Decorating Easter cakes with cream. Step-by-step instructions for decorating Easter cakes with regular sprinkles

Easter is traditionally the largest and most popular Orthodox holiday. Towards the end of Lent, a few days before the Easter celebrations, people begin to prepare Easter cakes and painted eggs. And if everything is clear with the dough recipe for the most delicious and religiously important treat, then certain problems may arise with its decoration. How to decorate Easter cake effectively, and what goodies can be useful for this?

Decorating with glaze

To decorate Easter cakes, protein icing is traditionally used, as well as a variety of sprinkles and sugar drops. To prepare the protein glaze, you need to separate the egg whites from the yolks and beat them in a mixer (you will need about 2-3 eggs). After the mass thickens, you need to add half a glass of sugar and continue whisking the ingredients until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Separating whites from yolks

Beautiful Easter cakes are obtained if you cover the entire top of the baked goods with this mixture. As soon as this happens, it is necessary to draw various designs on the surface of the glaze, before it hardens, using sprinkles, cream, and marmalade figures. What are the most common sprinkle patterns:

A person should not be afraid of experiments, because the brighter he decorates the Easter cake, the better it will be. After applying the glaze and design, the baked goods should not be touched, as the top coating must dry completely. This usually happens in 10–15 minutes.

Now decoration by mixing sugar and protein is used everywhere for several reasons:

After decorating all the Easter cakes, you can proceed to consecrating and eating them, since fresh baked goods are the most delicious.

Decorating Easter cakes with chocolate

Decorating Easter cakes for Easter usually turns into a real creative experiment, since you can use a variety of components for this task. Often people replace sugar icing, to which everyone has long been accustomed, with an equally tasty component - chocolate.

To make the design seem even more interesting, you can decorate the hat with the following goodies:

  • decoratively laid out fruits (for example, you can use them to form the letters “XB”);
  • colored sugar sprinkles, with which you can create the most original drawings related to the holiday;
  • Grated white chocolate can also be used to decorate the Easter cake in contrast;
  • You can also use coconut shavings to create a pattern, because in contrast it will look very interesting.

A beautiful Easter cake does not have to be traditional with white icing. Using chocolate, a person will get a much brighter and more unusual design.

For those who love experiments, double use of chocolate and glaze for decoration is suitable. You can cover one side of the cake with dark melted chocolate, and white icing on the other, and the result will be a very original and bright design. On the dark side you can use coconut shavings to draw an image of a cross, and on the white side you can use sprinkles to create the face of an angel.

This type of decoration is original, interesting and fully fits into the concept of the celebration. Plus, chocolate-covered cakes turn out to be incredibly delicious! It turns out no less sweet and aromatic chocolate fudge made from cocoa powder.

Chocolate icing for cocoa cake - video

Decoration with powdered sugar and coconut

You can find a variety of ideas for decorating Easter cakes on the Internet. Inspired by such variety, many housewives refuse to use standard glaze made from proteins and sugar. Now you can fully express your imagination, without making much effort when decorating.

If not
If you have time to spend a long time decorating and preparing the glaze, you can safely use powdered sugar. With its help, you can generously cover the Easter cake cap, complementing the design with a few drops of jam applied on both sides in the form of a cross.

To Easter cake decorated powdered sugar, did not seem boring and uninteresting, it can be decorated with a special lace stand, as well as usually with a ribbon of a contrasting color. These inedible details will not make the Easter cake tastier, but they can significantly transform it, adding originality to the most popular Easter dessert.

Beautiful Easter cakes can be prepared using coconut flakes in a variety of ways. For example, you can use it to create interesting drawings on chocolate glaze.

You can also create an original glaze with coconut flakes. To do this, just add this component to the proteins and sugar during the preparation of the glaze.

As a result, the glaze itself will acquire a more original, unforgettable taste, and even a new form. It will seem more voluminous, and therefore more attractive. You can decorate this cake with a variety of details, from colored sugar sprinkles to marmalade.

Multi-colored ones look especially impressive coconut flakes. If the housewife has one in her arsenal, then with its help you can create a fancy design.

