Baking for Easter: recipes with photos. Easter cake with yeast dough

Easter or Light Christ's Resurrection- the most ancient and joyful holiday celebrated by Christians around the world after the biggest post of the year. Therefore, those who fast will get the maximum pleasure from everyone. Easter dishes. In the Easter baking section you will find recipes to your liking, which are ideal both for the table and as a gift to relatives and friends. You will also find out what they bake for Easter.

Kulich - bread symbol of Easter

On the Easter holiday, it is customary to replace ordinary bread with specially baked rich bread with raisins, nuts, dried apricots, candied fruit, marzipan or other fillings. Kulich (so it is customary to call pastries) has a peculiar shape, according to giving, symbolizing the decorated dome of the church. And indeed, the housewives decorated the top of the cake with cream, beaten eggs with sugar and bright powder.

Modern housewives prepare Easter cakes according to various recipes for the feast of the Resurrection of Christ, since there is no single recipe for its preparation. Some adhere to traditions and bake Easter cakes according to the recipes of their mothers and grandmothers, others decide to experiment. To do this, we placed Easter cakes on our website: recipes with photos and step by step instructions their preparations from all over the world.

Also every year there are new recipes and forms of Easter cakes. The standard cylindrical shape of the muffin has not lost its relevance, but it is also made in the form of wreaths, flowers, cupcakes, pyramids. Such bread rolls not only look original, but are, of course, a true decoration of any holiday table.

Do not think that Easter baking recipes are only about cooking Easter cake. In addition to this bread, the hostesses prepare other interesting sweet dishes, such as:

  • Curd Easter;
  • nests (small twisted rolls into which you can place Easter eggs "pysanka" or "krashenka");
  • yeast buns in the form of animals (for example, Easter bunnies), sometimes with raisins, poppy seeds or other fillings;
  • gingerbread (with the addition of ginger, ground cloves, cinnamon, vanilla);
  • cookie;
  • rum women;
  • rolls, braids, bagels with poppy seeds, honey, jam, cream.

Gingerbread takes a special place in Easter baking. They are prepared, as a rule, in the form of testicles, and after baking they are painted special glaze. By the way, if you have children, decorating these gingerbread cookies will be an excellent creative activity with your family. Who knows, maybe this process will become a tradition of your family before every Easter holiday.

No doubt among the millions Easter recipes, you will definitely find your favorite, which will symbolize the spring holiday. The main thing is not to stop experimenting and looking for new ideas and recipes for Easter cakes, gingerbread, buns with photos, step by step description cooking, detailed description ingredients, and you will certainly succeed!

A festive Easter cake is a real decoration of the table! We offer interesting recipes pies: with apples, meat, Greek, Italian, flower pies!

Easter pie- a flower, the recipe of which we offer today, will appeal not only to young, but also to experienced housewives.

  • sour cream - 150 gr.
  • water (warm) - 100 ml.
  • granulated sugar - 4 tbsp.
  • dry yeast - 2.5 tbsp.
  • butter - 75 gr.
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • wheat flour - 550 gr.
  • vanillin - 1 sachet
  • candied fruit

After you have collected all the necessary products, you can start cooking. Dissolve the yeast in warm water, add a spoonful of sugar and mix everything. Give time to stand - 10-15 minutes.

Mix the eggs with the rest of the sugar.

To the dissolved yeast, you need to add warmed oil, salt, vanillin, sour cream, pounded eggs. All very well and thoroughly stir.

Gradually add flour.

You will need to knead a soft and fairly elastic dough.

Put the finished dough in heat so that it can rise.

Roll out the risen dough with a rolling pin so that the thickness is no more than 0.5 cm.

The rolled dough must be greased with sunflower or butter.

Then lay out pre-soaked raisins and candied fruits on a sheet of dough.

Roll the sheet of dough into a roll and connect its ends.

Place a glass in the center of the circle so that the center does not stick together during baking.

Then you need to make the same cuts with a knife.

Give time to approach the future flower.

Brush with egg yolk before baking.

Bake for 30 minutes. Decorate with frosting and candy sprinkles. For the glaze, beat the egg white with sugar until the desired density and density.

Your Easter flower cake is ready. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 2: Openwork Poppy Cake for Easter

An original, but rather simple pie on the festive Easter table will be just right. Yes, in fact, and on any other festive feast this beauty will be not only a wonderful decoration, but also a wonderful treat.

For dough:

  • 1 egg
  • dry yeast - teaspoon
  • 500 g flour
  • butter - 10 g.
  • sugar - one and a half tablespoons
  • milk, water and kefir - a third of a glass
  • vegetable oil - 2.5 tablespoons
  • salt - 1/5 teaspoon
  • poppy seeds - a third of a glass (3 bags of 20 g each)
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons

Pour a third of a glass of poppy seeds into boiling water and cook for about two hours (if it is in the same bags as mine).

During the cooking process, the poppy should swell a little and become softer. It is better to use dried or fresh poppy seeds, and not in bags (he, in such packages, as a rule, is already a little fried and practically does not swell). While poppy seeds are cooking, prepare the dough. Melt the butter in a small metal bowl.

Then add flour.

Knead not a thick dough.

We cover it with a lid or a cup, on top with a towel, and hide it in a warm place.

After half an hour (maybe a little more), when the dough rises, we crush it and again hide it in heat. After re-raising the dough, you can proceed to the construction of the pie.

When the poppy increases in volume, we throw it into a colander, covered with 2-3 layers of gauze.

After drying a little, mix poppy seeds with sugar.

From ready dough roll out (it is better to knead with your hands) a rectangular cake 5 mm thick.

We spread the filling over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe rolled out dough.

We turn the stuffed cake into a roll and cut off both its ends. They will be needed later.

We shift the roll onto the oiled parchment and, having formed a roll out of it, we pinch the ends.

With culinary scissors, we make cuts through each centimeter around the entire circumference of the roll, without cutting to the end. It turns out a kind of petals interconnected.

Now let's start decorating the cake. We bend every third petal into the inner hole of the roll and turn it up with a poppy. Untouched two petals are slightly pushed apart in different directions. It turned out an openwork cake in the form of a flower.

We insert (one under the other) the cut ends of our roll into the center of the pie, slightly turning them with poppy seeds outward.

Break an egg into a bowl.

Using a pastry brush, brush the pie with the beaten egg.

