Tequila, mezcal - Mexican drinks. All about cactus vodka

Tequila is Mexico. Mexico is tequila. These two concepts are inextricably linked. In any person, they are always associated with each other. This drink represents for Mexico the whole history of its culture and people. The popularity of tequila in Europe is growing every year. It is used in cocktails and pure form. Tequila from the first sip causes either admiration or neglect.

History of tequila

Tequila is the taste of Mexico, an energetic Mexican drink. According to an old legend, alcohol appeared more than four centuries ago. The story tells that lightning hit the agave, causing the plant to ignite. Fragrant nectar appeared from the core of the split cactus, which the Indians immediately called the gift of the gods. The Toltec tribe learned how to make a frothy drink of a light milky hue from agave juice, which they called pulque. The new product did not have a special strength, it reached about four to six percent.

Pulque was the only alcoholic drink produced by Mexico until the Spaniards brought European technologies for the manufacture of alcoholic beverages to the territory of the state. In Marquis Altamir, the first tequila factory was founded on his own ranch. The history of tequila is now becoming completely different: the product quickly began to gain popularity. Today, five Mexican states produce agave tequila. But the best varieties Made in a state called Jalisco.

Beverage classification

Most people are sure that tequila is cactus vodka. But in fact, the product is made by distilling juice, which is extracted from the core of the blue agave. Tequila is divided into two categories: a drink made from 100% agave and a product that contains 51% agave sugars and 49% other sugars. Both types are further subdivided into four varieties:

Tequila is a product that gained worldwide fame in 1968 at the Olympic Games held in Mexico City. Then all varieties of the drink gradually began to conquer the world.

Composition of tequila

What is tequila? Most people will answer this question like this: this is a drink that is made from a cactus. But this is not true. Alcohol is produced from the core of the blue agave, which is a cross between pineapple and cactus. In addition to agave juice, the product contains yeast, cane sugar or and

Tequila is a drink made by fermenting agave juice. The result is a liquid containing five to seven percent alcohol. This mixture is then distilled. The strength of the resulting tequila reaches 50-55 degrees. Ready drink it is quite possible to sell, but there are manufacturers who, in order to increase the volume finished product lower its strength. To do this, they mix distilled water and alcohol. Mexican law allows you to dilute this alcohol up to 38 degrees.

Do you need a worm

When asked what tequila is, many people will answer that it is a drink in which a special worm is placed in a bottle. All this is deeply misleading. In fact, the presence of such extraordinary supplement only worsens the taste of the tequila itself and reduces its quality. Some manufacturers resort to this trick only in order to arouse foreigners' interest in their product. Real tequila, the history of which is described above, was invented without the addition of any "animals". Today, all this is just a marketing ploy.

If there is a worm in a bottle with an alcoholic drink, then this is a completely different Mexican product - mezcal. Such an additive is main feature which distinguishes it from other spirits. Such alcohol is made not only from blue agave, but also from other varieties of this plant.

Ways to drink tequila

Drinking tequila is a very unusual thing. There are three ways to do this. The first option is used by true connoisseurs and connoisseurs of this product. A real, aged drink is slowly sipped in one sip to fully enjoy its bouquet. Tequila is suitable for this method. room temperature. Alcohol is poured into special piles with a thick bottom. Such dishes are called caballito, which means "little horse" in Spanish.

There is another traditional method that shows. Its rules are as follows: the product must be washed down with sangrita. It's special soft drink based on lime juice, tomato juice and incredibly spicy Mexican chili peppers. Sometimes sangrita can be so spicy that it can compete with tequila itself in terms of the effect it produces.

In clubs and bars, another equally popular option for drinking tequila is practiced. It's called "lick-tip-bite". Its peculiarity is that, in addition to the drink itself, you will need a lime quarter and salt. There is an erotic version of this option: salt should be licked from the shoulder of a lying woman, tequila should be drunk from her navel, and the young lady holds the lime with her teeth. The whole procedure is carried out without hands.