To do this you need to cover top part Easter cake so that protein glaze covered the top with a thick layer. It is this that needs to be generously sprinkled with colored coconut shavings (now you can find both green and red). As a result, the design of the Easter treat will not seem overly flashy, but at the same time it will be extremely original and memorable.

Original elements of Easter decoration

Decorating Easter cake is the very thing in which you can fully express your imagination. If a person wants to do the main thing holiday dish truly original, then he should forget about traditional glaze and multi-colored sprinkles.

Which unusual elements decoration can be used to decorate Easter cakes:

An interesting decoration option that will appeal to all lovers beautiful Easter cakes, is their decoration with flowers. The Easter cake itself can be covered with either melted chocolate or protein icing, after which it is necessary to plant purchased flowers made from waffles or chocolate on it. Some housewives go further, using fresh flowers, for example, daisies, for decoration, but nothing good comes of this, if only because these decorations fade very quickly.

The housewife can make her Easter cakes unique by adding as many different decorative elements as possible. Sometimes culinary masters go further and create decorations for Easter cakes not with the help of fruits and chocolate, but using a pastry syringe and a regular protein cream. In this way you can create absolutely any drawings.

Those who know how to use such a device can draw images of an angel on the Easter cake or even redraw some icon using cream. This work is labor-intensive, but the result is simply amazing.

By showing imagination when decorating, you can not only make each Easter cake unique in appearance, but also give it a unique taste.

Decorating Easter cakes using inedible elements

You can decorate Easter cake in an original way not only with chocolate and fruit, but also with inedible elements. For example, various miniature images of angels or churches, which can be placed on the top of the Easter cake, may be useful. In this case holiday food will look extremely attractive, emphasizing the greatness of the celebration.

Nowadays a variety of decorative figurines are sold, including those with the image of a cross or small yellow chickens. All this can end up on the Easter cake, making it even more attractive.

Options for decorating Easter cake using inedible elements almost always involve the use of a variety of decorative paper ribbons. They wrap around the bottom of the holiday treat, complementing the original design. If it seems that this kind of decor is not enough, you can use a variety of ribbons and bows to tie around the Easter cake.

The most important thing here is not to overdo it when using different ways decorations, otherwise the cake will not look original, but ridiculous. It is also important not to lose the religious value of this baked goods behind the decorative elements.

It would be great if, after decorating, a person takes the Easter cake to church along with the decorated eggs. There they will be sanctified, making the food not only tasty, but also sacred.

Easter is a truly amazing holiday, and it is celebrated by the entire Christian world. After a long Lent, people can please themselves with baked goods and a variety of other dishes. When preparing Easter cake, it is important to be original, because then the holiday begins to play with completely different, new colors.

I told you how to make Easter cakes and gave recipes with photos. Now I will tell you about the decoration. About how to decorate Easter cakes with your own hands. Perhaps you will like some of my ideas, or something of your own will come to mind based on them. It is clear that here I use mastic almost everywhere, even in small quantities(flowers and Easter eggs from it), but Easter eggs can be made from candies, for example, sea pebbles. In general, I will specially post a mastic recipe soon. So that you can make it at home (if you don’t buy it ready-made in confectionery stores).

Easter cake recipes with photos: decoration

Perhaps the simplest and most classic version Decorating Easter cakes: pour icing on top and sprinkle with confectionery sprinkles.

For the glaze we need:

1 protein,

250 grams of powdered sugar,

You can also add 1 teaspoon lemon juice (optional)

Beat the egg whites with powdered sugar and lemon juice or just mix well. You don't need to beat it for long, just enough to mix it, otherwise the glaze will be brittle.

Decorating Easter cakes for Easter: the simplest recipe

  1. Let's take Easter cake.

2. Pour a few spoonfuls of glaze over it to let it drip off.

How to decorate Easter cakes in an unusual way with your own hands

And now I’ll show you how to make this Easter cake decorated with ribbon roses. I somehow fell in love with these roses. They are done simply, but the effect is superb.

We will again need icing, mastic of the desired colors and pink dye. The icing could also be left white, it would still be very nice, but I decided to show you how to paint.