We move the cake with parchment together on a baking sheet and bake at 200 ° C. After about half an hour, take out the baked pie. Here he is, our handsome man. Isn't he good?

Recipe 3: Collapsible Easter Apple Pie

I suggest you try an unusually tasty and fragrant yeast collapsible Apple pie. Making this pie is not difficult, but in the end - wonderful lush pastries, which is excellent served with tea or milk. The pie is shaped into rolled buns and then baked in one form as a pie. The hot cake is poured with orange syrup, which makes it incredibly fragrant. And after baking, the cake is disassembled into the same buns. Try it, this apple pie is sure to please everyone without exception.

  • milk 100 ml
  • wheat flour 400 g
  • sugar 6 tbsp
  • egg 1 pc.
  • dry yeast 1 ½ tsp
  • vegetable oil 2 tbsp.
  • salt 1 tbsp.
  • butter 20 g
  • orange juice 100 ml
  • apple 2 pcs.
  • powdered sugar to taste
  • vanilla sugar 1 tsp

And then, break the pie into 7 buns and serve with a cup fragrant tea or with milk - incredibly tasty. Enjoy your meal.

Recipe 4: Easter Raisin Pie (Step by Step Photos)

  • chicken egg 4 pcs
  • sugar 200 g
  • butter 100 g
  • sour cream 5 tbsp
  • flour 400 g
  • vanilla to taste
  • baking powder 2 tsp
  • raisins to taste
  • sprinkle to taste

To begin with, we take the eggs and beat them with a mixer, so the consistency will be airy, and the cake will rise better, if there is no mixer, then beat with a whisk, then add sugar and continue to beat, for more good taste you can add vanilla. The result is a whitish frothy liquid.

Lightly melt the butter over low heat, then add it to the eggs and mix well, sour cream will follow the butter, add it as well. Separately, mix the flour with the baking powder, if possible, sift the flour through a sieve. Next, pour the flour in small portions into our liquid mixture, until all the flour is gone, knead until homogeneous mass. And our dough is ready.

We prepare a container for baking, cover it with baking paper, grease with vegetable or butter. You can sprinkle with semolina to form a crisp. Now you can pour the dough, which we do. You can pour half and sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar, and pour the remaining dough on top, this is at your discretion. You can experiment with the filling.

Sprinkle with raisins and confectionery sprinkles on top, I had balls of different colors, they will serve as a decoration for our pie. Raisins can also be added to the dough itself as a filling. In order for the top of the pie to be covered with a crust and be crispy, I sprinkle with semolina, in a small amount.

We put the cake in the oven for 20-30 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. If necessary, then hold longer, when baking, it is advisable not to open the oven. The cake is ready, bon appetit!

Recipe 5: Easter Cottage Pie (with photo)

Easter pie is a traditional holiday treat stuffed with cottage cheese and raisins. You can cook it in any shape, in this recipe it is proposed to make basket-shaped pastries in order to decorate the table in an original and tasty way on the bright Easter holiday.

For the test

  • Wheat flour 600 grams
  • Butter 125 grams
  • Cream 120 milliliters
  • Milk 50 milliliters
  • Water 70 milliliters
  • Sugar 100 grams
  • Vanilla sugar 2 sachets
  • Egg yolk 4 pieces
  • Vegetable oil 1 tablespoon
  • Lemon zest from one fruit
  • Fresh yeast 25 grams

For filling

  • Cottage cheese 400 grams
  • Cream 60 milliliters
  • handful of raisins
  • Sugar 2 tablespoons
  • Egg yolk 1 piece
  • Vanilla to taste
  • Orange peel to taste

For brushing the pie

  • Egg yolk 1 piece
  • Milk 2-3 tablespoons
  • Sugar 1 teaspoon

You can knead the dough with a bread maker, but if you do it by hand, first dilute the yeast in warm milk, adding 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1 tablespoon of flour. Mix well and let rise for about 20 minutes.

Put the flour in a large bowl and add softened butter to it. Separately, beat the yolks and pour them into the flour in the same way. Then send the rest of the ingredients for the dough there and, finally, the sourdough that has increased in volume.

Mix well soft dough. If it seems to you that there is not enough flour, be sure to add more.

Cover the finished dough kitchen towel and leave to rise in a warm place for 1 hour 30 minutes. This is the time for the yeast, they will increase the volume of the mass several times, so that the finished cake is soft.

When the dough is ready, start sculpting the pie. Immediately separate a little from the total mass of the dough to make a handle and decorations for your basket (leaves, crosses, flowers, etc.).

In order to weave a handle, roll three sausages of the same size from the dough, interlock them together, and then braid them into a pigtail. And fix it at the end.

But most of it will still go to sculpting the basket itself. The soft dough is easily formed and stretched by hand, so there should be no problems with the formation of the basket. Blind separately the base - the bottom of the pie and its top, which then cover the filling.

Raisins must first be soaked in hot water or rum for 15 minutes. Then drain excess liquid from it, mix with soft cottage cheese and the rest of the ingredients for the filling. You should get a homogeneous curd mass.

Place the finished filling on the prepared dough, then cover it on top and fasten the edges well. Also fasten the handle of your basket between the layers of dough.

Set the oven to preheat to 170 - 180 degrees Celsius.

While it's heating, decorate your Easter cake with pastry scraps and brush the top with a beaten mixture of egg yolk, milk and sugar.

Attention: form the cake immediately on a baking sheet covered with baking parchment.
You need to bake the Easter pie until the dough is covered with a pretty appetizing blush. This will mean that it is baked. The filling should also have time to bake during this time.

And another note. If you want a round cake, then take more filling, as when sculpting a basket, part of the dough goes to the handle.

Easter cake must be served with colored eggs and a good mood. With such festive pastries, you can meet guests and please relatives.

Recipe 6: Neapolitan Easter Pie

The cake turns out very tasty, with tender curd filling and subtle citrus aroma. Nice citrus cheesecake.

  • wheat flour 320 grams
  • butter 120 grams
  • sugar 50 grams
  • baking powder 1 tsp
  • a pinch of salt
  • eggs 2 pcs.
  • cottage cheese 18-20% 500 grams
  • sugar 100 grams
  • yolks 4 pcs.
  • milk 250 ml.
  • butter 60 grams
  • starch 2 tsp
  • wheat flour 3 tbsp
  • vanilla sugar 1 tbsp
  • orange peel 1 tbsp
  • ground cinnamon ¼ tsp
  • candied lemon 2 tbsp

Sift flour with baking powder, add sugar and chilled butter cut into cubes. Rub with fingers until crumbly.