Useful information about tequila

So, we found out, its composition was discussed above. But there are still some "secrets" that are recommended for every lover of the drink. Thus, the strength of export tequila reaches 38-40%, while the same figure for domestic consumption can reach up to 46%. In a bottle with a drink, the presence of solid small particles can be considered. This indicates that the product was not filtered before bottling to preserve the aroma.

The label of real tequila must contain the marking Denominacion de Origon. This is a license from the Mexican government to use the name of the drink in accordance with its area of ​​​​origin. Also on the label should be numbers that are responsible for the quality of the product.

Will there be a hangover

Tequila has almost no content regulation fusel oils. They are perfectly masked by the light aroma of grass. Therefore, the drink intoxicates a person faster than vodka. If a person can drink too much a large number of tequila, then hangover syndrome she is guaranteed. So it turns out that tequila and a hangover are not compatible things, but, as you know, there are exceptions to any rules.

Popular tequila brands

In today's market there are some of the most famous trademarks engaged in the production of this product. Jose Cuervo tequila appeared as a result of the fact that in 1785 José Antonio Cuervo bought agave plantations and a small factory that produces mezcal. Jose Maria, son of Jose Antonio, received the first document in Jalisco from the King of Spain a decade later, allowing him to manufacture alcohol. Then the plant was run by the children of José Maria, but after a while they lost their father's inheritance, but in 1900 they were restored to their rights.

Tequila Olmeca is a brand that was one of the first to appear in Russia. The name of the drink was given in honor of the ancient Indian civilization - the Olmecs. They claimed to be the offspring of a jaguar and a mortal girl. According to legend, blue agave juice was valued by one of the gods. He ordered to drink a wonderful drink only to the celestials. But after many years, one peasant from the Aztec family let the agave juice ferment. The resulting drink, despite the ban, was tasted by Emperor Montezume.


The agave plant was first brought to Mexico from the Antilles. The local Indians called it "mexcametl" - later this name was transformed into the well-known "". For the natives, the agave was an almost divine plant, which they revered as an early incarnation of the Indian goddess Mayaheul, who had four hundred breasts through which her four hundred were fed. The Indians used agave not only to make alcohol - its leaves, reminiscent of hemp fiber, were excellent for the production of paper, clothing, ropes and bedding.

The word "tequila" is considered by modern linguists to be a term invented by the ancient people of Nahuatl, who historically lived on the lands of ancient Mexico. It meant "place of wild herbs", "place of dexterity" or "place of gathering of plants" and came from the fusion of the words tequitl (work) and tlan (place). However, some experts in the field of Mexico and its indigenous people argue that "tequila" is a distorted name for the Mexican peoples Tiquilos or Ticuilas or Tiquilos. All these transcripts have the right to exist, since tequila lovers do not care how the name of their favorite drink is interpreted.

There are 136 species of this cactus growing in Mexico, but tequila is made only from blue agave. A rare species of wild agave and some of its other species are used by Mexicans for making, and they also produce such regional drinks as racilla, sotol, and bacanora from them. However, the most popular alcohol made from cactus was and remains tequila.

The "grandfather" of tequila is mezcal wine, which was first made twenty years after the Spaniards arrived in New World. It was called differently - agave wine, brandy mezcal and mezcal tequila, until, finally, the drink got its own modern name. During its existence, tequila, which was a traditional homemade drink, has become a world famous and popular drink, which has been chaotically improved along with its Mexican homeland.


The natives of Central America gave the agave another name "el arbol de las maravillas", which literally means "wonder tree".

Helpful advice

The exact date of the appearance of tequila is unknown, but its history goes back to the depths even before Spanish times.

Tequila is an alcoholic drink that is a real pride and an integral part of Mexican culture. From Mexico, tequila has been exported to other countries for many centuries. The production of the drink is carefully controlled, and the implementation of the recipe is monitored by a special commission - the Supervision Council.