  1. Making ribbon roses. Roll out a piece of mastic not thinly.

2. Roll it into a snail.

3. Then we pinch off the excess from below, thereby making the lower part of the rose narrower.

4. Cut out as small leaves as possible from green mastic (you can do without them). We draw veins like leaves. If there are no molds for leaves, then you can simply use a knife.

5. Place some of the glaze in a separate mug and add a drop of pink gel coloring.

6. Mix.

7. Cover the cake with glaze.

8. Lay out roses and leaves.

9. Place a little white icing in a pastry bag or bag with a corner cut off and make an inscription.

10. Kulich is ready!

Decorating Easter cakes for Easter: step-by-step photos on how to make an Easter nest

And now I will show you how to make such a decoration for Easter cake.

  1. Prepare the glaze as above and paint it any color (as above). I chose light yellow.
  2. Make Easter eggs from fondant.

3. Cut thin straws from a dark chocolate bar and make a nest out of them.

14:30 17.03.2017

Many housewives who plan to bake their own Easter cakes, of course, they think about how to beautifully decorate Easter. The editors of “The One and Only” have prepared 10 interesting ideas for you.

To beautifully decorate Easter cake, you will need traditional products: powdered sugar, decorations, dried fruits, flowers and some dyes. It should be immediately noted that there are no special rules on how to decorate Easter. You can completely and completely succumb to inspiration.

Here - traditional version how to decorate Easter. For this you only need powdered sugar.

In the last few years, more and more housewives are decorating Easter with natural flowers. Agree, it looks interesting.

If you are skeptical about natural flowers because they cannot be eaten, pay attention to edible flower decorations for Easter bags.

Another fashionable option for decorating Easter is dried fruits and nuts. The good thing is that it adds useful qualities Easter cake.

Here's another way to decorate Easter: chocolate chips And orange zest. Looks very original.

If you have children, Easter cakes can be decorated with colored icing and bright decorations. Kids will definitely appreciate it.

And so it is possible.

If you want shine.

You can decorate Easter with bizet in combination with marmalade and small nuts. This combination is sure to please even the most demanding household members.

You can make a real work of art from Easter cakes.

Kulich is one of the main symbols of the Easter feast. Preparations for the holiday are already in full swing, and every housewife wants her Easter cake to be not only tasty, but also beautiful. We offer you several decor ideas traditional Easter baking that will help you do Vash Easter cake is unique.

A cap made of protein glaze looks very beautiful on Easter cakes. To make it even more elegant, add a little food coloring or berry juice to it.

To prepare, you will need 2 egg whites and 1 cup of powdered sugar. First, thoroughly beat the egg whites, then add the powdered sugar in a thin stream, continuing to beat until stiff. When the cake has cooled slightly, carefully spread the frosting over the cake. If desired, you can sprinkle colorful sprinkles on top.

Decorations made from melted chocolate will not leave anyone indifferent.

To prepare the glaze, take 200 g of chocolate (black or white to taste), 2 tbsp. l. milk and 0.5 cups of powdered sugar. Break the chocolate into pieces and melt in a bowl over a water bath. Then add milk and powdered sugar. Mix everything thoroughly and spread the hot glaze over the cooled cake. You can make different inscriptions or something more complex and original from melted chocolate. It's all a matter of taste!

Dried fruits and candied fruits

Dried fruits and candied fruits can be beautifully laid out on top of the glaze whole or in pieces. You can use them to make the letters “XB” or a cross on the top of the Easter cake.

Nuts and seeds

If you sprinkle the cake with nuts and seeds, it will turn out very original and not hackneyed.

You can also place berries or pieces of fruit on the Easter cake.

Natural flowers

Since Easter is a spring holiday, you can decorate the Easter cake with fresh flowers. Violets, daffodils, and willow branches will look great in baked goods. Before using them you only need wash thoroughly.

Air marshmallow

You will surprise everyone if you decorate your baked goods with marshmallows. To do this, you just need to prepare your favorite cream (protein, butter, whipped cream, etc.) and grease the cake with it. Then lay out multi-colored fluffy marshmallows, which are sold in any grocery store. This is how beautiful it turns out!

