How to cook baked sushi at home. What is the difference between hot rolls and baked rolls?

Today, few people can be surprised by Japanese cuisine. Many housewives have learned how to cook them at home. Now to pamper yourself delicious rolls stuffed with seafood, it is not necessary to go to a restaurant. You can cook them yourself.

And if there is no time to stand at the stove, then you can order sushi with home delivery. So the delivery of rolls in Odessa is carried out throughout the day.

How rolls are made

The preparation of baked rolls begins in the same way as the production of regular rolls. That is, you need to boil the rice. For this purpose, it is better to use special varieties, otherwise it will not stick well. Ready rice is seasoned with vinegar diluted in water, salt and a small amount sugar or special rice vinegar.

After the rice has cooled and it will be possible to work with it, we proceed to the formation of rolls. A sheet of nori is placed on a bamboo substrate with a smooth side; these are specially prepared algae that can be purchased at almost any supermarket.

Rice is placed on a sheet of algae in an even layer about a centimeter thick. It is necessary to leave a free space of about two centimeters from one edge, this is necessary for gluing the twisted roll. On the opposite side, the filling is cut into thin strips.

As a filling, you can use:

  • any kind of red fish, tuna. There are varieties of rolls, where the filling is smoked chicken;
  • to emphasize the taste of the main filling, you can use avocado or fresh cucumber;
  • Optionally, you can add sauces that would be combined with the selected filling.

Then, with the help of a bamboo mat, the roll is twisted. The free edge of the nori is moistened with water and glued to the roll, as if sealing our rice and fish roll.

After that, it remains only to cut the roll with a sharp knife into portioned pieces. For convenience, the blade of the knife is moistened with water to which vinegar is added.

In principle, the rolls can already be served at the table, or you can bake them in the oven. To do this, the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpieces are placed in a baking sheet and poured with filling. For its preparation, they use mayonnaise, ketchup (if you like it spicy, you can take chili) and caviar flying fish.

The dish prepared in this way is sent to the oven for several minutes until a golden crust appears. When serving, the dish is decorated as desired. Traditionally, sushi and rolls are served with slices of ginger and wasabi, as well as soy sauce.

How to cook baked rolls:

Today, Japanese cuisine is very popular among our compatriots. And if a few years ago sushi and rolls could only be tasted in restaurants, now many people have learned how to cook these delicacies at home. Moreover, everything you need can be purchased at most large supermarkets. One of the most delicious meals Japanese cuisine are baked rolls. At home, you can use shrimp, mussels, scallops, tuna and other ingredients for their preparation. And making them is no more difficult than regular rolls. Today we decided to bring to your attention some very simple of this delicious dish.

An easy way to make baked rolls

So, you have decided to treat yourself and your family to this dish. What do you need to buy? In principle, there are no strict canons; any products can be used. Of course, we will offer our own version, and you can improve it, add something of your own, your favorite. It will take you a little time to prepare, and ready rolls no one will be left indifferent.


If you decide to cook baked rolls at home, then stock up on the following ingredients: rice, rice vinegar, salt, sugar, nori seaweed leaves. As a filling, tuna and salmon, shrimp and avocado have proven themselves well. You can choose other products according to your taste. Grab also mayonnaise and ketchup. Yes, you still need small caviar.

Cooking process

Rinse the rice thoroughly, fill it with water and begin to stir gently. When the water becomes cloudy, drain it, and carefully wring out the rice. We rinse it again until the water runs clear, and then let it dry a little. We spread the product in a deep bowl and fill it with water at the rate of one glass of rice per 250 milliliters of water. Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce heat and simmer for another 12 minutes. When the water boils away, remove the rice from the stove and leave to infuse for another 15-20 minutes. We're getting ready to ship. To do this, mix (25 grams per cup of rice) with 5 grams of salt and 15 grams of sugar. Stir the mixture until the salt and sugar dissolve. To speed up this process You can warm up the mixture a little.

Spread the hot rice in an even layer in a pre-prepared mixing bowl. Add dressing and begin to mix gently so as not to violate the integrity of the grains. When the rice is well saturated with dressing, level it and cover with a paper towel or napkin.