The main product for making tequila

The main raw material for the production of tequila is the plant, which is agave. A Mexican juice drink that is distilled several times in special vats.

Picking blue agave fruits is a responsible and very hard job. There is even a special profession "chimador", and special skills are passed down from generation to generation.

The blue agave grows mainly in the highlands. Externally, the plant resembles both a cactus and a pineapple. Long leaves reach a length of 2 m, an arrow with flowers first develops in the core, and then a fruit with many seeds is formed. It is noteworthy that the agave life cycle is limited to only three missions - first the plant develops, then it blooms and forms a fruit. After these actions, the agave dies.

Tequila production process

Tequila is made from the juice of the blue agave fruit. By the time the fruit is formed, the plant reaches approximately eight years of age. The pulp is carefully pressed, squeezed, and the resulting juice is mixed with a small amount water and special yeast.

Agave juice with additives is processed twice and thoroughly cleaned. The result of such actions is obtaining a completely transparent alcoholic drink with a strength of up to 55%. Store tequila in two ways - in metal containers or wooden barrels. By the way, it is the second method of storage that affects the appearance of a brownish tint of the drink. To reduce the strength, manufacturers usually use the usual way dilution with water.

Varieties of tequila

There are quite a few varieties of tequila at the moment. However, the main division depending on the aging period implies the allocation of four types - Blanco (white tequila), Reposado (stored in oak barrels), Joven (tequila with caramel) and Anejo (aging period up to 5 years). Details of some types of tequila were not disclosed.

The fruit of the blue agave reaches a weight of 100 kg. Individual specimens grow up to 200 kg, but they are extremely rare in nature.

During the flu epidemic in Mexico, as the people of the country say, traditional medicines were often replaced by tequila. Thus, a way arose to consume this alcoholic drink with salt and.

The Mexican government pays special attention to the observance of the rules for the manufacture of traditional national drink. Even special supervisory bodies have been created in the country - the Tequila Association, the Regulatory Council, and those with blue agave are the property of UNESCO. It is noteworthy that blue agave grows only in Mexican territories.

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Brandy is a strong alcoholic drink made from fermented fruit or berry juice. Grape brandy also includes cognac, beloved by many.

grape brandy

The technology for the production of this drink varies somewhat depending on the variety of brandy. The most common type is grape brandy, which is made from grape juice. This includes cognac, armagnac, American grape brandy and grape brandy from other countries.

Real cognac is produced in the French city of the same name by double distillation of fermented grape juice. Armagnac is also produced in France, it is obtained by a single long distillation. Historically, Armagnac is the first distilled spirit in France.

First, the wine material is fermented for 3-4 weeks in closed containers. The resulting liquid with a strength of 9 to 12 degrees is placed in a distillation cube, where it is heated to the boiling point. When the wort boils, vapors are formed, the concentration of alcohol in which is many times higher.

After the first distillation, the volume of the original raw material is reduced by half, and the strength is increased by three. The second distillation includes the separation of alcohol into fractions, cognac spirit is the middle fraction.

Distillation devices can be batch or continuous. In the first case, the drink turns out to be more fragrant and rich, in the second - lighter and more delicate.

Cognac and Armagnac are aged in oak barrels. Barrels are stored at a temperature of 18-20°C and a humidity of 75-85%. Every year alcohol is added to the barrels, the color and acidity of the contents are checked.

The taste characteristics of grape brandy are highly dependent on the variety of grapes used. The best brandy spirits are made from varieties with delicate floral aromas.

Fruit brandy and pressed brandy

Another type of brandy is brandy made from pressed grape pulp and seeds. And finally - fruit brandy, made from other berries or fruits. Famous fruit brandies are slivovitz on plums and kirschwasser on cherries.

Many pomace brandies and fruit brandies are not aged so they are clear. In this case, the manufacturer must indicate on the label that the brandy is not aged. However, most are aged for at least two years.