Add eggs, knead the dough.

Wrap in cling film and refrigerate for about an hour. Cooking cream. In a ladle, grind 2 yolks with half the sugar until white. While whisking, add starch and 3 tbsp. flour. Still whisking, pour in hot milk.

We put the ladle on the stove and over low heat, stirring constantly, bring the cream to a boil. As soon as the mass thickens - remove from heat. Add butter, stir and leave to cool. Beat cottage cheese with the remaining sugar, grated zest, cinnamon and 2 yolks into a homogeneous mass. If the cottage cheese is dry and whipped poorly, you can add 3-4 tbsp. sour cream or natural yogurt. We connect the cooled custard With curd mass, whisk thoroughly.

Stir in finely chopped candied fruits. We take our dough out of the refrigerator. We divide in half. We roll one half into a circle, 5-6 cm larger in diameter than the form in which we are going to bake the pie. We shift the rolled out dough into a greased form, press the edges to the sides. Lay out the filling.

The second half is rolled out into a circle slightly larger than the diameter of the mold and cut into 10 strips of the same width.

We spread the strips in the form of a lattice on top of the filling. Lubricate with yolk if desired.

Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 1 hour 30 minutes. After 50 minutes, cover the top with foil and bake. Let the cake cool down until room temperature in the form, then put in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.

Recipe 7: Greek Easter Pie (Step by Step)

I propose to cook delicious, fragrant Greek Easter bread for Easter. A braided pigtail with decorated eggs looks very impressive. Undoubtedly, this pastry will decorate your Easter table.

  • Flour - 600 g
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Fresh yeast - 40 g
  • Warm water - 50 ml
  • Milk - 250 ml
  • Softened butter - 125 g
  • Candied fruits - 100 g
  • Zest of one lemon
  • Star anise ground - 1 pc.
  • Boiled eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Yolk - 1 pc.
  • Sesame seeds - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.

Opara. Dissolve yeast with warm water and 1 tsp. Sahara. Add 3 tbsp. l. flour, knead a liquid dough. Cover with a towel and put in a warm place to rise for 15 minutes.

Remove rind from lemon. Cut candied fruit if desired.

Mix softened butter with sugar in a bowl. Add dough, warm milk, mix.

Let's start the test.

Add some flour, mix. Pour out the zest and candied fruit. Next, add the remaining flour and knead the dough well. Knead the dough well on the table for about 5 minutes.

Cover the bowl with a clean towel, put in a warm place and leave for about 1 hour.

Test section. The dough has doubled, now it needs to be kneaded. Divide the dough into 4 parts. Three parts are the same, and the fourth is slightly larger.

From three identical parts we make sausages 70 cm long.

Weave a loose braid.

Roll out the fourth part into a sausage the length of a pigtail, put it on a pigtail and press it a little.

Set top lubricated vegetable oil boiled eggs. Leave the Easter bread warm to rise. Brush with egg yolk (+ some milk), sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Bake Easter bread in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 40 minutes. Let the bread cool completely. We take the eggs out of the bread and change them to beautiful colored eggs. We put the loaves on festive table in the center. Christ is risen!

Recipe 8: Italian Easter Cake

The Italian Easter pie is also called village pie - it contains the simplest and most accessible products for peasants, which they already operate in Everyday life. An exception to our realities is, perhaps, ricotta - it is not difficult to buy it, it has long been offered in many large supermarkets, however, the price leaves much to be desired, so I replaced it in the recipe with cottage cheese and cream, and did not regret it at all. Next time, however, I’ll add a spoonful of starch to the cheese mass, but it turned out very, very worthy. However, if you have affordable ricotta on hand, of course, it’s better to take it, cottage cheese and cream are a completely different story.

Filling Ingredients:

  • 1.5 kg of spinach;
  • 200 g parmesan;
  • a pinch of nutmeg;
  • 25 ml of olive oil;
  • 500 g ricotta (I have 400 g cottage cheese and 100 ml heavy cream);
  • 1 onion;
  • salt, black pepper to taste;
  • 12 eggs;
  • 3 branches of marjoram.

Dough Ingredients:

  • 600 g flour;
  • ½ tsp salt, 350 ml of water;
  • 35 ml of olive oil;
  • olive oil for greasing the dough.

We measure flour. We sift, yes - if not very lazy. I'm always lazy, just this time I had enough free time.

We mix water, salt and oil (as it turns out, we mix it, you don’t need to tell me about physics) and pour it into flour.

And knead the dough. Not very tight, soft, a little sticky, but overall very pleasant, elastic. Manually - not difficult, I - I repeat - lazy to the point of impossibility, kneaded in a combine.

Further, the recipe prescribes to divide the dough into 4 parts at once, and two balls should weigh 300 g each, two 180 g each, but I didn’t understand such extra gestures at this stage, so I rounded everything that was, and hid all this in package. Moved away.

And the stuffing games began. First - ricotta, which I did not have, so I put cottage cheese and cream in the processor.

And grind it as smooth as you can. Rather, how could the combine.

Mixed. Ready. Rather, part of the filling is ready.

Laid out in a frying pan olive oil, began to fry until translucent.

Washed spinach cut into cubes. In general, whatever.

And in the bow. In parts - I can’t imagine how large the pan should be in order to immediately accommodate all the spinach, but, fortunately, it loses volume very quickly, so it’s not a problem to stew it, gradually adding everything that is required.

It didn't turn out very appetizing, I agree. But you are not in a hurry to draw conclusions, it is still just grass - and even, in fact, almost without taste. So I added salt, pepper, marjoram.

And put it in a sieve - spinach juice, although it is wonderful food coloring but I don't really need it in this case.

Separately mixed 2 eggs and 50 g of parmesan.

And I combined it all with spinach. Not appetizing, I agree. But that's for now.

I prepared the pan - I like to put a sheet of baking paper on the bottom, insuring myself and ensuring that the cake is transferred to a plate without any problems, but you can just lightly grease the walls-bottom with olive oil.

She took out the dough, rounded it again, admired it.

And she mercilessly chucked it into 4 parts - those that she wrote about above: 2 more and 2 smaller.

I rolled out large balls - into thin layers.

I laid out the first one in the form - along the bottom and sides.