Various sweets

For decoration you can also buyin the confectionery department of the store there are small chocolate bars, straws, cookies or other goodies. Frame the cake with them and secure your creativity with a beautiful bow or satin ribbon. The top of the Easter cake can be sprinkled with colored coconut flakes, and on top can be placed multi-colored sugar dragees in the shape of eggs.

Painted eggs

Dyed eggs can also be used for decoration. For example, if your cake is of a non-standard shape with a depression inside, then you can put colored quail eggs there.

Food mastic for sculpting figures

You can show your imagination and make various Easter cake decorations using mastic.

To prepare it you will need 0.5 packs of chewing marshmallows and 400 g of powdered sugar. Melt the chewy marshmallows in the microwave. Then mix with powdered sugar and knead as usual elastic dough. To get multi-colored mastic, add a little food coloring diluted with a drop of water and stir well. Then from this mass you can make flowers, figures of animals and birds, as well as any other decorations for the Easter cake.

Happy holiday!

Easter cake decoration can be very diverse. They can be covered with protein glaze and multi-colored sprinkles. Also, the top of the Easter cakes can be decorated with dough figures lined with patterns of nuts and candies. You can also prepare mastic and fashion flowers, figures, tiny eggs and crosses out of it. Often, instead of glaze, the cake is poured with chocolate or syrup.

Easter cakes painted

It all depends on your talent - you can create whole pictures, or you can add a few traditional details: willow or lily of the valley branches, apple flowers, simple patterns.

Flower cakes

Now there are a lot of ready-made floral decorations on sale, wafer, sugar and chocolate, but you can try making flowers yourself, for example, from marzipan.

Flowers can even be real: daisies, lilies of the valley, daffodils, violets, willow branches.

Easter cakes with domes

Easter cakes in the shape of churches with domes look very original.

Easter cakes with berries

Baby Easter cakes

Children will definitely like small Easter cakes, and they are also convenient to give to friends and family for Easter.

Attention to detail

Lace, ribbons, bows and various figures will make your Easter cake the most original and unique!

There are several more options for decorating Easter cake.

Making your own powder

In addition to confectionery powder, which is made from solid glaze, multi-colored coconut flakes, colored sugar, semolina and even millet are used as dusting on Easter cakes. You can buy powder not only before Easter, but at any other time. It is stored for a long time, and in a cool, dry place the excess can remain until next year. Making your own powder is also easy. To do this you will need food coloring and a base. At home, semolina is best, but, of course, a sprinkle of sugar will be tastier.

Egg paint gives bright and rich colors. You only need a little bit, so you can use the leftovers. But if vinegar was added to the paint, it will not be suitable for making powder. Semolina or sugar is placed in cold paint for a few seconds and dried on paper. After drying, you can break up large lumps into which cereals and sugar soaked in paint stick together.

Usually colored powder is mixed, or it is already sold in a mixed form. But coconut flakes, for example, are packaged in individual colors. You can decorate the Easter cake in an original way by applying the powder in stripes or concentric circles. You can also cut out a stencil with the letters XB and simple patterns and apply powder through the stencil, letters and patterns in one color, and the background in another.

Traditionally it is decorated with the letters “ХВ”. This is an abbreviation for the Easter greeting “Christ is Risen!” The letters can be laid out with pieces of finely chopped fruit, raisins, dried apricots... Candied fruits (usually flat and multi-colored) are also used for inscriptions. And the letters “ХВ” are made from dough. And when the cake is ready, sprinkle it with powdered sugar, and highlight the letters with bright sprinkles (cooking beads, for example), or chocolate.

Glaze. Decorating Easter cakes with icing is a very common way to give them a festive, beautiful look. The glaze is prepared from egg white and sugar (or powdered sugar), which are thoroughly whipped until thick foam.

Icing for Easter cake

1-2 egg whites,
0.5 cups of powdered sugar,
1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice.