After aging, the drink has an approximately 70-degree strength, so it is softened with water, sugar or color. The final stage is the filtering of the resulting alcohol and bottles.

Tequila - not cactus, but agave vodka

Mexican drinks instead of Cana vodkas are a whim, a whim and a holiday that few people in the country can afford. Tequila is expensive, pulque and mezcal are not imported, even the Mexican Corona beer is not cheap.

What is tequila made from? The Russian folk delusion that tequila is cactus vodka is stable and exists in ignorant brains to this day. The cactus is definitely very useful plant, even fruity, and some, like the San Pedro cactus, even hallucinogenic. The prickly pear cactus, for example, made it onto the coat of arms of Mexico. Pear-shaped, red-golden fruits have a sweet and sour refreshing pulp, reminiscent of sweetened sea buckthorn or, if someone is more accustomed, pineapple. It is a commercial fruit common in fruit stands in sub- and tropical regions. You can make jam from it, it is possible that mash, but tequila is prepared by aging mezcal in oak barrels, distilled mash from the core of not a cactus, but an agave.

Agave is a powerful plant of the lily order, with a powerful rosette of large succulent leaves, prickly at the edges, and blooms every 10-12 years. Agaves are often grown in rooms and conservatories, but for practical rather than decorative purposes.

In an adult and tall agave, a young bud is cut out from the middle of the outlet before flowering, since the plant is preparing for it, storing more sugars. In the resulting recess, the sweet juice "aguamiel" ("honey water") is collected, which is sucked off with a special hollow gourd. Agave is "milked" three times a day for three to four months. The daily "milk yield" is 4-7 liters, and the total milk yield is almost up to a cubic meter. Not every cow brings so much tasty and nutritious moisture. The resulting juice is fermented for three days, getting pulque - a slightly frothy and viscous drink of milky color, with a strength of 4-6 degrees. The taste of pulque reminds Europeans of cider ( apple wine), but the smell of the drink is stinky - slightly reeks of rotten meat. Domestic mash, however, also smells of yeast and fusel. So, pulque is essentially agave mash, and you can only drink it if you go to the Mexican prairies.

Another type of agave, the so-called blue, is killed, raw materials are obtained to obtain mezcal mash, an alcoholic drink stronger than pulque. The rosette of the plant is cut off, the leaves are cut off, getting a bump like a pineapple. This "onion" is baked, turning the starch into sugars, ground and boiled, and the broth is fermented. The “medovukha” obtained in this way is sweeter, and the mash from it is stronger. By distillation of this slurry, mezcal is obtained. Its strength is about 40 degrees. Mezcal compares favorably with pulque with a slightly herbal taste, fresh smell and light amber color. It is also possible to try Mezcal practically only in Mexico. Only one variety is exported, from the town of Mitla. It is in these bottles that they put "Juanito worms", agave caterpillars, as a certificate of quality and unusual snack. Live caterpillars are red, but become colorless in liquid. A bag of red salt (ground with the same, but dried caterpillars) is tied to the neck of the bottle, which is supposed to lick the mezcal. We sniff vodka with our sleeves, while the Mexicans lick it with a salty caterpillar. That's the whole difference.

The legendary tequila is a mezcal that has become “out of the ordinary” and has been aged for three years. oak barrel, with a guarantee of origin, quality and promoted name (brand). Tequila is a city in Mexico, like Jerez in Spain or Cognac in France. And why is there no city in Russia called Vodka? Probably because vodka is not kept in barrels. Tequila, like vodka, is drunk in one gulp, snacking on a slice of lemon and a pinch of salt. “Salty, like blood, tequila-love,” Meladze sings. Tried, that is. And loved.

prepared by Elena Popova

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From the cactus, which is produced in Mexico, has a long history. A drink that looks like her palatability, knew how to do even the ancient Aztecs. However, the mass production of alcohol from a cactus was established in the 17th century. Now in Mexico there are more than 150 enterprises producing national alcoholic drink.

What is the name of cactus liquor?