She poured about a tablespoon of oil.

And smeared it on the dough. Handsomely! I don’t know why, but this process pleases and inspires me. In general, the preparation of this pie for some reason was a very meditative and enjoyable experience, so just in case, I would recommend trying it again just in case.

Cover with a second rolled out sheet of dough.

And yes, I oiled it too.

The turn of the spinach filling came - op-la, laid out, leveled.

And this is where the fun begins! With the back, round side of a tablespoon in the last layer (which is white - regardless of whether it is with ricotta or with cottage cheese), you need to make 7 indentations. Neat and cute.

The yolks are very lovingly, carefully and still meditatively laid out in the recesses.

Squirrels slightly whipped with salt.

And poured over the yolks.

Leftover parmesan.

I rolled out another ball of tesa, laid it on top of the fillings. Lubricated with oil.

And last.

Trimmed off the excess dough. My soul couldn't bear the simple decision of disposing of it in the bin, so I rolled it thinly into a layer, sprinkled it with salt and some fragrant seeds, cut it into strips, rolled it into sticks and hid it in the oven. Literally in 10 minutes, cool breadsticks were ready, which the children and husband immediately ate. However, as my friend, a bread baker, once told me, she is not a slave to the dough, so you need to throw away the excess and not suffer. You somehow decide for yourself what is closer to you.

The edges are fastened, wrapped.

Oiled up again.

Well, and in the oven - at 180 degrees, for about 55 minutes.

Before slicing - I repeat - it is very advisable to let the pie cool completely.

In general, it is not difficult, right? It is necessary to play, but for some reason these games are all very pleasant and enjoyable. Happy Easter to you!

Recipe 9: Easter Meat Pie with Eggs

If you want to diversify the festive table and surprise your guests with delicious pastries, cook an Easter pie with meat and quail eggs, the recipe with a photo of which I want to offer you.

The efforts you put in and the time spent on making the cake will be compensated by the enthusiastic praise of your family and friends, as this cake is really very tasty, and thanks to its attractive, appetizing appearance, it can become a decoration for any holiday table.

  • wheat flour - 300 g;
  • butter - 80 g;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • quail eggs - 7-8 pcs.;
  • milk - 150 ml;
  • dry yeast - 7 g;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • minced meat - 500 g;
  • onions - 2-3 pcs.;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • dry marjoram - 0.5 tsp;
  • black pepper;
  • salt.

Melt the butter in a water bath.

Pour milk into a saucepan with melted butter, add two egg yolks, a teaspoon of sugar and a pinch of salt. Set the squirrels aside, we will need them later. Turn the contents of the pan into a homogeneous mass with a whisk.

Mix dry yeast with sifted flour and add everything to the warm milk-egg mixture.

Knead a soft dough, cover the bowl with the dough with a towel and place in a warm place for an hour. The dough should double in size.

In the meantime, work on the meat filling for the pie. Minced meat can be taken from any meat, I have pork. Add minced onion and garlic, dry marjoram, ground black pepper and salt to taste to the meat. Pour in egg whites and mix thoroughly by hand.

When the dough rises, divide it into two equal parts. Roll them into round cakes 5 mm thick.

Spread on the dough in an even layer. meat stuffing, leaving a free space around the edge so that you can later pinch the dough.

Boil quail eggs, cool and peel. Lay the eggs in a circle at a distance from each other. I used egg halves for the pie, but you can put whole ones, then the quantity quail eggs The recipe should double in size.

Cover everything with another cake of dough and pinch the edges.

Place a cup or bowl with a diameter of no more than 10 cm in the center of the pie blank. Cut the blank into several petals so that each contains an egg.

Pinch each petal from one edge and turn to the right. The top side of the petal should be open.

Thus we form the whole "flower".

Carefully transfer the cake to a baking sheet, which is pre-lined with baking paper. Leave it in a warm place for 20 minutes to let the dough rise. From a piece of dough, make the letters XB and place them in the center of the product. Beat a small egg with a whisk and brush the pie before baking.

Heat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the Easter meat pie in the oven for 40 minutes.

Serve pastries on the festive table can be both warm and cold. Bon appetit everyone!

As you know, Easter cake dough is very capricious: if it is not thoroughly kneaded ( right dough lags behind the hands), it will not rise. In addition, in no case should it be liquid (the products will simply blur in the oven), or too thick (the Easter cakes will turn out to be heavy). Optimal consistency of thick sour cream. It is worth considering that Easter cake does not like drafts - leave it to approach in a warm place. The baking dish is half filled with dough and allowed to rise to three-quarters of the height of the container. The top of the cake should be greased with an egg beaten with a tablespoon of water, and then sprinkled with nuts, coarse sugar and breadcrumbs and stick a wooden stick into the center of the product. To determine if the cake is baked, you need to remove the stick: if it is dry and clean (without sticky dough), the cake is ready. And a few more useful tips that will help you get great results. In order not to overdry the Easter cakes, put on the lowest shelf oven tray with water. Bake products at a temperature of 200-220 ° C. Small Easter cakes (up to 700 g) reach readiness in half an hour, Easter cakes weighing less than 1 kg are baked for 30 minutes, medium ones (800-1000 g) in 45 minutes, and large ones (more than 1.5 kg) in an hour and a half. If the top of the cake starts to burn, cover it with a sheet of dry paper.

Delicious Greek bread in the form of a pigtail will also become a table decoration. It is baked from sweet sweet dough(must add grated lemon peel). The dough is divided into four equal parts. Of the three, long thin sausages are rolled up, from which a pigtail is woven. The fourth part is also twisted, put on a pigtail, pressed and holes are made in it for eggs. Hard-boiled eggs are smeared with vegetable oil, screwed into recesses, bread is left to proof for 20 minutes, and then sent to an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 45 minutes. Eggs should be removed from the finished bread, cooled and then put in a pigtail of krashenka.

To decorate Easter baking, you can make figurines of hares, lambs or birds. For this purpose, marzipan is the best fit. Marzipan mass can be bought at the store or made by hand. Scald the almond kernels with boiling water, remove the skin and lightly dry in the oven with the door open. After that, chop the nuts in a blender, mix with powdered sugar(2.5 cups almonds to 0.5 cups powdered sugar), sprinkle the mixture with water, add some finely chopped raisins and fruit sugar and heat it over low heat, stirring. Cool the mass and make figures out of it, and put the excess in a bag and leave it in the freezer - marzipan can be stored there for a long time without losing its taste.