The protein must be chilled. Beat it with a mixer. Start the process at first speed and gradually increase it. You can understand that it is enough to beat by turning the bowl with the egg white upside down - the egg white should not spill out. When the required consistency is achieved, begin to gradually, teaspoon by teaspoon, add powdered sugar sifted through a sieve. Finally add lemon juice and beat for another 10 seconds. Apply the finished glaze to the hot cakes - then it will fit tightly and is unlikely to crumble. Another way to add additional “strength” to the glaze is to put the cakes in the oven for a minute, heated to 100-120°C.

The icing is a wonderful decoration in itself. However, you can add (sprinkle) nuts, dried fruits, grated chocolate, multi-colored confectionery beads. Again, you can make the letters “XB” from the fruits. Or you can just write these letters with icing. There are many options. Easter cake is a holiday treat, so use your imagination! Often, a yolk is applied to the finished Easter cake to give it an appetizing shine and sprinkled with powdered sugar or brightly colored sprinkles. They mold the dough into a symbol of faith - a cross - and highlight it with icing. Can be used for decoration (already on top of the glaze), for example, waffle flowers, flowers made from culinary mastic.

Sugar culinary mastic for flowers and other decorations

250 g powdered sugar,
2 tsp gelatin powder,
6 tsp water,
1 tsp glucose.

Sift the powdered sugar. Pour it into a bowl. Take another bowl (small) and place the gelatin in it. Sprinkle it with water and let it swell for 2-3 minutes. Then place the bowl of gelatin on water bath and dissolve it, stirring gently. Immediately after the gelatin has dissolved, pour in the glucose. The resulting liquid should be more or less transparent. Next, make a hole in the powdered sugar and pour a mixture of gelatin and glucose into it. Stir well, using a knife or chopping movements. After this, place the mastic in plastic bag, and the package into a sealed container. Leave for 3-4 hours at room temperature. After this, you can sculpt flowers and other decorations from mastic.

Here's how to make, for example, roses from mastic. To start, using food colorings, tint the mastic pink, green, scarlet, yellow and other colors. Leave a little white mastic. Place pieces of colored mastic in a plastic bag to keep it soft and pliable. Use it in small portions.

Make a “carrot” from a small piece of mass and place it on a table or board. After this, roll balls of the same size from the tinted mass - future rose petals. Mash the first ball with a teaspoon on a table dusted with powdered sugar, then use your hands to shape it into a petal. Make the petal thinner on one edge and thicker on the opposite edge. Then lightly moisten the lower part of the petal with water and wrap it around the “carrot”, thereby making the ovary of the flower. Make the next petal from the second ball. Moisten the bottom at the base of the petal again and screw it onto the workpiece so that the middle of the second petal covers the “seam” of the first petal. Glue the third petal and bend it from the middle to the side. So make 5-6 petals.

Let the finished flowers dry for 5-6 hours. The petals should be made as thin as possible towards the edges and thicker at the base! If there is excess glaze on the bottom of the flower, you can trim it off with scissors.

Then you need to prepare the leaves for the flowers. Form “carrots” from 3-4 green balls (can be of different sizes). Using two thumbs, press the middle of the carrot into a leaf shape. Then use a knife in the center of the sheet, and then diagonally, apply veins. The leaf can be given any shape and bent the way you like. Dry it. When the flowers and leaves are ready, they are collected into a bouquet. Apply 2 to 3 leaves to one flower.

The cake should be served on a large plate, on which painted eggs can be placed around the perimeter (we will talk about them later). But there is another option: with fruit. To do this, cover the kiwi with chamomile, and place a mixture of nuts, prunes, fresh berries, chopped orange slices. Place a cake decorated in the same style on the resulting fruit base: fresh fruit on top of the glaze.

Easter icing and decorative sprinkles

But they came up with it modern way Easter cake decorations, although in reality Easter icing- this is the same sugar, only in the form of powder, with the addition citric acid and starch (for better whipping and thickening). Add to powdered glaze egg white and beat with a mixer, it whips quickly and hardens better than just whites with sugar.

Apply the glaze to the tops of the cakes with a brush or spoon and wait a couple of minutes. Because if you sprinkle the sprinkles right away, it will get wet and melt.