The cactus drink is called tequila. This alcohol belongs to the category of strong spirits, since the ethanol content in Mexican vodka can reach 40-55% vol. The composition of alcohol includes 3 types of alcohol (ethyl, isobutyl and isoamyl), as well as more than 300 substances that determine the taste, aroma and beneficial features cactus vodka.

Often tequila is confused with another Mexican alcohol - mezcal. Despite the fact that both drinks are made from the same raw materials, there is a difference between them. It lies in the technologies used, as well as the number of varieties of agave used for each drink.

Despite the fact that the name cactus vodka has stuck with tequila, it is made from a different type of plant.

The main product for making tequila

Tequila is made from blue agave juice. It is not a cactus, but belongs to the lily family. Agave is a large, short-stemmed plant, somewhat reminiscent of a barrel, from which leaves stick out in the form of needles, reaching 2 m in length.

In Mexico, the production of tequila is regulated at the legislative level. In addition to the requirements for the quality standard, the law determines the regions where alcohol can be made. Thus, the states of Jaliscoy, Guanajuato, Michoacán can place factories for the production of cactus vodka on their territory.

Flowering agave fruits that have reached the age of 9-10 years are suitable for collection. For the manufacture of alcohol, only the main part of the plant is taken; grass is not used for tequila.

1 fruit can reach a weight of 30-50 kg, the yield of finished alcohol from it can be up to 15 liters.

Depending on the variety of tequila, tequila is aged different amount time.

Varieties of tequila

Varieties of Mexican vodka differ in their qualities, each of them has its own unique taste, smell and aftertaste. It depends on where the cacti for tequila grew, how much sugar was put into the wort, what percentage of ethanol is contained in the drink, etc. Not only the duration of aging, but also the containers in which the vodka stood can affect the properties of the drink.

According to Mexican standards, vodka is classified according to several criteria.

For example, according to the content, alcohol is distinguished, including 100% agave sugar, and alcohol, in which the juice of a prickly plant is only 51%, and the rest is obtained from cane or corn. The first variety includes Tequila 100% Agave, the second - Tequila mixto.

Another classification is based on the length of aging of Mexican vodka.

Tequila Joven is considered the youngest alcohol, because it is not aged at all. In order to give it a flavor or the desired color, use food colorings and natural flavors. The taste of agave in alcohol of this variety is weak, while the alcohol smell is strongly pronounced.

Blanco vodka is the most popular type of tequila. After the agave must has passed double distillation, the liquid is poured into metal containers, in which the drink is infused for about 2 months. At the same time, alcohol retains a strong smell and aroma of the plant.

Tequila Silver is similar to Blanco, it is characterized by high transparency and purity of taste. Insist it no longer than a month.

Cactus vodka Gold is also aged for a short time. However, various impurities are added to this type of alcohol, for example, caramel, glycerin or oak essence. Thanks to these components, the color of Gold tequila becomes dark yellow, and noticeable caramel notes appear in the aftertaste. This variety is very popular among young people.

Reposado belongs to the category of elite spirits. This variety is aged from 2 months to 1 year in special oak containers, which allows alcohol to acquire greater softness in taste.

Añejo tequila is infused for at least 1 year and no more than 3 years. It is aged in wooden barrels with a volume of at least 600 liters. At the same time, the manufacturer often pours cactus vodka into barrels in which others were stored. noble drinks, for example, or . Thanks to this, Mexican alcohol acquires a more complex flavor range and gets an amber hue.

Over-aged Extra Añejo, before reaching the end consumer, is infused for more than 3 years, which makes its taste tart, rich, and red shades appear in the color of alcohol. The strength of this variety reaches 38-40% vol.

How to choose and drink correctly?