Russian Easter cake

For 2 persons: milk - 500 g, fresh yeast - 50 g, flour - 1.5 kg, eggs - 6 pcs., butter - 200 g, sugar - 300 g, raisins - 300 g, vanilla sugar - 1 tsp, sugar powder - 100 g, lemons - 1 pc., salt, colored sugar sprinkles

Warm the milk, dissolve the yeast in it. Add 500 g of flour, stir, cover with a towel, put in a warm place for 30 minutes. Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the whites with a pinch of salt, grind the yolks with sugar, including vanilla, add to the dough. Put butter in there. Add proteins, the remaining flour. Knead the dough. Transfer it to a saucepan, sprinkle with flour, send to a warm place for an hour. Prepare the glaze by mixing icing sugar with lemon juice. When the dough has risen, add the raisins and send to a warm place for another 30 minutes. Transfer to form. Cover with a napkin, put in a warm place for 15 minutes. After the dough has risen, send it to the oven, preheated to 100 ° C, for 10 minutes. Then increase the temperature to 190 ° C and bake for 40 minutes. Cover the finished cake with icing, decorate with colored sugar sprinkles.

Calorie per serving 502 kcal

Time for preparing 4 hours

9 points

Polish mazurek

For 6 persons: eggs - 9 pcs., butter - 200 g, vanilla sugar - 1 tsp, flour - 300 g, powdered sugar - 140 g, oranges - 1 pc., orange juice - 100 ml, sugar - 150 g, starch corn - 2 tbsp. l., roasted almonds - 100 g, candied fruits - 100 g, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l, pink food coloring

Hard boil three eggs, grind the yolks with powdered sugar and vanilla sugar. Rub butter with flour. Mix everything, cover with a napkin, refrigerate for 30 minutes, roll out, put in a mold, forming sides. Bake at 170°C for 10 minutes. Take 6 eggs, separate the yolks from the whites. Mix the yolks with orange juice, 150 g of sugar and orange zest. Beat the whites, add to the mixture, add starch, dye, candied fruits, almonds and orange. Mix. Pour into a mold with dough, put in the oven at 180 ° C for 20 minutes.

Calorie per serving 480 kcal

Time for preparing 2 hours

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 7 points

Simnel Easter Cake (UK)

For 8 persons: butter - 300 g, sugar - 3.5 cups, flour - 4 cups, eggs - 8 pcs., salt - 1 tsp, oranges - 1 pc., raisins - 2 cups, marzipan mass - 300 g, sugar powder

Soften the butter, mix with sugar, beat until white. While whisking, add one egg at a time, season with salt. Gradually add the sifted flour, mix everything well. Peel the orange, grate the zest, mix it with raisins, add to the dough. Fill the form, greased with oil, with dough up to half. Bake in an oven preheated to 150 ° C for about 40 minutes. Roll out the marzipan mass into a round cake the size of a cake and make 11 balls. finished cake cool, cover with marzipan cake, sprinkle with powdered sugar, decorate with marzipan balls.

Calorie per serving 610 kcal

Time for preparing 1,5 hour

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 7 points

Italian Easter Colombo Cake

For 4 persons: milk - 1 cup, eggs - 5 pcs., candied fruit - 150 g, dry yeast - 10 g, flour - 500 g, almonds - 50 g, butter - 300 g, sugar - 170 g, lemons - 1 pc., salt

Dilute yeast in a small amount warm water, add 100 g of flour, knead the dough. Put it in a saucepan, add 200 g of warm water, cover with a napkin, put in a warm place for an hour. Sift the remaining flour with salt, add sugar, zest of half a lemon, four eggs and butter. Mix with the dough that was infused, pour in the milk and knead. Sprinkle with flour, cover with a napkin, leave for another hour in a warm place. Cut candied fruits, add to the dough, mix and leave for another hour. Cover the baking dish with oiled parchment, place the dough in it, leave for 15 minutes. Lubricate the cake with whipped protein. Dry the almonds in a pan, sprinkle them with a cake. Bake at 200°C for 40 minutes, then at 170°C for another 30 minutes.

Calorie per serving 495 kcal

Time for preparing 4 hours

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 9 points

Greek Easter bread Tsoureki

For 6 persons: butter - 80 g, milk - 100 g, eggs - 4 pcs., sugar - 160 g, fresh yeast - 40 g, flour - 650 g, oranges - 1 pc., makhlepi - 5 g, matiha - 5 g, cardamom - 3 g, sesame - 50 g, vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l., salt

Mix the butter in a saucepan, add 100 g of sugar, milk, orange zest, heat. Mahlepi, matihu, cardamom and 2 tbsp. l. grind sugar into powder, pour into a saucepan, stir. Add three eggs. Separately, heat 100 g of water, dissolve the yeast in it, pour into a saucepan with a milk-butter mixture and pour in the flour. Knead the dough, transfer to a bowl. Cover with a towel, leave in a warm place for 3 hours to rise. Then divide the dough into two parts, roll a tourniquet from each. Weave the bundles and connect the ends to make a braided ring. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, put the tsoureki and leave it at room temperature until it doubles in size. Lubricate with whipped protein, sprinkle with sesame seeds, put in an oven preheated to 170 ° C for 30 minutes. In the middle of the finished tsoureki put colored eggs.

Calorie per serving 495 kcal

Time for preparing 5 o'clock

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 9 points

Sicilian cassata

For 6 persons: eggs - 4 pcs., sugar - 200 g, flour - 200 g, dry yeast - 1 sachet, lemons - 1 pc., vermouth - 2 tbsp. l., butter - 50 g, candied fruits - 100 g, almonds - 250 g, powdered sugar - 400 g, almond extract - 3 drops, ricotta - 500 g, vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l., salt, vanillin, green food coloring

Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the whites with a pinch of salt, grind the yolks with 150 g of sugar. Add flour, yeast, lemon zest to the yolks, stir. Enter proteins. Transfer the dough into a mold. Bake for 40 minutes at 180°C. Cool, cut lengthwise into three parts. Grind the almonds, add 250 g of powdered sugar, a pinch of vanillin, almond extract diluted in water. Beat everything until smooth. Transfer the dough to a work surface sprinkled with powdered sugar, add a few drops of water and dye. Mix the mass, wrap in cling film, put in the cold. Grate ricotta, add 2 tbsp. l. sugar, a pinch of salt, a pinch of vanillin and candied fruit. Roll out the almond paste with a layer of 1.5 cm. Cover the form with removable walls with cling film, lay out the almond paste. On it - a layer of biscuit, then - a layer of ricotta cream, again a biscuit layer, cream and again a layer of biscuit. Cover with a container of the same diameter as the mold. Refrigerate for 20 minutes. Take out, invert onto a plate, remove the film. Decorate with candied fruits.

