  • long sharp knife;
  • wooden cutting board;
  • metal whisk.

You will need

  • 750 g turkey fillet;
  • 2 large oranges;
  • 1 large apple;
  • 100 g prunes;
  • 50 g honey;
  • 6 g of table salt;
  • 6 g ground paprika;
  • 5 g cornstarch;
  • 70 ml sunflower oil.

Cooking turkey fillet in a slow cooker

  1. Cut the turkey meat into pieces, roll in paprika and salt.
  2. We spread the prepared fillet in the bowl of the multicooker, pour it with sunflower oil.
  3. We turn on the “Frying” program, fry the meat for about fifteen minutes, stir only after seven minutes.
  4. While the fillet is cooking, cut the apples into slices, removing the seeds and hard core.
  5. Peel and cut the orange into cubes, then grind it in a blender with starch and honey.
  6. As soon as the program is over, put apples and prunes into the bowl. Pour all this with orange filling, close the lid of the multicooker.
  7. We cook the meat in the "Extinguishing" mode for about 20 minutes, do not open the lid in the process.

How to choose the right ingredients

To prepare the perfect dish that your loved ones will love, be sure to heed some of the recommendations created by experienced chefs.

  • The recipe for pan-fried turkey allows the use and other meat, in addition to the fillet: thighs, drumsticks or breast on the bone. However, do not use minced meat - it is completely unsuitable for the correct implementation of the recipe. - How to cook minced turkey dishes - find out in a separate material.
  • Soy sauce, often used in recipes as a substitute for table salt, you need to choose carefully: recently, fakes prepared on concentrates with aromatic additives have appeared on supermarket shelves.
  • Do not use for recipes candied honey, which turned into a solid mass. You can melt it in a water bath before using.

How can you diversify standard recipes

  • How many variations of one turkey dish can be made! Baked turkey fillet according to the above recipe can be cooked not only with fruits, but also with vegetables: carrots, tomatoes or bell peppers. Delicious turkey with onions. In this case, increase the amount of soy sauce and remove the sweet ingredients.
  • To fry turkey fillet in batter, stir mayonnaise and black pepper, add a little soy sauce to the recipe. Then roll the fillet pieces in the resulting mixture and fry in a pan on both sides.
  • The recipe for turkey fillet in a slow cooker allows adding other dried fruits, in addition to prunes: for example, steamed raisins.
  • To cook food faster marinate meat overnight: the longer it is in the sauce with spices, the more tender and appetizing the pulp and crust will turn out.
  • If you chose a regular frying pan for frying meat, cook the fillet under the lid over medium or high heat. Also, do not forget that you will need to turn the product more often, about once every two to three minutes - so it does not burn and retain juiciness.
  • To expand your culinary arsenal, look at others, no less simple and quick turkey recipes. For example, don't miss