Now we move on to the preparation of the filling. To do this, cut the ingredients into thin strips. To make our baked rolls (at home they can be prepared no worse than in a restaurant) more juicy and have a subtle specific flavor, you can add a little Japanese mayonnaise and cheese to the filling. In addition, you should prepare a mixture with which you will decorate the dish, and which will create an appetizing crust. For this purpose, you can mix caviar (or other small caviar) with mayonnaise and ketchup.

Lay a sheet of nori seaweed smooth side down on a bamboo mat. Wet our hands with vinegar, take some rice and spread it evenly on the rough surface of the nori. We leave its upper and lower edges free by about 1 centimeter. We spread the filling closer to the upper edge of the seaweed. We put our thumbs under the mat, and with the rest we hold the filling and begin to carefully fold it. Roll out the roll well so that its edges stick firmly to each other. With help sharp knife dipped in rice vinegar, cut it into several small pieces.

We spread the resulting rolls on a baking sheet and pour the prepared mixture on top. We bake them for about seven minutes in a preheated oven until the products are golden brown. delicious dish ready! This was one of the options for how to make baked rolls at home. If you are a fan of Japanese cuisine, be sure to try this dish yourself.

Baked rolls: how to cook at home? Method number 2

In order to treat yourself to a delicious delicacy, we need following products: round grain rice, crab sticks, nori seaweed sheets, soft cream cheese, mayonnaise, garlic, soy sauce, or flying fish.

Cooking process

Rinse the rice thoroughly several times until the water is completely clear. Pour the rice into a saucepan, pour water and, under a closed lid, bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat and cook for 15 minutes. Turn off the stove and let it brew for another 15-20 minutes. We take a little rice with our hand and squeeze it so that we get a small (no more than 4 centimeters) dense cutlet. If the rice is cooked correctly, then this stage will not cause any difficulties for you. We wrap these cutlets in a sheet of nori so that small "pockets" remain. We prepare the sauce, for which we mix mayonnaise, soy sauce, crushed garlic and caviar. We supplement our rolls with finely chopped filling in the form of crab sticks or other ingredients to taste, putting them in "pockets". Top with sauce. We bake the dish in the oven or microwave with the grill function for 7 minutes. Baked rolls should be served exclusively hot on the table, so you can enjoy their great taste and aroma. Enjoy your meal!

for baked rolls

If you are a real gourmet and connoisseur of Japanese cuisine, then, of course, you are familiar with the classic spicy sauce. Most often, the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun use it in salads, but sometimes dressing is served with some. This sauce is highly valued due to its wonderful aroma and original taste with a slight streak.

It is also used to make baked rolls. He gives this dish golden brown and unforgettable taste. If you decide to cook spicy sauce on own kitchen, then you need to purchase the following ingredients: soy sauce, mayonnaise, garlic, chili and flying fish roe. The proportions depend solely on your preferences: so, if you want the sauce to be more spicy and spicy, then use more chili. You can also add your favorite spices to the recipe.

Today we talked about several options for how to cook baked rolls, as well as a delicious spicy sauce for them. If you are partial to Japanese cuisine, be sure to try making this dish at home.

Try baked rolls according to recipes from Khrumka - they are prepared simply and quickly, they turn out delicious. The fillings and serving are different, the products for the base too - there is plenty to choose the best one for yourself. Enjoy a delicious appetizer with modernized classic roll recipes.

The five most commonly used ingredients in baked roll recipes are:

Baking rolls at home - there is nothing easier. But first you need to learn how to cook classic. This is also not so difficult: buy desired products and fixtures, spices and seasonings and get to work. The most important thing in this snack platter- a charming crust on the surface of the rolls. It is created using a special sauce, which, when heated, is saturated with color.

Prepare ordinary rolls from this set of products:

  1. Rice for sushi.
  2. Nori.
  3. Fish for filling or any other products for rolls.
  4. Find on site suitable recipe and into battle.

The first stage has been completed. For baked, you need a branded sauce. At home, you can replace it like this: mix mayonnaise and ketchup 1: 1 and add capelin caviar. All.

The further cooking process will look like this:

  1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  2. Lay the rolls on a baking sheet and put a teaspoon of homemade sauce on each.
  3. Bake five minutes.
  4. Serve hot.
    The oven can be easily replaced with a microwave or grill.