Calorie per serving 620 kcal

Time for preparing 60 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 8 points

English cross buns

For 14 persons: flour - 700 g, salt - 1 tbsp. l., butter - 75 g, dry yeast - 7 g, cinnamon - 2 tbsp. l., crushed nutmeg - 0.5 tbsp. l., sugar - 100 g, dried fruits - 250 g, milk - 300 g, eggs - 2 pcs., vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.

Make frosting. Boil milk (4 tablespoons) with sugar (2 tablespoons) over low heat, stirring until thickened. Cool down. Sift flour. Grind butter with flour, add yeast, spices, remaining sugar, dried fruits. Make a well in the center of the dough, pour in the remaining milk, beaten with eggs. Mix well, knead homogeneous dough. On a floured work surface, knead for 10 minutes. Transfer to a bowl greased with vegetable oil, cover with a film, put in a warm place for 45 minutes, so that it rises twice. Knead again and divide into 14 equal pieces. Form round buns, put them on a baking sheet smeared with vegetable oil. Press each bun lightly and make a cut in the form of a cross on top, cover with cling film and leave for another 45 minutes. Using a pastry syringe, fill the slits on the buns with glaze to make crosses. Bake in the oven at 200°C for 20 minutes until golden brown.

Calorie per serving 450 kcal

Time for preparing 3 hours

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 9 points

Spanish Easter cake Mona de pasqua

For 2 persons: flour - 500 g, sugar - 140 g, olive oil - 75 ml, milk - 75 g, eggs - 3 pcs., fresh yeast - 25 g, lemons - 1 pc., cognac - 2 tbsp. l., colored sugar sprinkles

Pour the olive oil into a small saucepan, heat a little, add the lemon zest. Cool down. Dissolve yeast in warm milk, add eggs, sugar, butter with zest, cognac. To mix everything. Sift the flour and add to the resulting mixture. Knead the dough, cover with a napkin and put in a warm place for 40 minutes. After the dough has risen, knead it again and again put it in a warm place for an hour. Then mold the dough in the shape of an oval, into which to insert a boiled colored egg. Line a baking sheet with oiled parchment, put the dough on a baking sheet, sprinkle with colored sprinkles and put in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 20 minutes.

Calorie per serving 505 kcal

Time for preparing 3 hours

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 9 points


Easter cake is a traditional Easter sweet. Beautiful Easter cakes decorate our table, and a wide variety of recipes allows you to make Easter cakes for every taste. But is it worth limiting yourself to Easter cakes alone? After all, Easter is a bright and bright holiday, and what will definitely add brightness is beautiful desserts. Treat your inner sweet tooth and make delicious treats!

Especially for you, we have collected 11 easy Easter sweet recipes step by step photos or illustrations ready-made desserts. Sweets, cakes, muffins, jelly eggs - a choice for every taste. Both adults and children will be delighted!

All collected here Easter desserts can cook with your own hands, quickly and without baking! You don't need any special skills or complex ingredients. And also - this great way introduce children to cooking and keep them busy with useful work. We are sure they will be interested in helping you create bright and beautiful goodies.
Happy cooking!

Chocolate cake "Easter eggs". No baking!

Yoghurt Easter ice cream "testicles" on a stick. Ideal for kids!

500 ml. yogurt;
a handful of muesli-granola (can be replaced with a nut mixture);
a handful of blueberries;
a handful of raspberries;
or use any other berries you like.
Three types of yogurt were used in this recipe to achieve different colors. You can take any you like, but for the most healthy dessert for children, make your own yogurt or buy Greek yogurt (it has the lowest sugar content).
Additionally, you will need:
oval silicone mold or muffin molds;
sticks for lollipops or ice cream.
Cooking process:
Fill each mold about a third full with yogurt. Put granola or nuts on top - berries. Place lollipop sticks inside. Top with yogurt to fill the mold to the brim. Make sure the top layer completely covers the fruit and stick.
Place the mold in the freezer for at least 2 hours, you can leave it there overnight. After the “testicles” are properly frozen, remove them from the mold and hold them at room temperature for a while so that they thaw a little and soften. Serve immediately.

Biscuits "Bird's Nests" that do not require baking.

100 gr butter
half glass of milk
2 cups sugar
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa
½ cup creamy peanut butter or Nutella
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup oatmeal fast food
1 cup chopped pretzel cookies
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 cups easter egg candy It can be dragees, white chocolate candies, or large chocolate eggs if you want to make a big nest.
Cooking process:
Melt the butter in a small saucepan over low heat. Add milk, sugar, cocoa and mix thoroughly, making sure that the ingredients are well mixed, but do not bring to a boil. Cook for 1-2 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove the saucepan from the heat. Add peanut butter and vanilla, mix everything until smooth. Now it's the turn of oatmeal and cookies - pour them into the mixture and mix.
Spoon the mixture out onto parchment paper and shape it into bird nests. Make an indentation in the center so that there is a place to put testicles. Leave the nests to cool completely, you can put in the refrigerator. After cooling, place candies in the center and serve.
These cookies can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 4 days.

Jelly Easter eggs

2 teaspoons of vegetable oil;
4 packages of mix for jelly of different colors (about 80 grams each);
hot water(just boiled);
4 tablespoons of yogurt.
You will also need:
10 plastic egg-shaped molds, ideally with a hole on one side;
empty egg tray;
plastic syringe for 10 cubes or more.
Cooking process:
Form preparation:
On the sharp side of the plastic egg mold, make a small hole to fit the spout of the syringe.
Lubricate the inside of the molds well with vegetable oil.
Arrange plastic eggs in a container.
Dilute 1 sachet of jelly hot water as indicated in the instructions on the package. Mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Using a plastic syringe, fill the molds with the first color by about 1 cm. You should have about half of the unused jelly left after completing this step. Place the egg container in the refrigerator to cool for 10-15 minutes.
After cooling, add 1 teaspoon of yogurt to half of the unused jelly, mix and syringe this mixture on top of the first layer. Let the layer cool.
Repeat the above with each color, remembering to refrigerate the previous layers until the eggs are full. Refrigerate the eggs for at least 4 hours, preferably overnight.
To get the jelly out of the mold, hold it under hot water and squeeze slightly from the sides, the molds should open without problems. If not, hold it under water for a couple more minutes.