The most valuable tequila is made only from agave sugar. On a bottle with such a drink, you can find an inscription indicating a 100% content of a blue plant. In addition, the following abbreviations are often present on the bottle label:

  • NOM - evidence that the product meets all quality standards established by Mexican law;
  • CRT - confirmation that the alcohol was under the special control of the organization involved in the regulation of the production of tequila;
  • DO is an indicator that agave juice is present in alcohol, and the Mexican government allows it to be called tequila.

If small solid particles are visible at the bottom of a bottle of Mexican vodka, then they are not an indicator of a fake. On the contrary, this indicates that the spirit is original, unfiltered and retains the unique taste and aroma of agave.

In Mexico, cactus vodka is poured into caballitos glasses with a thick bottom. However, in the conditions of Russian realities, tequila can be poured into any glasses. In this case, alcohol should be at room temperature.

There are several ways to drink tequila:

  1. Alcohol is poured into a glass and served along with a saucer of salt and a slice of lime. The bitter-sour taste of citrus favorably sets off the taste of alcohol. At the same time, salt is poured onto the back of the hand at the thumb, lime juice is poured on top, then everyone is licked off and the glass is emptied in one gulp. You can replace the lime with lemon or orange (then take cinnamon instead of salt).
  2. A quick way involves serving tequila with the addition of tonic. At the same time, the drinker covers the glass with his hand, knocks it sharply on the surface of the table, and then quickly drinks. Due to the impact in the glass, seething appears.
  3. The lemon is cut into 2 parts, the pulp is taken out without damaging the integrity of the peel. Put a little salt in the recess and pour tequila, put an ice cube.

In Germany, tequila is served with, mixing them in a ratio of 1:10. Drink the resulting mix in one gulp. The drink is different in that it quickly intoxicates.

Often tequila is used as an alcoholic base for cocktails with various ingredients. Margarita made with cactus vodka is very popular. 3 parts alcohol is mixed with 1 part orange, after which ice is added to the glass.

Anyone who is even slightly interested in alcoholic beverages has definitely heard of tequila, and many have even tried this strong Mexican spirit. But few people can tell in detail about the drink itself. Recently, a lot of myths have appeared around him that do not correspond to reality. For example, there are people who believe that tequila is made from a cactus, which is fundamentally wrong.

Tequila- This is a strong Mexican alcoholic drink (40-55 degrees of alcohol), made from the fermented juice of the blue agave core by double distillation. According to Mexican law, tequila can only be made in the states of Jalisco, Guanajuato, Michoacán and Tamaulipas. Cacti are not used in the production of tequila. Blue agave is a completely different plant that has nothing to do with cacti.

there is nothing in common between agave and cactus

Tourists often confuse tequila with another traditional Mexican spirit - "". It's two different drinks having the same roots. Mezcal can be made from five types of agave at once, and tequila from only one variety - blue agave. Also, other ingredients (spices and honey) are often added to mezcal, but not to tequila.

Our compatriots have the opinion that tequila does not cause a hangover. But this is not so, it’s just that intoxication from tequila comes much earlier than from vodka, so many do not have time to drink a significant dose of this alcohol. If you still drink a lot of tequila, then in the morning your head will definitely hurt and dry mouth will appear.

Another misconception is that a caterpillar living on agave leaves is added to every bottle of tequila. Only a few manufacturers of mezcal do this; there are no “worms” in real tequila.

The history of tequila began at the beginning of the 19th century, when Ex Hacienda Los Camichines professionally took up the production of this alcoholic drink. The most famous brands of this company are "1800 Tequila" and "RESERVA 1800". The number "1800" indicates the year the first batch appeared. Even now, without much difficulty, you can buy a bottle from the first batch, its price is $ 1,800.

peeled agave

At the moment, the most famous brands of tequila in the world are Camino Real, Don Julio, Rere Lopez, Herradura, Montezuma and Tres Magueys. The Mexican government constantly ensures that manufacturers strictly adhere to all regulations.

Real tequila should have "Denominacion de Origon" and "Hecho en Mexico" on the label. The first of them means that the manufacturer has the right to write the name "tequila" on its bottles, the second - made in Mexico.