The five most nutritious recipes for baked rolls:

  • so that the rolls do not stick together, cook them with dry nori
  • serve immediately after baking, do not let cool
  • do not put more than five components in rolls
  • cut the rolls with a sharp knife

The popularization of Japanese cuisine, sushi and rolls in particular, has led to the fact that cuisines around the world have made their own modifications to this oriental dish. The latter includes the so-called baked sushi - rice rolls with any filling, and topping in the form of sauce or cheese, which are then baked in a preheated oven, under the grill or in the microwave.

Baked chicken rolls


  • cream cheese (for example, Philadelphia) - 220 g;
  • flying fish caviar - 75 g;
  • nori sheets - 6-7 pieces;
  • mayonnaise - 90 g;
  • chicken - 430 g;
  • (boiled) - 540 g;
  • hot sauce - to taste;
  • garlic clove;
  • soy sauce - 10 ml;
  • flying fish caviar - 45 g.


If you have already boiled the rice, then before you cook the baked rolls, you should make a spicy sauce based on mayonnaise. The latter, ideally, should be special - Japanese, but on extreme case our usual one from the local supermarket will do. Combine mayonnaise with hot sauce, caviar, quarter cream cheese and mashed garlic. Pour a drop of soy sauce into the mixture and mix thoroughly.

Distribute boiled rice along the nori sheet, without completely covering one of the edges with it. Place the shredded boiled chicken and slices of cream cheese on the opposite edge. Lightly moistening the free edges, roll the nori into a roll and cut. Turning the rolls upside down with rice, put a portion of the sauce on them and put everything in an oven preheated to 160 degrees for 5 minutes. If there is no oven, then baked rolls can be made in the microwave, for this, set the “Grill” mode on the device and leave everything for 7 minutes.



First, boil the sushi rice and season it. Spread the warm rice on top of the nori seaweed sheets and roll everything up. Now you can take on the sauce for baked rolls. To prepare the latter together, it is enough to combine cheese and spicy sauces, as well as chopped mussels (drain the oil beforehand). Put the toppings on top of the cut of the roll, put a piece of cheese on top and spread the dish on a baking sheet. Baked rolls at home are almost ready, it remains only to send them to the oven for 7-10 minutes at 200 degrees.

Baked rolls at home will make your menu not only tasty and varied, but also original. And today we will add a new recipe to your cookbook and tell you exactly how such rolls are prepared!


Step-by-step recipe for cooking Baked rolls at home with a photo

So let's get down to business:

Wash and boil the rice.

Shift rice groats into a clean container, pour over rice vinegar, stir, let cool.

Wash the cucumber and cut into strips.

Cut the fish in the same way as the cucumbers.

Wrap the bamboo mat in cling film.

Top with nori seaweed, then rice.

Lay the cheese-curd mass on a layer of rice.

You can put capelin caviar on the curd layer.

Put two cucumber strips on the edges of the nori, and then the same number of fish strips.

Now roll the roll with a mat, try not to twist the cling film with nori.

As a result, you should get a roll wrapped in film.

Cut the product into 7 pieces. Then remove the film from each piece.

Shift finished goods on a baking sheet.

Now it's time to start preparing the dressing. Send capelin caviar to the bowl, cottage cheese, soy sauce, mix everything and pour the resulting mass onto rolls in a baking sheet.

Put the product in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15 minutes. When the allotted time runs out, the original baked rolls at home will be ready!

Video recipe Baked rolls at home

How to cook baked rolls at home

Do not know how to cook baked rolls at home? Then put aside all your affairs and let's try to cook this favorite delicacy right now!

So, in order to cook rolls according to this recipe, you will need:

crab sticks - 200 grams;
rice - 300 grams;
nori - 1 sheet;
spicy sauce;
Buko cheese.

And now let's start creating:

  1. Rinse rice thoroughly, boil and cool.
  2. Spread the cooled rice in an even layer on the nori sheet.
  3. Next, cut the crab sticks into cubes and transfer them to the rice layer.
  4. Place Buko cheese on top of the crabs.
  5. Roll the product in the form of a roll, then cut it into 8 pieces.
  6. Transfer the rolls to a baking sheet, pour over the spicy sauce and send to bake in the microwave for 7 minutes. That's all, quickly and simply hot homemade rolls are ready!
Enjoy your meal!