And after a few minutes, when the glaze on the Easter cakes dries, but does not harden - don’t miss it, the sprinkles will simply fall off from the frozen glaze!) - decorate with multi-colored sugar sprinkles.
And there are so many types of sprinkles - round, and long, and with stars, and in different, different colors! Entrust the work of sprinkling the Easter cakes with sprinkles to the children - they really like this job! True, some of the sprinkles are eaten :)

But look at how else you can elegantly paint Easter cakes using regular glaze And natural dyes!

Candied fruits, sugar beads and sugar figures

You can decorate Easter cakes not with sprinkles, but with multi-colored candied fruits. It looks very beautiful, but candied fruits are large and hard, so it is better not to give them to small children.

Also, beaded beads decorated with sugar figurines from mastic - for example, with such cute chickens. But, to be honest, you can’t chew these figures...

And sugar beads, shiny, gold and silver - although they are very beautiful, I do not recommend taking them for decoration! They are only good to look at, but they taste very hard and absolutely indestructible. And they are even dangerous for children. So let's take it...

Sugar crayons!

Brilliant invention!!! Well done to the pastry chef who invented them! The process of decorating baked goods - Easter cakes, cupcakes, cookies - turns into creativity! You can draw whatever patterns you want, leaves, flowers, put dots - paint the little bead like a paint job! The set includes three pencils of different colors - red, green and yellow. It’s so much fun to decorate Easter cakes with them for the whole family! Give the kids an Easter cake to decorate and let them paint it however they want!

Dough decoration

Two types of dough decorations

Decorations are placed on top of the cake before baking or glued onto an already baked cake using raw egg white. You can make decorations from the same dough from which the Easter cake is made, or from another dough that is less susceptible to deformation during baking. Braids are woven from the dough, flowers are made, letters and crosses are laid out.

If the cake is baked with decorations, the top is brushed with beaten egg or vegetable oil to give it a beautiful appearance. But this is optional. Then, after baking, you can pour the top of the cake sugar syrup and even apply a fine powder on top of the syrup. Cover the gaps between the decorations with glaze and glue nuts and candied fruits with egg white.

For decorations from butter dough:

  • 150 gr. flour,
  • 30 gr. margarine,
  • 1 tbsp. l. sour cream,
  • 20 gr. Sahara,
  • 1 egg.

You may be quite happy with the decorations being crispy. golden crust and the same color as the whole Easter cake. Then the decorations can be made from the same dough from which the Easter cake is made. Well, if you still want them to contrast in color, take another tip: decorations can be made from yeast dough, but not butter dough. Carefully, the prepared decorations are laid out on the already proofed dough, greased with egg slurry, and the cake is sent for baking.

Of course, there is no comrade according to taste and color. I prefer to work with special dough, then the decorations turn out more airy and elegant. The finished decorations are placed on the hot surface of the baked Easter cake. Since they turn out to be very thin in comparison with jewelry made from yeast dough, then the decor attached to the Easter cake just needs to be placed in a hot oven for a few minutes to fix and create a light shade.

Simple dough-Flour, salt and water, knead a stiff dough and make decorations.

Cut out different flowers and leaves on the rolled out dough:

For roses, you can use special recesses and assemble them according to the mastic type:

These are the preparations you can make while the cake is rising:

Plungers with which you can make flowers and leaves. If you don't have any, it doesn't matter. A variety of things can be done using scissors. Below photo is a lump unleavened dough. It is mixed with water with the addition vegetable oil, for elasticity.

These are the decorations I made using plungers.

In this photo, in addition to the roses, I came up with a bunch of grapes. I simply formed small balls from the dough, imitating grapes.

The dough placed in the mold was proofed and rose well. Be sure to brush the top with yolk. Now we can start decorating. Here we turn on our imagination and place the finished decorations on the dough. Now we grease the decorations with protein. On this loaf I made two bunches of grapes.

Yes, the yolk and white add contrast to the base and decorations. When baked, the yolk turns brown, but the white remains light.

Decorate and place in the oven at 160-170 degrees for 45-50 minutes.

I hope you choose a decoration you like to make your Easter cake attractive and delicious!