Easter crispies

100 g unsalted butter;
half a glass of honey;
300 grams of not too sweet chocolate;
4 cups Choco Krispies. Can be used puffed rice or chocolate balls Nesquik type.
For topping:
half a cup of Nutella
Easter powder
candy in the form of eggs or m&ms
you will also need cupcake liners and some vegetable oil to grease the forms
Cooking process:
Lubricate the forms with vegetable oil, very thinly and carefully. if you have Silicone forms- so much the better, the crisps will be easier to get out of them.
In a saucepan, combine butter, honey and chopped chocolate into small pieces. Stir the mixture constantly, heating over low heat until the chocolate has melted and the mixture is smooth.
Remove from heat, cool 5 minutes and add your crisps (puffed rice, balls, or any other similar).
Pour the mixture into the molds to the brim, and make a small indentation in the center so that there is room for the topping and eggs.
Place in refrigerator for at least 3 hours.
When the crisps have cooled, remove them from the molds and pour Nutella melted in the microwave or in a water bath on top. Garnish with Easter sprinkles or egg candy.

Two ways to decorate pretzel cookies (pretzels) for Easter:Flowers

white chocolate drops;
You will also need:
a baking sheet or flat dish for the microwave;
oven or microwave.
Cooking process:
1 - Preheat the oven to 250°.
2 - Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place on top of the pretzel. You can use as many cookies as you like, as long as they are in one layer and you have enough chocolate and sweets for everything.
4 - Place one white chocolate chip on top of the pretzels and place in the oven for 3 minutes or until the chocolate has melted. Please note that the drops should just melt, become soft, and not melt.
5 - Remove the baking sheet from the oven and place on top of the M&M's soft chocolate to form flowers.
6 - Place the tray in the refrigerator for approximately 15 minutes until the chocolate has hardened.
Everything! Take out, serve and enjoy bright and delicious flower sweets! Everything is extremely simple!
1 - Place the pretzels on parchment paper as shown in the photo.

3 - Fill the inside of the pretzels with chocolate. Use a fork to form wings.
4 - With confectionery gel, draw an eye and a beak.

Everything! Elementary, but how charming!


white chocolate drops (or bar white chocolate);
pink and black confectionery gel for decoration.
parchment paper
Cooking process:
The basic steps are the same as for ducklings.
1 - Place the pretzels on the parchment as shown in the photo.
2 - Melt the chocolate in a water bath or in the microwave.
3 - Fill the inside of the pretzels with chocolate. Use a fork to shape the ears and cheeks.
4 - With confectionery gel, draw eyes, ears, nose and mustache.
5 - Place in the refrigerator to cool.
Sweetie, isn't it?

Easter is a big Christian holiday. One of the main attributes is Easter baking, the recipes of which I present to you.
Forty days after Easter are festive, but the first week, which is called Bright, is most clearly celebrated. Services, open royal doors, ringing of bells…

There was a smell of hyacinths in the dining room,
Ham, Easter cake and Madeira,
It smelled of spring Easter of Christ,
Orthodox Russian faith.
It smelled of the sun, window paint
And lemon from the female body
Inspirational merry Easter,
What around the bell buzzed.
Igor Severyanin

When you read the stories about Easter of past centuries, you discover, for the first time with surprise, that Easter curd has always been the centerpiece of the table. For some reason, I am sure that not only for children, but also for adults of modern Russians, the first attribute of the Easter table is Easter cake. In the south of Russia and in Ukraine, Easter cakes are lovingly called "pasochka". With what impatience we waited in childhood, when grandmother, in a huge boil-down, wrapped in two or three warm blankets, put the dough on paska. It was always possible to improve the moment of excavation of a huge pan: the blankets were thrown back, the lid was lifted almost a meter in diameter, the dough was kneaded. Of course, I immediately managed to pinch off a piece of raw, but fragrant, reaching for my fingers, delicious dough… Pasochki were baked in tin molds, cooled down, waiting for the most crucial moment - covering the tops with snow-white protein glaze and sprinkling with colorful sugar confetti. More! More! .. Admit it, this is the most tasty part Easter cake.
Easter cake - bread - is of great importance. Baking will succeed - the whole year will pass like clockwork. The crust will crack, fall off - expect misfortune. Talk later, reassure yourself that the recipe is unsuccessful, and you just need to do it your own way and not listen to anyone.

... On a large tray - on it I can lie down - Easter cakes darken, Easter turns white. Roses on Easter cakes and red eggs seem black ... Easter and Easter cakes, in flowers, are studded with raisins.

The man chose the main attributes of the holiday bread and Easter egg. In our family, Easter breakfast starts with a selection of colorful eggs.

In other words, according to the Orthodox tradition, each member of the family must eat a piece of an egg consecrated in the church in silence, but we do not succeed.

colored eggs

As soon as craftsmen do not decorate eggs! Easter eggs are called multi-colored eggs, which are painted with wax. Krashenki are one-colored and my favorite eggs. Drapanki - eggs painted with a scratched pattern. Drawings are most loved by children - brushes, felt-tip pens, and pencils are used.

In Russia, not only bird eggs were painted, but also wooden, stone, and clay ones.

Each ornament on the egg has its own meaning, as does the color. Here are symbols of eternal life, male and female principles, symbols of the sun and fire, eternal life.

A red egg always symbolizes life and joy, health and strength - blue, spring and the awakening of nature, strength - green, brown and gold shades mean the earth and its gifts to humanity.

The Easter egg was endowed with unusual and magical properties. According to legend, an egg can put out a fire, make seedlings friendly, and cure livestock from ailments.

Give each other colored eggs!

Do you know the legend?

Mary Magdalena gave the Emperor an egg with the words:
- Christ is risen!
The emperor replied in surprise:
- Is it possible to rise from the dead? It's impossible like this white egg can't turn red!
And suddenly the egg turned bright red.

Since then, people have been giving each other colored eggs. Moreover, there are many games and fun. In our family, “battles” are accepted. Each selects his battle egg for the final duel. Who will win? The game is called differently in the regions of Russia: cue balls, taps, taps.

... I examine the testicles presented to me. Here is crystal-gold, through it - everything is magical. Here - with a stretching fat worm: it has a black head, black bead eyes and a tongue of scarlet cloth. With soldiers, with ducks, carved bone ... And now, porcelain, father. Wonderful panorama in it. Behind the pink and blue flowers of immortelle and moss, behind a glass in a blue rim, a picture is seen in the depths: a snow-white Christ with a banner has risen from the Tomb. The nanny told me that if you look behind the glass, for a long, long time, you will see a living angel. Tired of strict days, of bright lights and ringing, I peer through the glass.

Cottage cheese Easter without baking

Cottage cheese Easter is a sweet mass of cottage cheese, sour cream, cream, butter, spices, candied fruits, raisins, nuts, almonds. Cottage cheese Easter is being prepared without baking in special forms of pyramids of different sizes. Forms have recently been sold absolutely everywhere, it is difficult to choose the volume, there is no pattern.

“... Tolsty Voronin and the baker roll up the cottage cheese in a wide tub, roll up their hands, poke the cottage cheese with their red fists, pour raisins and sugar into it and deftly press it into the pastries. They give me a try on my finger: well, how? Sour, but I praise out of courtesy. We have crushed almonds in the dining room, you can hear it all over the house. I help grate the cottage cheese on a sieve. Golden worms fall on the dish - completely alive! They wipe everything, in five sieves; we need a lot of Easter. For us - the real one, smells like Easter. Then - for the guests, the front door, still a "small" Easter, two for people and another for poor relatives.

I show the preparation of mine for which I choose fresh cottage cheese from whole milk, fragrant vanilla, selected candied fruits from exotic fruits. Selection of quality dairy and fermented milk products- the basis of success and excellent rich taste.

You and your family will love homemade raw.

Easter baking: recipes and traditions

All Christians celebrate Easter, and every corner has its own culinary traditions. Hardly any other holiday can boast an abundance of baking recipes, except perhaps Catholic Christmas.

Each product has its own history and legend. Some legends are passed from mouth to mouth by peoples for centuries, accumulating their magical, yes, yes, power. Is that why it becomes joyful when you work with dough, and it is very pleasant to look, touch, inhale the aroma finished baking? At the same time, I want to know all the details, history, choose the best recipe, select the appropriate ingredients, forms, find printed and video sources.

I have several in my holiday arsenal. good recipes Easter baking that I share with you. Baking something new every year is wonderful!

I hope you are interested in playful. Cross buns are a sweet and airy muffin, fragrant with spices. Each bun is covered with the thinnest shiny layer of simple icing sugar. The dough is kneaded with dried currants, raisins or candied fruits, baked in the houses of England, Ireland, Australia and America on Good Friday for breakfast.

On "Tasty Notes" there is detailed recipe and interesting story those little buns. I tried to describe in detail the simple cooking process itself, which will pay off with the delight of the home. In the note and recipe you will find not only folklore - songs, poems, signs, proverbs and sayings, but also the very birth of tradition.

I talk about another wonderful tradition in the recipe. Every fourth Sunday of Great Lent is called Mother Sunday in England. At first they visited only their native parish, and then they came to their mothers that day with cupcakes and flowers as a sign of love and respect. The tradition dates back to the 16th century, when bakers used simila, a fine white flour. It is impossible to confirm or deny the name of the symbol. Read the material I have collected - there is not much of it, but it was compiled with the help of historical printed sources.

Simnel is prepared according to the optimal recipe. Famous recipes of ancient Simnel include candied flowers, dried currants, dried fruit pieces, saffron, lemon peel, almond seeds. Over time, Simnel has evolved into an iconic Easter pastry. Marzipan appeared in the design of the cake. Eleven funny egg balls top the Simnel cake. The number of balls according to the number of Apostles at the Last Supper without Judas is eleven.

In the center, you can place a figure of Christ or symbols of Easter - eggs made of chocolate, funny yellow chickens, Easter hares and symbolic flowers. I made almond marzipan with my own hands - tender and not drying out.

The Balearic Islands have their own culinary traditions - pastries My recipe contains only traditional ingredients this simple but very delicious pastries- fresh Orange juice, fragrant oil olives, lard. The dough is crumbly, tender, does not get stale for a long time.

I was interested in the history of the Austrian traditional pastry– . Firstly, there was a suitable cake form in the storeroom, and secondly, I really love rum, and any pastry with it delights me. By tradition, I began to look for a "real" recipe. It turned out that my cake mold “with a hole” is not needed, and the authentic Carinthian reindling has a different shape, and the pastry itself is recognized as the culinary heritage of Austria, as the ministerial website broadcasts. Traditions are maintained, they are tried to convey and pass on to future generations.

Since there was no time to order a form in Austria, I got a nice pan that faithfully served as a form for my pie or roll, I don’t know what to call this unique pastry.

All ingredients are available, the process is simple.

On the stations Tasty notes» you will learn – Spanish Easter baking and its unambiguous history, namely with a sweet variant. Baking molding is interesting, as is a fun story.

However, read on for yourself and try to cook!

Italian Easter bread is fluffy, moderately sweet, rich in taste, layered, soft and airy like a brioche. The bread is flavored with orange peel and anise.

With a delicate sugar-milk glaze and splashes of colorful sweet sequins, children will love it and will decorate the Easter table. They bake wicker bread, braiding braids from delicate pliable dough, and decorate them colorful eggs. I offer you a proven recipe.

The Internet flashes with attractive photographs of all kinds of braids, braids and braids. However, not everyone knows that this is a traditional Greek pastry - tsoureki. Its Easter version, decorated with bright red eggs, as a tribute to the legend, is called lambropsomo. Tsureki contains a couple of rather rare ingredients. But in times of uninterrupted communications, travel, it will not be difficult to find and buy Magaleb cherries and resin from pistachio trees.

The note uses excerpts from the work of Ivan Shmelev "Summer of the Lord", Igor Severyanin "Easter in St. Petersburg". I hope that you will take advantage of my experience and the recipes for the Easter table will come in handy. In total, there are more than 600 proven recipes on my website, I included some of them in the article. The material is being added. Stay tuned!

Happy Easter to all visitors! Live deliciously and cook with pleasure! Don't forget to share the information with your friends!